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Thread: Yu Gi Oh! Dark Messiah

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Yu Gi Oh! Dark Messiah

    Oh happy day! Pokemasters is back up, and thus, so is Dark Messiah!

    So read chapter one, and see the secrets of Russell's deck!

    [I][B]My name is Russell. Russell Majors.

    You might say that I’m the oddball of my family. They didn’t expect me to go to this college. No member of my family ever went to a college like this. No, they all went to a very different type of college. So I’m the odd man out, the rebel, the black sheep.

    Still, with my family’s history, I can’t get some things out of my blood. When I built my deck, the cards I chose came to me naturally. Maybe they chose me... And they rarely fail me.

    I wasn’t really in the mood to duel tonight... I just wanted some good atmosphere and some spicy hot wings...

    But things just seem to happen when you wear one of these outfits...

    [size=3][B]CHAPTER ONE

    Wednesday, September 8th, 2106, 6PM

    From the penthouse of one of New York’s largest buildings, a man leaned over a balcony...

    His clothing was expensive, but very out of date. It was sort of the style that noblemen in Victorian England wore. His hair was almost pure white, and somewhat shaggy, and he had a gentle face.

    He picked up a newspaper dated a week ago. He turned to the movie reviews and looked at one review.

    He frowned. The critics had hated that particular film. They gave it labels like “lacking feeling”, “having predictable plot”, and the dreaded “nudity that was gratuitous and unnecessary”.

    One critic, when asked what it was about, said it was “about and hour and a half too long”. An old joke, but the message was clear.

    The man sighed, and turned his eyes towards the lights of NYC Duel Academy.

    “They say to make a great omelet you have to break a few eggs,” he said with a grin. “It’s time to start an epic that was thousands of years in the making...


    [B]* * * * * * * * * *

    In the left wing of the Ra Yellow dorm, a meeting had been called in the common room. Male students were grouped at one end, and females at the other. In the middle was the dorm supervisor, also the school gym teacher, Ben.

    Old Ben was a guy who you didn’t want to cross. Not only did he have the build of an Olympic wrestler, but his left arm below the elbow had been replaced by a prosthetic one made of metal. It was quite a marvel of science, that could do anything a normal arm and hand could do. He was quite willing to tell the story of how he lost his arm and got this one, but not tonight – it was time to give the students a talking too.

    “It has come to my attention,” he snapped, “that a lot of students are breaking the rule that says that boys and girls are not to be in any dorms except their own after ten PM... Whoever is eating chocolate right now better put it away! I can smell it!

    “The reason we have separate dorms within this dorm for the boys and the girls is for your own good. So let me remind everybody that the boys’ dorm is on the upstairs and the girls’ dorm is on the downstairs. Thus, after ten PM, there is to be NO going from the upstairs to the downstairs, OR from the downstairs to the upstairs! If I catch a person going from the upstairs to the downstairs, or from the downstairs to the upstairs, that person is going to be in a whole lot of trouble-stairs! Do I make myself clear-stairs?”

    Everyone giggled.

    “All right!” he shouted. “Dismissed!”

    As everyone left the room, Ben sat on a couch and picked up a duffle bag.

    He took out the Duel Bandoleer inside it. This special version of a Duel Disk was reserved for faculty and the best of the Senior class. It was a special Disk that left the user’s hands free, and had various special features.

    Ben’s deck was already in it, but it wasn’t complete...

    Ben took a card out of his pocket and slipped it into the part that held Fusion Monster Cards.

    Finally, he thought. The last thing my new deck needed. Now, whenever I duel, I can remember how I got this...

    He looked at his prosthetic arm.

    Strange that I’d even want to remember, but it’s part of me, so I’d best make the best of it.

    [B]* * * * * * * * * *

    The Lazy Q Bar and Grill was only a stone’s throw from campus, so it was a favorite hangout for a lot of students. But when Russell entered, he was the only student there.

    He shrugged. It was a school night, but he didn’t intend on staying very long.

    “Russell!” called a sweet voice from the counter.

    A waitress with a blonde ponytail in a tied-off halter and a pair of shorts made from a pair of jeans with the legs cut off (showing a great deal of cheek) waved to him.

