Hello everyone, yet again I have returned from the quagmires of my novelist skills and bring forth to y'all a new fanfic to read! Actually this time around, its a 'team fanfic' which basically means another person wrote this alongside with myself. To clear up any initial confusion, i'll explain whom wrote what chapters. I crafted the 'Horosha' chapters, and my friend nin rac, created the 'Kixque' ones. Without further ado, here is the story. By the way, it is rated 'R' for violence and cussing, even though the Kixque chapters are insanley clean, and have only slapstick action.


Chapter I: Enter the Fray

“Attention all personnel on deck, and engine rooms II thru IV. We are approaching Slateport city in 55 minutes. Our ship will be docking in Pier VI, and a clean sweep of all areas will be required. Admiral Ducof will be inspecting this brig with his crew, to ensure there are no mishaps. Captains quarters reporting out,” my ears picked up the booming speaker placed towards the main hatch. Nobody has noticed my arrival here on the S.S. Genyosha, and I pray it will remain that way.

I am nothing more than a misguided stowaway denied entry back home. I snuck aboard this vessel, hiding inside some decaying apples for I lacked the funds to pay for a ticket aboard. My body has the scent of granny smiths, but it is a price to pay rather than being flogged by sailors on swing shift. So far fate has been relieving its merciless mantle upon my shoulders, but I predict it will smother me once more in moment’s time.

“Most likely a group of three sailors will inspect this area in five minutes. I must seclude myself in another crate,” I thought, as I pressed my body against the steel meshed floor. Crawling like a road kill gecko, my chalky white premiere ball clanked against the flooring. Inside it harbored Itabo, my plump, yet bourgeois Nincada. I received him as a birthday present from my friend Kenshiro, but alas he has left this mortal coil two years ago. Still, I shall raise my partner to the extent of my abilities. To make Kenshiro’s departure not in vain.

“Tis both our sorrows mired with blood,” and wedging between a satin cloth crate, and a wall on the rear right side my upper torso poked out like a tortoise head. “ Itabo, I can feel your heart beating in anticipation, but we must veil ourselves from restless eyes,” so I pulled down an oily tarp, and covered it on my body like a tamale. Rudiment camouflage, but my options are rather limited now. Lying still, my lungs inflated in sync with the waves caressing the hull. My body was like a rod, without any unnecessary movement or irritation. From the corner of my left aqua colored eye, a brief spark from a lantern flashed in the darkness. A stout man walked through a door towards the left rear end. The roar of engines, and lyrics from the gears boomed from the room. Quickly slamming the brass door, the sailor walked briefly with his eyes darting around restlessly. Then, in a hustle he returned to the engine room. Darkness returned once more.

“So far, this exodus to Hoenn has been a nerve-racking experience m’dear. Yet, the climatic orgasm of suspense is too intoxificating to forgo. But I just hope that the hype about the jobs, and opportunities to make a career in pokemon battling are a reality. We’ve risked too much in entering by illegal means to be turned back to a country that no longer wants us,” I thought. After a minute of silence, no other sailors entered to perform their ‘sweep’, so I pulled my frail body out of the space, and placed my withered hand on Itabo’s ball. My pulse united with his for a brief second, but the feeling was a mutual sign of bonding between man and beast.

“Spring forth from thy shelter,” I whispered as I tossed the premiere ball lightly on the mesh. A small clink echoed, and a flash of brilliant bright light flashed the darkness. I saw four humanoid figures six meters ahead, but neither did they or I paid heed to each other.

“Szee,” Itabo wheezed, as he nestled his brittle textured skin against my own thinning flesh. I could feel his plump abdomen, and his head rested on my stomach like a child seeking comfort from the mother. The Nincada faintly scratched my knees with his conch shell fore claws, a sign that either meant he was seeking nourishment, or affection.

“I lack any foodstuffs to fill either of our stomachs, but it is only a brief matter of time, before we can plunder at least a scant morsel to prolong our hunger pains.” Ironically, both of our bowels gurgled in sync. For a time span of four minutes we both sat still, with Itabo curled up on my lap like a puppy, rubbings its hind legs together, playing a grim serenade of the soul. Both our souls were at peace, savoring these priceless moments.

“Szeeick!” sidestepping to the left rapidly, Itabo flicked his plump fore legs. His claws connected with the flesh of another man. It was a boy, for he yelped with a pre-puberty voice. My hands were restless in pulling out my switchblade, but I resisted the urge, for the reason the youth intruded our space had yet to be determined.

“Ow! Hey man call it off, please!” the boy pleaded. I clicked my tongue, and Itabo canceled his attack, and resumed position on my lap. “I’m so sorry for startling ya. My name is Charlie, and yours?”

“I’ve forsaken my birth title. No mother would dare label a son whom sent damnation to many.”

“Sheesh…morbid fellow aren’t ya? Well, if you want to join up with the rest of my friends, we are just over yonder,” Charlie waved to the left, “Them guys by the way, they are like yourself, since they got no home or family too,” the youth sprinted back to the group.

“Interesting lad…I used to be like him, full of spunk and a undying love for life,” I whispered, “Itabo, shall we accompany them?”


