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Thread: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

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  1. #1
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Everything is explained in the opening post about the where-abouts of this RPG and such. Please have fun and I hope everyone has a great Holiday experience! If you have any questions, PM me about them- do not questions in this topic. I wuv you all too, btw. lol

    Name: Avyian Tseuga
    Gender: Female
    Age: She’s 17 I believe… 6th-or 7th year at Hogwarts.
    Appearance: [ See muh attachment! ]
    Clothing: She’s wearing something other than her usual Hogwarts uniform. She’s wearing a white, soft cashmere sweatshirt that has a small hoodie on the back rimmed with soft fake fluff fur. To match that, she wears a school-girl styled skirt of black, however underneath the skirt she wears long and slightly tight pant leggings of deep red. She also is wearing white boots with white fluff upon them (they’re the stylish boots!) Her hair is styled downwards and straight, curled under slightly and hanging about her shoulders. She also is wearing a golden necklace, with small little red “bells” dangling from the necklace (like reindeer bells) which jingle when she walks a bit, and she also has matching earrings. ^_^
    Personality: She’s extremely nice and tends to be the peace-maker or the person who gets along with everyone. She is quite outgoing and likes to have fun, although she really hates it when people get too out of hand… which can cause her to occasionally get a bit of a ‘temper’. ^^;;
    RPG: Aortas Auror Academy
    Bringing!?: She’s hosting with Yuar… rather strange couple there.
    Other: She owns a cat named Youkai, which is a kitten-like cat which is black with green eyes. It likes to bite people.

    Name: Yuar Oro
    Gender: Male
    Age: Appears mid-twenties. All bishie-like as well.
    Appearance: [ See muh 2nd attachment! ]
    Clothing: Yuar is one spiffy creature. He’s wearing sexy black pants, which aren’t too tight but not too lose. (Picture dress pants.) Upon his body, he wears a silk crimson shirt of red which hugs his muscular body in the right places, yet isn’t too tight and breathable. ^_^ He wears nice shiny black dress shoes, and his hair is nicely poofy like normal, yet stylish poofy. His one silver earing is decorate green with a highlighted marker, curiosity of Avyian.
    Personality: Yuar is extremely easy-going and a huge charmer, unintentionally. He’s very polite and is extremely smart and rather witty. He tends to be a bit soft-spoken but he can speak up and create his own antics or laughter if needed. Likes to talk to everyone, although tends to get exclusive after a bit since he’s not a huge socializer on the big scheme of things.
    RPG: Dawn of the Blood Moon (1 & 2) & various other RPGs.
    Bringing!?: He’s hosting with Avyian.
    Other: Yuar is a vampire, but no worries… doesn’t drink human blood and does enjoy the taste of human foods. ^^;

    .: Yuar & Avyian :.

    The stage was set.

    Avyian had just finished up setting up the food table, while Yuar was just managing to figure out how to correctly hide his motorcycle from vandalism. He had been warned, by Kalah, that it occasionally happened. Of course, Avyian had put a bunch of hexes upon his motorcycle after it had been fully hidden, so that anyone who approached it was in for a series of nasty surprises.

    The Christmas Party for the RPG forums, had been an idea that was in Kalah’s head for quite some time. Of course… being the sick, twisted person herself… she decided to not involve the RPers themselves, but their characters and then of course, it was up to her to pick which one of her characters she would victimize. At first, it was thrown to Yuar to host, to keep track of, and to ultimately put together. Yet, being the nice, loving person she was… Kalah then threw Avyian into the mixture as well.

    The party was hosted at Yuar’s newly aquired mansion. Being a vampire, Yuar wasn’t particularily dark… but his mansion did resemble that of a castle and had a slightly black tinge to it. Many corridors and halls were available to all… but with the help of Avyian and her spells, they had managed to transform the castle. The outside of it was perfectly dusted with snow (although snow was everywhere now from natural snow.) and glittering and blinking lights of red, green and white were neatly about every tower and edge of the castle itself. Little light-up candy canes showed the path for people with cars or some sort of transportation to park, and there was a HUGE space for it. (Who knows who was coming and how?)
    Of course, inside the mansion was even full of more grandeur. Fake snow was put everywhere and lights lit up every single corridor and room. Plush red carpet upon all floors, except for the ballroom and kitchen. Christmas decorations… which included ten Christmas trees, were everywhere.

    There was the ballroom- made for dancing and socializing. [ Of course, this wasn’t some ball… any type of dancing was made for that room and they had even had Avyian put a spell on the music machine, which was to play and dazzle the ballroom like any DJ would. It even took requests.] Then there was the dining room, which was filled with tables of various holiday foods from several different countries. While it was encouraged that this party be alcohol-free, Yuar managed to sneak by Avyian and quietly place a few assorted alcoholic shot glasses and bottles at one of the far corner tables. (bad Yuar!) Then of course… there was ‘living room’ of sorts… if you could call it that. It was the largest room by far, and it held many plush couches, chairs and many decorations. This was the ‘socializing’ room of some sort.. containing a fireplace and such. (Vaulted ceilings too, I might add.) Avyian had even done a spell within this room, to show the night sky. In the kitchen, more food could be prepared although it was advised not to go in there. (Yuar owned a rather intimidating beast of a dog… named Fenrir, who lived in the kitchen and was quite fond of ‘his’ place.)
    And yes yes… there were many more rooms. Gaming rooms of all kinds, a pool room, a pool table room and the likes… (most of it becoming what it was because of Avyian and her spells, but it would work for weeks.)

    Basically, everything was set.

    “ Yuar! Yuar!” Avyian came rushing down one of the staircases, her hair dangling about her shoulders as she saw the vampire standing there, nonchalantly as if he had been there the whole time. (Vampires and their speed…)
    “Yes..?” He asked politely, arching a brow as he watched her come down, Youkai in arms.
    “ Is anyone here yet?” She asked excitedly, music already playing in the ballroom as the spell kicked into gear.
    “ No.” Yuar stated with a grin, as he slowly meandered over to one of the large windows… sensing a few figures approaching.
    “But they are coming now. I must remember to thank Kalah for using my mansion for this… interesting… occasion.” Yuar said- and there was no bitterness, he had only wished that he could have been informed a bit sooner. Besides, Avyian was the one who had done most of the work. Yuar simply did the ‘grunt work’ which could not have been done by spell.
    “ Great! Let everything begin then.” Avyian stated matter-of-factly, munching on a candy-cane which she had already snuck.

    [ Have fun! Let’s… try to be good here. This is Christmas, so NO overly demanding plots please. All rules from the RPG forum apply. ]
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    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  2. #2
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Thanks for the invite Kalah. Um, does starting a prank war count as an overly demanding plot?

    Name: Mephistophocles
    Gender: Male
    Age: ? ? ? ? ?
    Appearance: He stands at 6 feet with a lean, yet attractive build. Despite his ple comlpexion, he could be considered attractive. He has wild, pale blonde hair which barely covers his left eyes and red, snake-like eyes.
    Clothing: Mephisto's usual attire consists of a black coat which goes down to his knees and is usually left open, revealing his chest, black leather pants, knee-high boots which are, you guessed it, black anda spiked choker. He also normally wears blue contacts, but on this occasion, they're going to be green.
    Personality: A joker, a gambler, a smooth talker and someone who just wont give up, especially when it comes to buying someone's soul. While he hates to loose, he doesn't hold grudges and has been known to cause a fair bit of mischief. He's usually a fun guy to be with, when he's not trying to talk you out fo your soul.
    RPG: Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten
    Bringing!?: He's trying to smuggle in some beers, as well as a practical joke kit.
    Other: If you haven't figured it out already, Mephisto's a demon.

    Mephisto grinned as he saw the castle where the party was going to take place. He knew Ben said the place was going to be big, but it was HUGE. He looked down to see a few other of the guests walking towards it as well. Looks like he'd get there first.

    When he was a few meters away, he fell from the sky, changing into his human form and landing gracefully on his feet. He walked up to the large doors and knocked. He raised an eyebrow when he heard someone shout "Someone's here! Someone's here!" The door opened to reveal a young man with red hair.

    "Hello," he greeted politely. Mephisto gave his most friendly smile.

    "Hey. I'm Ben's repersentative," he spoke as he handed the man the invitation, "I'm Mephistophocles, but you could just call me Mephisto." The man nodded.

    "I'm Yuar," he said, " and this is Avyian." He gestured to the girl bouncing up and down behind him.

    "Pleasure to meet you," he said as he stepped in, "am I the first one here?"

    "Yeah," Yuar replied, "Let me show you around."

    "Hold it!"

    The two stopped and looked back in confusion as Avyian walked up to Mephisto. The young girl stuck her hand inside the demon's coat. The blonde stepped back in amazement. Was this girl trying to feel him up?

    She gave a smug smile as she pulled out the six-packs Mephisto had hidden.

    "Nice try," she said smugly, "But Kalah said this was to be a no-alchahol party! I'll just put these somewhere where you can't get them. You can have them back afterwards."

    Mephisto just stood there, shocked as the girl ran off to hide his beer.

    "How did she know?" he asked, trying to figure out how she knew he had beer.

    "Relax Mephisto," Yuar spoke in a hushed tone so Avyian couldn't hear, "I snuck some alchahol in behind her back. I'll show you where it is, just don't let her know"

    Mephisto stared at him in silence for a few moments before hugging him.

    "You're a life-saver dude!"

    "Okay, okay, just, let go of me!"

    Mephisto released him.

    "Sorry," he chuckled nervously while rubbing the back of his head, "Got a bit carried away."

    "Not a problem. Come on."

