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Thread: <Poll> The PokeMasters

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  1. #1
    Master Trainer
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    Default <Poll> The PokeMasters

    1/. If you could name one suggestion for the current website, what would you most like to have (back) there and why?

    2/. Have you always stayed at the same boards throughout your whole time at the UBB/Ezboard/vB? Which forums do you like to visit most and why?

    3/. What do you usually put in your signature? Do you try and make it as "classy" as possible, or don't you care how it looks? Have you ever been complimented/accused on how it looks?


    1/. I'd like to see the Pokedex back most of all - Maybe even a different colour scheme. The Pokedex will be available very soon so that's a good thing. I hope it is worth the wait I wish Kevin would alternate the colours more since the brightness is ick *hats white*

    2/. When I first came to the boards (UBB times) I enjoyed posting at Misc when the polls were there - When they seperated the forums I found that more relaxing for some reason. I've stayed at PCG ever since, but sometimes I've alternated forums. Like for two weeks I took a complete break from PCG and just posted in the GSCH forum, and I did the same with the RuSa forum but it was only for a few days. The other forums don't interest me much now - I may go and rate teams in GSC when i'm bored when there isn't much else to do in PCG

    3/. I usually put my name in my signature - All my signatures have my display name (Faithless) in them, and with a different colour usually. I finally found the fade script so I decided to use it. I sometimes may want it to look classy, but moreover neat. Who wants a messy signature or something that looks very dull? Matt is the only person who said my signature owns lol - He likes the links alot. They took forever to do, considering it took ages for me to learn how to hyperlink them. The Kanji symbol below my display name says "Jay", which is my name. Hunter was kind enough to make me that. I've never had any of my sigs accused of looking nasty, untidy, w/e. I guess I should take that as a good sign

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default <Poll> The PokeMasters

    1/. If you could name one suggestion for the current website, what would you most like to have (back) there and why?

    OH YES...this board is missing some stuff...I remember now...
    Back in the UBB, you can post pokémon images by simply typing :pokemon: , I kind of miss that option. and when someone new comes along making a new thread in GD, we always give them pokémon, For example: "Welcome to the UBB! Heres a :mew: for you!" etc... -.-

    2/. Have you always stayed at the same boards throughout your whole time at the UBB/Ezboard/vB? Which forums do you like to visit most and why?

    UBB... I also liked GD/PCG...however, I only liked the polls part of PCG back then cuz games and clubs confused me. -.-
    EzBoard...Like I said before, I HATE EZBOARD!! the posting thing is so darn weird!!
    vB, well, its GD/PCG, but now, I try to go more to Pokémon Anime and Fanart as well.

    3/. What do you usually put in your signature? Do you try and make it as "classy" as possible, or don't you care how it looks? Have you ever been complimented/accused on how it looks?

    The "Cyndaquil" was exactly what it looks like before back in UBB, but it's bigger now. -.-

  3. #3

    Default <Poll> The PokeMasters

    1)I would agree with the pokedex, if it could be updated to Ruby/Sapphire, that would be GREAT!!

    2)Yeah, I've been around since before the UBB went down, registered 10-20-01, I liked the UBB more, things were different back then, oh well, things change, and I like the VB too, not so much the EZboard.

    3)I've decided to use my freedom of speech in my sig, and I've been called many things over it in the past.
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
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    Thanks Saffire Persian for the rad banner!!

  4. #4
    TPM's Statistician Honorary ModeratorMaster Trainer
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    Default <Poll> The PokeMasters

    1/. If you could name one suggestion for the current website, what would you most like to have (back) there and why?
    A nice Ruby Saphire Walk through, and have all the fan art back!
    2/. Have you always stayed at the same boards throughout your whole time at the UBB/Ezboard/vB? Which forums do you like to visit most and why?
    yeah, After I got banned January 2002 I don't post as much.
    But I love TPM

    3/. What do you usually put in your signature? Do you try and make it as "classy" as possible, or don't you care how it looks? Have you ever been complimented/accused on how it looks?
    My sig? I usually have my name and some quote :/

  5. #5

    Default <Poll> The PokeMasters

    1. Really, it'd be nice to have the full range of smilies back for the boards... that and the obvious desire to see the Pokédex back in action again, of course!

    2. Umm, pretty much, yeah. I just run between GD, Misc, and PCG (plus that funky private mod fouum of course) and every now and then I'lll look at Fanfic and RPG. It's pretty much always been that way for me. Obviously I like GD, when people are in the mood to post interesting topics it can be quite fascinating. I like PCG after that tho, I always liked responding to polls and it's fascinating to see the opinions of everyone else. Shame nobody makes polls much these days... =/

    3. Me thwacks a coupla music references and me TPM name in there. I can't be bothered to make it look really good, as long as it's not totally messy I'm happy with it!

