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Thread: With great powers, comes great responsbility

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  1. #1
    Master Trainer
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    Default With great powers, comes great responsbility

    This is a short story on how a Pikachu, who runs a detective agency, come to learn of a dark secret that would either make the world, a better place or to turn it into a battle zone.

    ** ~ **

    Legend had it said, 'He who controls the Trinities, rules the world'.

    Nobody knew of the real meaning of the phrase, some of us thought it was just another myth or unheard urban legend. The older generation of Pokemons would rather brush it off as a common folklore. Despite having so much hype and gossips about the above phrase, I suppose only one Pokemon knew of its real meaning and that Pokemon would be me, Green Pika Sherlock Homles.

    For a joke, you have to know that the real meaning does not have anything to do of my name being Green. After all, Pikachus are supposed to be yellow in the first place. Green is just my first name. Me and my assistant, Dr. Walter Butterfree Samuel, had hired to investigate some truth after being hired by some millionaire CEO from Urasing Corp.

    ** ~ **

    I had never been that tensed up just meeting the Urasing millionaire himself. My assistant and I one day received an open invitational letter from the millionaire. Upon visiting the firm, we were led into this simple dark room where we were flashed with a bunch of fresh crisp of US thousand dollar notes. The host appeared and greeted us humbly without his usual dignified air around. Millionaire Urasing stroll casually and sat in front of me and my assistant. From there, he related to us on our mission,

    “I supposed you two are the infamous detectives that solved the intriguing Murder of Shinrugi. With your help, the cops from the federal board are able to get down to the case and arrest the murder suspects within hours. That case rocket your reputation sky high and that is why you are probably introduced to me by a close friend.”

    As Urasing spoke, he took sips of tea which his secretary, a pretty Bulbasaur, refilled each time he put down the tea cup. He waved his hand to signal for his secretary to leave the room, before making us an offer which we could not refused.

    “Have you guys ever heard of the phrase, ‘He who controls the Trinities, rules the world’? Do you have any clue that this phrase has to do with the latest Duel Monster craze that you have seen recently?”

    Walter and I struggled to grasp the meaning of his questions. Urasing knew of his ambiguous explanation by glancing at our confused expression before he began to embark on a more detailed clarification.

    “Apparently around twelve centuries ago, the ancient Squirtle Egyptians had enough know-hows and skills to engineer on what they call as the world’s greatest weapon. If we have to compare this weapon with today’s nuclear weaponry technology, the latter would lose out in terms of brutality and efficiency. This great weapon does not come in the form of ammunitions. It instead consisted of an intangible element. That intangible element would be the compressed supernatural energy of Gengar. Once unleashed into the world, it would cause unrest, chaos and mayhem around the world. Before the Squirtles could put their plan into action, it was later thwarted by the invading Bellsprouts from the neighboring kingdom.

    By the next three centuries, this great weapon remain under wraps and kept in secret by the suppressed Squirtles, who were planning a revolt. They did started a rebellion but the rebellion was crushed in no time and the Bellsprouts learn of this great weapon. Thankfully, the Bellsprouts had no knowledge of this weapon and simply brushed it off as an ‘evil’. Hence by harnessing the power of the great lord Mew himself, the Bellsprouts split the ‘evil’ into three parts and promptly sealed them into three cards that were then a well-known card game amongst the nobles. It was called Duel Monsters.

    The three cards were sealed in the form of three types of Duel Monsters cards, a ritual magic, a continuous trap and a monster card. The first card, the ritual magic is named after the process of activating the dark energy. It is called, Trinity of Dark Energies.

    Trinity of Dark Energies
    Continuous Magic/ Ritual Card
    Effect: Once activated in play, all trap cards activated would have their effects negated.

    The second card, a continuous trap, is named after a historic event, when the last prominent emperor of the Bellsprout Kingdom, Lord Victreebel, was murdered. It is called, Trinity of Victreebel assassination.

    Trinity of Victreebel assassination
    Continuous Trap/ Ritual Card
    Effect: Once activated in play, all magic cards activated would have their effects negated.

    The final card, a monster type, would be the last key jigsaw puzzle. The name given to it comes from the power it possesses, the supernatural energy of Gengar’s. It is called Trinity of Dark Lord, Maou.

    Trinity of Dark Lord, Maou
    Monster Type: Dark
    Atk/ Def: 8000/0
    Effect: Once both the Trinity of Dark Energies and Trinity of Victreebel assassination comes into play, the user can special summon Trinity of Dark Lord, Maou, into play from either the grave or deck into play. The damage that it deals would directly affect a player’s life points.

    With these cards, the three Trinities, comes into play, it would say that whoever breaks the seal and harness the power would be able to go forward to his goal on World Domination. All these three cards were then sealed by the Bellsprouts in three different temples in different parts of the world. Their locations are generally unknown. However with my millions and your investigative minds, we could track down those cards and make them ours!.”

    Urasing ended his explanation with great enthusiasm, expecting a favorable reply from his clients. Cooly, I took my last sip of English tea and looked towards Urasing’s direction.