    Yuar led Mephisto down the hal towards the dining room.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    ~Name: Seyelin Hatsuke
    ~Gender: Male
    ~Age: Over 200, but appears 17
    ~Appearance: Around 5'7" tall and medium weight, with deathly pale skin and a somewhat gaunt face. His shoulder-length hair is a gleaming silver-white and conceals his slightly pointed ears, and his eyes are a cold, icy blue. He does not give off the normal appearance of breathing and so looks like a statue when he sits still for periods of time.
    ~Clothing: He's wearing his usual ensemble of a plain black wool shirt, a long overcoat of brown leather, grey pants, brown Dodongo hide boots and spiked gauntlets, and a long black scarf that partially hides his face. I also forced him into a Santa hat with a sleigh bell on the end ^-^
    ~Personality: Antisocial, brooding, does not want to be here, that sort of thing >w< He's evil in my RPGs, but I won't let him be here, although I can't guarantee the safety of the other characters if something pisses him off >>; He occasionally will start talking using "thee" and "thou", but not all the time for some reason.
    ~RPG: My RPGs, The Legend of Zelda: Tale of Heroes and Destiny: A Legend of Zelda RPG. Probably some other ones too ^^; I'm using the Tale of Heroes version, which is slightly older. Because I feel like it. XP
    ~Bringing!?: His sword, Soulcutter (which has two double-helixed blades, one black and one white) and his spike-growing mithril chain. I also had him bring a bowl of mixed nuts ^.^
    ~Other: He's dead, basically a corpse animated by the powers of Ice and Wind that surround Snowhead Mountain in the land of Termina. But that doesn't make him a stupid zombie!! Oh, and while he's at the party he can't hear the crazy Voice in his head that tells him to kill people, so don't worry. Instead, he hears my voice in his head

    I don't have the energy to post an intro for him right now, as it's 1 in the morning, but I will post one tomorrow
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  4. #4
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Ah, who to bring, who to bring...

    Name: Rhee'ualheu Mara Deiis'alu
    Gender: Female
    Age: 895
    Appearance: Mara is tall, around 6 feet and she has a huge pair of wings in a magnificent green, poisonous yet alluring at the same time, their sails dotted with flecks of silver. Her slender bones highlight the frame of her wings delicately, yet she can fly for hours on the thermals, gliding when her muscles become tired.
    At the tip of each wing, there is a tiny but sharp claw, filed with deadly poison that could kill with a touch. Although this spoiled the kill and poisoned the blood, so she reserves her claws for only the most hated enemies. (she isn't allowed to use these, obviously! This is a party, after all ^^)
    Mara’s hair is long, reaching to the back of her calves, and pitch black with a lustrous dark green shimmer.
    With eyes as dark as her hair, almost as black as pitch, Mara is striking to look at, and she does not appear to be someone to mess with.
    Clothing: Today, in a vague effort to look 'christmassy', Mara is wearing a small strand of silvery tinsel through her hair.
    She is wearing a long fitting dress that clings to her slender figure. The dress is silver gray in colour, but not a garish's more pearly than sparkly. She wears nothing on her feet, and her wings are free to clout you all over the head with, so watch out!
    Personality: Mara has, let's say, a slight obsession with blood...but she is being forced to put that on hold for the party. She is also being forced to be festive, which should make for a laugh! ^^ Normally, she speaks with a slightly older tone, and a liliting and archaic accent pops up when she least expects it.
    She is haughty and takes offense very, very easily, so don't even try insulting her! She is very old...but this doesn't mean she's brittle...quite the opposite, in fact, as she's likely to snap your neck if you cheek her! ^^
    RPG: Otherworld! My precious...ahem!
    Bringing!?: She brings death! I mean...a bottle of suspiciously red wine that has no alcoholic content at all...okay, so it's grape juice! What's your point?!? *glares*
    Other: Um...blood?? *offers a goblet of blood* Yeah! Don't worry, I don't expect anyone to be able to pronounce her name ^^

    EDIT: Bugger! I forgot to do an opening post...and now I have a lesson to go to...>< I'll do one later!

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  5. #5
    BU-KA-DING!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Name: Miles Valiant
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown, but somewhere around 15.
    Appearance: A creature quite similar to Carbuncle. His belly and the tips of his hands, feet, ears, and tail are yellow and fade around to his back through the spectrum to royal blue. The stone on his head is a large, round Mystic Fire Topaz, which can change to almost any color in the rainbow in the right light. He's about 3' tall with ruby red eyes.
    Clothing: While Miles doesn't wear clothes, he did make an effort to 'dress-up' a bit for the event! He's wearing a red scarf around his neck with white tassels on the ends. He also has white 'fluff' decorated around the base of his ears and around his ankles. From the tip of his center tail, two small, golden bells are tied with a thick silver ribbon.
    Personality: Very open to conversation with a personality you... Love to love! ^_^ Quite optimistic and open-minded as well as a bit spontaneous. He's just...CUTE!
    Bringing!?: A big bowl of mixed candies! Peppermint, butterscotch, anise, atomic fireballs, root beer, cinnamon, etc... >.>
    Other: Umm.... umm.... ummmmmmmm..... KYUTE!!!

    Me no got enough thought thingies to make post now... Need sleepy-bye first before Miles do stuff! >.<
    Matataku Hoshi no Shita de
    Kono basho ga doko darou to miagereba matataku hoshi
    Sono shita de kimi wo omoeba warukunai yoru ni naru
    Fuan wo kazoeta yubi ni
    Nukumori ga tomoru

    Shinjiru to iu kotoba wo kimi wa kodomoppoi to warau kai
    Miwatasu kagiri no kouya de yukusaki wo shimesu mono
    Mune ni daite aruitekou
    Sekai ga wazuka ni kagayaku

    The bonds we have with those close to us keep us connected always...

  6. #6
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    OOC: Well, I can't be Bobby or Steve..

    Name: Lex the Blaziken
    Gender: male
    Age: 3
    Appearance: I'm a blaziken
    Clothing: What clothes? I'm covered in red feathers
    Personality: Lex is a friendly blaziken who helped to led him and his friends out of harms way in the great fire of Plateau's End. He's loyal to his friends, a strong fighter and a great leader. He's friendly and open minded. He's also a trained Blaziken born from Mauville ranch.
    RPG: Pokebabies III
    Bringing!?: Pokemon to human translator collar and eventally his little sister, Bullet. Oh and his backpack of Pokemon related gear.
    Other: *blaze kicks other*

    Lex the blaziken

    A flash of light appears in front of a castle, as if it transported a person away from his or her home. The glow quickly subsided and out came the red bird-like figure of a young blaziken. Nearby, he noticed a strange collar and picked it up. He then saw a large human dwelling known as a castle. Lex was not afraid of humans. After all, he'd been around them for a long time. Still, he quickly missed his friends.

    "Kiia! Cloud! Hikaze! Yamu! Morph! Kira!" I called my best friends' names. But, to no avail. "Anyone?"

    Deciding to make the best of it, I walked inside with a concerned look on his face and he saw what looked like people but a few had strange things on them. I tried to talk.

    "Blaziken? Blaz. I. Ken." Was all the humans were able to hear. [Who are you people? What's going on here?]

    I looked at the collar and sighed as a teenage girl approached me and patted my feathers. She was wearing some sort of robe with a strange symbol on it. Her gold necklace had strange bells on them and made sounds when she walked.

    "My name is Avyian." the lady smiled. "That collar in your hand can help you communicate with us."

    "Blaz?" I asked. [It can?]

    "You're a very strong creature. What are you?" Avyian asked as I placed the collar on.

    "My name is Lex." I explained and I was shocked to be speaking human and the people understood me. They must of thought I was a strange looking bird. "I'm a pokemon known as a blaziken. I was born in a place called Mauville Ranch to be a trainer's pokemon. I was abandoned and I needed to help my friends in a fire. My friends! Where are they?"

    Instinctively, my wrists became ablaze and quickly died down. Whenever I get focused, my wrist fires go off. The grl though didn't budge. It was as if she was used to odd things.

    "Sorry about that." I sighed. "You see, I'm kinda young for a blaziken. I grew up in a short time from a small pokemon known as a torchic and then a combusken. My friends and I had to fight practically every day. But, we're at peace now and I miss them dearly."

    I quickly sat down on a chair and noticed the people still staring at me. I ftook off my backpack and looked for the pokedex to show Avyian what I was. I pointed the pokdex at me and it showed my preevolved forms. It then read off the data it has on blazikens. Avyian seemed interested in it and the others were startled at the computerized voice.

    "Blaziken, the blaze pokemon. It learns martial arts that uses punches and kicks. Every several years, its old feathers burn off, and new, supple feathers grow back in its place. This pokemon is known for being able to dole out many kicks per second." The pokedex chirped. "This pokemon evolves from Combusken the young fowl pokemon."

    "Umm..These people aren't going to try to catch me are they?" I asked as they looked at me.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    [COLOR=lightblue]Name: Adalia
    Gender: Female
    Age: 13
    Appearance:She’s around 4’10”, and has shoulder length black hair that curls around the ends. Her eyes are a blue green, and has light skin with pretty much a clear complexion. She has a bit of a button nose and a small chicken pox mark on the middle of her forehead from a case of chicken pox she came down with when she was little.
    Clothing:She has a green sweatshirt on that has a Christmas tree painted on from about the middle of the shirt down. The painted tree has little bells and red and white fuzzy balls glued onto them and the shirt really looks home made. She has regular blue jeans on that are not too tight but are not loose fitted either, on the blue jeans she has a few small golden bells sown into the sides on the sides of the blue jeans. She isn’t wearing any socks and has soft house shoes on they are light tan with white fur lining the ankle area of the shoe.
    Personality: She’s a bit shy around crowds and tends to stick to walls instead of engaging in conversations with people. When she is talking with people she sometimes finds that she doesn’t know what to say and ends up just saying nothing while trying to find the right words. She is also a bit uncomfortable when any attention is focused on her.
    RPG: RPG of No Return
    Bringing!?: Tray of Christmas tree shaped Sugar cookies
    Other: Umm no

    I glanced down at the invitation and then back up at the castle. Was this place it? I shifted my weight in my hands while struggling to hold the cookie tray, which was really starting to hurt my arms. If this wasn’t the correct place then this would be really embarrassing. Maybe Ankha was here; it would be nice to see him. I was really hoping that Aeris wasn’t here, everything that happened recently made me want to stay far, far away from him and just relax tonight. I shook my head trying to draw my thoughts away from my old friends and consentrated on the event at hand. Slowly I walked up to the door, which was already slightly open, with no way to knock on it, I used my side to push it open and slipped in with the cookie tray. “Hello?” I asked, looking around as I straightened up the tray before too many cookies fell onto the floor.

    “Hello!” A man greeted politely stepping out of another room and walking up to me, instinctively I took a step backwards only to find myself backed up against the door.

