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Thread: Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

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  1. #1
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Alright then. We'll play by your rules, my stage. I would tell Syb to ref, but I've been overworking him and I think I should give him a break. :/

    2 vs. 2
    4 day DQ
    I'll send first
    You attack first
    2 moves per round
    Stage: Le Restaurante de La Boite, WITH UPDATED SECURITY GUARDS.

    Le Restaurante de La Boite, a very classy yet still casual buffet/restaurant on the 40th floor of the ASB Tower. A bit of background of the restaurant: this place serves food from everywhere around the world. Crossants from France, DimSum from China, Sushi from Japan, Salsa from Mexico, Hamburgers from America, Pizza from Italy, you name it, they have it. This characteristic really has no purpose (almost) on the battle at all. (It is only affected according to the Ref's preference of food. ) (Beware of the Escargot... it's a bit... hot... and the sushi may occasionally shoot Ink Cannonballs at you)
    The battle will commence on a 50 ft. by 50 ft. clearing in the center of the restaurant. Too small, you say? You've got that right. Most of these battles will be taking part OUTSIDE of this small battling area, so prepare for some unexpect occurances. Surrounded on three sides of the battlefield are the customers, either watching or eating. The last side is the buffet.
    The Customers. The customers were warned ahead of time that there will be a battle and there might be some unplanned occurances. HOWEVER, that does NOT mean they will not retaliate with their own Pokemon, their canes, or *dum dum dum* their LAWYERS. (Le Restaurante de La Boite does not take any responsibility for damage done to the customers. The trainers dealing the damage is responsible for all injury and damage to property done to the customers, and therefore must pay for them himself/herself.)
    The Food. Yes, I've described a lot of it. A pokemon can recover as much as 5% of its health buy eating the food but no more. *a cook quickly runs out and whispers Engi something* The cook says that no Snorlaxes may be used. They will eat up the whole stage and the cooks really don't like that... Other then that... don't slip on any spilled soup!
    NEW UPDATE: 1. We've moved! We're now high up on the ASB Tower, so if you get knocked out the window, that would be bad! 2. Security Guards. If at any time a pokemon cause WAY too much damage, these Security guards WILL take out their pokemon and take that pokemon away; THIS COUNTS AS A KO. A few spills in the food and maybe some damage to a bit of property is expected; the whole obliteration of the restaurant is NOT. This is your one and only warning to those who enjoy destroying stages.

    I will take out a crowd favorite for this stage. Go XiaoHuDie!! (Female Butterfree)
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  2. #2
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    I'll ref. *whips out mad reffing skillz penguin* I'm ready. =D!

  3. #3
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    - Smirks a little and merely tosses a simple greatball..rolling over the ground for a few moments, before in a flash of white light--A scyther appears! -

    Scyther: Male
    Nick: Style

    "Style, lets start this round off right--use your Razor Wind to injure that butterfree's fragile insectoid wings! Then finish the round with Agility to confuse and evade its attacks..and to boost your speed!"

  4. #4
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    XiaoHuDie? Fragile? I think not.

    HuDie (FYI Xiao in chinese is a last name, therefore I call XiaoHuDie by her "first" name when saying "HuDie"), Use Teleport to teleport right behind that Scyther and use Stun Spore before in can use Agility!

    Teleport, Stun Spore
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  5. #5
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Eh, sub ref time. Just sub, remember. And I don't do this often. I would write a fancy intro thingy, but I think Vap should. Not the sub-ref's job, y'know? Plus I'm lazy.

    -----~=Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul-Round 1=~-----

    ---~=Arena-Rather busy at lunch hour, other than that normal=~---

    ---~=Style-M Scyther-100%-Fine=~---
    -~=Razor Wind, Agility=~-

    ---~=XiaoHuDie-F Butterfly-100%-Fine=~---
    -~=Teleport(behind Scyther), Stun Spore=~-

    Style ducked down for a second with its eyes closed and then kicked off the ground with his right foot, stepping forwards quickly. He swung both his scythes in the same direction too fast for the eye to see, disturbing the still air in the restaurant. A harsh, biting gust shot through the room, causing several customers to complain. In fact, a few pieces of food were tugged off the closer tables and launched across the room.

