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Thread: Apocalypse Rising

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    Guess Who's Back? Advanced Trainer
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    Default Apocalypse Rising

    Here is a fic that I have just started. It is completly original and has nothing to do with any of my other fics nor any thing of existance right now. Here is the first chapter, please tell me what you think so far. This fic will be very long, so it's just the beginning...

    Chapter 1

    The clock tower struck 8 am and the doors to the mall instantly opened. It was one of the most popular shopping days of the year. People began to push and shove their way through the doors as the mall cops kept order. A teenage girl pushed through with them laughing away as she dragged her other friends. They ducked in and out of the crowds. "Hurry, we have to get to American Eagle before the hordes!" The girl screamed to her friends. She had long blonde hair and a small physique to her. She was known to be very beautiful.

    "Calm down Allison!" Her friend roared as her ponytail bounced up and down. The others followed laughing away. "I know you love to shop but this is suicide! We're going to get killed or trampled!" She repeated. The girls skidded to a stop in front of the American Eagle clothing store.

    "Told you the sales would rock!" Allison grinned pointing to a sign at the front. When some people cleared out of the way the group of girls smiled at the "everything 50% off" sign. "Let's go!" Allison grinned and grabbed them once again. As they rushed inside a tall figure walked out. He peered out at them and then mixed into the crowd of angry shoppers. He started off taking a cellular phone from his pocket, slipping it open, and placing it to his ear.

    "It's pretty busy." He began to say to the person on the other line. People began to stare awkwardly at his appearance. His black trench coat went almost to the ground and his head was concealed in a large hood. "Sir, I'm on my way out." He then said and flipped the phone closed. He grinned and proceeded to the exit. He stopped before the doors and pressed a switch from the inside of his pocket. Immediately, all of the security gates began to close on each store. The people became confused and walked over to them. Some tried to pull them away, but none would budge. The man grinned again and walked out of the spinning door exit. When he was out, he pressed another switch locking all the exit doors.

    A limousine sped to a stop right where the man exited. He immediately stepped inside and sat down next to another shady looking man. "It's ready." He grinned. The man smiled and pressed a switch on the back of one of the seats. Inside the mall, a small contraption in the air vent began to pour gas into the air. It circulated down the vents and soon emerged into the mall itself. The people down below were still confined to the individual stores. Some began to cough wondering what was going on.

    "Get to the exits!" Someone roared placing a handkerchief over his mouth as gas began to fill the area. People rushed to the doors passing by the cries of those stuck inside the stores. Those who thought safety was close were shocked to find the doors locked and boarded up as well. The people began to sweat worrying how they would get out.

    "Is this a joke?" Some woman screamed holding her two children. People began to mutter wondering what was going on. Slowly, one by one fell to the ground suffocated by the toxic air that had entered. Inside American Eagle, the girlfriends stayed together in a corner. Allison held a cell phone to her ear and was sobbing. Two of them had already passed out. "Mom, I love you…" She cried before succumbing to the effects of the poison as well. The phone hit the floor as she started to go limp. The screams of her mother were heard, but no one could respond. The shoppers had all been killed…


    Atlanta, Florida; April 16th 2030

    Mike Cardella awoke suddenly sweating like mad. As he breathed heavily, he turned to the clock and grabbed it up. "It's 9 am." His mother said dusting his desk. Her face looked pleasant and Mike could tell it was time for the Saturday Clean-a-thon. She stared at him for a little while; her brown eyes peering closely. "Well, what are you waiting for?" She then asked. "Can't clean this whole house myself." She began to stretch and then scratched her head. Mike saw she had her brown hair tucked into a hairnet. She always looked so funny on cleaning days.

    "Can't help you mom." He finally replied.

    "And why is that?" She said putting her hands on her hips. "You're not ditching me like last year? Because I really doubt you can have a rare disease again." She then remarked rolling her eyes.

    Mike pulled the cover off of his legs and stretched. "Nope, don't you remember that Andrew and I have our punishment today?" He said as he got out and walked over to the dresser his mom just cleaned. She sighed and walked over to his bed.

    "You mean helping underprivileged kids study?" She asked making his bed. "Mike, staying out past curfew and violating public property gets you parole work. You're lucky it's only 10 hours." Mike sighed and slipped on a pair of wide leg jeans. He took a look into the nearby mirror at his dark black hair and began to style it. "I just wish you'd pay as much attention to your school work as you do your hair." His mom said picking up some clothes from the floor.

    "Mom, it's not like school is important." Mike grinned looking in his closet. His mother's face fell. He chuckled and grabbed a short sleeve baby blue shirt from his closet and slipped it on. "I mean, how much better off is a person with it?" He then added in grabbing his pack and placing it on. The one strap went across his shoulder and down to his waist. He then picked his Mp3 player off of the desk and walked over to her. "Gotta go!" He winked and walked out of the room. She sighed and went back to cleaning.

    Mike slid down the banister of the stairs and into the front lobby of his house. His dad was busily reading the paper in the kitchen. "Looking good son. Where you off to?" He said looking up. Mike grinned. His dad always liked to make him feel confident. It was by his urging that Mike started working out at a young age, and he looked in perfect shape because of it.

    "I'm heading off to hell." He grinned winking. His dad laughed a bit and then went back to his reading. Mike shook his head and grinned as he opened the door. He stepped out onto his front porch and looked around. The sun was shining down and the breeze was soothing. He turned to see his neighbor getting the morning paper next door. He smiled and waved, but all he got was the cold shoulder. "I love you too." He said and walked down to the sidewalk.

    The street Mike lived on was pretty lively. Mike walked down the road watching some girls ride by on their bikes. He laughed at a man fighting with an out of control hose, and even took the time to notice some squirrels running up a nearby tree. He picked a rock up and chucked it, smacking one of the animals in the head and causing it to fall. "Bulls eye." He smiled.

    "Having fun killing things?" He suddenly heard and turned to see a short girl standing off to the side driveway near him. He looked back to the tree and then to her, squinting his eyes from the bright sun. "They're just squirrels." He replied.

    "So, squirrels have lives too." The girl remarked and turned. She began to wash the mustang in the driveway. Mike began to critique her. She was wearing a pink t-shirt that was tied in a knot in the front, exposing her belly. She also had very short jeans on. He felt even better when she began to spray the car with a hose.

    "Dam…" He began until he noticed her dad sitting on the porch watching her. Quickly, he took off across the street. "Great…Just what I need. Vandalizing AND Sexual Harassment." He said shaking his head. He turned a corner and almost crashed into some kids skateboarding. "Watch it!" He roared and walked up the nearby driveway. This was Andrew's house. It was about the same size as his, decently big and elegant looking. Mike and Andrew met because their parents designed their houses together. They had been friends since they were six, and they were both now seventeen.

    Mike hopped onto the porch and rang the doorbell. He then began to rock around waiting impatiently. After some time he knocked hard on the door. "Andrew Shot, get your *** out her right now!" He roared. His friend opened the door lazily and peered out. His short blonde hair blew to the right with the wind. Earphones were around his ears. Mike couldn't help but laugh. Andrew was so obsessed with music that he sometimes thought those things were embedded into his head. Andrew was tall and thin, while Mike was a tad shorter and thin. The two looked nothing alike.

    "I'll be out in a second." He roared cracking his neck.

    "No, you'll be out now!" Mike replied and grabbed Andrew by his blue Dashboard Confessional t-shirt. Andrew had just enough time to grab his backpack from the house before he was completely pulled out the door. "Where's your sister?" Mike inquired as they walked off the porch.

    "She went to the mall. Dude, chill!" Jeff roared. Mike dragged him back into the driveway.

    "It's not my fault we totaled my car. You're driving and if we're late we'll have extra hours to do." Mike roared. Andrew sighed.

    "It actually is your fault your car is totaled." He commented. Mike leapt into the passenger seat of topless BMW. Andrew sighed and opened the door, getting into the driver's seat.

    "Let's get this the hell over with." Mike said lounging. Suddenly, a black car turned the corner and came to a stop right in front of the driveway. Two men in black got out and walked up.

    "Is this the Shot residence?" The driver asked. Andrew nodded. "Can we speak to you all?" He then requested. Andrew rolled his eyes and got out of the car. Mike stretched and followed suit.

    "My mom's at work right now." Andrew said. "And…my dad isn't home." Mike kept his mouth shut. He knew Andrew's dad hadn't been home for years, but he decided it was best not to say anything. The passenger stranger began to walk towards them.

    "We called your mother's office but she wasn't there. We even tried her cell but no one picked up." He said.

    "Did you try calling here?" Mike interrupted.

    "Yes, but unfortunately no one picked up her either." He answered. Andrew seemed embarrassed.

    "Music too loud." He replied. He then noticed his mother's car turning the corner. She didn't even turn it off before opening the door and falling out. She was crying hysterically and mumbling. "Mom, what's wrong?" He roared rushing to her. "Allison! She's in trouble! I don't know what happened!" She cried out leaning against the car. Her makeup was running hard and Mike could tell she had been crying for awhile.

    "That's why we're here mam. We've gotten news that there has been some sort of accident at the Baybury Mall this morning. Apparently there have been no survivors. I'm sorry." The driver of the car said. Andrew's mom immediately began to ball harder.

    "Allison's dead!" She wailed. "It can't be!" She then turned to the men. "She's not dead!" She roared. Andrew grabbed her by the shoulders and began to cradle her.

    "It's ok mom." He wailed, but he too was starting to loose it. Mike was also in shock.

    "What happened?" He asked. The two men took a second before replying.

    "Apparently there was a gas leak." The closest one replied.

    "And how did no one get out?" Andrew inquired looking suspicious.

    "Someone locked them all in." The other man replied. At this, Andrew's mom wailed harder and fell down to the ground. Andrew pulled her back up. "We're truly sorry mam, but we have to go inform the families of the others. Our hearts are with you." The two then said and got back in the car. Mike watched it speed off.

    "I let her go! I let her go this early! It was my fault!" Andrew's mom roared out. Andrew grabbed her by the mouth and peered into her eyes.

    "Don't say that!" He roared. Mike walked over to them and the two boys helped the grieving mother up.

    "I'm so sorry…" He said as they walked towards the house. Andrew tried to smile but it was short-lived.

