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Thread: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

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  1. #1
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    The Crystal Caves Pokemon Capture Center

    Mod Approved By: Lady Vulpix, Wolfsong and Jay

    The year was 2002 AD. War was sweeping the world, slowly enveloping everything in its path. The Dark Lord was rising, ready to take over everything in its path. The world’s only hopes were the Dragon Tamers and the Pokemon Avengers. They won many battles and hope began to dawn. The people began to think that they were saved, that the DT and the PA were going to win, and overcome the Dark Lord and his dark minions of evil. But some people didn’t foresee a victory; they doubted that anyone could overcome the Dark Lord. They thought that the Dark Lord had the power to crush them all, and then take the world for all it’s worth. They left by shiploads, looking for a place to hide overseas, a place that would be their sanctuary. The ships sailed off, leaving their homes behind, and moving on, to what they thought was, safety.

    The journey was a troubled one; no one could have foreseen the results. The sea was against them, its waves tossing the boats around like limp wooden puppets. The waves crashed upon the sides of the boats, rocking them from side to side. The sea soon began to get rough, the waves getting stronger and taller, the raging waters splashing up onto the deck. Soon, the waves began crashing upon the boats, snapping their masts and taking the boats down with them, escorting them to their watery grave. Soon, only two ships were left. Led by their brave captains, Matt and Frank, they sailed onward, though the virulent storm. But no matter how long they sailed, it seemed that the Dark Lord willed them to fail, the storm following them wherever they go. Soon, the waves seemed to attack the two lone boats, the waves beginning to crack the hull of the ships. The Captains called all on board to the safest place in the boat…the storage room.

    The storage rooms of the boat, being on the bottom of the boat, was covered with more layers, and has a water-proof seal on the door. The water bursted though the outer hull, sweeping away the panicked passengers, as they tried to get to safety. The water enveloped all who didn’t make in, and took their lives. The last of the survivors huddled around in the storage room and formed a close community. They were all that was left. The rest of the boats were ripped to pieces by the savage waves, but the storage rooms of the two boats were miraculously saved. The waves swept the metal rooms around the sea, tossing and turning all who was inside.

    They spent weeks in this state, living off of the canned food in the storage. Days rolled by, and people began to die. Death was gnawing at them, slowly sucking their precious life away. Then, the whole room rumbled, both the storage rooms screeching to halt. The survivors of the journey stepped out of the room, and found themselves in an underwater cavern. On the sides of the metal enforced room, there were clusters of Dratini, who seemed to have pushed them to safety. They owed their lives to those blue, snake-like, Dragon Pokemon. The captains picked up what looked like the two who led the effort, and thanked them. They walked on, bringing the Dratini with them, and found…paradise.

    The world they found was unlike any other. There were Pokemon everywhere, the land untouched by human feet, uncorrupted by human greed. The journeyed inward, and began to explore their new home. They began to build houses and live off the land. The food was plentiful, the lands lush. They began capturing the Pokemon, and starting a whole new civilization there…
    You are one of the last survivors, ready to explore The Crystal Caves and to find what wonders lie in this untouched place. To start, you will either post any Captured Pokémon that you own already in this topic, or forfiet the right to use them here. If you don't post any, you get a Master Ball to catch one. You will also be given 3 Pokeballs, 1 Great Ball, 1 Ultra Ball, and 5 Special Balls of your choice. To capture Pokemon, you will explore the each of the different locations.


    Pokemon: Ground (50%), Rock (25%), Steel (15%), Fire (10%)
    A great light source brightens this location, leaving it sandy and barren, drying up all the surface water and withering away all life. In this location, you will most likely find Ground types because of the existence of groundwater deep underground. Rock types are also likely to be found here, as with steel and fire.

    Pokemon: Grass (40%), Normal (40%), Electric (20%)
    A large plateau, covered with lush, vivid green grass. It is a cool area, not to hot and not too cold, the ideal place to find Pokemon.

    Pokemon: Flying (40%), Bug (30%), Grass (20%), Ghost (10%)
    The trees here provide cool shade, but block out most of the sunlight here. Flying-types find refuge here in the trees. The bug-types are also found in the shade. Don’t stay here after dark…

    Pokemon: Water (85%), Ice (10%), Dragon (5%)
    The rushing rapids of this long river is the blood line of the Crystal Caves, supplying fresh water directly from the fresh water lake, carrying many Water pokemon with it.

    Pokemon: Water (95%), Dragon (5%)
    A crystal clear lake that has the purest water in the world, it holds a high concentration of water types, enjoying the clean water unobtainable anywhere else.

    North Caverns
    Pokemon: Ice (60%), Dark (20%), Ghost (20%)
    A cavern filled with icicles, it is the coldest place in the Crystal Caves.

    South Caverns
    Pokemon: Psychic (45%), Fire (30%), Dark (25%)
    A cavern shrouded with psychic and dark illusions. Watch your step. You may end up falling into a hole. Yet, rumor has it that there is a mysterious pond somewhere in here. It may have rare pokemon in it...

    East Caverns
    Pokemon: Fighting (60%), Dark (30%), Dragon (10%)
    A cavern filled with water, there is rumour that powerful Pokemon live there…

    West Caverns
    Pokemon: Poison (40%), Bug (30%), Fire (30%)
    A wasteland, it is filled with tar pits, spewing out toxic gases, making it very much uninhabitable. Only few can survive here.
    State the location you wish to explore and one of our helpful workers will state what Pokemon you have found/stumbled upon. You then will post three actions that can trap, weaken, or whatever you can think of that could help capture the Pokemon. Then, one of the workers will state the results of the actions. You do not have to throw a Pokeball after three actions, but may see the results first. Also, throwing a Pokeball or using one of the many items you can buy takes up an action. Also, to make it more easier, I have designed a simple form for you to use.
    Post Form

    <quote>Originally Posted by (Insert Ref’s Name Here)
    (Insert Last Reffing Here)</quote>
    (Insert Current Location Here)
    (Insert Action Text)

    Remember to replace the “<” and “>” with “[“ and “]”.
    NEW! There are now new locations to explore. However, these locations may only be accessed if you have the corresponding SM.