    The 21st Century Manachu Boy

    I'm not even angry; I'm being so sincere right now
    Even though you broke my heart and killed me
    And tore me to pieces and threw every piece into a fire
    As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!
    Now these points of data make a beautiful line
    And we're out of beta, we're releasing on time
    So I'm GLaD I got burned, think of all the things we learned for the people that are still alive!

  6. #6

    Default <Poll> The PokeMasters

    1. I want the smilies back too, I used to come here a couple years ago (old name in sig), and the pokemon smilies were in use where you just had to put colons around the pokes number ..(ex would have came out to be Celebi).

    2. Well, sort of... i used to only hang out in PCG, ASB, and GSC, but now I browse in all the forums, but I usually only post in the ones I already listed as well as Fan Art, RuSa, and GD.

    3. I always try to make my sig look nice, but sometimes the fonts I use are not compatible with others computers so it doesn't come out as nice as it would on mine. I have never been complimented nor accused on how it looks, and I always put something fun it it...
    **if YOU want to have some fun, DON'T CLICK on the "don't click here" thing

  7. #7
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: <Poll> The PokeMasters

    1. I don't really care about the old :143: pokemon smilie issue, but I miss all the face smilies. especially :o!!! that one owned all of us!!

    2. I'm stuck to fanart .-. that place is just so cool ^_^ I took a break from it for a while, but couldn't stay away for long ;) then I like misc, then occasionally pcg, but just for the polls :)

    3. my sig used to be simple, colorful, and organized, but then I changed it.. changed it again.. now I just put whatever the hell I feel like in there ^^; no one cares :p


  8. #8
    Elite Trainer
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    Default <Poll> The PokeMasters

    1/. If you could name one suggestion for the current website, what would you most like to have (back) there and why?

    Some content would be good and also I submitted an episode guide in February and it's still not up

    2/. Have you always stayed at the same boards throughout your whole time at the UBB/Ezboard/vB? Which forums do you like to visit most and why?

    I've only been here since the vB started and I mostly go to GD, MS, RS, PA and PCG. It's been that way for a while now.

    3/. What do you usually put in your signature? Do you try and make it as "classy" as possible, or don't you care how it looks? Have you ever been complimented/accused on how it looks?

    Normally it's just the pic for the Australian top 10 games chart which I change the colour of everytime it's updated. Azura Stardust once thought I was sending subliminal messages because she thought "The Sims Unleashed" said "The Sars Unleashed"
    Deprived of a semi-colon.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default <Poll> The PokeMasters

    1. dexter back up... less pop-ups

    2. ummm, here yes... but i go to different boards...

    3. my current team usually

  10. #10
    The Aura is with me. Elite Trainer
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    Default <Poll> The PokeMasters

    Cyndaquil! You 3vil foo!!!11

    ... You guessed it right? Well, atleast I learned my lesson... or did I?

    1/. milies: :back: :up: :please: :!!!:

    2/. Nah, I've went to GD, Misc, R/B/Y, G/S/C, G/S/C Help, Other Pokémon Games, Video Games, Pokémon Anime, Other Anime, Shipping, FanFic 'n Subforums, FanArt, vB Help, Poké 'n Subforum, PCG,... Yeah, I think that's about it. Though the others (except Private Meeting) I've went to, but not post at.

    3/. My name, Quotes, Anime ones and mine, mixed with some bragging.
    Thanks Orion, for my reflection...
    Numbuh 24/7, Teen KND Operative of Sector TNT, [Hey, I can dream, can't I? ]
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  11. #11
    Survivor of the Sheikah Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: <Poll> The PokeMasters

    1/. If you could name one suggestion for the current website, what would you most like to have (back) there and why?

    Back in the UBB days, there was a little thingie at the bottom of all posts, that displayed the number of posts you have, your current location, and stuff like that. That was kinda neat.

    2/. Have you always stayed at the same boards throughout your whole time at the UBB/Ezboard/vB? Which forums do you like to visit most and why?

    I can always be found in the PCG forum, the Fanfic Forum, and the RuSa Help forum.

    Aside from this forum, I like to go to the forum, which is the biggest site I have ever seen involving the SNES game, Earthbound.

    3/. What do you usually put in your signature? Do you try and make it as "classy" as possible, or don't you care how it looks? Have you ever been complimented/accused on how it looks?

    Look at my signature. It's not too classy, yet not too plain. It has links to my websites, and the Pokemon that are in my current sapphire game.

    My Adopted Pokemon

    "I've been waiting for you...
    Hero of Time..."

    "The flow of time is always cruel...
    Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it...
    A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days..."

    "Time passes, people move...
    Like a river's flow, it never ends...
    A childish mind will turn to noble ambition...
    Young love will become deep affection...
    The clear water's surface reflects growth..."

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