    Washington D.C, West Virginia

    The limousine pulled up to the White House. Inside, the shady man and the other looked out the windows not speaking. "It's such a hard thing to do…" The man spoke. His suit was starting to show sweat marks. The shady man smiled.

    "Not for me…" He grinned. The man in the suit pushed the intercom. "Driver, this is good." He said. The driver responded seconds later.

    "Yes Mr. President."

    The president stepped out of the limo as the shady man did the same. They joined each other on the walkway and began to head forward. "Did they see you?" The president asked. The shady man shook his head.

    "Not good enough…" He replied grinning.

    "Good, another group of people destroyed. Looks like our population is coming under control. It started with President Iverson, and it will end with me. No one will ever know what we did, the people we killed…for control of the population." The president replied. The two continued on not talking until they came to the doors of the house. "And now you may leave Mr. Diablo." The president said at the doors.

    "Yes President Edmans." The shady man said and turned continuing back down the path. After some time, he exited the gates of the White House and continued down the streets. When he was sure no one was looking, he pulled out a small book. He peered in it to find they would be secretly committing Genocide on a concert in California in the coming weeks. He then turned a corner and walked on. People stared at him as he went. He continued on and then into an alleyway; pulling out his phone as he went.

    "Things are going according to plan. I am gaining the president's trust easily. We should be able to start in a matter of weeks." He said into it. His eyes shown through the shadows with a devilish red glow. "This world will be ours in no time…"
    The Lord of the Pokemasters
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  2. #2
    Guess Who's Back? Advanced Trainer
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    Default Apocalypse Rising

    Well, I got bored and decided to do chapter two. It doesn't have much action, but it does clear a few things up.

    Chapter 2

    "My baby's gone!" Andrew's mother wailed lying on the living room couch. Andrew appeared from the bathroom carrying a wet cloth. He placed it to her head and sniffed. He wanted to sit in the opposing couch and do what his mother was doing, but he knew that he had to be the strong one for his mom's sake. Mike sat in the corner with his head in his hands. He was in deep thought. The doorbell soon rang and Andrew got up.

    "I'll get it…" Mike said standing up and walking by him. He opened the door slowly to find his mother standing on the porch.

    "How is she?" She asked immediately.

    "Not good…" Mike replied letting her inside. His mother took her shoes off and walked into the living room where Ms. Shot was lying sobbing. Andrew was now sitting on the floor with his back to the couch. His head was collapsed inside his hands and Mrs. Cardella saw tears running down his arms.

    "Go home Mike. There's nothing you can do right now." She said turning to her son. Mike nodded and stepped out the door. He couldn't believe it happened. Thousands of people were murdered by just doing what normal people do everyday. It was so wrong. He headed down the driveway and back onto the sidewalk. He looked up noticing the day had become dark. It wasn't as bright and beautiful as it was just an hour before.

    He crossed the street and back onto the sidewalk he began on that morning. He passed the girl's house and saw the dead squirrel he hit earlier. He turned away ashamed. Suddenly, he was pulled back. The girl from this morning was behind him. "You look horrible? Care to share?" She asked with a look of concern on her face. Her blonde streaked brown hair blew with the wind and her blue eyes pierced Mike's.

    "Not with someone I don't know…" He replied and turned to walk away.

    "The name's Nicole Altadona. There, we know each other now Mike." She replied folding her arms. Mike cocked his head and turned around.

    "How'd you know my name?" He asked. Nicole smirked.

    "I know how to read the paper and see pictures. You're the one who vandalized Atlanta's Governor Office. Have a problem with the government?" She asked lifting an eyebrow. Mike's face lifted.

    "Possibly. So you moved into the Patterson's place because you knew I lived down the street?" He then asked. Nicole smiled.

    "Possibly…" She replied. She then grabbed his arm again. "Now let's go sit down and tell me what is happening Mr. Big Shot." She smiled. Mike sighed and followed her back towards her house. She led him up the walkway and onto the porch. There, she let go and sat down on a chair that was there. "Shoot…" She grinned. Mike sighed.

    "Yes Ms. Psychologist…" He said and sat on the ground. "Well for one, I missed going to my probation assignment. And for the other, my friend's little sister was horribly murdered in an act of mass murder today…" He said putting his head down holding back tears. Nicole perked up.

    "Oh my god. Are they ok?" She said with sympathy in her eyes. Mike couldn't look up.

    "No…their father left the family a few years ago and their mother devoted her life to making sure her children were safe and happy. It killed her to find it out." He said. It was then that he realized he was starting to lay his heart out on an open stranger. "But this is really none of your concern." He said standing up and straddling his pack back around his body. Nicole's face turned annoyed.
    "People's problems are my concern. I like to help…" She said standing up as well.

    "Well you can help me by not helping." Mike muttered stepping off the porch. "Nice to meet you Nicole." He said as he walked down the driveway and down the sidewalk towards home. Nicole walked forward and put her hand on the banister of the porch. "Nice to meet you too Mike…" She whispered to herself and turned to walk inside.

    Mike opened the door and slowly walked back inside his house. His dad had left for work and he was alone. He wanted so bad to just go back to Andrew's and be there to help his friend, but he knew it would just make it worse for Andrew if he saw him cry. He placed his pack down on the ground and walked into the living room. He plopped down on the couch and sat there thinking for some time. The outside air rolled in from the window soothing the tense muscles he had.

    It was then that he noticed the blinking light on the answering machine. He sighed briefly before reaching over and pressing the button. "You have one new message…" The machine roared. "Hello Mr. Cardella. This is the Recreation Center. We are just wondering why you and Mr. Shot have left us high and dry today. Call when you get this, or we'll have to contact your probation officer." The recreation center owner roared from the machine.

    "Shut up!" Mike roared kicking the machine. He wasn't in the mood to hear about his other problems. Snarling, he grabbed the remote and switched the television on. TV always emptied minds. He flipped through a few stations trying to find something fun. He finally stopped at Friends 2030 and began to watch it. After some time, he began to sigh. "The Friends from the 1990's was so much better." He wailed turning away. The screen suddenly switched to the news and Mike turned to see what was up.

    "As many of you have already heard, the Baybury Mall had a vicious accident this morning killing over 1000 people. The bodies of those who died are still being recovered. Men, women, and children are all known to be casualties. We have yet to see what the mall owner says, and the president refuses to comment." Barbra Walters reported.

    "She's still alive?" Mike wailed turning the TV off. He had enough of this crap for one day. He then realized the last comment made. "The president wouldn't comment?" He repeated out loud to no one in particular. He got up and walked immediately to the computer at the back of the room. For the first time in a year the computer desk was clean. He clicked it on and began to search the website for info on why the president refused to comment. He usually never used the computer for anything information wise, but this act puzzled him.

    After some time he discovered a site with the article. He read through it quickly but it didn't give anything he hadn't heard already. "Damn!" He roared putting his fist on the table. He began to roll the chair away, but then discovered something interesting. "Talk about this issue on our forums." A link said near the bottom of the page. He shrugged and clicked it. A few threads posted grievances to the families, and others discussed what the think went wrong. Mike scrolled a little more until he came to a thread entitled The President Knew. "Bingo!" He smiled and clicked it.

    "The President Knew about this all along. I believe there is some sort of conspiracy and corruption going on with the government right now. Most people of office would comment and express sympathy for a matter such as this, but President Edmans is a cold snake. He was behind this. It was some sort of population control. Think about it! In the past ten years there have been numerous accidents in places with large amounts of people. Also, each president in the last ten years has expressed opinions on the out of control population. If you really look into it, you'll see I'm right." The thread starter's post read.

    Mike scrolled down some more to see the responses. Every single response told the thread starter he was a nut. No one believed anything he said. Mike clicked the reply box. He began to think about what to reply, but was suddenly interrupted by the doorbell. He quickly typed in "I agree" and clicked the reply button before exiting the computer. He snatched up the remote and turned the TV off, and then walked over and casually opened the door. Nicole was standing there. "Hey…" She said.

    "Hey…" Mike replied. Nicole began to balance herself on her toes waiting for another response. When he didn't do anything, she took control.

    "Can I come in or what?" She asked. Mike rolled his eyes and made the motion for her to enter. She slowly walked in and turned towards him as he shut the door. "You know, you're not as bad as that news article made you out to be." She grinned. Mike shrugged and walked back into the living room. She followed cautiously looking around at everything. "You have a beautiful house." She then said trying to make small talk.

    "What do you want Nicole?" Mike suddenly roared. Nicole backed off a little nervous.

    "I just wanted to come keep you company." She replied. Suddenly, the computer flashed and Mike turned to see the You Got Mail icon blinking.

    "What the hell?" He said approaching. Nicole followed and peered at the screen as he sat in the chair.

    "What's this?" She asked putting her hands behind her neck.

    "Beats me…" Mike replied and opened the email. Mike had never heard of the person who sent it. "Probably Spam or something." Mike said and began to read it. "When the time is right, you will hear from me…" was all it said. "Freaky…" Mike whispered closing it. The two became a little uneasy wondering what the email meant. Suddenly, they both jumped as the door opened.

    "Holy crap! Someone's come to kill me!" Mike roared getting up and grabbing a book from the desk.

    "And you plan to beat them with a book?" Nicole smirked. Mike started slowly to the door, but Andrew made his way around the corner and into the living room.

    "Andrew, what are you doing here?" Mike asked. Andrew put his head up. He wasn't crying anymore, but he still had a sad expression on his face.

    "Your mom said we should stay here tonight…" He whispered softly. Mike looked around the corner to see his mother leading Ms. Shot upstairs. Andrew then noticed Nicole standing in the background. "Who's that?" He asked.

    "Um, that's Nicole…" Mike replied. Mike's mom returned from laying Ms. Shot down and walked back downstairs. She entered the living room and sat down on the couch, exhausted from today.

    "Funeral services are Monday…" She said to Mike. He nodded frowning. "This is Nicole." Mike then said pointing her out to his mom. His mom waved and then closed her eyes to rest. Andrew laid his stuff on the ground and sat next to it.

    "Well I better be going…" Nicole said. "Nice meeting you all." She then walked to the front door.

    "Wait…" Mike roared. She turned and looked, her blue eyes haunting Mike once again. "Would you like to stay the night?" He asked. Nicole's face lit up.

