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Thread: Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

  1. #1

    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Yeah, I decided to be mean, so no LSUs >.>
    Choriko Yamika
    "Woah... It didn't seem this big in the brochure..." I thought out loud. I picked up my bag and my cat's carrier and walked over to where everyone was crowding. I plopped down onto a flight of steps leading to the door. "Reow!" my cat complained. "It's okay Yuki, we'll be going in soon..." I looked around at all of the people. "Wow, there sure are a lot of people..." I said quietly, fixing my skirt. Shortly after, I heard a bell, so I grabbed Yuki and my bag and ran inside.

  2. #2
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    First day at a new school, nice. It was a big castle... Very big. Hooty, my owl, was flapping her wings madly, trying to get out.
    "Look, the sooner you stop flapping around, the sooner we go inside..." I told her, and fed her a mouse to shut her up.
    A bell rang, i picked up my bag and tried to get through the great big oak doors, everyone was trying to push through the door at the same time...
    I was stood next to a girl about the same age as me with a cat carrier, Hooty was trying to peck at it through the bars of her cage.
    "Oy! Hooty! Don't do that!" I shouted, i calmed down and said, "Hey, sorry about that... I'm Crystal, what's your name?"
    "um... Choriko."
    See, i now know someone! YES!
    Do we have houses?

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  3. #3

    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Choriko Yamika
    "Man, you'd think people would be a lot more polite...." I muttered, clinging to my cat carrier and my bag for dear life. I walked through the seemingly endless corridors until I finally reached my home for the next few months: Dorm #135. I opened the creaky old door and glanced around the room. A couple of beds, a dresser, a window. Nothing special. I walked in and was overwhelmed by the stale air. "My god! Did someone die in here or something?!" I shouted to no one, pulling my shirt over my face. I made my way over to the window and attempted to open it, but since the window was most likely 3 days older than dirt, it wouldn't budge. I muttered a spell and the window popped open, letting a fresh late summer breeze in. I opened the door on Yuki's carrier and she crawled out and jumped onto one of the beds. She quickly curled up and fell asleep. I quietly started to unpack. When I finished, I pulled a piece of paper from my bag. "Hmm... what's my first class? Ick, choir...." I muttered to the dresser. I pulled my long hair into a ponytail, fixed my skirt, and dashed out.

  4. #4
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Kalad(yes, he CAN understand what his cat is saying.)
    I walked along the halls to my dorm, my cloak swayingwith my steps, and thinking about how this woud turn out. This is going to be interesting... a new school... and in a CASTLE no less I the spotted a student reading a book on white magic why do so many people find white magic to be so great? I hurried on. there it was, dorm room #666 "meow?" went my pet cat Shade. "I know, you are hungry! you've been telling me that all day!"
    I opened the door, and immediately noticed that the furniture was in better condition than most of the other rooms I had been looking into. It was obviously the room number, because in addition to the furniture there was a LOT of dust. I mumbled an incantation and the dust was swept out of the room by a gust of wind. I set my stuff down and check my schedule, first class, kendo.
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

  5. #5
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    I walked up some stairs to my dorm. Number 215. Cool.
    I opened the door and found the basics of a room, a bed, a wardrobe... Great...
    Hooty was flapping like a mental person... I let her out, she flew out the window.
    "Oooh... What lesson do i have first?" I looked on my time table "Maths??? Great..." I grabbed my school bag, put my books in and ran.
    "Dammit... why am i late for every thing? I know! I'll use a transportation spell!" I used it, i appeared right in front of the door. "Nice, i ought to use that spell more often!" I walked in.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  6. #6
    Traveling Housekeeper Cool Trainer
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Um...Kalad, did you ake a mistake, or are the cat and me named Shade.

    I walked into the room. A boy was already in there.It was the boy who walked past me while i was reading my book. "Hello." I said, not sure of what else to say. "Hi my names Kalad." the boy said. "Shade." I unpacked. "my first class is biology, what's yours?" I said. "Kendo." I went back to reading my book on white magic. I was on chapter5: How to block black magic.

    And he was asked, "What is philosophy?" And he answered, "It is a seperation of soul from body."