    However, the only thing that was meant to be affected, wasn't. Nothing was in the middle of the emptied arena, to recieve the worst part of the blow. Scyther glanced around before deciding that he shouldn't stand still for much longer.

    His hunch was right. A cloud of fine dust began falling from above and settling on the larger bug's head. The Scyther didn't need to look to know that a large purple bug was gently floating above him.

    And he wasn't going to stick around. He concentrated energy and ran, moving at speeds not normally possible for any Pokemon whatsoever.

    But there was nowhere to go! Too many obstacles blocked the edges of the cleared-out square, and from the looks he was already getting, Style didn't want to try charging through them. He began dashing around the edges of the floor to keep away from the potent powders.(no, not the illegal kind...)

    He didn't get far, though. His legs siezed up as he ran, making him fall and slide across the hardwood floor. He tried to dig his arms in to the ground to stop, but he was quickly losing strength in those also. So he just did his best and tried to slow down faster. He closed his eyes and eventually skidded to a halt at the very edge of the tables, a foot or so from a group of customers. He opened his eyes and realized he could somewhat move for the moment, so he shakily got to his feet and turned to face his opponent.

    -----~=End Round 1=~-----

    ---~=Arena-Somewhat annoyed customers-Paralyzing powder coating the inner battle area-Some food displaced=~---

    ---~=Style-M Scyther-95%-Slight rug burn, paralyzed, very slightly tired=~---

    ---~=XiaoHuDie-F Butterfree-100%-Slightly tired=~---

  6. #6
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    dude, it was a freakin day. I was about to ref this now. lol

  7. #7
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    All right what can we do here, HuDie? Hmmm....

    He's paralyzed, correct? Then we might as well take advantage of this! Use Sweet Scent to lure him into a sense of... "sweetness" is a good way to put it . Then when he least expects it, use Psychic to blast the Scyther out of the window.

    Don't worry, a window is easy to replace.

    Sweet Scent, Psychic
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  8. #8
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    "Lets hope the agility will earlier will make you a little less slugish..Start off by using Swagger to confuse your opponent! Now, do your master proud with a Return!"

  9. #9

    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    EngiMatikl versus DittoMaster
    Butterfree(XiaoHuDie) versus Scyther(Style)

    Round 2!

    Butterfree: 100% Slightly Tired
    ~Sweet Scent~Psychic~
    Scyther: 95% Paralyzed, Slight Burn and Fatigue

    What a great time for a battle, the sweet smell of things breaking and utter chaos is in the air. As people dive under tables and throw food about all the manager can do is look on and prepare for all the lovely fan mail and law suits. =D In the catastrophe that once was a four star restaurant, lie two trainers and their pokemon. Scyther’s wings are fluttering as fast as they can to try to get off some of the powder displaced by Butterfree. His scythes aren’t moving too freely and his torso is in pain. The burns inflicted are getting worse due to his paralysis but he’s sucking it up. He jumps on the table, making complete eye contact with HuDie. He points a scythe directly at her, while having a gleam in his eye. He turns toward his trainer with a gleam in his eye. It was like he was telling him that he was going to beat that Butterfree, no matter what. Ditto Master smiles back and glares at Engi. HuDie is over by a table munching on some poor customers food. She turns and flutters merrily around awaiting the ongoing battle. She cheerfully nudges Engi on the cheek and flies back into battle. She rests upon a turned over chair, giving Style one last glance before they resume battle………

