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Thread: What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

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  1. #1
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    ...and what do you think it would look like in the anime? And what effects it would do? Ex: Disable in the game only prevents one move from being used. Disable in the show paralyzes the opponent.

  2. #2
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    i aint sure of attacks that haven't been seen. I think Sacred fire would look probably similar to Fire blast, but maybe some sort of sacred japanese symbol in flames? sounds right to me.

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  3. #3
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    I haven't really been paying attention to the moves used in the animé. Faint Attack has been used, I think....but to me, it would probably look like a fast Quick Attack.

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  4. #4
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    i think Faint attack was used in 'Ariados Amigos' and was, as MC said, kinda like a fast quick attack. Houndoour turned black before disapearing and appearing somewhere else before tackling Hypno

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?


    Instead of it being a little doll like it is in the game,it would actually be the pokemon's double that can help out the original in battle,or can keep the original's opponent preoccupied while the original regains some health and/or plans out a new strategy.

    Of course,the original has to sacrifice some HP to make the substitute(like in the game)and the subsitute itself,while having the same stats as the original,is very weak since it only has 1/4 of the original's HP.So it can potentially be defeated very easily with 1 or 2 major attacks and then just fade away.

  6. #6

    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    ohhhhh.. the only attack I'd like to see is Zap Cannon... it looks cool in gsc (haven't seen it in r/s), it should even look cooler in the anime.

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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    When Gary showed up with Umbreon we see an Alakazam using zap cannon. He shoots this thin, fast, bolt of electricity that has a larger head (like a meteorite, aka shooting star). It actually looks quite cool.

  8. #8

    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    Hmm... Surf?

    I personally have never ever seen it used.

    Maybe it's due to 'logic' or whatever. You can't toss a huge body of water at an opponent unless you're at the ocean itself... unless a Surf Attack consists of summoning a HUGE amount of water to douse your opponent with... bah, it probably won't happen. That's why all the Bubble/Water Gun/Hydro Pump attacks are used because it can be used anywhere on-land.

    Other than that, Heal Bell and Perish Song would probably look cool.

  9. #9
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    Surf was used throughout the whirl cup (at least once). Heal bell was used in the healing miltank episode.

  10. #10
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    i dont think i recall seeing Surf at all. I remember, however, that Miltank did use Heal bell in:
    Got Miltank?
    and also in:
    Bulbasaur VS Meganium! spirit of the grass types!

    Hazuki's Miltank used heal bell to stop the feud between Azumarill, Meganium, Bulbasaur and Squirtle.

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    When Misty was fighting against the kid with Remoraid (later evolved into an Octillery) he used surf to defeat Corsola. Also, I think Misty attempted to use surf on her Poliwhirl when Ash's Kingler used its crabhammer to completely reshape the field.

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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    sorry, i forgot i aint seen the Remoraid episode. Silly me =p

    However, i know for a fact Poliwhirl didn't use Surf to help against Kingler; i watched that one =P

    Thanks for that info, Rei_zero

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  13. #13
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    Perish Song was used in the Raikou Special

  14. #14
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    i believe surf is also used in the one called "bye bye psyduck" where misty thinks psyduck evolved and she battles this other female water pokemon trainer with her golduck. in one of their battles it is used, i dont exactly remember by which of the girls pokemon but i think it is either her starmie or her tentacruel.

  15. #15

    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    Originally posted by SygmaXE
    Perish Song was used in the Raikou Special


    Marina had a Misdreavus, right?


    And I saw the Miltank episode, and the 'Bye Bye Psyduck' episode - I remember that battle clearly.

    I don't remember much of 'surf' being used in that show, but Golduck did use Hyper Beam.

    Other than common moves, I really want to see some really powerful RuSa moves in the laste Advance Generation series.

    Ruin Wish!

    A silver beam of this light 'thing' highlights over the pokemon, and explosions clash. o.o

    It's like a VERY powerful steel version of Future Sight.

  16. #16
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    Originally posted by Misty's Tears
    i believe surf is also used in the one called "bye bye psyduck" where misty thinks psyduck evolved and she battles this other female water pokemon trainer with her golduck. in one of their battles it is used, i dont exactly remember by which of the girls pokemon but i think it is either her starmie or her tentacruel.
    It was agianst a non-goofy psyduck.

  17. #17

    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    I would like to see the following attacks
    1. sky attack
    2. water fall
    3. dragon breath

  18. #18
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    I think Dragonbreath was shown whe Ash battled Clair.

  19. #19
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    A Skarmory owned by one of the Rockets uses Sky Attack several times in the Raikou Special or so I've heard. It could also be argued that the "spirit/flame" Moltres that attacked from the Indigo League Stadium used Sky Attack on Team Rocket.

    Megahorn hasn't been shown here yet but I've heard Ash's Heracross uses it in the Johto Tournament, same with Muk and Sludge Bomb (otherwise seen only in the Raikou Special).

  20. #20
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    I would like to see Flame Wheel. It looks weird on G/S/C, and it should look even weirder on the anime.

  21. #21
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    Flame wheel was seen in the eppie where the Arcanine are delivering fire stones. It is also shown in the Raiku special. It is basicly the pokemon covered in flames doing a tackle.

  22. #22
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    i thought that was extreemspeed...

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  23. #23
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    Extreme Speed had no fire around it.

  24. #24
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    Oh, right. *watched episode and sees difference*

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  25. #25
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    OK, scratch that, just saw it on Extreme Pokemon! Pretty cool! Now I want to see Totodile use Hydro Pump! It may not happen, but it would be cool, wouldn't it?

  26. #26
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    i wanna c Totodile use Iron Tail against Sneasel in Ash's last Johto League match. I think it'll look weird compared to Marill using it in Right On, Rhydon!

    Contest fic
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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  27. #27
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    I'd like to see Shadow Ball... It would probably be pretty cool looking, I think.

  28. #28
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    Default What attacks that haven't been seen in the anime do you want to see?

    Morty's Gengar uses Shadow Ball in the gym match, and in the episode before it. Yeah, it looks pretty cool!

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