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Thread: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

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  1. #1
    Quite shadow Advanced Trainer
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    Default Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Well, I need some more points aswell as some EXP, so here goes...

    2 vs 2, one out at a time
    DQ- one week
    No banned moves
    I'll send out first, you attack first
    Arena- a deserted island in the middle of the ocen. The island is complettly barren, nothing but white sand, and about 100 yards around.

    To start things off I'll send out Setsuna, my female Elekid.
    Last edited by Dragonis; 4th February 2008 at 10:19 AM.

  2. #2
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Open challenge

    ::Just falls in::

    ::Waits it out....sees what develops...::

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Open challenge

    Can I take this one? I'll send out Togepi (M) Red Dragon! You can call him Red for short.

    Alright begin with a Yawn. Now Shadow Ball. Then Shadow Ball yet again.

    Yawn~Shadow Ball x2

  4. #4
    Quite shadow Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Open challenge

    Does that mean you want to ref this DL?
    Anyways, Setsuna start off by using Psychic to hold Red's mouth shut so he can't Yawn at you. Then set up a Light Screen. Finish up by nailing Red with a Karate Chop.

    ~Psychic~Light Screen~Karate Chop~

  5. #5
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve

    Oh Dragonis...I don't think you have a choice in the matter, do you?

    I'll ref tomorrow if no one else wants to ref it.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  6. #6
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve

    2 ON 2 Snitches


    2 vs 2, one out at a time
    DQ- one week
    No banned moves
    I'll send out first, you attack first
    Arena- a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. The island is completly barren, nothing but white sand, and about 100 yards around.



    Setsuna, Elekid F
    Psychic~Light Screen~Karate Chop


    Steve Candy
    Red Dragon, M Togepi
    Ho ho
    Yawn~Shadowball X2

    ===Round 1===


    Just when it seemed no one was going to make it out to this deserted spit of land, I-the magnificant DL have come! HAHHAHAAHA!!

    Dragonis: ¬¬ Yeah yeah we're grateful you ref alot yadda yadda yadda shut up and ref.

    DL -.-..Fine! Just cuz I lub u all soo much

    Steve: Is...he always like that?
    Dragonis: Actually, I dun even know...

    Anyway, as we have a two on two matchup-I'm gonna set out my lawn chair and see how this turns out. Over to the left, is Setsuna, charged and ready. Her opponent, a small eggy turned spike haired Togepi named Red Dragon.

    The eggy looks tired, as the sand is nice and warm and relaxing. He gears to Yawn, only to find his lips won't move! Puckering with all his might, he feels the Yawn ebb through his body, giving him a weird headache. Setsuna smiles, seeing how much Dragon is struggling-and relinquishes her hold once the Yawn's duration completes itself.

    Setsuna: -8E ==///== Dragon: -4E/-6H

    Dragon, feeling his mouth free again, cheered in joy, before amassing energy to rock that little sucker with. Setsuna welcomed the ghostly sphere, watching as the orb seared across the sands. Crashing directly in front of Setsuna, a thick buffer of Light could be seen Screening the blast, so the latent effect of the sphere was reduced.

    Setsuna: -5E/-5H ==///== Dragon: -8E
    L.S: 6 actions

    GRR. Dragon tried again, flinging the second Shadowball with soime force for his little body. He wound up falling over as the ball left his grip. Setsuna, stood behind her wall, but as the Shadowball crashed against her buffer-she flew backa bit. THere was a little more kick to that one.

    Dashing forward now, she kept her left hand out as she dashed across sand and silt. Dragon rolled over to see a yellow hand strike across his shell-an even Chop.

    Backing up, Setsuna watched as the egg rolled over in stunned pain.

    Setsuna: -6E/-6H ==///== Dragon: -8E/-12H

    After one round, Setsuna seems to have control. Dragon stands up ready to dish out some more hurt!



    Setsuna, Elekid F
    Hi Ya sucka!
    L.S: 4 actions


    Steve Candy
    Red Dragon, M Togepi


    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  7. #7
    Quite shadow Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve

    Alright Setsuna, start off with Meditate to raise your power. Then nail Red with a Rolling Kick fallowed by a Thunderpunch.

    ~Meditate~Rolling Kick~Thunderpunch~

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Start by trying Yawn again. Next burn him with Flamethrower. Finish with Shadow Ball.