    “Where ya been, hon?” she asked.

    “Summer break, Alice,” answered Russell. “Didn’t you know that?”

    “So you’re a Ra now?” she asked.

    “Guilty,” said Russell with a grin, looking at his blazer. “Although sometimes I wish The Winged Dragon of Ra had been a color other than yellow… maybe green. I mean, this makes me look... feminine...”

    “You could make a petticoat look masculine,” she joked. “So, you want them hot, very hot, or radioactive?”

    Russell sighed. Alice made that joke every time he came here.

    “You know what I want,” he answered. “And bring a root beer here too.”

    He paused.

    “Caffeine free!” he added.

    He turned and saw a guitarist at the far end of the room start to play. It was a slow melody without words.

    He started to wonder about that report he planned to write on Pegasus. It would be hard, considering that...

    “Hey pal!” said a voice, interrupting his train of thought.

    He turned and saw a young teenager wearing khaki pants and a jacket full of pockets.

    “You’re from Duel Academy, right?” he asked.

    “I am, and how does that interest you?” asked Russell. “By the way, why all the pockets? It must be awfully hard to find where you put your keys…”

    “Funny,” he laughed. “As for why it interests me, I plan on going there, and...”

    “Pal, they’re accepting applications for next year until February,” interrupted Russell. “If you have a pen and paper I’ll gladly write down where you can pick up some enrollment papers, and then you can...”

    “I’m thinking more of the hands-on approach...” he answered.

    He whipped a Duel Disk off of his back. It wasn’t as modern a model as Russell’s, but it was pretty high-tech.

    “You want to duel me?” asked Russell, almost laughing. “I warn you, I’m very good...”

    “Oh?” asked the kid. “If you’re so good, why the yellow jacket? I thought the best students wore blue.”

    Russell frowned.

    “Kid, do you have a name?” he asked.

    “Bugsy,” answered the kid.

    “Fine,” answered Russell. “Let me give you the short version. The academy has three dorms, and where you are is based on seniority, not merit.

    “The Slifer Red dorm is for Freshmen and Sophomores. As you can likely guess, it’s the largest dorm.

    “About fifty percent of them, on average, graduate to Junior status, and get promoted to the Ra Yellow dorm. That’s where I am.

    “About fifty percent of those graduate to Senior status and get promoted to Obelisk Blue.

    “And you didn’t hear this from me, but there’s a rumor that a fourth level exists. Some students say that the crème de la crème of any class are offered a spot in an advanced class taught by the Chancelor herself. These students supposedly pose as members of their former dorm, but they have special rights and privileges that come from the administrators. No one knows the official name, but most call it Exodia Gold.”

    Russell shrugged.

    “Matter of fact, I could be an Exodia... I wouldn’t tell you if I was one...”

    Russell was hoping that last remark would scare him off. He wasn’t an Exodia, and he personally didn’t believe that Exodia Gold status existed.

    Alice came with the hot wings.

    “I’ll make it worth your while...” said Bugsy.

    So much for it scaring him off.

    “If we duel and I win,” proposed Bugsy, “you write me a recommendation. You win, and I’ll... uh… I’ll…”

    He paused.

    “Well… I’ll owe you a favor. How does that sound?”

    Russell sighed.

    “A recommendation won’t do you much,” he warned. “You’ll still have to pass the written test and field test.”

    “Go ahead hon,” said Alice with a sweet smile. “I haven’t seen you duel since the spring.”

    “All right,” sighed Russell. “I accept your offer...”

    [B]* * * * * * * * * *

    Russell stood atop a table on one end of the bar, facing Bugsy who stood atop another. He realized that he hadn’t dueled using the Disk for a while... But it came second nature to him. Like riding a bike.

    “All right Bugsy,” he said, “Atten…shun!”

    [B](Russell: 8,000 ) (Bugsy: 8,000 )

    He held up his Disk, and it whirred to life. The two crescent trays extended from the part on the outside of his wrist.

    “Wow,” said Bugsy. “Where’d you get gear like that?”

    “If you get accepted, you’ll get one too,” answered Russell, drawing five cards. “Now, since I’m the one who’s more experienced, I’ll let you go first...”

