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Thread: South Pacific

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Default South Pacific

    Well, I think it was deleted on accident but don't worry( like anyone was) it is back! I was looking over the chapters and noticed things and decided to fix them and re post them hoping that they are better. I already finished House of Hush 2 and I am starting to get ahead in Mysteries Tha Await so revising this can't be that hard juggling 3 fics. I just like finishing everything and I am going to finish this. So here is a bit fixed up chapter one.

    South Pacific

    Graduation Day

    " is your big day. You’re finally going to graduate Creek Hill. Your going to become a great trainer." said Justin looking into his long mirror hanging behind his white door.

    It is Saturday July 14th, 2002. The sun is shining on a glorious day in Mork Town. Today is graduation day for the class of 2002 at Creek Hill. There was not a cloud anywhere, it was the perfect day.

    Justin was at his house getting ready to go to his graduation. He was dressed in an all red graduating gown. He had on white Nike sneakers. As he looked in the mirror he fixed his hair really nice even though when he gets there he has to put on that funny red hat with the string on top.

    He looked around his room because it would be the last time he would see it for awhile. He had a black bed with fluffy white pillows at the top of it. His room had blue walls with posters all over. He had a desk with all his pokemon books and his lab top computer which was a red see through color. Over to the far side by his window with red curtain’s he had a little dresser for his socks and underwear. On top of the little dresser he had his black stereo.

    “Justin, get ready were going to leave in 5 minute’s.” screamed his mom from down stairs.

    Justin rushed and grabbed his red hat. He opened his door to the hallway. He ran down the hall and then he turned right and ran down the steps. AS he was running down he tripped and fell down to the bottom of the steps.

    “Well…you didn’t have to run. Let’s go since you came down so quickly. Dad is in the car waiting for us. Come on!” said Justin’s mom as she headed for the door.

    Justin followed his mom out the door and shutting it behind him. He walked over to his dad’s black van and opened the door to the back seat. He got in and shut the door and his mom got and sat in the front. She shut her door and they were off.

    “Justin, you nervous about your big day?” asked his dad.

    “Yea, kind of, just can’t believe I am going to be a pokemon trainer in a few hours.” replied Justin in an excited voice.

    “Well Justin, I know you will be a great trainer and make us proud!” said his mom all happy for him.

    His dad started the car and they were off to Creek Hill for the ceremony. As they were going down Wilmer Street, they saw people getting ready and leaving for the ceremony. Some people were outside setting up for the after party. Justin was wondering if he was going to have a party or have to go to the professor’s house and get one. The car turned to the left and they were now in seeing distance of the school.

    “We're almost there hunny. Get your cap on and look good.” said his mom.

    “Don’t worry, I won’t mess up and I’ll look fine.” said Justin rolling his eyes.

    Justin’s dad turned left again into the giant black topped parking lot. They passed tons of cars before they could find a parking place. They finally found one between a green hummer and a black convertible. His dad parked the van and they all hurried out. As they shut the door’s a blonde girl came running over to Justin.

    “Hey, Justin, It’s the big day. IM so excited, were finally trainer’s.” screamed the hyper blonde.

    It was Jen; she was in a red gown and cap like Justin. She was so excited to know that she was graduating today. She is the same age as Justin, but a little younger by a month and a half. They have known each other since they were 7 years old. Jen lived five houses from Justin ever since she has moved there.

    Justin, Jen, Justin’s mom, and Justin’s dad all started to walk to the school where Jen and Justin will finally graduate. They walked from the parking lot on to the sidewalk that was in front of the car. It was a white colored paved side walk. More and more people kept coming in. Justin didn’t realize what a big school it was.

    “We better hurry, it is going to start soon.” said Jen as she was hurrying to get there.

    They continued walking on the white sidewalk and they finally reached the school doors. They opened them up and seen tons of cameras flashing and people all around. As they walked down the hallway they started to see the decorations in the gym. The gym was at the very back of the school.

    “Welcome to the 2002 Creek Hill graduation ceremony. It will be starting briefly.” said an announcer on a microphone.

    “Come on, we have to hurry, it will be starting soon.” Justin said rushing his parents and Jen along.

    “Calm down, we will make it in time were 20 seconds away.” Jen said.

    They quickly hurried into the giant room. It was amazing. There were streamers everywhere and a giant banner in the middle saying “Good-Bye Class Of ’02!” Justin and Jen were amazed. While Justin’s parents were finding seats Jen and Justin had to go behind the stage and wait for it to begin.

    Justin’s parents found seats and waited for it to begin. Jen’s parents were not there. They were always to busy and they couldn’t make it due to a business trip. She was sad that she wouldn’t have a party.

    A lady walked on stage and said “Well, welcome everyone to our special day for our students. Today we will give our graduating class their license and pokedex. With that said lets have the class of ’02 come on out.”

    With that said 30 young ladies’ and gentleman came walking out. They all sat down in alphabetical order in a chair. Justin was in the second row third seat and Jen was in first row 8th seat.

    “Now with them out let’s hand out the awards! Jane Abwall, Phil Adaol, Joe Asgoy, Yes Baldo, Sarah Bingham, Urala Bosco, Julie Calker, Jen Castro,…………Bobby Drake, Kim Dreli, Justin Duskua………..and John Zainch. Give them all around of applause.” the lady said as she started to clap her hands.

    Justin smiled as he stood and looked at the audience with license in one hand and his new pokedex in the other. Jen looked down the line and smiled back at him. Everyone clapped their hands for the new graduates.

    “I wish all of you good luck and to become the greatest masters ever.” the lady said as everyone was still clapping.

    Everyone stood up and started to walk out of the build now that the ceremony was over. Justin and Jen ran off the stage to catch up with Justin’s parents. They kept running and made it to the car before his parents could get there.

    “That was amazing today! I can’t believe that we did it!” Jen screamed.

    “Yea, it is really cool.” Justin replied.

    “You don’t seem too happy about this do you?” Jen asked.

    “Well, I don’t know. It is going to be the first time I will be gone from my parents for so long. But I have to do this to show them I am more mature and old enough to accomplish my goal.” he replied softly since his parents were approaching.

    “Well, remember if you ever need anything ask. Ok?” she said back to him.

    “I know, don’t worry about it.” He said as his parents walked over and un-locked the doors.

    They all got in and shut the doors and put their seat belts on. His dad stuck the key in the ignition and turned it forwards making the car start. They started pulling out of the parking space and headed on home.

    Meanwhile at Justin’s house his aunt, uncle, his cousin Bobby, and his sister were all setting up for a gigantic party for him and Jen. They were putting up streamers and balloons. They also were setting up some tables for food and people.

    “He is going to be so surprised when he gets home.” His uncle said placing the plates on the table.

    “I know and so will Jen!” his little sister added.

    “Well hurry up and finish, we can all talk later.” the aunt said as she finished putting up balloons and streamers.

    They quickly finished up putting the plates, silverware, and cups on the table. After they placed it all on the table the aunt came out with a large chocolate cake with white frosting. On top was a picture of Justin and Jen with pokeballs outlining the white frosting on the cake.

    While that was happening, Justin, Jen, and his parents were almost home. Justin’s dad slowly drove down the street to their house..

    “Why are we going so slow dad?” Justin wondered.

    “Nothing just that were low on gas and I don’t want to waste it cause you know it costs a lot these days.” He replied nervously.

    “O…ok, just hurry up I want to get home and get ready to go get my pokemon.” He said with a smile.

    “Oh yea, I can’t wait to get one.” Jen added.

    “It is going to be great training pokemon!” he said.

    “I know, all the cute pokemon are going to be mine. But I think I might just be a pokemon collector and battle people. Then after a while I will start and do the gyms.” she said.

    “That is cool, I acknowledge you for doing that. But I want to train and win badges now so I have time later to train and just get a job and start a family.” he added.

    “You planned your life?” she asked.

    “Yea, so I’m prepared for life’s tricks and I will already be prepared.” he replied.

    “We are home.” Mrs. Duskua shouted.

    Justin and Jen opened the door out of the car and their jaws dropped as Justin’s dad turned off the car and got out. They all were out of the car with eh doors all shut and Justin and Jen were so happy.

    “Thank you so much Mr. Duskua and Mrs. Duskua!” Jen said as she ran up and hugged them.

    “Wow, this is just wow. Thank you everybody!” Justin shouted running up and hugging his mom, dad, sister, aunt, and uncle.

    “You are very welcome and there is more.” his dad said as he ran inside.

    His dad ran inside and went to the table in front of the doors. He opened up a drawer that is on the bottom top of it. Inside were to boxes. He took them shut the drawer and went back outside leaving the front door open.

    “Here you two go! A present from all of us here.” He said handing Justin and Jen the boxes.

    They both opened up the white squared box to reveal five pokeballs in a bag, three potions, 3 antidotes, special belt with pockets for everything, and each a special colored pokeball. Justin got a pokeball that had different shades of blue all over it. Jen received a pokeball with different greens, blues, and purples.

    “What kind of pokeballs are these?” they asked.

    “Justin you have a lure ball and Jen you have a friend ball, now open them up.” Justin’s dad said with a grin on his face.

    Justin and Jen walked over to the table and put the boxes down on it. Jen took out her friend ball and pressed the middle button on it which made the ball grow bigger than she tossed it up in the air and said “Go friend ball”.

    The friend ball opened up which then let out a beam of white light that hit the ground. As it was on the ground a shape of a pokemon started to appear. The beam faded and shot back into the friend ball which was in the air open and as the light went in it closed up and went to Jen’s hand.

    “Oh it is so cute!” she shouted as she ran over and picked up her pokemon. “I love it Mr. and Mrs. Duskua!”

    Justin then picked up his lure ball and pressed the middle button. The ball enlarged and Justin then threw it into the air. The very colorful blue ball opened up releasing a white beam that also hit the ground. As the beam was coming out revealing the pokemons shape a bunch of sparkles started fluttering around the pokemon. The light started to reveal a pokemon and then the light went back into the ball and shut. The lure ball fell back down to Justin’s hand and grew small again.

    “Wow, cool pokemon! Thank you so much mom and dad!” Justin shouted as he went over to greet his pokemon.

    Jen’s pokemon is a blue and green pokemon. It has a smooth slippery feeling skin all over its body. On its head it has a giant green leaf feeling lily pad. The pokemon had small black squinty eyes and a big smile. She put the pokemon down for a second as she took her graduation gown off. She threw the gown on to the ground and went into her blue jean pocket and took out her pokedex she got earlier that day. She flipped it open to find out about her pokemon it started to say as she pointed the pokedex at the pokemon…

    Lotad, the water weed pokemon, this pokemon lives in ponds and lakes, where they float on the surface. It grows weak if its broad leaf dies. On rare occasions, this Pokemon travels on land in search of clean water. This is also a water/grass type pokemon, which means it can learn water and grass attacks.

    “Wow that’s awesome! Thank you so much!” she said running up and hugging Mr. and Mrs. Duskua with lotad in her arms.

    His pokemon was a light blue color, it has a large black lined swirl on its stomach, and it has small little feet, no arms, two big eyes, and a mouth. Dan then took off his gown and placed it on a chair in front of the table. He went into his dark blue jean pocket and grabbed his pokedex. He opened it up and pointed it at the pokemon. It then started to say…

    Poliwag, the tadpole pokemon that a very thin skin. It is possible to see the Pokemons spiral innards right through the skin. Despite its thinness, however, the skin is also very flexible. Even sharp fangs bounce right off it.

    “Wow this is awesome! I love it, thank you so much mom and dad.” he said as he hugged his mom real tight and then shacked his dad’s hand.

    “Justin, this is going to be a lot of fun!” Jen shouted.

    “I know but for now, let’s just eat!” he explained.

    “Dan, don’t you notice something different about your poliwag and the poliwag on the pokedex?” his mom asked.

    “Yea they are both different colors. Wait does that mean mine is a shiny!?” he shouted.

    “You bet, we got it special for you!” his dad replied.

    “Wow, thanks a lot! This means a lot to me!” he shouted. Then he whispered in his mom’s ear “Thanks for getting Jen a pokemon.”

    She whispered back “You’re very welcome, she deserved it!”

    Everyone then all walked over and found a place to sit at the table. They all got situated with Jen and Justin having there pokemon on their laps and all had cake. It was the last meal Justin will have with his family.

    “This is just so amazing!” he said to his parents. “I can’t believe this is all happening so fast. I really am going to miss you all.” Justin sat there as he looked one last time to his family and friends.

    “Don’t worry; I might see you around sometimes!” Jen shouted loudly. “Ya know we are going to be the best trainers ever!”

    There it is and also in the planning is the fic I plan to put out after I finish all of this. This is just an idea I got that I needed to write down so here is a prview of what might come in a few months after these and I was wondering what your input might be...

    In the far south is a region called Keion. Keion is a place were trainers come and battle their way to the top. There are no gyms and no badges. The only thing there is a league. In this league you must battle trainers in four levels. In the first level you must compete win against three trainers. If you win two out of the three you are allowed to move onto the next level. In the next one you must compete in a pokemon relay race. In the race you will do several tasks that take some time like a scavenger hunt, racing, swimming, and an all out physical obstacle course which can take several days to finish. If you are in the top four you can continue on. In the third level you must battle the other three competitors that won and if you win two or all three battle you go on to the fourth and final round. Once you reach that, you and your opponent must battle it out on a 6 on 6 match to see who the best is.

    Test your Skills


    The wind slowly blew across my face as I gripped the pokeball in my hand. I then tossed the red and white ball into the air causing it to burst open and release my pokemon. The ball quickly shut and returned back to my hand.

    “Go Wurmple!” I shouted to the pink and white pokemon with the white thorn on its head. It slithered around in the dark green grass as it got stretched out from being inside the pokeball. “Wurmple, Wurmp,” it said as I watched it slither to my side.

    About twenty feet ahead of me was a young girl around twelve. She was wearing a bright pink t-shirt and blue jeans. Her hair was light brown and she wore big white glasses. Her hand moved upwards as she released an all white pokeball from her hand. The ball exploded in the air releasing a tan colored cat. “Meowth!” it cried out as it walked around its trainers legs.

    “Wurmple use poison sting now!” I shouted out to my caterpillar pokemon. “Wurmple,” it cried out as it started to make its horn glow. “Meowth use scratch attack!” the girl exclaimed to her classy cat. “Meow!” it cried loudly as its started running towards my Wurmple.

    There it is and thanks for reading, see ya later!

  2. #2
    Elite Trainer
    Elite Trainer

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    Sep 2002

    Default S o u t h P a c i f i c

    Pretty cool. I like it how they don't go to a Professor... as usual. I think that this isn't bad for a first chapter, although there were some unintentional tense changes.
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
    2007 Silver Pencils: Winner of Best Poem (Death Sonnet -- Untitled)
    2004 Silver Pencils: Winner of Nicest Fanficcer & Least Likely Couple (with PancaKe)
    Former 3-time winner of Most Dedicated Reader at the Fanfiction Forums
    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Default S o u t h P a c i f i c

    It was pretty enjoyable, for a first chapter, that is! You have an excellent way with words, including that your writing is superb. I just wish someone would read mine, though At least if someone had replied, like you did. That made me happy. But, I enjoy your story.

    Good work. I'd like to hear more of it.


  4. #4
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    Mistysakura: Thanks! Sorry about the tense changes. I really need to work on that and really look to find it. I tried a new way when i first wrote this a few months ago with the beginning and thats really the only other way I could think of it but I am getting new ideas for the newer chapters I am going to begin ti write soon after I finsh Mysteries That Await and House of Hush 2.

    Saturos: Thanks, that is really nice of you. I am sure you will get replys. It just takes time for that to happen. But think, you got a lot of views so you know people are reading and looking. I will have the next chapter out in a few days after I finsh the next chapter to my other story then I will edit chapter 2 of this.

    Thans for the replys and views! See ya all later~

  5. #5
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    May 2003

    Default S o u t h P a c i f i c

    _____________________________________South Pacific

    Off to Sea Side_____________________________________

    “Justin wake up, it’s time to get ready to go.” his mom said knocking on his bedroom door.

    He started to move around and wished he was dreaming but his slightly opened his tired eyes and realized it was morning and it wasn’t a dream. He moved his legs around and accidentally kicked Poliwag off the bed. Poliwag jumped back up on the bed and sprayed a cool jet of water at the back of his head.

    “Ah, IM up, IM up!” he shouted wiping his face of water. Justin quick turned around and saw Poliwag at the bottom of his bed.

    Poliwag sat there laughing at his master all wet. Poliwag jumped off the bed and went to Justin’s belt and looked for its pokeball. It found the lure ball and tapped it with its long slimy tail to open it. The ball opened up and sucked the tadpole pokemon back into the ball and closed.

    “What do you want for breakfast?” his mom asked.

    “I want pancakes and bacon!” he said rubbing his stomach as it growled loudly like him.

    “Ok, get ready and come down.” She replied.