    Yawn~Flamethrower~Shadow Ball

  9. #9
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    2 ON 2 Snitches


    2 vs 2, one out at a time
    DQ- one week
    No banned moves
    I'll send out first, you attack first
    Arena- a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. The island is completly barren, nothing but white sand, and about 100 yards around.


    Setsuna, Elekid F
    Hi Ya sucka!
    L.S: 4 actions
    Meditate~Rolling Kick~Thunderpunch


    Steve Candy
    Red Dragon, M Togepi

    ===Round 2===

    Upon this newly created battlefield, Dragon seems to once again be very very tired. A long, audible Yawn is heard, and the resonating sound waves seem to hastily encumber Setsuna. Try as she might, her Meditation seems to work but with a drastic side effect, that being the silence and concentration of it slowly ebbing away as she falls ever so close to sleep.

    Setsuna: -5E *Very drowsy* +1 Atk==///== Dragon: -4E

    Pleased she was feeling tired, Dragon took the much needed time to accumulate all the energy it could, and released it at the groggy Elekid in the form of a superheated Flamethrower. Upon the flames searing her body, Setsuna, halfway snapped out of her grogginess, began to run from the fire-Rolling as she did so.

    In a sharp twist of fate, her barrel roll to safety put her directly in contact with Dragon, and her feet managed to Kick the electrical rodent aside as she ran for cover-burned along her side.

    Setsuna: -7E/-6H *Brn*==///== Dragon: -8E/-15H

    With that burn irritating her, the Yawn's effect were essentially nullified. There was no matter-Setsuna felt as if she was going to put the hurt on Dragon now. Crackling with energy and supercharged Thunderpunch found its way into Dragons gut. Formidably so-Dragon did not take that lying down. Calling those shadowic energies once more, a thick ball of Shadows was flung at Setsuna. Diving for cover, Setsuna was luckily protected by her buffer, the ball doing substantially less damage.

    Setsuna: -7E/-6H ==///== Dragon: -8E/-6H

    Two rounds in, and that burn seems to really bug Setsuna. But the Light screen is helping to weaken Dragon's attacks.

    Brn= 3%


    Setsuna, Elekid F
    Oww, it stings!!
    +1 Atk
    L.S: 1 action, Brn


    Steve Candy
    Red Dragon, M Togepi
    No Really. Ow!!!


    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Start off with a Shadow Ball. Then use Attract. Follow up with Psychic.

    Shadow Ball~Attract~Psychic

  11. #11
    Quite shadow Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Ok Setsuna, use a Charge Beam to blast through Red's shadow ball. Then Captivate him so he can't use Attract. Finish up by showing him your strength with a Cross Chop.

    ~Charge Beam~Captivate~Cross Chop~

  12. #12
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    2 ON 2 Snitches


    2 vs 2, one out at a time
    DQ- one week
    No banned moves
    I'll send out first, you attack first
    Arena- a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. The island is completly barren, nothing but white sand, and about 100 yards around.


    Setsuna, Elekid F
    Oww, it stings!!
    +1 Atk
    L.S: 1 action, Brn
    Charge Beam~Captivate~Cross Chop


    Steve Candy
    Red Dragon, M Togepi
    No Really. Ow!!!
    Shadow Ball~Attract~Psychic

    ===Round 3===

    This battle rages on with all the heat in a Fire Blast. Setsuna quickly balls up a small current of electricity, and stretches it out between her palms. At the other end, a dizzy Dragon attempts another Shadowball attempt. The Sphere is launched, and Setsuna flings her Charged Beam akin to a javelin.

    The Charge beam crashes into the Shadowball, and pierces the sphere...but dosen't obliterate it. To Setsuna's surprise, as she spies the ball incoming for her body-a warm feeling envelops her. She hugs herself and curls, even though the impact shudders against that buffer one last time, before breaking.

    Red Dragon though, squeaks, as the Charge Beam strikes his feet causing him to hop around with singed toes.

    Setsuna: -6E/-6H +1 Sp Atk==///== Dragon: -8E/-6H

    With the Light Screen gone, Dragon now has an opening. He tries to take it, looking as cute as egg! But Dragon gets distracted, as Setsuna lies along the ground, slightly stroking her weird little legs. The actions utterly Captivates Togepi, and within moments, the little guy then stares at Setsuna, who ironically, seems to have been affected by the Attract...cause she's still acting seductive!