  7. #7
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Yep, fireguardian, both you and the kitty are named Shade. Just visited the signups to get my signup to post, and I noticed it.

    Oh, BTW...folks, it would be nice if you posted your signups here sometime, just so that everyone knows who everyone is and to remember classes.

    Name: Kulaera Azu (responds to Ku or Kula as well)
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female (of course!)
    Appearance: Fairly tall (around 5'8"), with waist-length, brilliant red-gold hair usually kept in a braid, and deep jade green eyes. Outside her dorm, she wears the school uniform (duh), but around the dorm, she wears a blue strapless bikini top under a black vest, black pants that come down to mid-calf, and black sneakers. She has a tattoo on her lower back of a crescent moon trailing stars, done in black, silver, and gold, and another tattoo on her upper arm of a green and silver Celtic cross.
    Dorm Number: 215
    Room Mate: Crystal Lilly
    Specialty: Shapeshifting (stepping away from the norm!)
    Classes: Shapeshifting, Advanced White, Basic Black, Biology, English, Literature, Divination, Charms, and Choir.
    Other: She has a pet cat, an extremely spoiled female white angora persian named Asia. This cat will adore anyone as long as they show her a lot of attention, and she absolutely loves to be petted.

    Kulaera Azu

    "Isn't this nice?"

    Kula hefted her suitcase and cat carrier as she trotted up the stairs behind everyone else. She pushed her way through the crowd. Asia meowed, as if in distress.

    "Shut up, Asia, we'll get in as soon as we can, and THEN I'll let you out!"

    Asia grumbled.

    Kula finally had enough space to breathe easily. She moved easily, hefting her gear, and looked over the dorm numbers.

    " we are!"

    She set her suitcase down, turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. Picking up the suitcase, she looked inside. 2 beds, someone else's stuff...

    A roommate? Oh boy.

    Looking around again, she noticed a litterbox in a corner of the room. How thoughtful of them to put one in! She dropped her stuff on the empty bed, letting Asia out of her cat carrier. Asia ran around a bit, sniffing everything, then curled up in a corner to sleep.

    "Alright, Asia, no messes. We're sharing this room with someone else, and I don't want them stepping in any kitty floormines. They stuck a litterbox in here, USE IT."

    Kula checked her schedule. Choir first.

    "Alright, time for me to go. Remember Asia, behave."

    The cat grumbled a bit.

  8. #8

    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Choriko Yamika
    "Choriko Yamika?" "Yes?" "I've heard you have a very nice voice, would you like to demonstrate?" No, I thought. I sounded like a parade of dying cats, nothing nice about dying cats, but since I knew the teacher was very good with black magic and could turn me into a pile of ash any second, I went up and sang anyway. "Under a lover's sky, I'm gonna be with you, and no one's gonna be around.... If you think that you won't fall, well just wait until, 'till the sun goes down.... Underneath the starlight, starlight, there's a magical feeling, so right. It will steal your heart tonight... You can try, to resist, try to hide from my kiss, but you know, but you know that you, can't fight the moonlight... Deep, in the dark, you'll surrender your heart. But you know, but you know that you, can't fight the moonlight, no... You can't fight it... It's gonna get to your heart..." Bleh, that sounded terrible, but even so, I got a standing ovation. I was kind of embarrassed. I wasn't that good, was I? "Very nice, Miss Yamika. You can sit down now." the teacher told me. I walked back to my spot and sunk into my chair. I could tell I was as red as a cherry. I listened to the teacher, mocking her in certain places. My god, this woman is more boring than my mom... I thought. Finally, the bell rang. I checked my schedule. "White magic? Yes!" I used levitation and flew above the crowd for a while until a teacher caught me. "No flying in the halls!" he warned. I muttered something in German, unfortunately, he heard me and he was the German teacher, so I was in trouble. He handed me the dreaded pink piece of paper. "Be in my room at 4:00 today." he said sternly. "Yes sir..." I said, landing in the middle of a crowd of people and sulking my way to my next class.