    Justin shoved the covers off of himself with his bare feet and lifted his back off the bed. He threw his feet over the bed and got off his bed. He walked over past his computer and opened his door. He turned left and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

    He walked in and went to the sink. He turned the hot water knob to the right a little for the warm water to come out. He reached over and grabbed his blue and white tooth brush from the tooth brush holder, got the tooth paste and started to brush his teeth. He finished brushing and put the stuff away and went back to his room. He already took a shower the night before to make his morning easy.

    “It is going to be a great day, I can feel It.” he said as he started walking back to his room.

    He walked into his room and got ready to pick out some cloths. He took out a white t-shirt, blue jean shorts, boxers, and socks. He got out of his pajamas and got dressed. After her got dressed he went to his mirror on the back of his door and quickly fixed his dark brown hair. He ran over by bed and grabbed his belt with pokedex, pokeballs, and other equipment was. He grabbed his nap sack which was filled with cloths and sleeping equipment and left his room.

    “Your breakfast is ready!” his mom shouted from the kitchen.

    “I am coming, hold on.” he replied back.

    He tuned left and then right and went down the blue carpeted stairs. Then he turned right and entered the kitchen. He walked over and sat down in the aqua green colored chair. On the table in front of him were his pancakes on one plate and some bacon on the other.

    “I hope you like it since it is your last meal at home for a long time. IM going to miss you very much and so will your dad. He wanted me to tell you sorry he wasn’t here to see you leave but he is at an important meeting at Shoral Village in the North Pacific.” she said.

    “Oh, that’s ok; I will call him when he comes back. Of course I will call every chance I get.” He said with a mouth full of pancakes.

    “Ok, well, Jen called saying she will be over soon because she has something to tell you.” she said.

    “Ok, now can I finish eating?” he asked.

    “Yes” she said while laughing.

    Justin quickly finished up his pancakes and bacon and finished his orange juice his mom gave him. He walked over and placed all the stuff in the sink and poured some water on the plate and silverware. He walked back and pushed in his chair. He finished doing that and the door bell rang three times.

    “Justin, it’s Jen, she is waiting at door.” his mom said as she greeted Jen.

    “I’m coming!” he shouted with anticipation.

    Dan rushed over to the door and seen Jen standing there all ready to go. He walked outside closing the door behind him saying good bye to his mom. Standing at the door was a tall girl in blonde hair, green eyes, blue shirt, and short blue jeans.
    “Hey, you ready to go?” she asked.

    “You bet! What did you have to tell me?” he asked.

    “I want a battle with you right now!” she said with a grin.

    “Ok, lets go!” he said as he reached for the lure ball in his belt. They both walked over to Justin’s long driveway area to battle.

    Justin reached into his left side of his belt and grabbed the multi-colored blue ball. He detached it form the belt and lifted it up and pressed the button in the middle which made the ball enlarge. He tossed the special pokeball into the air were it opened up releasing a beam of light that hit the ground. The beam released a shiny, slimy tadpole pokemon and the beam went back into the ball and closed.

    “Go Poliwag!” he shouted as the ball came back into his hand and became small again.

    Jen went to her side and grabbed the multi-colored green and blue ball. She pressed the button in the middle to make the ball expand out. She threw it in the air causing it to open up releasing a beam that let out the green and blue pokemon Lotad. The ball closed up and went back to Jen’s hand.

    “Go, Lotad!” she shouted.

    “Poliwag use water gun!” Justin shouted.

    The light blue colored pokemon opened its little mouth and shot out a crystal blue jet of water at the water weed pokemon. The green and blue pokemon got hit by the jet of water and fell back onto its lily pad head. It quickly rolled over and was back in the battle.

    “Lotad use nature power.” Jen requested.

    The blue and green pokemon started to hum a weird tune and the area around it started to become shrouded in a colorful mist of blue, green, and white. All of a sudden it shot out a bunch of yellow star shapes.

    “Poliwag, try and dodge It.” he shouted out.

    The tadpole pokemon quickly moved to the right but the stars kept following it and eventually hitting the pokemon making it fall back and tumble.

    “Poliwag, get up please and use double slap attack.” he told his pokemon.

    Poliwag slowly got back up and started to run at full force at lotad with its tail going back and fourth. Finally got close to it and lotad tried to doge it but started to get slapped by the tadpoles long slimy tail. Lotad’s sides started to get puffy and red looking.

    “Lotad use your absorb attack now!” she asked to her water weed pokemon.

    The green and blue pokemon opened its mouth and bite poliwag’s tail as it has hitting it. Its mouth started to turn a yellowish white color. It was sucking the life out of poliwag and getting stronger.

    “Poliwag, are you ok? Use tackle attack after you get it off of you.” Justin said to his weakening pokemon.

    Poliwag started to move its tail even faster. Lotad was hanging on to it with its teeth only. Poliwag gave it one move wag and the pokemon went flying into the air and falling back down. Poliwag turned around and started running towards lotad as fast as it could go. It neared it and slammed right into it making it tumble over and over.

    “Lotad, Are you ok?” Jen asked.

    The lotad looked up at Jen and smiled. When it used absorb it really helped it out. But poliwag was very tired and weak from all of the wagging and tackling.

    “Poliwag good job, just hang in there a little bit longer.” he shouted.

    “Lotad use astonish now!” she said.

    “Poliwag try and dodge it and use bubble.” he told his pokemon.

    Lotad’s small eyes started to glow a dark red and poliwag seen them and started to get hypnotized.

    “Poliwag stop looking in its eyes!” he shouted.

    Poliwag could not hear him and was in a trance. Then lotad’s eyes shot out a spiral of red and black waves at poliwag. The read and black waves hit poliwag causing it to fall back.

    “Now lotad finish it off with absorb.” she said with a giant grin on her face.

    The pokemon ran over to the almost fainted poliwag and bit its tail. It started to suck the energy out of it. Poliwag started to squirm around and then finally fainted.

    “Yea, we did it lotad!” she shouted as she ran over and picked her pokemon up.

    “You did a good job poliwag, we will win next time.” he said sadly to his pokemon.

    Justin still holding the lure ball pressed the middle button to make the ball enlarge. He held it in the air and said “Return”. A beam of red light shot out of the middle button and touched the tadpole pokemon. It then sucked the pokemon back into the ball and pressed the button to make it small.

    “Great battle Jen!” Justin said putting the pokeball back into its part on his belt.

    “It sure was and I best you! That was great and your poliwag is pretty tough.” Jen said as she was petting lotad which was in her arms still.

    “So where do we go from here?” he asked.

    “We go to Sea Side City which will then lead us to Dust Dull Town where the first gym is but you know IM skipping all the gyms. I just want to train and get some cool pokemon.” She replied back.

    “Oh…do you think we will see each other during are travels?” he asked.

    “You never know…maybe, maybe not.” She said gazing off in the direction of where they will be heading. “You know this will be a long trip and it is going to take forever but hey one good thing, I don’t have to look or talk to my parents for a while!”

    “Well that’s not a good reason to go but in your case it is.” He said laughing with her.

    “We should get going and get onto the boat that takes us to the pathway to Sea Side City.” she added.

    “What, we have to take a boat over?” he asked in stupidity.

    “Duh, how do you think we will get over there smart one.” she said laughing at him.

    “Well I thought there was a bridge that went to It.” he said all embarrassed.

    “Ok, well say bye to your mom and we can walk together to the docks.” she said with a smile.

    “Ok, hold on.” He said as he ran and opened the door to see his mom one last time.

    “Mom!” he shouted.

    “Yes?” she asked.

    “I will be seeing you later and I will miss you!” he shouted as his mom walked to the doorway where he was standing.

    “No need to shout and I will miss you, your father will miss you, and your sister will miss you. Just take your time and have fun.” she said in a soft voice as she went up and hugged him.

    “See you in a few months or a year, whenever I get home.” His last words were as he shut the door behind him.

    “Let’s go!” Justin said as he walked down to the sidewalk were Jen was waiting for him.

    It was a perfect day for walking and to go on the boat. The skies were blue, green palm trees, fresh ocean air all around, wingull’s fluttering about, and the sun shining bright. Justin and Jen kept walking straight down the grey sidewalk which led directly to the docks where they would take a fairy boat to the next island of the South Pacific.

    “We got to hurry, I checked the times and the boat leaves in 20 minutes and the next one wont be for awhile because when its there it will stay there and get all cleaned up for its next trip back here.” Jen said in worry of not making the boat.

    “Ok, calm down. So what is this boat like anyways?” he asked.

    “It is just a little boat that takes us across the ocean to the next island it’s about 15-20 minutes long.” She replied.

    “Oh…ok, so when we get off we are going to split up?” he asked.

    “Yes, because it would be to long and we would get sick of each other eventually.” She replied.

    “I hope your training goes good and I hope you become stronger so when we battle again it will be a bigger, longer, and better battle.” he told her.

    “Thanks, I hope you do well with collecting badges. One day you will become a great pokemon master and you need to know that. Maybe you will get lucky and become famous and won’t need to work.” she said with a smile.

    “Thanks, I hope that is true. Well let’s get in line.” he said as they walked up to the line for the boat.

    They were in a line they would bring them on to the little fairy boat to the next island. At the dock it was fish smelling with tons of boats lined up waiting to set sail on to journeys or to bring people places. The largest boat there was the S.S St. Darla which will bring you to Hoenn, then Kanto, after that it would go to Johto, then the Orange Islands, and finally to Flankan.

    “Hello, welcome to Speed Fairy, will you be going to Sea Side City today?” a young man asked the two.

    “Yes. We will be going there today.” Jen replied as they were almost on the boat.

    “Ok, watch your step and enjoy the ride.” the young man said smiling.

    Jen and Justin walked up on to the nice little boat. There were seats outlining the inside of the boat. Then in the middle was a little juice bar and seats around the middle part which had steps leading up to the captain’s part where he drove the boat.

    “Attention everyone please find a seat before we depart because it is a little bumpy then after a minute or two you may get back up till we reach the other island. Now have a safe and wonderful ride, from you captain.” The captain said over the P.A.

    They both ran and quickly got on the blue padded seat on the left hand side of the little boat. As they were sitting the boat quickly started to go and the captain was right it was bumpy. After a few minutes it started to calm down a bit and the captain put some music on.

    “Oh my god Justin, I love this song!” Jen screamed.

    “Calm down, what song is this anyways?” Justin asked.

    “U got it bad by usher! I love this song so much!” she shouted again as people stared at her funny.

    “O…k, you are really hyper and you really like this depressing song.” He said laughing at her.

    “Shut up you just don’t like tasteful music.” She said laughing back.

    As they were going they looked over the edge and looked down at he beautiful crystal clear ocean under them. You could see right to the bottom. At the bottom of the ocean were many fish and coral reefs. Then as they were going the boat suddenly stopped along with the music.


    “What’s going on and what’s her problem?” some old lady asked to Justin.

    “She is crazy and with the boat stopping I don’t know what.” he replied back.

    Two people started walking down the stairs from the captain’s box along with a spearow and a charmander. The two people were dressed in dark blue t-shirts, shorts, and they were both females.

    “Now you can all go to the next island and will let you go only if you give us all your pokemon now.” the first one said.

    “Who the hell do you think you two are?” Jen shouted.

    “You got a big mouth for a little girl. I am Krista and this is Tami. Now give use your pokemon now.” Krista replied to Jen.

    “You are not getting away with this go blastoise!” the old lady shouted.

    She tossed a red and white pokeball into the air which opened up releasing a big beam of light. It let out the giant shellfish pokemon. The light returned back into the ball casing it to close and go back to the old lady’s hand. The pokemon was a giant blue pokemon with a huge shell with two huge cannons on it. One cannon was on the left side of its head the other on the right.

    “Spearow use gust!” Tami shouted.

    “Charmander use flamethrower!” Krista shouted.

    The little bird pokemon started flapping its wings rapidly and the little fire lizard opened its mouth and started to shoot red hot flames at blastoise.

    “Blastoise withdraw now!” the lady shouted...

  6. #6
    Cool Trainer
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    hi....I was searching through this fic a few days ago, but it was deleted or something...well the revised version is much better with the added details, no spelling/grammer errors. But, I did saw in some places wrong words which doesn't fit in their.

    well, keep it up@
    "Life is a road, where you can either get lost or find your way out to success."

    Check out my fanfic, To Expect the Un-Expected!

    It takes you far beyond a trainer fic with twists on every turn!

    Thanks Tha Legend for making the banner!

  7. #7
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    Its a good fic so far, sorry I ditched your last fic, I was um, well I sort of lost intrest. This one seems more promising, the graduating scene was cool and orginal, and how Jen and Justin were friends and they are splitting up will prove some changes to their characters hopefully. Oh and I will comment on how clean this story's grammical errors there were, about zero, maybe teh word hunny i spelt wrong, but it could just be a slang term or that one thing were words sound a like but spelled differently. Good going this is one of your best fics.
    If something is wrong, please say so.

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    Venasaur89: Hey! Thanks for the reply. Yea I couldn't find it. I think i might have deleted it or something but who knows. But thanks again!

    Powarun: Thanks and it ok. Are you talking about A Whole New Beginning? If thats the one I also lost interest in it. I figured I could do bigger better storys that are different and are better. Thanks again!

    Well I am finishing up the next chapter of Mysteries That Await and that should be done soon. Then I will go on and check Chapter 3 of this story and fix it up a bit and hopefully have it out on thursday along with another part of House Of Hush 2. THanks again or the views and replys. See Ya all Later!

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    ___________________South Pacific_______________________
    __________________________Exotic Catch________________

    “Blastoise, use withdraw now!” the lady shouted.

    The giant shellfish pokemon stuck its head, legs, and arms in side of its shell. The flamethrower and gust hit it and did absolutely no damage to it. Spearow and Charmander stood in total and complete shock.

    “What the heck!?” Tami shouted in shock. She to could not believe anything happened, not even a single scratch.

    “Blastoise come out and use water gun now,” The lady asked of her pokemon.

    Blastoise heard the command and came on out. It shouted its name and water started to shoot out of its cannons. The water gun hit Charmander, Spearow, Tami, and Krista making them fly back and hit the back of the boat. Charmander and Spearow were knocked out and Tami and Krista were lying on the floor of the boat knocked out as well.

    One of the crew members came running out with handcuffs and then handcuffed the crooks. The crew member took the crooks pokeballs and returned their pokemon back and put the balls into a bag for the police when they get to the island.

    “Oh that is wack! Can someone please turn on the song again?” Jen asked.

    “Jen we all were almost robbed of are pokemon and you want the song back on?” Justin asked.

    “YES, YOU GOT A PROBLOM WITH THAT MR. I DO NOT LIKE USHER!” she screamed into his ear.

    “You need help young lady!” the old lady said as she recalled her pokemon.

    “Pashhhh to you!” Jen screamed. She was still mad and se wanted her favorite song back on right away.

    “Jen, shut up!” Justin shouted. He felt so embarrassed and soon realized why it might be good that has not traveling with her.

    A crew man handcuffed the two girls and sat them up against the side of the boat. The two slowly woke up and in shock they were caught. They both deeply sighed and put there heads down. After the crew man finished up with them he ran up the steps to untie the captain and let him continue to the island.

    “Everyone I am very sorry for in inconvenience and I will play the song for the annoying girl who keeps screaming,” the captain said over the P.A.

    “Thanks!” Jen screamed.

    “You are so embarrassing to be around,” Justin said facing Jen.

    “You’re very welcome! Yea the song is back on!” Jen screeched.

    The ship started back up again and they were back on track to Sea Side City. Justin went and sat back down to relax while Jen was dancing around like a total idiot. As he was sitting down the old lady came over to talk to Justin.

    “What’s with you friend?” she asked.

    “I have no idea,” he replied.

    “So what are you going to do on the next island?” she asked.

    “I am going to go through it to get to Dust Dull Town so I can battle the gym leader,” he replied.

    “Oh, you must be a new pokemon trainer then. Don’t see to many of them around anymore,” she said with a small smile on her face.

    “Yes, I am and why don’t you see many trainers around anymore?” he asked.

    “Well, you will find out at the first pokemon center. They will tell you everything there,” she replied.

    “No, please tell me,” he begged. He was so curious to know what it was going to be like after he goes to the first pokemon center.

    “Ok, well every trainer has to do more than get the badges that just test your pokemons abilities on how they can get through things. Every time you win a badge you will earn 1 part of a 10 part map. Every time you get one you will place it on the board you receive from you first gym battle. After you finish it you will have to follow the map on it to a dungeon and grab something. I’m not sure what it is because I never found out, but after you do that you can enter the league,” the old lady said out of breath.

    “Wow, how come I didn’t hear about this at school?” he asked.

    “I’m not sure but I guess it is very hard to do. It takes awhile for a trainer to accomplish this so…good luck and I hope you succeed,” the lady said as she got up to walk around.

    Justin started to wonder how hard this will be but he will be determined to collect all badges, parts, and win the league. Then he thought, “Will I be able to win? Be able to catch and collect pokemon? Will I be able to get the object that the map leads me to?” Soon all of his answers would be answered.