    Setsuna: -3E -2 Sp Atk *Att* %50==///== Dragon: -3E

    Well now, Setsuna now was totally head over heels for that egg, and sauntered over to it. This change in fate was blessed it would seem. Taking her confusion for his advantage, Red began to play with her mind, using his Psychic Powers to implant a mystical land of love and adoration around the Elekid..before destroying it immediately. She cried out, and dove for Togepi in fear, her left hand Chopping him aCross the face as she held onto him for safety.

    Setsuna: -9E/-9H 42% ==///== Dragon: -8E/-16H

    Setsuna hisses as she feels the burn on her back, and for a second she remembered the little eggy did that to her..Three rounds over, Setsuna's attraction seems to be wearing down readily. Red Dragon though, is pretty sure love hurts.

    Brn= 3%
    Atr= down to 39%


    Setsuna, Elekid F
    +1 Atk -1 Sp Atk
    Brn, Atr


    Steve Candy
    Red Dragon, M Togepi
    X_X Just when it seemed perfect


    Last edited by DarkestLight; 7th February 2008 at 10:34 PM. Reason: Rotation

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  13. #13
    Quite shadow Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Alright Setsuna, show Red the Strength of your love! Then hit him with a Facade for burning you. After that reminde him that love hurts with a Thunderpunch.


  14. #14
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Shadow Ball her to do a little bit of damage. Then try for a Solarbeam.

    Shadow Ball~Solarbeam

  15. #15
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    2 ON 2 Snitches


    2 vs 2, one out at a time
    DQ- one week
    No banned moves
    I'll send out first, you attack first
    Arena- a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. The island is completly barren, nothing but white sand, and about 100 yards around.

    Setsuna, Elekid F
    +1 Atk -1 Sp Atk
    Brn, Atr


    Steve Candy
    Red Dragon, M Togepi
    X_X Just when it seemed perfect
    Shadow Ball~Solarbeam

    ===Round 4===

    Waves crash upon the tips of this spit of land, as Dragon wipes sand away from its shell. But to Setsuna, that just looks hot. Little Red Dragon working his body ever so wobbly to shake off those glistening shards of quartz to and fro. Watching his spiky hair wiggle ever so slightly in the wind *_*

    ..That's just not right Setsuna. Just not right. Even more not right was the Shadowball Dragon formed after he felt less gritty, and rammed into Setsuna's chest.

    Setsuna: -9H Enamored Atr: 30%==///== Dragon: -8E

    Hurt by that attack., Setsuna shook off the dazed look, only to see Dragon curling up his body. Aww 'is muscles were cute, but not cute enough to stop her this time. She pretended to saunter over and act like she was amazed at his muscles.

    Funny, 'cause Dragon was gleaming by this point, and flexed a bit to show off, but all he got was a good ol' slap to the face. Good Facade Setsuna, took his pride down a notch!

    Setsuna: -7E 24%==///== Dragon: -5E/-11H

    Seeing Dragon on the ground though made Setsuna realize she was hurting this adoring Pokemon. Dragon welled up tears in his eyes, and seemed as if he was going to cry. Instead of tears of sadness, Setsuna saw one single tear turn into light. Watching teh small ball of light float up, Dragon opened his mouth, and released a immense wave of light right at Setsuna. She had no choice but to look away, as she was sent to the other side of the island by the force of that SolarBeam. The kickback sent Dragon rolling, but he stopped soon enough to witness Setsuna in teh water, splashing vehemently.

    Setsuna: -12H/Enamored 16% ==///== Dragon: -5E

    Setsuna hisses, but is happy since the water helped to ease the burn. Dragon knows his love Spell is weakening, but he's still got a chance.

    Brn= 1%
    Atr= down to 15%


    Setsuna, Elekid F
    +1 Atk -1 Sp Atk
    Brn, Atr


    Steve Candy
    Red Dragon, M Togepi
    Wow. Ferocious Kickback!


    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Start with a Toxic. Then use Flash. Finish with a Psychic.


  17. #17
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    Alright Setsuna, he's already burned you so we won't let him make it worse. Protect yourself from Toxic. Then close your eyes and Meditate while he tries to blind you. After that nail him with a Cross Chop.