  9. #9
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Ryu Gilgamesh
    I whistled to myself as I walked into my room.
    "I wonder what my roommate is?" I asked myself. I opened the door to see no one there.
    "Oh well," I replied, "more room for me." I threw my bag onto the bed and looked at my timetable. I had shapeshifting, my fav. I looked over at fruity (my pet fruitbat).
    "I'm goin now," I said scratching behind it's ears, "Don't misbehave while I'm gone." I then walked out the door.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  10. #10
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Name: Crystal Lilly. (i like that name!)
    Age: 15
    Appearance: Browny Blonde hair, greeny/blue eyes. Around the dorm, she wears jeans and what ever top she wants.
    Dorm Number: 215 (please! please can i share with you?)
    Room Mate: Kulaera Azu (PLEASE???)
    Specialty: White Magic.
    Classes: Avanced White, Basic black, Shape shifting, Japanese, Maths, Music, Charms, Divinations and Chemistry.
    Can i add latin? It's fun and i have a few funny latin phrases...

    "Miss Lilly, would you like to do this equation on the board please?" said my stupid new Maths teacher.
    "Um... Ok..." i said quietly and walked upto the black board and stared at it.
    I knew this one, i had done it in my old school. I scribbled something to do with pi and stepped back to check my work. The teacher looked at it. "Well done, Miss Lilly, you can go and sit down now."
    Just as i was about to sit down the bell went. ahh... The esape from Maths. I checked my time table, It was White Magic next! YES! Now to show them what cool white magic i can do!
    I watched and saw Choriko being told off by the German teacher... I laughed, he saw me laughing and said "Do you want to be in detention too?"
    "Um... No thanks..." I said.
    The crowd of people was too big, the door was right there, but i couldn't get to it...
    "Diffindo!" I said quietly under my breath, the crowd split, i walked straight into the class room.
    "Miss Lilly! Did i just see you using Diffendo?" Asked the Advanced White magic teacher.
    "Um... Yes Miss..."
    "Well done! That was very good!" She said.
    "Miss, may i use Accio to get my books? i left them in my room." I asked.
    "Ok... Lets see if you can do it then."
    "Accio!" I said, my books appeared on the desk.
    "Good work, would you show that to the class when they get here?"
    The latin spells i used are from Harry Potter. Cool, eh?

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  11. #11
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Name: Sakura Weasley
    Age: 15
    Appearance: Long black hair that reaches past her waist, bright blue eyes. Quite tall, and usually wears the school uniform around the school, and a pink top and white shorts.
    Dorm Number: 135
    Room Mate: Choriko Yamika
    Specialty: White magic
    Classes: Basic Black Magic, Advanced White Magic, Shapeshifting, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Literature, Japanese, English, Divinations, Charms, Potions.

    I arrived at the school, glad to be back. The non-magical world was too boring...

    "Let's see, room 135. Looks like I have a new room mate! I wonder if she has a cat. My last room mate's cat nearly drove me crazy, leaving her hair all over my clothes..."

    I used a transporting spell on myself up to my dorm, my fingers itchign to do some magic after a long break. I found myself, in a room with two beds. There was already a trunk on one bed, and a cat too.

    "Oh great. I hope she behaves..." I muttered, dumping my trunk on the empty bed, the one closer to the windows. "Let's see, I've got White Magic class first, and it starts in 5 minutes! Darn it, I was hoping to settle down first..." I dragged a comb through my hair, then grabbed my books and snapped my fingers to orb to the door of my Maths class.

    The teacher had not started teaching yet, which was good. I went to take a seat next to a girl, who was sitting alone.

    "Yo!" I said. "I don't think I've met you before, have I? I'm Sakura, by the way!"

    The girl looked at me. "I'm Crystal! Nice to meet you. What dorm are you in? I'm in 215."

    "135 for me." At that moment, the teacher started the lesson, so we had to stop talking...

