...you scare me.

Well, I was bored out of my skull a few Saturdays ago, taking refuge in the bathroom (don't ask), and I just started... drawing. ^_~

I've been experimenting with a new style of drawing. It's kind of in its... beta form right now, but I've been trying to experiment. This picture is a result of said experimentation. ^^;;

Some of you are familiar with how I go on and on about how weird and unusual school is at other forums.. well, it's true. Plus, it's a double-edged sword - some classes are terrible, some are great. The eternal struggle to get by English, but hoping the antics of Math never end.. mitochondria are your friend. ^^;;

For the sake of experimenting (and proving to someone that I can draw someone from school and not have to put up with jokes involving defamation of character lawsuits), I drew a good friend of mine, though it still doesn't look like him.. much. Why I named the file "something," is still beyond me.

However, I know that I'd probably fall over laughing at Daniel and Kyle (the person in the drawing)'s reactions... *snicker*

...yeah. I like newspapers named Jill. ^_~

*waits for tomatoes to be thrown at her*