    ~Protect~Meditate~Cross Chop~

  18. #18
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    2 ON 2 Snitches


    2 vs 2, one out at a time
    DQ- one week
    No banned moves
    I'll send out first, you attack first
    Arena- a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. The island is completly barren, nothing but white sand, and about 100 yards around.


    Setsuna, Elekid F
    +1 Atk -1 Sp Atk
    Brn, Atr
    Protect~Meditate~Cross Chop


    Steve Candy
    Red Dragon, M Togepi
    Wow. Ferocious Kickback!

    ===Round 5===

    Finally swimming back to shore, Setsuna, lied upon the beach, coughing up seawater. Why would her love leave her like this? O wait! There he comes! He really does love her! But no-he can't! But yes, he has orchids in his hands!

    ..that are springtime fresh and drip purple ooze (Dragonis=/= Luck)! Disobeying her orders once more, Setsuna ran to receive her gift from Dragon, only to be slapped in the face with a helping of Toxic.

    Setsuna: Enamored/Toxic flowers! Atr: 16%==///== Dragon: -4E

    Seeing them wilt caused Setsuna to cry. She closed her eyes and balled her fists up, trying to hide her tears from her lover...Good thing too, as Dragon sadistically lit up the romantic island with a Flash of light.

    Unknowing to the Flash around her, Setsuna's anger began to grow exponentially. Meditation wasn't helping to calm her down, no.

    Setsuna: -3E +1 Atk 15%==///== Dragon: -3E

    Dragon, thinking she was blinded, moved in close to her, before gearing to unleash his pawaa! However, his excitement changed to fear really quick, when he saw the Elekid bound from standing still-tears streaming from her eyes. He winced, holding his hands out-unknowingly aiming and firing his Psychic at the angry woman. Setsuna crashed into the waves, and was thoroughly pushed back-but that didn't stop her from trying again.

    A second dive was done, and her fist crashed on Red Dragons' back as he tried to create distance between them

    Setsuna: -7E/-9H 8% ==///== Dragon: -8E/-18H

    Setsuna coughs-feelings dissipating by the moment. Dragon limps away, trying to get a moment to regroup.

    Brn= 1%
    T.P= 3% this round
    Atr= down to 4%


    Setsuna, Elekid F
    *Hates love*
    +2 Atk -1 Sp Atk
    Brn, Atr, Psn


    Steve Candy
    Red Dragon, M Togepi
    Woman scorned...yipe x_x!


    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    OK Setsuna let's show Red not to toy with a woman's feelings! Smack that little bastard with a Cross Chop. Then nail him with a Brick Break. Then put him out of his misery with Thunderpunch.

    ~Cross Chop~Brick Break~Thunderpunch~

  20. #20
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    Try a Reflect to reflect Cross Chop. Then Shadow Ball twice.

    Reflect~Shadow Ball x2

  21. #21
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    2 ON 2 Snitches


    2 vs 2, one out at a time
    DQ- one week
    No banned moves
    I'll send out first, you attack first
    Arena- a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. The island is completly barren, nothing but white sand, and about 100 yards around.


    Setsuna, Elekid F
    *Hates love*
    +2 Atk -1 Sp Atk
    Brn, Atr, Psn
    Cross Chop~Brick Break~Thunderpunch


    Steve Candy
    Red Dragon, M Togepi
    Woman scorned...yipe x_x!
    Reflect~ShadowBall x 2

    ===Round 6===

    Hurting pretty bad, Dragon rubbed his sore head and belleh. Without any regard for his pain, Setsuna dashed forward, hand rigid and poised to crack the eggy wide open. However, when she reached and struck out at Dragon, she felt her power effectively weakened considerably. The light Wall Reflected half of the inertia she was releasing- giving Dragon a reprieve.

    That was it, as she lost an and all love she had for Dragon.

    Setsuna: -9E ==///== Dragon: -3E/-9H
    Reflect up for 5 actions

    Not happy with his little defensive maneuvers, Setsuna was quick to keep the fight going, punching at that shield with the force of a Brick Breaker! Struck by that surprise combo of punches, his defense fell; breaking before his very eyes. Dragon quickly flung out his arms from shock of the pain to his system, the Shadowball barrelling into Setsuna's face.

    Setsuna: -6E/-8H ==///== Dragon: -7E/-15H

    Dragon however, did not recover. He lied still as Setsuna sat upon the sands, trying to relax.