    "Sure, just let me go home and get my stuff!" She grinned and ran out. Mike sat down next to Andrew once she was gone.

    "How you feeling?" He asked. Andrew shrugged.

    "It hasn’t really settled in yet…" He replied.


    It was now late and Diablo was heading through a park. He stopped suddenly to make sure no one was around and then lifted his arm. A wad of fire built up in it burning with intense heat. He smiled and chucked the flare into the air, lighting a small amount of the sky. He waited for a few minutes when a large winged beast appeared in the horizon. It bellowed ferociously and continued towards the shady man. It's body was bulky and its red skin was covered in spikes and scales. At the end of its long neck was a gigantic head with a large crest and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Its tail ended in a scorpion-like stinger.

    Diablo grinned as it bellowed once more and came in, landing in a burst of wind. He leapt onto the creatures back and it took to the sky again. It was then that he noticed a couple walking in the park. They had spotted him and were staring speechless. "Get rid of them…" He muttered. The dragon pulled its head back, creating an inferno in its mouth. It then launched the flamethrower straight at the fear stricken couple. In a matter of seconds, they were turned into ashes. Diablo smiled and the creature began to fly off into the distance.
    The Lord of the Pokemasters
    Winner of the Best Comedy GoldenPen Award!

    Make Me Lose My *Pant Pant*

  3. #3
    Blame of Absence: Cancer Honorary Moderator
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    Default Apocalypse Rising

    I like the idea, myself, just think the Mr. Diablo thing is a little lame. Not to discourage, because that is, after all, my opinion and not yours-- which is why you chose to use the character. Unless you morph the character into the opposite of what I see him being by the end, I figure I'll be dissapointed.
    But who gives a ****, it's one mother****ing character anyway.

    Description is good, I like the characters, some nice building on them. I can already pretty much see who they are and how they are, even after being introduced to them only briefly.
    Well, that's about all for me.

    Zak Hunter

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    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default Apocalypse Rising

    What can I say? It's awesome. I can give nothing but my highest praise for these two chapters. Already I am intreged to find out more - not many original fics capture me this quickly, but I really am curious to find out. Its so cool!

    Great!!! Excellent characterization. Best thing of all, you've really designed these characters well.


    ♥ Funeral for a Friend . Opeth . Faith No More . Dream Theater ♥
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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  5. #5
    Guess Who's Back? Advanced Trainer
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    Default Apocalypse Rising

    Ok, I have finally found time to finish Chapter 3 of the fic, and trust me it is going to be really good from here on out. This is where the action starts to heat up, so read and reply and please tell others to read as this will be one of the greatest fics ever. It will be like a modern Lord of the Rings...

    Chapter 3

    It had been nearly a week since the incident. Things were starting to subside. It was a little hectic at the funeral when Andrew's mom lost it, but over the week she had calmed down. Mike was now heading down the street towards the bus stop. He always loved Fridays, and this was no different. The sun shown down heavily heating the area. It had not been this hot in ages. Mike noticed Andrew and Nicole waiting at the corner where the bus stop was. He waved and the two returned the gesture.

    "Ready for another boring day of school?" Mike asked stepping to the corner.

    "School is never boring!" A teenage boy said stepping up behind them. He adjusted his large glasses and peered at them; his massive eyes showing through the lenses. Mike had to laugh. Danny always looked so nerdish.

    "It isn't if you have the brain for it." Mike replied. Nicole giggled a bit and then stepped back to make room for the others approaching the bus stop.

    "Maybe if you and your friends actually tried to get good grades, you would see that you do have the brain for it. Why don't you come to my house for a study session? We could hang!" Danny suggested glaring at the group again. Andrew laughed for a moment; imagining Danny's eyes swelling like balloons.

    "Maybe…" He then said. The bus turned the corner and headed towards their stop. Instead of the bulky shape or a normal bus, the school bus had a round and more golden look. Mike recalled when President Bush decided to change the buses to look like Twinkies years ago. The bus pulled to a stop in front of them and the students began to push their way into the massive Twinkie.

    "Hurry up! We don't have all day!" The bus driver roared and began to scratch her behind. Mike walked inside and found his way to the back of the bus. He sat down next to Andrew and shoved his seat belt away. He never liked how President Frant, the first female president, was so obsessed with making sure children were safe.

    The bus shut its doors and started down the road. Andrew placed his earphones on and looked out the window. "Tell me when we're there." He said not looking at Mike. Nicole sat on the seat next to them with her friend Jenny, a tall blonde from down the street. Mike folded his arms and leaned back; trying to get some shut eye before classes. Suddenly, the familiar ring of his cell phone perked up. He snatched the thing from his belt and pulled it out. The caller ID was left nameless and Mike was dumbfounded. He placed the phone to his ear.

    "Hello?" He asked. No one replied. Mike shrugged and placed the thing back onto his belt. It suddenly rang again and Mike pulled it out aggravated. "Who is this?" He yelled placing the phone to his face. There was no answer this time either. Mike sighed and pressed the red button on his phone, turning it off. He then placed it back onto his belt and leaned back; not planning on anymore interruptions.


    The flying creature sped through the air; well enough above the clouds as to go undetected. Diablo didn't care that much anymore however, as he would be known soon enough. The creature bellowed once more filling the air with the horrendous sounds. Its sleek body looked as if it could dodge bullets. Diablo ran his hand against the spine; feeling the pain from the spikes emerging from each cord. Even its head was threatening. The jaw was concealed into a skull-like feature that ran to the back of the head; its eyes were hidden in darkness.

    The beast began to descend; crashing through the clouds. The sky below was dark. The creature flew above the ocean, keeping enough distance as to not get caught in the waves. A storm was raging sending lightning across the sky. The beast began to steam as tiny water droplets struck its heated body. The dragon was coming upon a large island. It was completely barren; not a tree in sight. The earth was covered in dark soot that had charred the earth and left the area with a horrid stench from the rainwater that was mixing with it. The dragon flew into the airspace of the island and continued to the only landmark on it; a small hill covered in black ashes and flaming all over. Lava rushed down the sides and spilled into the sea. It looked somewhat like a volcano, but it was far from it.

    The great beast came to a stop hovering above an encampment on the side of the hill. Diablo leapt down as the creature clawed at the ledge with its talons; trying to land safely. "Eugloc Mindoven." Diablo roared putting up a burning hand to the hillside. The cliff began to rumble causing soot to fly everywhere. The sky around the island turned a dark black and lava spilled from the cracks in the mountainside. Soon, a large section of the mountain started to move aside; making bone crunching sounds as it opened into a pathway.

    A woman was at the entrance to greet her master. She was tall and sleek with a tight red dress on and blood red hair. Her eyes glowed a devilish orange that Diablo found intoxicating. "Get this Deathwing subdued!" He ordered. The woman nodded and walked almost hypnotically past the shadowy man. The Deathwing (Dragon) began to bellow, flapping like mad. The woman held up a hand and gripped the reins that the creature had around its neck; fondling them with her claw-like fingernails. Diablo turned away and proceeded inside the tunnel.

    He grabbed a nearby torch from the wall and proceeded deeper inside. The tunnel was as dark as night; only lit by the flame of the torch. The walls were throbbing from the intense heat and smoke filled the area. Diablo made it to the end and proceeded down the following stairs. After some time, it opened up into a large hollow room. This wasn't any old room though; for one thing it stretched for miles. It was like walking into the depths of a volcano. The area was filled with catwalks and platforms suspended above flowing lava. It was an underground world, not quite hell; but damn close to it.

    As soon as Diablo stepped from the stairs onto the closest platform roars and the sounds of trumpets filled the area. Two human-sized creatures approached him with demonic grins. Their faces resembled vampire bats, but their bodies were wingless and muscular with coils of chains wrapped around them and winding to their arms. Their legs ended with broad clawed feet, but their hands were the most frightening. Each hand was four times the size of a normal human one and they each held 6 stake knife claws.

    "Thingssss are going as planned my lord. The army is ready." One growled. Diablo walked past them and to the edge of the platform. Below were thousands more of the bat-like creatures; known as Derdiblos. Diablo smiled as the space below him and above the creatures filled with the sounds of wings as hundreds of Deathwings began to roar massing into the area. A few began to fly down to the Derdiblo army below and open their talons, grabbing a few of them and flying back up snarling hellishly. The creatures cried out as they were thrown from the monsters and into the lava pool nearby.

    "The Deathwings are not very obedient." The woman said approaching him from behind. "But that doesn't matter. Disobedience is an asset in destruction." She then added in. Down below, the spaces where the Deathwings' victims had occupied began to burble; and more Derdiblos erupted from the ground. Diablo turned to the woman.

    "Yes, this is true Sashina. But we need to know that these creatures will not turn on my army when in battle…we need a test run." He hissed to the woman. "It is time we reveal ourselves to this world." Sashina smiled menacingly.

    "And where shall we test them?" She asked intriguingly. Diablo began to claw at the wall.

    "Somewhere that will have an impact." He snarled.

    "Sir!" A Derdiblo roared rushing along the platform. His body was covered in thick armor unlike the others. Diablo turned eyeing this creature.

    "What is that?" He asked Sashina.

    "Your general. Flakill…" She replied. The creature stopped at its master's beckoning.

    "The Demiltons have been researching the city you committed genocide on last week. They believe the company of the prophecy resides there." He growled and held up a picture. Mike, Nicole, and Andrew were all apparent. Flakill put the picture down and folded his clawed hands. "The ones they say are the only barrier between this world's destruction." He added in.

    Diablo's eyes began to burn engulfed in red flame. "Send forth a battalion. Do not stop until hope for this world is destroyed." He commanded. Flakill nodded and turned growling to some of his troops as he did. Diablo looked down again as a Deathwing flew in and grabbed a Derdiblo in its massive jaw. He began to crack his spiked knuckles as it flung the creature up and bit down, slicing it clean in half with its maw. He then looked up to see the source of his power…a giant red stone burning in flame.

    The stone was about the size of a large boulder, but the fire that engulfed it made it seem larger. It was called The Stone of the End, an unholy object said to have existed since the beginning of time. It was said that this stone was thrown from the heavens when creation was made. It concealed every evil act; every sin that the world had committed. It was a stone of evil and evil fed off of it. It was now powerful enough for evil to unleash its war on the world.