    Shrine of Time
    A hidden rainforest, filled with exotic plant-life. The atmosphere is humid and the temperatures are high. This location is sealed off by a thick patch of vines that seems to be purposefully forming a gate…re-growing within a few minutes. Only someone with the “Cut” Skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Grass (100%)

    Shrine of the Sun
    Rumor has it that the source of the life-bringing light of the Crystal Caves is contained here. A large forest surrounding an with a glowing, yellow ore with a single tree growing from the lava itself, located on top of a sheer cliff made of the finest Crystal Caves trademark crystal. Only someone with the “Fly” Skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Flying (100%)

    The Volcano
    A wide, mysterious land shroud in fog, across a river with strong, raging rapids. Through the dense fog, you can see a giant peak, glowing in red, molten lava. Rumor has it that a fast Pokemon has been seen, speeding around the land, blur-like. Only someone with the “Surf” Skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Fire (100%)

    The Ruins
    Seismic waves from the Tremor Games have unearthed the ruins of an ancient city, showing that a sentient species had lived here, long ago. What ever happened to this place…no one knows for sure. Only someone with the “Strength” Skill may open the heavy gates of the ruins and enter.
    Pokemon: Psychic (100%)

    Cavern of Darkness
    A cavern deep under the Crystal Caves. No light has ever made it to this dark cavern. Only someone with the “Flash” Skill may venture through this place.
    Pokemon: Dark (100%)

    The Whirlpools
    Seemingly everlasting proof of the destruction that occurred a year ago, the whirlpools rage over a totally submerged part of the caves. Once place teaming with life, it is now only a ruin of the past. The only object seemingly untouched is a cavern at the bottom of the water. Only someone with the “Whirlpool” skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Steel (100%)

    Shrine of Suicune
    As the paths were cleared, people ventured deeper into the Caves, exploring unmapped territory. At the source of bloodline of the Crystal Caves, is a giant waterfall, the crystal clear water pouring from its peak. At the top, is a shrine dedicated to Suicune. The salt water seems to flow into the shrine…and out comes the purified water… Only someone with the “Waterfall” skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Water (100%)

    At the bottom of a now uncovered lake in the caves, there is a mysterious ship. No one knows where the ship came from or how it got there...though we know it wont be going away anytime soon. It is rumored that this location is haunted by the very people and Pokemon that died on that ship. Only someone with the “Dive” skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Ghost (100%)

    Magnetic North
    People have always been confused by why their compass arrows always pointed down—now they know why. A cave hidden deep under the Crystal Caves, it holds the center of the magnetic field of the Crystal Caves. An immovable rock is in the way of the entrance. Only someone with the “Rock Smash” skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Electric (100%)

    Special Pokeballs

    Fast Ball - Captures Faster Pokemon More Easily

    Heavy Ball - Captures Heavy Pokemon More Easily

    Lure Ball - Captures Water-Type Pokemon More Easily

    Stun Ball - Captures Pokemon With Status Effects More Easily

    Crystal Ball - Has An Equal Chance Of Being A Master Ball, Ultra Ball, Great Ball, Pokeball, Or Not Working

    When you catch a Pokemon, you get a free bred-on move OR TM (A TM can be GSC TMs/HMs, RBY TMs/HMs, Stadium 1/2 moves, and Crystal move tutor move). Then, at Levels 10, 20, etc., you get a free TM. If you start at or over level 10, you get your bred-on move/TM and your Level 10 TM.

    You can't repost unless we skip you.

    Post where you are in the center every time you post.

    Quote the reffing when you post, too. Don't quote the entire post, just your part.

    Don't put where you are in the subject line.
    If you do not follow these rules, we will skip you until you repost with the correct format (shouldn’t be too hard considering that I created a form to use).

    Absolutely no hinting pokémon. (ie. I'll ask that Pikachu if he has seen a Flygon anywhere). That is not allowed. Doing it continuously could result in a permanent ban from the center. You'll be warned if you do it once, but do it again after the warning and you're at risk.

    Also, no complaining/pestering the ref about how your update was done. Most of our workers use randomizers to choose Pokemon. And if things don't go your way, its for a good reason, since a game that's too easy isn't very fun, lol. Though, if you feel like a worker is constantly picking on you, please PM one of the owners.

    When refering to Pokemon by nicknames, please place the type of Pokemon it is in parentheses.

    Every Monday, Pokeballs, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls will be given out. Post to say you wish to recieve them. You can't have more than one of each kind, and we aren't forcing you to take them.
    List of Links

    The Crystal Caves Battledome
    Buena's Radio Show
    Goldenrod Tower
    The Crystal Caves Kiosk
    Founder- Link 10

    Owners- Wolfsong, *Murkrow,

    Workers- Cheesey, Linc

    The center wouldn't be here today if it weren't for our past and present employees:
    Link 10, pokemasterfrank, Aipom Of Doom, Jay, Cheesey, Wolfsong, aragornbird, *Murkrow and Linc.

  2. #2
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Balancing precariously on the leg that didn't hit the cactus, you explain to the Pokémon what just happened; as you finish, the Ponyta and Baltoy begin to chuckle, whereas the Metagross just continues staring.
    Asking what they're doing there, the Ponyta motions to the Baltoy and says they they were just travelling round to find something interesting, and noticed you. The Metagross just shrugs and mutters soemthing unaudible.
    What are you going to do?

    The Drowzee and Meditite smile and say that using the box of food sounds the best idea. Gladly agreeing, you pull a couple of pieces from the box and fling it towards your Houndoom, who pounces immediately.
    The second he's distracted, the two psychics quickly close their eyes and fall silent.
    Watching them and your Pokémon, you notice the Meditite twitch, as the Drowzee gasps slowly, before the two fall silent again.
    What are you going to do?

    Playing to your advantage, you send out Cinder to counter the Bulbasaur, who starts off by releasing a sweet aroma that clouds around Cinder; sighing, he lets his guard down, enough for the Bulbasaur to lash out with Vine Whip.
    Not worried, he simply flares up his head and back, burning the vines, before shooting a jet of flame that scorches the bulb on the other Pokémons back.
    What are you going to do?

    Darkprine the Dark Knight~
    Depsite being tempted by the Squirtle, you press on anyway, when you notice an odd ripple in the water.
    Pausing to watch it, you catch sight of a flippered hand emerging from the water seconds before a ducks head breaks through the surface.
    As the Golduck continues swimming elegantly, a Luvdisc surfaces, looking at the duck with wide open eyes.
    What are you going to do?

