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Thread: -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

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  1. #1
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    Welcome to the new version of the Battle Range! Here are the rules. Please read them in order to avoid posting invalid battles and/or asking questions which are already answered here. Have fun!

    ¤ Everyone will describe the battles (or whatever is required), stating the levels of their pokemon before and after the event.

    ¤ Each trainer can battle 2 pokemon per scenario, and may use 1 or 2 pokemon per battle.

    ¤ You can use pokemon from the Dragon Tamers Adoption Center, Kanga's Hatchling Rescue Center, Pocket Monsters Breeding Center and Pokemon Zoo.

    ¤ All trainers who use pokemon from Adoption Centers other than Dragon Tamers must tell us where they got their pokemon (on the pokemon's first battle). That's to make sure you're not making them up.

    ¤ Unevolved Pokemon learn the same moves as in the game.

    ¤ Pokemon evolve just like in the game, except for trading/happiness-evolving pokemon, who can evolve with a Genetic Accelerator Gene.

    ¤ Evolved Pokemon learn the same moves as their unevolved versions, plus the new ones. Example, Ponyta can't learn Fury Attack, but Rapidash can.

    ¤ A Pokemon can learn a TM every 10 levels (that is, every multiple of 10).

    ¤ Bred-On moves are allowed (1 per pokemon), but once you've chosen your pokemon's bred-on move you must not change it.

    ¤ Hidden Power is allowed just like other TMs. But at the moment your pokemon learns it, you must say what type it will be and not change it.

    ¤ If you use 2 pokemon in a battle, each of them will gain half the experience (levels).

    ¤ Stamps can be earned for writing interesting and descriptive battles. You can exchange them for Stones, Genetic Accelerator Genes and other items at the Dragon Tamers Reward Center.

    ¤ Remember: no killing your opponents (human or pokemon).


    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
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    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  2. #2
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    34.625 S, 58.50595 W (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

    Default Scenario #1 for this version

    Tara gets 30 stamps for writing this scenario! ˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘
    All those who have requested time extensions can still write for the previous one.

    ř¤ş°`°ş¤ř,¸¸,ř¤ş°`°ş¤ř,¸¸, ř¤ş°`°ş¤ř ,¸¸,ř¤ş°`°ş¤ř,¸¸,ř¤ş°`°ş¤ř

    Christmas Scenario

    Seeing as Christmas is fast approaching, Christmas fever soon hits
    the Dragon Tamers as everybody begins to put up their trees and buy
    presents for one another. In the spirit of Christmas, a big Christmas
    party is being held for all Dragon Tamers. Everybody is invited. The party
    starts late in the afternoon and there is a big dinner and desert later
    on. Also a few bands will be coming to perform – but are still

    Also as a special feature for the party, there will be pokemon brought,
    especially for battling. These pokemon can only handle two battles from
    each trainer though otherwise they will be much too worn out.

    Level 10 – Under

    Aipom Lvl 6 + 1
    Meowth Lvl 10 + 2


    Marril Lvl 16 + 1
    Pidgeotto Lvl 25 + 2


    Sandshrew Lvl 33 + 1
    Ampharos Lvl 40 + 2


    Skiploom Lvl 47 + 1
    Scizor Lvl 55 + 2


    Graveler Lvl 63 +1
    Arcanine Lvl 70 + 2


    Espeon Lvl 78 + 1
    Steelix Lvl 85 + 2


    Feraligatr Lvl 90 + 1
    Alakazam Lvl 96 + 2

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    this is my battle for the pyrogon scenario
    (My POV)
    “No, No, NO!” Illusion cried out at Silver. “Now watch me once again, carefully,” Illusion instructed Silver and then Illusion teleported a short distance. Silver tried to mimic Illusion, but he only got a blurry for awhile and nothing more happened. Illusions loudly sighed and shake her head.
    “We’ll try again then,” Illusion said and then she teleported once more. Illusion had noticed that Silver only could teleport if someone scared him and when he did teleport, he never knew exactly where he would pop up next time. Illusion had told Silver that teleporting was something extremely important to master for all Abras, Kadabras and Alakazams, and now she insisted to learn Silver to teleport in a proper way. And that was what they had being doing for over three hours.
    I and Sleepy was sitting on a muddy lawn close by and watched Illusion and Silver teleporting. Unfortunate, Silver appeared to not that interested as Illusion was.
    “Can I take a break..?,” Silver meekly said to Illusion after awhile.
    “Do as you want,” Illusion shortly replied, and Silver slowly walked to me and sat down at my lap with a sigh. I opened my backpack and handed Silver a sandwich, I thought that he must being hungry. I was just going to call over Illusion too, but she walked around in deep thoughts so I didn’t want to interrupt. Suddenly Illusion got a sly face expression and teleported. I wondered where she went, but in the next second she appeared behind Silver and then she rapidly and loudly cried out “BOO!!”
    Silver squeaked, but then everything got blurry around me. I got a creepy tickling feeling in my entire body, but then the feeling disappeared and the surroundings got clear again. To my big surprise, the grass was gone and replaced with red coloured, rocky ground. I just stupidly said “Uh..?,” and looked around. It looked like we where in some sort of empty river with high, rocky hills at each side of us.
    “How did you do that?!” I heard Illusion yell behind me, and Silver rapidly yelled back at Illusion; “Why did you do that for?!!”
    “What happened?!” I shouted as loud I could in order to make Illusion and Silver keep quiet and listen to me. Luckily it worked.
    “Silver teleported us!” Illusion said.
    “It’s not my fault” Silver unhappily squeaked.
    “Accident” I stated and picked up Silver and realized how big and heavy he had grown, he was definitely not a baby any longer. Sleepy grunted at me to get some attention and then gave me a wondering look.
    “Illusion, can’t you just teleport us back?” I asked Illusion.
    “No, that’s the problem” Illusion said with a very odd voice “I’ve always wanted to learn how to teleport others, but…”. Illusion looked down on the ground and shot away a tiny pebble with one of her toes. Illusion kept quiet and turned her back at us and started to walk away throw the ravine. I silently followed. Illusion seamed to be jealous at Silver, but maybe mostly angry with herself.

    The area where we walked throw was very quiet; the only thing that broke the silence was when small stones or sand fell from the edge of the narrow valley. Silver got bored and fell asleep after awhile, so I let him go back to his pokéball. “This ground is hurting my tail,” Illusion suddenly said and glanced at me. Just as other Kadabras, Illusion had a huge tail that she was dragging around and the rocky ground must being painful to pull around her tail upon.
    “Maybe you want to go back to your pokéball too?” I asked Illusion
    “Will you be okay with that?” Illusion replied.
    “Sleepy can be my guardian,” I said and smiled down at Sleepy who was pushing herself as close she could to one of my legs. Sleepy made a huge and scary looking grin by happiness. This nasty looking smile together with Sleepys skinny body and glaring eyes gave me a sudden and unexpected sting of fear. I knew that there was no chance that Sleepy would hurt me, but right now she reminded me that she had been trained and raised by Team Rocket. Even Illusion took a fast and worried look at Sleepy and whispered something like “Right…” while she ironically nodded, but then she went back to her pokéball.
    “Oh well, we better keep on going so we will get back home before it get dark” I said to Sleepy. Sleepys smile immediately disappeared.

    I and Sleepy just kept on going, but it seamed like we weren’t getting anywhere. The two huge walls of rock and the cracky ground just looked the same like were we had started.
    “Look,” Sleepy suddenly said and pointed at something far away in the open stone corridor. I thought it looked like a big green bush, but Sleepy must had a better eye sight then me because even if a green bush would be rare here, Sleepy wouldn’t point out such a thing. But as we closed up I saw that it absolutely wasn’t plant; it was a sleeping Tyranitar.
    “Should be try to pass it?” I whispered to Sleepy. Sleepy unsurely nodded and we carefully kept on walking and hoped that we would not wake the Tyranitar. I gasped when I saw that the Tyranitar was awake after all, and she suspiciously looked at me with a big red eye. I and Sleepy had got too far to go back, so we just continued to pass the enormous creature. The Tyranitar followed us with her eyes but didn’t make any try to attack. Then I saw how a little head popped up behind the Tyranitars tail; it was a tiny Larvitar. I also saw that it was laying a half eaten Rhyhorn close to the Tyranitar. The tiny Larvitar was ripping small pieces of meat from the body and swallowed them. I just looked at the Larvitar and Tyranitar with stunned fascination, but Sleepy grabbed my hand and tried to make me walk faster.