    Brn= 1%
    T.P= 4% this round


    Setsuna, Elekid F
    Hurts, danged burn
    +2 Atk -1 Sp Atk
    Brn, Atr, Txc


    Steve Candy
    Red Dragon, M Togepi

    Steve releases and attacks.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    I choose Absol (M) Natle!

    Use Toxic to start. Then a Flamethrower to burn her. Finish up with a Quick Attack.

    Toxic~Flamethrower~Quick Attack

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Alright Setsuna, let's go out with a bang! Start off with a Dynamicpunch. Then hit him with a Cross Chop fallowed by a Karate Chop.
    ~Dynamicpunch~Cross Chop~Karate Chop~

  24. #24
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    2 ON 2 Snitches


    2 vs 2, one out at a time
    DQ- one week
    No banned moves
    I'll send out first, you attack first
    Arena- a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. The island is completly barren, nothing but white sand, and about 100 yards around.


    Setsuna, Elekid F
    Hurts, danged burn
    +2 Atk -1 Sp Atk
    Brn, Atr, Txc
    DynamicPunch~Cross Chop~Karate Chop


    Steve Candy
    Natle, M Absol
    Call of the wild.
    Toxic~Flamethrower~Quick Attack

    ===Round 8===

    Red Dragon, the little guy- was recalled after surviving such a harsh battle for Setsuna 's love. In his stead came Steve's next Pokemon, a familiar face. Natle strided carefully upon the sand, scythe slightly pressed against his scalp.

    Setsuna, seeing her new target, shook off the tired feeling as much as she could, and dashed forward. Her time was direly close, so there was no point in fighting it.

    Natle allowed her to get close-which turned out to be a doubly bad idea. First off, as he spat the Toxic on her, Setsuna didn't even flinch. Instead, her Punch swung all wildly, catching Natle in the jaw!

    And did he ever fly Dynamically, landing a few yards away.

    Setsuna: -5E ==///== Natle: -4E/-11H *Cfs*

    Pained, Natle stood up, only to fall flat on his face. Something was off, and he couldn't figure it out. Wobbling about, he turned and began spewing a searing flame toward what he believed was an Elekid hovering over him.

    Vision cleared up enough for him to realize he shot fire at the sun. Didn't matter though-as Natle's rear was suddenly brought to the floor hard, Chopped right on his chops! Natle howled, this little thing was beating him silly!

    Setsuna: -7E ==///== Natle: -8E/-19H

    Unfortunately, Setsuna's run had ran on far long enough. Before she could aim for a third Karate Chop to Natle's hide, a whoosh of wind blindsided her. Lying in the sand, Setsuna closed her eyes, clenching her teeth. The burn stung from being on the sand...the poison ate at her insides voraciously-and it all added up to an immense amount of pain she didn't feel like fighting with anymore.

    Setsuna: -3H ==///== Natle: -3E

    Brn= 1%
    T.P= 5% this round


    Setsuna, Elekid F
    +2 Atk -1 Sp Atk
    Brn, Txc


    Steve Candy
    Natle, M Absol
    Lil bit confused still >> <<

    Dragonis releases and attacks.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Good job Setsuna. You did great! Now I'll send out Rogue, my shiny female Gyarados.

    Ok Rogue, start off by hitting Natle with Toxic. Then Taunt him. After that nail him with Surf.


  26. #26
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Use Taunt on Rogue. Then Blizzard. And when she uses surf use Protect.


  27. #27
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    2 ON 2 Snitches


    2 vs 2, one out at a time
    DQ- one week
    No banned moves
    I'll send out first, you attack first
    Arena- a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. The island is completly barren, nothing but white sand, and about 100 yards around.


    Rogue, F Gyarados
    Roaring glad to be here!


    Steve Candy
    Natle, M Absol
    Lil bit confused still >> <<

    ===Round 9===

    Natle looked around, and turned his head (as did everyone else.) when a shiny Gyarados entered the scene. Rouge shimmered against the natural spectrum, a vibrant rose red against this sky.

    Natle's vacant stare though, was not to be mistaken for dumbfoundedness. Instantly, he began snarling and spitting out insultes about how Rogue's scales are implants!

    She wasn't having that, and lunged for the hound, biting at his head.