    “Gotcha!” chuckled Bugsy, making his first draw.

    He placed a card on his Disk.

    “I’ll place a Monster in Defense Mode, and that will be it...”

    A facedown Monster appeared in front of the table.

    Russell made a draw.

    Not a bad hand, he thought.

    He took two cards from his hand.

    “I summon Marauding Captain in Attack Mode!” he exclaimed.

    A powerful-looking soldier in armor and a cape carrying two swords leapt out, brandishing his weapons. (1,200/400)

    “And when he’s summoned, I get to summon another Monster of four stars or less,” added Russell, “so I’ll also summon Command Knight!”

    Another Warrior leapt out onto the field, this one a woman wearing beautiful leather ceremonial armor and a fur hat, holding a burning sword. (1,200/1,900)

    “And Command Knight’s special effect raises the Attack Score of every one of my Warriors, herself included, by 400!”

    Both Warriors rose to 1,600 Attack.

    Bugsy stared at him.

    “Heh… good combo…” he said.

    Okay, thought Russell. I don’t know what that Monster is, but I could hurt him good if I took a chance....

    “Marauding Captain, attack with blade of battle!”

    Marauding Captain flew forth...

    ...only to have his sword entangled in vines!

    Seated on the card was a female creature with green skin and thorny vines for limbs, dressed in a pink blouse. (300/2,000)

    “Heh, heh,” laughed Bugsy. “Your Captain just attacked Prickle Fairy! Not only is her Defense too strong for him...”

    Prickle Fairy gave Marauding Captain a kick, and he flew backwards...

    “But since he attacked her, he’s forced into Defense Mode!”

    Marauding Captain groaned, and then knelt in Defense.

    [B](R: 7,600) (B: 8,000)

    Hmm, thought Russell. This can only mean one thing... Insects. And so long as Prickle Fairy is on the field, I’m not allowed to attack any of them...

    “My draw...” said Bugsy with a smirk.

    He made a draw.

    If I know Insect Duelists, a DNA Surgery Trap will be coming up soon, thought Russell. That and Insect Barrier and either Insect Queen or Insect Princess.

    “Well,” he said. “Much as I like Prickle Fairy, I’m going to sacrifice her...”

    He switched cards on his Disk.

    “Prickle Fairy, bye-bye...”

    She vanished… A large form arose...

    “I summon Saber Beetle!”

    A very large creature appeared. It was a large beetle with a huge, sharp frontal horn, glowing with energy! (2,400/600)

    “Uh, I have to admit, I’m not familiar with that one!” gasped Russell.

    “Oh, it’s your standard Monster with a trampling effect,” answered Bugsy, “and the first example in the Insect Type! Saber Beetle, attack Marauding Captain with megahorn!”

    Saber Beetle spread its wings and flew forward with a hideous drone, stabbing the Captain in the chest! He dropped his swords, and then shattered.

    [B](R: 5,600) (B: 8,000)

    “Well, that’s my turn,” said Bugsy.

    This guy is good... thought Russell.

    He drew a card.

    A Trap Card....

    “I’ll place one card facedown, and move Command Knight to Defense Mode,” he stated.

    He played the card and turned the card on his Disk. Command Knight knelt.

    Bugsy drew a card.

    Hmm, best save this... he thought.

    “Saber Beetle, attack Command Knight!” he shouted.

    The Beetle flew towards Command Knight...

    “I activate... Shadow Spell!” shouted Russell.

    “A Trap?” gasped Bugsy, as the facedown card lifted.

    A mass of chains sprung up from the floor and bound Saber Beetle! As it struggled, its Attack fell to 1,700.

    “All right...” he sighed. “Your move...”

    Russell made a draw.

    He looked at the Monster on the card.

    Perfect, he thought.

    “I’ll shift Command Knight back into Attack Mode,” he stated, switching the card.

    Command Knight stood up.

    “And now I’ll summon Warrior Dai Grepher in Attack Mode!”

    A powerful Warrior in chainmail armor carrying a two-handed sword appeared. (1,700/1,600) –> (2,100/1,600)

    “Grepher, attack his Beetle with your steel blade!” shouted Russell.