  12. #12
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Ahhh, Kendo, often called Japanese fencing, one of my favorite activities. I walked forward and grabbed one of the wooden swords, "sir, don't you want some saftey equipment?" a person asked. I glared at him and he gulped. I walked forward, bowed to my opponent and we began the match, he was pathetic, i finished him in 15 seconds. everyone was staring. "What?" I asked. "THAT was the Kendo teacher!" one shouted. now It was my turn to look shocked. "THAT was the kendo TEACHER?!" I shouted. "yes." a voice said. the teacher was getting up. "I underestimated you, but next time it will be different, I was holding back more than 75% of my skill there. you are quite skilled yourself." he said. "thank you." I replied. I watched the others for the rest of the class. at the end I checked my schedule, it was time for advanced Black magic.
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

  13. #13
    Traveling Housekeeper Cool Trainer
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Biology stunck! All we did was disect a salamander(fire breathing lizard) though I did learn it's hard to use the restroom in 300 degree heat. My next class was Advanced white magic. My favorite subject. I walked into the room. *Oh boy, time to meet some friends!* I thought. A girl walked up to me, "Hi! My name's Kulaera! Call me Ku! I hope we can become frends." I stood dim witted. I wasn't exactly the nice guy or the bad guy, why me, "Um..Shade. Call me Shade. I hope so too." Class was starting so I decided two one more person wouldn't be the end of the world. I passed a note to the girl in front of me, it said,

    Hi what's your name? Mine's Shade.

    She answered back,


    The teacher turned around, "Who's passing notes? Come out with it!" Sakura looked at me, I knew what I had to do, "I did sir, in an at- attempt to levitate it, asking you when's the hair growing back?"

    And he was asked, "What is philosophy?" And he answered, "It is a seperation of soul from body."

  14. #14

    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Choriko Yamika
    *RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING* Darn. White magic was over. I checked my schedule. Black magic. Crap. See Choriko. See Choriko destroy the school. The student body sees Choriko destroy the school. I sulked across the hall and sunk down in my chair and practiced levitation on my pen. I checked the clock and realized I still had a few minutes left. I tranported to my dorm and checked on Yuki. "Yuki! Here girl!" I called. She woke up and ran to me. "Reow!" she mewed, rubbing against my leg. I quickly scratched behind her ears. "Sorry Yuki, I gotta go." "Reow..." she said, following me down the hall. I sighed. "Fine, you can come with me to class." I said, transporting both myself and my cat back to the basic black magic room.

  15. #15
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)


    The boy behind me passed me a note, saying: Hi what's your name? Mine's Shade. I scribbled behind the note: Sakura, and passed it back to him.

    At that moment, the teacher shouted, "Who's passing notes? Come out with it!" I looked at Shade, the boy behind, and he confessed. The teacher just looked suspiciously at him, then continued with the lesson.

    "We'll be learning the Disarming Charm today. Can anyone tell me what it main use is?" I raised my hand. "Yes, Miss Weasley?"

    "The Disarming Charm, Expelliarmus, is mainly used in duels, to disarm the opponent. "

    "Very good! And yes, the incantation is 'Expelliarmus'. Now, I want you all to pair up, and practice the charm. The strength of the spell depends on your concentration. The harder you concentrate, the stronger the spell, so I do not want you to concentrate too hard, or you will end up knocking you partner back as well. " I looked at Crystal.

    "Wanna try together?" I asked her.

    "Okay." We stood up. all around, people were pairing up. The teacher (OOC: maybe we should give her a name?) waved her wand, and the tables ahd chairs arranged themselves neatly on both sides of the classroom, leaving the middle empty for us to practice. Crystal and I practiced, until we both managed to get the charm right. The teacher was pleased.

    "That'll be all for today," she said, when the bell rang. "There won't be any homework, as it's the first day of school. You may go for your next lesson."

    I checked my time-table. I had basic Black Magic next. So did Crystal. We left the White Magic classroom, chatting, deciding not to use a transportation spell.

    I got a big shock when I saw my room mate's cat at the Black Magic classroom. Walking up to the girl with the cat, I introduced myself.

    "Hi! I'm Sakura. You're in room 135 too right? I saw you cat when I came in..."

    "Cool! I'm Choriko. Nice to meet ya!" Now I had a problem. Should I sit with Crystal or Choriko? I knew I ought to know my room mate better, but I couldn't leave Crystal alone! Luckily, Crytstal had an idea.

    "I'll move that desk over here, so we can sit together! I met Choriko earlier on..."

