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Thread: ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

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  1. #1
    Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    I'm going on another poll spree o_o;

    ~*1. What were you doing before you came on the computer?

    ~*2. What were you doing a week ago?

    ~*3. What were you doing a month ago?

    Hopefully some of you have good memories XP

    1. I was eating breakfast, while watching tv =) normally I don't come on this early...heh

    2. Last saturday I went out bowling with my friends...had a great time =) then we watched friends play basketball, and we went out to eat. =>

    3. A Month ago I was probably doing...nothing o_0; I was probably watching tv all day, or I was online...I might have gone out with my friends... =o

  2. #2
    Master Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    1. What were you doing before you came on the computer?

    I was probably sleeping, and that was about 14 hours ago.

    2. What were you doing a week ago?

    I was sobbing/recovering that I didn't have another few months of teaching (well it lasted only 2 weeks, but I wouldn't have minded a few months). Exactly a week ago would be a day late that I ended work experience.

    3. What were you doing a month ago?

    Four weeks? I was most likely sleeping or on the computer. I haven't done much else whilst I've been home from school for like 10 weeks already.

  3. #3
    a.k.a Nyroeon
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    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    Before I came on the computer, I was, uh.... Eating crepes with my cousins, and telling my cousin John not to put too much sugar on his (he was like, DUMPING it, man!! lol)

    A week ago, I think I was on tour in California... With the RUSSIANS!!!1 (lol, choir tour)

    And a month ago? I think I was sleeping, or writing a story on my comp...


  4. #4
    Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    *replies to sam's poll* :O

    ~*1. What were you doing before you came on the computer?
    Lying in my bed sick >_<. High fevers are not fun ;_;

    ~*2. What were you doing a week ago?
    Last Saturday? Uhh, I don't think anything much, maybe just posting on TPM and such :D

    ~*3. What were you doing a month ago?
    Finishing up school <_<. I think that was around the weekend I had to finish up this huge project ;_;

  5. #5
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    ~*1. What were you doing before you came on the computer?

    I was riding home from my grandma's house, watching Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust. That movie is so cool :')

    ~*2. What were you doing a week ago?

    I was sitting on my arse watching anime :>. The anime subs on my computer own so much

    ~*3. What were you doing a month ago?

    Hm.... I was getting ready to end school but I think a month ago I was still taking finals =>

  6. #6
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    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    ~*1. What were you doing before you came on the computer?
    Taking my dogs out to go the bathroom. o__O

    ~*2. What were you doing a week ago?
    Driving to Penn State with dad. (I live in Ontario)

    ~*3. What were you doing a month ago?

  7. #7

    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    Hopefully some of you have good memories XP
    HA, actually, ya, I do

    1.Watching tv


    3.Watching tv/biking

  8. #8
    Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    ~*1. What were you doing before you came on the computer?

    ~*2. What were you doing a week ago?

    ~*3. What were you doing a month ago?


    Hi Sam *hug*:

    1) Before I came on the computer I was eating Chinese for dinner, at the dinner table, with my family and just before that I was watching Gos become the 7th person evicted from the UK BB House.

    2) This day a week ago I was watching my cousin mess around on the NET. She was staying over and when she does I normally don't come on for long. I let her come on. She was posting at a football message board

    3) 5th June? I was...please don't make me say the evil words. I was revising for my Chemistry G.C.S.E. on the 9th of June! To hell with school though....

    In all honesty though, I don't have the best of memorys. I'm pretty good in some situations but I'd say my memory could do with a bit of tuning every so often, hehe.

    Nice polls ^^
    Silver Ledian
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  9. #9

    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    ~*1. What were you doing before you came on the computer?

    ~*2. What were you doing a week ago?

    ~*3. What were you doing a month ago?

    1) I was getting my hair cut 0_o

    2) Um... I was hanging out at home

    3) I was in school -_-;;;;

  10. #10
    Cool Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    1) Coming come from the convienence store. I bought the new Shonen Jump issue ^^

    2) At home watching Daria and being grumpy because the sunset was glaring in my eyes

    3) Enjoying my first week of summer.
    The human soul is an overrated commodity. I've bought sold, and traded them for pokemon cards&quot;- Mr. Hell

  11. #11

    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    ~*1. What were you doing before you came on the computer?

    I was at my friend's house spending the night. We were up until 7:00 this morning.

    ~*2. What were you doing a week ago?

    Lesse... a week ago? Today's Saturday, so.... I was bored out of my mind because my best friend in the ENTIRE WORLD (she even reads my diary, for crying out loud!) was (and still is) grounded.

    ~*3. What were you doing a month ago?

    Today's the fifth, so... *checks diary* Oooh! I was very, very happy! The guy I like (that I had totally crazy problems with that I don't even want to go into now) kind of randomly out of the blue decided to bug me (which IS a good thing) again. That was nice

  12. #12
    Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    1. I was playing Golden Sun: The Lost Age for many hours o.o, then I came online. Yes I have no life .

    2. I went to watch Bruce Almighty with my friend. What a hilarious movie XD. It was a really good movie too, amusing what you'd do with the power of God .