Returning Itabo back into his ball, I crept alongside the crates, and goods that were displaced on the floor. There was a tiny lantern in the middle of the circle of men. Charlie stood up, and beckoned us over. While approaching, the boggling words used by the ragged men filled my ears, for no tongue or creed could decipher the meaning behind such muddled vocals.

“Greeting, a tainted soul is amongst your ranks,” but the men were preoccupied in their palaver. Charlie prompted himself to my right side, and smacked my back. His rosy cheeks glistened due to the kerosene flames. My heart was filled with a sight for I envied him, in more ways than one.

“Oh, the men here are from a place called Shastaha, but nobody knows how to translate their jargon. However, they followed me all the way from Olivine, claming that I am del Fa. I don’t know if that’s a good things or not, but since we’ve met, nobody has dared to harass me.”

“Perhaps your some kind of cult based deity?”

“I dunno, but the tall one with the Maltese cross like tattoos on his cheeks, he is some kind of a war vet since he has a crap load of scars across his body. Plus the others label him Ushe’ii, followed by a salute whenever he stops talking.”

“So, why did you decide to board this vessel, if I may intrude upon personal matters?” my emotionless voice rang. Shuffling a little bit due to discomfort, Charlie placed his mouth against my ear, and slowly whispered.

“I miss my mother,” he said, “She left me a year ago, because she couldn’t handle the perils of single parenthood. So I was placed in a foster home of some ad executive and his cosmopolitan wife, but it did not turn out any good for either of us.”
“Yet, how did you hear about your mother’s possible location?”

“I heard Danielle Barker, the local caretaker of the Olivine lighthouse mention that he saw her brag about a photo shoot in a town called Lavaridge with several lawyers whom helped her send me to foster care in the first place. So I found a global atlas at the library, and discovered that she went to Hoenn. The rest is self-explanatory.”

Without warning, a brief flash of my birth mother’s pale, but lively face engulfed my eyes. I remember when I had an emotional crisis that followed up to my eventual exodus, but I can never forget how she treated this tender situation. Instead of just tossing out haphazard advice about striving for my goals, and make the most out of this mono stand of life. She simply embraced my body, and whispered.

“View the world with closed eyes, and damn yourself for all time.”

“Matilda,” I muttered under my breath.

“Who’s she? Some girlfriend of yours?”

“That name no longer has a foundation in this mono-stand existence, but all I can say is that she merely put things into perspective. Anyway, your mother, does she know you’re coming to seek her?”

“She doesn’t, nor would she care. All she cares about is money, and filling up her portfolio, so she could be a model for some big shot company like Spearow jeans.”

“I see,” but looking into his dusty eyes, I saw a reflection of myself dancing amongst the retinas. My childhood was rather carefree, but this boy clearly is hiding another piece of the puzzle. One that would simply ravish any last humanity he’s trying to keep cemented together. Much like myself, during the tumbleweed known as adolescence, trying to make sense of the world and the devious manners of my surrogate family.

“Kemi’teha hiba hiba kl’ooon!” three of the men saluted marine style, and Ushe’ii bowed in reverence to the faithful squad. Both Charlie and me felt like laughing. The Shasta’s resembled sloshed MP’s since they swayed and tipped over like they finished off a tankard of ale in one gulp. I nearly forgot how it felt to be around a group of people, but the feeling was a refreshing mint in the dour diet of dismal in my soul. But, my paranoia enticed my nerves, for something was soon about to put a crash on this relatively peaceful ride. A loud blaring of elevator music erupted from the aging speakers; the admiral was on the air.

“Good morning my comrades. It is 12:48 P.M. HST on March 6th, 2025. Today, once we land port on Pier VI in 15 minutes, the maintenance crew will be in charge with maintaining the valves on the plumbing pipes, and seals on sectors G, and X in the hull. Also all ideal sailors will be put to work on ‘sweeping’ the cargo hull and brig to ensure there are neither stowaways, nor illegal activity taking place that would otherwise hinder our productivity. This is admiral Ducof, reporting and out.”
A loud thumping on the aluminum stairs to the second entrance on the right erupted. The Shasta’s quickly placed their faces on the floor, and started to crawl. Charlie pressed his head against my side, slightly sobbing and muttered a brief prayed to Jesus, as I stood vigilant anticipating the next movement. Then a group of two sailors armed with flashlights, and a grizzled mariner yielded a harpoon began to patrol the tightly packed containers, seeking out any unwanted personnel.

“Aye sir Tak, I foun’ me a bag o’ hash poking out of a animal plushy co’tainer.” Jackson bellowed. Tak, the elderly mariner, kicked around a parcel sized box, exposing only women’s undergarments, and an edition of Poketeen.

“Crap oi say’ culley. Dis a work o’ fanny flashers ‘n skags soiling de sea with landlubber trash!” he gored a box with the serrated tip of the harpoon, causing beach sand to pour out like a creek.

“Boss, is de boss gonna’ get steamed off ‘cause the reckless behavior we be’ a causin?”

“Shut ye trap Carl, dem prissy lubbers got insurance n’ greenbacks to burn, and besides, we can say de porters mangled up them boxes.”