  16. #16
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    I walked down the hall, trying to hide the monkey tail I accidently sprouted during Shapeshifting.
    "Now what's next?" I asked myself as I pulled out my timetable.
    "Black magic huh?" I said, "Well, better get going." I entered the classroom to see these three hot babes.
    "Did I just die and go to heaven?" I asked myself. Before one of girls could sit down, I sat down next to the girl with Browny blonde hair.
    "Hiya," I said, trying to keep my cool.
    "Hi she said back.
    "The name's Gilgamesh, Ryu Gilgamesh."
    "Crystal Lilly."
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  17. #17
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)


    Before I could sit down, some guy rushed in and took the seat, beside Crystal.

    "That's so rude of him!" I thought, but I decided to be nice. I dragged another table next to him, and sat down.

    "You don't mind me sitting here do you? After all, you've just taken my seat!" I asked him.

    "Nah, it's okay. I'm Ryu Gilgamesh, by the way."

    "Sakura Weasley." Ryu turned back to Crystal, and continued their conversation. Choriko leaned over them and whispered to me," I think he likes her! Maybe we should excuse them!" We moved our tables away from Ryu and Crystal...

  18. #18

    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Choriko Yamika
    "First, we're going to be practicing a basic attack spell - A fireball." the teacher explained, creating a small fireball and shooting it to the back of the room, where it flew over my head, burning a couple of hairs on my head. Sakura giggled. Crystal and Ryu kept talking. Wow, today certainly was eventful.... Yuki just laid in my lap asleep. God, I hoped the teacher didn't call on me.... "Choriko? Would you like to try?" "Slammed..." I muttered. "Can I not?" I replied. "Just try it!" the teacher persisted. "I kind of have a cat in my-" I cut myself short. Double slammed, I thought. The teacher walked over and noticed Yuki asleep in my lap. "Miss Yamika, could you please take your cat back to your dorm?" Yuki quickly woke up and gave the teacher an evil look. I sighed and teleported Yuki back to my dorm. "Now would you like to try?" I sighed. Bye bye school. "Okay..." I said, going to the front of the room. I quietly muttered the spell and a small fireball formed in my hand. "Wow...." I said. It didn't burn or anything. It did when it flame broiled my scalp, but it didn't even feel warm in my hand. I sent it to the back of the room, much like the teacher had, and sat back down. I went back to practicing levitation, this time on my notebook. "Miss Yamika, please save that for later." "Yes, ma'am..." I said, quickly ending the spell, causing my notebook to hit the desk with a loud thud. I listened to the teacher's lectures, took notes when needed, and waited for the bell.

  19. #19
    Traveling Housekeeper Cool Trainer
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Next class: black magic.
    I saw a few people I knew go into the room so I did too.
    I saw guy, who I over heard his name was Ryu, sit next to a chick, so I decided not to bother him.
    Hmm... so who would I sit next to.... I took the seat beside Sakura
    On the other side I saw another girl, so I decided to introduce myself, in hopes that she won't think I'm a freak, for sitting next to Sakura, of course, she didn't know me,"Hey um... my name's Shade.
    Maybe we could be friends...."
    She just looked at me
    It was almost after class and I didn't have much time, "um...if your Sakur's friend, wich by the looks of it... I guess it would be okay."
    she smiled.

    And he was asked, "What is philosophy?" And he answered, "It is a seperation of soul from body."

  20. #20
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    ahhhh... blcak magic, my forte. I watched the other kids in the class forming fairly wimpy attack spells, at least, wimpy compared to what I was packing. "Kalad Galadorian." I heard the teacher say. "yes?" I asked. "please perform a spell." the teacher requested. hmm.... what to cast.... of course! a mere firestorm should be impressive enough. "Vas Flam Hur!" I shouted, and the already beaten up training dummy they were targeting was engulfed in flames, a few seconds later, it was merely a pile of ash.
    "Interesting.... just WHERE did you learn that spell?" the teacher asked in a tone that said it would be painful to lie to her. "My father taught it toi me when I was ten." I stated truthfully. murmurs went through the class. "okay, I just wanted to know. EVERYONE TO ATTENTION!" the teacher shouted, bringing everone back to attention. she began callling other names.
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

  21. #21
    Traveling Housekeeper Cool Trainer
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    "Okay, I just wanted to know.
    she yelled.
    "Shade Beluse."
    I knew what to do.
    "Ladys and gents, I'd like to present to you the most powerful attack in the history of the universe, but I can't so..."
    Every one just stared.
    "Mr.Beluse, that's quite enough!!!
    If you don't have anything prepared..."
    I cut her off,"Muto Ventus!!!"
    I said.
    Suddenly, a raging wind in the shape of a blade came in, throwing all the books down.
    "Thank you, Shade you can take your seat now."
    she said, alittle rattled.
    I smirked.

