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Thread: The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

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  1. #1

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    Alright then, lets get this thing movin'.

    There is a rhyme, from the old days of the planet Damias, which tells of the beginning of the War of Shadow, though it comes from the Book of Light, which was seized by the Shadow Lord's forces and partially burned at the beginning of the War, so it is incomplete.:

    Crystal of Fear,
    Forged as steel,
    In the fires of chaos,
    No one could blame us,
    For the Shadow Lord wrought,
    From fire and dark brought,
    And struck the blow,
    And began the War of Shadow.

    All we know of the Shadow Lord comes from small, mostly burned passages of the Book of Light. He was once a man, tall and handsome, he was very strong and seemed very innocent. But one day, he found a book with a black cover and gold lettering on it, in a tongue he could not understand. He touched the rusted lock on the cover and jerked his hand back as it crumbled, he opened to the first page, and black and red energy flowed from the book into his eyes. The energy turned his eyes to swirling pools of black and red, and he could control that same energy that went into him, he later found out. He donned a hooded robe and cloak and set out on a long journey to find something, what it was, he didn't know, but he was drawn to it. He later became the Shadow Lord, and had a great span of life, and a great amount of power, and he soon sent his evil forces of undead and dark creatures from the deepest caves and forests of the planet. He had also corrupted many of the fairer races, such as man. He struck fear into all, and killed many. He also travelled with his forces across the land, there is now only one place of refuge, after nine-hundred and thirty-seven years, in the year 1601, that place of refuge is still in exsistance, it is a great wall built in front of the White Mountains, and thought to be impenatrable, but the Dark forces are ever fighting, and never tire. There are rumors that the Shadow Lord was killed in the Battle of Mount Sirran, after being struck in the neck by an arrow, which was shot by Captain Gabriel McRaven of the Mountain Gaurd. Most people still believe he is alive, or the Dark forces would cease to fight, or exsist. There is a black and red crystal that the Shadow Lord possesses, with it he can see the entire planet, and with it he collects the souls of many, and with that crystal, he also draws power.

    The Crystal of Shadow must be destroyed in order for the Shadow Lord's power to be destroyed, and the Book of Darkness must be erased from exsistance by the acid rivers of Underworld, the strongest fortress the Shadow Lord possesses, other than the large, dark tower he dwells in.

    Your choice of character:
    You may either be an undead warrior, a Phantom Warrior (The Elite forces of the Shadow Lord), or a Warrior for the side of good, you may also be an inbetweener, someone who has no true side.

    Forces of the Shadow Lord:
    Name: (Must sound crude and evil, not common or goofy)
    Age: (Unless undead, put an age, which must be over 100 years, but under 500 years)
    Description: (Unless undead, which look, well...dead. Phantom Warriors all wear the Dark Armor which was crafted by the Shadow Lord himself, I'll tell you about it later, but they have their own looks, they are humans given power, long life, and made larger)
    Weapon of Choice: (Undead tend to use huge, dented bladed weapons that they have taken, or crude weapons that they make themselves, Phantom Warriors have better weaponry, no more than one weapon of choice)
    Other weapons: (Your backup weapons, you can have up to three, Undead don't usually have any, though some have knives)

    Be creative, but don't be too powerful, even the Shadow Lord has a weakness or two.

    The Forces of the Light:
    Name: (Midieval sounding)
    Rank: (Available ranks: Private, Private First Class, Corporal, Sergeant, Commander, Captain, and Major)
    Description: (Everyone in those ranks has the same armor, but different crests for rank, which I'll list later on)
    Weapon of Choice: (Only one)
    Other weapons: (Up to three)
    Draftee: (Yes or No)

    'Business' Nickname: (For anyone planning on being an assassin or spy, it isn't required for Mercs but they can have one)
    Profession: (Assassin, Spy, Merc, or Rogue--A rogue is someone who travels and doesn't use their name hardly at all, they are basically like the Rangers in Tolkien's books)
    Description: (Inbetweeners don't tend to have the best armor or clothing, the money they earn usually goes to weaponry, unless they are spies, who require the art of disguise)
    Weapon of Choice: (You know the drill)
    Other weapons: (Up to five)
    Prefer to fight for: (The Light or the Shadow)


    If you're a good-guy, I'll give you a fortress somewhere and your mission is to basically protect the fortress, and eventually you need to get to the Shadow Lord's tower, then to the Underworld. If you're a bad-guy, your mission is to attack the fortresses and the Wall, protect the Shadow Lord's towers and fortresses (You'll only protect fortresses if you are a Phantom Warrior). There can only be ten Phantom Warriors. For the good-guys, there can only be one Major per fort, of which there are seven, there can be four Captains in each fort (28 for those that don't remember or are braindead at the moment), remember, if you are a good-guy, you're at a disadvantage, because the Dark Army is much larger than the Army of Light, for every Soldier in the Light Army, there are six undead and three creatures. I will post as the General of the Light Army.

    The standard armor for the good-guys is a field-plate suit of armor (Or segmented, better for movement). The helmet is always a great helm, but people customize those. The crests are:
    Crest of the Kestrel (Private)
    Crest of the Falcon (Private First Class)
    Crest of the Eagle (Corporal)
    Crest of the Axe (Sergeant)
    Crest of the Shield (Commander)
    Crest of the Sword (Captain)
    Crest of the Hammer (Major)

    Here is a list of forts for the good-guys, just so you know what they are called, I'll try and make a map soon, plus we'll move over to the new vB.

    Fort Jarin
    Fort Grogheve
    Fort Valor
    Fort Fear (It looks evil even though it's the good-guys)
    Fort Shield
    Fort Axe
    Fort of the Mountain (On Mount Sirran)

    Only soldiers below the rank of Captain can pick the fort they go to.