    Wingull looks very battered, and simply lies whining on the ground, as the Blastoise fusses around him and you, constantly apologising.
    Seeing as Wingull isn't in any sort of condition to talk to, you ask the Blastoise instead about the sharp shooting competition, and he beams back and laughs that it's exactly what it sounds like. Apparently, the water Pokémon around these parts like to test their skills and accuracy by throwing random competitions like this and he's determined to win this time.
    Hearing that you're willing to help, he smiles and says that he needs a new target now.
    What are you going to do?

    Moonlight Espeon~
    Charging Octazooka, Bubbles launches the massive ball of water at the tiny ghost, who splutters angrily, rising up and responding with a Thunderbolt.
    But Bubbles just stands his ground, launching another attack automatically, which sends the ghost spinning back towards the wall....but Shuppet just phases away before contact.
    As you and Bubbles look round for a possible attack, the Sneasel eyes the two of you carefully and begins to mutter something and edge away.
    What are you going to do?

    Wild Eevee~
    Wanting to help the Heracross, you overcome your nerves and walk forward into the group, before asking a worried looking female if you can help.
    She glances round distracted, but before she can answer, a roar rings out from above; a winged creature is circling, and the baby begins to scream louder, causing all the adults to huddle closer.
    Looks like the cause of all their fighting may have been due to whatever is flying above you now....and they're not willing to let it get a lock on to the child either.
    What are you going to do?

    Linc~ Bye Oak. And what's with the randomiser? >_<

    Returning Zora to his ball, you head over to the Mightyena and ask is she's like to join you as well, now you have her friend. Looking first at you, then at the Cyndaquil, she thinks for a bit, then shakes her head, saying she doesn't want to leave her other friend behind.
    Understanding, you turn to leave, as the two of them wave goodbye, the Mightyena calling for you to look after their friend.
    Wandering on, you head down an adjoining tunnel, noticing some Unown hovering near the ceiling, with a Magby spitting fire balls up at them.
    Then you notice something else...there's another Tyranitar here o_O She's humming to herself, scratching at the wall, pretty much ignoring everything else.
    What are you going to do?

  3. #3
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Darkprine the Dark Knight~
    Depsite being tempted by the Squirtle, you press on anyway, when you notice an odd ripple in the water.
    Pausing to watch it, you catch sight of a flippered hand emerging from the water seconds before a ducks head breaks through the surface.
    As the Golduck continues swimming elegantly, a Luvdisc surfaces, looking at the duck with wide open eyes.
    What are you going to do?

    I'm going to keep going onward.

    Say, just curious, but is it possible for someone here to find a person currently in the same area (and possibly go after a Pokemon the other person isn't going after)?
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  4. #4
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    The Drowzee and Meditite smile and say that using the box of food sounds the best idea. Gladly agreeing, you pull a couple of pieces from the box and fling it towards your Houndoom, who pounces immediately.
    The second he's distracted, the two psychics quickly close their eyes and fall silent.
    Watching them and your Pokémon, you notice the Meditite twitch, as the Drowzee gasps slowly, before the two fall silent again.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I'm not sure if I'll break their concentration by talking, so I'll wait a few seconds before asking what they found out.

    BTW, how many pieces of Food did I use?
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  5. #5
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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Moonlight Espeon~
    Charging Octazooka, Bubbles launches the massive ball of water at the tiny ghost, who splutters angrily, rising up and responding with a Thunderbolt.
    But Bubbles just stands his ground, launching another attack automatically, which sends the ghost spinning back towards the wall....but Shuppet just phases away before contact.
    As you and Bubbles look round for a possible attack, the Sneasel eyes the two of you carefully and begins to mutter something and edge away.
    What are you going to do?
    Location: North Caverns

    I'll move to the next area.

  6. #6

    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Wingull looks very battered, and simply lies whining on the ground, as the Blastoise fusses around him and you, constantly apologising.
    Seeing as Wingull isn't in any sort of condition to talk to, you ask the Blastoise instead about the sharp shooting competition, and he beams back and laughs that it's exactly what it sounds like. Apparently, the water Pokémon around these parts like to test their skills and accuracy by throwing random competitions like this and he's determined to win this time.
    Hearing that you're willing to help, he smiles and says that he needs a new target now.
    What are you going to do?

    Hmmm... I have an idea. I'll let Kairi (Vulpix) out. I'll instruct her to use her Ember attack to shoot little fireballs into the air. I'll tell Blastoise that he could shoot at them to practice.

  7. #7
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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Linc~ Bye Oak. And what's with the randomiser? >_<

    Returning Zora to his ball, you head over to the Mightyena and ask is she's like to join you as well, now you have her friend. Looking first at you, then at the Cyndaquil, she thinks for a bit, then shakes her head, saying she doesn't want to leave her other friend behind.
    Understanding, you turn to leave, as the two of them wave goodbye, the Mightyena calling for you to look after their friend.
    Wandering on, you head down an adjoining tunnel, noticing some Unown hovering near the ceiling, with a Magby spitting fire balls up at them.
    Then you notice something else...there's another Tyranitar here o_O She's humming to herself, scratching at the wall, pretty much ignoring everything else.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    Don't want to mess with another Tyranitar ._.;... I'll continue on.

  8. #8
    Elite Trainer
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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Balancing precariously on the leg that didn't hit the cactus, you explain to the Pokémon what just happened; as you finish, the Ponyta and Baltoy begin to chuckle, whereas the Metagross just continues staring.
    Asking what they're doing there, the Ponyta motions to the Baltoy and says they they were just travelling round to find something interesting, and noticed you. The Metagross just shrugs and mutters soemthing unaudible.
    What are you going to do?

    I'll ask the Metagross what it said... If it refuses to talk, I'll ask the Ponyta and the Baltoy if they heard what he said the first time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Wild Eevee~
    Wanting to help the Heracross, you overcome your nerves and walk forward into the group, before asking a worried looking female if you can help.
    She glances round distracted, but before she can answer, a roar rings out from above; a winged creature is circling, and the baby begins to scream louder, causing all the adults to huddle closer.
    Looks like the cause of all their fighting may have been due to whatever is flying above you now....and they're not willing to let it get a lock on to the child either.
    What are you going to do?
    East Cavern

    I'll look and see what the flying thing is first then try to think of something.

