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  1. #1
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    What are your opinions on overused Pokémon.

    My personal opinion is that with every underused Pokémon, a overused Pokémon can come. And with underused I don't mean like a cool Pokémon, just not many times used like Muk, But I mean like Voltorb/Electrode. Hanada let his main person Tracey catch a Charmander, the most overused of them all. But he also caught a Voltorb, and to tell you the truth I never saw him in a fic.

    And also what bugs me, that many people think Pokémon used by Brock, Misty, Ash, Jessie, James and May are overused, just because they have it. I'd like to see that that's not true. A real over-used Pokémon is that it appears in a lot of fics.

  2. #2
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    My opinion on over-used pokemon:

    If you consider using an overused pokemon in your fic, make it your own and try to make it interesting. Give it something truly unique, perhaps it has a negative attitude towards others of its kind, or something.

    Having your character own an over-used pokemon and making it nothing special is rather boring, even more boring than an underused pokemon used the same way.

    Some ways to spice-up your overused pokemon:

    Speech: Everyone needs someone to talk to. However, make it a unique form of talking. Whether it's an annoying accent, or it uses its gift way too much. This is a feature that you also have to customize. Simply having a pokemon speak for the heck of it is also rather boring...

    Different color: You can make it a different color, but try to make the difference in color something special and unexpected. Perhaps it hatched that way, or maybe it used to belong to the father/mother of the character, or perhaps it was a prize in a contest, etc...

    Means of being acquired: A lot of fics I see involve people getting their pokemon from some Professor Willow, or something...Try to make it a little different, like it was given to him by his father, or something...or, if you do have the Professor give your character the pokemon, make it a better reason than just being friends. Perhaps the Professor is a good-for-nothing who needs someone to help him with his research...

    Other unique traits: Perhaps that Machop has blue eyes instead of red (WildFemaleMachoke), Or that Cyndaquil has a scar across its eye. Every human has their own unique features, so why shouldn't pokemon? Not all pokemon should be created equal, so give your overused pokemon a unique feature. Make it suttle, though; don't give that guy's charizard four wings, but maybe give it an extra finger on each hand or foot. (Though a Charizard with four wings would look darn cool...I'll have to remember that...)

  3. #3
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    Personally I think the Starters are terribly overused, even myself am guilt of that. But I try to give them a degree of personality, so as not to look too guilty.

    Other overused ones are Dratini/Larvitar/Bagon (Soon to be) Eevee and Vulpix.

    I think that's about it!

    Overused are ok, but I'm stoicly against Eevees and Dratinis. Lol. But as long as they have a personality I'm fine with it.

  4. #4
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    OzAndrew- Then you will hate my fic... The main character has an Eevee. Of course, he is not a trainer. Rather, he is an amnesiac who woke up in a forest village with an Eevee in his Pokeball.. But yeah! As for the overused Pokemon, I suppose that putting your own spin on them would help...

  5. #5
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    It all depends. I have a lot of fun writing about a trainer whose Pokemon can't stand each other. Sure, many of them are overused (Charizard, Wigglytuff, Jolteon, Raichu, and Scyther are notable), and I could make a joke about that. In the end, though, their characters are the main force the group has in terms of humor. But it all depends on what you're trying to do, I guess. In the same fic, there's a trainer with a talking Electrode and a horribly lazy Slowbro...

    I digress. The bane of Pokemon fanfic is trainers with Legendaries on their squads. I read a fic about a girl who had all three of the birds, beat Ash into a pulp, and then ended up falling for him. He didn't mind losing, as long as he got to make out...what in the hell? Not the point...have to stay on topic. Oh, right. "Long-lost relative" stuff gets annoying, too.

  6. #6
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    Lol, Oz, how did you survive reading LTL and TCL then?

    Personally, I think some overused pokemon are just annoying. Rattatas and pidgeys are dull as dull could be, and on the whole, most of the starters are quite overused too. I think that if you want to use them i nyour fic, make them original, or different that the norm in some way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  7. #7

    Default Overused Pokémon

    I just use my favorite pokémon... (although The Second Clone has Furret, but hey, that came from a dream! I'm mainly talking about my other fanfic here) That happens to include Charizard, but that's not my fault if I like it and can't write a fic without it... All the pokémon have an interesting past to make up for it, and they all seem to hate something, like a Scyther hates Scizors because his girlfriend was evolved by a trainer, while that Charizard was a Charmeleon he and Scyther hated each other, etc.
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  8. #8
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    Well browsing these boards help with fic writing.

