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Thread: (Unofficial) Diamond/Pearl Wi-fi Setup Guide

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    Default (Unofficial) Diamond/Pearl Wi-fi Setup Guide

    Diamond/Pearl Wi-fi Setup Guide

    This is a step-by-step guide to getting ready for Wi-fi battling, whether it’s casual play or the TPM Battling League.

    NOTE: This is not a completed guide. I have tinkered quite a bit with routers and such myself, but I have not yet configured my DS (since I still need to buy my own router). Therefore, much of the information in this guide is second-hand and is still largely unconfirmed. If you think something in the guide should be changed, please say so, as I trust most of you more than I trust some of the sites I visited.

    Before you begin, you’ll need at least four things. Depending on what you find during the setup process, you may require a fifth piece of equipment.

    1. A Nintendo DS (duh!)
    2. Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl (do I really need to explain this?)
    3. An active internet connection (no, really?)
    4. A computer (if you didn’t know that, just kill me!)
    5. A router (you may or may not have this already…)

    Now, the process of setting up the system goes as follows.

    1. Make sure your internet connection is working properly. If it’s not, fix it.

    2. Check whether your computer has a router configured. (If you haven’t set up a wireless network before, it probably doesn’t.) If it does, skip to step 5. Otherwise, you’ll need to get a wireless router. If you can afford it, I recommend one that uses an 802.11g connection, as it’s generally faster and more reliable than 802.11a or 802.11b.

    3. Go through the installation procedure for your router. If the router isn’t plugged into your computer when you finish, plug it in and activate your wireless network. You will use this for both the setup process and battling.

    4. I recommend that you set up security for your network; a WEP key works well if that option is available. (You can probably use WPA or MAC if you’re really paranoid – it should still work with the DS, as far as I know – but it’s usually not necessary.) You don’t have to make your network secure, but it will keep people from accessing it and stealing bandwidth, thus slowing down your system (and your battles).

    5. On the computer, get the information for your router. The way in which you do this varies from system to system, but there’s usually just an icon you can double-click. Once you get there, find the WEP key (if you have one) and SSID. Write them down on a sheet of paper.

    6. Plug Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl into your DS and turn on the system. Begin play. Oh, and make sure your computer is on. >_>;;

    7. A button that says “Nintendo WFC” should appear on the touch screen. Press it, then press the next button that says “Nintendo Wi-fi Connection Settings.”

    8. A screen will appear that shows Connection 1, Connection 2, and Connection 3. If you haven’t done this before, they should all be blank. Choose one of them.

    9. You can either choose to search for an access point or do a manual setup. I recommend the latter. It’s easy enough, and it ensures that you won’t accidentally connect to the wrong network for whatever reason. (It’s happened to me before.) Besides, you can't just do an automatic search if your router has WEP security. So this guide will follow the directions for “Manual Setup.”

    10. You’ll need to enter some information in your DS, but first you’ll have to get it from the computer. You will need the following: SSID, WEP key (if you followed step 4), subnet mask, and gateway. Go to Control Panel -> Network and Internet Connections -> Network Connections, and double-click the icon for whatever connection you use. (It’s often just “Local Area Connection.”)

    11. Click the Support tab, write down your subnet mask and gateway, and enter them into the appropriate fields on your DS. Do the same for your SSID and WEP key (if there is one), since you wrote them down in step 5.

    12. Choose to auto-obtain the DNS and IP addresses. (If you know how to get to them, feel free to enter them manually, but I’m trying to make this guide simple.) Save your new settings.

    Now, whenever you want to battle with Wi-fi, you should be able to go downstairs in any Pokemon Center and speak with the attendants. Speak with the center one to register DS Friend Codes, and battle by talking with the one on the right.

    Battles are conducted with an upper limit of either level 50 or level 100. If your Pokemon are below those levels, their stats will be temporarily boosted to what they would be if they were given Rare Candies until they reached the level limit.

    There are a variety of other rules you can customize, but I’ll let you find them for yourself. So, get to battling!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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    Default Re: (Unofficial) Diamond/Pearl Wi-fi Setup Guide

    Hey Brian here is a quick question for you...

    Dose the Nintendo Wii create a WiFi Hot Spot? and just how fare would the whiFi hot spot, would it be more or less then 50 feet?

    Err I am only asking because I have Dial Up and well I am very Instered in battling My friends here at TPM with my Diamond team.... Althought I bet I would get creamed worse then I do in the ASB...

    ~Charles Legend
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: (Unofficial) Diamond/Pearl Wi-fi Setup Guide

    I'm going to cite what I found on a FAQ from IGN:

    Q: Can Wii connect online?

    Yes. Wii features built-in 802.11b/g wireless connectivity. The system will be able to connect online from the day it debuts. Nintendo's Wii Channels user interface utilizes the Big N's Wi-Fi Connection and WiiConnect24 services to stay online all day and all night - even when the console is technically off; it actually goes into a "sleep" mode, according to Nintendo. Using the services, Wii News and Forecast Channels are constantly updated with the most recent data. Users will also be able to connect to the Wii Shopping Channel to buy classic Virtual Console games. Wii owners can also access the Wii Message Board to send e-mail and photos to friends.

    Wii owners will, beginning with debut of Pokemon Battle in Japan, be able to use Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to play online against friends and foes. However, no Wii launch games will support Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for an online play mode. The majority of online Wii games will arrive in 2007 and beyond.

    The way I interpret this - and correct me if I'm wrong, readers - is that the Wii can use a Wi-fi hotspot with 802.11b/g connectivity, but it cannot create one. Therefore, you still need something else to generate the hotspot, like a router, for instance.

    Good news, however! The TPMBL will hold tournaments on the DS and on the Wii (with Pokemon Battle Revolution, once it's released). So if you've got your Wii hooked up to the net, you're more than welcome to compete in those tourneys. ^_^

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  4. #4
    Hates You Master Trainer
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    Default Re: (Unofficial) Diamond/Pearl Wi-fi Setup Guide

    If you do not have a wireless internet connection, Nintendo has hotspots all over. McDonald's a big partner in this, and it's a good option if you are having temporary problems.

    Pokemon Diamond and Pearl also supports voice chat. Voice Chat is restricted via Friend Codes. Basically, you cannot talk to people that you randomly meet online: both players must exchange Friend Codes first.

    While both the DS and DS Lite have built-in microphones, these might be a bit awkward for regular voice chat. To remedy this, Nintendo is releasing an official DS Headset the week before Diamond and Pearl launch. It retails for about 15 US Dollars.

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