“Yah, ‘k boss. Jess makin sure ‘cause safety first my mama saiz,” and the sea bound brutes resumed smashing passengers valuables, just out of boredom of riding the waves of the sea for so long. The Shasta’s wiggled to Charlie, and covered his mouth as they pulled him down. He attempted to struggle to be by my side, but out of concern, they shoved him into a box with pillow down on top. I did not pay any heed, for I had to keep my guard up, in case the sailors came to my side. But a deep primal urge mingled with my tension and adrenaline, invoking a dark sensation to slay them all, or at least cripple one. My left hand furiously equipped my blade from my Tauros skin belt, as I heard the clunking of metal echo along with the rumbling of waves against the hull. Unleashing the faint mythril switchblade, my senses were keen as a tiger, ready to strike down some hapless creature without mercy. The beating of my heart matched the roaring of the hull, the smashing by crowbars, and the inner demons of homicide bellowing out commands.

I submitted to those primal feelings, not out of concern of the stowaways, or the youth that resembled a long forgotten piece of me. But out of sheer boredom, riding the waves of the sea for so long. Embracing the darkness, I began my assault with Itabo’s soul, in sync with my own.

~*{ Kixque }*~
Chapter 1: A New Sight in Rustboro

I look down at my one and only pokéball. It is the dwelling of my one and only remaining friend, Casanova, a Meditite. Today felt different, and I don’t even know how to explain it. Today, everything just feels so different. Maybe, just maybe, I might be free from this ludicrous world. I reach down to tap the button on Casanova’s pokéball to let him free. I then begin to ask, but before I can ask my question, Casanova gently places his hand over my mouth and simply nods. I then continue watching him as he looks out of the window.
I felt reassured by Casanova’s response; that was the friendliest response he has showed in a long time. I follow Casanova as he leaps onto my bed and meditate. I decided to look at what he was looking at through the window. There was the usually buildings, the pokécenter, and even the ocean. Maybe one day, just one day, I might be able to walk away from this as a trainer, and not a worthless nobody who is stuck waiting to die. Then, as if out of pure fantasy, there was something different in my view. To my surprise, I saw a movie van and some new faces moving in. Maybe this new group of people might be who gave me this new feeling.
“Hey Casanova…” I began as I turned to see Casanova already on his feet. I walk down the stairs and head outside. As I left my home, I saw two Machamps carrying in the last of the boxes. I mutter out loud, “Man, they just move in faster and faster.” I walk over to the house and knock on the door.
I waited for a while and then knocked again. I then heard something hit the door and then it opened. I stick out my hand and greet, “Hi, I’m Kixque.” I notice the guy who opened the door stuck out his hand as he shyly stated, “Uh, hello, I’m Radic.” I looked down and noticed that his hand was far off from mine, so I brought it to his hand and then shook hands.
I begin, “So you just moved in here?” Radic nods his head. I continue, “Are you a Pokémon trainer too?” Radic presented a puzzled look and inquired, “You mean you don’t know me?” I looked closer but I did not see any recognition. Radic continued, “So ya didn’t see me in the big Pokémon League match against Red?” “You were in the Pokémon league? How cool! Too bad I haven’t heard about you. Hoenn is a completely different region. We never get to hear about the Pokémon League matches here,” I ramble. Radic lets out a sigh of relief. I continue, “Say, if you were that good of a trainer, could you teach me some tricks?” “Maybe later. I just moved in today, and am trying to get used to this place, and I doubt I can show you much anyways,” responded Radic. I eagerly suggest, “Say Radic, what if we go to the gym tomorrow and you show us how a true trainer is in the heat of battle.”
Radic’s eyebrows raise a bit and he begins, “You have a gym in this town?” “Oh yeah. Our leader, Onyx, raises the strongest Pokémon I have seen. So many trainers have fallen in front of Onyx.” “Oh really?” begins Radic, “What type of Pokémon does Onyx use?” “He uses the strongest of the all. He uses the rock-type Pokémon,” I eagerly answer as I strike poses that Onyx has used. Radic sighs and begins, “So ya think he is tough, huh?” “Oh yeah. I don’t think he’s an easy leader to beat,” I respond.
Radic asks, “Do you have any Pokémon of your own?” “Yeah, he’s right here,” I answer as I point to Casanova. Radic sorrowfully answers, “I’m sorry, but I am blind. I could not see ‘em.” “Whoa! You’re blind and you still got into the Pokémon League? You’ve got to be the coolest and greatest trainer there is!” I exclaim while I stare at him. Radic sighs and looks away. He begins, “No, I’m not. I’m nothing and that is about all I will end up being.” “Are you kidding me? If anyone is nothing, that would be me. The closest I have to a friend is Casanova, and he just sits by himself meditating most of the time,” I respond. Radic comments, “So you have a Meditite, right?” “Yeah, how did you know if you couldn’t even see him?” I answer in a puzzled manner.
Radic answers, “Not all knowledge comes from your eyes. Besides, that is what a Meditite and Medicham do, meditate. You should know this stuff as a trainer, especially if it is your only Pokémon.” I stare at Radic in awe and feel the shame creeping up my back for not knowing. Radic continues, “Have you challenged Onyx yet?” “No way, I can’t do that. I don’t stand a chance against him. What makes you think I can stand up to someone like him?” I answer in a perplexed way. Radic finally cracks a smile and comments, “Come in, Kixque. There is a lot of stuff for you to learn. Maybe then you will realize how I am nothing.”
Radic explained to me the basics of Pokémon training. He taught me about types, weaknesses, characteristics, and even of something much deeper, his past. He told me the tales of his rivalry with Red, about Violet, how he acquired his blindness, his popular loss to Red, and how he ended up coming to Hoenn. The thing I found the strangest was how he used completely different team just to make sure nobody would even recognize him. The more Radic described, the more depressed he became. I could see tears forming as he was about to continue. I interrupted, and commented, “ That’s enough. You should take a break.” Radic nods and comments, “You should probably head on home.” “How did you know the sun was going down, Radic?” I inquired as I look at the window. Radic simply comments, “You are too reliant upon your eyes.” “Alright. Can I at least watch your match against Onyx tomorrow?” “If it will make you happy,” replies Radic. I eagerly answer, “It would, since I would like to see the first time Onyx falls.” “And before you go,” adds Radic, “Could you do me one slight favor?” “What’s that?” I ask. Radic resumes, “Could you let Poe out of his Pokéball? It is the one next to the bookshelf.” I walk over and press the button and out pops a Noctowl. Poe then flies onto Radic shoulders.
I grab Casanova’s hand and shout to Radic as I leave, “Goodnight Radic. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Radic nods as I leave the house. I turn down to Casanova and ask, “Did you hear what Radic said you are capable of?” Casanova nods his head as he flexes his muscles. I then get down on one knee and ask, “Do you think we can beat Onyx?” Casanova continues to stand in the same spot. I suggest, “Maybe you need some rest. Let’s go to bed and watch Radic’s match, ok?” Casanova walks home and I slowly follow, pondering if I can become as skilled as Radic is.