    Here's information on each fort:
    Jarin-Used to be a prison camp, isn't in the best shape, Jarin means death in one dead language and doomed in another. It is out in the middle of the Dark Territory.
    Grogheve-It used to be a town, but during war, it was fortified. It is probably in the best shape of any of the forts. It is a few miles into Dark Territory, but the mountains aren't very far away. Join this if you don't want the brunt of attacks, it's in a crater and a majority of the Shadow Lord's forces go around it.
    Valor-Worse off than Fort Jarin. It is in a canyon even farther into the Dark Territory, it is always being bombarded by the Shadow Lord's forces, the rations are very, very small, stores are running low, the fort is practically falling apart. If you want a challenge and want to show your valor, pick this fort.
    Fear-Is actually a castle, it has huge, spikey spires and many spikes on the walls. It was acutally made of white stone, but it has been tainted black and gray since the beginning of the War.
    Shield-Very important fort. Shield protects the Mountain Pass, which is the one way into the Land of Light. Shield is large and takes the heaviest attacks, but also gets a lot of supplies from the Land of Light. This is where the enemy catapults and balistas go, along with three Phantom Warriors.
    Axe-This is a triangle-shaped fort a few miles in front of Shield, it splits up the enemy's forces and helps stop them, Axe is the only fort that has what can only be described as napalm.
    Fort of the Mountain-This is the legendary for that Gabriel McRaven shot the Shadow Lord from. It's actually on a plateau that sticks out from Mount Sirran and has a good vantage point of the oncoming attackers, Mount Sirran is part of a chain of four small volcanoes very deep in the Dark Territory. This fort used to be a temple, it's white walls are scarred and blackened, but not broken, and neither are the spirits of the men there. They can function on little food, little water, and little sleep, and do so happily. They, therefor, have quite a supply of food, but don't expect to get much of it. This fort has the most powerful weapon of all--the Tower of Light. A mage enters the tower and climbs the 478 stairs to the top. The top floor is made entirely of a huge white crystal, in the middle of the room is a smaller red stone. The mage places their hands on the red stone and launches almost all of their energy into the stone, which then blasts light in the direction the mage was facing. The mage falls to the ground then, drained of all energy not required to keep living. This weapon has occasionally killed a mage or two, and the more mages the stronger the weapon, and all the more dangerous, but it is the strongest weapon the Forces of Light Possess. If you want to see what is coming before everyone else, and want to pass on pride to your family, go here.

    Just so you know, you can be a Vampire, but I have restrictions on them, you can't turn into a bat, first of all, second of all, there will be no silver or stakes, Vamps here can only work during the night, as sunlight will make there blood boil and explode. Vamps die by the sun, lopping of their heads, or by burning them.

    The bad-guys standard armor is regular chest plate. The Phantom Warriors have Full-Plate Armor with chain mail underneath. The Phantom Warriors have Skull Helms.
    __________________________________________________ __
    These are the sign-ups so far.

    The Forces of Light
    Name: Kagemusha Ikagaide
    Age: 47
    Gender: Male
    Rank: General of the Army
    Description: 7' tall, strong, youthful for his age, long black hair tied in a braid, brown eyes, tanned, has many battle scars, one distinctive one is over his left eye, which is also slightly scarred. He wears full plate armor with the Forge Crest, symbolizing that he is a General, that's only when he is in battle, out of battle he wears a light gray hooded cloak and light gray casual clothes.
    Personality: Good-hearted and good-natured, he will defend the Light with his life, and will fight with his troops quite often.
    Weapon of Choice: A Glaive
    Other Weapons: A long sword, a one-handed battle axe, and a throwing dagger.

    Forces of the Shadow Lord:
    Name: Drago Recnamorcen
    Age: 422
    Gender: Male
    Description: 7'8" tall, short spiky black hair, black eyes with red flecks, wears black Full-Plate Armor that is decorated with gold engravings and has black 200,000,000-ring chain mail underneath. Wears a large black hooded cloak over his armor. Has a Great-Skull Helm, which is the skull of a Great Horned Demon that has been plated with black steel.
    Personality: Hates the side of the Light, and doesn't like natural light either. He doesn't talk much except to give orders. He speaks in a deep, commanding, and evil sounding voice and he demands respect by his men and his enemies.
    Weapon of Choice: He carries a large, heavy, 8 foot long sword called the Dragonblade. Its hilt looks like a dragon with spread wings and the blade looks like flames shooting from the dragon's mouth.
    Other weapons: Four throwing daggers (One in each gauntlet and to on his belt) and two Katanas.

    Forces of the Shadow Lord:
    Name: Vauramir
    Age: Undead... And doesn't know how long
    Gender: Male
    Description: About 6'3", with a dignified yet almost lanky figure. Skin is obviously not too good looking... It's a pale gray color, yay. Faded gray eyes that become crimson red when he feeds or falls into battle frenzy. Black, dirty/dead-looking hair parted down the center. Doesn't like to wear armor, as it makes too much noise, but will at times.
    Personality: Obviously prefers to work at night, though he can go out in the day... he just prefers the night. He works and likes by stealth and surprise. Loyal to that which he has been called to, and feels that to further the good of the cause is imperative. Sadistic, twisted, all of that fun sh*t...
    Weapon of Choice: A dagger. Not in terrible shape...