    "Now is the hour where evil consumes good." Diablo grinned. He closed his eyes and began to chant, causing the stone to flare up. The mountain began to rumble as an ear piercing noise filled the air. The army below started to march out of the hill led by Flakill. They marched in set positions, each clasping their flaming chains and snarling boldly. It was a frightful scene as they marched towards a crevice that was opening towards the base of the mountain. "Do your master's bidding. Death comes to those that are sought after. Only them shall you take their dawn away." Diablo roared. The Deathwings began to cry their shrill roars before clasping their wings to their sides and shooting up through the hole in the top of the mountain past the flaming stone.

    From outside of the mountain, several Deathwings emerged from the top roaring loudly. As soon as they cleared the top and folding their wings as they dove down towards the base. Flakill appeared outside of the mountain and held up a flaming sword. A mighty Deathwing, bigger and more ferocious then the others, landed next to him gripping the earth with its mighty feet. Flakill gripped the monster's reins and climbed aboard. The dragon bellowed and shook before returning to the sky. As soon as it departed, the remaining Deathwings began to fly down, scooping up several Derdiblos into their talons and regaining altitude; following the leader that set forth. The battalion was ready; its destination set…

    The Stone of the End still flared uncontrollably until at last it gained enough power. Diablo put his clawed hands into the air as the fire from the stone launched through the opening of the mountain rising swiftly towards the sky. "There will be no aid for man capable of destroying my army." He grinned. As soon as the fire struck the sky it began to cover it, spreading across the horizon. From the mainland, people looked up as birds flew away from the growing heat. They then saw the horror that covered the sky. It spread for miles covering every inch and cloud with fire turning the world into a dark shadow.

    As the fire spread over Asia, a bright light shown from the sky. It was a holy light, one that kept the fire away as a winged steed baring a man in white flew down. His face was youthful, yet old at the same time. He was garbed in white, and in his hands he bore a large staff. His winged steed was valiant and swift. It flew from the light just before the fire veil was able to sustain it; covering it with darkness. This was the voice of the sky; the one they called Amanlin. By falling from the sky he had been mortalized; the only being that made it through before the shadow veil covered all of the heavens…

    Mike, Andrew, and Nicole exited the bus and headed towards the front entrance of Baybury High School. It was rather large with stairs leading to the doors, somewhat like a museum. Andrew finally took his headphone off and looked at his friend. "Been a while since I was here." He said trying to grin. Nicole put her hand on his shoulder and gave a warm smile.
    "It's my first day. I know that doesn’t help, but I'm trying." She said with compassion. Mike laughed and bit and opened the door letting his friends in. Danny rushed through before he could close it.

    "Thanks buddy!" He roared smiling and clasping his books. Mike smiled and shook his head before heading inside himself. There were fliers around the school that held loving memories for Allison Shot. Andrew was a little uncomfortable, but Nicole stayed with him as they passed through the halls hearing the many people stop to offer their condolences. Mike tagged behind soon coming by the main office. He immediately saw his friend Cory sitting in one of the "Principal's Wrath Waiting Chairs" as they called them.

    Mike opened the door to the office and stepped inside. The secretary looked up. "Can I help you Mr. Cardella?" She asked.

    "Just here to say some final words to my friend before the plunge." Mike replied winking. The woman shook her head and went back to her work. "So what did you do this time?" He then said jumping over a chair and sitting next to Cory. The blonde teen wheeled back unaware that Mike had entered. He looked exhausted, and his face was flushed. "More drugs?" Mike asked sighing.

    Cory folded his arms and didn't answer. "When are you going to learn that drugs are not worth it?" Mike asked. Cory sighed and turned back.

    "I've been clean for over a week. I'm just having a bit of withdrawals and Principal Shorlin thinks that means I'm on the verge of killing something." He replied rolling his eyes and placing his broad arms behind his thin neck. Mike was about to reply when the secretary stood up.

    "Visiting time is over Mr. Cardella. Class starts in one minute." She said placing her hands on her hips. Mike pushed Cory on the shoulder and stood up; heading through the door and down the hall. It was pretty empty now except for a few stragglers. The bell rang just as Mike entered his class. Mr. Finkle, his teacher, eyed him angrily.

    "What? Mr. Finkle I wasn't late. The bell didn't even stop ringing!" He roared.

    "Take your seat!" The elderly bald man roared. Mike sighed. What would an old sweater vest wearing fool know about making it on time anyways? He smashed into his seat making as much noise as possible before sitting down. Mr. Finkle eyed him and then turned to write on the board. Nicole and Andrew sat near him quiet as can be. They were both in uncomfortable positions. Danny sat at the front of the class listening intently to every word uttered by the teacher.

    "Ok class, as you know the equation a=b to the x power represents…" Mr. Finkle explained before being cut off by the ringing of Mike's cell phone. "Mr. Cardella, please put that away before I take it!" The old man roared. Mike put the one minute sign up with his finger and checked his phone to see a text message. All it said was "Get out of the City…" and was sent by unknown." Mr. Cardella you are trying my patience." The teacher roared again. Suddenly the sounds of wings and trumpets filled the air. Danny stood up and walked to the window; peering into the distance as the building down the street was struck by a stream of flames.

    "What's going on?" Mr. Finkle roared rushing towards the door. Suddenly, the roof above was smashed causing drywall to fall into the class. The students screamed and began to duck as a winged beast shrieked falling into the building. It didn't fit well as its wings smashed against the walls, but it managed to snag the petrified Mr. Finkle from the ground with its talons and fly back up. From the skyline, hundreds of Deathwings entered the airspace of the city. Flakill was on the Deathwing above the school blowing a large horn as his army emerged from the clouds. The sky was as dark as night yet it was morning.

    Mike got up from the ground and looked up. The Deathwing was circling above with its prey in its claws. It suddenly dropped the man causing him to fall down smashing into the desk right in front of him. Flakill peered down noticing the boy. "Kill him!" He snarled. Mike's eyes widened but he was suddenly pulled away. Nicole and Andrew hurled him from the room as the beast let loose a flamethrower. Danny leapt out after the three just as the flames hit, sending those inside up in flames and melting the area.

    The halls were full of screaming people as everyone rushed to leave the school. Outside, people on the streets and those driving stopped to look up at the unbelievable sight that was occurring. They then turned to flee as the creatures flew in, dropping masses of Derdiblos from their feet as they did. The Derdiblos hit the earth and immediately began their assault on the city. Those who got in their way were smashed around by the flaming chains the creatures wielded.

    The Deathwings began to launch fire down into the streets sending cars and people into flames. Others flew down and clasped unlucky victims in their feet; lifting them into the sky and then dropping them to their deaths. Flakill's Deathwing began to fly above the school, ripping ceiling away with its talons as it launched flames into the halls. "Find the prophesized ones! Do not stop until the city is destroyed!" The General roared. The siege of Baybury City had begun and the city was already burning…
    The Lord of the Pokemasters
    Winner of the Best Comedy GoldenPen Award!

    Make Me Lose My *Pant Pant*

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2001

    Default Apocalypse Rising

    Very nice job, good description and detail. The twinkie-shaped bus make me laugh. I like how you raised the tension with the email, and the cell phone ringing. You need to watch some of your paragraph breaks when people are talking, but only occasionally.

    The two main things I want to point out are:

    1. People roar so much in this fic, by now their throats must be sore. Roaring is fine if someone is enraged, or needs to make themselves heard over a loud noise. But if the character is simply getting louder, words like yelling or shouting are more effective. You can even indicate at the beginning of an exchange that somebody is yelling, or have another character say something like, "You don't have to shout."

    2. I have to agree with Skullfire about Diablo - he's just too obvious a villain. Sorry, but unless you're planning a major plot twist, and the tall dark stranger is someone else, you unveiled this guy way too early.

    I do like how this is written though, it's a great take on the end-of-the-world scenario with the presidential coverups and conspiracies. I'll keep reading.

  7. #7
    Guess Who's Back? Advanced Trainer
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    Default Apocalypse Rising

    Thanks for the reply! Ha, when I read it over I too realized I say roar a lot. I'll try to cut down...And there are many plot twists that people won't expect. Diablo will turn out quite different from what you expect...
    The Lord of the Pokemasters
    Winner of the Best Comedy GoldenPen Award!

    Make Me Lose My *Pant Pant*

  8. #8
    Guess Who's Back? Advanced Trainer
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    Default Apocalypse Rising

    Ok, I finished Chapter 4. This one has a lot of action as this is the beginning of the Seige of Baybury. Have fun reading. Also, this fic will now be a trilogy. Here's the order of the "books"

    Apocalypse Rising
    Apocalypse Raging
    Apocalypse Resolution

    Ok here's chapter 4

    Chapter 4

    The City of Baybury had been under siege for only ten minutes, but the smell of blood and charred skin was already potent in the air. Families rushed inside their homes as the great winged beasts flew above. The Derdiblos ransacked the streets, destroying all in their path. A car sped down a back alley trying to avoid the mayhem in the city. Suddenly, a Derdiblo leapt onto the hood of the car and the woman driver slammed on the breaks. The creature hissed violently and began to smash at the windshield with the flaming chains around its wrists.

    The woman cried out holding her hands to her head. Broken glass rained on her as the creature attacked. She quickly smashed her foot against the driver door and managed to push the handle down. The door swung open and she leapt out into the alley landing on her hands and knees by some old boxes. She whined softly while pushing herself back up. The boxes near her were slammed away by a mighty hand and she turned to see the Derdiblo preparing to make her its next victim. The woman screamed and leapt up, falling back as the creature swung. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her towards the entrance of the alley.

    She was so near now. The main road was full of cars honking and people screaming…and everywhere there was flaming red fire. She came to the entrance where the alleyway met the road and looked down the street. Derdiblos were all over whipping their chains around sending people to the earth. She leaned against the wall and turned back down the alleyway to see the Derdiblo was advancing. She shrieked and leapt into the road, noticing the door of a bakery just ahead. With all her strength, she pushed herself towards the door. Suddenly, she heard the faint sound of wings. Time seemed to slow as she whirled around and looked to the sky. She could only make out the shadow of the creature as it descended from the blackness, but she knew it was over. The creature bellowed, gripping the woman in her talons and rising into the air. She was so close to safety, but it was taken away.