    “It’s okay, I’m Yuar,” He introduced himself as an older girl walked into the room. “And this is Avyian.” He added, gesturing to the girl who walked up and slowly took the tray from my arms.

    “It’s nice to meet you, I got this..” I began to trail off while holding up the invitation. All that time in a dangerous world had taught me to always be a bit on edge, which was the last thing I needed to happen tonight.

    “It’s okay your in the right place.” Yuar smiled leading me into what looked like the living room. Plush couches! Chairs! And most of all Christmas decorations! All these things I hadn’t seen in a long time. “Have a good time.” Yuar said from behind me before leaving.

    I tensed up for a second realizing that I was in a room full of people, people that looked different and interesting. There was even animals in here like a big bird covered in red feathers and looked like one of those Pokemon things.

    Moving in a way to try and not attract too much attention, I moved toward one of the plush chairs and slid into it, enjoying the plush feel as I began to relax again. Maybe this wouldn’t be too bad, and just maybe this wasn’t that bad of an idea.

    Ah nice to use a character again that I figured I would never use again. Sorry it's not a very long post but I got finals in a few hours.

  8. #8
    The Old Sea Cap'n! Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Name: Grim Reaper
    Gender: Appears Male
    Age: Born the day Cain slew Able
    Appearance: Can't really see any part of him due to his cloak. He wears a hood that covers his face at all times. He has skelton like hands.
    Clothing: The Grim Reaper wears a black cloak,black boots, and thats about it usually. In an attempt to seem more Christmasy, he is wearing a santa hat and his scythe is wrapped in holly.
    Personality: Seems to be always serious but attempts to be in the Christmas mood. Very cold.
    RPG: Blood and Magic 2
    Bringing!?: His Scythe, a bowl of raw cookie dough, a few random gifts, a few Little Ceaser Hot and Ready Pizzas, and a bottle for Spin the Bottle.
    Other: Don't look him in the eyes, it will bring death...or just a bad head ache, he loosened his powers for the holidays.

    I stood outside the vibrant castle. I looked at my invitation and wondered why they would invite me? I also began to wonder why I, the master of death, the king of doom, the master of torture, was about to go mingle with common mortals. There had better be Cheese Nips...

    I walked the long path way to the door and sighed for just a minute. Using my scythe, I rang the door bell. I stood there for just a moment and tapped my foot with impatience. The door suddenly sprang open as I was met by a young lady.

    "Hello there. Glad you could make it to the" She said, obviously not knowing who I was.

    "Hey, hi...I'm ... well, you can call me ...Steve. Steve the Reaper." I said, trying to ease her nerves. Everyone was looking at me.

    "Well hello...Steve. My name is Avyian. Um... not to sound rude or anything ...but you're not going to anyone agt the party, right?" she asked very calmly. I smiled, but I could tell no one could see it...

    "No no, nobody here is meant to die. Heh he." I said as she stepped aside so I could step in. She smiled at me and everyone seemed to sigh with releif as I set my scythe in the corner. I looked around and saw absolutely no one i really recognized. I set down all the fun things i brought and sat down.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Reaching waaaay back into the dusty recesses of the RPG forum for this one... This character was 'born' in March of '03, lol.

    Name: Varda Morgil
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Appearance: Tall, about 5'10-ish, with silvery blonde hair streaked blue and green. She's got bright green eyes, a perfect smile and a pale compextion, but when she's excited, she flushes easily.
    Clothing: I've got an image, but I need to change to a Windows platform so I can get a screen capture, since it's in a flash program... pic
    Personality: Kind, caring, really flirty. Very protective of her friends, but very dangerous to her enimies. Lots of fun to be around, because she's rebellious and has no limits. She'll die before losing her freedom. She's the person people are drawn to when they have problems, since she can often see things that they can't. When she's ticked off, she's likely to have bursts of anger for no reason...
    RPG: Meteor Garden
    Bringing: CDs and candy... plus she's wearing a fuzzy Santa hat ^_^
    Other: She's pyrokinetic.

    I'll have to post later, but I wanted to make sure that I at least got a character in.

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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  10. #10
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Name: Raziel Flopstock
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: He's a kender! (see below for description of kender) Stands at about 4' 3", this little guy has long, brown hair that is put up in a topknot and it falls down to his middle back. He has bluish-green eyes, and a face that wrinkles in a cute way when he smiles largely. He is fairly thin, weighing at about 85 pounds, and he wears the oddest of clothes.
    Clothing: Purple pant leggings, green shoes, a yellow long-sleeved shirt and a button vest, blue in color. A blue coat jacket and a large brown backpack completes the ensemble.
    Personality: He has a typical kender personality: At his ripe age of 22, he has developed Wanderlust and travels the world in search of...well, anything new. More on the kender personality below...
    RPG: Aloof from the World (it's dead right now...and it was so good...
    Bringing: A bag of thimbles! Raz isn't too good on the whole "gift" thing...
    Other: Anyone who knows kender...they wouldn't want to be near him with open pockets...

    The Kender
    Kender come from the land of Kendermore, in the city of Kenderhome, between two large mountains. They are a funny type of small people: They are not gnomes, nor are they pixies. They look like smaller versions of humans; indeed, they have the high voices for it. Kender are special in multiple ways. First off, each and every one can talk for HOURS, telling stories that are so farfetched you just don't have the willpower to hurt them sometimes. Even in the most dire of situations, it may be difficult to get a kender to understand the meaning of the words, "Shut up or we are all going to die."
    They love shiny things, and wear all sorts of clothes of differing colors. Most people believe that kender are ignorant of the world, which is why they act the way they do, but Kender see the world differently: They believe that it is the "big people" that worry too much. Due to many years of this behavior, Kender cannot feel terror, fear, or sorrow. That is to say, they probably could feel it, they just don't know what it is. A good quote to explain this comes from a kender named Tasslehoff: "I'm not scared. I would just rather be someplace else at the present moment..."
    Not only are they annoying, but they steal WITHOUT KNOWING IT. They are excellent pickpockets by nature, but they get extremely offended whenever someone calls them that. They are the great "borrowers" of the world. They also have two great senses to balance their complete gullibility of anything: They have acute hearing and sight. Many are also great with lockpicking, since they believe that, "A door is a portal for a reason: To Go Through It. Why put a lock on it? Besides, if anyone REALLY wanted to keep me out of the room, why would they put such an easy lock on the door?"

    I'll post later, just wanted to get a char in, like the others...exam week is rough on all of us I see...

    Zack Bodo
    Points: 0
    Pokemon: Ghastly (M) ~ Poochyena (M) ~ Growlithe (M) ~ Absol (F) ~ Bulbasaur (F)
    Pokeball - 0
    Awakening (Cures Sleep) - 2
    Lemonade (+50%HP) - 3
    Circus Ticket at Limtore!

    Ending Balance: $14

  11. #11
    nananananananana BATFLEA! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Name: Wulf Agarius (AiShen)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 71 Yuri (about 568 years)
    Appearance: Tall and thin, basically your stereotypical Mage class. Has bright silver hair, roughly shoulder-length, very full and flowy (see attachment). Also has a beard of matching color. His hair shows his age, but his skin is still very healthy and lacking wrinkles.
    Clothing: (Also see attachment) A SetZe robe, very long and spacious. His robes are dyed a shimmering dark green. He carries around a magnificent Staff of Chi, a very long scepter with a radiant green orb with a blue aura on the top.
    Personality: He doesn't talk much, spends alot of time meditating. Is a firm believer in the "a closed mouth gathers no foot" philosophy. Very wise, but has a somewhat sarcastic sense of humor. Expert wisecracker and very diligent in his command of the language.
    RPG: Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds
    Bringing!?: My kitty, Natasha (second attachment)
    Other: Can actually make a cheesecake out of thin air with his magic, but prefers to bake it.
    "A closed mouth gathers no feet."
    -Benjamin Franklin

  12. #12
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    *whines* So many characters to choose from. Chains of Dragons has been pretty good to me but I have another one in mind

    Name: Kaia Dunkirk
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Kaia is on the small side, about 5'3. She has a thin and slightly tanned frame but her muscles are well hidden, making people underestimate her a lot. Her hair is a light chocolate and hangs lightly down to her chin and her eyes are a steely blue, not something you want to look into
    Clothing: She's not one for the holidays so she's wearing a longsleeved blue silk shirt, black dress pants, black socks and black loafers. Two slits open up in the back for her wings, which can slide in and out whenever she feels is necessary. To the naked eye, they look like bug-esque wings, thin and translucent flecked with a fair amount of red and black but when you come closer, they're actually leathery and quite strong
    Personality: She's a loner of sorts but quite talkative around people who want to hold conversations with her. She is mostly a follower when it comes to group work but likes to be the leader when the opportunity arises. She has the "my way or the highway" borderline attitude and you don't want to mess with her since she can get downright nasty when provoked
    RPG: The Correct Divine (near the top of page 8. It says 'Correct Souls Divine' but in the thread and sign ups, it's 'The Correct Divine')
    Bringing?: A fruit cake :D
    Other: Loves fire O-o

    Out of all her characters, I was the one that was invited to the party. I didn't know why nor did I care to find out; I only promised myself to take a peek and leave when things went from utter boredom to utter devestation. I had to admit though, the location of the party did look rather cool and ominous. I could certainly defend myself if I had to but I doubt they would send ficticious characters to their doom in a cliched castle.

    As I walked up to the door, I already found it open with a girl my age waving at me with a smile on her face.
    "Welcome to the party," she chirped. "I'm Avyian and you'll meet Yuar soon enough. And you are?"
    "Kaia," I said hastily and held out the fruit cake.
    She looked at it with uncertainty and slowly took it away from me, trying to regain the smile that was once plastered on her face.
    "Oh, don't be fooled just because it's a fruitcake," I replied. "I've learned first hand that you can never judge a book by it's cover. It's quite delicious."
    "Oh, ok then," she said with a relieved look. "Come right in."
    I walked in and was met with a breathtaking view. It was huge, but very elegantly decorated with plenty of food and seating to go around. Even the ceiling was made to look like the sky, which tonight was clear and loaded with bright stars. Maybe this party wouldn't be a bust after all.