    3. Exactly a month ago, I was at a carnival in my school. Every year near the end of school, we have a carnival. It wasn't as enjoyable as last year's though, cause it rained and everything was moved indoors ;(. But my old Social Studies teacher returned to visit that day so it was cool ;D.

    Thanks to Yukitsukai for this banner!

    Ace trophy, given to me by pimuni because I'm good at stuff ^_^

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  13. #13
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    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    1. I was flipping between 60 Minutes and Toy Story. It took 8 years for the premiere on free to air This morning though I was part of a TV audience I haven't watched myself yet...

    2. Probably being here and nearly finishing Harry Potter.

    3. *Shrug* I only remember stupid things like when I was at someone's place a few months ago and they asked me to a phone number and I still do
    Deprived of a semi-colon.

  14. #14

    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    1. I was wrapping my best friend's birthday present. At 2 PM I am going to her house where we will pig out on pizza, watch movies, and go to bed really late.

    2. A week ago I was hanging out with my friend Mars in my backyard and watching Lord of the Rings for the billionth time (She hadn't seen the extended version.)

    3. *Sigh* A month ago I was still in school, and I was mourning the fact that the love of my life (He didn't know he was) was graduating and I'd never see him again. Love sucks.

  15. #15

    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    ~*1. What were you doing before you came on the computer?I was coming back from a walk with 2 of my friends in one of the busiest part of NYC. My dad made us because we were in his office and people were coming in.

    ~*2. What were you doing a week ago?
    Erm...I was prolly sleeping. ;D

    ~*3. What were you doing a month ago?
    Prolly shopping, sleeping, or playing GBA. ^^;;

    Yeah, my short term memory sucks. So sue me.
    Thanks to BlazikenKevin for the avatar :]

  16. #16

    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    1. Eating, me mum had madeus a mexican-style dinner and I love that, so I was stuffing me face as much as possible!

    2. Umm, if memory serves correctly I was moping around as a result of having to come away from one hell of a weekend playing around in the Alton Towers area. =/ And on me own, too. Curse the concept of 'distance', it screws me over too much.

    3. Umm, not entirely sure, prolly spent laying on me bed despairing about the rest of me family using my bedroom as a communal meeting place just coz the comp's there, or trying valiantly to keep them out/ make them know they're not wanted.

    The 21st Century Manachu Boy

    I'm not even angry; I'm being so sincere right now
    Even though you broke my heart and killed me
    And tore me to pieces and threw every piece into a fire
    As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!
    Now these points of data make a beautiful line
    And we're out of beta, we're releasing on time
    So I'm GLaD I got burned, think of all the things we learned for the people that are still alive!

  17. #17

    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    ~*1. What were you doing before you came on the computer?
    *Thinks* Oh boy... I've been on the computer since 11AM and it's almost 7PM now. I was.... listening to the radio as I woke myself up.
    ~*2. What were you doing a week ago?
    I was... cleaning my room. o_o;
    ~*3. What were you doing a month ago?
    Getting ready for my class trip to Québec and fretting about my math exam.. @_@


  18. #18

    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    1. What were you doing before you came on the computer?

    Before I got on the comp, I was... watching Mr. Wrong. I am glad that I got that movie out of the way, and as a word of advice I would recommend that no Ellen DeGeneres fan watch that movie. Trust me. Before that, I was eating dinner... at Fuddrucker's... had one of those cheeseburgers with the mushrooms on it, no fries. And before that, I was watching Finding Nemo for the third time.

    ~*2. What were you doing a week ago?

    Oh, that's hard to calculate... I was six time zones away. If I had to guess I would say I was on a Boeing airbus, eastbound, watching Daredevil. Before that, another week ago, I was looking through art galleries in Lahaina.

    ~*3. What were you doing a month ago?

    Early June... Hum... Oh, yeah! Now I remember! I was watching Finding Nemo for the second time. I know what you're thinking, and you can hush.

  19. #19
    Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    ~*1. What were you doing before you came on the computer?
    Late diary entry about my trip to Sydney and canberra. It was a music tour for a choir from school I'm in, in order to participate in a music festival. The entry's threatening to be 2500 words long.

    ~*2. What were you doing a week ago?
    Said music festival... *grins* Seven days ago we were singing at the Sydeny Opera House. At this time seven days ago, we were probably giving our director our surprise gift... priceless.

    ~*3. What were you doing a month ago?
    Hectically (I'd know two weeks later, the weekends before the tour) trying to finish my homework which, thanks to the tour (that thing dominates my life, doesn't it?) was due a week earlier than everyone else. On top of that, we had musical rehearsals three days a week, and gymnastic classes two days a week. Our competition for Sports acrobatics was close, so I couldn't afford to miss anything. June was a very busy month, even without the maths exam.
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    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

  20. #20
    Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: Where were you a week ago last Tuesday? =o

    cool poll, sam =o

    1. I was sleeping... staying up late and waking up at 1 = teh (y)
    2. a week ago... I was home alone while my mom was at work, slaving away at the giant chore list she gave me but I got a $20 allowance so that was cool :>>>>>
    3. june 7th... *checks calendar* ah yes, how could I forget. I was recovering from the long, hard week of ROTC camp X_X we had a drill competition between the every ROTC kid in the city, I was in the finals yay


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