    Sleepy and I left the Tyranitar and Larvitar behind, and we were once again all alone in the valley. But that didn’t last long, as a whole bunch of Pyrogons came from nowhere and blocked our way.
    “Of all pokémon species, what are Pyrogons doing here?” I whispered to Sleepy with confusion. One of the Pyrogons went out of the group and stood in front of me. It studied me, then Sleepy and then it spoke “Leave us alone, human!”
    I accepted it to say something more but it didn’t
    “I…I just want to pass” I questioningly said, I could not think of anything better to reply with.
    “No! Just because your kind created us, you can not own us!” the Pyrogon stated.
    “I just want to pass” I said very quietly, the Pyrogons had started to scare me.
    “This is our home, and no humans are allowed here” The Pyrogon said with despite, but then it added “Nor their pokémon” and looked at Sleepy with disgust.
    “I…” I started to say but got brutally cut off.
    “Quiet!” the Pyrogon shouted and its word echoed in the valley. All the Pyrogons glared at me with hatred. I slowly took a step backwards and Sleepy followed my move, but the Pyrogons just kept on staring at me. The whole situation was very frightening and I had no idea how to get out of it. I took another step away from the Pyrogons, but they still didn’t do anything. A few seconds past but it felt like minutes and then, without any warning, all the Pyrogons attacked at the same time. They made some kind of horrible digital noise and when they moved at the same time they created a blinding white light. I got so scared I just throw up Sleepy on my back and ran.

    I rushed throw the valley as fast I managed and I knew that I would never be able to keep that speed for so long. The Pyrogons didn’t make a sound when they moved except for that chattering noise which slowly got loader. I didn’t dare to turn around to look, but Sleepy muttered things like “closer” and “no idea”, but mosty of her words drowned in the digital prattle. I soon passed a large boulder that lay in the way and the Pyrogons got us out of sight for a moment. I stopped behind the rock and I fell down on my knees and put down Sleepy. I was too exhausted to run any more and I just sat there with sweat pouring down my face and tried to catch my breath. I tried to think out anything that could possibly save us from the wrath of Pyrogons. Calling out my other team mates would be useless, we would be totally out numbered anyway, and maybe they would be safe in the pokéballs.
    “I’m…I’m sorry” I managed to say to Sleepy between my gasping, but she just looked at me with misbelieve. I knew that Sleerpy had always seen me as some sort of over mighty hero ever sense I lifted the pen that I signed her adoption form with, and now she had to see me in this broken condition.
    “What taking them so long?” I moaned, and to my big surprise Sleepy actually replied “They want you to start running again. They enjoy hunting us”
    “Do think this “is it”?” I sadly said.
    “Maybe. Death is lurking everywhere, but I must say that we have survived even the darkest and weirdest situations” Sleepy said in a way just as we were chatting about the weather.
    “Especially you” I said without thinking and regretted it right away. Sleepy looked straight into my eyes without saying anything. After awhile she turned away and said in a wondering voice “I’ve...been thinking of something…”
    Sleepy turned back at me again and she looked really troubled.
    “There’s a thing I have to do. Like a…task”
    “A task? But when did you get such thing?!”
    “I can’t tell you more right now, you are no ready yet. But I…I wonder if you would mind if I…” Sleepy waved with one hand just as she tried to drag the words out of her trout, “I want to change my name, or more likely add a name”
    It wasn’t exactly what I expected her to say and I just looked at her with surprise. When Sleepy saw my reaction she rapidly added “Just don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t respect your choice of name but...”
    “I just don’t understand why. But it’s your choice” I said and shrugged. Sleepy was old enough to choose her own way.
    “Can you call me...Nemesis instead of Sleepy? It’s a mark of the missions beginning”
    “Nemesis…isn’t that another word for... revenge?”
    Sleepy, or “Nemesis”, gave me a begging look to not ask anything more so I didn’t. She would not answer anyway, and maybe it was the best thing if I didn’t learn more about it. As “Nemesis” had told me, I wasn’t ready for it yet, but it didn’t make me less curious or confused. I didn’t like to think about Sleepy as Nemesis, but I had force myself into it.
    “Wait here” Nemesis said and then she then walked with steady steps out of our cover and stopped on a spot were the Pyrogons easily could see her.
    “What are you doing” I hissed but Nemesis didn’t react on my words. I tried to get up from my kneeling pose to get Nemesis back, but she hold me back with her psychic powers. And there, right in front of my eyes, I saw how it suddenly was standing another Drowzee close to Nemesis. They looked exactly the same and then a perfect copy of me appeared. My copy picked up the fake Drowzee and started to run throw the valley. In the next second the horrible noise and blinding light came back and could hear how all the Pyrongos passed both while they hunted our copies that Nemesis had created with her hypnotic powers. Nemesis returned and dragged me back behind the big rock.
    “We should wait here” said Nemesis and glanced at me.

    I and Nemesis didn’t dare to move again before the sunset had started. The red rocks that we were surrounded by got an extreme pink and yellow colour in the fading light.
    We slowly started to search the area for a good place to spend the night; I had given up all hopes of coming back home today. After a long search Nemesis found a large cave. I supposed that it would not make much difference to sleep in the cave or outside, but it did feel a little bit safer to have something above the head. I and Nemesis just went into the cave to take a closer look and just as we entered I heard someone who cried out “Ha!” with triumph. I turned around and then I stood face to face with two Pyrogons.

    One of the Pyrogons was much larger than the other one and it appeared to be the oldest one too. The bigger Pyrogon sent out a thunder wave soon as it understood who it was it had found. Nemesis got hit by the ray of light, but the Pyrogons attack didn’t harm her
    “Hey, Nemi, electric attacks don’t work in here!”
    “Nemi?” Nemesis muttered while she tried to dodge an ice beam, but she got her foot frozen to the ground. The smaller Pyrogon smiled with its entire face, but the older one just snickered “This don’t mean victory silly!” to the smaller Pyrogon.
    Since Nemesis was stuck to the ground, I picked up Silvers pokéball and was just going to realise Silver. Nemesis saw what I was up to do and loudly cried out “Don’t do this to me!”
    “You have no chance” I cried back, the only move Nemesis knew that didn’t needed physical contact was shadow ball and that would not harm the Pyrogons.
    Nemesis started to make some really freaky moves with her hands and the younger Pyrogon, who didn’t understood that Nemesis was using a hypnotic move, fell asleep.
    “Oh, so you put out the kid? Fearsome” The older Pyrogon said and gave Nemesis a nonchalant look. The Pyrogon’s colours suddenly got darker and when it was done with its sudden colour change, it was almost black.
    “Guess my type?” The Pyrogon said, but I already knew that it had used its special conversation move and turned into a Dark-type pokémon. Nemesis foot had slowly stared to get de-frosted, but she was still ensnared. The Pyrogon was just going to blast off another ice beam, but just as it was going to let away its attack it got thrown away by a black shadow ball that Nemesis had created. The Pyrogon wasn’t really hurt but shaken, because this was not involved in its plans. I took the chance and ran over to Nemesis to help her with getting rid of the ice that trapped her. The Pyrogon was soon back on its feet, it was angry too and didn’t waste time on an ice beam and went straight on and tackled me. The Pyrogon was big and I had no chance to stay up. I landed on Nemesis, but the ice cracked with help of the Pyrogons slam and my fall. Nemesis, which was lying on her back, kicked the Pyrogons face with her healthy foot. I tried to help Nemesis up, but she couldn’t stand on the foot that had being frozen.
    “I can’t feel my foot, it’s too cold” Nemesis coughed while she sent away another shadow ball at the Pyrogon. The Pyrogon replied with an ice beam. As I was standing so close to Nemesis, we both got hit by the beam.
    “I think I need help after all...” Nemesis told me with disappointment.
    “Unfortunate it’s too late” I moaned, my arm such as the pokéballs had frozen by the Pyrogons attack, but worse of all, I and Nemesis was stuck together. The Pyrogon laughed, told us how funny we looked and then it went away to wake up the other Pyrogon. I had my hand frozen to Nemesis shoulder and it all was covered with a big, heavy piece of cold ice, but our feet were still free. Both of the Pyrogons attacked us with tackle from two different directions, punching me and Nemesis to one way and the other.
    “They playing with us” Nemesis hissed with anger. Then I got an idea and whispered my plan into Nemesis ear and hoped that the Pyrogond would not hear me “If we tackle back at them and uses the ice as a shield, we could maybe deal some damage and get rid of the ice at the same time”
    Nemesis made a surprised but wicked grin and said “Let’s take the big one first”
    Nemesis and I rammed the older Pyrogon with help of our weight and the solid ice we had upon our bodies. Nemesis couldn’t really walk with her damaged foot so we sort of danced around in the cave as we tried to keep our balance and hit any the Pyrogons at the same time. The two Pyrogons slowly got tired, but so were we and ours such as the Pyrogons attacks slowly got weaker. Then I fell over a rock that lay on the cave’s floor and we crashed down to the hard ground. The ice that kept us together smashed and we were free again. Nemesis sent out a shadow ball at the young Pyrogon. I was just going to say that the Pyrogon had not used conversation, but the little tired Pyrogon was thrown away by the pressure and hit the wall behind and got knocked out.
    “No!” the larger Pyrogon cried out with fear when it saw what had happened to its partner. Nemesis didn’t care and just tossed away another shadow ball at the larger Pyrogon. The Pyrogon fell to the ground, Nemesis wiggled over the floor and soon she reached the laying Pyrogon and started to kick it where ever she could. The Pyrogon who was deeply upset and just wanted to see if its partner were okay didn’t even try to defend itself.
    “Nemesis, stop” I said to Nemesis. She never knew when it was enough. Nemesis stopped attacking the Pyrogon, but then she glared at her opponent and hissed to it “If you ever…” while she was shaking her head and grinned by anger. I thought Nemesis was going to leave the Pyrogon alone but then she stomped the Pyrogon one last time.
    “Go ahead and catch us, just don’t kill my sibling” begged the older Pyrogon while it pushed the small Pyrogon so it woke up.
    “No, I have never caught any pokémon in my entire life, and I won’t do it now either. All I ask you is to let us alone. We just trying to leave the mountains” I said and helped the younger Pyrogon up. The older Pyrogon gave me cunning but scared look and said “I just hope you are telling the truth, if you don’t I and the other Pyrogons will be back”. Then the two Pyrogons just left the cave.