    Name: Rush Sherrimon
    'Business' Nickname: Lone Wolf
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Profession: Assassin
    Description: About 6'1". Build is about average, somewhat agile-looking, but not overly so. Muscular, but not to an extent that become really visible; he's stronger than he appears to be. Skin is slightly tanned, not much. Eyes are a navy blue with small, bright blue flecks. Usually wears a thin bullet proof vest sort of thing under dark clothing, usually black, usually with a coat. Also wears black combat boots, yay.
    Personallity: Tends to make hismelf appear to be completely unfeeling, and succeeds in coveying that idea. He tries to push any feeligns away, rationalizing that they don't matter,t hat nothing matters. He's darkly romantic, and finds much interest in his work... He sees murder as being darkly romantic, as he sees his job. A bit of a paranoiac, but he hides this from his employers. He checks up and finds everything he can about them. If he thinks it'll be all right, he'll work for the person. If not, he'll either break off all contatcs or kill the person. Kills without much thought... Most of the time.
    Weapon of Choice: Dagger
    Other weapons: Bow with arrows; switchblade; throwing knives; a fairly long sword
    Prefer to fight for: Doesn't really care... He doesn't completely trust either. Will work for either until he feels that one of them is out to kill him.

    The Forces of the Light:
    Name: Hiro
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Private First Class
    Description: A Very Kind Man. His Mother and Father were killed by the evil shadow lord and was left with his brother to fend for them selves. His brother was then captured by the undead. Hiro then began to train. In the process he was promoted to Private First Class by The General of the Light. He knows he and the light are out numberd but he will not give up.
    Personallity: Very Nice and Loyal and brave. He doesn't get cocky but sometimes he rushes into things without thinking sometimes.
    Weapon of Choice: Carries 2 Swords (1 in each hand.)
    Other weapons: Claws like Wolverine
    Draftee: Um.. I guess... Yes

    Anjana's Halo:
    Name: Karuko Pygo
    'Business' Nickname: She only goes as "Vid" (Veed) to those that aren't close, which would be everyone.
    Age: Looks twenty-five
    Gender: F
    Profession: At best, a rouge. She'll accept assassination jobs, if you can find her...
    Description: Near white hair in a long ponytail, with bangs that cover half of her face. Light blue eyes. Usually wears off-white baggy shirt and pants with a hood. On the side of her face you can't see, there are dark scars.
    Personality: Quiet and introverted. Once she gives you her word, she won't betray you, but she hardly gives her word
    Weapon of Choice: A sword she calls Thorn.
    Other weapons: Dagger, staff, and a rope (good for strangling)
    Prefer to fight for: Light, but Shadow isn't beyond her grasp.
    Other: She isn't human. She doesn't know what race she is, but it ain't human.

    Forces of the Shadow Lord:
    Name: Vulcan
    Age: 400 years
    Gender: Male
    Description: Hairy, tall and muscular. Distinctive Blue eyes. Smells.
    Personality: Vulcan is bright, crafty and dangerous. He is also very unpredictable. And may often burst into anger. He does have a soft side, especially with attractive women.
    Weapon of Choice: Spear
    Other weapons: Poisonous Toadstools that look like mushrooms.

    Name: Salmarai Halmandori
    'Business' Nickname: Shadow Fox
    Age: 26
    Gender: female
    Profession: Assassin/Merc/Thief
    Description: Slim of build and stature, at 5'2, she has black bangs that reach just elow her shoulders,with at white lock at her forehead. Musuclar, but not so much that you'd notice. Agile and supple, with a dancers phsyiche. Wears long flowing black cloak, with lots of deep pockets, long black leather pants, and a V necked long sleeved shirt that flairs at the wrists. Cloak has a large hood. Black supple leather calf boots.
    Personality: Cold, cynical and uncaring. Dispassionate, and merciless when on the job. Has a dry sarcastic sense of humour, and likes to let loose. When she is in assasin mode, she differs greatly from when she's off the job. When she has assasinated someone, she carves the shape of a fox in shadows onto her victim, and relieves them of any 'unwanted' possesions.
    Weapon of Choice: Throwing knives
    Other weapons: Horse bow, small short sword, two thin daggers.
    Prefer to fight for: doesn't really care, would prefer light, but sees more opportunity for money with shadow.

    Name: Khayame Thuriya
    'Business' Nickname: Stalker
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Proffesion: Namely an assassin, also a mercenary and somewhat a rogue.
    Description: Tall, thin, and dark-looking, long thin black hair, rather stray, hangs down his back. light colored skin, black eyes, wears a loose black clothes, with a black leather vest, while traveling he wears a long black cloak with a large hood that entirely masks his features, tight black boots, and the inside of his cloak has a lot of pockets and sleeves, which hide most of his weapons.
    Personality: like he looks, dark, detached, and determined while he's on the job. When he's not out to kill somebody, he has a decent sense of humor and is semi-sociable.
    Weapon of Choice: Double-Sided dagger
    Other Weapons: 2 Solid black Katanas, throwing stars, small bow & arrow.
    Prefers to fight for: no preference, although light has been giving him more jobs lately...

    Forces of the Shadow Lord
    Name: Spectre
    Age: 450
    Gender: Male
    Looks: Looks like Seto Kaiba from Yu-gi-oh but has pale skin, purple, emotionless eyes and usually has a creepy grin on his face.
    Personality: Insane, evil and Ruthless
    Weapon: a broad sword giving off a purple light.
    Secondary Weapon: 3 knives

    Forces of Light
    Name: Squall Leonheart
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Fort: Fort Valor
    Rank: Major
    Looks: Looks like Squall from Final Fantasy 8. He has silver armor but rarely ever wears it.
    Personality: not very social but does care about his comrades. He's very brave and is a born leader.
    Weapon of choice: A sword giving off a white light.
    Secondry weapon: n/a
    Draftee: no
    Other: He is Spectre's brother.

    Count Von Dark:
    Name: Navaiaka Jazumizu Hunnirien, Nicknamed Raging Wind
    A member of the Light Army
    Age: 31
    Gender: Male
    Fort: Fort Fear
    Rank: Corporal
    Weapon of choice: arch, arrows
    Other weapons: dagger, shield, and blade sword
    Description: Dark and short haired, without very strong build but sleek and fast. Although is a merciless on the battlefield, is actually humorous and is a smart aleck. Very cunning and quite wise, his skin is also of a white color, growing to be somewhat attracting. Already married, has a dead son and a daughter. Very experienced and skilled archer, also skilled at wielding the dagger. Blade sword only for scaring off opponents, very stupid looking when using the sword but still can survive with just it.