    “Attention all aboard, we will be docking soon. Please go back to your seats as we dock for your safety and the safety of others. I hope you will enjoy your time at Sea Side City. Please join us again and thank you,” the caption said over the P.A.

    As they were docking Justin could see police standing by waiting for the boat to dock so they could go get the two crooks. The boat finally stopped and the anchor was released to the bottom on the ocean floor. When it hit the bottom you could see dust floating everywhere from the impact it made.

    “Everyone you all my now leave the boat,” a crew man said.

    People all started to get off one by one and started to walk on the island. There was a huge line waiting to go on it. Then after everyone was off the police went on and took the crooks away to jail.

    “So…this is it. Well, good luck and have fun. See ya around,” Jen said with a smile.

    “Yea, good luck with your training. Hope ya catch lots of pokemon,” Justin said smiling to.

    “Bye,” Jen said as she went up and hugged Justin.

    “Bye,” Justin replied shocked she hugged him.

    The two then each went their own ways. Justin started going north to the city and Jen went east to go train and catch pokemon. Justin started walking up a stony path that went into a bright colored forest area. He looked around to see all the banana trees, tropical flowers with bright colors, exotic palm trees, and much more beautiful plant life. The flowers were full of luscious blues, yellows, and reds.

    “Wow,” he said in ah from all the amazing things he was seeing on his way to the city.

    He looked up to see wild Mankey on vines swinging around in the canopies of the trees. Sitting on the branches far up were tons of Taillow, Swellow, Pidgeotto, and Wingulls. The stony path slowly turned into a dark brown dirt path. To the right of him was a sign saying “Tropical Route to Sea Side City” in blue and yellow writing.

    He continued walking along when he heard a strange noise coming from behind him. He slowly turned around and seen nothing. So he continued along and then he heard something say “KE” real loud.

    “Hello? Anyone there?” he asked looking around as he reached to his belt and took Poliwag’s pokeball out. “I choose you Poliwag!”

    He tossed the multi-colored blue ball in the air that opened up releasing a white light. The light hit the ground revealing a bunch of shiny sparkles that soon revealed the tadpole pokemon.

    “Poliwag, use water gun all over the place,” he asked of his pokemon and the ball closed and went back to his hand which then became small again.

    Poliwag nodded its head and opened its mouth wide. It started shooting a stream of blue water out. It sprayed all over the bushes, flowers and trees all around it and its trainer. Finally a medium size creature jumped up screaming, “KECLE, KECLEON”. It was a wild Kecleon which was camouflaged with the bushes.

    “A Kecleon!” he shouted in joy. “Poliwag use double slap.”

    The lightly blue colored pokemon ran over and started slapping the now many different shades of green colored pokemon. Kecleon was hit 4 times with Poliwag’s tail because it was busy drying off form being hit with water gun.

    “Good job, now use bubble,” he asked his pokemon.

    Poliwag started to open its mouth to release a jet of bubble when Kecleon came running at it using a tackle attack. Poliwag was thrown into a bush as Kecleon looked ready for battle.

    “Poliwag get up and use water gun,” he said hopping his pokemon would get up.

    Poliwag slowly got back up and opened its mouth wide and shot out a stream of water at the normal type pokemon. Kecleon opened up its mouth and started to shoot out a bunch of purple metallic rings at poliwag. The two attacks collided into each other. At first the water gun started pushing the psybeam back at Kecleon. Then the water gun was being pushed back by the shiny metallic attack.

    “Poliwag try with all your might! You can do it!” he shouted with determination in his eyes.

    Poliwag heard its trainer’s encouragement and started to shot its water gun harder making its eyes squint. Finally the water gun pushed the psybeam straight at Kecleon making the psybeam and water gun hit Kecleon.

    “Great job!” he shouted. “Finish it with tackle.”

    Kecleon was shoved forward form the two attacks and was on the ground. Then it slowly started to get back up shaking its head from all the water and its own psybeam it saw the tadpole pokemon running towards it. Poliwag missed it as Kecleon rolled to the left. Poliwag seen it move and turned around quick and ran towards it. It then hit the pokemon making it fly forward hitting a banana tree near by causing a bunch of bananas fall on it.

    “Great job Poliwag! Pokeball go,” he said as he took a pokeball form his belt and threw it at the fainted pokemon.

    The pokeball fell on the pokemon causing the ball to open up. A red beam came out and grabbed a hold of Kecleon. It then sucked the pokemon into the ball leaving the bananas on the ground. The ball closed up and fell to the ground. Justin watched in anticipation as he might have caught his first pokemon.

    “Come on,” he said nervously.

    The ball shook rapidly back and forth a few times and then it finally stopped and made a beep noise.

    “YES! We did it Poliwag, we caught are first pokemon,” he said excitedly as he ran up to the pokeball and picked it up.

    Poliwag ran up to Justin and started to jump up and down with excitement. After a few jumps Poliwag got tired and sat down. He stared at the pokeball which was in the palm of his hand. He smiled at the pokeball and placed it on his pokemon belt. After that he grabbed Poliwag’s lure ball.

    “You did a great job Poliwag, you deserve a good long rest,” he said as he tossed the ball into the air.

    The ball opened up releasing a light that sucked poliwag back into its pokeball to sleep. The ball then closed and went back to Justin’s hand and then became smaller again. He slipped it back onto his belt and started to walk proudly to the city ahead.

    As he was walking he encountered a sign saying, “The City 1 Mile Ahead”. Sp he read it and continued walking. Then as he was walking he heard person up ahead talking to their pokemon.

    “Come on Drowzee, were almost there,” a young man said.

    “You ok up there?” Justin asked.

    “No, my pokemon is sick and it needs a potion, do you have one I could use?” he asked.

    “Yea, hold on,” he said as he went to his belt and grabbed a potion.

    He walked on up to the trainer and handed him the potion. The trainer then sprayed his pokemon with the healing device. Drowzee started to look stronger.

    “Thanks a lot for helping my pokemon,” he said returning his pokemon back to his pokeball.

    Sorry took so long. See ya all later!

  10. #10
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    it's been sooo long I haven't posted... And South Pacific is back! Yeah!!!
    Last time i had checked, I had posted my own character for your fic, then my PC went crashing over and over... South Pacific had disappeared from the forums. But it's back once again!!

  11. #11
    Elite Trainer
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    Cool chapter. Sorry I didn't reply to your last one, I must have missed it somehow.

    Jen was funny; poor passengers and the captain. The capture was interesting too; Justin had some creativity there, what with telling Poliwag to Water Gun everything and pushing the Psybeam back, although since Psybeam's psychic, wouldn't it just go straight through?

    Also, I know I recommend description to everyone, but sometims when you start doing detail that's not really important and we all know about, like how Justin brushed his teeth, it can get a little boring. Stuff like battles are what needs more description, but yours are doing fine.

    Those were interesting chapters, in any case. The crooks must have been out of their minds trying to steal Pokemon with only Spearow and Charmander. Reminds me of Team Rocket in a way.
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
    2007 Silver Pencils: Winner of Best Poem (Death Sonnet -- Untitled)
    2004 Silver Pencils: Winner of Nicest Fanficcer & Least Likely Couple (with PancaKe)
    Former 3-time winner of Most Dedicated Reader at the Fanfiction Forums
    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

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    CoolTrainer: Hey, I remember you! Thanks for the reply. Hope you keep on liking it.

    Mistysakura: Yea the attack thing is weird. Thanks on the description part. Its ok about not posting last time. Thanks!

    Well the next chapter will be out when I finish editing it. I started some of it but I want to concentrate on finishing Mysteries That Await chapter 5. I really want to make the last 4 chapters of it good so I will be doing that. Thanks again!

  13. #13
    Advanced Trainer
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    Good chapter, I liked how you described how the pokeball's red beam grabbed Kecleon, very creative. Some spelling errors like problom, supposed to be problem, but grammically you did well. So the dream couple split up? Hmm, as you described it from before they will severally miss each other.
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  14. #14
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    Powarn: Thanks im glad you liked that part! They will miss each other and you will see in the upcoming chapters that they think about each other every once in awhile. But don't worry. Soon enough they will meet again. Jens own chapter is coming up soon. I am thinking about putting it out early since she is nominated again this season and thanks for the nominations people! Its funny how in one thing I have fic vs fac lol. Thanks for reading and See ya all later!

  15. #15
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    Well since Jen is nominated for Best Female Role, I decided to edit this and get it out so people can see what she is like without Justin. Hope you all like and this would be chapter 6. Chapters 4 and 5 will be out shortly. 4 is almost done editing so expect that soon to. So again, enjoy!

    _______________________________South Pacific____________
    ___________Get the Sombrero!___________________________

    “Oh my god I am so bored,” Jen said to herself as she was walking around looking for someone to battle. She missed Justin and wished he would come back to travel with her. “There is no pokemon around and no trainers what the heck.”

    She continued walking through the forest with beautiful flowers and big trees. As she was walking around in the grass she found a big log on the ground and she decided to sit down. As she was sitting she looked forward and noticed the path way was close by. She quickly noticed a guy running fast by wiping his face and it seemed he was crying.

    “People these days are so crazy, always running or crying,” she said wiping sweat off of her forehead. “IS ANYBODY OUT THERE THAT WANTS TO BATTLE?”

    “Hey stop screaming over there!” a voice said from a distance. Jen’s head turned as she looked around angrily.

    “MAKE ME!” she replied.

    “Ok, I will battle you if you promise to shut up?” the person asked. Jen smiled and kept looking around to see who it was.

    “Fine,” Jen replied.

    As Jen said fine a young girl around the age of 13 came walking out. She was wearing a red shirt, white shorts, and really white sneakers. She looked really nice but could be a very tough component.

    She came up to Jen and said, “Hi, I am Kayla and you had to wake me up didn’t you?” She then rubbed her eyes of crud and pushed her messy hair back into a pony tail.

    “Well, I did not KNOW that you were SLEEPING,” Jen said sarcastically. She quickly moved her hand around her mouth a giggled a bit.

    “Let’s get this over with. How about a three on three battle?” she asked.

    “Fine with me,” she replied.

    “I choose you, Nosepass!” she shouted.

    “I choose you, Mankey!” Jen shouted.

    Two pokeballs flew into the air causing them to open revealing a pokemon on the ground. Out of Kayla’s ball came out a giant rock with a huge nose. Then out of Jen’s came a medium sized brown monkey.

    “Mankey use low kick,” Jen asked her pokemon.

    “Nosepass dodge it and use tackle,” Kayla shouted.

    Nosepass started to move away as the monkey came running up. Nosepass wasn’t fast enough and Mankey raised its leg and kicked the rocks short rocky legs.

    “Great job, now use karate chop,” she shouted.

    “Nosepass use thunderbolt now,” she said with a strong-minded look.

    Mankey lifted its arm and hit Nosepass on the head. It hurt the rock pokemon but t started to glow yellow. Mankey lifted its arm up for another chop but Nosepass shot a lighting bolt out at it. Mankey started to move in all different directions and fell down.

    “Mankey! Get up, please and use another low kick.” she said to the fried monkey.

    “Nosepass use tackle!” she demanded.

    Mankey ran towards the rock pokemon with its leg ready to kick. Mankey then laid down on the ground and as Nosepass got ready to jump and tackle it, Mankey put its leg in the air. It then kicked the rock pokemon as it was ready to fall on it. Nosepass flew forward hitting the ground hard.

    “Mankey good job, now finish it with karate chop,” she said with a smile.

    “Move out of the way now!” she screamed.

    Mankey got up and turned around and ran towards the fallen pokemon. Nosepass slowly started to move to the right but the monkey ran up and karate chopped its side. Nosepass screeched its name in pain and fainted.

    “Return Nosepass, I choose you Squirtle!” she shouted recalling her pokemon.

    “You did a great job Mankey!” Jen shouted as she patted its head.

    Kayla tossed another pokeball into the air which released the tiny blue turtle pokemon, Squirtle.

    “Squirtle, use bubble attack now!” she screamed out.

    “Mankey, use tackle attack,” she said.

    The tiny pokemon started to suck in air as it was getting ready to release bubbles. Mankey started running forward and jumped in the air. Squirtle saw it in the air and shot out five crystal clear bubbles at the monkey pokemon.

    “Mankey, watch out!” Jen screamed.

    Mankey heard its trainer but it was too late and it was hit by four of the five bubbles. The bubbles knocked the pokemon down on to the ground.

    “Mankey, you ok? Use low kick,” she said in worry.

    “Great job, now use water gun,” she said with a evil grin.

    Mankey slowly moved and got back up and got ready to run and kick Squirtle when a huge jet of water came charging at it like a angry bull. The water impact shoved Mankey back into a near bush. Mankey got back up and started to run but fell down before it could reach the turtle.

    “You did good Mankey, return. I choose you, Taillow,” she said returning the fainted monkey.

    “You did a great job Squirtle,” Kayla said.

    Jen tossed a pokeball into the air causing it to open up. Out of the ball came flying a blue, red, and white pokemon.

    “Taillow use wing attack,” Jen asked of her pokemon.

    “Squirtle use water gun now!” she shouted.

    Squirtle started to shot water gun all over the place but Taillow dodged all of them making Squirtle a little tired. Then Taillows wings started to glow as it flew down and hit the tiny turtle pokemon. Squirtle got pushed back onto its shell.

    “Squirtle get up!” Kayla shouted.

    “Taillow, great job, now use gust,” she said to her flying pokemon.

    “Squirtle, dodge it and use water gun,” she shouted.

    Taillow flew high into the sky then start flapping its wings rapidly back and fourth. A large tornado like wind started to form by Taillow. Squirtle finally rolled on to its stomach and got back up. Taillow then with one big flap released the gusty tornado at Squirtle. Squirtle opened up its little blue mouth and shot a jet of blue water at the tornado. The two collided making the gust break and the water gun hit Taillow. Taillow did not see it coming when it hit it and it fell down from the sky.

    “Squirtle finish it off with skull bash,” she said.

    “Watch out Taillow!” Jen screamed. “Use peck.”

    Taillow was twitching on the ground from the impact and slowly tried to get back up. It finally got on its little twig like legs and tried to fly but it couldn’t because it got hurt when it fell.

    While that was going on Squirtle shoved its head into its shell and started to glow. Then it popped its head out and it acted like a bullet from a gun flying towards the bird. Taillow ran forward and got its beak out forward. The two pokemon collided into each other causing them both to be knocked backwards. They both fell onto the ground and fainted.

    “You did good Taillow, return,” Jen said hoping she will win the last match since it’s tied.

    “Return, I choose you Vulpixs,” she replied with confidence as tossed a ball in the air.

    “I choose you Lotad,” Jen said tossing a new ball in the air.

    Out of the two pokeballs came a red fox with a big tail and a blue blow with a lily pad on its head.

    “Vulpixs use flamethrower,” she said.

    “Lotad, use that attack you learned yesterday,” she shouted.

    The small blue blob opened its mouth and let out a jet of clear blue water at Vulpixs. Vulpixs opened its mouth and released a on going stream of hot flames at the tiny pokemon. The two attacks collided canceling each other out.

    “Lotad try again and use all your power,” she said.

    “Vulpixs use confuse ray,” she shouted out.

    Vulpixs eyes grew large and dark purple. It then shot two dark purple beams of light at Lotad. Lotad opened its mouth once again and released a jet of water at Vulpixs.

    “Keep going Lotad,” Jen shouted.

    “You two Vulpixs and WIN!” she shouted.

    Lotad heard its trainer and got distracted and then hit by the confuse ray. It was knocked over and it was dazed and confused.

    “Lotad, you ok?” Jen asked.

    “Vulpixs tackle attack,” she shouted.

    “Lotad get out of the way,” she shouted.

    Vulpixs ran toward the confused pokemon at full speed. The water weed pokemon was wobbling around and didn’t move in time. It was thrown far back by a bunch of flowers.

    “LOTAD!” Jen screamed.

    She ran over and noticed it looked fainted.

    “Looks like I win, now shut up,” she said getting ready to recall her pokemon back when she was interrupted by a bright light.

    “Lotad, what’s wrong?” she asked.

    The water weed began to grow much larger in size. Its lily pad on its head also grew to be bigger. The light soon faded to reveal a multi green colored pokemon with a brown mustache. In a Mexican sounding voice it shouted, “Lombre.”

    “Wow, a Lombre! You evolved, I am so proud of you,” Jen shouted as she picked it up and was swinging it in the air then placing it on the ground.

    “You got to be kidding me? Didn’t I end this battle already?” she shouted.

    “Nope, I am still in! HAHAHAHAHA I bet you’re pissed now because you going to lose and I am going to win and BE as LOUD as I want to be,” she screamed.

    “Shut up for the battle and Vulpixs use ember,” she shouted.

    “Lombre, use fury swipes,” she said.