    “Butterfree, use some of your feminine skillz with your sweet aroma. Waft some Sweet Scent towards Style and lure him into your range,” commands EngiMatikl. “You might be a bit paralyzed but you can still win this, confuse that Butterfree with your Swagger attack Style!” shouts Ditto Master. The pokemon quickly glance at each other before rising into the air. “Each light is $27.50!” shrieks the restaurant manager. Scyther, engulfed in pride, races towards Butterfree at insane speeds. He’s moving so fast she’s having a hard time keeping track of where he is going. She searches around the open area, but to no avail she can’t find him! Butterfree then concentrates very deeply, trying to find out where he is coming from. She notices her wings feel a slight breeze from the left every few seconds. She then pauses in air and waits for a pattern. She then emits a slow and steady sweet aroma that no pokemon could resist. She uses it off to her left a little, into the slight breeze. Slowly Style starts to smell the scent and begins to slow down a bit, following the scent carefully. Butterfree now notices his presence and focuses in that direction. “Snap out of it Style!” exclaims Ditto Master. Upon hearing these words, Scyther realizes what is going on and quickly breaks the spell of the scent. Scyther quickly flys back and forth extremely fast, Butterfree cannot help but be hypnotized by this whizzing of dizziness. She follows until her eyes strain from normal vision. Dazed she lands on a nearby table, trying to regain herself and trying to stop the room from spinning. @_@ Scyther slowly stops, trying to shake off the dizziness of his own….

    “Get him where it hurts HuDie, Psychic,” says Engi. “Nail as hard as you can Style, use your Return attack,” states Ditto Master. The pokemon give each other a glare and take flight once more. The hungry patrons of the restaurant wait impatiently for the battle to end so they can get some food and get out of there. The security guards are holding down the fort though, not letting anyone in or out, threatening anyone who tries a strip search. ;) Anywho, Butterfree, who is still a little dizzy from the last volley of attacks, flys high into the air. She frantically searches from something to use as an object to throw at Style; because he is moving so fast she’s having trouble concentrated her powers onto him directly. She finds a large table, probably seating for 16, and focuses on it. She strains her brain to keep control of this heavy object and looks for Style. She uses his breeze to find where he is again, and heaves the table. Style tried to get away but got nailed with it, directly on his wing and left lower body. He turns towards Ditto Master looking for confidence. “You can pull through this, I know it,” says Ditto Master. Style frantically tries to wedge himself free from the enormous table and manages to get out. Even though he is hurt badly, he courageously flies straight into HuDie, causing massive damage and knocked all the way to the back of the restaurant. Hurt, but swelling with pride, Style triumphantly looks at his owner, signaling a job well done. Hudie gets up and struggles to fly back to her table. She looks hurt, not in her body though, in her spirit…..

    Butterfree: 79% Still Dizzy, Pride Hurt, Quite tired
    Scyther: 82% Still Paralyzed, Energetic, Very Sore
    Arena: Food everywhere, tables and chairs thrown about, hungry customers, very anger manager.

    Haven’t reffed in a while. ^^

  10. #10
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    "Style--lets try to regain some of your strength and keep this willy Butterfree on its toes..dart to the kitchen and grab a bite to eat. Afterwards, fend Butterfree off with a well place Slash!

  11. #11
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Hmmm.... Well Vap, I would first like to announce that I'M the manager of this place... that over there is just the master chef... he always complains, ignore him...

    Nobody eats in my restaurant if they insult my Butterfree like that! If they want to play it that way, then let's show them, HuDie! Recollect some of your previous victories that we've had; you're not a crowd favorite of this restaurant for nothing! Then show him what happens if you eat the food around here without our permission! Sleep Powder on the food he's eating!! Maybe he'll be too content to realize it has powder on it...

    Recollect Memories (sorta like Focus Energy, only without the pump up part) (this should be short, BTW... shouldn't take more than a couple seconds), Sleep Powder on Scyther's food

    *tells customers to goto the darn buffet if they're hungry*
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  12. #12

    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Recollect memories is what now?

