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Thread: Poll: running a topic on PCG

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  1. #1
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Poll: running a topic on PCG

    I know it must be strange to see a poll posted by me, since my poll posting rate is about 2 a year, but hey, I haven't posted a poll since September, so it's that time of the year when I get to post one.

    So, this poll is about your PCG life.

    ¤ Have you ever run a club or game in PCG? (ACs and CCs count). If so, which one/s? If not, would you like to run one?, and if you would, what kind of club or game would that be?

    ¤ If you answered yes to the first question, was/is running that topic easy or hard for you? If you've run more than one, which one was the hardest and why? Also, how did you get to run that topic/those topics?

    ¤ If you answered no to the first question, how much do you think you would dedicate yourself to a topic if you were running one?

    My answers:

    I've run all the Dragon Tamers topics, 2 tournaments, Pokemon Zoo Adoption Center, the Battle Tower, Pocket Monsters Breeding Center, 2 of the ACs that preceeded Dragon Tamers, 3 versions of the "Who's that Trainer" game, Expedia, and the club known as Charmander Central. Thankfully, I was not alone at any of those topics. It would have been really hard to run them on my own.

    Of all those, Expedia has always been the hardest because we have to keep track of everybody's stories, come up with new ideas all the time and put them into words, and also make sure that we don't contradict each other in the process (and preferrably make the stories good so that the players enjoy them). Still, I love that game and I wish all the workers (including me) could dedicate ourselves more to it.
    The 2nd hardest is the Battle Range, as it involves reading and rating all the battles, writing my own and posting scenarios. But that game is the main reason why I'm still on TPM after all this time and enjoying it much more than the day I joined. Running a tournament would fall in this category too. It's about as hard or as easy as running the Battle Range.
    Charmander Central wasn't very easy either: we had to come up with new plushies and discussion topics, and it was really hard to keep the club active. It finally sunk into prune-land, but it would be nice to see it again.
    Next in the scale of toughness come both Pokemon Zoo topics. The Adoption Center demands making up creative details about the new pokemon, and reffing at the Battle Tower takes some time. But of course I like both things, otherwise I wouldn't be doing it. And I'm really grateful the other workers are active at those topics. "Who's That Trainer" wasn't hard either. It would fall in the same category. Don't be surprised if you see it up again soon.
    Next comes PMBC - handling requests is not that hard and it's fun. Updating the website takes some time but it's fun too.
    Then Dragon Tamers Adoption Center and Reward Center are normally easy to update.

    As for how I got to run those topics, I'll make it brief.
    • Dragon's Guild Adoption Center: I got invited by Scott because of my participation at the Dragon's Guild.
    • Mahogany Town Adoption Center: I got invited by Connor, probably for my experience at the Dragon's Guild AC.
    • All the Dragon Tamers topics: were a consecuence of running the two ACs listed about, which merged with Help for the Shell-Less Adoption Agency to form the Dragon Tamers.
    • Pokemon Zoo topics: invitation by the other workers after coming up with GS mode. Was made a worker at the Battle Tower again in the AIM chat we had when it was re-approved.
    • Pocket Monsters Breeding Center: invitation by Dark Master of the Abyss.
    • Charmander Central: most of the previous workers were inactive and Tara was taking 30 days off her computer, so they chose an active member who happened to be me as a temporary worker. Then they liked my work, so they made my position permanent. Well, for as long as the club lasted anyway...
    • Expedia: invitation by Julina after most of the workers had resigned because she and Tyler liked my posts.
    • Who's that Trainer: I came up with the idea and got QS to approve it.

    Wow, now that I think of it... I've dedicated a lot of time to PCG!

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    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  2. #2
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Poll: running a topic on PCG

    Yep, I've run quite a few Adoption/Capture center games, by either owning or working at them... Let's see.

    I currently co-own the Pokezoo Adoption Center, Pokezoo Battle Tower, Goldenrod Tower, Buena's Radio Show, and Crystal Caves Battle Arena... I work at the Crystal Caves Capture Center. I also owned a semi-successful adoption center back when anyone could make one, but it came in fourth in a vote to see which three adoption centers stayed =(. I don't remember much of it, so I won't comment on it.

    Hmm... from easiest to hardest:

    Pokezoo Adoption Center: This is easy to do because coming up with Pokemon isn't that hard, and there isn't much activity (at least not now, though I didn't feel that way a year and a half ago when I was the only only one working there). I got this job because I used to work at/own it, and then Steve, Amy, and Gabi let me co-own it when we restarted it recently.

    Crystal Caves Battle Arena: So easy because it's so inactive and I hardly have to do anything yet... I work here because I'm friends with Matt, who let me be a co-owner of this part of CC.

    Crystal Caves Capture Center: Not too hard because I like deciding people's fate... And it's often quite funny XD. I work here because Matt and Frank hired me because I'm thier friend.

    Pokezoo Battle Tower: This is a bit annoying because it's so tedious often... And it's damn complicated when people use tons of status-changing things *glances at Steve and Amy*. I own this because Steve, Amy, Gabi, and I restarted it a few months ago.