    The creature flew high, and then released the woman sending her falling to the pavement below. The Derdiblo rider snickered evilly as its Deathwing flew back into the heat of the battle. Masses of people were now experiencing the mercilessness of the army. Deathwings flew down into the streets blowing fire straight down at them. A Deathwing landed on the street crushing some people under its massive bulk. It then leaned back its head and launched a flamethrower straight down the road. A car in the way exploded sending civilians into the air. Before the people even landed, other Deathwings snatched them up in midair and flew off; letting them fall to their deaths when they were high enough.

    "Are you ok?" Mike heard Andrew ask nudging him. He also heard something else. It was coughing, a feminine cough. Nicole was by his side. "Come on! We have to move or we'll be fried!" Andrew shouted standing up. Mike looked around to see that the lights had gone out and teenagers were flooding the halls. Nicole sat up and grabbed Andrew's hand. She then held out her hand to Mike and he placed his into hers. The three took off down the hall, pushing their way through screaming students and faculty as they went. The ceiling above began to rumble and Mike looked up to see part of it tear away like tissue paper.

    A large skull-like reptilian face poked in opening its maw and revealing its long forked tongue. "This way!" Mike suddenly shouted and pulled the others into a different hall just as the Deathwing launched a flamethrower inside. Those in the previous hall were swept up and incinerated in the flaming stream. Flakill pulled back on the creature's reins and it flew up just above the roof.

    "They turned down that way! Destroy them!" He hissed to the creature. It bellowed and diverted its mighty wings flying in low above the hall's ceiling. Students and faculty had made it to the entrance and began to pour out of the school. Many did not get far as more Deathwings flew in launching flames that enveloped them as they made it out. Others descended and destroyed masses of people just by colliding into them with their wings and bulks.

    The main office still remained intact, but the lights were out. Cory stood up and walked to the window. "What are you doing?" The secretary inquired standing up. "Return to your seat and await Mr. Shorlin." She then commanded. Cory paid her no attention and peered out the window to see people rushing around as ungodly creatures assaulted them.

    "Dude, I wonder if I took drugs without knowing it because this is trippy!" He grinned. Suddenly, a large commotion was heard from the principal's office. The secretary cocked her head and slowly left her desk approaching the door.

    "Mr. Shorlin, is everything all right?" She asked. Cory backed away from the window realizing he wasn't stoned as a Deathwing blew past slicing the wall with its wing. The secretary cautiously grabbed the knob and began to turn it when the door suddenly fell forward smashing her under it. A Derdiblo snarled as it walked through. It was now standing on the door crushing the poor woman more. Cory slouched down behind a waiting chair and kept still as the creature looked around. It seemed to be sniffing the air with its large nostrils. Its foot claws clanked against the wood of the door below.

    It was then that Cory noticed the stench the creatures gave off. It was horrid. He wasn't sure, but it seemed as if the beings rolled around in sulfurous mines all day. He opened his mouth to gag but held back when the creature spun around searching for prey. It peered out into the hallway through the all glass wall and noticed the many students rushing for their lives. Cory watched its muscles tense up like a Cheetah about to hunt prey. The creature snarled one last time and then lunged at the glass separating it from destruction. Glass shattered as it sprang through colliding into fear stricken people as it did. The creature regained its footing and spun its chains around, knocking dumbfounded teenagers away with the force of the blow.

    Flakill's Deathwing continued its pursuit of the three teens down the hall. It frequently landed on the roof ripping ceiling tiles away with its massive talons. Nicole was beginning to sob. "We'll be fine; we just have to get out of here!" Mike roared. The Deathwing roared menacingly as it tore another section of the ceiling away. The three turned down the hall rushing with all haste. They were tiring but the beast was relentlessly keeping them moving.

    The group continued to pass many fleeing teenagers as the proceeded down the hall. "The entrance is just ahead! When you make it out, run like hell!" Mike roared. As they walked by the drinking fountains he noticed the graffiti on the wall. It said in large letters how much the principal sucked. Mike remembered doing it several months ago and laughing as they tried to scrub it off. He was now beginning to feel remorse for his actions over the years. He also noticed Nicole's head was down. She was in a state of bewilderment and Mike could tell she didn't want to see the people around her. Andrew had a determined face on as they pushed through the crowd. Andrew always looked as if he was ready to face any obstacle, but Mike knew that deep down inside he was just as afraid as Nicole.

    Students and teachers poured from the entrance and down the steps trying to escape the confines of the school. Mike and his friends neared the entrance, but stopped short pressing their bodies against the doors and peering outside through the glass on them. The people that exited the building were suddenly enveloped in flames. Nicole turned her head and began to sob as charred bodies of their classmates fell boiling to the ground. Seconds later the large flying steed that had been chasing them entered their views landing down on the charred remains. The people's bodies crunched like stale bread under the creature's feet. It bellowed towards the doors and Mike watched people turn to rush back inside.

    General Flakill noticed the teenager from atop his flying mount. His eyes lowered and he grinned evilly. "Apostle of the Heavens! Come forth and burn in the flames of your greatest enemy!" He hissed extending his massive hand towards Mike. Mike clenched his fists. If these creatures were after him, he was going to have to go out and meet them head on…for the sake of his home and friends.

    "Come on!" Andrew yelled gripping Mike's arm and pulling him back. The Deathwing outside rustled uneasily waiting for its master to sound the attack. Nicole was in the boy's other hand as he pulled his friends away from the entrance.

    "Let me go! All he wants is me!" Mike begged Andrew.

    "Not on your life! I won't let them!" Andrew replied pulling the frantic Mike away.

    Outside, Flakill smacked his large claws against the spiked backbone of his steed. "After them!" He commanded. The creature jetted back up as if launched from a catapult. It then came down upon the roof of the school; tearing chunks away with its massive claws. Tiles rained upon the confused people still inside the high school as Andrew pulled his friends through the halls. The creature was closing in on them and Andrew could feel the heat from its body emanating from the roof. He then noticed an open class room ahead and motioned to the other two.

    Pushing aside some fleeing kids, the three leapt to the side and through the door. Andrew kicked it shut to avoid being seen before they all landed hard on the ground panting. "You should have let me go." Mike said angrily as he laid winded on the classroom floor.

    "Something tells me they won't cease this attack after killing you. It just isn't right. Now, that creature can't possibly know every turn we take. It will buy us some time." Andrew said rolling over onto his back.

    "What the hell is happening?" Nicole wept. Andrew stood up and began to pace around the room.

    "We have to get out of here. That thing seems to be looking for you Mike! It won't take it long to realize you're not in the hall anymore and there are only so many places you could be!" He yelled.

    "Be quiet you fools!" They suddenly heard someone shout. The group turned to see Danny huddled in a corner.

    "I figured you would still be trying to learn." Andrew said mockingly. Danny rolled his eyes. The halls outside were now filled with screams.

    "Those things are pouring into the school now." Danny whispered and turned his head. "It's over." Mike stood up slowly and pushed by some desks to the spot Danny was curled up in.

    "What things? Those dragons?" He asked the frightened boy.

    "Those dragons are in the sky. I saw what was happening out there. They are releasing creatures into the city. They're dropping them in like torpedoes! Vile creatures that kill you with one swipe of their chains!" Danny roared. "So we're screwed either way. They'll come!"

    "And we're not going to sit here and wait for them are we?" Mike asked. Danny paid him no attention and just put his head down.

    "Maybe they won't find me here. Professor Pamon's room has always been pretty empty. Our government will gain wind of this and send help too." He said with little confidence. Mike sighed and pulled back.

    "Screw the government! All they have done in the past century was lie and kill. I don't know what makes you rely on them, but I'm not going too. They killed those people at Baybury Mall last week whether you guys want to believe it or not!" Mike bellowed with rage in his eyes. Everyone went silent and stared at him. Andrew was in shock at the statement but didn't respond. Mike calmed down and soon noticed the window on the wall just to their right.

    "We can escape!" He said with great enthusiasm. Nicole finally stopped sobbing and stood up.

    "How, and to what purpose? Danny says those things are all over the city. And that beast is looking for you!" She remarked. Mike saw the desperation in her eyes. She seemed to always keep her cool, but it wasn't showing anymore. He turned to Andrew who was still pacing. The teen noticed he was being watched and stopped.

    "Well we don't have much of a chance cooped up in here." He smiled. Mike was shocked that Andrew actually smiled at a time like this. "What do you want us to do?" He then asked Mike.

    "The window duh! We can break it and get out." Mike replied pointing to the small glass opening on the wall. "Those dragons are concentrating on the entrances of the school. They don't expect us to exit any other way."

    "You can't destroy school property!" Danny suddenly yelled standing up. Mike whipped his head back and sighed.

    "Just watch us." He smirked to the flustered teen. Andrew stepped up to help Mike.

    "And while we do this, you can go and tell your previous statement to that dragon ripping the ****ing ceiling apart." He shouted. Danny backed off. Nicole suddenly screamed and leapt away as the classroom door smashed open. She closed her eyes and put her hands up not wanting to see what it was.

    "Who the hell are you?" She heard a voice ask.

    "Cory!" Mike grinned. Cory waved sarcastically and lifted his eyebrows.

    "What are you guys up to on this fine day of dungeons and dragons?" Cory asked.

    "Just shut up and grab that chair!" Andrew commanded. Cory shrugged and lifted the chair up. He started for the window passing Nicole as he did.

    "Roar!" He grinned putting his head to her face. She wheeled back with a look of disgust; her eyes then tightened as she watched the kid stare at her. He began to laugh and then stepped forward. Mike motioned for him to hurry and he tossed the chair forward.

    "Watch it!" Mike roared grabbing the chair just before it slammed into him.

    "Hey, we must hurry oh great commander. I would just go out the front door, but as you may have seen, the greeting they give you out there is less than welcoming. Smash the **** out of that window and let's book it pronto!" Cory replied folding his arms. Mike nodded and began to smash the chair into the glass. It didn't give on the first try and he hacked at it again. Andrew wheeled back to avoid being hit and looked around the room. A meter stick was lying on the desk ripe for the picking. Mike watched his friend approach and smash the stick into the glass; shattering the wood of the ruler instead of accomplishing its task.