    Out wear: Not much armor, just a long white cape embroidered with the stars and moon. Boots made of oxhide, very strong.

    Name: Jhammia Ginial Onnihami
    A member of the Light Army
    Age: 34
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Cheerful. VERY CHEERFUL. Good at wielding the blade sword, but idiots at everything else. A very normal woman that had just attended the Light Army. Low in rank, but high in spirits. Hasn't looks, neither any knowledge of what she had just bumped into
    Outwear: Simple chain armor, plus blade sword and small dagger.
    Other: Has a little brother and takes good care of him

    ~Name: Arnen Alzena
    ~A member of the Light Army
    ~Age: 23
    ~Gender: Female
    ~Fort: Fort Jarin (it sounds cool )
    ~Rank: Sargeant(sp?)
    ~Weapon of choice: A double-helixed sword, silver hilt with an amethyst set into it. If you want general, then just swords.
    ~Other weapons: A silver shield, a bow with silver arrows, about twenty throwing daggers hidden about her person.
    ~Description: Gonna split this up to make it easier on myself:
    -Looks: 5'7", 120 lbs. Light brown hair, blue-grey eyes. Wears a purple tunic and blue pants under her jointed silver armor.
    -Personality: Usually very quiet, but with her friends she can be hyper and funny. Laughs very easilly. And, um, she's afraid of spiders.

  2. #2

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    Ehhh... Don't know what to do, so this'll be short... But yah.

    Vauramir ~ Vampire ~ Force of the Shadow Lord


    Shadows and blood, nothing more than shadows and blood. Not that it was a bad thing, no. Blood good, always good. Yay blood. And shadows... What better than shadows? So mysterious, so intruiging, so very niiiiicccccce.

    Always love shadows. I certainly always had. Shadows were my comfort, if indeed I could call them that. The shadows have called me always, as I am what I am, and the darkness is better. Singlight... Sunlight always hurts. It doesn't kill me, but it does sting. Distracts. The night is ever so much better.

    The Shadow Lord has been calling from the night. I've never fully trusted anyone, but this Shadow Lord is of the shadows, as the name states. While I do not truly trust him, I do trust in his cause, and I do feel compelled to help in carrying it out.

    While it is true that I do not particularly care for front-line fighting, as I am not suited well for it, the Shadow Lord will need assassins. Not average assassins, either; assassins that can hide in shadows, glide through the night. Assassins that can work silently and efficiently, much more so than any human ever could do. Assassins like vampires.

    I would find others of the shadows. I would find the Shadow Lord. The world was filled with darkness, waiting to be manipulated...


    I'll post for Rush later... Hope that's all right...

  3. #3

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    Did I mention I will make short little sections as the Shadow Lord?

    The Shadow Lord
    I stared hard out the window of my tower, watching masses of undead and demons come together below, and I saw raging fires far beyond. Battle was calling. I indeed wanted to charge in and taste the blood of my enemies. I had an emmense army willing to die for my cause, but I wanted to see the fronline myself. This was however, not my plan. My plan was to see the final battle. The last time I rushed in I was ignorant and that McRaven wounded me. This shall not happen again! I tensed all my muscles and they bulged, pushing my veins against my skin. I began to crawl with red and black energy. I turned around and picked the stone of black and red* off of the pedestal and held it above me. I unleashed a wave of energy and drew all the darkness I could muster to the tower--to the army. They would have a shroud surrounding them that would blind the forces of light and weaken their defense! "Break their axe and shatter their shield! Force your way into the valley of light and conquer it!"
    __________________________________________________ __
    __________________________________________________ __

    Drago Recnamorcen (Phantom Lord)
    I looked up at the tower of the Shadow Lord. A storm of darkness and fire swirled out from the windows of his chamber. He was conjuring the shadows--of this I was sure. Then it begins. I turned my huge black warhorse around and faced my army. Suddenly, a pitch-black fog settled around the massive army. Then it looked like it faded away, but I knew it was there. It was the shroud of the Shadow Lord. I smiled grimly and put my helmet on. "BRING THE TREBUCHES TO THE BACK, THE BALLISTAS TO THE MIDDLE ALONG WITH THE ARCHERS. INFANTRY REPORT TO THE FRONT BEHIND THE MOUNTED KNIGHTS!" I yelled in my terrible, deep, frightening voice. My orders were carried out and we began our march toward the land of light.

    __________________________________________________ __
    __________________________________________________ __

    Kagemusha Ikagaide (General of Light)
    I looked out from the window of the Castle of Light and watched the fires of war rage in the distance--at Fort Valor most likely. They were coming closer. The War of Shadow was just beginning. "Ranvey, do you know what the condition of Fort Valor?" I asked the servant that walked in the large doors of my hall.

    "It has nearly fallen, my Lord, but they are holding out, the armies are now going around them."

    "Then their target is Shield, I'm sure of it." I said, quietly to myself.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    Karuko Pygo ~*~ Vid
    I had walked deep into the Dark Territory. Not exactly the best place to be, even for me. I pulled my hood up tighter around my face as I reviewed the map in my head of this area. It didn't take too long, since this land was basically featureless except for a few boulders and trees. Any interesting landmarks were stomped out long ago by the Shadow Lord's forces. In fact, I think the only thing of interest nearby was Fort Jarin, one of the Light army's strongholds in this forsaken land. That would be a good place to spend the night. It was true I didn't trust the Light, but I didn't trust Shadows either. And at least the Light side kept it's promises more that the other. The fort was located in a crater, so I would have to search around until I find it.