    “So what are you going to do with those cards when you have found them? Begin your world domination within seconds upon obtaining them? You had already explained on its destructive effects and the purpose on why it was created. Isn’t the world we lived in is already in peace? Why do you have to create an unnecessary war?”

    I shot back questions to the millionaire, which caused him to become dumbfounded for a second.

    “I am very sorry, Mr. Urasing. Unless you are using those cards for the better good of the world, I have no purpose in helping you with your silly world conquest ambition. You can instead spend your millions on more productive aspects as in helping out those of the lower incomes.

    Besides we as investigators have a dignity to uphold justice and not to disrupt them. I see you later, Mr. Urasing. Let us go, Walter.”

    I stood up from my chair, strolled toward the coat hanger and took off my coat before heading to the exit with my trusty assistant. Pausing for a moment, I took a peak behind my back at the bewildered Urasing before giving him my last lecture.

    “Mr. Urasing, you already have the power to change the world. You do not have to engaged in such activities to get it. Put those powers into good use. As with great powers comes great responsibility!”

    ** ~ **

    “Homles, Pika Homles!”

    Walter yelled out from a distance.

    It is a windy Tuesday afternoon and I sat up in my office chair, smoking from my usual pipe and looking outside the window, witnessing on how the masses go about in their daily activities. Walter flew by with a teacup and began pouring some English tea into my cup.

    “Are you still regretting on not taking up that job? If we took up that job, we could be halfway round the world searching in some ruins instead of lapping lazily in the office doing nothing, you know!”

    He asked with great concern.

    “Walter, dear! If we have taken it up, we would be the enemies of today’s society. Just take a look at those ordinary folks carrying on their peaceful daily lives. What is there to change around here? Wouldn’t it be alright if we had left it alone?”

    Walter nodded his head with great admiration of me not bending towards the greed of money.

    “Homles Pika! I am sure you will be a fine respectable detective in future.”

    Walter chuckled with thought on this before, carrying out his usual activities.

    ** ~ **

    Okay, this story is consisted of two hours of work. I would not describe it as being a masterpiece since I have practically no talent in creative writing. Since it is part of my dare, I had to write something out using adaptation from Pokemon, Duel Monsters and Sherlock Homles.

  2. #2

    Smile Re: With great powers, comes great responsbility

    Interesting Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh and Sherlock Holmes, while I have never read any of the Sherlock Holmes stories (Seen it in video games and TV shows), I can get the feel for it. I also like how the description of the three Duel Monsters Cards. I think you did an excellent job on this dare, Dark_San. And nice use of the title.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  3. #3
    The Aura is with me. Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: With great powers, comes great responsbility


    Well, for a few paragraphs I was wondering how in heaven's name this would turn out as a "short" story, what with the millionaire's proposal for a Indiana Jones-esque adventure and all...

    Anyway, nicely written. It was a consistent story (even the ongoing misspelling of Holmes ), and the idea of anthropomorphic Pokémon dueling it out is very amusing.
    Thanks Orion, for my reflection...
    Numbuh 24/7, Teen KND Operative of Sector TNT, [Hey, I can dream, can't I? ]
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  4. #4
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: With great powers, comes great responsbility

    Okay, this story is consisted of two hours of work. I would not describe it as being a masterpiece since I have practically no talent in creative writing.
    Well I read the story which was pretty good and then I read this. You're wrong Dark-San your years of writing for university and ultimately your participation in roleplaying games have already allowed yourself the capacity to creatively write. You need not be harsh on yourself as this story was rather good. Yes there were sentences that didn't make sense, words where they shouldn't have been and minor issues elsewhere. But that was a matter of you simply not re-reading it and fixing things up.

    But what you are horrifically wrong about is that you can't creatively write. Because this story whilst just a dare was otherwise an excellent piece of creative writing. Don't be so harsh on yourself. And heh I think you should give yourself a try at writing stories/fanfiction because just from reading what you produced here, I think you could do pretty damn well.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  5. #5
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    Default Re: With great powers, comes great responsbility

    Quote Originally Posted by firepokemon View Post
    Well I read the story which was pretty good and then I read this. You're wrong Dark-San your years of writing for university and ultimately your participation in roleplaying games have already allowed yourself the capacity to creatively write. You need not be harsh on yourself as this story was rather good. Yes there were sentences that didn't make sense, words where they shouldn't have been and minor issues elsewhere. But that was a matter of you simply not re-reading it and fixing things up.

    But what you are horrifically wrong about is that you can't creatively write. Because this story whilst just a dare was otherwise an excellent piece of creative writing. Don't be so harsh on yourself. And heh I think you should give yourself a try at writing stories/fanfiction because just from reading what you produced here, I think you could do pretty damn well.
    Thanks for the one- off constructive advice, firepokemon. Although I rather keep the creativity saved later for my marketing and advertising projects and assignments. ^.^ I know my limits given my present vocabulary and grammar knowledge. However lets just keep it a gray area on whether if I could give myself a try at writing stories.

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