  13. #13
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    eeer... the command was for Butterfree to just remember its good days so it could recover from her loss in pride... its kinda like an action, just like "got get some food" or "hide behind a table..."

    But then again, it IS confusing.

    HuDie, just Sleep Powder Scyther's food, then use Nightmare if the Sleep Powder worked or Double Team if it didn't.

    Sleep Powder, Nightmare/Double Team
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  14. #14
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Grrrr....

    *kicks Vap out of the Restaurant... thru the window * You're fired!!!

    *puts on a hat and goes outside* Pardon me, Imma gonna go refa huntin'.
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  15. #15
    Hates You Master Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    I just happen to be a free-lance ref....


    Butterfree: 79% Still Dizzy, Pride Hurt, Quite tired
    Scyther: 82% Still Paralyzed, Energetic, Very Sore

    Recollect Memories~Sleep Powder~Nightmare
    SUBS: Double Team over Nightmare
    Eat Food~Eat Food~Slash

    Butter free remembers the good ol' days, its victories, the awards, ah...the good ol' days.

    Meanwhile Scyther goes on a binge. Gobbling up food like a mad-pokeman. Nothing is too hot or too nasty for this bug. The chefs are outraged by this glutton...their precious creations...

    Meanwhile, Butterfree sprinkle a little something special on a food tray. She rolls it towards Scyther.

    Scyther looks intrigued. Such a tasty dish! He gobbles it up...only to feel a little...tir...ed...

    He passes out, and Xiao-whatever plants a horrid dream in Scyther's mind. He shivers in sleep as it unfolds.

    end Round Three.



    Butter Free 79% Low Fatigue No longer paralyzed. Confidence regained.

    Scyther 95% Little Fatigue Sleeping (two turns left) Having nightmares (will regain no HP or energy while sleeping). No longer dizzy.

    Other Info

    The Kitchen is cleaned out. Any pokemon who enters there will be attacked by cleaver-wielding chefs (low-good damage).

    The customers have stopped eating their food. They don't seem to trust Butterfree...

  16. #16
    Hates You Master Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Engmatikul, it is your move, I believe.

    You have until 1/27 to post attacks.

  17. #17
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Raz just for future info... We're doing a 2 move battle. So we're only using two moves per turn.

    Stun Spore and Toxic HuDie!
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  18. #18
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    "Style..things may look grim, but this game is far from over! Hear your orders, attack with two Sleep Talks! Hopefully you'll be still in goodshape when you awaken."

  19. #19
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Gosh Darnit what's with Refs these days?!?!?

    *goes to try and get Firebeast to ref*
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  20. #20
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Raz is sick, he ref in 2 to 3 days.

  21. #21
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)



    Butter Free 79% Low Fatigue No longer paralyzed. Confidence regained.

    Scyther 95% Little Fatigue Sleeping (two turns left) Having nightmares (will regain no HP or energy while sleeping). No longer dizzy.

    Other Info

    The Kitchen is cleaned out. Any pokemon who enters there will be attacked by cleaver-wielding chefs (low-good damage).

    The customers have stopped eating their food. They don't seem to trust Butterfree...

    ROUND 4, FIGHT!...I mean...BEGIN!!

    Butterfree - Stun Spore, Toxic
    Scyther - Sleep Talk x2

    "Ladies and gentlemen, this battle is eating up*scarf chomp chew*Ish now round fo'a, and theesh battlersh are*gulp* really giving it their all! The customers, however, don't trust their food anymore...

    Anyway, the battlers go in fighting...well, Butterfree does. Scyther just kinda sits there, as he is asleep. Since Scyther is asleep, his metabolism is too slow, causing the massive amounts of nerve-powder to simply pass right through Scythers system. The mantis stands to his feet and snarls, snapping his jaws and swiping the air, cutting a ham in half as he swings blindly, missing Butterfree totally. HuDie then spits up a glob of toxic, Scyther once again ignoring the goo as he is already asleep. Style yawns once more, and tries with all his might to Leer, but only manages to lower the guard of a customer, which he soon notices as his eyes open, and he lets out a yawn. The security guards whisper to one another, suspecting Scyhter of crimes, and keep careful watch...

