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Thread: Cheeziness Team

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  1. #1
    Beginning Trainer
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    Default Cheeziness Team

    Raichu@Lum Berry
    Thunder Wave
    Brick Break

    Para-attractor Raichu

    Swellow@Choice Band
    Aerial Ace
    Rest/Steel Wing

    Guts + Facade + STAB + Choice Band = GG

    Leaf Blade
    Dragon Claw
    Rock Tomb/Earthquake

    Pursuit for when the switch to something resistant or can with stand a special attack from him.
    Rock Tomb is to keep it's speed, if it's get's effected by special conditions, plus when they switch to something resistant or high special Defense. I.E. Milotic. EQ is for Fires when they switch in

    Swords Dance
    Aerial Ace
    Brick Break

    Swords dance to increase it's power, then attack. Return for more power. Surf for Fires, CH for Critial hits.

    Rock Tomb/HP: Rock

    Screech then attack. I was thinking as a special sweeper

    Dragon Claw
    Rest/Giga Drain

    UU Special Sweeper.

    Sleep Talk
    Body Slam/HP: Fighting or Ground

    Sleeping Talking Curser. but then I loose the STAB and am wide open for Ghosts to sweep me. I got this idea about seeing the Cursering (Cursing Ursaring) from G/S/C, but Torkoal doesn't get a STAB for Body Slam., but it is a total tank.

    (my first challenge complete)

    TERRY's GROUND CHALLENGE 2006- (Monotype Challenge) TPM RBY
    (my 2nd challenge)

  2. #2
    Junior Trainer
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    Default Cheeziness Team

    whoa buddy, this is gonna be fun.

    Raichu, huh. I kind of like the whole para-attract combo, but even with brick break there's no guarantee that your weaknesses are covered. It's my estimation that about 2/3 of every good pokemon can use E-Quake, and the ground ones that use it don't always have rock as their second type. It just so happens that his HP is water, and that sure would be helpful! So, I suggest the following:

    -Hidden Power


    It just so happens that the swell fellow has a swellow. Interesting, interesting indeed...Anyways here it goes. I dont know how well this moveset will work, but its the one on my annoying little fellow. Swellow, I meant Swellow!

    -Aerial Ace

    I'm not big on Swellows, but I like his speed to get the confusion, add the poison, pursuit if they even dare switch out, and ace for the STAB. Your whole combo relies heavy on the fact that somehow you will receive a status condition, which yes is likely, but if you hit someone using just sweepers, could be useless!


    Sceptile...I like this one, but I'd have to suggest a slight altercation, no biggy...and oh yeah, dont use rock tomb over E-quake. especially on this little lizard, his speed is almost like swellows!

    E-Quakes power=120 Rock tomb's power=50

    cough cough earthquake cough cough

    -Leaf Blade @Chesto

    Chesto-Rest is really nice on this guy. He's a really heavy sweeper with a great speed. Leaf Blade for STAB, E-quake for those annoying little pyromaniacs, and Crunch is just an all around better move than pursuit. as for gettin rid of Milotic use E-quake. You're probably wondering why, but the normal Defense is much lower than the special, and your little lizard buddy here has a great Attack.


    Interesting, I like it but you FYI you have a good flier on your team (2 actually). I like this moveset:

    Crawdaunt @Leftovers
    -Body Slam
    -Sludge Bomb
    -Brick Break

    This guy is really fun to use. I mean REALLY fun. no one suspects the little crawdaunt to be a physical sweeper, yet he's my favorite. His attack is through the roof, and hence why no need for swords dance. You can keep it, but it's really up to you. I like Body Slam, it takes advantage of the Attack and has chance of paralyzin. Crabhammer solid water attack with good chance of critical hit. Sludge Bomb, solid physical attack with chance of poison, and very useful for kickin some grass. The Brick Break is my pick for a must have on a physical sweeper. If some jerk of a trainer happens to be usin too many reflects that can be solved very quickly.


    I say Flygon 3. Craudaunt has physical sweeper down to a pat, and Sceptile just so happens to have some special out of the way.
    Here's a good mix.


    I'd have to say use chesto-rest with this guy. He can go all night long with his moves, and he'll pick up the slack from anyone of his team-mates problemos.


    Ah..Torkoal....anyways I like the whole idea, just not sure if it's right for the team. I will have to go with the whole Body Slam over HP, it's a cool idea, and would you mind if I stole it for some other poke? I'm not gonna change this one.

    Good team as is, and hopefully you liked some of the ideas that I presented. Hope I helped!
    "OMG your shiny pokemon's hurting my eyes!!!"

    I've got an idea, how about we draw straws, and the loser gets to run across the parking lot with ham sandwich!" - Steve (DOTD)

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