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  1. #1
    Slacker Supreme Cool Trainer
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    im new, so go easy
    2 on 2 challenge against whoever wants

    i choose first, you attack first
    sound fair?
    u got 1 day to respond

    I promise to make it a fun battle!

  2. #2
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    I have 2 open slots, why not. I accept your challenge. Whats the DQ and the areana?

  3. #3
    Slacker Supreme Cool Trainer
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    forgot to mention
    our arena will be a infront of a construction site, with construction equipment all over, and lost of loose boulders and rocks in the area. the only water near is coming infront of the broken pipes on the side of the building. there is also some leaking gas which is both flamable, and can cause poison.

  4. #4
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    dq in 1 week
    sounds fair i think.
    plus, ill accept cyrus

  5. #5
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    ill send out mr. clause, my male delibird
    he has no sig, so dont worry too much

  6. #6
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    try to avoid double posting like that... whats the areana?

  7. #7
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    Originally posted by ryandude713
    forgot to mention
    our arena will be a infront of a construction site, with construction equipment all over, and lost of loose boulders and rocks in the area. the only water near is coming infront of the broken pipes on the side of the building. there is also some leaking gas which is both flamable, and can cause poison.
    TIA still owns you... not that anyone even remembers what TIA is...

    Fear Me, I'm a Toilet that Rows Boats

    O_o_O Siamese Eyes. Be Scared.

  8. #8
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    Note to self... get more than 4:30 hours of sleep...

  9. #9
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    maybe i overdid it with the stadium.
    i have an overactive imagination
    isnt that right invisible fred?

    fred: Aye!

    ok then
    ill just have an arena with some small rocks on the field, and the construction site in the background

    and no pipes

    how does that sound?

  10. #10
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    Still need a ref or is totodile43 doing it?

  11. #11
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    I didn't volunteer, so I'm not the ref.
    TIA still owns you... not that anyone even remembers what TIA is...

    Fear Me, I'm a Toilet that Rows Boats

    O_o_O Siamese Eyes. Be Scared.

  12. #12

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    I volunteer to ref!

  13. #13
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    Shadow87 offered first to ref.

    ryandude713, If you don't mind I am going to give the approvers 2 more days to approve the pokemon I want to use... If in 2 days he isn't approved, I will select another pokemon to use.

  14. #14
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    2 days is good

  15. #15
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    Thank you...

  16. #16
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    ok, then I am your ref for this battle!

  17. #17
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    He finally got approved... I choose my Kabutops(m) Howlett(can you tell me where the name is from?)

    Can we use the orignal areana? I like complicated.

    Howlett, start off by making a small (2%) sub. Then, if there are any rocks laying around use Ancient Power, if not use Hydropump, hard to fly with wet feathers. If you can reach Slash, if not use hydropump if not rocks are available, ancient power if rocks are availble.

    (Substitue(2%) ~ Ancient Power/Hydropump ~ Slash/Hydropump/Ancient Power

  18. #18
    Slacker Supreme Cool Trainer
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    old arena is fine.
    i like it better

    alright mr. clause, use mud slap to try and cut down his vision, then fly up really high, and end with icy wind to try and slow him down

    mud slap ~ fly up high ~ icy wind

  19. #19
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    ok lets get this battle started

    Ryandude713 vs. Cyrus

    It’s a nice Sunday afternoon, the sun is shining and the temprature is just right for a nice pokemon battle. Ryandude713 and cyrus agree that it’s time for their pokemon to battle! The battle will take place on a abandoned construction site. As I look around the construction site I can see boulders lying all over the place, and of courses the tools from the men who are celebrating their weekend now. On the right the’re is a metal structure, the fundament of the new skyscraper that is build here, I hope for the pokemon that they dont climb all the way up, because if they fall they will have to deal with alot of damage. Their are pipelines with water in them near the iron fundaments for the soon to be water supply. Both trainers are ready now and take their prized pokemon from their belts. Two strong looking pokemon come out of their balls waiting for the battle to begin!!

    Howlet(kabutops m) vs. Mr. Clause(delibird m)

    Howlet: 100% fine
    Mr. Clause: 100% fine

    Howlet: (Substitue(2%)/Ancient Power~Hydropump/Slash~Hydropump~Ancient Power
    Mr. Clause: mud slap/fly up high/icy wind