    Butterfree - 79%, low fatigue. Annoyed, confident
    Scyther - 95%, slight fatigue, awake.

  22. #22
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    DM and me have requested a re-ref of this round... no offense TMM, but first of all a Toxic hitting a pokemon even when its asleep should at least do SOMETHING, and Sleep Talk isn't as inaccurate as you had portrayed it to be.
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  23. #23
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    All right, I'm reffing this round... But I'm not quite sure if I'm sticking around. Box disappeared right before I asked. *shrugs*

    ---~=Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul - Round IV=~---

    --~=XiaoHuDie-F Butterfree-79%-Slightly tired=~--
    -~=Stun Spore, Toxic=~-

    --~=Style-M Scyther-95%-Slightly tired, sleeping, having a nightmare=~--
    -~=Sleep Talk, Sleep Talk=~-

    --~=Le Restaurante de La Boite-Empty kitchen, chefs angry, customers edgy and no longer eating=~--

    XiaoHuDie floats quickly over Style and glances down at her prey, almost wishing she could smile. So helpless... She bats her wings and another of her special powders rains down silently on the larger insect as he trembles slightly. But suddenly, his mouth opens and begins moving as he mumbles a certain phrase. The green form blurs and then splits, becoming clear again as three seperate prone bodies.

    The butterfly, however, is undaunted. She glares downwards carefully before making a decision. Wishing once again she could be smirking, she lobs a fluctuating ball of liquid at the rightmost Scyther. She tries to laugh as the globule hits the solid skin, making a swirling splatter of purple and neon green that festers and appears generally unhealthy. However, her celebration is short-lived as a burst of small energy forms strikes her body before she can move. She groans slightly as she steadies her flight and glares at the now-stirring insects beneath. No matter how much she wills, they continue to regain consciousness.

    ---~=Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul-End Round IV=~---

    --~=XiaoHuDie-F Butterfree-69%-Slightly tired=~--

    --~=Style-M Scyther-93%-Slightly tired, waking up, two clones, having a nightmare, paralyzed, badly poisoned=~--

    --~=Le Restaurante de La Boite-Empty kitchen, chefs angry, customers edgy and no longer eating=~--

    EDIT: Forgot to put the DT clones in

  24. #24
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    "Style, that may not have been a very nice round for you..but we shall persevere! Lets shake of a little of this paralysis and jet behind that unsuspecting Butterfree with an Agility! Then, show your opponent just how lethal you can be, Double-Edge!"

  25. #25
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Once again he goes off and tries to waste his energy in daunting you with some speed. Hah, that won't work with Butterfree around. Sweet Scent! Then yes, let's see exactly how lethal that Scyther can be. Harden!

    Sweet Scent, Harden
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  26. #26
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    ---~=Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul - Round V=~---

    --~=XiaoHuDie-F Butterfree-69%-Slightly tired=~--
    -~=Sweet Scent, Harden=~-

    --~=Style-M Scyther-93%-Slightly tired, waking up, two clones, having a nightmare, paralyzed, badly poisoned=~--
    -~=Agility, Double Edge=~-

    --~=Le Restaurante de La Boite-Empty buffet, chefs angry, customers edgy and no longer eating=~--

    Style's eye flashes open and then he slowly climbs to his feet, fighting his various status ailments. He tries to run at high speeds, but his muscles begin spasming and he gives up on dashing for now. Meanwhile, XiaoHuDie releases a powder so small it cannot be seen. The Scyther inhales a bit and his abilities are decreased even more... How many more status effects can he take?