Chapter II: Blood and Shadows

My eyes adjusted with the shadows, but I did not use the ones planted upon my face. The inner essence of my soul, or ‘chi’ overwhelmed my mortal senses, and I could see thin strands of energy radiating off all living things, like a thin curl of smoke. Five yards away, I saw the chi of the approaching brute, a rather burley, yet hopeless man who’s aura had neither color or strength. I tip toed across an aisle of cargo, paying no heed to the ravaging of boxes by the brute’s ‘companions’. My nostrils picked up the scent of spoiled fruit, incense from the orient, and sweat from the sailor. He stumbled into a box of china, since a loud shatter came from within. But, he did not contemplate about the goods. Just like a bull in a china shop, but his charging was over.

“Carl, o’hoy culley found a’thing yonder?” Tak’s aging vocals echoed in the freight, “Not a thing boss, jess heaps o’****,” and Carl pivoted towards the left, my direction. Elongating my legs like some shorebird, I crept through the aisle, and turned to the right after covering a distance of about two yards. Carl made it towards my origin point, but did not notice my movements.

“Good—this will be rather effortless. I must not dull my senses to the blind temptations of carnage, for even if my blows land successfully upon organ and marrow, any slip up of the stealthy strike, could retaliate amongst the sailors, and slay myself in one swipe each!” I muttered silently to reassure myself to keep calm, and diligent, “No more errors, not till my death anyway,” I felt with my hands a small opening beneath one of the platforms that lifted heaps of boxes in the air. I could feel Carl’s footsteps approaching a corner only about a yard away, so without a second thought, I plunged my body into the opening, and crawled through like a serpent. A hook caught a hold of my leather jackets fabrics, making it tear slightly. The sound mesmerized Carl’s gnarled ears. A beam of condensed light flashed from my rear, and its beams faintly reflected off my hobnail boots.

“Avast, I gazed o’pon something towards me starboard side boss!” but this time Jackson responded, “Sort it ye self skag, for Tak no deals with assumptions of the faint tricks o’ de mind!” This news was not very comforting indeed. Thrusting my arms onto the other side’s opening, I pulled my body hastily, tearing off a chunk of my jacket in the process. Now, everyone acknowledged my presence. Carl wagged his flashlight in a frenzy to discover any trace of myself, but I was on the other side pressing my body tight against a barrier of boxes. The scatting of leather upon mesh came from not only behind me, but also from 20 yards to the northeast. Two more light beams shone in my areas, but they only luminated countless crates. I lied on the floor, with feelings of frustration battering my brain.

“No! I must keep calm,” my body began to sweat furiously, “Rage is nothing more than a seclusion of rationality. Keep yourself calm like the cicadas in the fall awaiting their grand evolution. Keep your mind in focused away from the slaying, but the chinks in the target’s mentality and skills. For unraveling the actions set forth, than those of now will unveil the stand of fate, a chi than the common mug will never embrace. Stay still, labor thy breathing, and strike only with focus,” I placed the mythril switchblade onto my right, unstable arm, “Much like how the cicada, lays in harmony amongst the tiamats of nature, awaiting its grand evolution.” Carl’s heavy footsteps halted at the opening below the platform, and lit up the area, analyzing for any traces of myself. He muttered a barrage of sailor curses, but I strolled quickly across the right corner of the aisle with murder in my eyes. Without a second thought, my left hand reached into my silky chestnut hair, and unwound both of the friendship braids of my dual ponytails. Ritualistically, I am denouncing my oath of peace, for the straightforward actions of death. I stuffed the rainbow colored braids in my beast pocket, and my senses picked up the brute’s faint chi.