    Now when everything at last seamed to be clam, I let asked the other pokémon to get out of their pokéballs. Then I, with some few inflicts by Nemesis, told them what had happened and what sort of situation we were in.
    Then we shared the little water and the two sandwiches I still had in my backpack. It wasn’t much, and the water was warm and the sandwiches old, but it was all food we got.
    We knew that the next day would be hard so we decided to get to sleep soon as possible. I lay down on the hard, rocky ground and used my backpack as a pillow. Suddenly my view was blocked by Nemesis’s face. “The ground is very uncomfortable” she said and it looked like she hoped that I would have any idea how to solve this problem. It was not strange that the ground hurt Nemesis so badly, she was quite skinny and that made her body very fragile. I gave Nemesis my jacket to sleep on and offered my belly as cushion, which she gladly accepted. I crawled closer to Zed and hoped that it would help us to keep the heat, but I admit that I was a little bit scared that Zed would roll over me in hi sleep and crush me with his body weight. Silver and Titania was lying on Zed’s belly and they were going up and down for each breath Zed took. Or snoring was a better word; Zed wasn’t very quiet when he slept. Illusion lay alone close to the opening of the cave with her tail curled around her body. She was awake but she was so still it looked like she had being frozen in time. The moonlight got reflected in Illusions eyes and made them glow in a very mystical way, and she looked very lonely. I wanted to get over to her, but I felt that Nemesis had fallen asleep and didn’t wanted to wake her up, she really needed to rest.
    I tried to sleep too, but my mind was too full of strange thoughts about everything that had happened this day. And that I was extremely hungry didn’t made the thing better, but at last I just cleared my mind and tried to think that everything would be better when I wake up.

    “Anna? Anna?!” someone hissed straight into my ear. I forced myself to open my eyes and the first thing I saw was Illusions two sly looking, green eyes.
    “Hussssh” She said and put one of her bony hands over my mouth. Then she said “Look” and pointed at the opening of the cave with her spoon. It was still night and it took a while before my eyes got use to the darkness but soon, with help of the moonlight, I could clearly see the shape of a Tyranitars body. “She’s hunting, if she’ll notice us we are dead meat” Illusion whispered with sarcasm. The Tyranitar sniffed the air in the cave our party was sleeping in. I was sure that it was the same Tyranitar as I and Nemesis had passed that day.
    “We have to wake the others…” I whispered to Illusion. I carefully woke up Nemesis and we were just going to wake Zed when a horrible roar filled the cave. This woke up Zed, Titania and Silver at once, and Titania replied the Tyranitar with a tiny roar herself. Now the Tyranitar knew that it was something to eat in the cave and attacked with her full power and strength. The ground was shaking under us because of the Tyranitars heavy body and I could hear the huge creature’s heavy breath.
    “Aie, I spy trouble” Zed just said while he got up from the ground. We all run with panic deeper into the cave without really knowing were we was going.
    “Here, come on!” Illusion suddenly cried out and waved at us. It was hard to she her in all the darkness but both Zed and Nemesis appeared to be able to see her. But it was to dark too see why Illusion wanted us to get over there even for them, but it didn’t matter as we where trapped anyway. Zed grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away and as we got closer I could also see were Illusion was. Then I saw how Illusion just disappeared; I could barely believe that she just had left us here. We soon got to the spot where Illusion had being standing and we all understood where Illusion had gone; it was a crack in the solid stone that created a small corridor.
    “Is this really a good idea?” I unsurely said, but in the next second Zed bumped me into the crack with his belly and then he entered the crack himself. It wasn’t a second to late because in the next moment the Tyranitar found us. The crack wasn’t big enough for the Tyranitar to enter, but she got her head into the crack and roared at us with frustration. Silver moaned and curled up on the ground and Illusion had sweat poring down her face, but Titania just growled back at the Tyranitar with all her might. After awhile the Tyranitar got tired so she just lay down on the ground outside the crack and waited for us to give up.
    “What should we do now?” Illusion rapidly said when she had calmed down a little. None of us got any time to reply because a tiny Larvitar entered the crack. The Larvitar attacked immediately, and as none of us were able to see anything clearly, we had no other option then run again. We got chased throw the crack-corridor by the Larvitar and we all got deeper into the mountain. Far away we heard the Tyranitar loudly call back her baby, and the Larvitar glared at us with hunger but then went back.
    “What should we do now?” Illusion asked us as well as herself when we were sure that the Larvitar wouldn’t come back.
    “Well, some light wouldn’t be wrong” I said. Everyone was quiet, but after awhile Silver unsurely said “But Anna, we don’t have any flashlight and none of us knows how to create light”
    “Zed?” I asked and hoped that he would have any suggestion of what to do as he was the oldest of us.
    “I…I guess the best thing is to keep on walking, It’s no idea to go back. It’s rare to find any pray here in the mountains so the Tyranitar will wait” Zed said. None had any other ideas so we did the only thing it seamed like we could do, keep on walking deeper into the crack without any light and without knowing were we would get.

    We quietly went on straight ahead. Illusion was the one who had the strongest psychic powers that she used to identify the surroundings, so she took the front and was extremely alert on anything that could be dangerous. I and Zed followed; Silver was riding on Zed’s neck and Titania was cuddling around in my backpack. Silver sat backward so he could notice if something happened behind us. Nemesis walked by my side as close to me as she could, but also as far away as possible from the others.

    Nemesis grew from lv.15 to lv.17

  4. #4
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    Thanks for the stamps! I've been longing to see that line posted!

    Tara gets 30 stamps for writing this scenario

    I was more hoping for Thanks to Tara for writing this scenario but it doesnt matter!

    Something just occoured to me...

    I could've started my battle for this scenario a long ago like 2 weeks ago or something... instead of a few days ago.

    I am sooo smart. ^_^


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  5. #5
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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    Well, it's not like you weren't writing, right? I wish I had enough free time to write now. Well, I'm sure I'll have some from December 27th until February starts. (Yes, I'll have to take a final in February, which is yet another reminder that I must NEVER take 3 subjects at once again).
    Anna, your story was nice even if it had some grammar and vocabulary mistakes. Take 12 stamps! ˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘

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  6. #6
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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    Gabi you forgot Scizors level.

  7. #7
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    Oh, it's true! Tara, see what you make me do.
    I've fixed it now.

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    Now you forgot to put+2 next to it

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    How did you know it was +2? Well, it was anyway.
    Ok, anything else?
    You're entitled to a ˘.

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    No, but I do have a suggestion.
    Could we try 2 vs. 2 battles?

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    Yes, of course! Unless the scenario states the opposite, you can always do that.

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    But don't 2 on 2 battles count as both of your battles?


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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    Yes, they do. You can battle against 2 pokemon. Whether you battle them one at a time or both at once is your choice.

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    What I mean is 2 pokemon out at once
    battling 2 other pokemon.

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    PC: That is, and has always been, a legal way of battling... You can have any of these combinations:

    1 vs. 1
    2 vs. 1
    1 vs. 2
    2 vs. 2
    4 vs. 2

    Remember, though, if you battle against two Pokemon at once, it counts as both battles...

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    Default Things would be so much easier if everybody read them...

    *Points to rules.*

    ¤ Each trainer can battle 2 pokemon per scenario, and may use 1 or 2 pokemon per battle.

    ¤ If you use 2 pokemon in a battle, each of them will gain half the experience (levels).

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    Lady Vulpix once again makes us all feel stupid by pointing out the obvious


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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    Where the !s and ?s tell me to go next

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    Originally posted by Mist
    Lady Blastoise once again makes us all feel stupid by pointing out the obvious

    Ouch! That's gotta hurt! But as if we think of you in that way Gabi!

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    Come on.. i'm not perfect.

    Oops... Sorry sorry so sorry! I was writing chapter 30 of LVH at the time and as you do, you stuff up.
    I'm SOOOOO sorry!

    Now I feel twice as stupid.


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  20. #20
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    This battle is for my own scenario.