    And he was asked, "What is philosophy?" And he answered, "It is a seperation of soul from body."

  22. #22
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Ohhh... Bad people... Setting my character up while i'm away...
    Dammit.... Black magic wasn't a strong point of mine. What to do on that training dummy... Why didn't i just make it disappear? That would end this class quickly...
    I was telling Ryu about the fun stuff that happened at my old school with levitating things when the teacher called me up to the front of the class to do my spell.
    "Deletrius!" I said, the dummy disappeared into thin air. I always could to that spell, thanks to my Mum being the black magic teacher at my old school...
    "Thankyou, Miss Lilly... I'm sure that it will re-appear soon..." Said the teacher.
    It didn't. Oooh dear... That ment trouble... I didn't want detention on my first day...
    "Can you make it re-appear, Miss Lilly?" She asked.
    "Ita erat quando hic adveni..." I said, it's latin for: It was like that way when i got here... Dammit... Why did the teacher know latin?
    "That's enough cheek from you. Turn it back! NOW!"
    I don't think she knows how to turn it back! YES! One up on the teachers! I turned it back and sat back down.
    "Not bad... Winding up teachers is fun!" Said Ryu.
    He's quite cute, accutally... NOO! I've got a crush on him already! Great... Better not tell anyone, i'll be teased for life...

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  23. #23

    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Choriko Yamika
    I blinked. Crystal's display made my little fireball seem like a bit of lint compared to a roomfull of diamonds. I sighed, then wrote in my notebook "Note to self - Stick to white magic." I muttered a spell and a can of Cherry Coke appeared in my hand. I popped it open and finished it off in about 20 seconds. My stomach grumbled. Loud. Really loud. Really really loud. So loud everyone in the room turned toward me. I turned as red as the cherry on the empty can I was holding. I muttered another spell and made a bag of Skittles appear in my hand. I quickly finished them off too. I listened to the teacher a while longer. Man, and I thought the choir teacher was boring... I finally heard the bell ring and I teleported myself to the shapeshifting room. This wasn't going to be pretty...

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    awwww! Black magic was over! I was then pleasantly surprised to find out that japanese was next! "SUGOI!" I shouted. I started running to the class with a stupid smirk omy face, my robes flying behind me. I finally arrived there, it was a small class, as I had been expecting. I sat down and waited for class to start, meanwhile I thought on how I had sensed a fe teleports going off at the end of each period, I knew how to teleport myself, but I didn't because it was healthier for me to run or walk. then class started and after a few minutes I realised the teacher was just reading from the book. fool..
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

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    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    "White magic huh?" I said to myself, "Hopefully, It could help me get rid of this tail." I then looked to see Crystal.
    "Hey Crystal," I asid walking up to her, "What lesson have you got next?"
    "Well I should warn you. Don't try anything rash at the begining or you can end up with something like this." I then showed her my monkey tail.
    "I think I'll be okay." I then watched her walk up the hallway.
    Man that girl's got a cute butt.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

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    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Ohhh you...
    I walked along the corridor, trying to find the shapeshifting class.
    Great.... Not only will i have a monkey tail when i come out, i'll have detention too... I thought, as i came up to a door saying "japanese" on it.
    "Well, at least i know where my japanese class will be..." I muttered, i did a location spell and found out that my lesson was accutally right next to where we had black magic... "Great..." I transported my self to the next lesson, landing in a seat next to someone i'd never seen before.
    "Hi, what's your name?" I asked.
    "Kulaera Azu, and you are?" She answered.
    "Crystal Lilly, i'm in dorm number 215..."
    "No way! I'm in that dorm too!" she interupted.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  27. #27

    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Choriko Yamika
    I sulked quietly into the shapeshifting room and sunk down into a chair by where two girls were having a conversation. One was in my black magic class, the other I had never seen. I shrugged and went back to practicing my fireball on little bits of paper until there were a dozen or so black marks on the desk. I quickly muttered a spell and fixed it before the teacher could notice. I quietly sat and doodled on my arm until it looked like I had spent a week in a tattoo parlor. Finally, the bell rang and I used another spell to remove the doodles from my arm. Man, this isn't gonna be pretty...