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  13. #13
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    A house.

    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    OOC: No Tarin, huh? I guess I'm the only pokemon! Woot! Don't worry. I'm housetrained. I just don't have many human characters. I was Bobby Drake of the X-Men and Steve in that future rpg. But, hey Lex is okay I guess. I could have picked Bullet the Ledian but I picked a more recent one.

    Lex the blaziken
    As more guests arrived, it appeared that I was the only pokemon around. Was I going to be the only pokemon at the party? There was this man in a cloak that gave me the shivers for some reason. I figured it'd be best to stay by the hostess. This lady was nice and she reminded me of Kiia for some strange reason. I couldn't quite place it.

    "There seems to be a lot of humans here." I looked around.

    "Are you scared?" Aviyan asked.

    "No. I'm fine." I replied. "I grew up at a ranch and I've seen a lot of humans. My mom would want me to be brave so I will be."

    A small girl, younger than Aviyan carried a tray of cookies toward me and she seemed interested in my red, yellow and off-white feathers. I placed my pokedezx away before anyone could hear any more.

    "Would you like a cookie?" she asked.

    "I guess." I carefully took one as my talons were bigger than my hands.

    I sniffed it and ate it after thouroughly inspecting it. She seemed to enjoy it and I smiled.

    "Tastes great!" I chirped. "Thank you."

    She reminded me of a girl I knew at the ranch. Everyone seemed nice here but I found myself missing other pokemon pretty quickly. I wondered what the others were up to while I was here. We had settled in some village not far from the ranch. I figured I was going to have to make the best of this. I even wondered if Aviyan would allow me to explore. So many people here and I was concerned one of them would try to capture me. Luckily, none of them had pokeballs.

    "I'm glad you like the cookie." the girl replied.

    "Thanks. I very rarely eat human food." I explained as I pointed to my collar.. "I found this human speech collar outside. Without it, all yo'd all here would be 'Blaziken'".

  14. #14
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Hmm, what t have first? Scotch, vodka, gin, or brandy?

    Mephisto looked over the bottles of alchahol placed on one of the table. Considering where the table was, Mephisto guessed this was the only reserve of alchahol, ever, in the entire place, and the demon wasn't going to let anyone take it from him.

    I'll go with brandy for now.

    He quickly filled a glass and gulped it down before anyone noticed.

    "Let's see if anyone else is here yet."

    Mephisto went off to explore the house (and hopefully find wherer Avyian stashed his beer). He noticed that the others guests were beginning to arrive.

    He grinned evilly as he patted the practical joke kit hidden under his coat. He was surprised the girl didn't find it underneath his coat, but he was glad she didn't. There was one thing he loved to do at parties like this, and that was cause a bit of mischief.

    Now, all he had to do was pick a target.

    He mentally promised himself he wouldn't prank Yuar, since he led him to the booze. Then there was Avyian. She took Mephisto's beer, this seemed like the perfect oppertunity for revenge.

    Then there was the reaper. That guy really got on his nerves, especially when he killed people just before Mephisto could get their soul. It really annoyed him. This would be the perfect opportunity to get back at him.

    This was going to be one heck of a perty!
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  15. #15
    The Old Sea Cap'n! Junior Trainer
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    ooc oh man, wonderful idea about the prank war, Mystic Clown! It'll be quite fun exchanging pranks untill X-mas...


    I walked around and looked up at the gorgeous ceiling. It was ...enluminating. I walked by a few people and saw a Blaziken sitting there. It looked at me and I could tell he was uncomfortable. I looked at him as he looked at me. I smile,d but i could tell he couldn't see. I kept walking and finally came across someone i knew.


    I had to keep an eye on him, i know he disliked me since i always reaped his victims souls before he had the pleasure of it himself. I chuckled because deep down i was convinced that this was to be a long and ... exchangeful holiday.

  16. #16
    nananananananana BATFLEA! Elite Trainer
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    Sorry I was unable to post my intro earlier. I'll do that now


    "Oh my! James was right, these contraptions are VERY exhilirating!" I let out with a rare moment of outward excitement. I had never driven an automobile before, and James's vehicle was apparently "pimped out" as the locals say. I was very surprised at how fast these things moved. I still remember how nervous he was when he was explaining it to me.

    "Here you go Wulf. Now, I don't just let anyone borrow my car, so you be careful."
    "Why thank you! It's very gracious of you to lend me your transportation for this event. I can still walk, you know."
    "Ah it's fine. You know how to drive, right?"
    "Uh, what does 'drive' mean?"
    "Oh, is that the word that applies to the operation of this vehicle?"
    "I'll take your silence to mean yes. No, I do not know how to drive, you'll have to show me."

    Two hours later, after a lengthy explanation, I had it. Fortunately I could manipulate the earth in front of me, so I could create a flat surface to drive straight to the castle. It was really an intriguing machine.

    I finally arrived at the place, and it was truly extravagant. The lights, the snow, the entire atmosphere was very elegant. I looked down at the paper James gave me to remember how to make the car stop. With a jolt, the car slammed into park, and I stepped out.

    "I'll walk next time." I said to myself as I headed up the front walk. I came upon an enormous, brilliantly textured wooden door. "This must be the entrance. I thought as I grabbed hold of the long rope dangling next to me. I pulled, and a loud bell rang out. I could scarcely let go of the rope before the door was opened by a well dressed man with pale skin. He looked normal, except for two abnormally long and pointy teeth protruding from his lips. I held out the invitation I had been sent.
    "I must commend you. Your abode is of the utmost extravagance." I said to him, politely.
    "Thank you." He replied, bowing low. "I am Yuar, your host. Please come in."
    The inside of the castle was just as amazing as the exterior. Incredibly spacious, with detailed gothic architecture. Seemingly limitless rooms and hallways, beautiful ambience everywhere. I smiled a bit, and turned back to Yuar.
    "Sir, might I ask where I could find a bit of ale? I'd like to relax a bit before I socialize."
    "Certainly, Sir Agarius. The far left hallway will lead you to the east wing. You will find the kitchen there."
    "Much obliged, sir. But please, call me Wulf."
    "As you wish." He cracked a slight smile, and was instantly gone. I began to walk, supporting myself on my staff, toward the hallway he pointed at.

    "A closed mouth gathers no feet."
    -Benjamin Franklin

  17. #17
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    I like to torture my own characters ^_^ Note, my voice in his head is in italic grey text >.>

    ~^* Seyelin Hatsuke *^~

    Footsteps scuffled along the paved street, footsteps that caused the thin covering of snow to crackle and freeze into solid ice. A cold wind rattled the branches of the winter-bare trees, which would send a chill through the spine of any sane human in the vicinity. Of course, the figure meandering down the road, glaring coldly at the bell dangling from the red-and-white cap on his head and carrying what appeared to be a covered tray containing various kinds of nuts, was neither sane nor human. At least, not anymore. He was also seemingly in deep conversation with himself.

    "I still do not see why I had to be the one to come to this.. this 'party'...." a voice like a cold breeze murmured from behind the dark scarf wrapped around his neck.

    A voice, that of a female and most definitely not belonging to the young man in question, echoed through his head. Because, Seyelin, it answered with a chuckle, You're just so much fun!

    ".... That does not explain this ridiculous hat," he grumbled under his breath, reaching up with one hand to lightly flick the bell hanging from the tip of said hat. Pealing lightly for an instant, it was soon coated in a thin layer of frost, muting its incessant jangling.

    Oh, come on! It's not THAT bad, is it?

    "..... I think I preferred that damned manipulative Voice to you...."

    Before his creator had a chance to respond, Seyelin at last came upon the building described in the invitation. With a defeated sigh, he trudged up the front steps and shoved the door open, entering the mansion.


    Be free to mingle with Seyelin, just try not to piss him off, as he's in a rather sour mood ^^;
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  18. #18
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Name: Denisu "Saké" Wamiyazen
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Appearance: Same as pic. Here.
    Clothing: Santa hat along with his usual outfit.
    Personality: Free spirit. Hates oppresion and usually is willing to throw his life in the line of fire to keep others from being hurt.
    Bringing!?: A shiskabob thing called Kikasha, meat that looks like beef but tastes like chicken, a citrus fruit, and Gibb berries.
    Other: Yeah.... Let's rock! XD
    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
    Bring your Battles to Life

    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

    Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
    SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096

  19. #19
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Name: Imani Dune
    Gender: Female
    Age: I think she's 18
    Appearance: African American, 5'4", medium build. Has the ears, tail, cheeks, and tail of a Raichu. Wears her hair in a ponytail.
    Clothing: A red, long sleeved turtleneck and blue jeans. To look festive she wears a red ribbon around her tail and a red collar with a jingle bell attached to it.
    Personality: She's nice but she'll get a little sarcastic when she's ticked off. She loves being around people and likes jokes even more.
    RPG: Pokemon: Crystal Storm (3rd one)
    Bringing!?: Static (her Raichu guardian) and Chex Mix. Yay!
    Other: She can understand Static since she's half Pokemon herself. She can also do electric attacks.

    "Oh man, we're late!" I said as we approached the castle.

    "You just had to watch the rest of that movie! I told you that it would come on again later!" Static panted as we ran up to the door.

    I caught my breath and calmly knocked on the door. "Now be on your best behavior, Static. I don't want your big mouth ruining this party," I hissed at Static before the door opened. A girl greeted me and smiled when I handed her the Chex Mix. "Hey, I'm Imani Dune, Shonta's representative. This is Static." The Raichu waved.

    "I'm Avyian. Oh, another Pokemon. Hi there."

    Static groaned as Avyian patted his head. "Oh great. This is going to be loads of fun. Anyone whips out a pokeball and I'm unleashing all kinds of hell in here!"

    I ignored him and stepped inside, taking in the surroundings. "I'm liking this place."

    "Thank you. Enjoy yourselves. And nice collar."