    "Nice…" Mike whispered. The roars of the dragon began to get louder as the creature made it to the rear of the school and looped back for a second pass.

    "Hurry!" Nicole yelled beginning to leap up and down. Cory rushed up and grabbed the chair from Mike.

    "Oh just let me do it before she starts PMSing!" He roared.

    "PIG!" Nicole screamed back but was ignored. Cory flexed his arms as he pulled the chair back and then chucked it forward. Mike ducked away as the chair sailed into the window sending shards of glass to the ground. Nicole began to laugh noticing the chair was no embedded into the window. Cory rolled his eyes and stepped up shaking the chair until it fell away. He then grabbed it again and repeated the process, making a hole large enough to escape through.

    "Let's go!" Mike ordered. As the group started for the window, students from the hall noticed and started after them.

    "Danny let's move!" Cory said turning to the teen in the corner. The boy blinked at him a bit like a blinded owl. "Get your scrawny ass over here unless you want to be killed in the worst place possible…school!" Cory sputtered. Danny sighed and stood up while adjusting his glasses. Cory stammered over to him and lunged; gripping his arm and pulling him away. Mike, Nicole, and Andrew were already outside while more kids poured out. They were now on an encampment just outside the school. It was quite shady and situated in a corner; making it hard to view. It wouldn't take long before the flying beasts discovered them though. Cory pushed Danny through and then leapt out himself.

    "Let's go!" Andrew yelled. As the pack retreated Nicole noticed Jenny was with them. The screaming cries of several Deathwings was heard as some flew down on the fleeing students. One by one the Deathwings piled into the airspace above them as they rushed on towards the city. The nearest one bellowed as its Derdiblo rider pulled on its reins. Cory turned back to see the creature lunge forward launching a stream of flames straight towards the group.

    "Get out of the way!" He roared grabbing Danny and tossing him to the ground aside. Mike, Andrew, and Nicole did as ordered along with several other students. Those in back did not have time and were caught up in the pyre that descended upon them. The survivors turned away in disgust. Mike and his friends were already advancing back on their feet when the fire ceased. The Deathwings descended down rapidly and began to pick off adolescents from the group with their feet.

    A Deathwing descended over Cory, but he dodged by rolling away. The retreat was now heading across Baybury Park; a large and peaceful field which was beside the main city. Mike spanned the horizon to see nothing but flames and death as people in the city were thrown around by another group of Deathwings. Derdiblos were all over the street. The group ran below some trees and stopped to regroup from the Deathwing's assault. "Wow, guess this wasn't a good idea!" He yelled above the destruction to Nicole. She tried to smile, but it was in vain.

    The teens caught their breath as the Deathwings circled above. Some began to fire flamethrowers catching the canopy of the trees on fire. "We can't stay here!" Someone roared.

    "Look!" Jenny yelled pointing as a small army of Derdiblos raced disorderly across the field towards them.

    "Fall back! This way!" Cory commanded and took off outside the safety of the trees in the opposite direction of the Derdiblos. Mike instantly followed. It was good to have a leader during this time even if they had no idea what to do. The Deathwings noticed the group returning to their views and flew after them growling with rage.

    "Where are we going?" Mike asked catching up to Cory as they rushed towards another entrance to the park that led to a different side of the city.

    "I figured a good place would be the bank. If we can get there we can lock ourselves inside of the vault for awhile. It should hold until we think of a plan." He replied shrugging.

    "It's hopeless." Danny cried. Cory and Mike paid no attention to him and kept their pace. Suddenly, Flakill and his Deathwing descended on them from the front. The creature's maw was opened ready to bite down on anything that moved. Cory pushed Mike and ducked as the beast flew down plowing through everyone behind them.

    "Nicole! Andrew!" Mike roared spinning around from the ground and looking back to some of his classmates sprawled dead across the ground. He then looked up to see Flakill's Deathwing with prey in its mouth.

    "It got Jenny!" Nicole cried rushing towards the beast as it flew off. Andrew grabbed her and pulled back. They were just out of range of where the monster had plowed through. Mike cringed as he saw the dragon swallow its prey whole. Andrew was desperately trying to keep Nicole from running off. Mike began to feel nauseous. There was a ringing in his ears and all seemed to be going dark. Derdiblos were surrounding them from all directions. It was over.

    "As one can see from below, the city of Baybury Florida is being attacked by unimaginable beings. Winged creatures are flying in from the air dropping devilish beings into the city streets! We prey for those down there!" A reporter yelled from a helicopter above the site. "Get us out of here!" He then roared. The copter spun around but was suddenly sliced in half by a flame stream.

    President Edmans watched the scene from the Oval Office. He was clenching his fists but smiling under his breath. The Secretary of Defense burst through the doors and approached the desk. "Sir I beg of you, send troops to counteract this siege!" He roared slamming his fists on the table. The President stood up and walked slowly around the desk.

    "Tell me Mr. Gadmon. Why should I risk my troops for the sake of one city?" He asked.

    "But sir we can stop them. Our planes are more then capable of…" Gadmon was cut off.

    "We can't…And since when do you have the authority to defy me? Let the creatures take the city; then we will stage a planned assault. We can't rush in blind." President Edman replied. He felt good inside. As long as he stayed out of Diablo's way he would survive…that was the deal…

    Mike and his friends were now surrounded and waiting for the end. A Deathwing flew down from above with its mouth opened and its talons prepped for killing. It descended rapidly upon the remaining kids who shut their eyes and waited for the end. Suddenly, Mike heard a noise. It sounded as if someone crushed a grapefruit with their bare hands. He squinted a single eye open to see that the head of the approaching Deathwing was blown clear off. Brain matter and blood spewed out as the great steed's body wheeled back as if confused.

    The Derdiblo rider was thrown from its seat and landed hard on the ground. The body of the Deathwing followed after it, smashing to the earth and convulsing madly. The Derdiblo army pulled away shocked at what had just occurred. Suddenly, an armored vehicle smashed through a section of the army and approached the five remaining teens. It skidded to a stop and a man with dark brown hair and a rugged beard was prepped with a sniper rifle in the open window of the passenger seat.

    He looked in his early forties with a dirty green shirt on and a black vest containing assortments of ammo. "Get in!" He yelled to the group in a Russian accent. A woman in her late twenties opened the backdoor from inside. She had long black hair and the same weird outfit as the man in front. Mike and his friends immediately did as ordered. When all of the teens were piled in, the armored vehicle spun around and drove forward. The Derdiblo army smashed their chains against the truck, denting it. One landed clear across the windshield making a large crack.

    "We're not going to make it!" The woman said with a hint of Italian in her voice.

    "We'll make it!" The driver said. His hair was jet black and he looked about the same age as the woman. As the other two, he also bore the same getup. The Deathwings began to fly after them sending out streams of fire. "Time for some maneuvering!" The driver smirked and swerved the car away from the incoming flames.

    "What's going on?" Mike asked as the vehicle crashed through the fence of the park and into the desecrated streets.

    "Baybury is under siege." The Russian sniper said turning back to them. "You're lucky to be alive. Not many are left."

    "Under siege by what?" Andrew questioned. The woman lifted her eyebrow alarmed by Andrew's forceful voice. The driver gritted his teeth and swerved the car into a turn as the Deathwings flew down to attack.

    "We'll explain later kid." The woman replied. "All that matters now is getting you ALL out alive."

    "Some army this is. They can't even destroy an armored car." Cory said as if not impressed. The driver let out a small grin.

    "You must be Miles Cory. Ahh, it is true. He does have a stout heart. But that will not save you. The enemy did not intend to collide with resistance. The evil one knew no help would come for you." He replied. "But across the world he is preparing. His armies are much more ferocious and relentless than the one here today. This is only a taste of the end. And those bats up there are more of a challenge than you think!" He responded.

    Danny was frightened in the backseat. He looked out the back windshield to see many Derdiblos regrouping. He turned back and cocked his head suddenly and looked at Cory. "Your name is Miles?" He asked. Cory sighed.

    "Don't call me that!" He roared.

    The Deathwings closed their wings in and dove one by one into the city streets flying in low behind the fleeing vehicle. "What of the neighborhoods a few miles from here?" Mike asked concerned.

    "Everything is destroyed." The woman replied.

    "Take me there! I have to find my family!" Mike commanded. The Russian shook his head but the driver sighed.

    "We will do what we can Apostle…" He replied as the Deathwings closed in on the vehicle…
    The Lord of the Pokemasters
    Winner of the Best Comedy GoldenPen Award!

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    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default Apocalypse Rising

    this fic is awesome. What can I say?

    Your character development is totally kick bum, and your story line is going from good to even better.


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  10. #10
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    Default Apocalypse Rising

    Your character development is totally kick bum, and your story line is going from good to even better.
    Pancake said it best. I just want to add that you have assembled quite the group. Mike, Andrew, and Nicole seem fairly normal, but Cory the Stoner and Chickensh*t Danny have the makings for unlikely heroes and provide some depth of characterization. Good job.

  11. #11
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    Well, after LONG last, I have managed to complete chapter 5 of Apocalypse Rising. I feel this is one of the best chapters yet. It is full of action and many things are answered. You are introduced to some major characters and some character development is implimented as well. Expect these characters to be developed further in the next chapter. This was meant to introduce them with a lot of action, but I will focus more on development in the near future.

    Chapter 5

    London, England; April 25th 2030

    A few aerial fighters began to fly in over the chaotic city below. With each passing minute the dark sky above turned a crimson red; signaling that death was in the air. The English Government had picked up on the occurrences at the United States and were beginning to take action. The news stations across the city were all reporting on the mass chaos that was taking place in Baybury Florida.

    "No reporter will set foot nor 'copter into the area until we are sure it is safe. As of now, the entire city of Baybury Florida is under siege by demonic creations. Dragons of immense power and hideous demons are ransacking the area. The American Government is not commenting on the situation at this time, but they are promising to take action soon." An English news reporter explained on a television inside a glass window display. Many people crowded around it trying to get the scoop on what was happening.