    Rogue: -2E ==///== Natle: -3E/-3H
    Tainted: 4 actions

    Rubbing her head from the nip, Natle dashed away from the chasing Gyara. Insulted that someone would think her scales were fake; She went for a headbutt, to send Natle flying. All she got however, was a rush of cold winds striking at her serpentine form. She recoiled back-stunned for the moment.

    Rogue: -11E ==///== Natle: -10E

    Natle then hunkered down, as the serpent burst free of her small chill, roaring with disgust at the Absol. She summoned the waters to her aid, and they came raining down over where Natle stood. Natle braced herself for the briny onslaught, and was able to withstand the forces of the Surf. Once it passed, Natle's shield dropped, and she looked up at the Gyarados, whom was still seething at the mouth.

    Rogue: -8E ==///== Natle: -10E


    Rogue, F Gyarados
    They're real! Honest! *Flashes them*
    Taunt: 2 actions more.


    Steve Candy
    Natle, M Absol
    Shaken but not stirred.


    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Use Charge Beam. Then Shock Wave twice.

    Charge Beam~Shock Wave x2

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Alright Rogue, start off by grabing Natle with Bite. Then drag him with you while you Dive underwater. After that trap him down there in a Whirlpool.


  30. #30
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    2 ON 2 Snitches


    2 vs 2, one out at a time
    DQ- one week
    No banned moves
    I'll send out first, you attack first
    Arena- a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. The island is completly barren, nothing but white sand, and about 100 yards around.


    Rogue, F Gyarados
    They're real! Honest! *Flashes them*
    Taunt: 2 actions more.


    Steve Candy
    Natle, M Absol
    Shaken but not stirred.
    Shock Wave~Charge Beam x 2

    ===Round 10===

    Unfearing of the twisting serpent speeding his way, Natle allowed his body to amass high levels of electricity, before expending it all in a massive Wave. Rogue and her clones all were Shocked-but Rogue still found her teeth Biting into Natle's back.

    However, she needed a minute..

    Rogue: -5E/-14H ==///== Natle: -6E/-6H

    Getting her bearings correct, Rogue began to carry Natle over the water. Her Dive started, Natle pawed at Rogues face, attaining a foothold. Her eyes released a excess of sparks, as a Charged Beam left her mouth, to run through Rogue's spine. Rogue's jaws popped open from the pain, dropping Natle in the water.

    Natle hit the ocean, and then attained a second hit from Rogue's body crashing atop of her. But Natle could be seen by her slightly yellowish hue..

    Rogue: -3E/-12H ==///== Natle: -5E/-6H +1 Sp Atk

    Recovering from the second shock, Rogue began to swim about, but Natle was not under her like she first thought. Turning under and over herself, she spotted the hound swimming back to shore. Well, she wasn't having that. Quick as a eel she spun, until her energies caused a great whirlpool to be created. Natle felt the current switch almost immediately, and she felt herself be dragged toward it.

    Rogue begam to swim out of the ocean, but a second Beam shocked her spinal system, causing her to fall back into her own Whirlpool. Both Pokemon were then swept under by the force, and wound up much deeper than they were both expecting.

    Natle however, began to swim back to the surface, and Rogue was still recuperating from her shock.

    Rogue: -6E/-14H ==///== Natle: -5E/-3H


    Rogue, F Gyarados
    Shocked like crazy!


    Steve Candy
    Natle, M Absol
    Ok stirred too!
    +1 Sp Atk


    Damage caps were at 40-so Shock Wave and Charge beam got knocked down.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  31. #31
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Use Surf to drag Natle further out to sea. Then use your Strength to try to pull him down to the sea floor. After that freeze him there with an Ice Beam.

    ~Surf~Strength~Ice Beam~

  32. #32
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Start out by using Rest. Then Sleep Talk twice if you are still asleep if not use Ice Beam.

    Rest~Sleep talk/Ice Beam~Sleep Talk/Ice Beam

  33. #33
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    2 ON 2 Snitches


    2 vs 2, one out at a time
    DQ- one week
    No banned moves
    I'll send out first, you attack first
    Arena- a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. The island is completly barren, nothing but white sand, and about 100 yards around.