    [My POV]

    My trip to the Porygon Valley, Part I

    It was a good day for me. After exploring my hometown for a while, I was in the mood for some adventure, when I suddenly noticed something was wrong. Upon looking through the Pokeballs of all of my adopted Pokemon, I knew that one of them was missing. But this was no ordinary Pokeball, as it was none other than Cybertron's Pokeball! Becoming a little sad, I decided to take out my new male Crobat, Sniper, and asked him if he had seen the lost Porygon.

    "No Kyle, I haven't seen it. However, I found a portal a short distance away from here. After going through the portal, I saw a sign said 'Welcome to Porygon Valley. All trainers that come here must bring a pair of sunglasses, or anything else that can shield their eyes from the very bright light in this valley, as it will blind them instantly when they come out of the portal."

    Upon hearing this, I returned Sniper to his Pokeball and searched in my pack for some sunglasses, but to my surprise, not one pair was in sight, that is, until I walked along, finding a mysterious box by the side of the road. Thinking that someone must have dropped it by accident, I carefully walked over to the box, and opened it up to reveal a shiny new pair of sunglasses, but then I pondered for a few minutes. Who would want to leave a pair of glasses in a box near one side of a road?

    After getting them analyzed at a nearby shop selling glasses, a man came up.

    'I'm sorry, but I have no idea who these glasses belong to. I ought to thank you though, since these could have been lost or stolen. You didn't steal them did you?'

    I soon answered that it was my first time coming into the glasses store, and how I had found the lost pair of glasses.

    'Hmm, maybe someone lost these glasses. It's a good thing you brought them here, as I can now determine who they belong to.'

    Getting a bit confused as to who the glasses belonged to, I pondered. How could soemone easily identify a pair of glasses and be able to determine who their owner is?

    After a few minutes, I was handed the glasses, and shown to some tiny writing on one of the legs.

    'This writing must have been put on by whoever bought these glasses. Unfortunately, I won't be able to read it without the aid of a powerful magnifying glass. Do you have one in your backpack, young man?'

    Upon hearing the question, I shrugged. Knowing that I had already checked my backpack earlier, I decided to double-check it to see if I missed anything, and within several seconds I found my trusty magnifyling glass, and handed it to the shop owner.

    'Splendid! Now, let's see...

    ...this pair of sunglasses belongs to a boy named Leo, but it unfortunately doesn't show a last name. However, there is a phone number printed here, so I will try to call Leo, and maybe he can come here.'

    Upon hearing the good news, I decided to wait for a few minutes while the owner was calling Leo, until he hung up.

    Within a few minutes a blond haired boy entered the shop.

    'Hello, I have come here in search of a pair of sunglasses I dropped a few days ago. Are they here right now?'

    Upon hearing he boy's question, I nodded, asking him if his name was Leo.

    'Yes, that's me. How did you know my name?'

    I soon answered Leo that the shop owner had found his name on his sunglasses.

    'Oh, you found my sunglasses! Thank you very much, dude. I am from Porygon Valley, which can only be accessed by a hidden portal in this town. Have you gone to it yet? Also, what is your name?'

    I soon answered that my name was Kyle, and that I had never been to the Porygon Valley, even though Sniper (my male Crobat) was there when I hought it wandered there.

    "I'll take you to Porygon Valley, but on one condition. You must beat a Porygon I caught there one time, and I want to warn you, it knows Conversion2, so expect a hard battle, okay?'

    I soon answered that I was truely looking for a challenge.

    'Well why didn't you say so? I'll take you there right now, since I have an extra pair of sunglasses you can have. It is a gift to anyone who wishes to go there.'

    Upon receiving the sunglasses, I thanked Leo, and I followed him as he led me back to the portal that lead to the land of Porygon and Porygon2, as we both found ourselves in the valley, and I then asked Leo if he had seen Cybertron's Pokeball.

    'I'm not sure. What does it look like?'

    I soon explained that the Pokeball was a shiny half pink, half blue Pokeball, that matched Cybertron's colours.

    'A shiny pink and blue Pokeball eh? I think I might have it here, let me check.'

    Upon waiting a few minutes, Leo pulled out a Pokeball out of his backpack.

    'Is this your Pokeball, Kyle?'

    I nodded. Being very happy to find it, I asked Leo how he found it.

    'It seems like it was dropped by you, since I have a cottage in the city where you come from.'

    Becoming a little confused, I thought to myself for a moment, then admitted my mistake, telling Leo that I probably didn't notice Cybertron's Pokeball falling out of my backpack.

    With Cybertron back, I declared to Leo that I was ready to battle him.

    'Okay, here is the rules. We will each use one Pokemon. If you win this battle, you can keep the shades I let you borrow. If you happen to lose, you will have to return the shades to me. You can go first if you like.'

    Upon agreeing to Leo's proposal, I agreed, and shook hands with him as we both took out a Pokeball, mine containing my L6 Voltorb, Buzz, and Leo's containing a L10 Porygon2, who I learned he had named Flasher, and we shook hands, wishing each other good luck in the battle.

    Buzz the Voltorb (L6) vs Flasher the Porygon2 (L10)

    [My POV]

    Upon finding out I was attacking first, I thought for a moment. Knowing that this Porygon2 was smart enough to make Buzz's hopes of defeating it a bit slim, I had to come up with a strong strategy.

    'Buzz, use your Tackle attack!'

    Upon seeing Buzz begin to charge headfirst towards Flasher, I saw the Porygon get knocked to the side a bit. Figuring this would be one of my hardest battles, I listened as Leo called his first attack.

    'Flasher, start things off with a Conversion2!'

    Soon, I could see Flasher glowing. Not having any idea what type it was going to take on, I patiently waited, until Flasher stopped glowing, its body now a shining silver. Figuring that Flasher had converted to the Steel type, I soon had an idea.

    'Buzz, even though its new type is not weak to electric attacks, you have an attack that will do normal damage to Flasher, so shock it hard with a Thundershock!'

    Soon, I could see a small amount of sparks flying out of Buzz' Pokeball like body. Hoping it would be able to shock the tough Porygon2, I waited, only to hear Leo call out a Protect attack!

    With disappointment approaching very quickly, I knew I had to do something to help Buzz as best as I could.

    'Buzz, Flasher may have avoided your first Thundershock, but it might get hit with this one, so use Thundershock again!'

    Soon, I could see more sparks coming out of Buzz, and I could see that they are right on target this time.

    'You may be getting the better of my Porygon2 Kyle, but I didn't call it Flasher for nothing. Now Flasher, blind Buzz with your Flash attack!'

    Within a few seconds, a very bright flash entered the area. Pretty much as bright as the aura coming from this mystical place, I was lucky enough to 'have' these wonderful shades as a protection. Unfortunately for me, Buzz was not lucky, as I saw it begin to stumble all over the place.

    Hoping it would not explode despite not knowing how to (yet), I was ready.

    'Flasher, it is now or never at this time, so try your hardest to shock Flasher with another Thundershock attack!'

    Upon having the command given to it, I could see more sparks coming out of Buzz' body, and they headed for Flasher, only to miss by about 2 feet!

    I soon waited as Leo called out his next attack.

    'Flasher, you have got Buzz well, so paralyze it with a Thunder Wave!'

    Upon seeing the cone of energy head towards Buzz, I was shocked. Even though it had no muscles to my knowledge, I was horrified as I saw Buzz unable to move suddenly, and I knew that Buzz lost its turn this time.

    'Okay Flasher, you have a great advantage over Buzz, so hit it with a Psychic blast!'

    Upon seeing what was about to happen to Buzz, I shuddered. Watching my precious Voltorb being lifted into the air and dropped on the ground pretty hard, I had enough.

    'Buzz, don't let your paralysis get the best of you. Tackle Flasher as hard as you can!'

    Even though I knew that Buzz' vision and movement was hindered a bit, I was lucky enough to see it knock Flasher to the ground.

    'You made a big mistake to underestimate Flasher Kyle, now you'll see what happens to any Pokemon who tries to get the better of Flasher. Now Flasher, get Buzz good with a strong Ice Beam!'

    Soon, I could see a light blue icy beam coming from Flasher's mouth. Feeling relieved that Buzz was not weak to icy attacks, I watched nervously, hoping Buzz would not be frozen. I was lucky, as Buzz managed to barely avoid the sub zero temperature beam. Finding a sign that both Pokemon were getting weak, I knew that a loss here could trap me forever in the Porygon Valley, but I had plenty of courage at my side.

    'Buzz, we have to be as careful as possible here not to lose, so shock Flasher again with another Thundreshock!'

    Seeing more sparks come out of Buzz' body, I was relieved as I could see Flasher getting shocked, when I suddenly noticed something unusual, namely some leftover sparks circling around Flasher's body.

    'Oh great, you got lucky to paralyze Flasher. But your luck has run out my friend. Flasher, finish off Buzz with a Tackle!'

    As soon as I saw Flasher charging headfirst towards Buzz, I was becoming very nervous. Thinking Buzz might faint from one more Tackle, I watched as Buzz was knocked back once again. As soon as I saw it was not moving, I was scared. Thinking it had fainted, I was about to give up, when Buzz amazingly got up, still in the battle, but barely.