    "Thanks." I walked around and noticed a Blaziken standing around. That must be the other Pokemon Avyian told me about. Static and I walked up to him. "Hey there. Interesting crowd we have here, huh?"
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  20. #20
    Just Too White & Nerdy Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Name: Makura
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Appearance: average height; shoulder-length, dark brown hair with fluffed bangs; dark green eyes that have a mysterious glint, and a brown Saiya-jin (monkey) tail.
    Clothing: Her usual dark denim jacket and matching knee-length skirt with a tight black tanktop, black, fingerless gloves, and knee-high black boots with flat heels. Occassionally wears chic black sunglasses. For tonight the only festive thing she was talked into wearing was a red santa hat.
    Personality: A stubborn and sarcastic loner, she doesn't like to admit that she has friends. She also doesn't like to admit that she's really a good person underneath so she tries to supress any feelings of caring, and often fails. She usually keeps an emotionless, or slightly annoyed expression on her face.
    RPG: Dragonball FS
    Bringing!?: A keg of Christmas ale. Don't ask where she got it. She has her ways...*shifty eyes*
    Other: Yes, she's a Saiya-jin

    "I can't believe she's making me do this...." Makura sighed while fidgeting with the Santa hat that Kuro Espeon, her creator, had forced her to wear. "I hate parties. I hate people. And I hate this stupid hat."
    The Saiya-jin warrior grumbled to herself as she trudged up the long driveway toward the mansion where the RPG Christmas Party was taking place. For some reason, when Kuro had recieved the invitation that instructed her to send one of her characters to the party, she had decided to send her. A decision that Makura had yet to understand. Why couldn't she have sent someone more socialable? The last thing she wanted to do was spent an entire evening conversing with a room full of Earthlings in a ridiculous hat... In fact, she refused to do this.
    She reached up and began to remove the hat when a voice suddenly spoke into her head commandingly.
    "Leave it on, or I'll make you wear the whole costume. Or do you want to go to the party as Sexy Santa?"
    Makura's hand stopped in mid-grab and her left eye began to twitch irritably.
    "Errr..." she growled.
    "Now keep moving." Said Kuro's voice with a masked chuckled. Makura cast a glare skyward and continued to the door of the mansion. Letting out her last few twitches she managed to bring herself to ring the elaborate doorbell. She tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for someone to answer the door, desperate to get this night overwith...

    **Winner of the "Most Mysterious Character" Award (2009)**
    Sanya Halvacor - Kingdom Heartless

    Kuro's quote fav:
    "Take whatever you want, just don't headbutt me." - Bear

  21. #21
    for all seasons Moderator
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Thought I'd bring back an older character, slightly changed after years of... old. lol

    Name: Draco Tucker, Snr.
    Gender: Male
    Age: Seven
    Appearance: Draco’s a Dragonite. He’s… oranger than your average Dragonite, and a bit portly around the gut after years of retirement. He’s often got a grin on his face for no apparent reason. Oh yeah, he's got an emerald embedded in his chest. Poor sod.
    Clothing: Draco wears the same thing this Christmas that he wears every day. A cheap blue Hawaiian shirt and a pair of khaki pants. Sometimes he has a pair of sunglasses that seem to come from nowhere.
    Personality: Though he used to be a battler, an actor and a member of PIB (he was Agent D, you know), Draco has been retired for a long time, and has since become a party-going alcoholic. He’s of Australian descent (starting now), so he might go on about cricket or something, if anyone could actually understand him. He’s a troublemaking slob, he’s none too bright, and he’ll get into fights for fun. He’s quite a charmer, no?
    RPG: The Unown: Power of Evil, Pokémen in Black I & II
    Bringing!?: Though he’s tempted to bring a garot wire or some brass knuckles to cause some mischief, Draco has settled on bringing a cheap bottle of rum with him. Half of it is gone already.
    Other: I even attached a picture I drew mineself! I’m an artiste!

    I blinked a couple times as I trudged through the snow toward my destination. If I couldn't find the place soon, I planned on giving up and just crashing at whoever's house was closest. They were bound to let me in, for the holiday's spirit! Recalling that the invitation was in my large hand, I squinted and tried to read it.
    Maybe I shouldn't have had that booze up this afternoon...

    Regardless, I couldn't turn down a party. Free food, free drinks, free chance for me to pick up a lovely lady, perhaps. Hopefully they wouldn't realise that I wasn't supposed to be here; Tony had given the invitation to that goody-two-shoes little mongoose Fink, and I had to bash the little blighter along the way.
    "And you didn't even have the decency to call!" I bellowed at my no-good creator, and was inexplicably whalloped over the head with a 2x4 in response.
    "Crikey!" I grunted, rubbing my head.

    Off in the distance, I spotted a large mansion. Was this the place? If not, it was where I was going to spend the night anyway. I flapped my wings a couple times, hoping to fly the rest of the way, but it was no use. These old wings were like Hawthorn. Bloody useless.
    I could barely make out a person (Though the image was kind of blurry... Could've been a tree for all I knew) at the front door waiting.
    "Makes sense," I muttered, and took another look at the invitation. Seems alcohol wasn't permitted, and I didn't want to cause a fuss, so I buried my precious rum in the snow, ready for me when I left. "I'm such a genius, me mum should've named me Clever..."
    When I got to the front door, I found that the person waiting was a pretty-looking broad. Seemed alright, though that tail was a bit of a worry...

    "Hello there, lovely." I said with a grin on my face, and was met with a glare colder than the snow around us. I doubt she understood what I had said, and assumed that she really didn't care, either.
    I looked back at the door and frowned.
    "Let us in!!" I bellowed, "We're bloody freezing out here!!"
    I hoped that someone inside would understand, or at very least think it was a roar intimidating enough to obey. If not, this chick had a keg, I could just as easily party out here...
    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
    Tony is gay for little Snorlax.

    Watch my YouTube to support my drug habit

  22. #22

    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Name: Damon Castle( I believe that was his last name...)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Appearance: Damon is about 6'3", maybe 4", and has smooth blonde hair. Damon has very well toned muscles, but he is much stronger then he looks. Damon's eyes are blue,and his teeth are perfectly white (seeing as he is a perfectionist)
    Clothing: He has actually decided to wear a nice black suit for once
    Personality: Damon is a very serious worker: Anyways, Damon is always very serious he feels that the world shouldn't have time for jokes in a very serious time like this (or what was a serious world in his time). The only time he may be laid back is when he is drunk, but that is almost never because Damon always has to work.
    RPG: An Apocalyptic Beggining(pretty sure i spelled that right)
    Bringing!?: Uh, he stopped the supermarket and got some potato chips.
    Other: Damon came from the future, and he decided to check out a christmas party he got invited to.

    Ill post later, cause my bus is coming :/

  23. #23
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    OOC: Well, so much for Lex being the only Pokemon.

    Lex the blaziken

    Someone was making an awful noise at the front door and I watched as Aviyan rushed to open it, leaving me with the other people at the party. I scanned the room and I saw a young girl hold a pokeball in her hand. She smiled and waved me over and had her pokemon with her, a raichu. As soon as I approached her, a dragonite came flying into the room and landed in front of me.

    "Hey!" the dragonite alled. He seemed a lot older than me. "How are you?"

    "I'm fine." I replied, realizing I still had my human speech collar on. "I hope-"

    On a nearby table, I saw another human speech collar appear and I instinctivly grabbed it and handed it to the dragonite. I hoped the dragon was a nice guy. The only other dragon I've ever met were that salamence and of course Tarin. Tarin would have loved this guy.

    "Put the collar on." I explained. "It can help you talk to humans."

    While he looked at the collar, the young woman's raichu was apparantly looking me over to make sure I wasn't some kind of threat. It was a raichu. She herself looked sort of like a raichu and I shook my head in disbelief. I've never seen a human fuzed with a pokemon.

    Hey there. Interesting crowd we have here, huh?" She asked and I was kind of reluctant to reply. "It's okay, Blaziken. My name's Imani."

    "And my name's Static." the raichu replied with a little annoyance.

    Things were looking up. I was with two fellow pokemon and I didn't feel as nervous around the humans now. The raichu's trainer seemed nice. I had to try to make friends with these two and anyone else. Not that I didn't mind being with humans. It was just easier for me to talk to other pokemon.

    "My name's Lex." I smiled. "Nice to meet you, both."

    "Nice to meet you too." Imani smiled. "You seemed lonely here when I came in. Are you okay?"

    "Yeah." I nodded. "I'm just not used to a lot of humans. I rew up at a ranch outside Mauville City and I was trained by a human. He dropped me off in the middle of a forest fire and I've been kind of wary since."

    I looked down and kneeled by the raichu. He was considerably smaller than me as I was the size of an adult male human. He still looked wary at things and a few sparks here and there emerged from his cheek.

    "Hey, Static." I smiled. "No need to be on guard. I think we're okay here. I mean who'd mess with a dragonite, a blaiziken and an obviously strong raichu?"

  24. #24
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    The large bird thingie seemed to be a bit afraid and was nervously glancing around. It was somewhat nice to know that I was not the only one who was worried about all the people around him. One thing that was glaringly apparent was that I was the youngest one here. During these times I somewhat wished I was my old self again, the guy that was the same age as everyone else and not scared of anyone. Yet that was an old life that I could only remember bits and pieces of.

    Deciding to do something I slid out of my comfy chair and retrieved my tray of cookies from the kitchen and walked up to the bird. “ like a cookie?” My voice stammered a bit a little out of fear, a little out of possible rejection as I thrust the tray forward.

    “I guess” He replied just as nervously and slowly picked one up. I smiled a bit as he sniffed it and tested it out; finally he took a small bite out of it and smiled. “Tastes great, thank you”

    “I’m glad you like the cookie,” I smiled back at him warmly. “I was a bit worried no one would like them,” I added before sitting the tray down.

    “Thanks. I very rarely eat human food.” He explained before finishing off the cookie and then pointed to his collar. “I found this speech collar outside, with out it all you’d all here would be ‘Blaziken’.”

    I reached over slowly to study it while making sure not to touch his claws. “You’re not like the other guests here.” I said stating the obvious. He began to reply when someone started making noises at the front door. Avyian went off to investigate and I figured now was my chance to get away. “I’m going to go exploring, I’ll see you later.” I said quickly, picking up the tray and leaving, as more animals seemed to come into the room.

    I sat the tray back down on the counter in the kitchen along with the other food and let out a sigh. All the people in that room was making me even more nervous, and the animals coming in were freaking me out even more. Yet that one guy, he was very nice, even if he was like a big giant bird.