    I walked in the direction I thought the fort was while the shadows of evening streached eastward. I saw no one around until the sun finally set and the stars were just appearing. A figure came walking my way. I quickly ducked behind a rock, hoping it hadn't seen me. I watched cautiously as it approached. It was tall, over six foot, and fairly thin. It wasn't until it got closer that I saw the pale skin, the paculiar way it walked. I stiffled a gasp. This creature was undead. Not only that, I believe it was a vampire. I remained deathly quiet as it approached and passed. I let out a small sigh, which was my undoing. The vampire stopped. It had heard me.

    I made my breath shallow and silent, praying it decided that sound was just the wind, and, if it found me, what my options were. I had no experience fighting them, and I don't think I had anything that would kill it. Could I kill it, since it wasn't alive? I wasn't sure. I knew it couldn't drink much of my blood, since I learned long ago it was poisonous, but if it drank too much...

    I silenced that train of thought. Letting my imagination run wouldn't help me. Neither I nor the vampire had done anything. I listened warily. It had the next move.

  5. #5

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    Vauramir ~ Forces of Shadow Lord ~ Vampire

    What was that?

    I’d been walking a stretch of my search for the dark legions when I’d heard it; the unmistakable noises of another being. Good or bad? Biggest question of all, however, was the one that I wanted most answered… Human?

    Pausing, I sniffed the air, trying to catch the scent of blood. Lo, I smelled something but, much to my disappointment, it wasn’t good blood. Something rotten in that blood. It was close to a human’s, but not quite right. Something spoiled there. Damn. No good blood.

    That left other question, however. If not human, what was this? I’d smelled something at least close to it once before, maybe—maybe—twice, and I couldn’t decide where that had been. This was odd. Different blood.

    Next question. Dark or light force? That was indistinguishable by blood scent, and therefore this being would have to be forced out. “Good evening,” I called softly, my eyes watching everything without moving. “I know you’re there; make this easy.”

    There was no movement, which was to be expected. Usually, they didn’t come when called. Maybe it was better. Was I in trouble here? Possibly… I could only hope that this was no Slayer. Slayers were bad news. Bad, bad, bad wickety news.

    Where was the scent? I sniffed again and, yes, there it was, behind the rock. Quickly, faintly glad of whatever vampiric quickness and agility I’d inherited, I moved over toward the rock and looked at it. “Hello Mister, Misses, or Wickety-being behind the rock. I know you’re there… Come out here.”

    And who could it be? Good? Bad? If “good”, then death would have to come. There were methods of murder other than the draining of blood; I’d taught many of them to myself. If bad… If bad, maybe this creature could tell me something.


    Rush Sherrimon ~ “Lone Wolf” ~ Human

    Stab. Slash. Move to the side. Lash out. Stab once more.

    With a final upraising of my dagger, I allowed it one last plunge into the throat of the man—this time straight into his throat. I felt the skin puncture and give way easily, felt the jar as the blade struck the side of the vertebra, then dug into and through it. After pulling the blade out, I took a step back and watched as the man fell to the ground without a final cry.

    There was blood everywhere and, though I’d managed to keep most of it off of myself, I’d been splashed with a fair amount of it. I’d have to clean, but that was all right. Clean was better. Harder to detect, if done correctly.

    I looked at the man for a moment, debating whether to leave him or throw him in the bushes. In the end, I decided to leave him; there was blood everywhere, anyway, and I’d be long gone before anyone found him. No one would connect him to me, and it didn’t matter if someone did. I could always find work. That was the beauty of being freelance. Better chance of survival, too. Some said there was no honor, but… First off, that could be debated. Second, screw their honor, anyway. What did they know?

    Time to go look for something to do, someone to kill, perhaps a client. Maybe something more. Whatever it was, it lay ahead. Something always did.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    Karuko Pygo ~*~ Vid
    “Hello Mister, Misses, or Wickety-being behind the rock. I know you’re there… Come out here.” the vampire said. I didn't answer when it first called out. It might have just been checking to see if anyone would be foolish enough to answer. Now it definitely knew I was here, and where I was. Or maybe I should say he. His voice sounded masculine. Well, I wasn't going to die cowering behind a rock. I stood up, staff gripped tightly in my hand. I heard that a stake through the heart could kill a vampire, through that may just be hearsay, and my staff wasn't sharp enough to go in easily. If he attacked though, I might be able to stab really hard...

    "Ahh, so you do come out," said the vampire, smiling slightly. His eyes were a faded grey, and it was definitely over six feet tall. "Tell me, which side are you on?"

    I paused before answering. Most likely he was a member of the Shadow Lord's forces, all the undead were, so saying I was with Light wouldn't help. Of course, I didn't know if vampires could sense if you told the truth. I didn't know a lot about them, so I gave a safe answer. "I do not serve Light, if you wish to know. And if you're looking for a meal, it'll be death for even the undead to feed off my blood."

    "I know, I could smell it. You're blood's rotten, no good. So what are you? Humans die when they have that rotten of blood."

    "I think that isn't neccesary for you to know." I replied calmly. In truth, I didn't know what I was. My earliest memories were being tended to by an old servant woman in a castle after something tore up my face. I had no faimly to speak of. All I knew was I wasn't human.

    The vampire shrugged. It wasn't interested enough to push for an answer it seemed. "I am Vauramir, seeking out the dark legions. Do you happen to know where it is?" he inquired.

    I reviewed the memories of maps of this region. "I haven't gone there myself, but I've heard where it is."

    "Hmm, not even kind enough to give me a name?" Vauramir said. His voice was starting to grate on my nerves, but I hid my irritation.

    "No name was asked for. I go as Vid."

    "Vid, is it? Vid, since it seems we are both going to join the Shadow Lord, why don't we travel together?"