  10. #10

    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    I was making such a good post too ._.;;; At 2 AM, but I screwed up when I decided to use as a spell checker and forgot to open a seperate tab for it >_<;;;

    Technically, yes...if you can get there before either of them moves. Hell, you could, if you were evil enough, jump in mid capture and theoretically catch the Pokemon the person was catching for yourself...but no one wants to do that, right? :badsmile:

    Finding the Pokemon before you unsatisfactory, you continue your circular path around the Lake. You give a sign of content, feeling no rush on this beautiful day. You look up at the sky, the sunlight scattering all around you as you peer into the clear, blue sky. The breeze grazes your skin, and you know that this is a good day. You sit down at the river edge, on the grass, pop off your shoes, and plunk your feet into the water. The water weaves around your feet and through your toes, performing a graceful dance around your appendages. You admire the beauty of the water as it sparkles with the rays of the sun like jewels. The Lapras, Squirtle, Wooper, and Horsea splash each other and laugh near the center of the lake. You hear something crawl out of the water, and turn to your left to find that a Slowpoke has decided to accompany you. You turn to your right to find...your shoes missing. Whoops. What do you do?

    Just one.

    You wait anxiously as the Psychic duo meticulously scans the Houndoom's mind. After a dozen groans, oooos, and aaaahs, you decide to ask what they've found. Finding the two Pokemon unresponsive, obviously deep within Houndoom's mind (either that, or they fell asleep >_>), you decide to occupy yourself by examining your Houndoom. You peer into its face. It's eyes are rolled back upward and a piece of Pokemon food is barely hanging from its mouth. You barely stifle a laugh at the sight. You look down to find a slightly dented box of Pokemon food and hope that the contents aren't too damaged. Ignoring any common sense whatsoever, you decide to try and slide the box from under your Houndoom. Slowly pulling the box, sweatbeads form on your palms and on your forehead. You finally get the box free and Houndoom drops with minimal waking. You raise the box up above your head in triumph and cry out in your glee...breaking the two Psychic's concentration and freeing Houndoom--who promptly decides to dive for you. What do you do? o_o

    You continue along, making your way into a hallway of the Northern Caves. As you approach a fork in the path, you veer left and around the corner, Bubbles crawling around beside you. Your footsteps begin to crunch and you huddle yourself, feeling cold. As you walk out of the corridor, you find yourself in a large room, snowflakes falling from above. A Jynx and a Sableye build a snowman while a Haunter and Sneasel have a snowball fight with a Tyranitar and a Delibird. You watch as the Delibird snickers as he coats one of his presents with snow. Hehe, tricksy. What do you do?

    I would have laughed so hard if you volunteered yourself

    You send out Kairi and say that she can use her Ember attack and Blastoise can shoot them. The Blastoise nods and signals he is ready. Kairi fires off a fireball, and the Blastoise hits it with great accuracy. Kairi shoots another one and Blastoise misses by a mile. The flame begins falling, and Blastoise fires rapidly missing...missing...until finally the flame catches the ground on fire. Blastoise puts it out and sighs, disappointed in itself. You tell it to cheer up and your Vulpix tells it to get up and work. The both try again, practicing vigorously. As the sun begins to set, Blastoise has improved much. Blastoise thanks you shaking your hand (and the rest of your body). Setting you down, he invites you to watch the Sharpshooting contest and root on. What do you do?

    The Randomizer is quite screwy at times One time, it kept spitting out Smoochums nonstop, lol.

    Agh...I'll do the rest later >_< I slaughtered my inspiration pool.

    TPM IRC Chat
    Channel: #TPM

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by pokemasterfrank
    You continue along, making your way into a hallway of the Northern Caves. As you approach a fork in the path, you veer left and around the corner, Bubbles crawling around beside you. Your footsteps begin to crunch and you huddle yourself, feeling cold. As you walk out of the corridor, you find yourself in a large room, snowflakes falling from above. A Jynx and a Sableye build a snowman while a Haunter and Sneasel have a snowball fight with a Tyranitar and a Delibird. You watch as the Delibird snickers as he coats one of his presents with snow. Hehe, tricksy. What do you do?
    Location: North Caverns

    Fun! I'll throw a snowball at the Delibird for comic value. XD

  12. #12

    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by pokemasterfrank
    I would have laughed so hard if you volunteered yourself

    You send out Kairi and say that she can use her Ember attack and Blastoise can shoot them. The Blastoise nods and signals he is ready. Kairi fires off a fireball, and the Blastoise hits it with great accuracy. Kairi shoots another one and Blastoise misses by a mile. The flame begins falling, and Blastoise fires rapidly missing...missing...until finally the flame catches the ground on fire. Blastoise puts it out and sighs, disappointed in itself. You tell it to cheer up and your Vulpix tells it to get up and work. The both try again, practicing vigorously. As the sun begins to set, Blastoise has improved much. Blastoise thanks you shaking your hand (and the rest of your body). Setting you down, he invites you to watch the Sharpshooting contest and root on. What do you do?

    Heheh... I was actually planning to sacrifice myself, but then I remembered it's a Blastoise we're talking about. ^^;

    Anyway. I will thank Blastoise for his offer. Watching the sharpshooting contest should be pretty awesome! Plus, maybe I'll find some interesting Pokemon there. It's a possibility.

  13. #13
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Unwilling to face off against another Tyranitar, you nervously walk past, but she just looks up, smiles and returns to scratching the wall.
    Wandering off, you notice that there's a sudden increase in temperature as you walk along, and it's getting higher and higher.
    Pausing to decide whether or not you want to continue on this way, you notice a Growlithe and a Torchic trotting towards you, followed by a Slugma. Unsurprisingly, none of the fire types seem to be troubled by the heat.
    What are you going to do?

    Metagross shifts uneasily when you ask if it could repeat what it said, then mumbles something about the desert.
    The other two just shrug, before the Ponyta edges forward, smiling and nudges your arm gently.
    Automatically, you place your hand onto her cheek, scratching her fur as she smiles and whinies quietly; Baltoy watches curiously.
    Next second, the Metagross shudders, flings all of you a startled look and begin to back away.
    What are you going to do?

    Wild Eevee~
    Nervously squinting up at the shape, you feel a sinking feeling as you catch a glimpse of the massive wings, glinting fangs and narrowed eyes as the Pokémon circles above.
    It's a Salamence, and it's regarding you and the Heracross pretty hungrily.
    Trying to think of something to do, you hastily glance round the cavern for inspiration, but only see the terrified looks on the bugs faces. The one who spoke to you previously taps you shoulder and whispers that they're unsure if they could fight something like this.
    What are you going to do?