    Deciding not to go back into the living room for a while, I went off exploring the long hallways. Not far down my first hallway I could hear the sounds from the living room fading out with every step I took. Everything seemed nice and peaceful and the house was really beautiful looking too. I closed my eyes and relaxed, allowing the surrounding quiet to calm all the fear that I had built up while in the living room.

    Suddenly my panic meter rose again when I heard the door to the left of me open, I slipped to the left side to avoid being seen while a guy about 6 feet tall with wild blonde hair stepped out of the room and walked back down the hallway. “Lets see if anyone else is here yet.” He spoke to himself as I slipped into the door before it shut.

    The room had a table in it with all different bottles of liquid that ranged from tiny bottles to large ones, along with small glasses. “Small soda bottles!” I smiled with fascination as I picked one of the smaller ones up. Some part in the back of my brain was trying to tell me what they were, but I really never remembered seeing soda bottles this small before.

    I quickly stuffed two into my back pocket and turned to leave. At that part I heard a small noise come from the only window in that room. With nothing else to do, and no real motivation to get back to the party, I walked over to check out what was making the noise.

    Well this is supposed to go in conjunction with Tsuki’s first post after we discussed it last night. If he decides to change it, I’ll just change the ending part.

  25. #25
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    Who to prank first? Avyian or Reaper? Avyian or Reaper? Geez, this is one tough decision. I need a drink.

    The archdemon strode back into the dinning room, hoping a little bit of alchahol would clear his head (strange logic that). He figured he'd go for gin this time as he approached the table. Although, something caught his eye the instant he got there.

    "What happened to the vodka?" he asked dumbly. A small amount of panic arose deep within his gut. Did Avyian find out? Was she trying to confiscate the booze?

    This was something Mephisto wouldn't allow.

    Thinking fast, Mephisto grabbed as many bottles as he can and tried to stuff them under his coat. If he could at least save the rest of the booze from that beer-stealing witch, he could rest easy. It wasn't like he'd be keeping it all to himself either. He'd givethem out to whoever wanted them.

    He'd be kinda like santa, only giving out alchahol instead of presents.

    He quickly left the room, grabbing a small cup cake as he went. Thankfully, the bottles didn't clang together from inside his coat.

    Walking through the main hall, trying to find something to do, Mephisto heard the doorbell ring. He looked around to see if Avyian or Yuar was coming. Then he remembered how Avyian could detect the alchahol hidden in his coat. He didn't want the same to happen with their last stash.

    Since he was nearest to the door, he figured he may as well answer it.
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  26. #26

    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    OOC: Heh, I miss Steve from our RPG. Then Damon would know someone. Oh yeah, and Mystic Clown, I hope that you had no one in mind when you wanted to answer the door, because I'll have my character enter then. If so, Ill change my post after.


    "God dang it!" I yelled, and smashed the dashboard.These old cars from 2005 were so non complex, yet I couldn't get the shift right, seeing as my old car automatically drove. This 2006 Acura was confusing, even though it had a navigation system(far obsolete from my other car) voice activated, and had a cell phone built in. I saw that the castle was coming up near, and I tried to go into the driveway, and the car skidded and landed in a ditch. "Jesus Christ!" I murmured, and pulled down the mirror. I looked at my hair, which was supposed to have been dyed black, but it had turned out a light brown. I also had to dye my goatee, which actually turned out brown (thankfully, now I didn't look like such a idiot). I grabbed the bag of potato chips, and kicked open the car door.
    I walked around the trees, and into the driveway, and stopped in amazement. This was a Castle?!?!?! Now, I had never seen a Castle, but seeing as my last name was Castle, I did some research, and saw they were built in the medievil times for Kings and Queens. This looked like a more modernized one then the ones he had seen, so he quickly hurried up to the door.Before ringing the doorbell, he made sure that his secret was hidden in his pocket, that he had his potato chips, and that his suit was sparkling clean, and he knocked on the door. After around a minute, he decided that no one had heard him, and rang the doorbell.
    A light accumlation of snow had grown on his head by the team the door had opened. I made sure I had my invitation ready, and standing in front of me was a lean man, who had pale blonde hair that reminded me of myself when my hair was blonde. " Umm.. Hi. I believe this is the place for the christmas party?" I asked, and showed him the invitation.
    He looked at it, and quickly said "Yeah, your in the right place," and took my potato chips and threw them on the table. "My name is Mephisto," he said, and held out his hand. I accepted the shake, and walked into the castle. It was full of christmas decorations, and a giant christmas tree in the middle, along with some chairs and couchs. I decided to gladly take a seat in the corner, and watch the party just start to begin.

  27. #27
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    Avyian & Yuar Oro

    Avyian was having a grand time bouncing from one person ... errm... creature... to the next, making sure they had enough food, were having a good time and what-not. She was buzzing about so swiftly... she hardly had time to notice yet another person had entered, and by the time she had noticed... she saw one of their guests had opened the door instead. Feeling better that others were answering the door a bit... she figured that it would be quite alright.
    " Excuse me..." She approached the new guy who had just entered. He was quite handsome, and she quickly gave him a little nod to welcome him.
    "Welcome to the party! I see you've met Mesto-" She stopped abruptly, staring at him as he suddenly seemed to turn a few shades of red.
    "Uhh... I seem to have forgotten... something..." He quickly stated, seeing how Avyian was staring at him oddly. Avyian sensed that there was something being hidden from her... but before she could pin-point what, he tore off quite suddenly. Scratching the back of her head in confusion, she looked back to Damon.
    "Uhh... yeah, well anyways there are plenty of things to do there! There's food, refreshments, a pool, a dance floor... and plenty of socialization." With that, she glanced at a few of the guests and sweatdropped.
    "Well... f rom most of the guests anyways..."

    Yuar however, had been walking amongst many of the guests and making his appearance. [ Yuar does not have pointy teeth unless he wishes to elongate them.. fyi Bear. ^_~ ] Yuar had no idea why he was being so... formal... although he was quite calm and relaxed. Of course, a few shots could easily make Yuar relax... which he had before the party, although he wasn't one to get drunk. It took a LOT of alcohol to make a vampire drunk- let alone him.
    " Hmm..." Yuar thought as he watched the Reaper-fellow turn his face-hidden self to the demon who was at the party. Yuar had bets in his head that something interesting between the two would form yet. Although truthfully, Yuar also was keeping an eye on Avyian since he caught a few 'checking out' glances from the males... and even some of the creature-like males at the party. Yes... alcohol would make things interesting... well, or was. He wasn't promoting it persay... nbut he wasn't going to deny anyone either.

    Things were seemingly calm at the moment... that is... until...
    "WHAT THE F***?!" Someone shouted, and Yuar's lightning-like gaze saw that Youkai- Avyian's fond-of-biting-mini-black-devil-cat- had found someone to... express a bite of love upon.
    Sweatdropping, Yuar swiftly went to the person... offering release the kitten-of-doom, however the person was flailing about so much that it was definately going to prove to be a challenge.

    [ Youkai... gotta love the devil kitty. ]
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    Yeah, I have to get Saké there...

    Denisu "Saké" Wamiyazen

    I held Keiryuujin's back as we flew over a vast mountain range. The Light Dragon God was silent, as usual. His wings gave extra lift as the wind buffeted us both.

    "Ya know," I shouted over the wind. "I would like to know how these people know me."

    "Perhaps they heard about you through the spots of rumor," the Dragon replied.

    "Or they might be members of Garm's army laying in ambush."

    "Weren't you the only one to receive such an invitation?" he replied. "None of the others have received such a thing. If it was a plot to ambush you, wouldn't it have been to trap the rest of us as well?"

    I thought. Keiryuujin was right, as always. This may be just nothing, and I did bring the supplies to make Kikasha, I just needed access to the kitchen.

    Keiryuujin dived suddenly and I scrambled for a hand-hold on the Dragon God's scaley hide. My hand grabbed onto one of his spines as my other held onto the hat that came with the note. It was a red scocking cap with a white cotton ball at the end and a ring of cotton here it rested on my head.

    "Warn me next time!" I shouted.

    "It's down below!" Keiryuujin growled backat me. I looked.

    In the mountains was a castle, windows glowing from inner fires. There was a road leading to the castle, a grove of trees and a winding road leading to it. Keiryuujin dove towards the castle, pulling up at the last minute for a perfect landing for the Dragon God.

    I jumped down from Keiryuujin's back, careful with the Kikasha ingredients. My sword was still in its sheath, the sheath on my belt. Looking up at the Dragon God I asked him, "So what are you going to do?"

    I think he smirked back at me. "I will be where I always am." The Light Dragon God started to become brilliantly bright. Closing my eyes I knew what Keiryuujin was doing.

    With the light receaded I saw that the Dragon God had become the pendant that was now hanging around my neck. Heaving the Kikasha ingredients over my shoulder,my hand resting on the handle of my sword.

    Carefully I used the door knocker.