    Now I was caught in a trap. He assumed that since I wasn't a servant of Light, and I've never been to the Shadow's stronghold, I must be on my way there. If I said no, the illusion that might be keeping me alive would fail. So I grudgingly agreed.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    Name: Salmarai Halmandori
    'Business' Nickname: Shadow Fox
    Age: 26
    Gender: female
    Profession: Assassin/Merc/Thief
    Description: Slim of build and stature, at 5'2, she has black bangs that reach just below her shoulders, with at white lock at her forehead. Musuclar, but not so much that you'd notice. Agile and supple, with a dancers physiche. Wears long flowing black cloak, with lots of deep pockets, long black leather pants, and a V necked long sleeved shirt that flairs at the wrists. Cloak has a large hood. Black supple leather calf boots.
    Personality: Cold, cynical and uncaring. Dispassionate, and merciless when on the job. Has a dry sarcastic sense of humour, and likes to let loose. When she is in assasin mode, she differs greatly from when she's off the job. When she has assasinated someone, she carves the shape of a fox in shadows onto her victim, and relieves them of any 'unwanted' possesions.
    Weapon of Choice: Throwing knives
    Other weapons: Horse bow, small short sword, two thin daggers.
    Prefer to fight for: doesn't really care, would prefer light, but sees more opportunity for money with shadow.

    ~Salmarai~ -Merc-
    I rested my head on my hand, my black hair falling listlessly around my face, within the depths of my cloak. I thanked the surly barman, and retiredd to a small booth in the corner to slowly sip my watered down warm ale. I glanced around with shadowed eyes, shrewdly watching the drunken fools, who populated this small bar. At length, I got up in a creak of leather, drawing so supposed-to-be-secretive glances, as I walked towards the door.

    I tossed the barman a copper coin as I walkeed out. I swung myself into the saddle of my large black stallion, Alexander, and set off at a slow walk. I superisiously kept a watch on the shadowy figures that darted back and forth as we walked along, with the creak of leather and the jingle of tack. I clucked quietly to Alexander, who snorted softly and slightly increasedd his pace, switching leading legs every so often.

    I slowly leant down until my hand rested around the familiar shape of my horsebow. I smiled in the darkness and readied it under my cloak, loosening my my short sword. I clucked, and Alexander stopped in the market square. I jumped down lightly, the moonlight illuminating me. I lifted my head slightly and looked into the darkness. "Want to come out an play boys?" I heard several small gasps, and whispering. There was two behind me, and three ranged in front. I smiled wrily, putting my bow away and drawing my light daggers. "Come on," I goaded

    Two of the fore ones moved forward. I spun low, and the first ones high speed lunge missed me. I swept a foot out and tripped him, and he fell flat on his face with a grunt. The second one came in low, swinging wildly. I stepped smoothly into a half crouch and slipped my blade sideways, neatly cutting his pants tie. His eyes widened in shock as he tripped and sprwaled out on the ground. The last three came out and encircled me, swords out ready. The first one lunged in with and uppercut, which I neatly blocked, slipping my dagger behind my back and sucking my back in as a sword went for my spine.

    I twirleed and spun down low, coming up sword and dagger to the ready. The three men advanced agai. I sheathed my weapons. The men looked puzzled. I grinned evilly and whstled. The men hunched together, afaraid. When nothing happened, the got their courgae together and moved forward, to be struck down by several hundred tons of high speed moving horse flesh.

    Alexander nickered happily, butting me in the chest. I rubbed his head affectionately giving him a bit of dried apple from my pocket. I gathered the reins in my hands and clambered into the saddle. The men on the ground, common thugs no more, starteedd to get up. Alexander pawed the ground menacingly, and snorted. They all ran way as fast as their legs could carry them. I grinned, slapping Alexanders neck and making my way to the supplies store.

  8. #8

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    Name: Khayame Thuriya
    'Business' Nickname: Stalker
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Proffesion: Namely an assassin, also a mercenary and somewhat a rogue.
    Description: Tall, thin, and dark-looking, long thin black hair, rather stray, hangs down his back. light colored skin, black eyes, wears a loose black clothes, with a black leather vest, while traveling he wears a long black cloak with a large hood that entirely masks his features, tight black boots, and the inside of his cloak has a lot of pockets and sleeves, which hide most of his weapons.
    Personality: like he looks, dark, detached, and determined while he's on the job. When he's not out to kill somebody, he has a decent sense of humor and is semi-sociable.
    Weapon of Choice: Double-Sided dagger
    Other Weapons: 2 Solid black Katanas, throwing stars, small bow & arrow.
    Prefers to fight for: no preference, although light has been giving him more jobs lately...

    Khayame walked silently through the light drizzle. He was on a 'business trip'. Some General offered him 5 rubies if he could kill some Vampire Captain. A relatively simple job. He was told the vamp's last known camp was near where he was now. Surely enough, as he crossed a ridge he saw a typical dark side camp. Demons, vampires, human traitors walking around, comparing weapons, itching for battle. Khayame toyed with his favorite dagger on his belt. He scanned the area for the captain. Captains where supposed to stand out, as they where more civilized and better dressed then the rest of the soldiers. Khayame saw nothing.
    The target has to be somewhere in a tent. I need to get him out. How? he thought to himself, twirling his dagger even more vigorously. A light wind blew his long and unorganized hair back. Khayame knew from expirience that he had hardly an hour before the sun rose and he would have to spend the day there. Even for an expirienced warrior, staying outside of an enemy camp was not the best idea. As Khayame looked at the roaring fires, he suddenly had an idea. He took out and arrow, and lined it with some grass he was carrying with him. The grass was normally for treating wounds, but it burned like crazy.
    I'm going to have to angle this just right. I should get the captain out if I light his tent on fire Khayame thought to himself, moving down the slope to get better position. In the distance, the first crack of light pierced the night sky. Khayame drew his bow, aimed carefully, and fired. Nobody in the camp really noticed a small arrow, but they sure noticed it when it started to burn. It landed right at the base of the big tent. A pale and waxy skinned vampire stormed out, dressed in an elegant black cloak. Khayame loaded the Silver-tipped arrow he had brought just for this and shot down the captain easily. The arrow must have done as it was suposed to, dissoving on contact with vampire blood, beccause there was a sudden anggry outcry in the camp.Not wasting an instant, he slipped into a nearby forest. When the camp looked up at the cliff Khayame was just on, they saw nothing. Khayame walked slowly, not making any noise. Soon, when he arrived back at Fort Shield, he would have his rubies..

