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Thread: Open Challenge...

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  1. #1
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    Im bored on vacation, whoa so i have a slot open and want to battle.

    quick 1 vs 1
    dq: 4 days
    U send out first, I attack first
    arena: Winter wonderland
    desc: Before lies a beautiful meadow, filled with knee deep snow and four Fir trees. In these trees fours aipom throw snowballs every two rounds. If you're hit, you'll receive roughly 3-5% damage. If the trees are so much as touched for any reason, the aipom will come at you and pummel you until you receive roughly 20% damage. Any ground disorienting moves (earthquake, fissure, etc.) Will not be tolerated and the Aipom will attack for 25% damage. In the background, the song "Winter Wonderland" plays softly.
    ref: anybody, but I would like some experienced reffing

    Anyone up to the challenge?

  2. #2

    Default Open Challenge...

    I have a open slot, so y not? Ill send out my faithful Dratini into battle! His nickname(i forgot last time) is Titanis!
    Titanis: Anoter battle! Awww....
    Me: Heres a christmas present to cheer u up.
    Titanis: Its past christmas.
    Me: Then its ur Kwanza present
    Titanis: Kool! Ill battle.
    Me: Thats the spirit!

  3. #3
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    time to give my huggy bear a try, go Teddy, my male tediursa!

    Teddy-can i get a gift too?

    me- did u get me one?


    ok we still need a ref. but ill post my attacks. Teddy firsat thing we do is try a toxic. Then let's let the aipom hurt him for us, se psychic to slam him into tree. Finally, use double team.

    Toxic~Psychic~double team

  4. #4

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    K Titanis um protect against Toxic and Psychic then Rain Dance against the Double team.

    Protectx2~Raon Dance

  5. #5
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    I'll ref for you. I'll see what i can come up with today. I should have time to catch up my reffings today.

  6. #6
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    Thanks Razor Leaf

  7. #7
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Round One

    * Battle *
    Teddy the Teddiursa (m)

    Titanis the Dratini (m)

    * Stats *
    Teddy the Teddiursa
    100% Health
    0% Fatigue

    Titanis the Dratini
    100% Health
    0% Fatigue

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    "Toxic ~ Psychic ~ Double Team"
    "Protect ~ Protect ~ Rain Dance"

    * Pre Match Status *

    Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to a fresh 1 on 1 battle. Out here in this Winter Wonderland we have Dean Martin himself singing the angelic christmasy tune as our two combatents take their places in preperation to battle. The arena for this battle is a large field blanketed in fluffy white snow. The trees that litter the arena are housed by a family of playful, yet territorial Aipom. The challenger approaches the arena, MetaKnight89 releases his Dratini, who goes by the name Titanus. His opponent Teddiursa89 has approached the opposite side of the arena and releases a pokemon to his own namesake. A Teddiursa by the name of Teddy. The commands are issued and the battle commences.

    * Round One Begins *

    In the white blanket of the arena, both pokemon stand out like sore thumbs so accuracy shouldn't be a problem. Teddy is first to attack, taking a deep breath and forcing a strong liquid to his mouth, he jumps before Titanus and sp[rays a fountain of thick oily poison over his foe. Before the toxic attack can hit however, Titanus has already prepared his defence. Five silver stars materialise in the path of the attack, and block the spray. The slime splatters over the ice, melting it slighty with it's acidic undertones.

    Slightly miffed by the fact his attack failed, Teddy continues with his onslaught. In his small honey loving mind he pictures Titanus, surrounding the small dragon in a psychic grip, the small dratini squels in pain and it forced into a tree. The tree buckles under the pressure and two Aipom jump down and begin to pelt the poor pokemon with snow. Atleast, that's what would have happened, if Teddiursa's had psychic control. But they haven't. Teddy stares in disbilief and disapointment. Unforntunatly, it seems Teddy's trainer didn't get the attacks right. Even more disapointing it seems is that the opponent MetaKnight89 didn't pick up on this either. With Titanus trying to defend against an attack that never happened, and entire turn has been wasted.

    With both pokemon now slightly annoyed, they move to the final turn of the round. A ****e light surrounds Teddy, while a similar blue aura eminates from Titanus' eyes. In a flash of light, surroudning Teddy are two brand new duplicates. Exact clones of the real Teddy, but indistiguishable from each other. As the three bears begin to dance around in the snow taunting Titanus the blue aura fades. Clouds begin to form over the arena, and all four pokemon look up. A crackle of lighting and thunder rolls across the arena, and drops of water begin to escape from the black clouds. Rain is beginning to fall. As more droplets fall the snow begins to mix with the rain and becomes a slushy wet mix. The round ends and both pokemon await their next orders.