    Moonlight Espeon~
    Grabbing a handful of snow, you aim and fling it at the Delibird, who turns round just in time for you to score a direct hit. As the Sneasel and Haunter collapse in hysterical laughter, the Tyranitar turns and glares at you for hitting his team-mate; the Delibird however, seems to have got the joke and is chuckling to himself.
    Floating over, Haunter smiles and tugs your arm, trying to pull you across to join her and the Sneasels team.
    What are you going to do?

    Nodding as you thank him for the offer, the Blastoise slips back into the water and explains that the contest is taking part further up the river, and that the easiest way to get there is to swim.
    Getting the hint, you, Kairi and the Wingull hop from the bank onto his back, and hold on tight as he begins to swim rapidly through the water.
    After a couple of minutes fast swimming, you notice a gathering of Pokémon some way ahead, milling about; the ones closer to you turn out to be a Gorebyss, a Remoraid and a Kabuto.
    What are you going to do?

  14. #14
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by pokemasterfrank
    Technically, yes...if you can get there before either of them moves. Hell, you could, if you were evil enough, jump in mid capture and theoretically catch the Pokemon the person was catching for yourself...but no one wants to do that, right? :badsmile:

    Finding the Pokemon before you unsatisfactory, you continue your circular path around the Lake. You give a sign of content, feeling no rush on this beautiful day. You look up at the sky, the sunlight scattering all around you as you peer into the clear, blue sky. The breeze grazes your skin, and you know that this is a good day. You sit down at the river edge, on the grass, pop off your shoes, and plunk your feet into the water. The water weaves around your feet and through your toes, performing a graceful dance around your appendages. You admire the beauty of the water as it sparkles with the rays of the sun like jewels. The Lapras, Squirtle, Wooper, and Horsea splash each other and laugh near the center of the lake. You hear something crawl out of the water, and turn to your left to find that a Slowpoke has decided to accompany you. You turn to your right to find...your shoes missing. Whoops. What do you do?

    o_O what a crazy predicament...

    I'm going to ask one of the water Pokemon here if he/she could retrieve my shoes for me (if the water is too deep for me (I can't swim), this would help a bit).
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Metagross shifts uneasily when you ask if it could repeat what it said, then mumbles something about the desert.
    The other two just shrug, before the Ponyta edges forward, smiling and nudges your arm gently.
    Automatically, you place your hand onto her cheek, scratching her fur as she smiles and whinies quietly; Baltoy watches curiously.
    Next second, the Metagross shudders, flings all of you a startled look and begin to back away.
    What are you going to do?

    O_o Weird. I'll let the Metagross back away if it wants to. I don't think there's any point in asking it what he said because he's obviously uncomfortable... So I'll just ask the Ponyta and Baltoy if they want to walk alongside me as I carry on through the Desert for a little longer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Moonlight Espeon~
    Grabbing a handful of snow, you aim and fling it at the Delibird, who turns round just in time for you to score a direct hit. As the Sneasel and Haunter collapse in hysterical laughter, the Tyranitar turns and glares at you for hitting his team-mate; the Delibird however, seems to have got the joke and is chuckling to himself.
    Floating over, Haunter smiles and tugs your arm, trying to pull you across to join her and the Sneasels team.
    What are you going to do?
    Location: North Caverns

    I'll join their team gladly. I'll start picking up snowballs and throwing them at Tyranitar and Delibird.

  17. #17
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by pokemasterfrank
    Just one.

    You wait anxiously as the Psychic duo meticulously scans the Houndoom's mind. After a dozen groans, oooos, and aaaahs, you decide to ask what they've found. Finding the two Pokemon unresponsive, obviously deep within Houndoom's mind (either that, or they fell asleep >_>), you decide to occupy yourself by examining your Houndoom. You peer into its face. It's eyes are rolled back upward and a piece of Pokemon food is barely hanging from its mouth. You barely stifle a laugh at the sight. You look down to find a slightly dented box of Pokemon food and hope that the contents aren't too damaged. Ignoring any common sense whatsoever, you decide to try and slide the box from under your Houndoom. Slowly pulling the box, sweatbeads form on your palms and on your forehead. You finally get the box free and Houndoom drops with minimal waking. You raise the box up above your head in triumph and cry out in your glee...breaking the two Psychic's concentration and freeing Houndoom--who promptly decides to dive for you. What do you do? o_o
    South Caverns

    I'll swiftly recall Nuka(Houndoom) and ask the Psychics what they found out.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  18. #18

    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Nodding as you thank him for the offer, the Blastoise slips back into the water and explains that the contest is taking part further up the river, and that the easiest way to get there is to swim.
    Getting the hint, you, Kairi and the Wingull hop from the bank onto his back, and hold on tight as he begins to swim rapidly through the water.
    After a couple of minutes fast swimming, you notice a gathering of Pokémon some way ahead, milling about; the ones closer to you turn out to be a Gorebyss, a Remoraid and a Kabuto.
    What are you going to do?

    I'll ask Blastoise if these Pokemon are participating in the sharpshooting contest. Whatever his answer will be, I will keep a close look on the Kabuto.

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    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Unwilling to face off against another Tyranitar, you nervously walk past, but she just looks up, smiles and returns to scratching the wall.
    Wandering off, you notice that there's a sudden increase in temperature as you walk along, and it's getting higher and higher.
    Pausing to decide whether or not you want to continue on this way, you notice a Growlithe and a Torchic trotting towards you, followed by a Slugma. Unsurprisingly, none of the fire types seem to be troubled by the heat.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll kneel down to the Pokemon, and pet them on the head, except for the Slugma of course, I don't want to burn my hand off. Instead, I'll say hi to it. then, I'll ask the Torchic if it would want to join my team, and if it says no, I'll continue.

  20. #20
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    Is there a formula to catching pokemon here now, or is it all ezpz scenario based still?

    I'd prefer a formula, and would really spice this place up and make it more fair and less biased. Please think of some new ideas. The CC part of AC/CC is dying.

    More workers would be nice. There's only one active worker.

  21. #21
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    I don't know what ezpz means or what you mean by a formula because I'm extremely tired, worn out and generally not in a terribly intelligent sort of mood. But Frank told me that he'd be rehiring people at some point, but he didn't say when... Since aragornbird seems to have vanished entirely. He hasn't updated for nearly a month, I don't think.