    Warrior Dai Grepher stabbed his weapon in the Beetle’s carapace, and it burst.

    “Command Knight... Attack him directly!”

    Command Knight’s sword blazed with flame. She leapt forward and slashed at Bugsy with it!

    Bugsy grunted and fell on his behind.

    “Truthfully,” he panted, “that’s better than the last thing I got from a girl...”

    [B](R: 5,600) (B: 6,000)

    “Incidentally,” said Russell, “you should know that Command Knight can’t be attacked so long as I have at least one other Monster on my side of the field.”

    “I’ll keep that in mind,” muttered Bugsy, making a draw.

    He played a card.

    “I play Spider Web!”

    A huge spider appeared over him. It shot forth a strand of webbing, which struck Russell’s Disk!

    “HUH?” gasped Russell.

    “This Spell Card lets me take any card you discarded on your last turn and add it to my hand,” explained Bugsy.

    The Spider yanked a card from Russell’s Disk, and Bugsy caught it.

    “But rather than set this Shadow Spell now,” he continued, “I’ll save it for when I need it...”

    He added it to his hand, and put a card down.

    “I summon Chainsaw Insect in Attack Mode...”

    Chainsaw Insect? thought Russell. What’s that?

    A second later, he saw that “that” was another huge beetle, with jagged mandibles and a drooling mouth. (2,400/0)

    “WHAT?” shouted Russell. “How can you summon a Monster that powerful without a sacrifice?”

    “Doesn’t need one,” answered Bugsy. “Chainsaw Insect is a four-star Monster.”

    “There’s gotta be a catch...” muttered Russell.

    “Yeah, there’s a catch,” agreed Bugsy, “and I’ll show you in a minute. But first I’ll place a card facedown...”

    He placed a card into a slot, and it materialized.

    Is that Shadow Spell? thought Russell.

    “Chainsaw Insect, attack Warrior Dai Grepher!” shouted Bugsy.

    Chainsaw Insect scurried forward and struck with its powerful jaws...

    “Ouch...” muttered Alice. “That hurt just watching it...”

    [B](R: 5,300) (B: 6,000)

    “Now we get to that catch,” said Bugsy. “Every time Chainsaw Insect engages in battle, you draw one card.”

    Russell gave him a look.

    “Whatever…” he said, drawing a card.

    He looked at the Trap Card.

    This might work, if I get the right Monster... he thought.

    “My move now,” he said, drawing again.

    Paydirt! he thought.

    “I’ll move Command Knight to Defense Mode again,” he said, as Command Knight knelt.

    “Would it be too much to ask if she could make up her mind?” asked Bugsy.

    Russell ignored the wisecrack.

    “I’ll also place this Monster in Defense Mode,” he continued.

    He set a card, and a facedown Monster appeared.

    “Finally, a card facedown.”

    He played the card, and it appeared behind his facedown monster.

    Bugsy drew.

    Insect Knight? he thought. Eh, why not?

    “First I’ll activate my facedown Trap Card,” he said.

    The Trap lifted.

    “It’s called… Greed!”

    Russell drew back.

    “That Trap...” he muttered. “It costs both players 500 Life Points whenever they draw outside their Draw Phase!”

    “Exactly!” replied Bugsy. “And since you have to draw whenever Chainsaw Insect engages in battle, I’ve just turned its negative effect into a positive!”

    This is just the kind of guy who’ll make the honor roll! thought Russell.

    “Next I’ll summon a knight of my own,” continued Bugsy. “Insect Knight in Attack Mode.”

    He placed a card down, and the ferocious mantis warrior appeared, holding his sword. (1,900/1,500)

    “FINALLY something I recognize!” exclaimed Russell.

    “Insect Knight, attack his facedown Monster!” shouted Bugsy.

    Insect Knight spread its wings and flew towards the facedown card...

    And then he screamed and was thrown back.

    Standing where the card had been was a muscular Warrior holding a huge shield. (100/2,600) –> (500/2,600)

    “What’s wrong?” chuckled Russell. “Was Big Shield Gardna too big for your bug?”