    'Okay Buzz, this might be your last attack for this battle, so make it a good one. Use your best Thundershock on Flasher. I know you can win.'

    As soon as I had given my maximum faith in Buzz, I saw some more sparks emerge from Buzz' body, and as soon as they struck Flasher, I was surprised to see Flasher not get up this time.

    Knowing that his Pokemon was defeated, Leo went up to me.

    'Kyle, even thougb I was the one to underestimate you, you have proved yourself in this battle. As I promised, the pair of shades you are wearing, you may keep. I hope you continue to do well here in Porygon Valley, as you are a good trainer here. Farewell, my friend.'

    As I saw Leo recall Flasher and wave good-bye to me, I waved back, keeping the promise that I would train more in the Porygon Valley, and I recalled Buzz, complementing it on its first win here as I went deeper into the valley, hoping to find more adventure here in this great yet dangerous place...

    Buzz grew to L8!
    Knight of Time

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  21. #21

    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    I'll please need a time extension on the christmas party scenario. The holiday, and everything have made things hectic around here. Thanks!!
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    Requesting a time extension for a scenario for which no one has written yet? That's strange, but you get it, Steve.
    DatkPrince, I'll read your battle soon.
    Tara, you've compared me with Lady Blastoise?! That hurts! Anyway, I know you didn't mean it, so you can relax now.

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    Oh well now I can relax. ^_^ Thank you for your forgivness Gabbi ^_^


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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    DarkPrince, you will be able to take 8 stamps for your battle after you've fixed it, and thanks for your patience! [˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘]

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    @DarkPrince: Um, Porygon2 doesn't learn Flamethrower...

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

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    Oh, you're right! Sorry, I thought they could learn it.
    DarkPrince, please fix your story.

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    Anyway, Christmas scenario. Here goes.

    And, uh, I'm going crazy about calling my Porygon an "it". I insist on referring to Switchblade as a "he" from now on, at least when I'm talking about him. He'll still technically be a genderless Porygon, though.

    My POV:

    The Christmas party was filled with an air of excitement and joy. How nice for such a grand festival to be held just for the Dragon Tamers. It was a great way to just relax and enjoy the holidays. We had gotten to the party a little late because of a detour we had to take, and it was nearly evening, but no one seemed to mind. This was a time for ease and celebration, after all. Who really cared if people didn't make it to the party exactly when they were supposed to?

    Something cooking smelled delicious. I turned to the kitchen with a hungry look in my eyes, and my mouth began to water. I couldn't resist good food. It was embarrassing, really. Especially because people didn't usually expect someone so thin to be such a pig. Switchblade tugged at me disapprovingly.

    "Um, right." I giggled. "Thanks, Switch. Come on, let's go. Evenstar?"

    I looked worriedly at Evenstar standing in the corner. From the little time that we'd spent together, I still knew that this wasn't her normal behavior. Switchblade and I had first met Evenstar not too long ago at the Pokézoo Adoption Center. We became friendly with each other from the very start.

    I remember admiring Evenstar's enchanting feline grace and her dark, mysterious nature. The day Switchblade and I saw her, she looked genuinely divine; her clear ice crystals sparkled with the golden rays of the morning sun, casting a luminous glow upon her magnificent, velvety black coat. I expected a pokémon of such beauty to be hopelessly conceited and selective of whom she chose to give her attention to. Evenstar, on the contrary, was just the opposite: I was sincerely surprised by her charmingly amiable attitude when we first met.

    Ever since the incident with the nasty Porygon2 trainer, who I know now is a wanted pokémon poacher named Mike, Switchblade had been more careful when it came to giving his trust to someone. He liked Evenstar right away, though, and if I knew Switchblade, he was an excellent judge of character. Many people often thought that just because Switchblade was a Porygon, he was a mindless machine. Well, they were wrong, and they were wrong about Evenstar, too. The rumors about every Sneasel being mean and deceitful were in every way untrue. She was almost always good-natured, though not as joyful and bouncy as Switchblade. She seemed quite mature and refined for her age, really. Naturally, it bothered me that she didn't seem quite herself today.

    I walked up to Evenstar. "Are you okay?" Evenstar gave me one weary look, then slumped into my arms. Soon, she was sleeping peacefully.

    "So that's what it was... Looks like the long trip here was more exhausting for her than she let on. I'm glad she's not feeling sick. It would be horrible to feel that way when everyone else is having a great time at a party!" I gestured at Switchblade to follow me. "Switch, this house is huge! It'll be fun to explore it while Evenstar takes her nap."

    Forty winks later, Evenstar was back on her feet and thoroughly refreshed. She looked much better now, and this time she could fully enjoy the party. She was sniffing the air with delight, as, again, was I. The smell of the food was getting really strong now. Switchblade shook his head, grinning.

    It was while enjoying the heavenly smells that I nearly walked right into someone.

    "Ah! Sorry! I should have watched where I was going!"

    A girl about my height stood before me with a pleasant smile. "Oh, that's okay. Actually, it was my fault. I was trying to bump into you."


    She giggled. "Hi, I'm Kristyn. I couldn't help but notice your adorable Porygon and your gorgeous Sneasel!" She extended her hand.

    Taking it, I introduced myself and smiled.

    "I was hoping you'd be up for a battle. My Meowth and Aipom would just love to burn up some energy before the big feast."

    "Sure! Switchblade, Evenstar, are you okay with this?" After receiving approving nods from both, I turned to Kristyn and nodded at her, too.

    "Oh, one more thing," she added. "Let's battle them both at once."

    "Cool! That'll be fun. Alright, let's start!"

    Switchblade the Porygon LV 10 and Evenstar the Sneasel LV 6 vs. Meowth LV 10 and Aipom LV 6

    "Aipom, Dynamicpunch that Sneasel in the head! Meowth, I want you to use Iron Tail on the Porygon!"

    I cringed at hearing the words "Dynamicpunch" and "Iron Tail". Those were powerful TMs, and Kristyn did not hesitate to start the battle with them. Did her pokémon have more that were even worse still left unknown?

    Although the Aipom, fist burning with chi energy, was prepared to pound Evenstar senseless, she did not panic. So like her. She'd remain calm in almost any situation, even if faced with grave danger. When the Aipom threw its fist at her with lightning speed, she still managed to leap swiftly aside, showing no signs of strained effort. Switchblade wasn't faring so poorly himself. The Meowth made the mistake of pouncing at him head-on instead of creeping stealthily behind him. In mere moments, it was frozen midway on its jump, surrounded by a blue glow. Switchblade, maintaining his firm psionic grip, lifted the poor Meowth high into the air, then, when he thought it was enough, threw it headfirst into the wall beside it. Halfway down, the Meowth came to its senses and clung to the wall, with wood splintering as its claws brought it to a screeching halt right above the floor.

    Kristyn was shocked. "You didn't even tell your pokémon what to do! How'd they manage to do that on their own?"

    "They do whatever they want to do, which is what I encourage them to do," was my reply. Kristyn looked confused, but did not pursue the matter further.

    "Aipom, that Sneasel's a little too fast for your Dynamicpunch, but that's okay. I want you and Meowth to use those Zap Cannons we've been working on! Zap Cannon usually moves slowly, but with all the training we've done to improve both of yours, there'll be no escape! You'll get both the Sneasel and the Porygon!"

    Evenstar gave Switchblade one look, and they both nodded. They had a plan. Snickering, Switchblade hovered over to Evenstar, who hopped onto his back and put her arms firmly around his neck, preparing for a rough ride. As soon as Evenstar held on tightly, Switchblade burst off with magical speed, zig-zagging back and forth and looping around both the Aipom and the Meowth. All they could see was a speeding blur of color.

    "Good move, you two!" I yelled. "Fast though their Zap Cannons may be, Meowth and Aipom can't hit what won't stay still!"

    Not to be outdone, Kristyn came up with a brilliant counter. "That Porygon won't be able to dodge your attacks if he's not sure which ones to dodge. Both of you, Double Team!"

    The Meowth's and the Aipom's images flickered, then drew out into long blurs. When they stopped moving, I could see three Meowth and Aipom scattered unevenly across the wide wooden corridor, respectively. Kristyn was right. Switchblade wouldn't be able to tell which pokémon were illusory and which were real! All six images held out their arms that began to house violently sparking orbs.

    Sensing the futility, Switchblade stopped his wild dashing. Even Evenstar seemed a little nervous as she watched the yellow-green electricity collect in the hands of the opponent...

    Six orbs headed towards Switchblade and Evenstar in the center at the same time. Four had no substance, but it was impossible to distinguish between those and the real threats... Evenstar leapt into the air, backflipped, and grasped the wooden wall. Switchblade, panicking, was not so lucky. Right before impact, the faux orbs vanished into thin air while the real two closed in, right on target... Switchblade let out a shrill mechanical cry as the vicious electricity surged through his body in an explosion of electrical fury. Immediately, his muscles began to lock up, and he knew that they might refuse to cooperate in the direst of situations. With his greatest personal attribute taken away from him, his ability to move freely with amazing speed, I wondered how Switchblade would cope.