    Though, he's not done yet. A fact which is made evident by his suddenly pushing himself forwards. He slowly raises a scythe and prepares for a very strong sweep. Instead of dodging, the butterfly just hardens her skin and sits there waiting for the blow. However, she seems to have underestimated the other Pokemon's strength, and her own lack thereof. The heavy-handed strike penetrates the weak defensive manuever and knocks the bug in to the ground, though it doesn't cut through any skin. The green insect stands there semi-triumphantly, feeling the poison sapping away his strength.

    ---~=Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul-End Round V=~---

    --~=XiaoHuDie-F Butterfree-49%-Slightly tired, bruised=~--

    --~=Style-M Scyther-80%-Slightly tired, two clones, somewhat paralyzed, badly poisoned=~--

    --~=Le Restaurante de La Boite-Empty kitchen, chefs angry, customers edgy and no longer eating=~--

  27. #27
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Hum yes, we did underestimate him a bit, didn't we? Alas, we should be more careful from now on.

    Ok then, be more careful we shall! Swift to get rid of those clones! Then, oh I don't know, what's a good move... Psybeam will have to do for now.

    Swift, Psybeam

    Hey Chefs! 50% increase in your salaries!!
    *Chefs cheer and stop being angry and go back to their work*
    Waiters, show the most anxious customers to the back room! Geez, didn't they read the warning signs I posted outside? -_-;;
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  28. #28
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    "Style, lets put that cocky Butterfree in the same boat with your own Toxic! Psybeam isn't a bad attack, but ours will certainly outmatch it, Hyper Beam!"

  29. #29
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Beam attacks? C'mon, both of you should have known better. =P

    ---~=Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul-Begin Round VI=~---

    --~=XiaoHuDie-F Butterfree-49%-Slightly tired, bruised=~--
    -~=Swift, Psybeam=~-

    --~=Style-M Scyther-80%-Slightly tired, two clones, somewhat paralyzed, badly poisoned=~--
    -~=Toxic, Hyper Beam=~-

    --~=Le Restaurante de La Boite-Empty kitchen, chefs angry, customers edgy and no longer eating=~--

    As Style stands there, his right blade begins glowing faintly and then dripping with a strange green substance. He takes a stance and raises his arm, then swings his scythe suddenly. Several globules of this goo fly off and hurtle through the air towards XiaoHu. Undaunted, the butterfly merely flaps its wings, launching several shapes of energy, small stars shooting outwards. The projectiles loop through the cluster of acid, curving slightly to splatter the less solid attack in mid-air. Some of them strong enough to continue, they jab in to Scyther's skin as his leg siezes up and he is unable to evade.

    Once again gloating, the more delicate insect begins to charge up psychic energy. The overflowing power is funneled in between the antennae, then compressed in to a small, potent sphere. It suddenly expands and fires off in the form of a beam, shooting outwards swirling violet and mauve. Not to be outdone this time, the green bug quickly charges non-elemental energy in its mouth and fires off a similair, white blast. The two collide quickly and form a large blast radius, then halt, struggling to overcome eachother. At first, the larger Hyper Beam is winning, but then the Butterfree ignores its near-exhaustion and funnels even more energy in to its attack. The two eventually combine in to a large swirling sphere, which expands slowly. The two Pokemon and the customers are smart enough to back off, but several tables, and bits of the floor and ceiling, aren't so lucky. When the attack finally dissipates, the 50 square foot arena is basically shredded, along with its opposite above. Wood chips are scattered everywhere, including a small one which happened to fly through XiaoHu's wing, leaving a rough three-inch hole. Though fine for now, her flight speed has been lowered. Several men dressed suspiciously like the agents from The Matrix appear, but do not do anything just yet. However, they watch very closely for any more damage.