    Bugsy chuckled back.

    “He won’t be for my other bug!” he laughed. “Since I attacked him, he was forced into Attack Mode, so when my Chainsaw Insect attacks, you’ll lose 1,900 Life Points!

    “Chainsaw Insect! Attack Big Shield Gardna!”

    Chainsaw Bug scurried forward...

    “Actually, I was prepared for that, Bugsy!” shouted Russell. “I activate Ready For Intercepting!”

    His Trap Card lifted.

    “This Trap can flip a Warrior or Spellcaster into facedown Defense Mode, even in the middle of an attack!”

    Big Shield Gardna vanished, and was replaced by a facedown card...

    Chainsaw Bug slammed into his shield just like Insect Knight had, and tumbled backwards.

    “And this guy is single, girls!” shouted Alice.

    “Humph,” grunted Bugsy. “Don’t forget, you have to draw a card now...”

    Russell drew, and a small shock of electricity jolted him.

    [B](R: 4,800) (B: 5,100)

    “I’m in the lead, Russell,” said Bugsy, “and next round, your shield is going down.”

    Russell drew a card.

    “Not yet,” he said.

    He played a card.

    “I summon Throwstone Unit.”

    A large catapult appeared behind him, manned by a footsoldier in mail armor. (900/2,000) –> (1,300/2,000)

    The soldier started to pull the crank, and the catapult basket lowered...

    “What’s the point?” asked Bugsy.

    “With Throwstone Unit, I can sacrifice a Warrior Monster and destroy an opposing Monster who’s Defense Score is less than Throwstone Unit’s Attack Score. Since Chainsaw Insect has zero Defense, any Warrior I have on the field will do.”

    “Clever,” stated Bugsy, “although doing that will cost you Big Shield Gardna or Command Knight...”

    “No it won’t,” answered Russell. “Since Throwstone Unit is a Warrior itself, I can sacrifice itself to use its own effect!”

    The soldier pulled a lever and the catapult hurled a huge boulder; as Throwstone Unit vanished, the boulder crushed Chainsaw Bug flat!

    “I’ll end my turn by moving Big Shield Gardna back to Defense Mode,” he said, as Gardna crouched behind his shield again.

    Bugsy drew a card.

    “I’m playing a powerful Spell Card...” he stated. “It’s called... Chrysalis!”

    “What on earth?” asked Russell, as he played it.

    The lights dimmed…

    Russell drew back, as the frightening form of Insect Queen appeared over the field!

    She turned to Command Knight and shot forth a mass of sticky strands. Command Knight gasped as she was encased in a cocoon.

    Then the Insect turned to Big Shield Gardna and did the same to him...

    “Creepy...” muttered Alice.

    As Russell was wondering what to make of this, Insect Queen turned to Insect Knight and trapped him in a cocoon as well. Then she grabbed all three cocoons with sticky strands and pulled them up and out of sight.

    “What happened, Bugsy?” demanded Russell.

    “When Chrysalis is played, all face-up Monsters on the field are returned to the owners’ decks, and the decks are reshuffled,” explained Bugsy.

    Last edited by mr_pikachu; 1st December 2006 at 09:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Dark Messiah Poll!

    Hello everyone...

    Time to give everyone a chance to participate in this fanfic... with a poll!

    You know by now that Russell, Trisha, and Jason are on the right track to the Dark Messiah.

    But let me explain a secret about the Dark Messiah. It is not one person. "Dark Messiah" is a title.

    Every thousand years, during each Reckoning, one hero has been given a blessing where he has been chosen as the champion who will oppose the evil in the great comflict. This hero is the Dark Messiah.

    Now, that blessing will go to one who is already blessed, one who holds one of the Legendary Dragons...

    But as much as they'd like to share, Russell, Trisha, and Jason cannot. There can only be one Messiah.

    Who will it be?

    This poll will be up until midnight, August 23rd. Until then, vote for who you want to recieve the blessing. Choose who you want to hold the power of the Dark Messiah.

    But be careful...

    The one who gains this power will become a mighty weapon of light... But he or she may have to pay a price if it is desired...

    Cast your vote now!

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