    More jets flew overhead and the people looked up at them with fear for what was coming. The jets of 2030 were like nothing anyone has seen in the past. They were long and narrow with wings that protruded out in a diagonal angle towards the Earth. They were built this way for speed, maneuverability, and quick diving abilities. They looked like a hawk closing its wings in to dive for prey. This is also how they became known as the A17 Raptors. As for firepower...imagine two mounted machine guns towards the front that fired 1000 rounds per second, and then a large missile launching cannon on the bottom middle capable of destroying a building in two shots. That is what these babies were loaded with...

    Other military vehicles began to drive in from the ground. Large hovering tanks (recent developments called for the exclusion of the treads older tank models have sported because the maneuverability was better without the hassle of them. This is something most pedestrian vehicles still had yet to develop). These tanks used anti-gravity suppression to float above the ground. Their barrel launchers were capable of rotating in a complete circle as well as aiming directly up. They were also armored to the core; a real site to behold.

    These vehicles moved along Strand Street, a large road parallel to the Thames River. The road contained many courthouses and office buildings along with some grand hotels. This was the main artery of London that connected the City and the West End. A court case was being evacuated from one of the courthouses as the tanks pressed on down the road. Military officers were leading people away from the area. The city was experiencing a state of martial law. The Strand Palace Hotel, a large cathedral-like hotel that was built in 1907, was now the center house of the English Government's war preparations. It was one of the most grand hotels on the street, but closing it off was a necessity to assure privacy.

    Prime Minister Branbury looked out of her hotel room window peering down at the confused citizens that were being moved out of their homes. Loudspeakers were sounding all over the city telling people not to worry and just follow in an orderly fashion. Branbury turned away from the window; her brown hair flowing back along her head and her hazel eyes filled with despair. "Is this really necessary?" She asked turning to her Secretary of State for Defense. She was a short woman in her forties and the first woman since Margaret Thatcher to serve as Prime Minister of England. The man she was staring at smiled slightly, but then brought his face back into a stern position.

    "Of course ma’am." He replied hoping she wouldn't question him further. His name was Charles Pitt; a young black haired Englishman from Wales. He was rather tall but very sophisticated. Prime Minister Branbury turned back to the window.

    "We should have stayed at Downing Street." She said wondering what the hell she was doing in this place.

    "Ma’am, you know we can't risk that. Our intelligence is discovering a small fleet of those hideous demons from Baybury nearing our borders. We have to keep you in an undisclosed location until we know what we are up against." Pitt answered in his strong British accent. Branbury sighed and looked down onto the street again. An older man was now standing on top of a bucket on the sidewalk. People crowded around him as he held up his hands.

    "My friends, this plague is of Hell! Our world is on the verge of an end! Our sins are too great! The Apocalypse is nigh! To those who thought this time would never happen...are you prepared to accept it now?" He yelled to the crowd. Suddenly, a dart pierced his neck and he stumbled a bit. An army officer pulled back his tranquilizer pistol and smiled. The man stumbled some more before toppling over into the ground. the People around him gasped and backed away.

    "Move along people." The officer ordered and pushed the crowd along...


    "Left! I said turn left you imbisol!" The Russian man yelled to the driver. The armored car dodged an overturned bus and made a sharp turn down a new road. The streets were covered in large amounts of debris and the car was having trouble navigating it. Mike turned back to see a Deathwing screech as it collided into the bus and return to the sky.

    "Ok, who are you and why did you call Mike an apostle?" Nicole yelled to the woman seated next to her. The Italian smirked a bit and folded her arms.

    “I am Adriana, and that is my brother Derrick and our colleague Mikhail." She replied before continuing. "We are part of the Underground Research Team known as the Covenant.” Nicole put a hand to her forehead and leaned against the door.

    “And why did you rescue us?” Corey asked leaning over the car seat. Danny sat in back with his eyes fixed outside onto the dragons massing above the car. Adriana turned to look at Derrick. Her blue eyes were tilted slightly up as if she was unsure that she divulged too much information. Derrick nodded slightly and then swerved the wheel left and into a residential zone. Adriana let one of her hands droop and then closed her eyes.

    “Just tell the damn kids already!” Mikhail roared in his thick Russian accent. He then tipped his burette and leaned out of the window. He aimed his sniper rifle at an advancing Derdiblo and fired; laughing amusingly to himself as is head exploded and its torso slumped to the ground. Adriana finally opened her eyes and turned to the group.

    “Derrick and I used to be researchers scouting and excavating ancient Egyptian temples. A few years ago, we came upon a weird set of hieroglyphics in the Great Temple of Abu Simbel. Apparently, the civilization began to fear an ancient stone. It was said that this stone fed off sins, and grew more powerful with each act of evil committed.” Adriana paused to see how the teens reacted.

    “Um, there’s a dragon dive-bombing us…” Danny chirped nervously.

    “I see it!” Derrick roared and swerved the wheel again. The car spun around and faced the opposite direction that it had just been driving. The single Deathwing was speeding directly toward the vehicle. The entire subdivision around them was in flames. Derrick pressed a switch and a hatch opened on the roof. “Mikhail, cover me!” Derrick roared.

    “I’ll handle these little shits.” The Russian responded taking aim at the Derdiblos that were nearing them. Derrick then peaked out of the hatch and looked down. The Deathwing was nearing the car but Mikhail fired a shot into its chest. The creature bellowed and flew over the truck as Derrick ducked. The dragon then returned to the sky.

    “You there, hand me that big box to your right!” He requested to Danny. The puzzled nerd pushed up his glasses and then grabbed the box. Corey had to help the boy push it forward to Derrick. The Deathwing had pulled back up and was circling above. It was apparently waiting for some ground support but Mikhail was doing a good job keeping the creatures at bay.

    Derrick fiddled with the box and opened it. A large RPG was inside of the case. “Derrick, that’s our last sonic pulsar.” Adriana remarked a little worried. Derrick hoisted the large gun over his shoulder and took aim.

    “The other Deathwings seem to have veered away. Only this one stayed, and if I can get it off of our course then we should be safe for the moment.” He replied. With that, he pressed the switch on the contraption. Mike saw a small flutter in the air in front of the barrel of the gun and Derrick flew back a bit. It seemed as if nothing happened but the teens then looked up to see the air around the Deathwing explode outward in a large sonic concussion. The dragon shrieked and lost its elevation. It came crashing down hard on the street below and Derrick grinned; his perfectly white teeth exposed. Pavement flew up and the area was covered in a small smog.

    “Anyways,” Adriana said as Derrick sat down and returned to the driver seat. Mikhail was laughing to the side. Derrick grinned as well and then started the car back up. “One of Abu’s prophets left the hieroglyphics, explaining that when the Earth was in its twenty-first century with thirty years, the world will be consumed by sin and the stone will have enough power. That is when humanity would be engulfed by the flames of evil.”

    “But what does the stone do?” Andrew inquired. Adriana turned towards the teen. “The stone gives Hell its everlasting life. That is to say, it blocks out the only thing powerful enough to stop it.” With that said, Adriana looked up towards the black shadow that was now covering the sky above.

    “Heaven…” Mike muttered. Adriana nodded.

    “With the Shadow of Sin covering the sky, no being of the Heavens can enter our world. So basically, we are left to fend for ourselves.”

    “And fight a war that can’t be won.” Derrick added in.

    “After we discovered this information, we collaborated with other researchers, but none seemed to believe us. It was only myself and Derrick; the only two that took the prophecy seriously…”

    “And what do we have to do with this?” Corey asked again. Adriana looked toward Mikhail and then back at the blonde teen.

    “The prophecy mentioned that the Stone of the End could be destroyed only by the Holy Trinity. For the longest time we thought it was the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but then we realized that the ancients did not know of such divinity. The Trinity they referred to was that of the conflicted rebel, the mourning brother, and the migrating princess. For the past few months we have looked up every death that has occurred, spent countless hours singling out the ones that had brothers, and trying to link them to this prophecy. It wasn’t until we stumbled upon the untimely death of Allison that we found three people that were linked together and shared these foretold traits.” Adriana breathed a bit and looked from Mike to Andrew, and finally to Nicole.

    “Andrew is a mourning brother, stricken with pain from the loss of his sister. Mike, you are the rebel that strives to do the right thing; a sure sign of confliction, and Nicole has moved across the United States each year for the past five years; a migrating Princess. None of these three characteristics were linked to three people that had any relation to each other; but the prophecy said that these three formed a trinity; a bond. You were the only ones; and this is the year foretold. You must be the ones they speak of, and that means you three are the only ones capable of destroying the Stone of the End…”

    Adriana finished and looked around to see that Mike and his friends seemed bewildered. “Oh yeah, and I’m the weapon’s expert. I’ve been friends with Derrick and Adriana for awhile now and decided to help.” Mikhail said trying to break the silence. Adriana glared at him and then turned back.

    “I know this is a lot to take in, but you must listen to me. Hell is preparing; its forces are growing with each minute. They all follow the command of a master demon, Diablo. He plans to strike the major places of the world for once they fall; it will be an easy shot at the rest of the world. As long as the Stone of the End remains active, he cannot be stopped…”

    “Holy ****…” Mikhail said as the armored vehicle came to a halt. Mike turned to see that the car had stopped on his street. Every house in the area was smashed to the ground.

    “What happened here?” Corey asked in shock. Mike smashed the door open and flew out into the pavement below. His palms hit the ground and he pushed himself up; panting hard and staggering towards his burning home.

    “Mom, dad!” He cried and collapsed onto the grass. He began to whimper and pushed his face into the Earth. Nicole leapt out of the car and ran to him. Tears were also welling in her eyes as she knew the inevitable must have happened to her family as well. She grabbed her friend and they cradled each other. Andrew sat in the car not moving. Every emotion known to man had faded from his face; only anger remained. He had lost his sister, and now his mother may also have suffered a cruel fate.

    “What could have done this. Deathwings can put an entire area up in flames, but they can’t level entire buildings.” Adriana remarked. Nicole continued to sob into Mike’s shoulder as the teen looked down across the neighborhood. He slowly stood up and turned toward the vehicle.

    “Where is the Stone of the End?” He managed to ask through his sorrow. Adriana took a step out of the car and approached him. Nicole watched her friend clench his fists. She could tell he was in a lot of pain.