    * Results *

    Teddy the Teddiursa
    100% Health
    12% Fatigue
    Unhappy with trainer
    2 clones

    Titanis the Dratini
    100% Health
    10% Fatigue
    Protect x2

    * Arena Status *

    Raining lightly - Will do so for 4 rounds.

    Snow becoming slushy.

  8. #8

    Default Open Challenge...

    Alright Dratini first use Fire Blast to melt the snow! But if the Aipoms decide to pelt us with snowballs, aim your fire bllast at the snowballs. Then dive in the water and do a Thunder! Next do a Dragon Rage!

  9. #9
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    immediately use a faint attack to stop him from melting the snow! Then slam him into the trees. finally either use a toxic if slam is succesful or if it is not use an ice punch. Btw i love the part about the honey loving mind in the reffing.

  10. #10
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Open Challenge...

    * Battle *
    Teddy the Teddiursa (m)

    Titanis the Dratini (m)

    Teddy the Teddiursa
    100% Health
    12% Fatigue
    Unhappy with trainer
    2 clones

    Titanis the Dratini
    100% Health
    10% Fatigue
    Protect x2

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    "Fire Blast ~ Thunder ~ Dragon Rage"
    "Faint Attack ~ Slam ~ Toxic/Ice Punch"

    * Round Two Begins *

    With both pokemon at perfect health still, they are both eager to fight this round. Titanus, the small Dratini, is unhappy with the conditions of this arena. The ice and cold being his primary weakness, he takes a long breath. Deep inside him forces work turning the cold air into hot burning flames. As a blast of flames emerges from his mouth, Teddy, not fancing being burnt, surrounds himself in dark energy and phases through the snow, emerging beside his foe and slashing the dragon pokemon as he still creates fire.

    The attack intterupted, the flames shoot out, all control over them lost. Two streams of fire blast into the floor, melting the snow into a great pool of water. Two more blasts fly off into the sky, eventually fizzing out in the rain. The final stream hits a tree, melting the snow and burning the fir to a crisp. Oh dear. From under the branches of the tree, two Aipom emerge, chittering angrily they leap out towards both pokemon. The two combatents try to doge and run, but these Aipom are fast. Dealing their damage out between both pokemon, their cuts and scratches are quick and painful. The Aipom slash at Teddy but a duplicate fizzles out. They scamper away into their neighbours trees, throwing pokemon insults back.

    Teddy narrows his eyes ant Titanus. HE burnt the trees. Titanus follows suit, after all the flame was under control until TEDDY knocked it off course. Both pokemon are getting wet now as the rain gets heavier. The snow has turned into a liquid slush, making it harder to get around, but Teddy dives forward anyway. Grabbing Titanus mid jump, he readies the baby dragonite to be thrown into another tree.

    Not willing to be attacked by Aipom again, Titanus calls on the powers of the storm itself. A jagged line of thunder crackles across the rain clouds high above, before blasting down to Titanus. The thunder envelops both pokemon, Titanus acting as a lightning rod to attract the attack. Though not effected as much as Teddy the blast shocks the two pokemon and they fall into the slush.

    Teddy looks down at his opponent with anger. A perfect time to attack up close though, and his fist begins to cool down, and icy glow forming over his claws. Titanus, though is also ready to attack. A fast breath and billowing blue flames erupt from Titanus and litter the ground surroudning the two pokemon. The blue flames close in fast and begin to burn Teddy, but without heat. Teddy works through the fire and slams his frosty fist across Tiatnus' jaw.

    Tiatnus rolls away, escaping from teddy's grip, while Teddy backs out away rom the dragons' blue fire. The falling rain kncoks onto the heads of both pokemnon as they stare each other down. The battle has truely begun now.

    * Results *

    Teddy the Teddiursa
    79% Health
    20% Fatigue
    Light Paralysis

    Titanis the Dratini
    81% Health
    20% Fatigue
    Protect x2

    * Arena Status *

    Raining for 3 more rounds.
    Snow slushy and hard to walk through
    Large pool of water in the arena centre.

  11. #11
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    wow hey what about the snowballs every two rounds? Anyways use a double ice punch and then go for the slam into the tree again.

    ice punchx2~slam

  12. #12

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    Hmm.......Nice Titanus for this round do a protect, then a counter, and finally another protect.