    The Mexican sounding pokemon started to run with its claws out. Vulpixs opened its mouth and released a small ball of fire at Lombre but it dodged it with ease. Then it ran up and started to viscously scratch the fox pokemon.

    “Vulpixs don’t let that stupid thing beat you! Use fire spin now!” she shouted.

    “Lombre use water gun!” she shouted.

    The fire fox shot out a rounding stream of hot red and orange flames that surrounded itself and Lombre. Lombre screamed its name and soon the fire started to turn into water spinning around them.

    “What the?” Kayla shouted.

    “Wow!” Jens shouted as she took out her pokedex.

    She flipped it open and pointed it at the attack. The attack is Water pulse. The attack shoots at the enemy pokemon and surrounds it completely so it does not escape.

    “WO, THAT’S IS SOME COOL—“Jen was interrupted.

    “Yea, Yea, Yea, who cares lets just keep battling,” Kayla shouted.

    “Oh, girl, no you didn’t, you best shut up,” Jen said acting like a fool.

    “Vulpixs break free and use tackle,” she shouted.

    “Lombre be careful and use water gun,” she shouted.

    Lombre backed up causing the water coving to dispatch into the air. Vulpixs was on the ground and not moving.

    “Vulpixs get up!” Kayla screamed.

    “It fainted; you can’t force a fainted pokemon to battle duh!” Jen shouted.

    “It can still go, I can’t lose to you,” she said.

    “Why? Is it because I’M LOUD!” she shouted and then started laughing. “Return.”

    Jen tossed a pokeball in the air that opened and Lombre was sucked back in it. The ball returned to her hand and she put it away.

    “Thanks for helping Lotad evolve into my Mexican hero,” she said laughing.

    “I won, you didn’t,” she said with a evil grin.

    “Ok, believe what you want bye dork,” she said laughing and walking away.

    “You can’t leave, I won remember. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” she screamed.

    “Crazy people these days always complaining,” she said to herself.

  16. #16
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    Good chapter, erm you said you skipped some, I was a bit confused at why, but a little push for the lead in teh compition, as for my mistake I thought I read we could just post our results, oops. And I feel really bad for bring this up but Vulpixs is spelt wrong it is Vulpix. SOunds like Jen's opponent was a real snot though good chapter.
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  17. #17
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    Powarn: I kind of get your post and I kinda don't I understand and thanks for saying I spelt Vulpix wrong and the whole nomination thing but the first few things you say are confusing. But thanks for the comments!

  18. #18
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    Love Jen's personality. I think what Powarun was trying to say was that you skipped some chapters to push for the lead in votes for Jen. Anyway, Jen's original enough, and the battle wasn't bad either. But Kayla's Jen's opponent, not component (paragraph 7). Component means a part of something.

    So are you going to post chapters 4 and 5?
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
    2007 Silver Pencils: Winner of Best Poem (Death Sonnet -- Untitled)
    2004 Silver Pencils: Winner of Nicest Fanficcer & Least Likely Couple (with PancaKe)
    Former 3-time winner of Most Dedicated Reader at the Fanfiction Forums
    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

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    Mistysakura: THanks! Lots of people like hers. Oh and with Powarns. I just posted that so people can get more of a fell. Lots of the other nominees have more chapters with there person in it and I felt I should put one out incase people don't get the full view of Jen. Yes I will be posting chapters 4 and 5. 4 should be out soon since I went over most of it and added some things. After 5 will follow. Thanks for the fic on names. Thanks again!

  20. #20
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    Here is chapter 4! Chapter 5 will be out soon in a few days or when ever. For thous who read the story before, this is kind of a different chapter at the end. I added about 3/4 more of a page into it so people can understand chapter 5 more. Hope you all like it! Enjoy!

    South Pacific_____________________________

    _______________________________First Time can be a Charm

    “Thanks a lot for helping my pokemon,” he said returning his pokemon back to his pokeball. He placed the pokeball back on his side and then put the empty potion in his pocket to throw away later.

    “You’re very welcome! Just helping a fellow trainer out,” Justin replied. He felt like a hero for helping someone in need but then he frowned because Jen wasn’t here to see him be a kind person.

    “What is your name?” the young man asked politely.

    “My name is Justin, what is your name?” he asked.

    “My name is Si Culmaris. Where are you from?” he asked.

    “I am from Mork Town, where are you from?” he asked the man who is slightly tall, thin, and has a t-shirt and shorts on.

    “I’m from Dovle Town which is in the South Pacific but is far away,” he replied.

    “Cool, do you want to have a pokemon battle?” he asked.

    “Sure!” the young man replied.

    “Ok, how about a two on two battle?” he asked.

    “Sounds great, I choose you Shellder,” he said taking out a pokeball and throwing it in the air releasing the purple colored pokemon.

    “Ok, I choose you Kecleon,” Justin said throwing out his freshly caught pokemon as he also took out a potion.

    The two pokemon came out of there pokeballs and on the ground for battle. The balls closed up and went back to the trainer’s hands. Justin quickly went over and sprayed potion all over Kecleon.

    “Now that things are even,” he said putting the potion away. “Kecleon use your psybeam.”

    “Shellder use aurora beam,” Si said.

    Shellder opened its mouth and let out a yellow, blue, and orange beam of light the flickered around in a circular motion. Kecleon opened its mouth to release an on going stream of purple metallic colored rings at Shellder. The two powerful attacks collided into each other. First psybeam went further into the beam then aurora beam went threw the rings. Finally after a minute the two attacks just exploded causing dust to go all over making it so you couldn’t see anything.

    “Kecleon you ok? Use…um…wait,” he said as he quickly took out his pokedex.

    “Kecleon’s attacks psybeam, scratch, slash, growl, bind, lick, astonish, fury swipes, screech, and thief. Moves it can learn just from being around other pokemon thunder bolt, flamethrower, toxic, focus punch to name a few.” The pokedex replied.

    “Kecleon use screech,” he shouted out to his green pokemon.

    “Shellder use withdraw,” the young man said.

    Shellder then closed its shell so it could not get attacked by anything. Kecleon opened its mouth and started to let out a horrid scream which made Shellder come out of its shell with it shaking around. It was in pain from the loud noise.

    “Kecleon good, now try and use thunder bolt,” he said to his pokemon.

    “Shellder hurry and use withdraw again!” the young man shouted.

    Shellder still shaken up from the screech did not hear its trainer’s command. Kecleon started to shake its body rapidly causing static to form around it. Then a bolt of electricity shot out from its stomach area and hit the shaken pokemon.

    “Shellder no!” he shouted.

    Shellder started to scream its name louder and louder and you could tell it was in much pain. The electricity was flowing all over the water pokemons body. Finally it stopped causing Shellder to look like a steamed clam.

    “Shellder you can do it, get up!” he shouted with worry.

    “Kecleon finish it with scratch attack,” Justin said with a proud smile.

    Shellder slowly started to move around again and still had some fight left in it. It was very weak but didn’t want to disappoint it’s master and wanted to continue to fight till it was to tired and weak to move on.

    “Shellder, use harden now,” he said with hope Shellder might make it.

    Kecleon started running towards the pokemon who closed its shell and started to glow a bright red. It got its claws up and aimed and started to scratch the pokemon but the harden attack was so strong its force pushed Kecleon back. Kecleon got back up after brushing some dirt of its shiny skin.

    “Good job Shellder, now use tackle attack,” he commanded with confidence now.

    “Kecleon be careful and use fury swipes,” Justin asked his pokemon.

    Kecleon got its claws ready as the pokemon came forward at a fast speed. Shellder jumped up and was in the air Kecleon got its claws and started swiping at the air borne shell. It kept scratching it all over and finally the pokemon fell to the ground fainted.

    “Great job Kecleon!” he shouted.

    “You did your best, return Shellder,” Si Culmaris said to his fainted pokemon as he took out its pokeball.

    Si Culmaris tossed the pokeball into the air causing it to open up and suck the shell pokemon back into the ball. The ball closed and went back to his hand. Then he took out another pokeball and tossed it into the air.

    “I choose you Houndour,” he replied.

    “Kecleon use scratch attack,” he said.

    “Houndour dodge it and use flamethrower,” he shouted out to his pokemon.

    Kecleon started running towards the fire pokemon with its claws ready to scratch but the dog pokemon got out of the way and shot a huge jet of red and orange flames at Kecleon. Kecleon got knocked done from the blast.

    “Kecleon, you ok?” Justin asked.

    “Houndour finish it with bite,” Si Culmaris said smiling.

    Kecleon slowly moved its body around but then Houndour came running up and bit the pokemons leg causing Kecleon great pain and making it faint.

    “You did good Kecleon for a new pokemon, return. I choose you Poliwag,” Justin said taking out Kecleon’s pokeball and returning it and then taking out his lure ball.

    He tossed the different colored blue ball into the air causing it to open revealing a bunch of sparkles. Out of the ball came Poliwag. After it was out the ball closed and went back to his hand.

    “Poliwag, use water gun now,” he commanded nicely to his first pokemon.

    “Houndour use flamethrower,” he told his pokemon.

    The two pokemon both opened their mouths and each released a jet of fire and a jet of water. The two offensive attacks collided. With water being stronger it pushed the flamethrower away and hit Houndour causing the fire dog to get knocked down.

    “Houndour get up and use howl,” the young man said.

    “Poliwag use bubble,” he asked to his pokemon.

    Houndour started to make a strange howling noise that made Poliwag unbalanced and made it fall down. As it was down bubbles started to shoot out of its mouth because the noise made it so scared.

    “Poliwag, you ok?” Justin asked. Justin was worried about his prized new water/starter pokemon.

    Poliwag nodded up and down and got back up. Poliwag shouted its name with confidence and knew it would not give up until it won for Justin. You could tell Poliwag loved Justin dearly and it’s only been a day or two with him.

    “Poliwag try bubble again,” he asked nicely.

    ”Houndour, use bite,” he asked.

    Houndour started to run towards the fallen tadpole at a fast speed with its mouth wide open. As it came near Poliwag opened its mouth and launched 5 crystal clear bubbles at the fire pokemon. Houndour got stopped in its tracks and flinched.

    “Great job Poliwag, now use double slap,” he said.

    “Houndour try and dodge it,” he asked.

    Poliwag started to run backwards with its tail swaying around and started to slap Houndour around with it because it didn’t dodge it in time. Houndour fell backwards and looked very weak.

    “Good now use tackle,” he shouted with confidence.

    “Houndour move out of the way and use growl,” the tall thin man shouted.

    Houndour started to move around and growl a little but it was too late Poliwag was running fast and leaped on the pokemon causing it to faint.

    “Great job Poliwag, you did it!” Justin shouted as he went up and picked up his little tadpole pokemon.

    “You did your best, return Houndour,” Si Culmaris said in a sad voice as Houndour was returned to its pokeball.

    “Good battle, you are a strong competitor. I hope we battle again sometime when we become stronger,” Justin said as he returned Poliwag back to its pokeball after telling it did a job well done.

    “Yea, maybe we will see each other again,” he replied.

    “Your Shellder is very strong to last through a thunder bolt,” he added.

    “Thanks, you are very nice and a great battler. Your Kecleon is very good for a newly caught pokemon. It must have been at a high level when you caught it,” he replied.

    “Thanks and yea maybe. Well its getting late and I need to get to the pokemon center before dark,” he said.

    “Ok, well I will see you again then, Bye,” he said as he waved bye to Justin as he walked away.

    “See ya again sometime,” Justin said as he waved goodbye as he was going along to the pokemon center in Sea Side City.

    Justin walked off with a new pokemon and a battle victory. He continued walking and passed a sign saying “Welcome to Sea Side City”. He walked up to see a beautiful looking town with millions of people walking around huge buildings. The lights shined all over since it was becoming darker out. The first thing in the city was the pokemon center. Dan rushed his way there to the big red and white building. He walked up and opened the door to see a quiet little place with a beautiful nurse with blue hair at a desk in the front.

    “Hello and welcome to the pokemon center, how may I help you?” she asked.

    “I would my pokemon to be healed please,” he replied as he took out his two pokeballs.

    “Ok, place your pokeballs in the basket in front of you and they will be ready shortly. You can relax in are lounge where you can sleep or talk,” she replied.

    Justin put his pokemon in the basket and the nurse went into a side room where she would heal the pokemon. While she was doing that, Justin walked over to the lounge area and to lie down. He started to dream about everything going on. He wondered about Jen and how she was doing on her own. He then thought about his mother and how she was coping without him for so long. Little did he know, being a trainer would not be easy and something dramatic will happen very soon…

    Meanwhile on a small plane coming from the North Pacific was Justin’s dad. They were nearing mid way point when the plane started to shake.

    “Everyone please stay calm and buckle up now!” the stewardess announced.

    Mr. Duskua buckled and waited to see what was happening. He looked out his window and seen a large helicopter right next to the plane. On the side was a large imprint of an Eevee that was a dark black color like and Umbreon. Then he seen a large burst of red, white, and orange flames hit the back of the plane. The plane started to heat up and shake. Then yelling and screaming was heard. The plane then flew downward in a spiraling motion. The ocean then swallowed the plane whole with passengers still inside.

    Hope you all liked! This is one of my fav chapters for some reason but thanks for reading! See Ya all later!

  21. #21
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    Hey everyone! Here is chapter 5 and I hope you enjoy! Now everything will be back on track.

    __________________________________________South Pacific
    All Things Fall Apart_____________________________________

    “Young man, your pokemon are ready,” the beautiful nurse said as she tapped his shoulder gently. She placed the box on the side of the padded chair that circled a warm fire. “Also is your name Justin Duskua?”

    “Huh, What? Ah yes, my name is Justin Duskua,” he replied. He looked around and noticed people walking around with their pokemon and the sun shining bright outside threw the sliding glass doors. He jumped up and grabbed the lure ball and pokeball from the small card board box. He placed them at his side and looked back up the nurse as she began to talk again.

    “It is morning and your pokemon are ready for you. Then after that you have a message at the phone you can go answer that when ever you like,” she replied as she walked back to the desk.

    Justin walked on over to a small white desk where a green phone and a piece of paper were. He sat down on the white padded chair and picked up the note. It read,
    Note for Justin Duskua, your mother has called and requests you call her the moment you get this note.

    :”Hello?” the women said sadly. You could hear a nose sniff and a Kleenex moving up to wipe it it.

    “Mom, what’s wrong?” he asked. Justin knew something was wrong with the ocward tone in her soft voice.

    “Oh my god, I am glad you got the message. You need to come back home for a little bit,” his mom said still crying.

    “Why? Please tell me what’s wrong?” he asked. His heart started to pump faster and faster not knowing what was happening.

    “You have 10 minutes to quickly get back to the boat and come back,” she replied.

    “What is wrong?” he asked again worrying.

    “Your father got into an accident and he…he…he…died. I am so sorry, to have to tell you this. It happened early yesterday morning. He was coming home yesterday and his plane crashed in the morning right while you were leaving for your trip,” she mumbled, crying even louder.

    “NO!” he shouted as he slammed the phone down got up and went to the desk.

    Justin grabbed his pokeballs and ran out of the pokemon center crying. He ran as fast as he could through the forest with the beautiful plants and trees all around. He kept running and running with a hope that this was all a dream. But it wasn’t it was real. As he was running he felt his heart beating so fast and as it ran it went faster. He started to sweat from all the running and disbelief.

    Finally the ground slowly turned from dirt to small rocks that led to the ship. He was nearing as he could smell the ocean. He quickly ran and got into a line that was boarding the ship. He stopped and bent down to calm him self from all the running he just did. His whole body shaking rapidly, he was scared of how is life will be after this. He continued on and walked on to the boat to go back home.

    “Hey, you are leaving already?” a crewmen from before asked.

    “Yea…,” he said with a sign looking down.

    Everyone got on the boat and went for a seat as the captain gave instructions once again for the newcomers. Justin just sat in a seat and starred off into the ocean. Tears running down his eyes fell off his face and evaporated into the air. He felt alone and no one could ever help him. The boat started and was off to Mork Town.

    “Hey are you ok?” the crewmen from before asked as he walked up to him.

    :”No and I don’t want to talk about it,” he said softly.

    “Ok, well if you want to I am here,” he said walking off and checking on other passengers.

    The boat was much calmer this time and much quieter without Jen or the two evil girls. Justin was the only young person on the boat this time around. The boat kept going and he kept thinking of many things.

    “Will I continue my journey? How is my mother going to deal? Will I be the man of the house now and take care of my mom and Jen? I wonder if Jen knows yet. What should I do? I should have never gone on this trip. But it’s not my fault but it is someone’s fault…” he thought but his thinking got interrupted by someone’s radio.

    “With more answers to why the 947 plane went down yesterday here is John Kemp.” a lady said on the radio.

    “Thank you Cindy. People are wondering all over, what really happened? Well, it seems from video footage of a young girls birthday party shows a helicopter with a Flareon shooting a flamethrower at the plane. The flamethrower hit the planes left wing causing it to tumble and fall into the ocean. Then the video tape shows that on the side of the plane was a weird symbol of a Eevee head,” the man said taking a short break to catch his breath.