“Patience, and the hunt shall end, but rashness releases the gun shots of havoc,” adrenaline flooded my muscles, lightening my tension. This sudden burst of savage energy made me smile like death himself. Oh, my rage was about to be exhaled in one breath all right, “Oy Tak nothing over here, only feces o’ rats and fleas,” that booming sentence would be his last.

I sprinted silently up to his back, with my left hand extended outwards; I caught onto Carl’s raggedy brown ponytail. The saw paper like touch disgusted my fingers, but that did not matter now. Instantly, I pulled him back, snapped both of his elbows at their connecting points at blinding speed, and jabbed his bladder. Carl wheezed, the wind was knocked out of him. My left hand clamped his sore laced lips shut, not another sound escaped from those lips. Twirling it like a windmill I lunged the switchblade into the cartilage of Carl’s larynx. The blade had no trouble ripping it up, and a thin creek of blood began to leak out. Carl’s eyes widened, but my blade simply popped them out like Vaseline balloons. A runny gooey paste secreted from them, mixing with blood making the face a ghastly mask.

“Redrum,” I positioned my blade into the clavicle, nicking it, and ravishing layers of skin and muscle on my weapon’s downward trek. Countless vessels popped, and the cheap cotton fabric of his stripped shirt gave way to the pressure of the moving blade. Several ribs were cracked, and a lung simply popped, and finally ripping out the blade, I pummeled it into the stomach, releasing gastric acids that simply ate away the abdomen skin. Blood erupted from the Z-line wound, resulting in the shirt ripping in half as Carl’s body was torn from within soaking the mesh flooring, and crates in a explosion of guts and fluids. The remaining corpse banged against the floor, in uneven pieces. My body was soaked in the ruby juices, but that is what I wanted. I pulled out a quarter from my left jean pocket, and kneeled to the sailor’s mangled head. Opening his mouth, I place the coin underneath his tongue.

“No soul deserves to wander amongst the fields of limbo in solitude,” and while getting up I licked my lips. The blood was sour, but it was merely a metaphor of living a life in such a hard world. Wiping my switchblade with a piece of silk, I placed it back in my left hobnail boot. A smile no devil could ever replicate luminated my face. Carnage is what I am reduced to, and blood is nothing more than a spoke in my fate. Surprisingly, none of the other sailors noticed. I turned off the dying flashlight. Catching any unwanted attention now would not be appreciated. I pressed my right hand against Itabo’s premiere ball.

“Itabo, we are almost there, no more hiding once we embracing society. However, I must loose my tainted clothing. I don’t think humanity would take it kindly if a drifter strolled around like a butcher,” so I began to strip off the festering clothes, and as my jacket came off, I rebounded my hair with the multicolored braid. I won’t be killing for a while I recon.

“Carl get yo’ arse here now! Haven’t heard a peep come from ye lips since we started,” Tak ordered, and a pair of footsteps started to make there way towards me. Clutching my clothes, I began to run down to the south of the cargo hull, but their lights were pointed in my area, and making a sweep. I saw a container of bed sheets to my southwest, so I quickly lobbed the top off, and plunged my body in. I did not bother to seal it up for it would leave me in a more vulnerable state, so I covered myself in linen, keeping all bodily sounds at a minimum. Just then the speakers roared.

“Five minutes until docking. All personal finish up any necessary preparations for landing, and begin to escort all passengers to the deck. To the engine maintenance crew in the turbines, begin to reduce power, and activate the cooling jets. Last, but not least all cargo sweep personal must report to the deck, or engine rooms to assist. That is all, captain’s quarters reporting out,” Tak bellowed out, “Culleys, stop yo’ antics and accompany me to the brig. We’ve got other things ta follow besides the captain’s prissy antics!” in a hustle Jackson ran towards the nearby exit, with Tak stomping from behind.

“The gods of dumb luck must favor me today,” but then Charlie came to mind and his entourage. A faint piece of my humanity prayed that he was safe.