  13. #13
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Originally posted by Teddiursa89
    wow hey what about the snowballs every two rounds? Anyways use a double ice punch and then go for the slam into the tree again.

    ice punchx2~slam
    The Aipom had their house burnt to a crisp. They weren't in the mood for a snowball fight.

    And i didn't say anything in the last round, but Teddiursa doesn't learn the attack "Slam". In the last round i interpreted it as a simple physical slamming attack, like "hit him". I'll do it again for this round, but after that i wont.

    It helps if you have a pokedex nearby with a list of all that pokemons moves it can learn. This way you don't make any mistakes (see first round).

    PS. Now i've said this, you can't change your attacks. It's against the rules.

  14. #14
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    i screwed up on the psychic i know. But i coulda sworn ive seen a teddi with slam before. oh well.

  15. #15
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Open Challenge...

    * Battle *
    Teddy the Teddiursa (m)

    Titanis the Dratini (m)

    * Stats *
    Teddy the Teddiursa
    79% Health
    20% Fatigue
    Light Paralysis

    Titanis the Dratini
    81% Health
    20% Fatigue
    Protect x2

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    "Ice Punch ~ Ice Punch ~ Slam"
    "Protect ~ Counter ~ Protect"

    * Round Three Begins *

    The rain falls heavily on both pokemon but neither seems to be at all bothered. Thes lushy floor means it's hard to walk, but Titanus having been used to moving through water finds he is able to move around much faster than Teddy. Never the less it's still important to be careful. Teddy is quick off the marking, diving across the arena hoppin in and out of pot holes in the slush he powers his fist once more with a silver blue frost and aims for Titanus. The dratini, however, is ready. As the icy fist nears, a shield of stars appears before it, deflecting the blow and knocking Teddy back. The shield begins to fade, but not without Teddy noticing a layer of frost covering a large crack in the energy of the shield itself.

    Teddy kicks himself back onto his feet. His fist once again charged with ice, he swings forward at close range, smacking Titanus across the face. Titanus squeals in pain as a layer of rost forms over his neck and back. Teddy whoops for joy at his small victory. Titanus stares at his trainer with malice. He was ordered to counter the attack, but how?

    Titanus tries to shake away the frost that covers his back, but to no avail, that ice layer is staying put for now. The falling rain is helping neither pokemon now as it only increases the chill felt. Teddy eyes a tree were the scurrying Aipom try to keep the rain off their heads. Teddy pushes down into the ground, then in one swift leap dives towards Titanus again. Titanus looks up at the flying bear and immeadiatly forces another shield to appear. But the shield has that crack in the center and as Titanus becomes suddenly away of the danger, Teddy crashes through the protective screen, reducing it to nothing. Titanus tries to dodge but it's no use. Teddy grabs the dratini mid flight, then throws the dragon into a tree.

    Teddy skids to a halt away from the tree, as two Aipom jump out. The Aipom leap onto Tiatnus and began to scratch and whip him once more. Teddy laughs as Titanus manages to scramble away from the angered monkeys. The dratini is annoyed now, and as the round ends, his eyes are set on Teddy, the only thoughts in his mind are of betrayl.

    * Results *

    Teddy the Teddiursa
    77% Health
    28% Fatigue
    Light Paralysis

    Titanis the Dratini
    60% Health
    36% Fatigue
    Protect x4 Failed x1
    Lightly frozen across head and back
    Feels betrayed.

    * Arena Status *

    Raining for 2 more rounds.
    Snow slushy and hard to walk through
    Large pool of water in the arena centre.

  16. #16

    Default Open Challenge...

    Alright Titanus do a Dragon Rage, then Thunderbolt, and then another Dragon Rage.

  17. #17

    Default Open Challenge...

    Hey hello? Cmon i dont want this battle to die. Wait....ref dont i win by DQ????? I want to evolve my Charmander into a Charmeleon as a prize.

  18. #18
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    teddy, blast that sucker into next tuesday, use another ive punch, thenfaint attack and finally use thunderpunch.

    ice punch~faint attack~thunderpunch

    ive been on plane no time to do this

  19. #19

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    I'm sorry but this battle is going way too slowly.....I forfeit.....T89 since ur on plane so maybe another time...

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Sorry, lets battle another time. Anyways since u forfeited Ill choose to evolve a pokemon. my teddiursa into an ursaring.

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