    Justin’s jaw dropped when he heard about the Eevee head. The two girls that were on the boar trying to take the pokemon had a little Eevee symbol on their shoes and skirts. He could not believe this, his father gone. Then he started to wonder if he could have stopped it some how or could have told his dad before it was to late, but it was to late.

    “I know who did it or at least part of it,” Justin said out loud.

    The crewmen form before walked over to where Justin was sitting.

    “What do you mean you know who did it?” he asked.

    “Remember yesterday the two girls, they had Eevee symbols on their skirts and shoes,” he replied.

    “You are right, thanks kid. We will call the police to let them know,” he replied running up to the captain’s deck to phone the police.

    Justin was in shock that he seen the people that could were part reasonable for his fathers death. He knew he had to find the people who did this so they can suffer in jail.

    “Did you lose someone on that plane?” a person next to him asked.

    “Yes, my father,” he replied sadly wiping his tears away.

    “I am very sorry young man,” the person replied.

    “Thanks! I am going to find who did it and going make sure they don’t hurt anyone else.” he replied.

    “Be careful boy, and don’t do anything stupid that could get yourself killed,” the person said.

    “Everyone please sit down, we are approaching Mork Town. Thank you for riding and please come again,” the captain said over the P.A.

    Everyone started getting up and leaving the boat one by one until no one was on it. Justin stepped off the boat to see his mom waiting in tears. Justin ran up and hugged her tightly.

    “Mom, I got to leave again,” he said.

    “Why?” she asked.

    “Because I know who killed dad and the rest of the people on the plane. I got to stop them before they hurt anyone else,” he replied.

    “How long will you be gone?” she asked.

    “Well, as I got I am going to do the trainer challenge as I go along to clear my mind but as I go I’m going to find the people. After I will come back home mom,” he replied. He knew that’s what his father wanted. He knew his father would want him to go on and do the best he could.
    “I don’t want to lose you too,” she said sobbing more.

    “You won’t, I got my pokemon and they will protect me along my way,” he replied.

    “Be careful and don’t get killed,” she said hugging him tighter. “This is what you have to do and I want you to do it well. Make me proud and I know your father is watching you right now. I bet he is really proud on how much you have grown in two days. I know you will continue to grow but you better go back on to the boat so you can return back on your journey.”

    “Wait, I want to do something first,” he said.

    “What’s that?” she asked.

    “I want to make a remembrance sign to hang in front of our house,” he said.

    “Ok, lets go back home. You have an hour till the boat leaves again and then two hours for it again,” she replied.

    Justin and his mom walked back home where Justin would create a sign for his father. Justin knew deep inside he was dying but he knew he had to pull threw to win against the bad people.

    As they walked into their neighborhood people stared as they walked by. Everyone knew about the incident that took the young mans father away. He continued on to his house. When he got there he ran up stairs into his room.

    He took out a large piece of white paper and a black sharpie. He brought it over to his desk to work on. In big bold letters he wrote,

    ~In Loving Memory~

    There once was a man,
    A man who was my biggest fan,
    He was the coolest dad alive,
    When ever I seen him I gave him a high five,
    He taught me how to swim and dive,
    He was a hard worker and loving husband,
    He always wanted to play in the band,
    But we told him he couldn’t play at all,
    He said he didn’t care and he would stand tall,
    When I tried to walk he made sure I would never fall,
    If I was in trouble he was the one I would call,
    He was my best friend,
    He was my Dad.

    ~Daren Duskua By: Justin Duskua

    His mother came up and started to cry. Justin went and hugged her tight and then went into his closet and took out an old baseball bat. He ran down stairs and out the door. He went out to the side of the house and placed the bat down then ran back upstairs and grabbed some tape form his desk and the poem. He ran back downstairs and out the door and his mother followed. He placed the bat against the house about three feet above the ground and then taped the poem on the bat and house really well.

    “There we go,” he said finishing up.

    “Why did you put a bat in the middle?” his mom asked still crying a little bit.

    “Because baseball was one thing he taught me and placing it there means something to me,” he said with a tear rolling down his tan skin.

    “Ok, well I must say that is very good Justin, your father would love that very much,” she said wiping her tears away.

    As Justin and his mom were acknowledging the poem a bunch of the neighbors came up to them bringing them tons of flowers of all different colors. They were in shock from all the flowers people were bringing. Justin and his mom placed all the flowers around the poem. There were so many flowers they soon were piling them up around the poem. Then one neighbor brought a huge sun flower which he put at the top of the poem.

    “Oh, thank you everyone. This really means a lot to us,” his mom started to say. “It was a hirable tragedy and thanks for helping us threw this right now. I know he is looking down with a huge smile because of what you are doing.”

    “Yes, thank you everyone. When I am gone everyone please take care of my mom,” Justin added.

    Everyone just stayed and comforted them but then it was time once again. Justin got his things and walked to the side walk with his mom while everyone was reading the poem.

    “I am going to miss you even more and be careful. If you need anything call,” she said.

    “I am going to miss you to and be very careful. See you later,” Justin said hugging his poem and kissing her good bye.

    Then he was off once more to Dust Dull Town where he would get his first badge, first piece of the puzzle, and hopefully one step closer to finding the people reasonable in the plane crash.

    Justin quickly ran down the sidewalk to the port where he would get back on the boat to the city again. He quickly was running and seen almost all the people were on it already and it would leave soon.

    “Wait!” he screamed as there were only four more people getting on.

    He ran as fast as he could and finally reached the almost no existent line. He caught his breath and got back on to the boat.

    “Back again? You going to stay this time?” the crewmen asked.

    “Stay,” he replied as he walked onto the boat and sat down. He knew deep in his heart, he would find the people and get them in jail.

  22. #22
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    Here is the first gym battle! Hope you all like! This really shows some strength and stratigie with his pokemon.

    _________________________________South Pacific_____________

    ________________________Battle to the Bone______________________

    Justin continued through the Sea Side City when he came upon a sign which read, “Dust Dull Town ~ ahead”

    “Well there we go, first badge is just ahead! I can do it; I am becoming closer to find Team Eevee and collecting the first piece of the puzzle,” he said to himself.

    He continued walking on the black path way that went right threw the giant beautiful city. He soon walked up to a sign that said, “Thanks for Staying In are City! Come Again!” Then he took a few more steps and reached another sign that said, “Welcome to Dust Dull Town!”

    “Finally,” he said to himself.

    He then walked into a small town that did not look tropical at all. The black paved path slowly started to have dust coving it and then after about 10 steps the black was gone into the sand.

    The town had small little houses all around with two larger buildings in the middle. The large building on the left was a pokemon center and the one on the right must be the gym.
    He made a few turns around some house on the dust covered sidewalk to the gym.

    IT was a big brown gym that looked to be made of mud. He walked up and opened to wood doors that led him into the gym. The ceiling had low hanging chandeliers. On the sides of the walls were murals of all kinds of ground type pokemon.

    “Hello?” Justin shouted.

    “Who is in here?” a voice shouted back.

    “Hi, I am Justin and I am looking for the gym leader,” he replied.

    “Why?” the voice asked.

    “For the Dust Badge,” he replied.

    “Fine, I accept your challenge,” a voice said as a man walked up on the other side of the gym.

    The lights grew brighter as the man came up and a huge ground field appeared. A young man about 25 or so with a brown shirt and pants with brown hair came up.

    “Welcome to my gym,” he said.

    “Let’s battle,” Justin said anxiously.

    “First let me introduce myself, I am Dirk the Dust Dull gym leader. This will be a 2 on 2 match with no time limit. Are you ready?” he asked.

    “That is fine with me. You want to choose first or me?” he asked.

    “I will to give you an advantage,” I choose you Trapinch,” he shouted as he tossed out a pokeball.

    Out of the pokeball came a small pokemon with a giant head. It was an orange, reddish color and looked mean.

    “I choose you Kecleon!” he shouted as he also took out a pokeball and tossed it in the air.

    A medium sized green colored pokemon with zigzags on its body appeared.

    “Trapinch use bite attack,” Dirk said.

    “Kecleon use flamethrower,” Justin shouted.

    Trapinch started to run with its mouth opening and closing. Kecleon opened its mouth and let out a stream of red hot flames at the tiny ground pokemon. Trapinch ran side to side dodging the flames and then jumped up over the flames and bit Kecleon’s head. Kecleon screeched its name and then fell over knocking Trapinch off.

    “Great job Trapinch, now use sand attack,” he shouted out to his pokemon.

    “Kecleon get up and use flamethrower again,” he said.

    Trapinch turned around and start to kick sand at Kecleon with its hind legs. Kecleon could not see that much but opened its mouth and released another on going jet of flames that went through the blinding sand and hit Trapinch.

    “Trapinch, watch out!” Dirk shouted.

    But no one could see from all the sand in the air. The sand slowly disappeared and showed Trapinch burned but still standing.

    “Trapinch use dig attack,” he shouted.

    “Kecleon when it goes under you know what to do,” Justin shouted.

    Trapinch started to dig down deep in to the gym floor. A few seconds passed and it was already under ground. Kecleon ran on over and waited by the hole.

    “Now Kecleon use flamethrower in the hole,” he said to his pokemon.

    “Trapinch get out of the hole,” he shouted but his pokemon could not hear him.

    Kecleon opened its mouth a shot out a stream of red and orange flames down the hole that was made by Trapinch. Soon the ground became heated and Kecleon started to feel the pain.

    “Keep going Kecleon!” Justin shouted.

    “Where is Trapinch?” Dirk thought to himself.

    Then the ground busted open as the small pokemon came out of the ground hurting from all the flames. Kecleon finally stopped but it was to hot on the ground for it to stand and was dancing around like a crazy person.

    “Kecleon you ok?” Justin asked.

    “Are you ok Trapinch?” Dirk asked.

    The pokemon shake there heads and seemed good to battle still. But they were both panting; Trapinch hurt from the flamethrower and Kecleon hurt from the heated ground.

    “Kecleon use fury swipes,” Justin said to his pokemon.

    “Trapinch use quick attack,” he shouted.

    Trapinch started to move at amazing speeds and started to run by and hit Kecleon hard on the sides. Kecleon tried but couldn’t attack it because it was to slow and was showing great pain.

    “Kecleon use faint attack!” he shouted.

    “Keep using quick attack,” he said in a confident voice.

    Kecleon quick vanished into the air and Trapinch stopped moving because Kecleon disappeared. It looked around in confusion wondering where it went.

    “Watch out!” Dirk shouted.

    “Attack now,” Justin said.

    Then Kecleon appeared behind Trapinch and hit it causing it to be shoved forward and then rolling around on the ground.

    “Great job Kecleon, now use Psybeam,” he shouted.

    “Trapinch get up and use crunch,” he shouted.

    Trapinch slowly moved around and then got back up and started to go by Kecleon. Kecleon opened its mouth and started to shot purple metallic ring out at Trapinch. Trapinch was so small it jumped right through some and dodged the others then and swiftly moved straight to Kecleon and biting it super hard. It was worse than last time and this time it causing Kecleon to faint.

    “You did a great job Trapinch,” Dirk said with a grin.

    Trapinch looked back at its trainer and said its name happily. Justin took out Kecleon’s pokeball and returned it back.

    “You did a great job,” he said as he took out Poliwag’s pokeball.

    “You only got one more pokemon left and I got two, do you think you can win?” he asked.

    “Yes, I will win. I choose you Poliwag!” he shouted as he tossed the lure ball out.

    The ball opened up releasing the small, light blue, tadpole pokemon. The ball closed and went back to Justin’s hand.

    “Poliwag use bubble,” he said to his shiny pokemon.

    “Trapinch use bite,” he shouted.

    Poliwag opened its mouth and launched a full out bubble attack at the ground pokemon. Before it could move it was hit by 10 small blue bubbles and was knocked backwards.

    “Trapinch get up,” he shouted.

    Trapinch moved around and got back up.

    “Good job!” he shouted happily.

    “Wow, that’s one strong pokemon,” Justin said in shock.

    “Trapinch use faint attack,” he shouted.

    “Poliwag use water gun,” he shouted.

    Poliwag opened its small mouth and released a jet of cool blue water at Trapinch but it already fainted into the air. The attack missed and Poliwag did not know where it was.

    “Poliwag use water gun all around now,” he shouted.

    The tadpole pokemon heard and started to shoot water all around its self and when in made a complete turn it finally hit Trapinch hard causing it to become visible again.

    “Trapinch!” he shouted.

    “Finish it with bubble,” he shouted.

    Poliwag quickly sucked in air and shot out a jet of blue bubbles at the nearly fainted pokemon. The bubbles hit it and made Trapinch stay down and faint.

    “Yes!” Justin shouted.

    “You did good, return,” Dirk shouted.

    He returned his beaten pokemon and tossed out another pokeball.

    “I choose you Cubone!” he shouted.

    Out of the pokeball came a small brown rough skinned pokemon. Cubone had a white bone head covering over its head and a small bone piece in his left hand. It looked mean and ready for battle.

    “Cubone use focus energy now,” he shouted.

    “Poliwag use water gun to knock it out of focus,” he shouted.

    Cubone sat done and started to glow a bright red as it was focusing. Poliwag opened its mouth and shot out a blast of cold blue water and the ground pokemon. The water hit the pokemon making it twitch but it was still in focus.

    “Poliwag try bubble,” he shouted.

    “Cubone use head butt,” he shouted.

    Cubone snapped out of its red bubble like area and stood up. It then bent its head down and ran towards the tadpole.

    “Watch out Poliwag,” he shouted.

    Poliwag opened its mouth and shot out 11 clear blue bubbles at the running pokemon but Cubone kept running as it twitched every time it got hit by one. Then after the last bubble was gone Poliwag was struck in the gut by Cubone’s hard head.

    “Poliwag, you ok?” Justin asked nervously.

    Poliwag got back up from its big fall and looked mad and ready for battle again.

    “Ok, good, now use bubble again,” he shouted.

    “Cubone, use boomerang,” he shouted.

    “Cubone chucked its small bone it to the air and then it went straight towards Poliwag but poliwag dodged it. The boomerang went back by Cubone and started up again. This time Poliwag sucked in lots of air and shot tons of bigger shinier blue bubbles and they hit the boomerang before it went by it again. The bone flew back and hit Cubone in the head. Cubone got furious and shouted its name real loud.

    “What was that?” Justin asked.

    “Your pokemon just learned bubble beam,” he said with a creepy look.

    “Yes, Poliwag use bubble beam on Cubone,” he shouted happily.

    “Cubone dodge it and use leer,” he shouted.

    Poliwag opened its mouth and shot out tons of shiny bubbles at Cubone. Cubone ran out of the way but Poliwag followed it with the bubble beam and hit Cubone causing it to fly back and hit the side of the wall.

    “Cubone get up and use leer,” he shouted.

    Cubone opened its mouth and let out a horrid screeching noise that made Poliwag twitch in pain.

    “Poliwag snap out of it and finish it with water gun,” Justin shouted.

    “Cubone watch out and use protect,” he shouted.

    Cubone could hardly move and Poliwag opened its mouth and shot out a crystal clear blue water gun at the pokemon. It hit Cubone causing it to smack harder into the wall and faint.

    “The winner is Justin,” a referee shouted.

    “Yes, we did it Poliwag,” he shouted.

    “You did a great job Cubone, return,” he said as he returned his beaten ground type.

    Justin returned his Poliwag to its pokeball and Dirk returned Cubone to its ball.

    “Well, I am impressed. You did very well and earned yourself the Dust Badge,” he said smiling handing Justin the circular badge with dust like spots on it.

    “Thank you,” Justin said putting it in a small case he brought.

  23. #23
    Elite Trainer
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    A few mistakes I noticed: In chapter 4, when Justin goes to the Pokemon center, you put Dan instead of Justin somewhere. A few homonym problems here and there. In chapter 5, "responsible", not "reasonable". That's about it.

    I love your battles; although the Pokemon themselves aren't strong, there's still roon for tactics and stuff, and I like how you utilize that. Sometimes, it seems as if tactics and strategy only come in with strong Pokemon, and it really shouldn't be that way.

    I noticed that your dialogue can be weird at times, though. People generally use a whole lot of contractions; they hardly ever say "I am", using "I'm" instead. It's just little details that make dialogue more real. I also noticed that everyone seems to say "I choose you, *insert Pokemon here*!" I think there could be a bit more variety there.