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    Kulaera Azu

    Kula giggled. So this was her roommate! She knew she'd eventually find out who it was if she'd just go about her day.

    She steepled her fingers, hoping that Asia was behaving herself...she was sure that nobody would appreciate clawed-up sheets or, even worse, the dreaded kitty floormine.

    When the bell rang, she turned her eyes towards the teacher. She loved shapeshifting, no matter what horror stories were told about it...and she even loved circulating a few of those horror stories herself, she thought with a bit of an evil grin.

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    I buzzed through the hall hoping no one would know that I skipped German.

    I quickly sat down.

    I saw Sakura, so she was the one the was sitting down next to me. In the back of me was a guy named Ryu. I saw he had a tail, "Don't worry, I had that once and I worked out a spell to fix it," He was daydreaming, no doubt about what it was about.

    "I know a love spell that can make her fall in love with you." I said. would he except?

    And he was asked, "What is philosophy?" And he answered, "It is a seperation of soul from body."

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    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Shapeshifting... What a fun lesson! I was sat at my desk at the beginning of the lesson, turning my pen into a snake, a mouse, a table and stuff like that... I may not be able to shapeshift my self very well, but i can certanly shapeshift other things!
    I watched every one trying to shapeshift themselves into monkeys... I laughed, remembering Ryu's tail... I'd better be more careful! I thought.
    I turned myself into a monkey, and then back again. I looked at my butt, just to make sure i didn't have a tail still. It was fun being a monkey, i wonder if Hooty would mind me turning her into a monkey... Maybe the world would be a better place if we were all monkeys...
    The bell went, i found Ryu waiting outside for me... It was Lunch time, at last...
    "I see you haven't sprouted a tail then!" He said.
    "Watch it you, or i might just make it so you keep that tail of yours!" I joked.
    We went down to the dining hall, i'd never been there before... It was huge! We sat down at one of the tables, food appeared before us.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  31. #31
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    Kalad (sorry about the short post, I'm sick )
    I walked out of the japanese class thoroughly disgusted with the teacher, he was PATHETIC! I probably knew more japanesde than HE did. I checked my schedule, "hmm... lunch" I said to myself. I walked to the dining hall, which was huge. I sat down at a seat and began to eat.
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

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    I at down next to Crystal and food appeared before us. I continued to hide my feelings about her. I hadn't had anything for breakfast this morning and I was starving. I grabbed some food with both hands and began stuffing myself. I even used that tail as a third arm.
    Well, having a monkey tail isn't so bad
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

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    Get well soon Kalad!

    Kulaera Azu

    After class, Kula went down to lunch, thinking just how amazing it was that only a few classes could make her so extremely hungry. She picked a clear spot at a table, then sat down, putting a little bit of everything on her plate. It all looked quite good.

    As she ate, she noticed Crystal with a monkey-tailed boy. She chuckled to herself about the tail. One of those shapeshifting horror stories come to life, she supposed.

    She also noticed something else. He seemed quite nervous. Probably smitten, she thought. She smiled a secret little smile to herself, the hopeless romantic in her absolutely loving the idea, even if Crystal was so totally oblivious to it.

    She diverted her attention away, and considered her own hair color. She had mastered a basic cat shapeshifting before coming here, and had actually been able to talk to Asia while in that form, but there were still a few kinks to work out of the transformation. The cat was always the same color as her hair. She had tried hair dye, but it was quite disastrous...she ended up with first a horrid carrot orange, then a strange purple-auburn. Maybe there was another way to fix that problem.

    She sighed, and checked her schedule over.