    EDIT: sorry about the vampire and silver thing, I forgot

  9. #9

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    I don't know if you noticed or not, but in the first post I said Silver can't kill the Vamps. I sort of just changed my mind, but only a little. The silver has to be in liquid form or in dust, otherwise it would take too long for something like a silver arrowhead to dissolve into the blood stream, please edit your post somehow to fix that. I hope it isn't too much trouble but I did tell people in the beginning about it.

    Drago Recnamorcen
    I smiled grimly as my army marched on. We would soon be upon Fort Valor, and I was sure we'd scare the life out of most of the warriors there. I instructed my men to have their shields at the ready as we went around the right side of the Fort. I had no intention of attacking that Fort. I leaned down and whispered to a Vampire commander at my side "Kill anything that comes out of that Fort, I don't want the other Forts to have advanced warning of such a large force coming. The same goes for when we pass Fort Jarin. Our path won't take us near the other Forts in this wasteland. Axe is our first target. We will go through it, not around. Going around takes too much time and if we split up our force we will loose hundreds to arrows and fire. Shield is our main target however, and avoid the Fort of the Mountain at all costs!" I said. The Vamp nodded. They may not be the most intelligent creatures on the planet but they were fierce, despite their weakness to sunlight. The shroud of the Shadow Lord prevented sunlight from passing through though, so we didn't have to worry about that. After only a few minutes time, I saw a wall of crumbling stone that was full of holes that were closed off with wood. Fort Valor once stood on the edge of the Land of Light, but as the forces of Darkness overran the world, it was pushed into Dark territory, and sustained the first and most violent attacks. Today they would be lucky, we would pass them.

  10. #10

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    Sorry I haven't posted in a while...


    I looked at the girl creature--the one with the rotten blood--and nodded slightly. "Vid, is it? Vid, since it seems we are both going to join the Shadow Lord, why don't we travel together?"

    For a moment she didn't reply, only seem to consider this. Un, that was probably not the best response. Whatever this girl was, she probably wasn't in full support of the Darkness, but she replied, "Yes," so had to be in some sort of support of it.

    So she would go. Was this girl an inbetweener, as they said? Perhaps... but that was much better than a supporter of the light. The more for the Dark, the better. If this girl would come, thne perhaps she would fight for the Darkness.

    "Then let us go," I lifted my head, smelling the wind. No, there wasn't anyone in the near vicinity... Perhaps we would run into someone on the path, but not in the next few minutes. Further off, there was the scent of battle... Ah, battle.

    "I suppose that'd be a good idea..." she spoke absently, as if her mind was still elsewhere. Undoubtedly, it was. That was all right, though. I'd watch her.

    "Correct... Would you care to show us the way?"

  11. #11

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    **Scratches his head** This started out really good....and the people I PMed must be dead. Anyway, I can't think of anything to post right now, I need more to work with.

  12. #12

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    Drago Recnamorcen
    My large army passed by the two forts unnoticed, since the cloud made it nearly invisible and silent. As we travelled, one of my scouts reported seeing two beings ahead, one was a male vampire, the other was a female human, whom he believed to be an inbetweener on our side at the moment. "Well, if they should decide to integrate with the army, that is great, but if they choose not to we will leave them be, since they are no threat to us."

    "Sir, what if they want somewhere to stay?" the scout asked.

    "Then we shall give them a packable tent and some rations until they can get to wherever they are headed," I said, and sent the scout off. I leaned down lower and whispered to the Vampire Commander at my side. "When we reach Axe, I want you to get some of their secret fire."

  13. #13

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    Okay, seriously. People signed up for this and aren't posting. I'm sorry that I can't post again but I'm sick and my brain won't work right. I need some more to work with. Come on people.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    ~Salmarai~ -Merc-
    I glared at the shopkeeper, whom leered at me with a mouth of broken rotting teeth. The shop was dingy, and a small flickering latern the only source of light. Again, I counted my savings. I had 1 gold coin, from the job near Fort Grogheve, and an assortment of silver and copper coins that I had generously helpeed a wayside robber be relieved of. I gritted my teeth. This scumbag was overpricing, and on person.

    I scowled, mentally reviewing what I had. I need those travel rations, and the horse feed. The rope woud come in very handy, but... I bit my lip. I'd have to do without a new blanket. I looked at the rope. It wasn't very good, but.... An idea sparked in my mind. I'd get the rope. I grudglingly pulled out two silver coins, and handed them over to the shopkeeper. I grabbed my purchases and hurried from the store. I quickly and efficiently stored them in my saddle bags, and hurridely mounted Alexander as two large shadows detatched themselves from the sides of the shop. Glancing around, I kicked Alexander into a trot, deciding that I may as well head out for Fort Grogheve again.