    “We don’t know Apostle. All we know is that the armies of Hell are coming from the East; somewhere in Asia. We have a small carrier jet at the Tampa Bay International Airport. We planned to make our where there and hopefully be in Asia before the war escalated further.” She responded. Mike looked back toward Nicole who was lying on the ground. She sniffed back tears and tried to force a smile on him, but it didn’t amount to much. She knew what he was asking by looking back at her, and she nodded a bit.

    “I’ll make sure I send these things straight back to Hell!” Mike said turning back to Adriana. He wanted to just sit down on his yard and cry until he couldn’t anymore, but he had to be strong. Only he could stop this mess, and his parents could still be alive; somewhere in the hellhole that used to be his beautiful city.

    Suddenly, a large bellow rang out along the streets. Derrick turned his face and peered out of the windshield of the car. “What the hell was that?” He asked turning to Mikhail. The Russian cocked his head signaling that he was unsure as well. Adriana helped Nicole up and the teen placed her head on the woman’s shoulder.

    “We have to get out of here now!” Adriana yelled to her brother. Derrick started the vehicle up and the three leapt back inside. Mike sat next to Andrew and placed a hand on his shoulder.

    “She’s still alive. She has to be…” He said trying to reassure his friend. Andrew didn’t move.

    “Oh my god!!!” Danny suddenly yelled in a panic. He pointed his lanky finger forward and everyone turned to look.

    “Son of a *****!” Mikhail cursed. From behind a burning house on the corner, a large creature came clumsily around. It was about the size of a two story house, and its skin was scaly and blue. Its head was contained in a large skull-like helmet housing menacing black eyes. Large tusks protruded from the lower jaw and spikes pointed out from below its eyes. The creature was hunched over and spikes lined its back. Its hands were massive and hung down in front of it like a gorilla’s. It swung one of them up smashing it into the house and sending it falling down in large pieces of wood. This was the Titan, the pure brawn demon of Hell.

    “I think this is the part where you put the car in reverse.” Mikhail muttered. Derrick nodded and spun the car around. The tires screeched against the road as it did and the Titan bellowed. It swung its other mighty fist sending an overturned car flying across the street. The giant then took a step forward; the ground shaking beneath its feet.

    “They sent a Titan! But the prophecy said the Evil only deployed Titans in times of urgency!” Adriana yelled as the car sped off.

    “Well I do believe Diablo has learned of the Apostle’s whereabouts by now sis. If you were the only thing that could destroy my victory, I think I would consider that urgent too!” Derrick replied. The car exited the neighborhood and began to speed down the main road. The Titan’s heavy body made it slow; so they easily evaded the creature as it faded into the distance.

    “If we would have stayed there any longer it would have been death for sure!” Mikhail yelled breathing a sigh of relief. Derrick brought the car to an overpass where he could make a right turn and get onto the highway. He put his blinker on and made the turn. “Derrick, why the **** did you put you blinker on? Is there a reason to waste the effort when there is no living person around here driving anymore?” Mikhail asked amused by the action. Derrick turned to him with a mocking grin on his face.

    “Um, you guys. We have company!” Danny cried. From up above, Deathwings began to mass roaring loudly.

    “They found us!” Derrick cursed and sped the car up. The highway made a large turn around some heavy trees and everyone stared in shock to see many cars driving up ahead. “Apparently there were some survivors.” Derrick pointed out.

    ‘They must be trying to escape the city.” Adriana commented. A Deathwing bellowed above and launched a massive amount of flames down towards the armored vehicle. Derrick swerved the car into another lane and passed a large dodge ram. He began to weave in between the fleeing cars as the Deathwings massed above. A Derdiblo rider pushed on the reigns causing its dragon to dive down from the front.

    “It’s coming right at us! Swerve you dumbass!” Mikhail yelled. Derrick turned the wheel hard; sliding the car just away from the creature as it brought its claws down. The massive dragon gripped a small Ford Taurus in its claws and lifted it up. It soon let go allowing the car to fall back into the highway. Other cars swerved away as it bounced backward and smashed into an unlucky pickup truck. A massive explosion rang out and Derrick once again was forced to swerve.

    The Deathwings shrieked again and launched flamethrowers into the highway. Cars were struck randomly sending them spiraling and exploding as the other vehicles tried to dodge. Another Deathwing dive-bombed, bringing its talons out to try and latch onto Derrick’s car.

    “Speed up!” Adriana yelled pointing ahead to where an overpass was. Derrick did as told, escaping under it as the dragons crashed right into it. Concrete fell into the highway below and the creature pulled up. Danny managed to see it fly off as they appeared from under the overpass and went straight under another. More Deathwings began to mass above as the armored vehicle pressed on through the cars.

    One of the mighty beats flew down just above the highway. “What’s it doing?” Corey asked looking up. Suddenly, several Derdiblos leapt from the creature and onto the car. Derrick swerved to try and fling them off, but two remained on. They began to smash their chains against the steel; denting it in places. One chain smashed against the windshield shattering it into many pieces. Mikhail grabbed the chain as it retreated from the broken windshield. The Derdiblo bellowed and pulled, causing the Russian to fall forward towards the hood of the car.

    The creature growled menacingly and pulled back its massive clawed hand. It was preparing to bring it down on Mikhail as he struggled to get back inside the car. Its hand suddenly blew clean off and blood spurted out of the butchered limb. Mikhail grinned and shot another magnum bullet into the creature’s stomach. It toppled back into the other and sent them falling onto the highway. A truck behind them ran the two creatures over. Mikhail laughed and placed the magnum back onto his holster. He then crawled back inside the truck.

    “All gone!” He smiled. Derrick paid no attention and swerved the car again, avoiding a diving Deathwing and sending Mikhail against the side of the car. “Ow, you *****!” He yelled laughing. The Deathwing’s wings struck the cars behind them and sent them toppling backward. Another Deathwing launched a flamethrower in front of the car, igniting the minivan in front of them and sending it spiraling. Its back end hit their car, but Derrick managed to evade it just as it crashed against the Explorer behind them.

    The armored vehicle was now driving alongside a semi truck. The highway was nearing an entrance ramp and Mikhail cursed when he saw what was coming. A gasoline tanker was honking its horn and sliding slowly into the cars of the highway. “*******!” Mikhail yelled putting his hand up. “Doesn’t he know what he carries is flammable?”

    A Deathwing launched a flamethrower straight at the tanker, creating a massive explosion and sending the huge vehicle into an 180 degree spin. Cars around it flung up and exploded as the truck blocked the path. Derrick cringed and swerved the car. It smashed its side against the semi to their left but he pulled away just in time; avoiding any injuries. He pulled the car as far to the right as possible, weaving through cars and onto the grass to the side. The tanker went into a secondary explosion sending more cars straight towards them. Derrick braked as one spun in front and then put the pedal to the metal and swerved back onto the road when they passed the tanker.

    “There’s our exit! The Tampa Airport is just a mile to the right after we get off here!” Adriana pointed forward. Derrick weaved the beaten car to the right again and pulled off the road. Many of the Deathwings continued their pursuit of the fleeing cars, but a few followed as the car sped off of the highway. “We can’t take off if these things continue to pursue us!” Derrick commented. The group was now out of ideas and the Deathwings were closing in…


    “Sir, Baybury Florida is completely destroyed. You waited too long…” General Gadmon said entering the Presidential Office again. He through a newspaper on to the desk and folded his arms. President Edmans calmly placed his glasses on and took a look at the paper.

    “Ah, so it is…” He said and put the paper down. His graying hair was neatly done and he showed no concern for what was being presented to him. General Gadmon was in shock.

    “We need to prepare an army. London is calling for aid. They say several legions are entering their area!” He persisted. President Edmans smiled evilly.

    “I just spoke to the Prime Minister. She said that most of the army has broken away. There isn’t many on their borders now. She requested a small amount of aid, and I’ll be willing to give her that. Send ten navy vessels of marines to aid them. Take a few A17 Raptors if you must as well.” He suggested. General Gadmon noted the unconvincing attitude in the President’s voice.

    “And what of Baybury?” He asked.

    “I’ll sent a few troops to take care of it. Just leave things to me. Gather the forces I told you and head to the naval docks in Georgia. You can leave for Europe right away.” Edmans said. Gadmon nodded in agreement and then took his leave from the room.

    Edmans smiled to himself. He had never spoken to the Prime Minister recently. For all he knew, many legions of Hell were advancing on London, but if he sent a small amount of troops, he would still look as if he wanted to help. But in reality, a small amount could do nothing to stop the massacre that was to come…
    The Lord of the Pokemasters
    Winner of the Best Comedy GoldenPen Award!

    Make Me Lose My *Pant Pant*

  12. #12
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    Default Apocalypse Rising

    Yay, a new chapter! It's good to see you didn't abandon this fic. Nice description of the tanks and planes, as well as the chase scene. You also gave some good background info on the teens' rescuers, and the stone itself.

    Watch your spelling and grammar. There were a couple places where you could have used a comma and avoided a run-on sentence. Using your spell-check should catch errors such as:

    imbisol (imbecile)
    burette (beret?)

    The rest are spelled correctly but used incorrectly and could be caught by a read-through. I seem to recall a were/where issue, but can't find it now. Also watch your overusage of "roar." Shout, yell, and cry are three synonyms that come to mind right away, and a thesaurus will have even more.

    I just reread the chapter and realized you use "bellow" a lot too. For some reason that doesn't bother me as much as "roar," but it's probably because the people aren't the ones bellowing. Weird.

    Anyway, good chapter, and I hope to read more.

  13. #13
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default Apocalypse Rising

    I'm not going to comment on spelling/grammar because heck, I'm not that good at it.

    So I'll comment on the actual chapter plot. Very fast paced, lots of things happening at once. It was captured well though, and u managed to actually incorperate action and explanation into one, which is pretty cool

    Lots of description for the creatures, perhaps a little more description for action scenes. For some reason, I'm not a fan of the word "suddenly" in descriptions. But it works okay here.

    ^.^ I like the prophecy - although I dont agree with it due to my own beliefs - as a fiction, it works well and is rather interesting.

    ^.^ Anyhoo cya l8r

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    Unown S Award (2009) for Smile
    2009 Silver Pencils:
    Best Poem (All I Can Say About You) | Best Plot Twist (Full Moon) | Best Contributor | Queen of Fanfic | TPM Addict

    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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