    Both pokemon are concentrating on eachother as they wait for the first to attack. Its quiet, very quiet, until suddenly something seemed to have changed about Howlet. A few seconds ago his eyes looked very determined, but now they dont even look, its just a stare thats going nowhere. Mr. Clause really doesn’t know whats going on with his now lifeless opponent and gets, suspicious as he is now, ready to attack Howlet. Mr. Clause pulls its wing back and scrapes his right one with great force past the ground and creates a hump off mud that’s now on a collision course towards Howlet. The moment the mud hits the lifeless doll it explodes!!
    Howlet doesn’t let this chance slip him as Mr. Clause is confused by the explosion of his opponent. Howlet concentrates deeply as some of the rocks near Mr. Clause are moving up, Mr. Clause sees this but its all too late. By the time Mr. Clause got itself ready to fly up to the sky he got hit with a magnificent blow as three boulders are being trown to him. Mr. Clause now scared flies up and up until he just barely can see Howlet, who is standing on the ground looking very angry at Mr. Clause as he can’t fly to chase that(in his eyes) cowardly delibird.
    The high in the sky delibird looks triumphally down to Howlet, thinking “he’ll never hit me now”. But now he’s holding itself up in the sky he sees its left wing got hit severly by the ancientpower, he must look out he doesn’t crash down to the ground as its wing has a tingling feeling. Howlet down on the ground thinks, “he thinks he’s save now but i’ll get him” he pulls its head back concentrates on his inner strenght and spews out two great strong balls of water. Delibird who’s high in the sky looks down, and find it strange that his opponent is getting bigger and closer,”huh, he can’t fly” Mr. Clause got hit by the first ball and the second one nearly misses him. Now all wet, the flying is getting more difficult. Struggling to stay in the air he only releaces a small wind of ice, but just enough to cool Howlet down to the point his legs are so cold he can’t move them as fast and efficient as a few minutes before.

    Howlet: 95% legs are very cold, otherwise fine.
    Mr. Clause: 84% wet, gets trouble flying, left wing tingling

  20. #20
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    Can you explain damage for me...

  21. #21
    Slacker Supreme Cool Trainer
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    who's turn is it next?

  22. #22
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    yours... The attack order reverses, I attacked first, so its your turn

  23. #23
    Slacker Supreme Cool Trainer
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    ok mr. clause, good job, but u could try to do some damage to him. don't you raise that feather at me!

    ok then, lets do your santa duty, and make this a winter wonderland!

    thats right, use blizzard 3 times. your position in the sky should make it easier to summon snow clouds.

    blizzard ~ blizzard ~ blizzard

  24. #24
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    ok, i'll explain, for howlet it was 5% caused by the icy wind(it isn't a super strong attack, and with the cooling down I thought 5% would be just right) for Mr. Clause, well he got hit two times, a dubbel eight percent(one for the ancient power, wich IMHO is around 8 % and the first ball of water from the hydro pump( 15% if both shuold hit, its a strong attack so 7.5 one and I made 8 so together 16% and 100-16= 84 hope I did it right!

  25. #25
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    I was curious about how you handle weakness/resistence. Ancient Power, rock, is a weakness of Delibird. And Howlett resistess ice moves, ice vs. ice.

  26. #26
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    uh, to keep this from dieing...

    Howlett, use Ancient power again, drive the stone into his undamaged wing. If this drops him from the sky, use slash on his throat, lets make that bird bleed. If it is still in the air, use Ancient power again to hit him in the back with a large stone, attempt to drive him to the ground and crush him under it. If it is grounded, use Hydropump on his head. If it is still in the air, use Ancient Power again to drive it from the sky, hit the bird in the head.

    (Ancinet Power ~ Ancient Power/Slash ~ Ancient Power/Hydropump)

  27. #27
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    Howlet(kabutops m) vs. Mr. Clause(delibird m)

    Round 2

    Howlet: 95% legs are very cold, otherwise fine
    Mr. Clause: 84% wet, gets trouble flying, left wing tingling

    Mr. Clause: blizzard ~ blizzard ~ blizzard
    Howlet: Ancient Power ~ Ancient Power/Slash ~ Ancient Power/Hydropump

    Round 2 begins! Howlet, standing on the ground, looks up in the sky and sees the small Mr. Clause far up in the sky, he must get him out of the sky to have a chance of winning. His trainer thinks the same and orders to Howlet to ancient power the silly bird. Mr. Clause having a bit trouble staying in th air, looks down at his trainer trying to figure out what he says. "a lizard? where?" after a few secondes he gets it, aaaahhh, a blizzard! Howlet concentrates on the surface around him, trying to get a good rock to trow at Mr. Clause. Meanwhile Mr. Clause spreads its wings, concentrates and lets out a great snowstorm. Howlet sees the white menace coming and chooses a big rock and trows it towards Mr. clause. The rock and the snowstorm collide, trowing the rock out of his course and so he misses the bird. The snowstorm doesnt hit Howlet hard, because of the great distance between Howlet and Mr. Clause. But the cold snow does make the freezing legs of Howlet worse.
    There's a small coat of snow everywhere as Howlet looks around, while he's stunned by the beautiful white enviroment. Mr. Clause sees his chance and spreads its wings again to release another blizzard, this time, putting more strength in it. Howlet doesn't notice the blizzard and has to handle with a lot more pain than with the last blizzard. The coat of snow is now increased a bit, making it for Howlet harder to move. Howlet, angered because its hard to move, remembers where the rocks are, concentrates and trows a big rock towards Mr. Clause. Mr. clause struggling to stay in the air, gets hit in his back, and tumbles to the ground. The ground trembles as Mr. Clause hits the surface.
    Mr. Clause gets up, feels pain in its back, but can't see what it is. His left wing got pretty bruised when he hit the ground. But he is a tough bird and menaged to create another blizzard. This one is aimed at Howlet directly, but Howlet doesn't get hit as hard as the last time he faced Mr. Clause's blizzard, cuz he saw this one coming. ooohh, Howlet is self-confident now, he pulls his head back and trows 2 balls of water at Mr. Clause, who gets hit on his head by 1 ball, while the other landed on his stomach. The hit made Mr. Clause wet and a bit light in the head. Round 2 has ended!