    Behind me, I heard a clatter of hooves, as the two thugs mounted up. Sensing my distress, Alexander startedd to hurry, though he couldn't go much faster, or he'd sli[ on the cobbles. I bit my lip, as the two dark shadows behind me glinted with metal in the moonlight. Finally, we reached the edge of town. I kicked Alexander into a gallop, confident in the fact that we'd lose them. Behind me, the thugs spurred their horses into a gallop. For a long time, there was only the sound of pounding hooves on the dirt packed road, and the sound of Alexanders breathing, harsh to my ears. I slowed alxander, and deftly steered him off the road into the trees. I knew a small cave where we could hide out and lay low for a couple of days.

    Behind me I heard the bandits crash into the undergrowth behind me. As we silently raced through the forest, I could see the glow of a campfire ahead. I knew that this was the bandits camp. Gritting my teeth, I kicked Alexander from a walk to a canter, and sped through the camp, drawing my sword, glowing red in the light of the campfire, my cloak billowing ominously behind me as I strruck the disorganised rabble on my way through. Alexander gatheredd his muscles, and we soared over the campfire, to clatter away int the silent night. I grinned. Stealing Alexander had been a good idea.

    We crossed over a small stream, and I heard the bandits crash into camp. I grinned. I carefully guided Alexander through the ice cold stream, and over onto the bank, carefully guidning him over watever patches of grass I could. About an hour later, and exhausted and trembing Alexander pulled himself up the small deer trail, and we crept into the small cave that was one of my lairs. It was at the base of a hill, and by some clever twists of rock, backed out into an extensive cave sytem. I lead Alexander into the cave, and rubbedd him down with some of the grass I had stored earlier on that season. I bedded him down in a curve of the cave, and at t he back of the cave, carefully lit a small fire, lying across it so that you couldn't really see it, the smoke being drawn up through a natural flue.

    I bedded down for the night, and decided that in the morning I'd scout out the badnit camp, and at night, see if they had any uneededd horses. I'm sure that after ladling them with supplies, on of the Forts would be glad to see me. I grinned evilly, rolling over, and going to sleep, my weapons glinting int eh firelight softly next to me.

  15. #15

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    Drago Recnamorcen
    I reviewed the battle plan in my head. If they came at me with horses, I had to spearhead them with spears. If they came with knights on foot, I needed axemen. If they came at me with axemen, I needed horses. If they came at me with all three, I'd use my Onagers and Ballistas. I had already told the Commander the plan, but I went over it in my head to be sure I could carry out the commands. We would be at Axe in a mere ten days.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    And so I ended up leading Vauramir the vampire toward the place that was very high on my list of places to avoid. I really wanted to get away, but I didn't know enough about vampires to fight one. Maybe I could sneak away while he's sleeping...Do vampire's sleep? Whoever said ignorace is bliss was a happy idiot.

    No words were spoken between us until he suddenly stopped and looked to the side. "What is it?" I asked, worried about the answer.

    "Someone's appraching," Vauramir replied in that same calm voice that seemed to still give me the creeps. I shivered, and not because of his voice. As much as I wanted to learn about vampires, I didn't want to see how they fed, in case this guy was hungry. "Don't worry," he continued. "I believe he is on our side."

    It wasn't long before I saw the figure in the distance. As they drew closer, so did my worry. This person wore the uniform of the Shadow Army. He stopped before us, gave a small bow and said, "Greetings. I am Ashnazai, servant in the Shadow Lord's army. Drago Recnamorcen asks if you wish to join the forces that are now moving out from this land." The guy seemed to be directing the question to me, so I answered.

    "I am just serving as a guide at this time. My companion sets our course, so it is up to him." I glanced up at Vauramir as I said this. He gave me a look that showed he truly didn't want to talk to Ashnazai. I was definitly dancing on thin ice.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    ~Salmarai~ -Merc-
    I crept on my belly through the inky darkness, hearing the drunken antics of the bandits ahead. Clutched in my fist, was the old rope I had bought from the shopkeeper. I frowned in remembrance but I quickly regained my focus. Soon, I was among the horses quickly calming, as they had grown a little sued to me over the day. I carefully replaced the main tether (all the horses were tethered on individual strings attached to a main string attached to a picket) with my rope, carefully breaking it. I quickly jury-rigged a system, Picking out the biggest gelding to ride. I attached all the other horses close by, by means of a harness- there was a harness made of spare rope (I hade cut the tethers up) that attached four other horses to the gelding. The other horses were then attached to the gelding by these four. I led the horses a little into the brush, being careful to keep the gedin ahead, knpwing that if i kept it like that then I had a chance of herding the horses.

    I started mimicking fox and wolf howls, and the horses started getting uneasy. Suddenely, I yelled out. "Hyah!!" the horses all bolteed, along with the help of the flat of my sword. The bandits rode swearing and cursing to their feet to make a hald heartedd chase. I barely managed to keep control of the frantic horses, managing to slow them at the stream. I dismounted, and after calming them led them to where I had camped. Alexander whinniedd a greeting, and after I had untied all the horses, replacing the bush barricade at the mouth of the cave, he quickly hered them into the large cavern at the back. I quickly erased all traces of my passage.

    I led the horses through the cves, after loading them up with packs of feed that I had gathered. We moved slowly, and I emerged from small ravies to robs bandits, merchants and people to obtain what I needed. Soon, we reached the forest close to Fort Grogheve. Along the way I had sold some of the horses to buy more feed and such. I stayedd outside of the city, wondering where to take my horses when I heard a slight movement in the bushes. I whirled, drawing my sword as Alexander tensed, his large powerful muscles rippling under a smooth silken black coat.
    The bushes parted, revealing a shadowy figure.....

    i got bored...anyone wanna help me out??

  18. #18

    Default The Shadow Lord (Starts, LSUs excepted with open arms)

    Just posting to let you guys know that I'm leaving tomorrow and probably won't be back until Wed. next week. Sorry. And could somebody PLEASE at least TRY to keep this RPG from dying? Whoever takes charge while I'm gone can use the General of Light and the Shadow Lord, since they are rather remote characters.

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