    ---~=Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul-End Round VI=~---

    --~=XiaoHuDie-F Butterfree-45%-Tired, bruised, hole in wing=~--

    --~=Style-M Scyther-65%-Tired, badly poisoned=~--

    --~=Le Restaurante de La Boite-Security guards watching, plenty of damage all over, customers fled=~--

  30. #30
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Nothing really wrong with your reffing, but I seriously think a Hyper beam takes out a lot more energy and fatigue than a Psybeam, yet our fatigue levels are equal...
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  31. #31
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    The way I see it, the more powerful an energy attack, the more energy it takes. Would you prefer if Scyther were more tired, but Hyper Beam had blasted Butterfree? Sure, Hyper Beam is generally larger, but I think Psybeam is a bit more concentrated. If you really want, I can change it.

  32. #32
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Ah I see, it was a quick Hyper Beam... sorta like a eer... "normal" beam. Ok I got it.

    Alright XiaoHuDie, let's wait to see what DM has in store for us.
    *both wait patiently despite the chaos of the restaurant*
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  33. #33
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    "Style, quickly..use Double-Team to create several duplicate images of yourself, and then lets mix it up even more with a Quick Attack! Hard to pin an attack on a pokemon that's moving that quickly, eh? You may be mostly on defense, but its better than being nailed by that Butterfree..don't underestimate it, pal!"

  34. #34
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Nice... XiaoHuDie's mobility is limited, and you try to use that to your advantage. However, don't think this will make life easier for you...

    While he's using Double Team, why don't you go for a Sweet Scent? That should slow him down quite a bit when he tries to execute Quick Attack. If Sweet Scent doesn't stop him, Sleep Powder all around you; even if it is a quick attack, it should still be a "slower" quick attack, and therefore you should be able to release your powders before he can attack you. If Sweet Scent succeeds in luring Scyther out of an attack, use Swift to get rid of those clones.

    Sweet Scent, Sleep Powder/Swift
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  35. #35
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    ---~=Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul-Begin Round VII=~---

    --~=XiaoHuDie-F Butterfree-45%-Tired, bruised, hole in wing=~--
    -~=Sweet Scent, Sleep Powder/Swift(if Sweet Scent works)=~-

    --~=Style-M Scyther-65%-Tired, badly poisoned=~--
    -~=Double Team, Quick Attack=~-

    --~=Le Restaurante de La Boite-Security guards watching, plenty of damage all over, customers fled=~--

    Style stands calmly and then becomes blurry from an illusion, slowly beginning to split apart. XiaoHu, being a very experienced Pokemon, knows better than to be surprised and sits there calmly. Once four seperate Scyther are, or seem to be, standing before her, she releases another of her special powders in to the air. Rather than concentrating it on one Pokemon and have a twenty-five percent chance, she flaps her wings gently and spreads it to that entire side of the room. All of the green figures relaxed, but they didn't appear to lose too much concentration.

    Then they kick off the ground, and are gone. Once again, the butterfly estimates her chances and decides against the normal approach. Instead of trying to track her attackers, she forms a cloud of yellowish dust around her and sits in the center of her trap. The other insects come in to focus around her and lunge, extending their elbows to strike. Flying through the powder, they collide with her, one jabbing her quickly while the others just continue on to the other side. However, they all land in different corners of the room and stumble to the ground, snoring lightly.

    ---~=Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul-End Round VII=~---

    --~=XiaoHuDie-F Butterfree-35%-Rather tired, bruised, hole in wing=~--

    --~=Style-M Scyther-59%-Quite tired, asleep, three clones, badly poisoned=~--

    --~=Le Restaurante de La Boite-Security guards watching, plenty of damage all over, customers fled=~--

  36. #36
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Hmmm...

    Well, Scyther currently has a bunch of clones, so why bother targetting it right now? Hmmm...

    Alright Butterfree, why don't you munch on some leftover snacks to regain some of your health... I'm sure you'll feel a bit better after that. Then, clones we have to worry about, eh? Don't bother wasting your energy, just send some weak swift stars after all the Scythers. Make them so light that it won't even disturb his afternoon slumber, but enough to get rid of the clones.