    Hmm. Yeah I know Eevee is overused but it can change into 5 different pokemon, and it makes a reader want to guess.

    The starters are overused because those are the pokemon most people know first, but there are 10 different starters, and what do you expect, now evolve them so thirty pokemon,

    Scyther and Electabuzz, are over used but tehy can be used, I mean who could see a Clefable using a mega punch, or slash attack, which can be described really well.

    And those used in the show, are more considered unorginal only since they were showed, like Pikachu lost a whole lot of points when it was in the show, or the infamous Jigglypuff putting to people asleep.

    Also the Dragons, are popular since most people like strong mythical beasts, and are cool.

    Of course Legendaries are not overused as a character's pokemon, but more of a plot twist or add in. But that is normal they are LEGENDS. Now lets total some of htese up,
    Starters- 30 includes Pika
    legends, 20 excuse me please if I am wrong with numbers these are off the top of my thick head
    Overpopulars,i will guestimate about 20, now that leaves us writers with about

    70 over used pokemon, now that may not seem like alot but it is for the readers. AH you read about the same pokemon with the different personalities. Also I think Oz does this too, but try to shun the overused away. Like I make suicidal pika's and a rejection of an Eevee.
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  9. #9
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    Yeah, I know what you mean. In my fic I tried to stray away from the overused Pokemon. That is why you'll see Mike with some very underused ones. (I.E Tangela, Drowzee, and maybe another very soon). I give underused Pokemon a chance in my fic and try not to use really overused ones like Charmander.
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  10. #10
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    I'm sorry, but I seem to be using a lot of these overused Pokemon in my fic, especially those G/S/C Pokemon. But as long as you put some personality into these overused Pokemon or give the underdogs a scene, everything should be okay.

    And I too think that legendaries being in someone's team is going a little too far (except mr_pikachu, he makes it look good in his current fic).
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  11. #11

    Default Overused Pokémon

    I think it's hard not to use overused pokemon in fics because people try to put pokemon they personally like into them and alot people like the same pokemon. Like after I put plusle and minun in my fic and I noticed many other fics had the same pokemon without me even knowing. That's why I argee with kohdok as long as you make it your owns.

  12. #12
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    Default Stupid overused pokes

    Yes, I too am sick of seeing pokemon like pikachu and charmander constantly used in every fic.

    I am guilty of over-using as well, though. I always try to fit my fav, Sandshrew/Sandslash, into every fic I write in some sort of supporting role.

    As for legendaries.. having someone start with one is just ignorant and I don't even bother to read passed the first chapter in those unless there is very good reason for a main character to have a legendary.

    In my fic, Pokemon 1-5-1, the a female Mew is one of the main characters and could be loosely classified as Rick's (the main protagonist) pokemon, but he isn't on a journey to collect badges. He's on a journey to save the world from Team Rocket by keep Mew out of their hands lest they use her to accomplish their evil, sadistic plans (exactly what they have planned won't be revealed for a while.)

  13. #13

    Default Overused Pokémon

    70 Pokemon out of 386? That's not so much...nevermind.

    I use my favourites and the ones I think are cool to have. Nidoran M, Drowzee, Zangoose (rock on!), Magby (I've only Magmar in one fic), Marill (?), and Kangskhan are some ones I like. None of those are overused which fits me perfectly in Through Blind Eyes. Linoone, Beautifly, and Absol are pretty good and adorable so they went into Mako's Family.
    Overused ones in those would possibly be Houndour and Electrike in TBE and Vulpix (sorry!) in MaF (so it doesn't look like MF).

    But, I'm going with Dragon_Claw on this one. With every overused you should try and put in an underused or was it the other way around? Gah...

    That would mean I need a bit more overused in my stories...nah...

    Pick your favs is a good way. Most people have underused favs like Furret and Larvitar. Or, get some dice and see which one you roll.