    The mirror images were still untouched. They would have to be destroyed soon, or Evenstar and Switchblade would be, in essence, defenseless, not knowing which attacks coming from which direction to dodge. Switchblade knew this already, and, despite his newly-acquired handicap, did not fail to rid the corridor of the troublesome illusions. Eyes sparking with renewed vigor, Switchblade mustered a powerful arctic blast that swept through the corridor, wiping out the mirror images and leaving only the real Aipom and Meowth to shiver in the chilling wind's wake. After that, they moved about in a sluggish manner, still not fully recovered from the icy ordeal.

    Sensing their weakness, Evenstar released her grip of the wall, landing lightly on the wooden floor. Winking at Switchblade, she took over, descending first upon the Meowth with her razor-sharp claws, then proceeding next to dig them into the nearby Aipom's side. She swiped with rapid fury, never giving either pokémon the time to react.

    Finally, Kristyn decided she had to put an end to Evenstar's swift offensive. "Aipom! Meowth! Enough! Protect yourselves!"

    Starry, nearly impenetrable barriers erupted in front of the two, pushing Evenstar away. She staggered backwards, a little short of breath, but otherwise fine.

    Until this time, neither the Meowth nor the Aipom had paid much attention to Switchblade... their biggest mistake of all. Now more than ever, his fighting spirit had grown to its fullest intensity. His reckless power channeled into the sparkling ring of orbs that circled him, feeding them every moment with increasingly more strength. The glittering sienna orbs throbbed violently as they grew larger, larger, larger, spiralling in a ring around Switchblade's body up, then down, then up again, each time travelling faster and faster on their path. With an impressive war cry, Switchblade let the raging energy loose, roaring with fury as the ring enclosed about the Meowth and Aipom, allowing no means of escape... then exploded with devastating power, blasting up broken chunks of debris from the corridor walls. When the cloud of smoke cleared, the two pokémon were revealed, laying on the ground. The Meowth was first to struggle tentatively up, and the Aipom painstakingly followed.

    "Meowth, Aipom, you're all right!" Kristyn heaved a sigh of relief. "I'm glad. Now, you two, don't give that Porygon another chance to do that again! Finish him! Aipom, Dynamicpunch! Meowth, Pay Day!"

    Evenstar watched with helpless horror as the Meowth and the Aipom cornered Switchblade, trying unsuccessfully to drag them away from him. Switchblade's eyes were glazed with a faraway look, as if he really were not there. His body fell into a violent twitching spasm, constricting him, preventing him from getting away... The first blow from the Aipom's burning fist struck his head, throwing his mind into a state of utter chaos. The second, he hardly felt... He was only half aware of the shower of endless coins that pelted him continuously, as he felt his consciousness slowly ebb away from him...

    Then, Evenstar was alone. Alone, but compelled to avenge Switchblade's fall. She refused to fail to complete what Switchblade had started.

    Kristyn's voice rang through the chaos. I could hear a slight tinge of confidence in her speech. "Good job, Meowth! Good job, Aipom! Now, Double Team! Make the Sneasel feel hopelessly outnumbered!"

    The two split into more separate entities, forming a ring of six around Evenstar. She calmly eyed the three Aipom and the other three Meowth. They were far more exhausted than she, she knew. All she had to do was identify the real ones and deal the final blow to each. Evenstar smiled with graceful cunning. When I saw the spark of light in her eyes, I knew she was going to reveal the gift she received from birth. Evenstar was presented with the gift of sight... Her mind was ever clear, never clouded by trickery and deception. She could always see the truth. A soft light bathed the darkened corridor. Upon seeing this, the Meowth and Aipom knew their time was up. Evenstar would not fall for their tricks. She saw right through their illusions. Their faces filled with submission as they finally succumbed to her blows, falling to the ground...

    Evenstar and Switchblade(KOed) won!
    Evenstar grew to LV 9!
    Evenstar learned Quick Attack!


    "That was a good battle, Kristyn," I told her.

    "Yeah, it was fun. I had a great time. I think the food's almost ready now. I'm going to head downstairs. You're coming, right?"

    I grinned, then nodded. "First, though," I said, picking up Switchblade and letting Evenstar climb onto my shoulder, "I need to visit the nearby Pokémon Center. I'll be back!" With that, I hurried down the stairs and out the door.

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  28. #28
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    Hey I just realised something.

    On my website my eevee's (Shinoda and Nimmy) - the only basic atacks I put were Tackle and Tail Whip where as i just found out they've got like 5 basic atacks they can learn. (

    Do I have to wait for them to learn those attacks or can I just go ahead and add them even though I've been battling with them for yonks.


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  29. #29
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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    Wow! Great battle, Charizard04621! Take 18 stamps! ˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘˘

    Tara, yours was a good question which made me doubt for a minute, but then I checked Tsunami's info and saw that he learned those attacks at the levels that correspond to G/S, so that's the answer. Attacks are learnt at the same levels as in G/S unless they don't learn those moves in those games (in which case they'll learn them at the levels they would in the other games). I hope that was clear.

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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    Wow, 18 stamps. *faints* Err, thanks.

    Oh, btw, this may or may not be relevant, but if there's a battle scenario up during the two weeks in which I'm gone (starting tomorrow), I'd like a time extension on it. Thanks! ^^

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  31. #31
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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    *helps Charizard04621 up.*
    I don't think there will be, but you can count on that extension. Happy holidays!

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
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    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  32. #32
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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    <My POV>

    I woke up for another day lay ahead of me, as usual. Like always, Aries slept on my bed and got up when I did. Getting dressed and doing all of the necessities that I needed to, we walked downstairs to greet the rest of my Pokemon. Lyra ran up to me and gave me a hug as I tried to pick her up, but failing. Her successful campaign against the Bellossom didn’t seem to long ago, when in reality it was about 2 months earlier. Everyone could feel that she was ready to evolve soon and she trained everyday so that special day could come sooner. Sitting down, Nightshade passed out a platter of pancakes, which he always made on Sundays. We all nodded gratefully and ate our fill, Nightshade eating most of his own creation. The glutton. After everything was cleaned and put away, I went outside to collect the mail that I forgot to get yesterday. I passed through all the junk mail as I went back inside, where I promptly walked into the door. Drake snorted as he helped me back up and walked back into the kitchen with me. Throwing away the junk that I passed through earlier, I came upon a letter decorated in red and green, the traditional colors of Christmas. Although not entirely intrigued, I proceeded to open the card and read it. It seemed that there was a Dragon Tamer’s Christmas party and all of the trainers were invited to have fun and battle. I tapped the card against my hand and glanced up at the clock. It was 12 in the afternoon and the party was at 6. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair as my Pokemon gathered around me.
    <What’s wrong? >, Shade asked.
    “I just got invited to a Christmas party tonight”, I replied.
    Everyone was silent as I mulled over my decision. My Pokemon and I were Jewish and they knew I wasn’t fond of Christmas, only because of the extra hype it got. I wasn’t passionate about my religion, but I believed that it shouldn’t pale against Christmas. Every time I turned on the TV, there would be shows and commercials about Christmas. I was the most bitter around this time, but the thought of Adam Sandler being Jewish and creating the best Jewish songs ever was a compensation to my misery.
    <So, what are you going to do? >, Apollo asked.
    “I guess we can go”, I slowly said. “I’ll try not to think of anything except of the battling that the card mentioned.”
    Everyone brightened up at the mention of ‘battling’ but the word actually made me remember something important. My eyes opened wide and I let out a silent curse as I ran upstairs.
    “I forgot to tell you guys something”, I yelled as I ran up hurriedly.
    Running into my room, I picked up a Pokeball on my counter beside my bed and ran back down. Running into another wall in excitement, I yelled once more, this time in pain. They all snickered as Nightshade righted me up with his psychic abilities. Walking more calmly now, I strolled back into the living room and held a Pokeball out.
    “Ever since I let go of Gaea, I missed her greatly and wished that I could have her back.”
    They all looked at my quizzically, wondering why I was talking about the former Sandshrew that I owned. I smiled and continued.
    “But I couldn’t since someone else took her. Months passed and my only Pokemon were you 8. A month ago, I decided to get another Pokemon, in place of Gaea.”
    Their eyes widened as they realized that they gained another member of the team. Letting the ball fall to the ground, they backed away as the ball bounced and a red flash appeared. Forming into a figure, they gazed quietly upon the small Pokemon.
    “My friends, this is Orion”, I smiled.
    The small Cubone glanced around as he nervously tossed his bone back and forth in his hands. The looming Blade was the first to walk forward and hold out a claw towards Orion. Visibly shaken, Orion took a step back but after realizing that Blade didn’t mean any harm, he took his claw and shook it firmly.
    <We’re born to train to be the best, I hope you will fight also…or else>, Blade boomed and turned away.
    I did a face fault as everyone snorted.
    “Blade!”, I exclaimed, not very surprised at his serious demeanor but the fact that he acted cold towards Orion.
    Like a crimson streak, he turned around and faced me. Gazing at each other quietly, his face suddenly broke into a smile and laughed out loud.
    <Man, you are so gullible>, he choked and fell to the floor.
    I shook my head and smiled as everyone else giggled and fell to the floor, except for Lee and Shade, who took Orion outside to explain to him why Blade acted that way and who everyone else was.