    Eat some food and Recover health, Swift (weak) on all
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  37. #37
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Style, if my eyes didn't decieve me, you're just in a lite slumber..well, what else is there to do? Sleep Talk! Hopefully your movements during sleep will rouse you from this untimely slumber! If it does indeed wake you up, take advantage of its weakness with a Razor Wind. In the event it doesn't, simply use another Sleep Talk.

    Sleep Talk ~ Razor Wind/Sleep Talk

  38. #38
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    ---~=Ditto Master vs EngiMatikul-Begin Round VIII=~---

    --~=XiaoHuDie-F Butterfree-35%-Rather tired, bruised, hole in wing=~--
    -~=Eat Food, Swift(all)=~-

    --~=Style-M Scyther-59%-Quite tired, asleep, three clones, badly poisoned=~--
    -~=Sleep Talk, Razor Wind/Sleep Talk(if still asleep)=~-

    --~=Le Restaurante de La Boite-Security guards watching, plenty of damage all over, customers fled=~--

    XiaoHu glances around, and then makes a realization... There's not actually that much food left. What the customers were eating has been knocked to the floor for the most part in the chaos and energy blasts. Still, she floats around grabbing stray chunks of the delicious food and popping them in her mouth. While doing this, she fails to notice the still-sleeping Scyther rising to their feet. They raise their scythes in unison and... Begin tapdancing. Performing the first three minutes of Riverdance together, their feet bang against the weakened floor repeatedly. This quickly alerts the butterfly, who... Begins watching. She slowly floats to the top of a nearby table and watches intently while nibbling on some popcorn(the restaurant really DOES serve everything...). However, the stress is too much, and the ground gives out beneath them. All the Pokemon fall to the level below, but aren't badly hurt. The clones, obviously, are gone now, so the two solid insects climb to their feet and brush the dust off their backs.

    Also obviously, Style was awoken by this interesting turn of events. He raises his scythes again, but rather than erupting in to song and dance without the song, he swings his arms as hard as he can and brings up another fierce breeze. Sweeping through the bits of plaster, the winds pull on and tatter XiaoHu's wings more than they were before. Getting rather angry now, the purple bug flaps her wings and launches out a series of energy shapes concentrated in to five-pronged yellow stars. Ignoring the trainer's specific orders of course, they all seek out and jab in to the sole green insect's exoskeleton. Crying out in pain, Style regains his calm quickly and prepares for the next round.

    Ditto Master vs EngiMatikul-End Round VIII

    --~=XiaoHuDie-F Butterfree-30%-Very tired, angry, bruised, hole in wing, edges of wings frayed=~--

    --~=Style-M Scyther-40%-Very tired, badly poisoned=~--

    --~=Le Restaurante de La Boite-Huge gaping hole in floor, Pokemon in unidentified lobby area below, security guards debating whether it's in their job description to jump down and take the battlers out=~--

  39. #39
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    Default Ditto Master vs. EngiMatikul (Will Feed for Ref)

    Commendable effort so far, Style! Lets not idle around and let the Butterfree gain an edge, keep ahead of it's attacks with an Agility! It may be brutal, but Butterfree will recover, take advantage of your speed and the element of surprise and Slash that already tortured wing off, or at least partly!

  40. #40
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Darnit what the heck is with the agilities?

    Argh I'm in trouble now... My restaurant was different, I was to hold responsibility and pay all damages; no one really cared if I destroyed my own restaurant except me.

    However, if I mess with the other ASB rooms... crap. *hopes for the best*

    Anyway... have to make sure nothing gets... too damaged around here...

    Alright HuDie, he's gonna try and wear himself out by using Agility, so enough with the perfume tricks; he's probably catching on to us by now anyway. Instead, while he's running around in circles, protect yourself with a simple Reflect bubble! Then give yourself and your wings a hardening just in case he does get passed your Reflect, so that no major damage nor fatigue will come to you; on the other hand, running and slashing isn't just gonna take away zinch for Scyther...

    Reflect (bubble), Harden
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

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