    Rogue, F Gyarados
    Shocked like crazy!
    Surf~Strength~Ice Beam


    Steve Candy
    Natle, M Absol
    Ok stirred too!
    +1 Sp Atk
    Rest~Sleep talk x 2
    Sub: Ice Beam x 2 if awake

    ===Round 11===

    The surface of the water seemed to be calming down as the last small tendrils of the whirlpool were melting away. A shadow burst forth from the depths however, throwing the calming air into disarray. Natle gasped for air, as he doggy paddled to shore. Lunging onto land, he immediately began to Rest, letting his body relax and stick to the sand.

    Kind of a ad time, as an ominous wave surged upward, and over the pup, dragging the pup back into the sea. With no resistance to swim, Natle was starting to get sucked under really quickly...

    Rogue: -8E ==///== Natle: -9E/(+7H)

    As the sleeping pup began to sink, Rogue swam underneath the waves, pleased her prey was incapacitated by his own means. As Natle took in his first breath ..full of seawater mind you, he felt his gut suddenly plunged into. Rogue ensured that the pup dared not move from her grasp as she swam lower and lower, her Strength overpowering Natle's groggy-and now drowning state.

    Natle managed to wave frantically, thinking this was a horrible dream. the Slash raked across Rogue's back, a tad harsher than usual.

    Rogue: -6E/-8H ==///== Natle: -5E/-12H(+7H) Drowning: 5hp/action*

    Natle awoke, and tried to cough up the water, but found out it was no dream, he was really being held underwater. Freaking out was the least of the worries Natle, had. Rogue finally released him from her coils, and he bolted as hard as he could for the surface, even though it seemed so damned far away.

    Rogue though, wasn't going to let him escape, and fired off a sharp and frosty Beam at his legs. Natle continued to swim, blindly firing an Ice Beam of his own to try and deter Rogue's approach. His sailed far to the left, while Rogue's hit dead on, giving Natle's fur a chilly new wash.

    The Ice Beam however, did create a small ice floe that began to rise rapidly. Natle lied upon the floe and held on, fighting his need to breathe as hard as he could...the surface was coming....

    Rogue: -8E ==///== Natle: -6E/-12H


    Rogue, F Gyarados
    Gotta drown him!


    Steve Candy
    Natle, M Absol
    AIR!!!! NOW!!
    +1 Sp Atk


    Drowning will KO a Pokemon after 5 actions.
    (I know, theoretically, it should be 5-10-15-20-25-KO for drowning KO, but I'll not implement that now, still needs to be worked out. What do you guys think about that however?.)

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  34. #34
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Start by making it a Sunny Day. Then Toxic. Then Shadow Ball.

    Sunny Day~Toxic~Shadow Ball

  35. #35
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    (Ya that sound good to me DL. Now on to the thrashing...)

    OK Rogue, clamp on to Natle with an Ice Fang. Then Dive deeper into the water. Hopefully the water will dilute the Toxic so it doesn't effect you. After that try freezing him to the sea floor with anouther Ice Beam.

    ~Ice Fang~Dive~Ice Beam~

  36. #36
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    2 ON 2 Snitches


    2 vs 2, one out at a time
    DQ- one week
    No banned moves
    I'll send out first, you attack first
    Arena- a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. The island is completly barren, nothing but white sand, and about 100 yards around.


    Rogue, F Gyarados
    Gotta drown him!
    Ice Fang~Dive~Ice Beam


    Steve Candy
    Natle, M Absol
    AIR!!!! NOW!!
    +1 Sp Atk
    Sunny Day~Toxic~Shadow Ball

    ===Round 12===

    Ice floe speeding skyward, Natle didn't waste time in trying to warm the impending surface enough to try and aid him in this watery environment. His vision began to fade in and out, but the Sun rays that broke the surface and penetrated the darkness where he was rising from gave him a small glimmer was hope. He began to swim up as hard as he can, and his scythe punctured the barrier between ocean and sky.

    That's all that would puncture though, as Rogue caught up to the rising ice and smashed through it, grabbing Natle in her Icy jaws. Natle closed his eyes, he really was gonna drown!!!

    Rogue: -5E ==///== Natle: -4E/-11H

    Rogue Dived under once more, but Natle scrapped all pleasantries and braced his paws on Rogue's face. Feeling so scared and hopeless, a huge mass of fluid exited his mouth, Rogue forced to breathe it in as she Dove down into the ocean. The offending sludge made her release Natle, who tried in a last desperate attempt to get to the surface.