    After awhile, everyone gathered themselves together and sat around the TV to watch something while I sat outside with Drake, Blade and Lee. Shade and Orion went back inside to greet everyone else.
    <So why hide him for a month? >, Lee questioned as he practiced tae-bo.
    I shrugged and picked at a blade of grass. “I thought you guys wouldn’t accept him since you’ve been together for more than a year now.”
    <But you introduced Apollo to us immediately>, Drake argued.
    “Yes, but that was shortly after Gaea left. I didn’t think about getting another Pokemon until recently and I wasn’t sure how you guys would react to him so when I got him, I kept him away, although training him for a bit so he could keep up with everyone else.”
    They all nodded thoughtfully as they stared collectively up at the cloudless sky.
    “Anyway, lets get back to the subject of the party”, I said. “It said that we’re allowed to bring our Pokemon and can battle them, but only 2 of you can battle at all. I know all of you want to battle, but I decided to use Orion and Apollo.”
    They sighed as their chances of battling faded away, but were curious as to why I came to my decision.
    “I know you guys want to know why Apollo and Orion instead of Lyra or anyone else. Orion is simple; since he’s new and I want to level him up some, get the feeling of battling Pokemon other than you guys. Apollo because he’s close to evolving.”
    They all stared at me in wonderment, not even realizing the fact.
    “No one really seems to notice Apollo’s battling at all, since he seems like a bit of a loner, like Lee.”
    Everyone knew Lee was a loner and knew when not to disturb him when he was training.
    <So, you’re saying that we didn’t see it because he’s usually off by himself. >, Lee questioned.
    “Exactly. Since I keep an equal eye on all of you, I noticed that Apollo seemed excited about something and has been acting a bit restless lately.”
    They all raised their eyes in wonderment, but nodded in understanding. Getting up, I stretched and looked up at they sky. The sky took on the colors of a dark pink, light orange and pale blue. Glancing at the clock, I saw the numbers blink 5:30. I shook my head and wondered how time went by that fast but I didn’t dwell on it as we walked back inside. I told everyone that it was time to go and they all went reluctantly inside their Pokeballs except for Lee. Walking out the front door, I dreaded the party but looked forward to the battle.

    My house was a short distance from the Recreational Center and music could be heard from inside as we strode closer. I sighed and had second thoughts of going, but a pat on the back from Lee was all I needed and I kept going further. Soon enough, we were at the door and a shaky hand gripped the cold metal tightly. I imagined tearing it off, but it just opened silently and we walked in. Just as I expected, Christmas decorations were littered everyone, with few signs of Happy Hannukah in the back of the room. I moaned quietly and tried to focus my attention upon the food and the many Pokemon inside of the great hall. Letting everyone else out, all of them went towards the food table, except for Orion who was by my side at all times. I perfectly knew well enough that there were also people inside, but I kept away from them and joined my Pokemon at the table. Everyone had a plate filled with snacks and a drink in their hand. Needing help with his food, I put Aries’s desired food on his plate and placed it on the floor with a bowl of soda filled to the top. Placing Orion on the table, we also got our food and joined the rest of the team at the chairs. It wasn’t long before Nightshade downed his platter and went back for seconds. Most of us went back for seconds and had our share of junk food until we were too full to do much of anything except watch everyone else either talk or dance. Nightshade unfortunately had the worst idea – dancing. I immediately shook my head in refusal, as did almost everyone else, except for Lyra. I admired their bravery as they danced in front of us, but glad that we didn’t make fools out of ourselves. They danced to a couple of songs before they got tired and I was sick of all the red and green so we made our way outside, which was where the Pokemon battling actually was. We started to watch a current battle between a Stantler and Chikorita when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to face a boy about my age, but a lot taller than me, around 5’8.
    “Hey, I’m Nick”, he said in a cracking voice.
    I tried to hold back a grin as he continued to talk.
    “I noticed your Pokemon and they seem to be in perfect condition. Do you want to battle?”.
    By now, he noticed that I was grinning like a Cheshire cat because of his voice and he coughed and turned his face away, blushing. I smiled and nodded. He smiled in return and we made our way to a vacant arena. Turning on the lights that lit the area, we made our to the spots, me to the closer box and him to the farther one.
    “Does a 2 on 2 sound ok to you?”, he called out in a lower voice, trying not to expose his cracking voice.
    “Yeah, fine with me”, I replied and pointed a finger at Orion.
    As he went towards the arena, I held him back for a second and whispered to him.
    “I know you’ve taken orders from me before, but I try to get my Pokemon to use their instincts. Use yours. I know you can.”
    He nodded and ran into the center of the arena. Nick looked at my choice and unhooked a Pokeball from his belt. Throwing it into the center, a Meowth materialized and swung his tail back and forth. To me, it was an odd choice for a boy to have a feline Pokemon, but he probably just liked cats. We nodded to each other and yelled out “GO!” to start the battle.

    Orion Lv.8 Cubone vs. Lv.10 Meowth

    <Orion’s POV>

    Tossing my bone back and forth, I realized that that’s what I did when I was nervous. I guess it was a compulsive thing. The Meowth perceived me to be cocky though and hissed in warning.
    <You’d better be careful small one>, he growled and sprang at me, his claws unsheathed.
    <Who are you calling small? >, I replied and dodged away from the pounce.
    He kept at it and tried to scratch my body at every given moment. His trainer seemed pleased with the progress while my own silently urged me to keep going. I decided to stop the chase and finally face him down. Bringing his claws upon me, I let him scratch me. I grimaced in pain as my eyes only showed any true emotions but the cat let down his defenses, giving me enough time to strike. Swinging my club back, I smashed it upon his skull, a loud [I]thwack[/b] coming from my bone. He squealed in pain and backed away. Seething in anger, he opened his mouth to reveal a dozen bright, pointy stars. Letting them go one at a time, they all zoomed at me, not letting up at all. I tried to run away from them, but they were apparently attracted to moving body heat and eventually cut through my skin. I fell to the ground in exhaustion and pain; the only sound I could hear was my own heart thumping loudly. Struggling to get up, I got onto all fours when a leg smashes me onto the ground again and claws swiped at my back.
    <So I guess this means I got you trapped>, the cat mewed smugly. <You have no where to go and you’re too weak to do anything! >.
    Blood rushed through my head in anger and I yelled in rage. Now I could hear everything, including my team yelling in vain to get up. I knew there was one attack that the cat didn’t know I had, and I decided to use it. Concentrating on my powers, I transferred what electric energy I had in my right fist. Hearing tiny sparks coming from it, I waited. Soon enough, Meowth’s foot became lax and I swung my body up, knocking him down. Seeing straight, I looked at his body and punched him hard in his gut. He screamed as electricity went into his body, plus the fact that I punched him hard in the gut and made him lose his wind. Making sure he wouldn’t get back up, I knocked him hard with my club and he didn’t stir again. My team yelled in excitement as I won my first battle in front of them. Trotting back, my trainer ran forward and scooped me up into a hug. I dug my face into her neck as she squeezed me, almost into the point of choking me. Luckily enough, she put me down to face her opponent once more.

    Orion grew to Level 10 and learned Bone Club and Ice Beam as a free TM!

    <My POV>

    I yelled in happiness as Orion won his first battle in front of the team. I scooped him up and almost squeezed him into a pulp before putting him down. Looking back at Nick, I saw him return his Meowth to his ball and murmur a praise. He smiled at me and took out another ball.
    “This next one won’t be so easy”, he said and threw the ball.
    Unlike his small Meowth he had earlier, a full grown Ampharos came out of the ball. She cried out a warning to her adversary as her taillight and red gem lit up dangerously. I shallowly gulped in fear but looked back at my team. Looking down at Apollo, I saw his eyes light up as I looked at him. Smiling weakly, I nodded my head and he exuberantly ran into the arena. Nick looked at me in surprised, but his smile turned into a smug one of victory. I clenched my jaws as we both told our Pokemon to go ahead and battle. I just hoped Apollo wouldn’t get serious hurt…or killed.