~*{ Kixque }*~
Chapter 2: No Sweat From A Rock

I turn over to Casanova, whom is meditating on my bed, and inquire, “Do you think that Radic will actually be able to beat Onyx?” Casanova closes his eyes and remains silent. I roll my eyes and mumble, “Sometimes, I don’t even know why I bother.” I rub my hand across my face and suggest, “Let’s go see Radic and watch his match.” Casanova cracks his neck as he rolls his head and then hops off of the bed. As we go down the stairs, my brother mentions, “Kixque! There is some newcomer who says he will take down Onyx. He also says he’ll do it in just five minutes!”
“Radic’s already gone to challenge him?” I thought. I grabbed Casanova’s hand and ran out the door and straight to the Rustboro Gym, not even noticing the huge crowd gathered outside of the stadium. As I force my way through the crowd and into the gym, Radic turns around. Radic shouts, “It took you long enough to wake up. I was about to start the match without you. Alright Onyx, it’s time for me to show you that you aren’t all that superior.” “You sound quite sure of yourself, but I guess I must show you the strength of Rock-typed Pokémon and why I am the gym leader of the largest city in Hoenn. Just to show you how great I am, I will even let you send out your Pokémon first,” boasts Onyx. Radic shrugs and comments, “That’s fine with me.”
“Dipsy, time to show what ya got,” calls Radic as he releases Dipsy. “Quag,” comments Dipsy as he fixes his glasses. Onyx boasts a deep laugh and comments, “I didn’t know they made toys that small yet! This should be an easy match!” Dipsy shows a fierce grin and re-adjusts his glasses. Onyx laughs and releases his Pokémon as he comments, “Go Rhyhorn! Smash that puny toy into dust!” As Rhyhorn hits the ground, the entire stadium shakes. While Dipsy re-adjusts his glasses from the tremor, Radic gives off a long sigh. Onyx shouts, “Rhyhorn! Flatten it like a bug on the windshield with ‘Take Down’!” Radic effortlessly commands, “Dipsy, time to make a change to his world with ‘Earthquake’.” The ground begins shaking violently and Rhyhorn falls to a crashing halt. An announcer announces over the intercom, “Rhyhorn is unable to battle. Victory goes to the challenger, Radic.” Dipsy then wags his tail at Onyx and then sticks out his tongue. Onyx growls and mumbles, “That was a lucky hit. Rhyhorn, return to your Pokéball. Graveler, time to teach them a lesson.” Rhyhorn returns to its Pokéball as Graveler is released.
Radic sighs and complains, “Come on, at least put up a fight. Dipsy, your turn is over. Chopan, why don’t you finish things quickly?” Dipsy returns to his Pokéball and Chopan is released. Chopan prances around happily. Onyx commands, “I will not allow myself to be beaten by a pony! Graveler, ‘roll out’ attack, now!” “Let’s be nice Chopan. Just use ‘Confusion’ on the Graveler,” replies Radic. Chopan continues to gallop around until it gets hit by the Graveler. In retaliation to the collision, Mozart, Chopan’s other head, growls and bite’s the back of Chopan’s neck. When Chopan finally feels the blood trickle from Mozart’s bite, Chopan slams Mozart into the ground. Onyx laughes and commands, “Continue the ‘Roll out’, Graveler.” Chopan continues to pound Mozart into the ground until the Graveler hits the Girafarig again. Radic hears the pain from the Graveler’s continued assault and shouts, “Chopan! Mozart! Stop it! Use your ‘Psychic’ attack now!” “No use kiddo. This round is mine!” beckons Onyx. Chopan and Mozart pull themselves to a standing position psychokinetically sends the charging Graveler across the stadium.” As Graveler lies on its back from the psychokinetic force, the announcer announces, “Graveler is unable to continue battling. Chopan wins the round.” “Enough is enough! It is time to show you my true abilities! Graveler, return to your Pokéball immediately. Lunatone, it is time to show this punk who he is dealing with!” shouts Onyx Graveler returns and Lunatone is released.
I stand there amazed that Radic is playing this match nearly flawlessly. I don’t even understand how he can do this without even seeing what is happening. I turn to Casanova and inquire, “Do you think we can beat him? Radic seems to be doing this so easily right now.” Casanova places his hand on my heart and gives a gentle grip upon my shirt. I thought to myself that I would only find out when I finally challenge Onyx.
Radic nods and calls back Chopan. Radic then comments, “So you are finally using something a little unique. Hey Kixque, what do you think of when you think of the moon, and don’t say cheese?” I think for a moment and look at the ceiling and begin to feel a yawn coming. I then reluctantly answer, “Sleep?” “Exactly! Rezna, go finish off the show.” Rezna, the Piloswine, lands on the ground with a deafening clash. Onyx shouts, “Lunatone, use your ‘Hypnosis’ now!” Lunatone obeys the command and sends a hypnotic beam at Rezna. Radic stays quiet for a moment and then commands, “Rezna, use your ‘Blizzard’ attack!” Everything remains motionless for a moment. A faint snore from Rezna is then heard. Onyx laughs and listens to his laugh echo through the stadium. Onyx then inquires, “What will you do now? Lunatone, use your ‘Rock Throw’ ability.” Lunatone lifts up the largest rock it can find. Radic shouts, “Sleep talk now!” Lunatone hurls rock at Rezna when a powerful blast of frigid air shoots from Rezna. Lunatone’s eyes widen as it helplessly watches the boulder soar right back at Lunatone. The announcer comments, “Lunatone is no longer able to battle. The winner of this match is the challenger, Radic.”
Onyx demands, “No way! This just can’t be! How can someone defeat me so effortlessly?” “I should be asking how someone like you became a gym leader,” replies Radic as he calls back Rezna. Radic turns to the light behind me and comments, “I told you it wouldn’t be that hard.” I just stood there in shock as Radic so easily beat the unbeatable Onyx with so little effort and the inability to see. Radic then lets out Poe, and Poe flies onto Radic’s shoulders. Poe then helps Radic to find me. Radic places his hand on my shoulder and comment, “Now it is your turn. Don’t worry, it shouldn’t even be that hard.” Little does he know that I haven’t even ever battled before.


Chapter III: A’hoy Pier VI
A minute ran by with neither a sound from any living creature besides my own breath, and the rolling of the waves caressing the steel hull. Crates were leaning slowly with the movements of the boat, but being smashed against a wall by an astray crate was nothing compared to mutilation by fellow men. At least they’re gone, but this isn’t the time to chance it. Then gushy sounding footprints echoed in my ears. I pulled another layer of linen over my head, hoping that it wasn’t another seaman. A hand then was placed over my head, and as the linen went flying off, a white light was in front of me.