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  29. #29

    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Name: Avalynne Firecat
    Gender: Female
    Species: Drow
    Age: 500+(17 human years)
    Appearance: A cute, yet mysterious face with black freckles(cause it would make no sense for brown ones) with the typical dark gray skin and red eyes of her race, with short wavy silver hair that falls just above her shoulders. She has the traditional pointed ears as well, and she has a dragon tattoo on her left collarbone. She is somewhat flat chested, and has narrow hips, but is slender. Her lips are usually a dark black color, obviously, and she looks cute overall.
    Clothing: A black dress that is netted over her collarbone and the top of her breasts, is torn at the bottom and has netted sleeves that connect to a ring on each of her middle fingers. Wears a black cloak over that, and black cotton boots. There is a strap of leather around her right wrist, and a leather collar around her neck, around which hangs a dragon claw with a red crystal embedded in it. I also convinced her to wear an elf hat and elf shoes in place of her black boots(like Santa's helper like elves.) And Alchanei, her winged cat, is wearing antlers and a red nose, and his usual leather collar.
    Personality: Somewhat naive, but very intelligent. She flinches whenever mentions a dragon, or the dragon claw she wears around her neck. She is usually thought of as the adorable little sorceress with cute ears, though she has unspeakable power that she forgets about. Generally has a bad memory, and blushes too much. She is quiet most of the time, though she is known to make quick come back on occasion.
    RPG: Medieval Fantasy Genre(I haven't RPed with her yet.)
    Bringing!?: Her wonderful self, her oak wood staff with the red crystal strapped to the end and vines decorating it, her black cat familiar with raven wings and an attitude problem, named Alchanei, a MCR(My Chemical Romance) CD, a jug of eggnog, and a box of Christmas cookies. >.<
    Other: She is a Drow, and had a horrific experience when she was younger, concerning a dragon who she used to belong to her(she was his Rider) and her past still haunts her, so the scary little voice that talk to her inside her head will pop up quite often. And watch out for Alchanei(the cat). He has a very bad temper! XD
    Oh, and Avalynne's nickname is Avvie. -^_^-
    *commences to kick 'other' in the babeh-maker*

    OOC: Okay... Now that THAT'S out of the way... >.> I refuse to post an intro until someone posts.... *waits and steals a cookie from Avalynne*

  30. #30
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Name: Hob Trenting
    Gender: Male, I guess
    Age: 20
    Appearance: 5'11", short dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, thin and angular. Is very good at the classic poker face.
    Clothing: Erm... all black? Black overcoat, black boots, black waistcoat, black shirt... you get the idea... he did bring his pointy black hat, which has lots of mistletoe on it, though...
    Personality: Short temper, caustic comments, oh, and don't make any witch-related gender-bending insults or he'll do something lethal to the insulter. Tends to lurk in corners. Can provide intelligent conversation once you get past the initial suspicion. A bit of a prude.
    RPG: Rain After Dusk
    Bringing!?: Mistletoe. Don't ask. I suppose it has various medicinal properties or something, apart from the fact that you kiss people under it, a fact that Hob is blissfully unaware of. Also bringing his psycho Persian named Ezra.
    Other: Is almost 100% ignorant of the leaps and bounds that technology has made in recent years and therefore does not know what to do with a tv when he sees one. Except possibly be suspicious of it.

    Hob Trenting
    "Billions of blue bilious blistering barnacles in a thundering typhoon!"

    There was a castle. There were lights. They were red and green. There were many people. He couldn't quite remember how he'd got there. He'd just turned a corner into a dark alleyway, and then he was there. He hadn't wanted to go, at least not without backup from Shade (and definitely not with his homicidal Persian), but there was a subliminal voice in his head (which had quite sounded like a younger version of his mother) telling him things he didn't understand, though the basic gist of it was that he was going to a party. A Christmas party. With the homicidal Persian.

    Never mind that Hob didn't celebrate Christmas, let alone know what it was. He didn't appreciate not knowing things. Witches never didn't know things.

    There was also a black kitten with a vicious look in its green eyes. The red lights reflected in them, making the kitten look positively devilish. (Or festive, depending on your outlook.) It was apparently enjoying the taste of Hob's arm.

    Attempting to eject it bodily elicited a clawful response from the kitten, which Hob did not particularly appreciate. Ezra, who obviously refused to help, the sadistic maniac he was, grinned in the corner and purred encouragement to the kitten. Hell, the damn cat was probably the kitten's ancestor. Or long-lost relative. Or something.

    He'd stared down devil dogs, and routed whole mansions of ghouls, but never before had he met the Kitten of Doom.

    Eventually, cursing, cajoling, threatening and pulling not having worked, Hob resorted to shaking his arm wildly while using several words not suitable for any child's vocabulary. It wasn't funny to him, but it possibly was to any spectators entertaining themselves with the scene. His Persian was visibly enjoying itself immensely.

    The hairs on the back of his neck prickled, suddenly, and it wasn't because of the demoniac nature of the Kitten of Doom. There was a vampire present in the vicinity.

    Quite a handsome one, in fact. Any female would love to have him as their personal fashion accessory. Hob imagined a horde of ladies from his clan attacking him and bending him to their will. He blinked, shook his head to get the horrible picture out of his mind, and got down to business.

    He extended his arm towards him, kitten dangling precariously. "Does this belong to you?"

    The vampire smiled, twitchily. He was trying not to laugh. And he was sweatdropping. "Not as such.. not as such... but-"

    Hob raised an eyebrow. He continued, in a dangerously calm voice: "If it isn't yours, that's perfectly fine. In that case would you help me perhaps locate a crowbar, preferably iron, and maybe an axe as well?"

    The vampire seemed to have recovered. It was a supreme effort. "I do apologize for the inconvenience. Youkai belongs to my colleague, Avyian. He, ah, appears to like you very much..."

    "The crowbar," Hob repeated. "Please."

    "Let me try-" the vampire began to lift the kitten's body with an elegant hand, but was deterred by flailing claws. "By the way, I'm Yuar Oro. Welcome."

    "Hob Trenting. Charmed, I'm sure."

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    Wow...I haven't roleplayed in so long I only remember one of my characters...

    Name: Vared
    Gender: female
    Age: 18
    Clothing: Her usual leather vest is replaced with a fur-lined red jacket.
    Personality: A bit inquisitive, sometimes a bit shy in new situations. Generally friendly, but not afraid to defend herself or others should a fight arise.
    RPG: Chains of Dragons
    Bringing!?: Baked macaroni and cheese. (Waaaay better than the boxed kind...and not that hard to make, either. :p) And her spear.
    Other: She has an innate control over the Fire element. (useful for keeping her food hot during the journey here. )

    It wasn't easy trying to hold onto a spear, a caserole dish, and the back of a Kyra-Mukna at the same time (pic: She wasn't used to riding the dreatures, but it was the only transportation she could find on such short notice.

    "I hope we can find the place," she said out loud, mostly to herself. She juggled items around so she could pull the invitation out of her pocket and look at it again.

    "I'm not even sure where this is supposed to be. For all I know it's right---WOAH!" The Kyra-Mukna stopped suddenly, and since she wasn't holding onto the riding harness at the moment Vared toppled right off. It was mostly sheer luck that she managed to twist around and get her feet under her before landing on the ground. She stood up, glad that she had only fallen from the height of a small house, then looked up to see her transport circling around and flying back the way they came.

    "Great...guess I'll have to try to find a ride home or something." As she surveded the area around her, she noticed a castle not to far off. Assuming that was the place mentioned in the invitation, she headed toward it. As ehe got closer, she was surprised to see a familiar figure standing outside the door.

    "Sake!" she cried delightedly. "What a surprise to see you here! I take it you got an invitation to this party, too?" She hurred up the front path to join him by the door.
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    Makura entered the castle behind the various other assorted party-goers, unsure of what to make of the mismatched gathering. There were not only people, but creatures as well, particularly the furry kind. Sometimes she had a better time dealing with these creatures than she did with humans.

    Not seeing any sign of the host, or anyone that she knew, she sighed and shook her head, placing the keg she had brought on a nearby table. Most people who saw her carrying it around gave her a strange look. Not because of the contents of the keg necessarily, but because of the fact that they probably weren't used to seeing a seemingly normal girl carrying around and extremely heavy keg by herself. They obviously had never met a Saiya-jin before...

    After putting it down she stretched out her arms and made her way over to a the far wall of the ballroom. She leaned back against it casually, turned her eyes to the ground, and then kept them that way. She figured if she just stood there and didn't make eye contact, the whole night would be over with much quicker. She just hoped that no one tried to talk to her....

    *cough cough* SOMEONE'SCUE! *cough cough*

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    I sat on the couch and started to "people-watch", as some would call it. Instead of making any attempt to talk to anyone, I instead watched others mingle, looking over each and every one of them. Normally, it would be less interesting because everyone was a human but these...characters were very different. From big red birds to the Grim Reaper, it was a sight to behold. I gazed over everyone in the room before I finally set my eyes on a girl whose eyes were downcast, a red hat sitting awkwardly on her head and a brown tail that was lashing about impatiently.
    Go talk to her, the voice of my creator said.
    Because, I don't want my representative to sit around like a lazy person and make me look bad. What would Waike think of you?
    I flushed as I thought about disappointing my Arch Angel boss. I knew he was thousands of years older than me and there was no chance in hell we would ever get together but somehow, the crush still lingered and letting him down wouldn't be pleasant.
    Fine, fine, I'll go over, I grumbled.

    I meandered over to the wall where she stood, stooped in front of her and looked up into her eyes.
    "Hello," I said casually.
    Her eyebrow twitched angrily but didn't shift her eyes away. "What do you want?"
    "I wanted to say hello. You can't go to a party and not talk to people," I smiled but inwardly turned red from embarrassment.
    Hypocrite, the other voice said smugly.
    "Well, I didn't exactly want to come to this...shindig," she huffed.
    "Neither did I but we're here. I'm Kaia, by the way."
    I stood up and waited until she lifted her head up to look at me.
    "I'm Makura," she sighed.
    "At least it's a start. So, what's with the tail?"
    Makura looked at me oddly but proceeded to tell me that she was a Saiya-jin, a fighting race from another planet.
    "Fighting? I love to fight. I have some powers of my own but you'd probably outclass me," I laughed.

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    Lol... Chiko... I literally laughed out loud SO many times reading that... XD
    *wuvs Chiko-sai and huggles*


    Yuar, watching as the victim known as Hob, waved his arm about like a fledgling bird trying to fly to save itself from a fall. As violently as the flaps were however, the fuzzy kitten of doom would not hinder. Its body simply flapped about like a fuzzy rubber chicken, but remained firmly clamped upon Hob's arm. Yuar tried not too look entirely amused at the witch's antics, and remained a straight face.
    "I must have misplaced the crowbar..." He trailed off, looking at the cat-like creature who was by Hob, assuming this was his pet. Strangely the pet seemed more amused and pleased by this... than disturbed or worried.
    This man was odd... yet likeable.

    Still, Yuar made a shout to Avyian who quickly ran over with a horrified look on her eyes.
    "Oh I'msoosorryI'msoosorryI'msoosorry.." she practically attached herself to Hob, as she grabbed his arm and swiftly pressed it to herself in examination. (It was noted that Hob seemed to turn a few shades of red.)
    "Youkai... if you don't release... I'm going to have to do it with my wa-"
    Avyian began, but Youkai's large, green black-slitted eyes seemed to shift upwards to look directly at Avyian. His look was as if to say, "What... I like this witch..., but he suddenly opened his small (yet seemingly large) kitten-like mouth. His body lightly dropped to the floor, and immediatly he sat upon his haunches and gave a rather heart-melting meow. It was amazing, how small and harmless Youkai looked... and so fluffy.