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    Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Wild Eevee~

    Nervously squinting up at the shape, you feel a sinking feeling as you catch a glimpse of the massive wings, glinting fangs and narrowed eyes as the Pokémon circles above.
    It's a Salamence, and it's regarding you and the Heracross pretty hungrily.
    Trying to think of something to do, you hastily glance round the cavern for inspiration, but only see the terrified looks on the bugs faces. The one who spoke to you previously taps you shoulder and whispers that they're unsure if they could fight something like this.
    What are you going to do?
    East Cavern

    I'll ask Bagon what he thinks.

  23. #23
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Playing to your advantage, you send out Cinder to counter the Bulbasaur, who starts off by releasing a sweet aroma that clouds around Cinder; sighing, he lets his guard down, enough for the Bulbasaur to lash out with Vine Whip.
    Not worried, he simply flares up his head and back, burning the vines, before shooting a jet of flame that scorches the bulb on the other Pokémons back.
    What are you going to do?
    Smokescreen, then Tackle.
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  24. #24
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    For catching Pokémon ( I wasn't sure if you meant that or finding the Pokémon, sorry), I just factor in the damage dealt, strength of ball, status effects; Crystal Balls are randomised, and I try to space out Pokémon that come willingly. Sorry again if that wasn't what you were referring to Jay, but I'm really out of it at the moment, I typed a long paragraph thinking you were talking about finding Pokémon, then noticed you said catching x_x
    Though my main problem with a formula still stands- even if it doesn't take much time if used once, if more than one people required its use, along with the other parts of updating, it could really eat into the limited time that i have at the moment.

    And am lacking in any sort of ideas tonight ;o Also cannot spell to save my life.

    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
    Shouting out to the four Pokémonin the lake if they can retrieve your shoes for you, the Wooper and Horsea look interested and paddle over.
    Repeating your request, they look at you curiously, then glance round, asking what shoes you're talking about.
    Realising that you don't exactly know where your shoes are either, you ask them if they can at least look; they nod and dive under the water.
    Trying to relax while you wait, you notice the Slowpoke giving you an odd look from the corner of his eye.
    What are you going to do?

    As the Metagross continues to look manically around, the Ponyta and Baltoy fling you an unnerved look, before the Ponyta tackles you, then drags you away, followed by the Baltoy.
    Looking back, you spot the Metagross spasm one more time before suddenly diving under the sand of the desert.
    As Ponyta relaxes her hold on you, you turn round to spot some Lillep sticking their heads curiously from the sand, sizing you all up.
    What are you going to do?

    Moonlight Espeon~
    Happy to join their team, you take the chance to throw a massive ball at the Tyranitar, who promptly grabs his team mate and uses him as a shield. Shrieking, the Delibird pulls free, glares at his friend, then grabs a ball of snow and throws it at the Pokémon.
    You, Sneasel and Haunter join in eagerly, and the four of you quickly begin to gang up on the Tyranitar, who snarls and begins to frantically throw armfuls of snow around.
    What are you going to do?

    Zapping Nuka back into his Master Ball, you approach the psychics, asking what they discovered.
    The Drowzee looks uneasy and says that your Houndoom isn't really a family guy; Meditite nods and continues, saying that from what they could make out, Nuka was a disturbed Pokémon right from the start, and didn't seem to have any worries about what or who he attacked. The Meditite then adds that it seemed that some others ended up rebelling against him, which may explain why he was wandering on his own.
    What are you going to do?

    Blastoise thinks that the Gorebyss is, but is unsure if the other two are competitors or if they're just hanging around to watch or are helping the Gorebyss to practise.
    Keeping your eye on the Kabuto anyway as you draw nearer, Blastoise is proved wrong when it leaps from the water and aims a well aimed jet of water at the Remoraid, who counters it back instantly, seconds before the Gorebyss blasts both of them.
    What are you going to do?

    Cautiously rubbing the Pokémon on the head and greeting the Slugma, you ask the Torchic if she would like to join your team.
    Squinting at you, she edges closer, chirping softly; taking that as a yes, you pull a Poké Ball from your pocket, but she pounces, snatches it away and runs off, back the way they came.
    Racing after her, watched by the laughing Slugma and Growlithe, you feel the temperature increase further and pause again-you can hear her chirping up ahead, but whether or not you're willing to continue is up to you.
    What are you going to do?

    Wild Eevee~
    Bagon looks petrified when you ask what he thinks, but puts on a brave face, looks back at the Heracross, and in particular the baby.
    Taking a deep breath, he whispers that he'll try and reason with Salamence, and walks nervously forward, looking up at the dragon, who stares back coldly.
    The Salamence doesn't seem too bothered by Bagon's presence, but also shows no sign of any willingness to come down and talk.
    What are you going to do?

    Coughing a thick black cloud out, Cinder vanishes from the Bulbasaur's sight, as the fumes cover him.
    Used to the thick layer, Cinder charges towards the spot where the Bulbasaur last stood, aiming to smash into him as hard as he can, but simply skids through the open air.
    Evidently, Bulbasaur knows not to reamin still in a battle, but he's not avery sure-footed-the sound of something stumbling slightly alerts Cinder, and he bounds into Bulba's body, knocking him out of the Smokescreen.
    What are you going to do?

  25. #25
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
    Shouting out to the four Pokémonin the lake if they can retrieve your shoes for you, the Wooper and Horsea look interested and paddle over.
    Repeating your request, they look at you curiously, then glance round, asking what shoes you're talking about.
    Realising that you don't exactly know where your shoes are either, you ask them if they can at least look; they nod and dive under the water.
    Trying to relax while you wait, you notice the Slowpoke giving you an odd look from the corner of his eye.
    What are you going to do?

    I'm going to wait and see if the Wooper and Horsea manage to find my shoes. If they do find them, I'm going to thank them, try and shake the water out of/on my shoes and move on. If they can't find them, I'm going to ask the Lapras and Slowpoke if they could help the Wooper and Horsea out.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    As the Metagross continues to look manically around, the Ponyta and Baltoy fling you an unnerved look, before the Ponyta tackles you, then drags you away, followed by the Baltoy.
    Looking back, you spot the Metagross spasm one more time before suddenly diving under the sand of the desert.
    As Ponyta relaxes her hold on you, you turn round to spot some Lillep sticking their heads curiously from the sand, sizing you all up.
    What are you going to do?