  14. #14
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    Wow... I got mentioned in a thread I hadn't even replied in... lol! Anyway, there are many Pokemon that are used often, and it is a good idea to at least include some "underused" ones, so as to balance it out. After all, who doesn't know all the different things a Pikachu can do by now? But sometimes, the "overused" ones can be okay, just as long as you have a unique enough reason for it. But if the only reason to have them is to annihilate all opponents that challenge the character, well, we all know that'll get old real fast. If not instantaneously. As long as you use some creativity though, overused Pokemon shouldn't be too much of a problem. Just make sure you don't make a carbon-copy of Ash's team. Unless, of course, your fic is about Ash and co... heh heh... ^^;;; Basically, it depends more on your creativity than the Pokemon that go into the fic.

    Thanks for the honorable mention, classy_cat18! Much appreciated!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  15. #15

    Default Overused Pokémon

    Like what everyone else said, overused is ok if they have great personalities. But yeah, seeing trainers start off with a starter, Eevee, a dragon, a Houndour, a Tyrogue, etc, can be a bit boring. I am guilty of having people start with Eevee, Chikorita, Larvitar, and Tyrogue (but I started writing the one with Eevee way back in 2000 when I was a newbie to the net and read only a few fanfics prior). However, despite the overused, I didn't have a professor in either and all Pokemon were found in original ways...

    In my first fic, Pokemon Tan, the trainer Katelle started the journey on a boat that would take her from Vermilion to Pallet so she could catch a weak pokemon there to start. But on the way there, she saw a trainer abusing an Eevee, and later, when the ship was being attacked by a Gyarados, the trainer had abandoned his Eevee and Katelle rescued it. I lost interest in this fic by chapter 11.

    Then there's the Kein trainer, a person I used for starting 3 different GS fics, but non of them made it past chapter 3:

    In my GS fic, the trainer named Kein (who lived in Mahogany with Pryce) found Chikorita being attacked by Fearow, and she nursed it back to health.

    In the alternate fic, Kein found a Larvitar egg while truffle hunting with Pryce's Swinub, and it became her starter.

    In the OTHER alternate fic, Kein was Chuck's niece, and she was not allowed to train with Fighting Pokemon like all his junior trainers. One day, a mysterious package with a Pokeball arrived at the gym addressed to Kein, and in it was Tyrogue, and Kein was finally allowed to train. Who gave Kein the Tyrogue? It's a secret

    Lol, my indecisive Gemini mind was the cause of all this quitting and starting over . But yeah, if you make the trainer catch the Pokemon in an original way, like rescuing or simply finding it, the story will be better already.

    Random Trivia: in the Pokemon manga by Toshihiro Ono, Ash found Pikachu in the walls of his home chewing the electric wires, and that's how he captured it. More original than the anime, huh?

  16. #16

    Default Overused Pokémon

    Wouldn't it be nice to have a list or something over overused pokémon, apart from starters and legendaries since everyone knows which they are? I'm not sure about many pokémon...
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  17. #17
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    some from my head for Dragonfree


    -Azurill + evos
    -Pichu + evos
    -Horsea + evos
    -Bagon+ evos

    -Pidgey + evos
    -Both Nidorans + evos
    -Dratini + evos
    -Houndour + evo
    -Larvitar + evo

    and starters and legendarys

  18. #18
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    Originally posted by Dragon_Claw
    D'oh! The main Charter in my fanfic is a Politoed.
    Well I guess I could always make my Genetically engineered Politoed hyper active and have him have a deep Irish Assent Sorta......=/

    Anyways yeah I agree some are way over used, but I say If a writer has a good reason for using an over used Pokémon Like for Example myself writing about a Genetically engineered Politoed hyper active whose is Irish. as Strange
    as it sounds I am not Irish Myself I just like them because I was born in march and one of my Favorite colors is Green.

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  19. #19
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    Actually I don't find Politoeds overused. I have only seen in one fic that I have read with one and thats about it. You rarely see Poliwag and its evolutions on anyones teams in trainer fics. But lately with all people starting with a fic is CHickorita is a def overused pokemon. But you never see its evolutions only Bayleef here and there and thats good. I have't seen a Meganium yet though.