    Howlet: 78% is very cold(especially the legs), has moving problems
    Mr. Clause:58% left wing is pretty bruised, he's all wet and a bit light in the head from the hydro pump blow

  28. #28
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    All right Howlett, if you can get to the bird before it manages to take off with a damaged spine, and broken wings... cut it's throat open with Slash, if not bring it back down to earth with another Ancient power, hit its back to pin it to the ground. If the bird is on the ground and bleeding from its throat, use Seismic toss and hurl it into the water, its ice attacks should freeze itself in in place, if it isn't bleeding from the throat, use slash to open it up. If it is still in the air, drop another rock on it. If it is in the water, use whirl pool, if its throat isn't bleeding slash it open. If it is bleeding at the throat but still on land, seismic toss it into the water. If it is still in the air... Blizzard to freeze its wings

    (Ancient Power/Slash ~ Ancient Power/Slash/Seismic Toss ~ Blizzard/Slash/Seismic Toss/WhirlPool)

  29. #29
    Slacker Supreme Cool Trainer
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    lets pin him down mr. clause

    use aurora beam on his legs to try and stop him from moving. if his legs arent frozen yet, use another aurora beam, but if they are, then use mud slap to try and blind him. if his legs still arent frozen, then use another aurora beam, but if they are, use another mud slap.

    aurora beam ~ aurora beam/mud slap ~ aurora beam/mud slap

  30. #30
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    Howlet(kabutops m) vs. Mr. Clause(delibird m)

    Round 3

    Howlet: 78% is very cold(especially the legs), has moving problems
    Mr. Clause:58% left wing is pretty bruised, he's all wet and a bit light in the head from the hydro pump blow

    Howlet:Ancient Power/Slash ~ Ancient Power/Slash/Seismic Toss ~ Blizzard/Slash/Seismic Toss/WhirlPool
    Mr. Clause:aurora beam ~ aurora beam/mud slap ~ aurora beam/mud slap

    Both the pokemon now face eachother on the ground, Mr. clause's back and left wing havely damaged. Howlet has a lot of trouble moving, because of the layer of snow and his freezing cold legs. Mr. Clause knows Howlet's moving problems, and luckily for him his trainer understands this too. The brave pokemon looks a bit more confident as he fires a beautiful beam from its beak. The beam cuts trough the warm afternoon air and hits Howlet right on his now weak point, his legs. Howlet was trying to run to Mr. Clause when the beam hit him, making it even more harder to move quickly. Howlet tries its best and slashes with its sharp long scythes towards Mr. Clause, but it wasn't really successfull. Howlet hit the bird on its stomach, because Mr. Clause jumped away from the slash, only not with the right timing.
    Mr. Clause now has a little strain of blood dripping from its stomach, and looks angrily at Howlet. So he fires another beam at him, freezing its legs even more. Howlet, irritated by its miss, puts all his power he has left in his legs to jump towards Mr. Clause. Howlet flies trough the air and attacks with its scythes mid-air. His right scythe manages to hit Mr. CLause's precious neck. Howlet put a lot of force in this attack and starts to breath a bit heavier. Mr. Clause tips its right wing on its neck and sees some blood from the wound on its wing. ''Damn, he got me" Mr. Clause thinks.
    Mr. Clause tries another aurora beam, but this time, the attack isn't very effectfull. The attack keeps on cooling down its legs, but not freezing them. Howlet finally cutted open Mr. Clauses neck and lets out a small cheer inside. But its not over yet, he just barely gets hold of Mr. Clause(happily for Howlet he was stiil next to Mr. Clause because of the beautiful jmp he made) Howlet now starts to swing Mr. Cuase round and round, having him by its painfull left wing. Howlet starts to turn quicker and quicker and suddenly it lets go of Mr. Clause, who flies towards one of the water pipes. Hitting the ground doesn't really ease the pain on its back, but he will keep on fighting, he won't let his trainer down. Howlet is now far away of Mr. Clause, and he can't move really fast, but for now he has this match under control. Its up to Mr.Clause to do something about that!