    What a weird Metagross. Anyway, I'll just continue on...

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Zapping Nuka back into his Master Ball, you approach the psychics, asking what they discovered.
    The Drowzee looks uneasy and says that your Houndoom isn't really a family guy; Meditite nods and continues, saying that from what they could make out, Nuka was a disturbed Pokémon right from the start, and didn't seem to have any worries about what or who he attacked. The Meditite then adds that it seemed that some others ended up rebelling against him, which may explain why he was wandering on his own.
    What are you going to do?
    Sounds like a problem I'm having with another character in a RPG I'm in...

    South Caverns

    "I'm not certain what I'll do with Nuka(Houndoom). I know somehow I have to gain his trust and try to help him as best as I can. But I won't hurt him, and he's to dangerous to release." I tell them. "Thank you for taking time to help us. I just hope I can help him. Farewell." And I'll continue on. What I'll do I've no idea. But it would probably be best if I can get another Pokemon for back up incase Nuka breaks out again.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  28. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Blastoise thinks that the Gorebyss is, but is unsure if the other two are competitors or if they're just hanging around to watch or are helping the Gorebyss to practise.
    Keeping your eye on the Kabuto anyway as you draw nearer, Blastoise is proved wrong when it leaps from the water and aims a well aimed jet of water at the Remoraid, who counters it back instantly, seconds before the Gorebyss blasts both of them.
    What are you going to do?

    Woah... so that's what goes on in the sharpshooting contest... I might be in danger, than. I'll ask Blastoise to drop me off on the riverbank, where I'll watch the contest from a safe distance.

  29. #29
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    I don't have time to update right now, but I'll try to update later. been busy trying to get all my links situated back on this computer.

    Karin has agreed to take my Charmander Nuria into her team. She should be confirming this soon. I have given her all of Nuria's info.

    Once she's confirmed, I would like to go to the Meadow myself. Since its been a while since i've been here, it would take forever to find my last update to quote
    Silver Wolf
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    Adoptees, Captees, Expedia, & Plushies
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    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  30. #30
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    Yup, confirmed.

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

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    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Cautiously rubbing the Pokémon on the head and greeting the Slugma, you ask the Torchic if she would like to join your team.
    Squinting at you, she edges closer, chirping softly; taking that as a yes, you pull a Poké Ball from your pocket, but she pounces, snatches it away and runs off, back the way they came.
    Racing after her, watched by the laughing Slugma and Growlithe, you feel the temperature increase further and pause again-you can hear her chirping up ahead, but whether or not you're willing to continue is up to you.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    Blasted bird! If I catch up to it, I'll battle it to show that it shouldn't take things! I'll send out Nightmare (Sneasel) and tell her to use HIdden Power: Water on either of us if it gets too hot, and I'll chase after the Torchic. If I catch up to it, I'll ask it again if it would want to join me now since I found it, and if it refuses, I'll tell Nightmare (Sneasel) to use HP:Water on it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Moonlight Espeon~
    Happy to join their team, you take the chance to throw a massive ball at the Tyranitar, who promptly grabs his team mate and uses him as a shield. Shrieking, the Delibird pulls free, glares at his friend, then grabs a ball of snow and throws it at the Pokémon.
    You, Sneasel and Haunter join in eagerly, and the four of you quickly begin to gang up on the Tyranitar, who snarls and begins to frantically throw armfuls of snow around.
    What are you going to do?
    Location: North Caverns

    I'll send out my Lv 10 Male Sneasel, Bloodlust, my Lv 14 Male Octillery, Bubbles and my Lv 15 Lunatone, Psyrock to join in on the fun.

  33. #33
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    Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Wild Eevee~

    Bagon looks petrified when you ask what he thinks, but puts on a brave face, looks back at the Heracross, and in particular the baby.
    Taking a deep breath, he whispers that he'll try and reason with Salamence, and walks nervously forward, looking up at the dragon, who stares back coldly.
    The Salamence doesn't seem too bothered by Bagon's presence, but also shows no sign of any willingness to come down and talk.
    What are you going to do?
    East Cavern

    I'll have Machop,Meditite and Poochyena prepare for a possible battle.

  34. #34
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    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
    A ripple in the water signals the return of the Horsea, who just shakes her head; seconds later, Wooper also surfaces, empty-handed.
    Sighing, you call out to the Lapras, to see if she will help-as she turns and glides over, you glance at the Slowpoke and repeat your request.
    Slowpoke doesn't answer, but just shifts uneasily; frowning, Wooper gives an experimental blast of water, which knocks him back....promptly revealing your shoes, which Slowpoke had been hiding.
    What are you going to do?

    Followed by the Ponyta and Baltoy, you step away from the Lileep and trek further into the desert.
    Up ahead, there seems to be some sort of disturbance in the sand- edging closer, you make out that it's a couple of Dugtrio having a race, watched by a Numel and Torkoal.
    The larger 'Trio seems to be winning, but the smaller one suddenly puts on a burst of speed and the two hurtle past what looks to be the finish line at the same time. They pause, then glare at each other, unsure of who exactly won.
    What are you going to do?

    Thanking the psychics for their help, you decide that you may as well continue on now. The Meditite and Drowzee wish you luck as you walk away into the next tunnel.
    Wandering along in the dim light, your eye is caught by a light shining off of a gem, that looks like its stuck in the wall. However, as you walk closer, you realise that it's actually in the back of a Sableye that appears to be dozing, hanging almost vertically off the wall.
    What are you going to do?

    Blastoise chuckles and drops you happily off onto the bank before paddling to join the rest of the Pokémon.
    A Walrein emerges from the water and scrambles onto the bank beside you, before turning and shouting at the crowd to split into their divisions.
    Blastoise and the Gorebyss are joined by a Sharpedo and a Corpish, and all four swim forward to face off against each other.
    At the Walreins order, Blastoise and Sharpedo swim forward, before blasting a jet of water at each other; the practice really helped Blastoise as he ducks the oncoming attack and knocks the Sharpedo away with a direct hit.
    As the Gorebyss and Corpish swim forward to have their go, he glances over and gives you a wink.
    What are you going to do?

    After wishing your Charmander well with her new trainer, you enter the meadow, anxious to discover the Pokémon you're after.
    But you haven't gone more than a few steps when the ground beneath your explodes and a Cradily emerges, watching you beadily, and moaning loudly.
    The sound disrupts a Pichu and a Seedoy who were hiding nearby; as they break cover, the Cradily quickly glances at them, before turning his attention back to you.
    What are you going to do?