    Goldenrod Tower: This is really easy except for the Guess This's, which are very annoying when asked for in massive quantities. I own the GT because Quick hired me when he owned it, and then he left, leaving it to the employees.

    Buena's Radio Show: Eh, thinking of questions gets annoying after a while, but it's still fun, and I can earn lots of stamps myself. I own this because Jay hired me, then left, so Frank, Faithless, and I took over as co-owners... Then Faithless quit and Jay came back, so he became the third co-owner.

    And the scariest thing is that I devote more time to playing these games and other Adopted/Captured Pokemon ones, and talking to other people who do on AIM, than I do working at them XD.

  3. #3
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Poll: running a topic on PCG

    Although I didn't own it, I co-worked with Quicksilver when Pokemon Avengers was still up. It was annoying work when I was busy, but rewarding in a sense as I did something good for PCG, my first home on TPM. It's kind of hard to write up new, short stories for the customers, but it really helps my writing skills (for those who don't know, Pokemon Avengers was started up again when Quick moved to the Bulbagarden forums)

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  4. #4

    Default Poll: running a topic on PCG

    -Hehe, yeah. The Guild of Darkness (The original one)
    -Meh, the people died. Makes it kind of hard to maintain something when everyone dies
    -If I had a topic now, I'd probably spend plenty of time maintaining it, since after I've gone through RPG and Fanfic and Mad Blab in here, I don't have much else to do **Shrugs**

  5. #5
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default Poll: running a topic on PCG

    I ran charmander central. It went really well and I really liked it. The plushies were sooo cute! But I forgot how many I collected so I suppose I'll have to start my plushie collection again if it ever starts again. BUt I enjoyed it and it was fun running it with Gabbi. ^_^


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  6. #6
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    Default Poll: running a topic on PCG

    ¤ Have you ever run a club or game in PCG? (ACs and CCs count). If so, which one/s? If not, would you like to run one?, and if you would, what kind of club or game would that be?
    I made a club when the UBB was still open a long time ago, but I don't remember the name. That was when you didn't have to have the clubs approved. Now, I do run Crystal Caves Capture Center. I work at BRS, Battle Tower, and the Crystal Caves Battle Arena.

    ¤ If you answered yes to the first question, was/is running that topic easy or hard for you? If you've run more than one, which one was the hardest and why? Also, how did you get to run that topic/those topics?
    Hmm.. let's see...

    Crystal Caves - It's easy at times but other times it is really hard to maintain it while doing other things in life. Especially when some of the workers don't post a lot..

    BRS - It's really hard to post questions on here. The people in there always rant and rave about not having any questions, but they never seem to stop and think that the workers can't think of any questions...

    Pokezoo Battle Tower - This is really easy and quite fun. All I have to do is go to a site and get the stats, but I can be quite lazy in doing this. Yet, I force myself to do it especially when Gabi gets mad at me for not reffing. ^_^;;

    Crystal Caves Battledome - This is easy and it's hard. I have to read all the battles, but it's not hard to reply to the battles. So far I guess only me and Danny work at the battledome. We are both pretty active sometimes so we keep it alive...

    ¤ If you answered no to the first question, how much do you think you would dedicate yourself to a topic if you were running one?

  7. #7
    The King of Games Elite Trainer
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    Default Poll: running a topic on PCG

    1.) would the Public Beatin' Club count? it wasn't really a club, just something me and bb88 made up and you know the rest.
    2.) if i did start a real club, i would prolly put mucho effort into making it great.

    ~The Italian Stallion
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  8. #8

    Default Poll: running a topic on PCG

    the lyrics game in my arrow pointing down...>^<

    its hard, cause i dont know if people just search it (ex. google) *Its powers can be used for evil...*

    i might give it up soon.......or add music trivia to it....

  9. #9

    Default Poll: running a topic on PCG

    ¤ Have you ever run a club or game in PCG? (ACs and CCs count). If so, which one/s? If not, would you like to run one?, and if you would, what kind of club or game would that be?

    Yeah, I have two I run the Buena Radio Station and the Crystal Caves Capture Center with Matt and Danny. I also had The Acronym Game, but then it died .

    ¤ If you answered yes to the first question, was/is running that topic easy or hard for you? If you've run more than one, which one was the hardest and why? Also, how did you get to run that topic/those topics?

    Kinda. For BRS, the question bag begins to run out :/. And CCCC, inspiration to write runs dry sometimes :/. And for BRS, I became a worker when Jay hired me, and then Jay disappeared. Then Danny and I aquired ownership . And for CCCC, I wrote a better flavor text thing to replace Matt's one paragraph and Matt gave me co-ownership .

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  10. #10
    Master Trainer
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    Default Poll: running a topic on PCG

    ¤Have you ever run a club or game in PCG? (ACs and CCs count). If so, which one/s? If not, would you like to run one?, and if you would, what kind of club or game would that be?