“Yo, it’s me Charlie!” turning my head away from the flashlight, I saw nothing more than paranoia seeping through his pores. Charlie was shaking, but then again, this ride was nothing to consider another thought about, “I was worried about ya, since I heard a clump on the floor, a rather meaty one too, but I guess you made the sailor into ‘blood pudding’. Wow, its just all ketchup colored around here, but to be honest, I am worried that you’ll gut me up like him,” I simply sighed, “No youth should ever be slain, no matter the crime or charge against them,” but Charlie whispered, “Are you gonna get out of that box? We’ve got some minutes before we need to hide, and besides I dunno if we’ll get another minute together before lady luck decides to split us loose!”

I felt very embarrassed, and slightly annoyed. Why would this boy, dare to ask me to reveal my tainted self draped in blood? Weird lad, but I did not want to raise a commotion, for time was of the essence, “Ok, but do not feel alarmed, for I am quite a mess,” pulling my body out of the crate, the fabric draped off my body like a scarf as my nude appearance darkened by blood emerged in front of Charlie. The white light crafted a crude silhouette of myself, but the boy just blinked in shock, and then frantically turned his head around, “Eww! You should have warned me before flashing that thing!”

“Please keep your indulged fantasies to yourself. I can’t help it my body has matured at a faster rate than yours. You know, the cruelty of age,” but my sarcastic joke did nothing to the child. I felt embarrassed, but veiled it by my own frustration. Standing around nude was nothing pleasurable, but then I grabbed onto his wool sweater, and pulled him towards me, “Where are some clothes?”

“I don’t know! Please, just hold your horses, and maybe one of these crates has at least a pair of levi’s,” but as both our eyes met in the dim light, I saw fear, a kind of fear that takes the form of bedazzlement. Charlie just gaped in silent as shivers manipulated his flesh. I envy him, for I no longer can be idle, or childish. That side of me died eons ago, “Fine then, lets check the one behind you,” so he tried to lift the top, but it was nailed tight. However when he flashed a light to its left side, there was a gaping hole. The elements must have done it, but Charlie just put his tiny hand inside, and yanked out a women’s ebony corset, “My mom used to run around in these all the time. Adults must have weird tastes in just about everything!”

I pulled my bundle of clothes from the linen crate, and dropped them on the ground, but then after digging through the masses of panties, and stockings the boy found an outfit most suitable for my needs. It was a long red robe, which you wrap around your body in a matter like a Greek toga. The color would be most useful in hiding the stains of blood across my pale flesh, and it would be easy to wear. Charlie handed it to me like a bed sheet, but I just wrapped it around my body, and picking up a few bobby pins on the floor, I pinioned the cloth so that it would not slip off my skinny build. Once more the youth looked very shocked.

“My god you look so weird!”

“This cloth is similar to the one that Masaai warriors wear, but without the beads and elaborate decorations,” I was very pleased with it, so light and non restraining, and could be worn at numerous occasions. I could tell however, that my companion did not share my excitement.

“What’s a Masaai?”

“A group of nomadic people from Southern Kenya, and Tanzania. Or, you could say ‘tribal Africans’, but lacking the correct label of the people or any respect,” I bent over to pick up my clothes, “I still think you look like a funky monkey. I wonder why any women would wear that, especially at a birthday party?”

“Thus the world moves on with many unexplained things under its treads,” Charlie walked up to me, and nudged my head down, “I want you to come with me,”

“How come?”

“Because, your rather goofy and a murderer, but I’d be a nice to be around a actual person, and not some alien tongued soldiers tagging around 24/7. Also, I have my reasons, but they aren’t important right now,” this intrigued me, “Oh come on, do explain your ‘reasons’,” but he just backed away. Perhaps he feels lonely inside, and craves the rush of bonding that the human spirit hungers for? I do feel lonely, but I cannot help it, for I have secluded only myself from the hearts of fellow men not out of paranoia or shyness, but out of--hatred. Just then a barrage of stomping honed in upon us.

“Bravas Charlie! Kimba fuu neesha kun’dei!”

“I don’t want to go yet! There is still about three minutes left,” but the tattooed Shasta would not listen. He lifted Charlie up, and slung him upon those massive shoulders like a bag of potatoes. Before the shadows claimed him, I saw his eyes, and they were running with tears. Not ones of sorrow, but of longing, for we both knew neither one of us wanted to depart from each other’s company just yet. The flashlight died, and before returning to the crate, I heard Charlie’s squeaky voice, “You’re going to Slateport right? Meet us at the Himeguma hotel down by Captain Stern’s—,“ a harsh silence devoured the last of his sentence. The speakers erupted for one last time.

“Attention all personnel, one minute until docking. I repeat, one minute until docking. All crews resume your positions, and make sure all passengers are safe, and calm upon docking. Engine crew; reduce the turbines speed to around four knots upon landing. Sweep Crews R-5 thru R-8 begin to gather up all crates and deliver them to the side hatch upon docking. Thank you for serving the S.S. Genyosha, and we will return to Portland, Oregon in three days prior to today. This is the Captains quarters reporting, and out.”