    Justin's dad's death was a good plot twist, and it sure sets the fic apart from the trainer fics that only have being a Pokemon Master as their goals; keep it up.
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
    2007 Silver Pencils: Winner of Best Poem (Death Sonnet -- Untitled)
    2004 Silver Pencils: Winner of Nicest Fanficcer & Least Likely Couple (with PancaKe)
    Former 3-time winner of Most Dedicated Reader at the Fanfiction Forums
    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

  24. #24
    Master Trainer
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    Hey Xtina. I just checked this out, cos I've been looking around for some new fanfics, and this one's pretty good! Nice description in there, there's a Kecleon in (thats a BIG BIG plus: my first fic had a Kecleon in! ^^) and it all seems pretty well organised in terms of punctuation and grammar. Well done!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  25. #25
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    MistySakura: THanks! I will go back and quuick fix that. I guess I didn't even notice that. It gets confusing sometimes writing two fixs. SOon that wont be a problom. Also, I will check out the battle scenes and re write that I choose you part. Thanks again.

    Brit Chris: THanks! I am glad you like it and its a big plus with Kecleon. When I started almost a year ago, I only seen a few in fics, so I decided that I would put it in. I try to use Under Used pokes in the fic as much as possible. Thanks again.

    Thanks for the replies and voews. Sorry I put three chapters out in three days. I wanted to get a few out so for a while I can concintrate on Mysteries That Await. Thanks again people! See ya later!

  26. #26
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    Here is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. It's a fun one and enjoy it!

    __________________________________________South Pacific


    “Now, I give you part one of your puzzle,” Dirk said as he took out a Small board and a sticker and handed them to Justin.

    “Thank you,” he said as he put the first sticker on.

    “Now that you have the first piece you are now closer to finishing it and then go in search of the legendary item,” he said.

    “What kind if item?” he asked. Justin was curious to know what he would be looking for.

    “For that I can not tell you. You will have to find out when the time comes,” he replied. He knew it was something big and he had a feeling Justin could do it like the other people who have passed by.

    “Oh, ok! Now I have to ask you something, do you know anything about Team Eevee?” he asked.

    “No, but I have heard stuff on the news, why?” he asked. He wondered why he even cared about an evil group.

    “Just wondering, bye!” Justin said as he turned around to leave.

    “Bye, and good luck,” he replied.

    Justin exited the gym and started off to the pokemon center. He walked down the dusty sidewalk to the giant red and white center which looked like a giant pokeball. He walked up and opened the door that made some dust fly into the air. As he walked in he noticed only a few trainers. Over at what seemed to by a rest area was a male trainer with a Nidorino. Then at the phone was a young female with a Taillow on her shoulder. Then over to the right were two trainers at a trading machine trading a Horsea and a Charmander.

    “Hello young man, may I help you?” a nurse at a desk in the middle of the place asked.

    Dan walked up and took his two pokeballs off his waist.

    “Um, yea, could you heal my pokemon please?” he asked politely.

    “Sure, please put you pokeballs in that box on the right and give them to me,” she replied.

    “Ok,” he replied as he took a box and placed his lure ball and pokeball in the box.

    He handed them to the nurse and then she took them. She then walked into a back room and placed them into a large blue machine with “Healer” written on it. The machine started to make a weird whistling noise for a few seconds then stopped. The nurse left the room and came back out to the desk.

    “Your pokemon will be healed soon, I will call you over when they are done,” she said with a nice smile.

    “Thank you,” he replied.

    “No problem,” she said.

    Justin walked away and went to the rest area. He walked down two stairs and went and sat on the red seat that goes around in a circle with a fire place in the middle. Next to him was a young girl about 13 with his Treecko and then on the other side of him was a young guy around 13 also with a Totodile.

    “Cool, pokemon,” Justin said to the girl. He was fascinated to see such an amazing pokemon and girl.

    “Thanks, do you have any?” she asked. She wondered if he to was a trainer. She looked but could see no pokemon by him.

    “Yes, but there healing right now,” Justin replied. He looked back by the counter.

    “Cool, so what pokemon do you have?” she asked. She was curous to know what other pokemon were out there.

    “I have a Poliwag and a Kecleon. Is that your only pokemon?” he asked.

    “No, I have a Pidgey as well and that’s it for now,” she replied.

    “Cool, are you traveling alone?” he asked.

    “Yea, it’s boring, I just got here and I don’t know anyone,” she replied.

    “Oh. I am sorry. Why did you come here?” Justin asked.

    “I came to catch some new pokemon to bring over to Hoenn for the Professor Birch,” she replied.

    “Cool,” he replied.

    “Are you from here?” she asked.

    “Yea, I just started here,” he replied.

    “Cool, what is your name? I am Keri,” she replied.

    “I am Justin,” he replied.

    Keri is a 13 year old girl from Little Root. She has a mom and Dad named Sarah and Kyle. She has black hair, brown eyes, about 5’4”, slim, and is very beautiful. She is wearing a light blue t-shirt and short dark blue jean shorts. She has a small aqua colored back pack which carries her pokeballs and other supplies.

    “That’s a cool name, can I ask you a question?” she asked.

    “Uh…sure,” he said with a smile.

    “Ok, can I come along with you; I just don’t want to travel around here alone. Is that ok?” she asked.

    “Sure, it will be nice having company,” he replied with a bigger smile.

    “Great, when do you want to leave?” she asked.

    “Well, I want to get my pokemon first then since it is getting dark tomorrow morning,” he replied.

    “Ok, sounds great!” she replied happily.

    Then from across the pokemon center the nurse said, “Sir with the lure ball, your pokemon are ready.”

    Justin heard and got up and walked over to the desk. He went up to the counter and found the box with his two pokemon in it.

    Thank you,” he said.

    “Your welcome, come again,” she replied.

    Justin walked back over with his pokeball and lure ball and sat down. He put his pokeball on his belt on his side and tossed Poliwag’s pokeball up. The different colored blue ball opened up releasing a red beam. The beam hit the floor and the pokemons silhouette came out. The beam faded and went back into the ball causing it to close leaving the pokemon out. “Poliwag,” the tadpole pokemon shouted.

    “Wow, that’s a cute pokemon, I never seen a shiny Poliwag before!” she said.

    “Yea, my mom and dad got it special for me,” he replied.

    “So what happened to your starting pokemon?” she asked.

    “This is it,” he replied.

    “Oh, you don’t have a Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip?” she asked.

    “Yea, why?” he asked.

    “Well, I thought trainers start with one of them,” she replied.

    “Well, in Hoenn you get them and in other places you can get different pokemon. But here you have the choice of receiving one from somebody like a family member and such or going to your local professor,” he replied.

    “Oh, cool,” she said. “Tomorrow you want to battle?”

    “Sure, how about are starters?” he asked.

    “But I have the advantage isn’t that now fare?” she asked.

    “I think it is fare I battle any pokemon with Poliwag because I have faith it will win,” he replied.

    “Ok, cool, tomorrow will be Treecko vs. Poliwag,” she said happily.

    “I am going to sleep now, see you in the morning,” he said moving down a bit and laying down with poliwag next to him.

    “See ya in the morning,” she said as she laid down with Treecko going over and talking to Poliwag.

    The lights soon faded and then turned off with just the light of the flames burning lighting the room. Poliwag and Treecko talked for a bit and then went to sleep next to their trainers. The night slowly faded into day as every slept and dreamt away. Hours passed and the sun began to rise in the east to the start of a fresh day.

    “Wake up!” Keri said as she shacked Justin violently.

    “What? A few more minutes,” he said in a raspy voice.

    Keri kept shacking and he still wouldn’t wake up. Poliwag looked directly at its trainer and shot a small blue water gun at his face.

    “AW, I am awake, I am awake,” he said wiping his face.

    Poliwag fell back laughing its name. Treecko watched and laughed as well. Justin got up and stretched his arms and legs for a new day and a battle in the morning. Keri grabbed her small bag and slipped it over her shoulders and was ready to go. Justin picked up Poliwag and carried it out of the pokemon center and Treecko walked next to its owner on they way out.

    “Be safe and come again,” the nurse at the desk said waving good bye.

    “Bye,” they both said happily. They exited the pokemon center and started going north to the Zarlio Forest which would lead them to the next town and badge. They kept walking through the dusty sidewalks to the exit.

    “When we going to battle?” Keri asked.

    “When we get to the forest so dust doesn’t fly everywhere,” he replied.

    “Ok, good,” she said happily.

    They kept walking through the dust till a sign came up saying “Zarlio Forest where magical things can happen!”

    “Magical thins, I wonder what that means,” Justin said to himself.

    They kept walking and the dust started to melt into the ground and they could now see a black paved path. They each walked to one side and got ready for battle. Poliwag jumped from his arms and got ready and Treecko walked up for battle.

    “Ready?” Keri asked.

    “You bet, Poliwag use water gun,” he shouted.

    “Treecko use pound attack now,” she asked her pokemon.

    Poliwag opened its mouth and released an ongoing stream of cold blue water at the tree gecko pokemon. Treecko jumped out and dodged it and went behind the tadpole and whacked it with its tail. Poliwag got knocked forward but got right back up.

    “Great job Treecko, now use absorb,” she shouted.

    “Poliwag use double slap now,” he said.

    Poliwag stood there and watched Treecko run forward. Treecko got closer and opened its mouth ready to suck its energy but Poliwag turned around and started to smack the pokemon as it got close with its slimy thin tail. Treecko was slapped a few times and then fell back getting out of the tails way.

    “Poliwag use bubble,” Justin shouted.

    “Treecko, quick attack,” Keri said.

    Poliwag opened its mouth and shot out 5 clear blue outlined bubbles at Treecko but it moved so fast and quickly ran and hit Poliwag 3 times on its sides. Poliwag spun around and fell down.

    “Poliwag, you ok?” he asked.

    Poliwag got back up and looked like it could go on still.

    “Treecko use growl,” she shouted.

    “Poliwag use tail whip,” he shouted.

    Treecko opened its mouth and let out a horrid scream which made Poliwag bug out and run around.

    “Poliwag you can do it, block it out,” he shouted.

    “Keep growling,” she said.

    Poliwag kept running around and started to run toward Treecko. Treecko still growling Poliwag ran directly into the gecko causing it to stop and fly back.

    “Wow, good job Poliwag!” he shouted happily.

    “Can you get up?” Keri asked to her pokemon.

    Treecko moved around and got back up. Poliwag and Treecko still were able to go. They were a little weak but they wanted to win really bad.

    “Poliwag use tackle,” he shouted.

    “Treecko use quick attack,” she said.

    The gecko started running around Poliwag extremely fast, and then Poliwag leaped forward missing the pokemon and falling down. Treecko cam back around and slammed right into the tadpole causing it fly forward to where some dust was. The dust flew into the air causing it to be unclear what Poliwag was doing.

    “Poliwag are you ok?” he asked.

    As soon as he said that a bright light shined from the dust and a dark figure started to appear which was looking much bigger than Poliwag.

    “Poliwag you ok?” he asked in worry that another pokemon was there.

    “Poli, Poliwhirl!” the pokemon said.

    “Could it be?” Keri asked.

    “I don’t know,” Justin replied.

    The dust slowly fell back to the ground revealing a taller poliwag with arms and larger legs. The pokemon came forward and got back to fight the now scared gecko.

    “Wow, you evolved!” he shouted as he looked at the big light blue Poliwhirl.

    “Treecko who cares use quick attack now,” she asked of her pokemon.

    “Poliwhirl use mega punch,” he shouted.

    Treecko started to run around and Poliwhirl just sat there waiting for it to come. Then Treecko came running forward to hit it and Poliwhirl moved its arm back it swung it forward knocking Treecko back far into the ground

    “Wow,” Justin said in shock.

    “Treecko you ok?” Keri said running to her pokemon.

    Treecko moved its head up and then it fell back down.

    “Yes we did it Poliwhirl!” Justin said.

    Poliwhirl looked back happily and sprayed a water gun at Justin making him fly back and hit the ground.

    “Ow,” he said getting back up and rubbing his back.

    “Ha, your pokemon is funny!” Keri said recalling her pokemon.

    “Oh, yeah,” he said returning Poliwhirl.

    Two pokeballs flew into the air and opened up. Two red lights hit both pokemon sucking them back in and closing. The balls returned to Justin and Keri’s hand and they both put them back on their belts.
    “Ya know, I think I am going to head off on my own now for a bit to see what else is out around here and maybe I will catch up with you later!” Keri said with a smile.

    “Fine with me, but if you need anything come and find me,” Justin said as he started to part form his new best friend.

    “See ya around babe,” she said as she walked off into the distance.

    “Bye,” Justin said as he waved bye. He was now back on his own. He thought it was a good thing incase he ran into Eevee again.

    Hope you all liked it. See ya all later!

  27. #27
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    This is really an amazing story.Keep up the great work.

  28. #28
    Elite Trainer
    Elite Trainer

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    Not bad, but not one of your best, no offense. The bit where Justin started talking with Keri needed quite a bit more description; I don't see what's so amazing about her. Teh battle was okay, with the evolution and stuff, but too many "shouted"s for my liking, and again the description could have been better -- it seemed to be a pretty boring battle until Poliwag evolved. Also, it seemed a bit confusig how Keri wanted to join Justin at first, then split up with him after one battle.

    Now for the good stuff! Poliwag/whirl was good, bringing a bit of humor into the story. The legendary item's got me intrigued; a nice touch instead of just battling.

    Hope the next chapter's cool!
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
    2007 Silver Pencils: Winner of Best Poem (Death Sonnet -- Untitled)
    2004 Silver Pencils: Winner of Nicest Fanficcer & Least Likely Couple (with PancaKe)
    Former 3-time winner of Most Dedicated Reader at the Fanfiction Forums
    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

  29. #29
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    SSMGoku: Thanks, hope you enjoy the rest.

    Mistysakura: Thanks for your onesty. When I wrote it, it was just a quick thing I did. Mostly just a filler with the evolution. Keri was a newcomer and wanted someone but when she realized she could do so much more by herself like he did, she waned to try it out. But Keri might be making a stop back later on. I am not to sure yet. Yea, you will see more about it in every gym battle and it is mentioned a few times in regular chapters. I planned out how it will be at the end I think everyone will like it. But that wont be for a long time. Also I know what you mean with the shouted thing. I got carried away. When I started this I always used shouted and said but then I used this thing on my computer to get more interesting words to use and say for the chapters.

    Well the next chapter will be out later tonight after some editing and such. I always like to add some fresh things into the mix of it. Also if you read Mysteries That Await, the last part of chapter 5 will be out and then I will start work on the last few chapters because it is going to be fun to write. Also in planning. I have a great story which I hope everyone will like. The idea came to me and I will definitally need opions on it after I finish MTA and do a few chapters of South Pacific. Thanks for the replies and views. See ya all later.

  30. #30
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    As I promised, here is the next chapter. We get to meet up with are loveable crazy psycho pal Jen and her love of a new pokemon. Enjoy!

    South Pacific

    Slow Down Jen

    “Taillow use wing attack!” Jen shouted.

    “Caterpie use tackle!” the other trainer shouted.

    The blue bird pokemons wings started to glow a bright white as it flew down to hit the green caterpillar. Caterpie didn’t know how to tackle a flying pokemon and stayed in the same position looking confused.

    “Come on Caterpie!” the trainer shouted.

    Caterpie didn’t listen and laid there, as Taillow came flying down and hitting it with its glowing wing causing it to fall back and faint.

    “Return, Go Voltorb,” the mad trainer said as he took out another pokeball and returning Caterpie.

    “Taillow get ready, this should be easy,” Jen said laughing.

    “Voltorb use Thunder shock!” he shouted.

    “Taillow use gust to blow it away!” she shouted.

    Taillow started to flap its wings rapidly to create a small tornado like wind and as it was doing that, Voltorb started to roll around in a circle and then let off a bright yellow lighting bolt of its body. Taillow released the small tornado wind at the small bolt that was coming up towards it. The bolt went right through the wind hitting Taillow causing yellow light to surround the bird’s body. The gust on the other hand went to Voltorb causing it to roll around. Taillow started to twitch around in the air causing it to flutter around and then fall on the ground smashing its head into the dirt.

    “Return Taillow, Let’s fight Mankey!” she shouted.

    “Great job Voltorb,” he said.

    A red and white pokeball flew into the air from Jen’s hands. The ball opened up releasing a bright red light that hit the ground revealing a silhouette of a pokemon. The light faded and went back into the ball causing it to close back up. Then the ball went back to Jen’s hand and then became small. Out of the light came the small peach colored monkey pokemon. It started jumping around and screaming its name like a crazy animal.

    “Mankey, use your karate chop!” she shouted.

    “Voltorb, use thunder shock,” he said.

    Voltorb started to roll around again to conduct electricity while Mankey ran forward with its hand high in the air. Voltorb then released a small yellow lighting bolt at Mankey but Mankey quickly dodged it and ran forward and smacked Voltorb in the head with the side of its paw. Voltorb was pushed backwards from the force of the hit and rolled into a small patch of grass on the hard dirt road.

    “Voltorb use tackle,” he said.

    “Mankey use tackle,” she said.

    Voltorb rolled on over and started to roll fast towards the small monkey. Mankey ran forward toward the small rolling ball. The two got close and Mankey jumped and Voltorb bounced up and they slammed right into each other causing them to both fly back and hit the ground hard.

    “Voltorb finish this with explosion!” he shouted.