    Rogue: -3E *Psn* ==///== Natle: -5E/-8H

    Washing the Toxic out of her vision, Rogue turned to see the pup barely able to swim, but still trying to reach the surface. Futile swipes of those paws kept bobbing the Absol up, but by now the surface was but a far reaching dream. One last idea ran through Natle mind, and he turned around to face the damn serpent who put him in an early watery grave. A mass of dark energy was formed immediately, as he had no more reason to try and swim up. Rogue stared at the massive Shadowball that was thrown-and charged up an Ice Beam to stop the incoming blast.

    Natle, however, swam after the Shadowball. Even as his vision blacked out, he saw the Shadowball collide with the Ice Beam.

    Rogue turned away, and swam lower to defer some of the damage done to her from the explosion that occurred from the colliding forms of energy.

    An explosion that forced hundreds of liters of water to blast skyward, and break the surface. Within the gushing of water from that explosion came Natle, utterly dizzy and waterclogged, but alive. The Absol however, looked worse for wear, as the explosion threw him barely on the island.

    No movement..

    ::Runs over, checks to see if it's still battle worthy.::

    ...n..nope. Looks like Rogue got the better of--w wait! WAIT

    ::Natle coughs, and Slashes the HELL OUTTA MY JEANS!::

    -.-...Natle can fight >< didn't hafta slash my jeans though!

    Rogue: -8E/-5H ==///== Natle: -6E/-12H (explosion damage)

    Toxic: 3% this round


    Rogue, F Gyarados
    Damn! ALMOST!


    Steve Candy
    Natle, M Absol
    +1 Sp Atk


    Natle's attacks were weaker since he was close to blacking out.
    Sunny Day for 3 more actions. Lucky you Steve, Lucky you.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  37. #37
    Quite shadow Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Alright Rogue, let's finish this! Use Surf to drag him back out to see. Then trap him there in a Whirlpool. After that crash into him with the strength of a Waterfall. If he tries to Protect himself from Surf, then try it again before traping him in the Whirlpool.


  38. #38
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    You are going to lose, Natle so it doesn't matter what we do, but try a Double Team. If you are not in the water Thunderbolt, if you are Ice Beam. Finish with Shadow Ball

    Double Team~Thunderbolt/Ice Beam~Shadow Ball

  39. #39
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    2 ON 2 Snitches


    2 vs 2, one out at a time
    DQ- one week
    No banned moves
    I'll send out first, you attack first
    Arena- a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. The island is completly barren, nothing but white sand, and about 100 yards around.


    Rogue, F Gyarados
    Damn! ALMOST!


    Steve Candy
    Natle, M Absol
    +1 Sp Atk
    Double Team~Thunderbolt~Shadowball
    If in Water Ice Beam

    ===Round 13===

    Teh sunlight felt good on his sogged fur. But Natle knew he had to move He was in deep danger. With the sun aiding him slightly in this oceanic environment, Natle crawled up the beach, and doggedly was able to make a clone of himself. Just one.

    Rogue didn't seem to care, as a large wave came to crash on the duo of canids, and drag them back out to sea. Natle continued spitting water out, but began to crackle...

    creating an ice disk under him from slowing the molecules around his body enough so he could stand...

    Rogue: -8E ==///== Natle: -4E/-7H

    Rogue headed for deeper waters, to try and stop Natle, but Natle fired the Ice Beam directly after her. It had a bit more oomph since Natle's waterclogged lungs were pumping out water that was instantly freezing and turning into ice chunks within the beam.

    As Rogue began to encircle the area under Natle, her back half was struck by the chunky Ice Beam. She screamed in protest,a dn continued along, creating aWhirlpool after considerable time. Natle lost his grip on his small ice floe and fell into the centrifugal force...succumbing.

    Rogue: -5E/-9H ==///== Natle: -7E/-4H

    As Natle floats back to shore, Rogue ascends, breaking the surface with a mighty roar. A lil cough followed.

    Dragonis wins this battle.


    Rogue, F Gyarados
    Damn! ALMOST!


    Steve Candy
    Natle, M Absol
    Done for

    Point totals

    Dragonis gets 4 points
    Steve Candy gets 2 points
    DL gets 4 points (Oh yeah!!)
    Thank you both for letting me ref, and have fun!

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  40. #40
    Quite shadow Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Me vs Steve (Ref- DL)

    Thanks for the great match guys! And thnak you for reffing this (and most of my other matches) DL!

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