    I own the Goldenrod Tower along with AoD, am working at Expedia and was a former worker at Buena's Radio Show. I created the game "The Definition Game" which was quite popular at first but now I think it began its demise. I got all sorts of ideas for games but you won't approve them I'll get there eventually hehe. I've never ran a club before - I don't think I'd want to. 1> It would probably die pretty quickly and 2> I don't really have a topic or scene to base the club on that I enjoy very much

    As for the games I've kinda gone stalemate but soon I will hopefully think of a different one to replace The Definition Game's inactiveness hopefully. There really isn't a decent place for me to work if I supposedly get fired from all of these jobs now. I thought writing was my thing but I was runner-up in the Expedia workers application which diminished my dream of possibly writing. 3rd out of 4th is probably not something to be happy about for me. So yes, writing isn't my thing. I'm creative (I think) so I don't mind working at Expedia, but at a capture center or the battle range/battle tower I probably wouldn't be that good at working there. That leaves only the adoption centers/reward center and some of the minor games run by one person. The adoption center's and the reward center are inactive enough to be able to have few workers and still keep it going, and the minor games run by one person is obvious

    I'm very happy with the places I currently work at now. That is all that matters

    ¤ If you answered yes to the first question, was/is running that topic easy or hard for you? If you've run more than one, which one was the hardest and why? Also, how did you get to run that topic/those topics?

    With the Definition Game it sort of ran on its own since it was a flow in with reply-by-reply basic sort of thing. So I didn't really need to do much. This was the first game idea that was approved... and that I've ever submitted (not including Pokemon Hangman). I was ecstatic to see that happen, and even more ecstatic to see it was run well while it lasted

    The Goldenrod Tower was a bit hard at first because too many people asked for GTs (I found it amazing I could do 10 at a time for EACH person) but then I had to lay the rule down on that. Mystery Gifts, Grabber Games and Scratchcards are easy to do. I quite like enjoy working there. The work-load isn't that heavy and is pretty good for me to occupy time. I got the job as a worker when Quicksilver62160 was accepting workers back in the day, I sent my application in and I was accepted. At the time there were a lot of people at the tower so I didn't really think I'd be a worker there but I did. This is where my reign of working at games started because if I didn't work here then I wouldn't have been working at the other games today most likely due to my unpopularness (that a word? hmm). When the ezboard went down and we were back here Quicksilver was accepting workers again, all but one of the former workers retained their jobs. After Quicksilver left along with Pokemon Avengers, AoD decided to get it up and running again. So his hiring of me was sort of invitational as he could have asked for workers. Steve was also invited by AoD to work there but unfortunately he hasn't done anything, as well as with his other games. So it's just me and AoD I guess. That's fine because we're handling it fine without him as the tower is becoming a little more dead nowadays

    I haven't really had much of a chance to work at Expedia. I've only done 2 updates and they were for you. Real life things can become pretty hectic and that needs to take priority first unfortunately. The fact that I don't have a chat program (just yet) makes it hard to think of ideas to reply to certain people on my own. Hmm, I don't really remember how I got the position. I think Gabi might have invited me to work there, but I may have been referred to her by Juliana or Tyler. I was still an active player at the time so I guess that's why they hired me. The game has become a lot more dead nowadays like the GT but we still have our hands full with updating, which is nice to see I guess (that it isn't fully dead, that is)

    Buena's Radio Show was probably the hardest out of all of them. It got me stressed at times, pulling my hair out thinking of questions was becoming a little too much for me. The fact that they proposed the idea of a new worker without my permission was another reason that ended my reign of working there. I could go on and on but I won't. Thinking of questions (especially hard ones) was becoming too difficult and I ran out of questions quickly, so I thought of a new idea for questions that later frank said he hated. I thought it was a nice and "fun"(?) idea that would make the tower a little less boring but obviously I get screamed at. I guess it was fun working there while it lasted. I obtained the job by asking. There were alot of workers at the time but Jay said I could work there but if they didn't need me then I was off. One of the workers decided to become inactive (forget who) and Jay also left so it was left in the hands of me, AoD and Frank. Then Link 10 replaced my spot a little after my resignation

    God damn long reply lol. I guess I get carried away in interesting PCG-related topics like this hmm

    edit: forgot to say how I obtained the jobs

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Default Poll: running a topic on PCG

    Are you sure this is just a poll? Or are you scouting out potential employees? ^_^

    ¤ Have you ever run a club or game in PCG? (ACs and CCs count). If so, which one/s? If not, would you like to run one?, and if you would, what kind of club or game would that be?

    I've never run a club or game, though I play many of them. I would really like to work at or run one, though. My first choice would probably be Expedia, since I love GMing and stuff.

    ¤ If you answered no to the first question, how much do you think you would dedicate yourself to a topic if you were running one?

    Oh, I would dedicate myself, all right. Since I know how annoying it is to be waiting for days for a reply (No offense, owners), I would try to be as prompt as possible. Lately, I've been getting less into ASB and more into PCG, and owning a game would definitely make me be here more!

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