    Howlet: 59%, having a lot of moving problems(very cold legs), getting a bit tired.
    Mr.Clause: 41% is pretty beat up, has very bruised left wing, still painfull back, has blood dripping from stomach and a nice slash on his neck, with blood coming out.

  31. #31
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    ok mr clause, time to get serious

    use double team, and make 100 billion copies of yourself.
    what do u mean u can't do that many?
    fine, only 10 then.
    if he tries something, fly up instead.

    then toxic to poison him

    then use ice beam to freeze his scythes

    double team/fly up ~ toxic ~ ice beam

  32. #32
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    Alright Howlett, when if it preforms double team, use swift, if it flys or attempts (don't know how it would with the wing being that damaged) use Ancient Power to bring it down again. When it uses toxic, skull bash it in damaged wing if your near it, if not use surf with the water from the broken pipes. Finish the round with your sig, Healing factor, poisons are bad

    edit: Kabutops) (Male)
    Nickname: (Howlett) (Cookie to anyone who can tell me where name is from)
    Signature Move: (Healing Factor)
    (Description: A light blue aura surrounds Howlett and Howlett heals 25% of his health up the 100%, and purges any poisans in his system. Can only be used once.)
    Type: (normal) | Accuracy: (90%) | Damage: (0%)| (Effects: heal 25% | remove all status effects)

  33. #33
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    hey ref, u still there?

  34. #34
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    actually, no he isn't. He is having problems with his computer and cannot get online. I have asked Raz to take over until he returns, he has accepted.

  35. #35
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    I'll do my best until your ref returns...


    Howlett: 59% | Moderate Fatigue | Having a lot of moving problems (frozen joints) | Getting a bit tired.

    Mr.Clause: 41% | Moderate Fatigue | Pretty beat up, has very bruised left wing, still painful back, has blood dripping from stomach and a nice slash on his neck, with blood coming out.

    Swift/Ancient Power~Skull Bash/Surf~Healing Factor
    Double Team/Fly~Toxic~Ice Beam

    Mr. Clause looks at his opponent and senses that Howlett is preparing something. He opts to try for the sky, despite his injuries.

    Howlett is indeed trying something. He uses to bond with the earth to lift some rocks to defeat his foe.

    Suddenly, Howlett is gripped by a primal rage of sorts. He has tapped enough into nature's well of energy to release a extra burst of energy and power. With little effort, Howlett hurls his payload at Mr. Clause, shattering the bird's wings and causing it to fall the short distance it flew up.

    Mr. Clause knows it is getting dire...he needs some way to stop this from ending too soon.

    Howlett, meanwhile, is still enhanced by the savage embrace of nature. He charges at the bird with maddening speed, ignoring the fact that he was hit by purple goo from his victim.

    The delibird is clearly almost out of the match. It meakly fires a beam of ice at Howlett. With the forces of earth running through him, the attacks is much weaker than normal.

    Howlett flexes a bit, and quicker regenerates his wounds. Bruises heal and flesh grows anew. He also purges the poisons in his body.

    end Round Four.


    Howlett 78% Moderate Fatigue No longer stiff or frozen. Tapping upon primal energies.

    Mr. Clause 1% (DAMAGE CAPS) Moderate-High Fatigue Scared and tired. Both wings badly broken.

    Other info

    For the next two rounds, Howlett will be embraced by ancient powers of nature. His power, agility, senses, and other attributes have increased a good deal.

    With each passing round the powers will wane.

    Healing Factor can no longer be used.

  36. #36
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    If our opponent leaves the wounded bird to suffer additional wounds, end it with Swift. If it survives some how, continue launching barrages of stars until your victim passes out, take a break for the rest of the round afterwards.

  37. #37
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    return mr clause

    go sap sucker

    sap sucker is my male bellsprout

    use sunny day, then 2 solar beams

    sunny day ~ solar beam ~ solar beam

  38. #38
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    Mr. Clause is called back by his training and releases a Bellsprout.

    Meanwhile Howlett bides his time as his primal energy slowly fades.

    Important Info

    Mr. Clause is no longer able to fight.

    Howlett is now at Moderate-Low Fatigue. His boost will stop next round.

    Sap Sucker goes first
    Followed by Howlett.

  39. #39
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    my attacks remain the same

  40. #40
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    Alright Howlett, Solar beam is EVIL, EVIL I say. First, focus and split yourself into multiple images to confuse that plant. Next, while the ancient spirit is still aiding our cause, use Double Edge twice, inflict as much damage as possible. Subs, use double team again if you have less than 3 subs.

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