    Unwilling to give up on the Torchic now, you quickly unleash your Sneasel to provide a way to keep cool and the two of you further into the hot corridor.
    An orange object reveals itself to be the Torchic, who squeaks in surprise that you've followed her; turning to run, she is instead hit by a blast of Nightmare's Hidden Power.
    Feeling uneasy in the heat, you ask Nightmare to use her attack on you; nodding she lashes out with a blast of water, which despite begining to evaporate in the air provides its purpose.
    Turning to find Torchic, the only thing you can see is the Poké Ball she took-walking over to pick it up, you notice that it seems rather though something decided to hide in it.

    Torchic F L9

    What are you going to do?

    Moonlight Espeon~
    Letting out your three Pokémon to join in the fun, the wild Sneasel immediately winks at Bloodlust, who grins in a sheepish manner. Scowling, Haunter smacks her team mate, and everyone turns back to the task of beating the Tyranitar.
    Psychically picking up a massive clump of snow, Psyrock drops it onto Tyranitars which point he goes beserk and blasts a Hyper Beam at you all.
    Ducking for cover with your Pokémon, you can't help notice that neither Sneasel or Haunter seemed to mind and have continued chucking snow around as it nothing happened.
    What are you going to do?

    Wild Eevee~
    As Bagon continues to try to reason with the Salamence, you decide not to take any chances and mutter to Meditite, Poochyena and Machop to get ready.
    A roar from above signals your fears were right, as Salamence grows tired of hearing a Bagon prattle on, and just wants his meal.
    Clamping his wings in and diving down, the three Pokémon spring forward to stand bravely by Bagons side, facing off against the monster.
    Either he's not as hungry as he seems or just likes the idea of beating up smaller Pokémon, but the Salamence suddenly stalls and lands on the ground opposite the four Pokémon and laughs.
    What are you going to do?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Followed by the Ponyta and Baltoy, you step away from the Lileep and trek further into the desert.
    Up ahead, there seems to be some sort of disturbance in the sand- edging closer, you make out that it's a couple of Dugtrio having a race, watched by a Numel and Torkoal.
    The larger 'Trio seems to be winning, but the smaller one suddenly puts on a burst of speed and the two hurtle past what looks to be the finish line at the same time. They pause, then glare at each other, unsure of who exactly won.
    What are you going to do?

    I would go over to them and say to them who I thought had won... But I Don't want to start any fights. x_x So I guess I'll just continue on with Ponyta and Baltoy.

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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Moonlight Espeon~
    Letting out your three Pokémon to join in the fun, the wild Sneasel immediately winks at Bloodlust, who grins in a sheepish manner. Scowling, Haunter smacks her team mate, and everyone turns back to the task of beating the Tyranitar.
    Psychically picking up a massive clump of snow, Psyrock drops it onto Tyranitars which point he goes beserk and blasts a Hyper Beam at you all.
    Ducking for cover with your Pokémon, you can't help notice that neither Sneasel or Haunter seemed to mind and have continued chucking snow around as it nothing happened.
    What are you going to do?
    Location: North Caverns

    It's all good fun. Hmm, I haven't used my Master Ball yet from when I chose it as my first ball I don't think, so I may want to catch that Tyranitar.. but not now.
    I'll just go back out and keep playing along with the snowball fight because I'm trying to befriend the Sneasel and Haunter so they might want to go along with me if I leave the area.

  37. #37
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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    After wishing your Charmander well with her new trainer, you enter the meadow, anxious to discover the Pokémon you're after.
    But you haven't gone more than a few steps when the ground beneath your explodes and a Cradily emerges, watching you beadily, and moaning loudly.
    The sound disrupts a Pichu and a Seedoy who were hiding nearby; as they break cover, the Cradily quickly glances at them, before turning his attention back to you.
    What are you going to do?


    I'll ask the cradilly if its okay. If it is, I'll continue on seeing as none of those pokemon are what i'm looking for. If it isn't i'll ask if there is anything that i can do to help it.


    Not wanting to start a fight, you continue your trek through the desert. A shrill cry of excitement breaks the silence as a young larvitar runs at you. It leaps up and gives you a hug that practically chokes you. A sandshrew burrows out of the sand and looks up at you with amusement while you hear giggles coming from behind you. Even before you turn around, you know that its baltoy and ponyta, but you're too busy trying to breath to care. Finally the larvitar loosens its grip on your neck and attaches itself to your leg. What will you do now?
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  38. #38
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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong

    Not wanting to start a fight, you continue your trek through the desert. A shrill cry of excitement breaks the silence as a young larvitar runs at you. It leaps up and gives you a hug that practically chokes you. A sandshrew burrows out of the sand and looks up at you with amusement while you hear giggles coming from behind you. Even before you turn around, you know that its baltoy and ponyta, but you're too busy trying to breath to care. Finally the larvitar loosens its grip on your neck and attaches itself to your leg. What will you do now?

    Hmm... I'll shake my leg very gently to get the Larvitar's attention and then ask it why he/she has decided to clutch my leg. O_o

  39. #39
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
    A ripple in the water signals the return of the Horsea, who just shakes her head; seconds later, Wooper also surfaces, empty-handed.
    Sighing, you call out to the Lapras, to see if she will help-as she turns and glides over, you glance at the Slowpoke and repeat your request.
    Slowpoke doesn't answer, but just shifts uneasily; frowning, Wooper gives an experimental blast of water, which knocks him back....promptly revealing your shoes, which Slowpoke had been hiding.
    What are you going to do?

    o_O the Slowpoke had my shoes all this time?

    I'm going to ask him what he was doing with my shoes. If he didn't mean to take them or was just being playful, I'll accept an apology from him, then shake the water out of them and move on.
    Knight of Time

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  40. #40
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V11 (M.A)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Thanking the psychics for their help, you decide that you may as well continue on now. The Meditite and Drowzee wish you luck as you walk away into the next tunnel.
    Wandering along in the dim light, your eye is caught by a light shining off of a gem, that looks like its stuck in the wall. However, as you walk closer, you realise that it's actually in the back of a Sableye that appears to be dozing, hanging almost vertically off the wall.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll leave Sableye alone and continue on.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

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