    “Mankey try and dodge it,” she shouted.

    Mankey didn’t hear her because it was still recovering and then Voltorb rolled on over and started to glow a bright white color and then a huge explosion followed. Dust and dirt flew everywhere as the smoke covered the air like a blanket. The trainers watched in anticipation to see is Mankey made it through the blast. The smoke finally dispatched from the air and revealed both pokemon on the ground fainted.

    “You did great,” they both said at the same time to their fainted pokemon.

    They each took out a pokeball and tossed it up causing them to opened up. Two white lights came out and each hit one of the fainted pokemon and returned them back to the red and white ball. The balls closed and went back to the trainers hands.

    “I choose you Vaporeon!” he shouted as he tossed out a blue and black ball also known as a net ball.

    The ball opened up and released a bright red light that hit the dirt ground. Out of the ball came the blue water pokemon that evolved from an Eevee using a water stone. The ball closed and went back to his hand.

    “Come out my Spanish Lombre!” she shouted as she tossed the blue, purple, and green pokeball also known as the friend ball.

    The ball opened up releasing a red light that hit the dirt ground. The light let out the pokemon and then the ball closed up then went to Jen’s hand.

    “Why is your pokemon wherein a sombrero?” he asked.

    “We were at a store once and it wanted it so I bought it for it, why you got a problem with that Mr. I am to cool to get my pokemon a hat!” she shouted with a pissed off face.

    “No, it is fine and while you’re at it, tell it to stop dancing like it has maracas,” he said laughing.

    The different colored green pokemon has a light brown and green sombrero and had sticks in its hands acting like it was shaking maracas. It looked like it was at a Mexican party and it sure was acting like the life of the party.

    “Who cares? Lombre use nature power!” she shouted.

    “Vaporeon use water gun!” he shouted.

    Lombre started dancing a round and a cool breeze blew and five medium sized stars shot out of the air directly at Vaporeon. The water pokemon tried to dodge it but it couldn’t and was hit on the side causing it to fall down. After a few seconds it got back up and shot a cool stream of water at the dancing pokemon. Lombre danced to the right missing the attack.

    “Dam-,” he said as he was interrupted my Jen.

    “Ha, you go Lombre and use leech seed!” she shouted with laughter.

    “Vaporeon use tackle!” he shouted.

    Vaporeon started to run fast at the dancing pokemon but was stopped as it shot 5 tiny seeds at the pokemon. The seeds busted open and covered the pokemon in vines. The vines started to do weird like sparks that hit Vaporeon’s body causing it to moan in pain. Lombre started dancing more as it was healing up from an earlier battle.

    “Vaporeon break free of the vines and use tackle!” he shouted.

    “Lombre use sunny day!” she shouted.

    The sun started to glow brighter over the two trainer’s pokemon battle and things started to get hot. Jen started to smile bright as the sun glowed on her skin. She felt warmth all over and she liked it since she would get a quick tan.

    “Vaporeon hurry up!” he shouted as his pokemon struggled.

    “Want to see my pokemons new attack it learned yesterday?” she said laughing. She knew she was going to win.

    “No!” he shouted.

    “Ha, to late, Lombre use solorbeam!” she shouted.

    Lombre opened its mouth and shot out a huge white beam that hit Vaporeon causing it to get shot back and fall into some bushes. Vaporeon did not move and the vine fell from its body. Lombre started dancing around screaming its name in joy.

    “Great job Lombre!” Jen shouted as she ran and hugged her crazy pokemon.

    “Vaporeon return, you are really strong you know. You should evolve that thing so it can become stronger,” he said recalling his pokemon.

    “No, I like him just the way he is!” she said happily as she took out the friend ball and returned her Mexican pokemon back.

    The two pokemon returned to their pokeballs and the tow trainer shacked hands in a battle well done.

    “See ya around,” he said as he walked off.

    “BYE THANKS FOR LOSING!” she shouted loudly scaring a group of Pidgey in a nearby tree making them flutter away like a bunch of Butterfree.

    Jen then started too walked around in the forest looking for some pokemon to catch. She was so happy with her big battle win, she started to sing.

    “I am the best, I am better then the rest, I can’t be beat, I have tired feet, I have a strong Mexican papi, when he eats he’s not to sloppy, I have a crazy monkey, that no one can flee, I have a high flying bird pokemon, I think I might name it Don, I sure can’t sing, I want to battle some one named Tim!” she said laughing. “Wow, I have no life, well yea I do!”

    Jen continued through the small forest like place until she came up to a small little pond like area. There were flowers, small little pink bushes, green grass, and a big oak tree hovering over the pond. She ran on over and stuck her face in the water to clean the sweat off her face. She picked her face back up and some water fell down into the clear blue water causing ruffles to show. Then as she opened her eyes and the ruffles stopped she looked to see herself in the water. As she looked she noticed to have a pink face and it looked weird.

    “WHAT IS GOING ON? I LOOK LIKE A FREAK!” she shouted.

    She got her hand and slapped it into the water. As she did she grabbed on to something they was right below the water. She grabbed the thing and pulled it out of the water.

    “I AM STILL BEAUTIFUL!” she shouted.

    She put the pokemon on the ground as she jumped up and down that she wasn’t ugly after all. Then she squatted down in front of the pokemon to find out it was just starring at her.

    “Why aren’t you doing anything?” she asked as she picked it up.

    The pokemon then surprised her and jumped on top of her head and said its name. Jen grabbed the pokemon and put it back on the ground.

    “What the hell do you think your doing?” she shouted,

    The pokemon just stayed there looking at her moving its head side ways wondering what she was doing..

    “What’s that on your head?” she said as she grabbed the grey stoned crown like object. “Wait this must be a Kings Rock! I learned about this in school, but only certain pokemon can use it to evolve.”

    The pokemon looked at her and said its name again. Jen put the Kings Rock in her side pocket and then took out a pink and red pokeball called a love ball. The pokeball is used to catch pokemon of the opposite gender and Jen knew it had to be a guy because it was a brighter pink than other the female.

    “You seem easy to catch, love ball go!” she shouted as she tossed the pokeball at the pokemon.

    The ball went up and then down towards the pokemon but the pokemon then dodged it some how and was further to the right of the ball that hit the ground. Jen picked back up the ball and put it back and took out a red and white pokeball.

    “Taillow, come on out!” she said.

    The pokeball flew up and opened up releasing the tiny blue pokemon. The tiny bird pokemon flew out as the ball returned to Jen’s hand.

    “Taillow use wing attack!” she called out.

    Taillow flew down as its wings started to glow a bright white color. The pokemon didn’t see it coming but managed to dodge the attack. Taillow flew back up in shock.

    “Taillow surround it in a big circle with double team!” she shouted.

    Taillow flew on down and started to make about 30 copies or so around the bright pink pokemon. It looked around dazed and confused like a drunken person on New Years Eve.

    “Taillow now use peck attack,” she said.

    The pokemon was caught off guard as the real Taillow came from behind and finally pecked the pokemon causing it to roll over a few times and land back on its feet. Then the pokemons eyes grew a dark blue as Taillow was lifted from the ground and thrown into the oak tree.

    “Wow, return Taillow, Mankey your turn!” Jen exclaimed as she returned Taillow and sent out her crazy monkey pokemon. “Mankey use karate chop attack now!”

    After the pokemon was released from the light it ran towards the pokemon with its hand up high and leaped up confusing the pokemon and went behind it and smacked it in the back causing the pokemon to scream “SLOW!”

    “Great now use low kick!” she announced.

    Mankey then quickly kicked the pokemon in the gut causing it to scream its name again. The pokemon seemed weak enough and Jen took out the love ball.

    “Love ball go!” she shouted as she tossed it out.

    The pokeball opened up and a pink beam was released that hit the pokemon. The pink energy was sucked into the ball and closed. The ball dropped to the ground and started to shake and shake for five minutes.

    “Oh my god, are you caught or what?” she confusingly asked.

    The pokeball kept on shaking and shaking and finally stopped after 10 minutes of shaking. Jen’s eyes bulged out and ran and picked up the pokeball. She ran over and waked up Mankey who fell asleep from waiting.

    “Look, we did it Mankey!” she shouted as she returned Mankey and released the pokemon.

    The love ball opened up and a pink beam hut the ground causing a few heart to go around the pokemon. The pink light went back into the ball and closed up. Jen put the ball back and looked for her pokemon that disappeared.

    “WHAT THE!” she shouted as the pokemon jumped from behind her and landed in her hair again. “You got to be kidding me!”

    “Slow…..Poke!” the pokemon shouted as it lay on top of her head.

    “Well, better get used to this!” she said as she fell over because the pokemon was too heavy. “OW!”

    The pokemon fell off and rolled to the side and then walked back over and lay next to Jen. You could tell Slowpoke was a male pokemon because of all the affection it was giving her. Slowpoke moved its entire body around her legs making a purr like sound. It was acting like a frisky cat.

    “Why do you have to be so stupid?” she asked.

    Slowpoke just looked at her smiling as it snuggled up next to her. Jen got back up startling her new pokemon. It jumped up and acted all defensive and then seemed sad. But then it walked back by her and lay down on her foot gently moving its head on her leg.

    “I can only imagine what you’re going to be like when you evolve,” Jen said to the dopey pokemon.

    She took out the love ball and returned the pokemon back to the ball. The ball sucked it back up and closed then went to Jen’s hand again. She then placed the ball back onto her side and was off again.

    “I wonder how Justin is doing?” she thought to herself. “Probably having a hella good time!” She started to realize she missed him and wanted to join back up with him. She missed having someone to annoy and talk to about all her dumb problems.

    Thanks for reading! Here is a preview of the next chapter,

    South Pacific__________________________________________

    ________________________________Chimes of the Forest!___

    The two Eevee’s heads started to glow a bright white and then they both charged on over to Poliwhirl and Chimecho. Poliwhirl sucked its stomach in and shot out a stream of cold blue water at one of the fox like pokemon and Chimecho shot five purple metallic rings at the other one. The water gun blasted the one Eevee into the car and Chimecho attack left the Eevee cold in its tracks confused and dazed.

    “Eevee’s get up and battle!” they both shouted.

    The Eevee that was hit by the psybeam slowly moved around and then started shaking its head. It snapped out of confusion and was ready for battle again.

    “Good job, Eevee use sand attack!” Tami shouted.

    There it is. See ya all later!

  31. #31
    Elite Trainer
    Elite Trainer

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    Not bad! That Slowpoke was hilarious. Was there a reason you didn't tell us what it was until halfway through? If I'd thought about it I would have realized it was a Slowpoke, but I guess I'm just as slow as it is so there was a bit of suspense there.

    The battle was okay. The other trainer was a bit stupid at first; what do you mean, tackle a Flying Pokemon? But he got better as the battle went. I gues he wasn't so ignorant after all, but I'd have expected him to act stupid a bit more. Just my opinion.

    And Jen should slow down.
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
    2007 Silver Pencils: Winner of Best Poem (Death Sonnet -- Untitled)
    2004 Silver Pencils: Winner of Nicest Fanficcer & Least Likely Couple (with PancaKe)
    Former 3-time winner of Most Dedicated Reader at the Fanfiction Forums
    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

  32. #32
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    Mistysakura: Thanks! Slowpoke will bring comedy in every chapter its in. I didn't say it till around the end fr suspense like you said and some people might not know what it was because they might not have seen it in the show or game. After this chapter Jen returns...for good! It will give the story some more comedy and Justin a partner to travel with.

    SO here is the next chapter, hope you all like. Kinda fillerish but you find out some more about Eevee.

    South Pacific__________________________________________

    ________________________________Chimes of the Forest!___

    “Poliwhirl, finish it with water gun!” Justin shouted.

    “Sandslash try and dodge it and use slash!” the trainer shouted.

    The big blue water pokemon sucked its stomach in and then released a jet of crystal clear water at the brown colored mole pokemon. Sandslash tried to move but got hit dead on and got smacked into the side of a rose bush. The pokemon did not move and Justin won.

    “Great job Poliwhirl!” he shouted as Poliwhirl turned around and shot a stream of water at Justin’s face making Justin fall back.

    “Good job, return Sandslash!” the trainer said returning his pokemon to its pokeball.

    Justin and the trainer tossed up the pokemons pokeballs into the air. The balls opened up releasing a light that caused the pokemon to be sucked into the ball. After the pokemon were in the ball closed and then the ball went back to their hands. Justin the lure ball back on his belt and was all set to go.

    “That was a great battle, you are really strong, see you around,” a trainer said shaking Justin’s hand.

    “Same to you, but you almost beat me with your Sandslash!” he said. “Bye!”

    “Bye!” the trainer said walking away on the black paved road towards Dust Dull Town.

    Justin started back up walking through Zarlio Forest on the black paved road. He keeps walking until he sees a sign up a head that reads, “Forest of Chimes ~ Old Lady Chime 10 feet away~”

    “Old Lady Chime? That’s a weird name for a person,” he said to himself as he kept on walking.

    As he started to walk about 3 feet he started to here wind chimes from up a head. He kept on walking for about 5 more feet and the sound grew louder. Finally after walking 10 feet in the beautiful green forest a house appeared on the left. It appeared to be a light blue one story house with dark blue shutters on the two windows on each side. In the middle by the front door hanged tons and tons of amazing wind chimes blowing around in the air.

    “Wow, this place is just wow,” he said to himself. “Hello, is anybody here?”

    No one answered so Justin walked up the grass to the front door. As he passed he made the chimes make lots of noise. He looked up and noticed one was a pokemon.

    “You’re a cool looking pokemon!” he said as he took off his pokedex from his side.

    He put it up to the pokemon and a red light flashed.

    Chimecho, the psychic pokemon, this pokemon is very rare and not much is known about it.

    “Sounds cool!” he said. Then he knocked on the door and said, “Hello, is anybody home?”

    Soon the door opened up and an old lady opened the door. She was about 5’5”, grey hair, and looked very nice.

    “Well hello, can I help you?” she asked.

    “I seen a sign up about 10 feet that way and this place sounds interesting,” he replied.

    “Oh, well how about that, let me get my shoes and I will meet you outside with some of my friends,” she said heading back inside.

    “Ok,” he said waling out to a near by table.

    After a few minutes the lady came walking out in an old looking blue dress and 13 Chimecho. They all walked out chattering away and then all sat around Justin at the table. The Chimecho were very amazing creatures with the variety of color in their skin made them glisten in the wind. The amazing blues, pinks, reds, and yellows made the pokemon the most fascinating creature around.

    “Wow, that’s a lot of Chimecho!” he said in shock.

    “Thanks, I been raising them for years, they are my favorite pokemon,” she said happily.

    The Chimecho started to go around chasing each other around the huge yard with tons of green grass. Then every time the wind blew the pokemons tail like leg made a chime noise.

    “Why do they make that noise?” Justin asked.

    “They make that noise because they come from old Japanese wind chimes and that part of there body is sensitive and makes that noise,” she replied.

    “Wow, you are lucky to have all these rare pokemon,” he said smiling.

    “Yea, if I lost them I would end up being lost to,” she replied.

    Justin and the old sat and continued to watch the stunning pokemon go around making amazing sounds from the wind. The pokemon continued going around laughing about and having fun. The Chimecho then all put their small hands together and started to spin around in a circle making the sound even greater.

    “Wow, that’s amazing! How come that Chimecho don’t dance with them?” Justin asked.

    “I am not sure, it always hangs out in the chimes, I guess it feels like it was one of them,” she replied.

    The Chimecho stayed hanging on to the strings of other chimes and stayed there with its eyes closed. It blended in well with the others but seemed sad.

    “I am going to go check it out,” he said.

    “Be careful, I am not sure what it will do.” She said with a worried look.

    Justin got up and walked up to the front door where the Chimecho was by. He walked up to it and started to examine it.

    “Hi, why wont you go play with your friends?” he asked.

    The Chimecho opened its eyes and seen Justin staring straight at it. It got an angry look on its face and smacked Justin in the face with its tail leg.

    “Ow, sorry,” Justin said walking away.

    “Are you ok?” the old lady said.

    Justin looked at her with a happy face and then rubbing his face. He went back over and sat down on the red bench which was part of the table.

    “Come with me, we will get some ice for that,” she said getting up and walking to the door.

    Justin followed as they entered the small home. It looked to have a few rooms, a living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and bed room. They walked through a light blue hall that went straight through the house into the kitchen and dining room.

    The dining room had a small black table with four black chairs going around it. Then on the floor was 14 bowls for the Chimecho, then the walls were also painted a light blue like the outside and hallway. On the right was a small kitchen with a stove, sink, counter, microwave, and a small fridge with freezer. The old lady opened up the freezer and took out a tray with ice in it.

    “Now, could you go to the counter and get me some paper toweling please?” she asked.

    “Sure,” Justin replied as he went over and took 3 pieces of paper toweling and handed them to the old lady.

    The lady took out 5 small ice cubes and placed them on one of the paper toweling and rapped them up and then put the other two on and rapped them up.