    Apollo Lv.26 Elekid vs. Lv.40 Ampharos
    <Apollo’s POV>

    Although excited by battling, I didn’t feel too confident of beating a huge Ampharos. I looked up at her with a mixture of feelings while she glared down at me in distaste. Apparently, she didn’t feel that an Elekid was worth her time.
    <C’mon, squirt, lets get this over with>, she sighed and threw an electric punch at me.
    She was quick, but I was more nimble and dodged it easily. She grunted in anger and threw out another one but I dodged it once again.
    <Please, you can do better than that, can’t you? >, I taunted.
    She yelled and expelled dozens of little sticky cotton balls from her gem. Sticking to me, I thought nothing of it until I realized that I couldn’t move. I struggled to free myself as she snickered at my helplessness. Charging herself up, she shot out a pale blue thunderbolt at me. Falling to the ground, I rolled away from the bolt of lightning as it struck the ground and sizzled. Hissing at me to stop, she shot out several more until one connected. I screamed out as the overbearing electricity ran through my body, only good thing that came of it was that the spores all over my body were fried to a crisp, letting me go. I gasped as I started to twitch all over, a sign of paralyzation. My team groaned as they realized the prospects of a second win fading. I forced my way up though and tried to get a grip and get my muscles under control.
    <A gutsy one, are ya? >, she sneered. <Well, try this on for size>.
    Running towards me, she jumped into the air and landed on me. A cry of anger rushed through the crowd as Ampharos repeatedly slammed me down harder and harder. A headache started to form as my vision became cloudy. I was too focused to give up though and thought about fire. Instantly, my right hand became enflamed and as Ampharos came down for one last body slam, I rolled away and got up. Running as fast as I could, I rammed my fist into her back, scorching her body. I repeated the process with fire, and eventually ice with both hands as parts of her body became encased in ice and burned from fire. Both of us were heavily panting after the major excitement, she lying on the ground and I bent forwards. A snarl from her though said that she wasn’t about to give up and sprang from her position into a fighting stance. I too wasn’t going to give up that easily and stood in my own position. Rushing forward, I let loose a barrage of white stars at her. As they collided with her body, she came forward and punched me hard in the head. For the second time, I went down. Looming over my body, she sneered as I gasped for air, almost done.
    <You’ve fought well pipsqueak, but I’m just too powerful for you>, she growled.
    Hearing her charging up for one last final attack, I only knew one attack could save me and held my arms out forward. Moving them around silently, I prayed that it would protect me. A scream from her indicated that she let it go. Turning over onto my back, I watched the blue bolt crash above me, trying to claw at my body and take me away from consciousness. I smiled though as it never reached me and eventually faded away. Ampharos stared at me, shell shocked as my light screen glistened in the night, saving me from a certain doom. Getting up slowly, it faded away into nothingness. I stared at my opponent hard and cold, spitting out my last words to her.
    <Don’t underestimate a small Pokemon>, I growled and rammed into her stomach.
    Knocking her down to the ground, she could only watch as I jumped high into the air and crossed my arms. Falling down towards her face, I went into a spinning cross chop and drilled into her neck. She gasped and instantly went cold as I fell to the ground next to her. Getting up, I walked briskly out of the arena, hugged my trainer and fell to the ground in exhaustion.

    Apollo grew to Level 28!

    <My POV>

    I gaped in astonishment as Apollo overcame the Ampharos and finished her with a stunning cross chop. Immediately walking straight out, he hugged my legs and then fell to the ground in exhaustion. I gave a short laugh and recalled him into his Pokeball, as well as Orion. I walked forward as Nick returned his Pokemon and met me in the center.
    “Wow, what a battle”, he commented softly.
    “I know. It was freaky. Your Pokemon are well trained though. At first, I thought Apollo couldn’t beat your Ampharos, but it was his own strong will that kept him going.”
    He nodded and shook my hand.
    “One day, I will re-challenge you and I will definitely do better.”
    He gave me one last smile and turned away to walk back into the recreational hall. Turning towards my Pokemon, I gave a tired grin.
    “I’m tired out from all this battling. Who wants to go home and watch some TV?”.
    They all cheered (except for Lee of course) and followed me home to finally relax and have a good time.

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  33. #33
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    ^_^ Your answer made sense Gabbi. So basic attacks go by the GSC games. If like, Eevee learnt Sand Attack at level eight on RBY and learnt the same attack at level 16 in GSC (example) would you have to go by the GSC way or could u just use whichever came first?


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    (my pov)

    I smiled as I stretched out after a long nap. I walked out of my house, Sentret walking beside me.

    "Where are we going?" Sentret asked.

    "Christmas party, remember? I told you about it last week!" I informed her.

    We walked through the door and immediately heard and saw pokemon battles. Loud music was being played and large tables of food were everywhere. a young trainer walked up to me anxiously.

    "Hey, wanna battle?" He asked me nervously.

    I nodded and told him it would be a one verse one battle. He grinned and sent out a meowth. I laughed and sent out Cubone.

    LVL 8 cubone vs. LVL 12 Meowth
    (Cubone's pov)

    I popped out of my pokeballl and twirled my club. Across from me I saw a Meowth. I rushed forward and whipped meowth with my tail, causing him to lose concentration. He tried to swope at me but he missed. I raised my club up and brought it down on his head. He fell back whimpered as a large lump formed on his head. He stood up and rushed at me, scrathcing me with his lethal claws. I smacked him again with my club knocking him down and keeping him there.

    Cubone went from lvl 8 to lvl 10 and learned icy wind as a tm.

  35. #35
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    Hmm... That was ok. Take 2 stamps, Teddiursa! ˘˘
    Rebecca, I'll read yours soon.
    Tara, we go by GSC levels unless it's a RBY-only move.

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    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    [color=royalblue]Darn. Because I've been following the rule "which ever level it learns it quicker" which was said to somebody in the last version. I think Danny (AoD right?) said something like that.


    ♥ Funeral for a Friend . Opeth . Faith No More . Dream Theater ♥
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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    (this will be better than the last, I was in a hurry last time)

    (my point of view)

    I walked over to tables piled high with food and pured myself some punch. I turned around just in time to a boy slam into me, spilling my fruit punch all down my shirt. I stared at the kid in the eyes as he s******ed and walked away. I wouldnt let this end. I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him back to me.

    "This is my favorite shirt," I said, barely able to control my hrrible temper.

    "So?" He said slyly.

    That was enough for me. I grabbed his throat and slammed him into a table. He grabbed my arm and tried to twist it. An older man rushed forward and broke us apart.

    "No fighting! Use your pokemon to settle this!" He exclaimed

    He snarled and released a pokeball. A marril appeared and laughed at my stain. That made me even more mad. I grabbed sentret and sent her into battle.

    LVL. 8 Sentret vs. LVL. 16 Marril

    (Sentret's pov)

    I immediately stood up on my tail and looked nervously toward my trainer, who was trying to get a stain out of shirt. I looked back torward my opponent and saw him rush forward and use his tail to sweep my tail from under me, knocking me on my bum. I stood up and pushed up clouds of sand into the marril's face. He dropped back shot a jet of water at me, hitting me in the arm. I rushed forward, arm still in slight pain and bowled the marril over in perfect stride. I did a nifty roll and ended up behind marril. Marril shot his tail up and whipped my face with it. I dropped backwards and tried to dust him with more sand but he simply blasted water at the sand. Again, I rushed forward, smacking into the marril. I got up and saw marril smiling ! A burst of water shot out and hit me square in the face. I rushed forward tiredly, again hitting Marril. We both got up very slowly this time. He sent a powerful jet of water at me, but I was ready. I sprung into the air with my tail and came down right on top of the marril, smothering him. I backed off and saw a motionless Marril laying on the ground.

    Sentret went from lvl. 8 to lvl 11 and learned quick attack and dynamic punch as a tm!

  38. #38
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    Actually, since your Sentret fought the Marill, its level would go from 8 to 9, not 8 to 11. Therefore, you can't get the free TM

    Edit- Now that I think about it, I have no idea why you went into the next category to fight the Marill, unless you can do that and actually go up 3 levels if your Pokemon beats it

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    Lv6 Growlithe(From Pokézoo adoption center) Vs. Lv10 Meowth:

    Growlithe's POV
    Meowth started by rushing at me with his claws, he was to fast to attack so I used Roar in an attempt to intimidate him and break his concentration. However Meowth started laughing because he didn't think a Lv6 pokemon was a big threat. I Body Slamed him while he was distracted, that slowed him down a bit, so I used another Body Slam to slow Meowth down even further.
    Meowth was almost paralyzed so I immediatly bit his tail. Meowth tryed to run but was to slow so I kept biting his tail until I won

    Afterwards I started licking my trainer playfully while being careful not to burn him.

    Growlithe grew to level 8

  40. #40
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default -=Game=- Dragon Tamers Battle Range version 19! (M.A. by Pidgeot)

    Rebecca (is TML right) I'm going to call you Bec. Bec, I did that once with my Shadow (houndour) and it's not allowed. My battle wasn't allowed therefore I didn't get any levels for it. So you have to keep within your level boundries.

    And also - announcement.

    I'm going away camping for three weeks. I'm going from here to Newcastle coastal area, then to Coffs HArbor, QLD, then back down stopping at places for like two nights or something. I'll be away until the 15th of January so I'll need a time extension and I'll realy miss u guys heaps! Hope u dont miss me too much.

    I feel freaky ^_^ A time extension on my own scenario. I've also been writing a week before it was actually posted 2. ^_^

    Luv u guyz heaps. Gona miss u a lot. I'll email Gabbi and she can give you messages from me or something - dat okay Gabster?


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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