    "Now, be nice." Avyian stated with a motherly tone, as she walked off. Yuar and Hob seemed to exchange glances, before Avyian immediatly rushed back.
    "Oh my! I forgot to heal your arm.." She quickly and seemingly from no-where, pulled out a wand.
    "It's really ok-" Hob began, but before he could speak Avyian spoke some Latin-based spell and pointed it directly at Hob's arm. Hob seemed to jump as a spark of silver seemed to snap in the air, but suddenly his arm seemed to magically heal up and injured materials were restored.
    "There you go!" Avyian said cheerfuly, hiding her wand once again and leaping off.

    "Again, appologises.." Yuar trailed off, before both of them looked down again. It appeared, that Youkai and the large cat creature of Hob's, seemed to find common ground. Youkai was... 'talking' to the cat creature, and they both seemed to purr quite loudly... while both sneaking rather disturbing glances at Hob.
    " Charming..." Hob said with a rather exasperated voice, "charming.."
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    Denisu "Saké" Wamiyazen

    "Saké!" shouted a familiar voice.

    I turned and was shocked to find...

    "Vared! What are you doing here?"

    "I got the invitation, like I guess you did." she said, holding her spear.

    "I didn't know you got one. I couldn't find you when I went to your home." I said, waiting for the door to open.

    "Well I was kinda already on my way here... long story, but my Kyra-Mukna just dropped me off. How did you get here?"

    I wrapped my hand around my pendant. I was reluctive to answer her. Had her Dragon God come forth from her Pendant? Did she have one? Keiryuujin wasn't talkitive about his siblings, but if they had awakened, he would have told me... wouldn't he?

    "Well I used a Nimble spell a couple of times to get here. Had to stop for some breaks of course. Running three times your normal speed makes you hungry."

    She laughed at that, and I was glad that she was there. At least I wouldn't be alone here...

    Then the giant door opened....

    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

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  36. #36
    A serious brain-f*** Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    *runs in with pastry* sorry I'm late guys! I've had essays and been kinda ill these past few days so I havent been able to start this and I'm still recovering so I appologise for the short crappiness that is this post. heh...

    Name: Garth
    Gender: Male
    Age: 654 but looks mid-20s
    Appearance: Weighing in at 260lbs Garth is a well-built male. He's 6'2" in height with raven black hair and red eyes. He's generally well-toned and has a strong upper body. Against his back, he hides two black scaled wings, the only visible result of his dragon dna.
    Clothing: He dresses all in black so that he can blend with the shadows. Garth wears a black cotton vest beneath a thick leather jacket which has two red wings embroided on the back. He wears loose black pants which stop at his boots and seep over the rim. The boots are black but only cover half his shin and tighten via three metal buckles which are spread evenly up the boot. Also wears dark shades that hide his eyes, just because you can't see him doesn't mean he can't see you.
    Personality: Garth's a deep guy but one thing he likes is a good time. He feels privilaged to have free will and likes to flaunt it in satan's face when, where and as often as he can. He likes to spend most of his evenings going out and having a good time, mostly drinking and dancing. He has a very inconsistent mindset, you can never be sure what he's thinking or what he'll do, sometimes he'll do something nice and sometimes he'll act heartless. You can never tell. Never starts the fight but you can be sure he'll be the guy who finishes them.
    RPG: Blood and Magic: The Coven
    Bringing!?: Beer barrel! Yay!
    Other: Like I can think of anything else…


    Naturally, I flew to the Christmas party. Christmas wasn’t really my kind of thing but it was a party and I wasn’t the type of person to turn down a good night out. I was late…really late. But it wasn’t my fault! Apparently flying and snowstorms don’t go together to well…actually they don’t go together at all, especially if you’re trying to carry a super-sized barrel of beer. Well there WERE supposed to be a lot of guests at this thing.

    I landed slowly in the snow, immediately disliking the sound it made as it crunched beneath my boots. I was really gonna need to try hard to fit in with this ‘festive season’. I heaved the barrel up over my shoulder and fought my way through the white powder to the door, giving it a hearty thud to get attention.

    “Garth you made it.”

    “Yeah,” I mumbled. I watched Avyian’s gaze shift to the alcohol. I shrugged. “I had nothing else to bring, honestly.” I added innocently.

    I saw her soften and she let me in, I entered and dumped the barrel by the table. It seemed that pretty much everyone was here already. I wasn’t so big on the whole ‘crowd’ scenario.

    “Did you say you had a pool table?” I asked.


    I grunted slightly. “I better go check it out. Try not to drink all the beer whilst I’m gone.”

    One signature.
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    Imooto-deshi says:

  37. #37
    Just Too White & Nerdy Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Lol, Link... nice. Makura would use a word like "Shindig", XDDD


    'I always have a knack at jinxing myself. I really needed to learn to keep my mind shut... ' She thought.

    She looked at the girl named Kaia with a curious expression. The she heard Kuro's voice in the back of her mind saying "Be nice..." in a warning tone. She sighed lightly and tried her hardest to be sociable.
    "You're a fighter too, huh? Where are you from?" she asked, her eyes flitting to the pair of bug-like wings on Kaia's back. If Makura's Saiya-jin tail seemed strange to her, then her wings were definetely the same to Makura.

    **Winner of the "Most Mysterious Character" Award (2009)**
    Sanya Halvacor - Kingdom Heartless

    Kuro's quote fav:
    "Take whatever you want, just don't headbutt me." - Bear

  38. #38
    The Old Sea Cap'n! Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*


    Things had already picked up at the party. I simply smiled to myself as all the other people were busy talking and watching things attack others. I reached into my cloak and pulled out a flask of scotch. I dare someone to take this away from me.

    I decided to mingle. I put the flash inside my cloak and stood up. I walked around, tryig to decide who I should waste my time speaking with. It seemed hard to start up any conversation, so i decided to whip up a little Christmas magic. I used my magic to summon a force so great that it would shock the world, shake the foundation of he entire Christmas party...

    Everyone stopped and stared at me as my scythe turned blue and a swirling vortex spun around for a second. I chanted out an ancient language that no one understood. People seemed to back away.

    And then there was silence. I looked around as nothing seemed to happen.

    "Um... I decided to order more Pizza....Any one want any Crazy Bread with that?" I asked. "Well, ok then, I guess I'll just"

    Mortals always made me uncomfortable. They never understood how hard it was to be the Grim Reaper. I decided I would wait for someone to approach me this time. Maybe even that devilsome demon...

  39. #39
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    BTW, I finally got that image up for Varda; link is in the character description.

    ~Varda Morgil~
    Well, it was nice to know that I wasn't forgotten, at least not completely. I hadn't seen the front page of the RPG forums for almost three years... Things had certainly changed.
    I walked in the door, which stood slightly ajar and was overwhelmed by the wash of activity. I instantly loved it. A few people glanced over at me, but I didn't know anyone. Almost all of the people who had been at Meteor Garden were long-gone...

    "Uhhh... hi?" I said, waving at everyone in general and feeling like a total idiot.

    Name: Zarahlinda
    Gender: female
    Species: vampire
    Age: at least 3000 years old
    Appearance: (Obviously not wearing that outfit, though...)
    Clothing: Normally wears a conservative floor-length black gown, like so
    Personality: Zarahlinda is one of the oldest vampires in the world, and her mere presence carries the weight of that age. She is extremely powerful, but doesn't flaunt it; under normal circumstances, she's calm, collected, introspective, and very wise. She would rather not become involved in conflict if it can be avoided, unless the cost is too high for her or her people. She rules like a matron rather than a dictator, and her people fear her but not to the point that the fear is what keeps them loyal.
    RPG: Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten
    Bringing: A big black bag full of secrets... dun dun duuuuuun!
    Other: In addition to the "traditional" vampiric powers, she is able to commune psychically with those who have dedicated themselves to her, call leopards (and wereleopards) to her aid, and other powers that will be disclosed later... Except for those very few who are close to her, no one knows much about her. She comes from somewhere near the Middle East and is several thousand years old; most guess she was in her mid-twenties when she died. Some know that she was married and had children, but nothing more specific is public knowledge.

    I stepped out of the back of my vehicle in front of the door, the cardoor closed behind me by the footman. I nodded to him, and to my driver, and they drove off. the would return when I summoned them. I knocked on the door; Avyian answered.
    "Zarah!" she squealed, hugging me tight. I embraced her as gracefully as I could, under the circumstances.
    "Hello, Avyian..." I said, akwardly patting her on the head. She was a charming girl, but I guess that my age made me a little uneasy around youthful energy. She was a sharp one, though, and sensed my discomfort, stepping back to allow me in.

    "Thank you," I said, sweeping into the room like my feet didn't even touch the ground. I saw Yuar and waved.

    "At least I'm not the only undead here... being the only one can sometimes be a bit of a... how do you say it... 'wet blanket' on humans." I said to Avyian, smiling slightly

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  40. #40
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: *~ The RPG Christmas Party of 2005 ~*

    Imani Dune

    "You think I'm strong, eh? Of course I am! You have to be strong to protect someone like Imani here!" Static said to Lex.

    I rolled my eyes. "Oh brother. Let's deflate that head of yours and grab us some of that Chex Mix." I picked him up and left Lex. Static seemed to forget that ego of his and nibbled on some of the food while I looked around the room. There was that robed guy that looked like the Grim Reaper. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

    "Uh, hello," he said to me.

    I smiled and twitched my tail. "Are you really the Grim Reaper?" I asked him.


    I laughed. "By the way, nice trick you did with the scythe. I can do a trick too. Wanna see?"

    "Uh, sure."

    I pulled a light bulb out of my pocket and stuck the end of it in my mouth. I squeezed my cheeks and watched the light bulb glow from the electricity that I had emitted. "Look! I'm a lamp!"

    Static walked up with his paws on his hips. "I see you're showing off again."

    I laughed with the lit-up light bulb still in my mouth and turned to Lex who was still standing nearby. "Ta-da!" I took out the light bulb and took a bow.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

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