    “Here you-,” she said as she was interrupted by the pokemon screaming.

    The old lady dropped the paper toweling full of ice and ran for the door with Justin following. She looked out side to see two females dragging a big bag away and then putting it in a car.

    “What are you doing?” the lady screamed angrily.

    “Were taking your pokemon, what does it look like were doing?” one of the girls said.

    “Hey, it’s Team Eevee!” Justin shouted. “Leave the pokemon alone!”

    “Oh, it is you, where’s your snotty noised friend? She not here to help? Ha!” Tami shouted. “Go, Eevee!”

    “Go Eevee!” Krista shouted.

    Two pokeballs got tossed in the air which caused them to open up and release a light that hit the ground. Out of the light formed to dog like pokemon that were all brown with some brown streaks by the neck. The balls closed and went back to Krista and Tami.

    “Fine I choose you Poliwhirl!” Justin shouted as he took out the lure ball and tossed it in the air.

    The different colored blue pokeball opened up releasing a bright light that hit the ground releasing the light blue pokemon. The ball closed and went back to Justin’s hand. Then the Chimecho from the wind chimes came down ready for battle.

    “Hey, I thought you got all the chime pokemon thingies!?” Tami shouted.

    “I thought I did,” she replied acting dumb. “Who cares, Eevee use skull bash!”

    “You to Eevee!” Tami shouted.

    “Poliwhirl use water gun to push them away!” Justin shouted.

    “Chimecho use psybeam to get the other one,” the old lady said pointing to one of the Eevee.

    The two Eevee’s heads started to glow a bright white and then they both charged on over to Poliwhirl and Chimecho. Poliwhirl sucked its stomach in and shot out a stream of cold blue water at one of the fox like pokemon and Chimecho shot 5 purple metallic rings at the other one. The water gun blasted the one Eevee into the car and Chimecho attack left the Eevee cold in its tracks confused and dazed.

    “Eevee’s get up and battle!” they both shouted.

    The Eevee that was hit by the psybeam slowly moved around and then started shaking its head. It snapped out of confusion and was ready for battle again.

    “Good job, Eevee use sand attack!” Tami shouted.

    “Poli-,” Justin said as he was interrupted by the old lady.

    “Let Chimecho do it, Chimecho use Psychic!” she shouted.

    Chimecho’s body started to glow a bright red and made the bag of Chimecho move over to the old lady and Justin as Eevee started kicking sand with its hind legs. It had no effect what so ever on Chimecho. Then the tiny psychic pokemon released a huge energy at Eevee and made it fly back in hit Tami in the gut.

    “Ow, let’s just go now!” Tami said.

    “See you later punk we will kill you just like dear old dad!” Krista shouted.

    “NO!” Justin shouted.

    “Don’t go, I don’t want you to get hurt,” the lady said grabbing his arm.

    The two girls got into the car with their Eevee’s and drove away in the direction of Dust Dull Town.

    “I have to get them!” he shouted.

    “Well, not yet, but I want to give you something to help you,” she said releasing the Chimecho.

    “What’s that?” he asked.

    “Well, since you’re going to gyms and you need to have a strong pokemon for battle, I want to give you my strongest Chimecho to help you along!” she said with a smile. “Also, this is for helping me save my beloved Chimecho!”

    “But I thought you would die with out them?” he asked.

    “Well, I usually give away one every once in a while but only my strong ones and I want you to take the one that battled along side your Poliwhirl,” she said picking it up and handing it to Justin.

    “Thanks, I will take good care of it!” he said hugging it.

    The pokemon smiled and then jumped off and smacked Justin in the leg. Then Poliwhirl blasted Justin in the face with a small water gun.

    “Ow!” he said laughing.

    “Well, guess you will need lots of ice! Or just have Poliwhirl cool you down all the time!” she said laughing.

    “Yea, well return Poliwhirl!” he said taking out a red and white pokeball and a lure ball.

    He tossed the lure ball up which then opened up releasing a light. The light hit Poliwhirl and sucked it back into the ball. Then it went back to Justin’s hand and then Justin threw the regular pokeball down at Chimecho. The ball lightly tapped the pokemon causing the ball to open. A light came out and sucked the pokemon into it and then closed. The ball fell and started to shake on the ground and then after about 3 shakes the ball stopped and a red light flashed in the middle.

    “Thank you very much, it will be very useful for battles!” he said shaking the lady’s hand.

    Justin picked up the lure ball and pokeball and put them onto his belt next to Kecleon.

    “You are very welcome! Come visit sometime so I know how Chimecho is doing,” she said happily.

    “I will!” he said.

    “Bye!” the old lady said waving to Justin.

    “Bye!” Justin said walking away waving at the old lady and the Chimecho.

    All the Chimecho started to shake making a bell sound as a good bye. Justin smiled and headed forward. He sighed with relief that he is getting closer to Team Eevee and that he has a strong pokemon to beat them. He continued walking on the black path as he passed a sign saying, “Zarlio Town ~ ½ miles away”

    “Now time to battle!” he said smiling holding on to Chimecho’s pokeball.

    Hope you all liked it! Thanks for reading. See ya all later.

  33. #33
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    Here is the next chapter. Hope you enjoy.

    South Pacific __________________________________________

    _______________________Feeling the Whirl of Water Pokemon!

    The sun slowly rose to a new day as Justin woke up on a bench outside of Zarlio Town, home of the water gym and the Tide Badge. It was a cool day out but the sun started to shine bright as a flock of Swellow flew by. The Swellow flew right in the direction of the sun making it look like they were going into it.

    “Here I-,” he said to himself but the interrupted by a loud voice.

    “JUSTIN, BABY, DARLING!” a voice said running up behind him.

    “Could it be?” he said as he turned around.

    “JUSTIN!” Jen said running up to him and hugging him.

    Jen hugged him so hard they both fell onto the hard paved ground. Jen got back up and helped Justin back up.

    “OW!” Justin said loudly.

    “Hey, is that how you greet me?” she said laughing.

    “Yea, especially when you wake up and then fall back on pavement!” he said laughing back then rubbing his back.

    “How you doing?” she said in a freaky voice.

    “I been doing fine accept for a few things,” he said still rubbing his back.

    “Like?” she asked.

    “Well, I won my first badge a few days ago and then right after we left my dad died because of Team Eevee,” he said.

    “Oh my god, I am sorry,” she said hugging him but not making him fall over again.

    “Its ok, I am going to find them and make them pay,” he said.

    “I will be there, right by your side!” she said smiling at him.

    Jen was in her blue t-shirt, short blue jeans, and kaki boots. She also had four pokeballs on her belt.

    “Looks like you caught some pokemon there,” Justin said pointing to her belt.

    “Yea, I got Lombre, Mankey, Taillow, and a really annoying Slowpoke!” she replied. “What do you got?”

    “I have a Poliwhirl, Kecleon, and a Chimecho,” he replied.

    “That’s awesome! So where you heading now?” she asked.

    Justin looked at her and then pointed behind him. Jen started to look around to see where he was pointing.

    “Where?” she asked.

    “I am going to the town behind us,” he said.

    “Oh, why?” she asked.

    “Because the water gym is there,” he said.

    “Oh,” she said rolling her eyes.

    Justin and Jen then started walking through the forest to the town entrance. IT started to hear a loud splashing sound as they passed the entrance. Their jaws dropped at what they seen. They whole town was mostly surrounded in water. There was two paths running all around the town that led to the entrances of places and exits of places. Water followed all around and then surrounding the sides of the town are huge waterfalls that fill up the water that is around the paths around the town.

    “Damn,” Jen said walking around.

    “I know, this is amazing,” he said walking down the center path.

    “Hey look at this!” Jen said.

    Justin walked back down and found Jen standing in front of a guide of the town. It said, “Pokemon Center ~ Go down middle path and take the first left, Zarlio Gym ~ Go down middle and take the first right, Poke Mart ~ Take middle path and then the third left, and houses ~ take any path and read signs ~ have a Lovely Day!”

    “Cool!” Jen said. “I like all the swirl thingies!”

    “Ok, lets go to the pokemon center and then to the gym!” he said.

    “Then to the Poke Mart so I can buy some balls!” she said laughing.

    “Ok then!” he said laughing and then heading for the middle path.

    The middle path was amazing; it was made of shiny marble that coved the whole path. The sunlight made it sparkle and shine like it was brand new. They walked down the pathway to the pokemon center and as they were going they could see tons and tons of water pokemon swimming in the water below.

    “Wow, that’s a lot of water pokemon under there!” Jen said in an excited voice.

    “Were not here to catch yet, only to win a badge then you can have your fun with catching,” Justin said as they neared the pokemon center.

    They made a quick left hand turn and walked down to the doors. Justin opened the door and let Jen into the medium sized blue pokemon center. The door closed behind them to a remarkable pokemon center. The walls look as if there was bubbles on them and over in the back by the healing machine is a huge fish tank with Tentacool’s, Tentacruel’s, Horsea’s, and many more water pokemon.

    “Hello, May I help you?” the nurse at the front desk asked.

    “Yea, can you heal are pokemon,” they both said walking up to the light blue counter.

    “Please put your pokeballs in one of the boxes please,” she said nicely.

    They walked on up and grabbed a medium sized box and put all their pokeballs in it and handed them to the nurse.

    “Totodile, come here,” the nurse said.

    All of a sudden a large blue and light blue crocodile came waddling out.

    “That’s a big Totodile!” Justin said.

    “Yea, for some reason it just got bigger over the years,” the nurse said handing the pokeballs to the over grown pokemon.

    The Totodile then brought them to the machine and put them in it and turned it on. Then waddled away to go back and play in its mini pool. It jumped it and started to splash around.

    “Are we allowed to catch pokemon in the water around here?” Justin asked.

    “No, these pokemon are for show and to live here because the water is just right for all water pokemon that come here and since there are rare pokemon in there as well,” she replied.

    “What kind of rare pokemon?” Joey asked getting excited.

    “Well, mostly just evolved form of lots of pokemon like all the evolved forms of Mudkip, Squirtle, and Totodile. They are hard to find and that’s why they are rare,” she said going back to the machine to get the pokeballs.

    “Oh,” Jen said sighing.

    The nurse walked back and picked up the seven pokeballs and put them in the box then brought them back to the counter. Justin took his two pokeballs and lure ball and then Jen took her two pokeballs, love ball, and friend ball. They both put there pokeballs back on their belts and were ready to go.

    “Are you going to the gym?” the nurse asked putting the box away.

    “Yes, why?” Justin asked.

    “Good luck!” she said smiling.

    “Thanks, bye!” Justin said opening the door and letting Jen out.

    “Bye,” the nurse said with a smile.

    They exited the center and up ahead was a huge bubble looking building. It was all blue and was a huge circle with a cup like thing under it to make it stand up. It looked just like the sphere at Epcot in Disney World.

    “Wow, that’s a big ball!” Jen said looking at it.

    “Yup and that’s were we are going,” he said walking forward on the marble path.

    They walked across the path which only took them 20 seconds and they reached the see through doors. They could see it was a huge pool like area with some places for where a pokemon could stand. They opened the doors and went inside. The walls had small water falls coming down and the floor was made of hard glass. Underneath was water with pokemon swimming through it but the tank where the battle was sealed off so no pokemon could interfere.

    “Hi there!” a voice said walking down a path to the leaders side of the arena.

    Soon a beautiful woman appeared, she was about 21, light brown hair with blonde streaks, blue skirt, and a blue bikini top. She walked up hold a lure ball and started to talk.

    “I am Mallory, the Zarlio gym leader, which one of you is here for a challenge?” she asked.

    “I am here to battle,” Justin said walking up to the platform for battle.

    “Ok, let’s have a one on one battle, you ready?” she asked giggling.

    “Let’s go!” he shouted as he gripped onto Chimecho’s pokeball.

    “I choose you Poliwhirl!” she shouted.

    She tossed up the different colored blue pokeball causing it to open up. A light came out and hit the water releasing the blue water pokemon. The ball closed and went back to her hand. Justin was in shock and his hand went from Chimecho’s pokeball to Poliwhirl’s.

    “I choose you Poliwhirl!” he shouted.

    Justin took out his lure ball and tossed it into the air. The ball opened up with the light hitting one of the round platforms in the water. Poliwhirl came out of the light causing sparkles all around and then the light went back into the ball closing then going back to Justin’s hand.

    “Well this is interesting, a shiny Poliwhirl vs. a regular Poliwhirl, let’s begin!” she shouted.

    “Poliwhirl use water gun!” Justin shouted.

    “Poliwhirl use water gun to!” she shouted.

    The two tadpole pokemon sucked there stomachs in and released a huge jet of water at each other. The two powerful water attacks collided into each other making both pokemon use all their might. Mallory’s Poliwhirl kept on spraying as it leaped backwards on to the round platform behind it and kept on spraying.

    “Keep going!” they both shouted.

    The pokemon both listened and kept on spraying. Neither one of them seemed they were getting tired or they were going to back down.

    “Come on Justin’s Poliwhirl!” Jen shouted. “Go, Go, Go, Poliwhirl, it’s your birthday, were gona party like it’s your birthday!”

    “Poliwhirl use hydro pump now!” Mallory shouted.

    Mallory’s Poliwhirl then sucked its stomach in more and its water gun turned into a bigger water attack Justin has ever seen. Soon Poliwhirl’s whole stomach was releasing water at his Poliwhirl. Justin’s Poliwhirl couldn’t take it and got pushed back into the water.

    “Poliwhirl!” Justin shouted.

    “Justin, take this!” Jen said handing Justin the Kings Rock.

    “What’s this?” he asked.

    “Give this to Poliwhirl and it will evolve,” she said holding it in front of him.

    “I don’t know will it still learn attack?” he asked.

    “Yea and it will be much stronger!” she said.

    “I don’t know, it just evolved, it’s too early,” he said. “Let’s see how I do for now. Poliwhirl get up and you try and use a hydro pump!”

    Poliwhirl heard its command and started to suck its stomach in. It then started to shake and water started to shoot out of its stomach. I high powered water attack kept on going straight at the other Poliwhirl and then Mallory’s Poliwhirl used hydro pump and the two power house attacks met.

    “Keep going Poliwhirl!” they both screamed.

    Mallory’s Poliwhirl gave it all it could and finally broke Justin’s Poliwhirl’s attack and pushed it back into the water.

    “Poliwhirl swim under and use double slap,” Justin shouted.

    “Poliwhirl, keep a look out!” she shouted.

    Poliwhirl swam under the water passed where Mallory’s Poliwhirl was standing. It then leaped up behind it and used double slap. Its white hands started to slap the other Poliwhirl hard, back and fourth.

    “Poliwhirl use your double slap!” she shouted.

    The two pokemon then were slapping the crap out of each other, one hand to the right then left and then to the right. The pokemons faces started t turn bright red.

    “Have Poliwhirl use mega punch,” Jen said quietly as she acted like she was scratching her noise.

    “Poliwhirl use a mega punch!” he shouted.

    “Poliwhirl try and dodge it!” she shouted.

    Poliwhirl heard Justin and quickly put its right arm back and made a fist and let it fly causing its fist to glow. It punched the Poliwhirl in the gut causing it to fly in the water hard.

    “Poliwhirl catch!” she said throwing a rock out there.

    Poliwhirl caught the rock and started to glow a bright white. Its body started to grow bigger and wider into a new pokemon, but which evolution, Poliwrath or Politoed? The pokemon came out of the water and stood on the platform, Justin and Jen were in ah at what they saw.

  34. #34
    Elite Trainer
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    I'm betting it's Politoed.

    It's interesting that the Pokemon are basically mimicking each other's moves -- it doesn't seem that Justin's going to win in these circumstances, for Mallory's Poliwhirl was stronger. But the move-copying was a decidedly unusual strategy.

    The description was better in this one, so keep it up!
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
    2007 Silver Pencils: Winner of Best Poem (Death Sonnet -- Untitled)
    2004 Silver Pencils: Winner of Nicest Fanficcer & Least Likely Couple (with PancaKe)
    Former 3-time winner of Most Dedicated Reader at the Fanfiction Forums
    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

  35. #35
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    Well, I have been reading this, just not posting because I was busy this week. The Chimecho house was cool. Too bad you coudln't add the sound of windchimes as you read it though? And this gym battle seems intense, hope Justin's poliwhirl or what ever it may evolve into wins. Sorry Mistysakura, I think Mallory's Poliwhirl will evolve into Poliwrath, so it can keep the same kind of strategy. One question though, if the town Justin and Jen are in, is full of Mudkip, Squirtle and Totodile, then why are they rare?
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  36. #36
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    Mistysakura: Thanks, the rest of there battle will be up tonight or early tomarrow. You have to wait and see what it evolves into.

    Powarn: Thanks! The reason there rare is because you usually don't see them in the wild and to have them there can make them rare since its the only place Jen and Justin seen them. But thanks againa nd like MS you have to wait.

    See ya all later!'

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