  20. #20
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    Are these pokemon overused? These are the main character's pokemon team in my 2 stories.

    First Story: Cloyster, Flaffy, shiny Primeape, Ponyta, Gligar/Bannete (used gligar then got injured), and Xatu

    Second Story: Cloyster, Ampharos, shiny Primeape, Gligar, Breloom, Dodrio

  21. #21
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    No, your pokemon are not over used. I have never seen a Ponyta in any I have read, same with Flaffy, Breloom, Dodrio, Gligar... think thous are very good teams for your story.

  22. #22

    Default Overused Pokémon

    Myself, I don't have a huge problem with overused Pokemon. It all depends on how they are executed in the story. It becomes a bit repititious when every Houen fic starts off with a Torchic, a Zigzagoon, and a Poochyena. But if the Pokes had cool/crazy personalites, then it isn't a big deal.

    Pile them Chikorita's on me!

  23. #23

    Default Overused Pokémon

    I think the only way to get rid of that whole overused Pokemon thing in a fiction is to give them a personality. I reaaaaalllllly love Tyler and Magmar, and all the bizarre Pokemon personalites they have in it. Mine are
    Fury the Quilava: Topaz's beginning Pokemon. I was once critisized for have her laugh at Topaz as she was hanging upside down from a tree by her shoelaces- for a smartmouth comment- and didn't do a thing about it. She has a drug like addiction to Pokenip.
    Talorn the Pidgeot: A very dutchess like Pokemon who's contemptuous of every Pokemon on Topaz's team.
    Bolt the Mareep: Mareep is at best useless, at worst deadly. His only vocabulary is Wha? and Huh?
    Chilun the Articanter {Made up Pokemon}: Hates Topaz, bites her, insults her -one tried to kill her in a humourous way.
    Others are a natu with a russian accent, a houndour with that lack of concentration delerious tailwag most dogs have going when they're excited. A Miasma {created} which is really slow but acts like its the fastest thing around...
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  24. #24

    Default Overused Pokémon

    Hmmm... would you call these (the main characters' pokémon in my former trainer fic) too overused in total?

    Charmander that can evolve or devolve at will (don't ask) but prefers being a Charmander (with the addition of being the Charizard's brother)

    I could add that most of them have interesting personalities, and the most overused ones of them have the deepest and most complex personality behind them.
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  25. #25
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    Default Overused Pokémon

    Originally posted by Dragonfree
    Hmmm... would you call these (the main characters' pokémon in my former trainer fic) too overused in total?

    Charmander that can evolve or devolve at will (don't ask) but prefers being a Charmander (with the addition of being the Charizard's brother)

    I could add that most of them have interesting personalities, and the most overused ones of them have the deepest and most complex personality behind them.

    You do have some overused pokemon. Note as long as your give them good personalities or good backgrounds, then its fine to have them. Becasue you wanted to know which are overused i will tell you.

    -All the starters
    -Evee and it's evolutions
    -Larvitar and its evolutions
    -Dratini and evolutions

    thats about all

  26. #26
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    I think any poekmon is fine as long as it has a good background and an interesting personality. I wouldn't worry about how many/few people have included that species in their fics before. What about humans? They're in nearly every fic and no one's complaining about them being overused, right? I think originality depends on other things.

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  27. #27
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    Originally posted by Lady Vulpix
    I think any poekmon is fine as long as it has a good background and an interesting personality. I wouldn't worry about how many/few people have included that species in their fics before. What about humans? They're in nearly every fic and no one's complaining about them being overused, right? I think originality depends on other things.
    I agree completly with you I also feel that pokemon with personalities will be fine! But sometimes i get just a *little* sick of Charizard and Evee.

    By the way i loved the human comparison with the overused pokemon

  28. #28
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    Having the same overused pokemon is okay as long as they have a distinctive personality to make it stand out more from the rest.

    It would be more interesting for fics to contain variety from other fics when a trainer captures a pokemon in the wild. Then you're able to create a characteristic for that specifically to make it fully stand out, considering no one else has it, of course. That would make it rather interesting.

    Overused pokemon get boring - a starter Magikarp = y.

  29. #29
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    I hope the pokemon I'll use in my future fic are not overused...


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