Without a second thought, I lunged back into the linen box, and wrapped layers around me. I remained still, and a multitude of thoughts flooded my memory banks. I wondered about Charlie briefly. Whatever is happening with him, I just hope he will at least make it out of this stage of life without embracing death. My attention then focused on the carcass of Carl, and the blood around my crate, and the area. Most likely those sailors will notice what happened, and might rip open this crate. Yet, I did not have enough time to find another suitable hiding spot, and cover my tracks, so I stood my ground, and remained in this spot. Sweat empted from my pores. This may be the moment of fate that will determine my life, either death by the hands of man now, or later on without warning. I wanted the latter.

Just then I heard a group of around 100 men march into the hull, and push around crates, some even used the steel appendages of cranes to transport the boxes. I kept still, and calm much like how Itabo is inside his pokeball. More men were coming down, and they were making their way closer to me, pushing, pulling, grunting, and cussing as the labor went on with machine like fluidly. Then I felt a quick jolt, the turbines were making their last boost, and then the freight went to a lurching halt. A banging of crates and groans of frustrated sailors echoed, and I felt a tad bit flustered by the stop. I then heart many footsteps from the upper levels. Tourists were beginning to leave. I smelt a scent of cheap bourbon and tobacco a yard away to the right. There was a sailor coming, and he was flashing a light.

“My lawrd, men come here and catch sight o’dis carnage!”

I flinched in horror. I’ve been noticed, and it wouldn’t be long until my presence would be notified. My mind was flooded with grim possibilities these men would do to myself, and the other stowaways once caught. Then the cargo platform opened up, and a bright light emerged in the room. The crashing of the sea, and cawing of Wingulls bellowed out to the men. I was too afraid contemplating my own demise.

“What a bugger way to die, eh? Poor chap, but no pokemon would do such a thing,” a random sailor stated. The crates stopped moving, and more men came to the death site, “The wounds are too uneven, and brutal. A pokemon kills with precision and with clean, non-wasted blows,” two men looked around, and saw a good number of tarnished crates with splattered goods, “Whoever done it, must have been some sociopath, or so’thang like dat,” the sailors began to craft their own rumors about who could of done it, and around five of them marched to the shattered crates with crowbars and tools at hand, to disable the would be marauder. As they filtered through the tattered clothing, and juices of canned fruit with shards of glass in the jelly, a elderly voice of Tom spoke to the agrevated men.

“Me mate Carl o’ the skully slice ye up like ham did he?”

“How do ya know he’s Carl suhr?” a fellow sailor asked, “Look at ah his eyes wonch’ya? They be innocent looking without a hatred in de world. Only he’d be owner of them. I know from me own time with him,” the men looked very sincere, “Please, tell us more!”

“Aye I’ll spin me a’yarn about him. Year back ‘ago my daughter Molly had thee tonsillitis n’ they swell like tan colored buoy’s and the misses n’ eye could do nothing to calm it down. So we took her to a doc n’ all he say was ‘surgery’, but we had not o’ dime to pay. So, I spoke my dilemma to Carl, but de lad gave me his holiday bonus to save her life from de cursed tonsils. Molly is livin’ an’ growing like a weed thanks to his kindness,” Tom preached.

Another sailor began to speak, “Carl helped me learn to tie knots to keep the lifeboats from getting all loose,” more men yelled, “He listened to our problems without avail!” and I heard a novel’s worth of praises for the fallen sailor.

The men sounded like they were sobbing for I heard a multitude of sniffles and sobs. I too felt the tangs of guilt prick against my skin, and wanted to sob for I was responsible for the slaying of such a gentle soul. Yet, fate brings us to one another for grim purposes no soothsayer could ever foretell, “If I find de man, I’ll gut ‘im like a whale, and his arse be fed to the Sharpedo’s!”

“Yeah, we’ll get that bloak for sure!” the mob mentality grew only larger as roars from the sailor intensified as they began o frantically scan the area. The group of five reported they found no trace of the murderer, but the men kept searching for any clues. A young man caught sight of my crate. I knew since I felt his depressed eyes press against my soul, an eerie feeling none of the less.

“Guys I found a suspicious crate with lots of blood all over, and a popped top!”

I felt like they lynched me at that moment in time. For a crowd of enraged men began to touch, and inspect my hiding place. I could feel the pressure of rage waiting to be unloaded upon my body, but I did not budge. As I felt the linen being tossed off and the gibberish of cheering from the sailors, there was a large explosion followed by M-16 gunfire.

“Attention all personnel! Team Aqua is attacking the pier, and is attempting to storm the ship. Man your ground, and prepare any necessary equipment to drive then away. The police will be here in a half hour due to team Magma problems, but we must not let them acquire our ship. Use any means at all costs to protect the passengers, and cargo. Any man caught trying to escape due to this massive turn of events will be shot on sight! This is admiral Ducof reporting and out,” boomed the speakers.

The sailors began to scream, and run towards the cargo platform. A dozen ran to the engine room to pick up some rifles, and other ran out with crowbars, and welding torches in hand. Yet I wondered if these Team Aqua guys are my saviors, or only adding kerosene to the bonfires of life? I poked my head out to see the sailors running around frantically. More gunshots went off, and there were blood-curdling screams. I climbed out of the crate slowly, and ducked behind a cargo platform loaded with boxes. With Itabo’s premiere ball in hand, I closed my eyes, undid the braids in my hair, and slowly entered the fray.