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    I sat there. I was trying to eat my lunch but i found it very funny how Ryu was using his tail as a third hand...
    "I can get rid of that if you want." I laughed.
    "That would be great! No more being a monkey for me!" He said, he smiled at me.
    "Deletrius!" I said.
    It wasn't just the tail that disappeared, it was him too!
    "Ryu! Where are you? Just stay in your seat and i'll bring you back!" I said, i cast the reversing spall on him and he re-appeared, with out his tail.
    "Thanks... I liked being invisible!" He joked. I didn't laugh, i really didn't find it funny when my spells went wrong.
    The bell went, next lesson: Japanese. I knew a bit of Japanese, but not much. Atleast i knew where the classroom was!

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
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    "I've got German next," I said to myself. I got up and left the dinning hall. I was still making sure Crystal didn't just make the tail invisable, but it was completely gone. I sighed in relief. I knew now not to go from a monkey straight to a cat.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

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    hmmm... what next.... I thought as I checked my schedule. While I was doing this, I overheard some kids talking, "you see that creepy kid with the cloak?" "yeah, so?" "I hear he got room 666." "REALLY?!" "yeah."
    I ignored them after that. I found out my next class was shapeshifting. I walked all the way to the room I needed to be in. I stepped in, saw most of the students inside were older than the others, like me. I sat down in a desk towards the front and got ready for class.
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

  37. #37

    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    Choriko Yamika
    God, I was tired..... I teleported to the dining hall and collapsed into a heap on the floor. Okay, maybe I'll walk next time... I pulled myself up and sat down at one of the tables. I poked at the food in front of me. I was hungry, but I didn't want to eat. I rested my head on the table. Someone or something was draining my energy.... I didn't know who or what, but I knew the feeling. I could feel the long fingers under my skin, grabbing handfuls of energy and taking it for their own. I managed to eat a few bites, then went to the front office to say I wouldn't be in any more classes today. I walked slowly to my dorm and passed out as soon as I hit the bed.

  38. #38
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    "You see that creepy kid with the cloak?"
    "Yeah, so?"
    "I hear he got room 666."
    a group of boys said, pointing at Kalad.
    I saw him walk away.
    I wanted to do something but I was busy, thinking up a scam.
    I had to stick up for him wether or not he liked me.
    "You know what I heard about that dorm?"
    I asked walking torwards them.
    the boy on the left said.
    "It's mine!!!"
    They just stared at me like I was a freak.
    I walked away hearing one say, "I think that room,turns you weird."
    Then they kept talking.
    I had already ate my fill, and since I didn't have anymore classes, I just went back to the dorm.
    I saw Choriko walk weakly to her dorm.
    When I came into my dorm, I fell asleep.

    And he was asked, "What is philosophy?" And he answered, "It is a seperation of soul from body."

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    Sorry I haven't been posting for so long... I've got exams coming up... Damn!

    I opened the door of my dorm, and saw Choriko on her bed, fast asleep. Poor girl, I thought, she must have tired herself out after all these classes.

    I raised my wand, and muttered,"Accio Blanket!" A blanket flew out of a cupboard into my arms. I unfolded it and covered Choriko with it, lest she might catch a cold, then sat at my desk to start on my homework. There wasn't much, just had to do a write-up on the Disarming Charm for my White Magic class...

  40. #40
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Seiruun School of Sorcery - Starts! (No LSUs!!)

    After a long lesson of Japanese, trying to explain in Japanese why my owl had flew in and given me a mouse, I went back to my dorm. I led on my bed, took out my CD player and put in my Dido- no angel album.
    I started to write the write-up of the disarming spell in white magic. I noticed a little white cat asleep on the other bed. That must be Kula's cat... I thought.
    I finished my homework, i was bored... I had nothing at all to do. I decided to go to the library.
    I found my way there. It was huge! All the books i could ever need were in there. Tolkien... That's what i wanted to read. I scrolled along the shelves, looking for one of the books by Tolkien.
    "What are you looking for?" asked the assistant.
    "Tolkien..." I said, still scaning the shelves.
    "Um... Here's one." She said, she gave me the book and sat back down at her desk.
    "Thanks" I said, i found a comfy chair and sat down and read.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

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