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Thread: Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

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  1. #1
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Disaster has struck the digital world as Chaosmon; the dark lord digimon appeared and set out to conquer it. The Digidestained set out to stop him, but they and their digimon were captured. Before they were captured the Digidestained sent their tags and crests to the real world in hope that a group of kids would find them and help them. After hearing of this, Chaosmon decided to even the odds. He created seven crests that were based on the seven deadly sins. He then sent them to kids who he thought were worthy. Meanwhile, a group of kids discovered the tags and crests. Could they be the key to the digital world’s survival?

    Here are the crests:

    Courage, Friendship, Reliability, Sincerity, Love, Knowledge, Hope, Light

    Revenge, Sloth, Gluttony, Vanity, Lust, Greed, Envy

    Here’s the sign up form:

    Crest: (this determines if your good or evil)
    Digimon: you can have a made up one (look below)

    Made up Digimon form:
    Class: data, virus or vaccine
    Type: depends on appearance
    Attacks: up to three

    Here’s mine:

    Name: Dante Strafe
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: looks like Dante from ‘Devil May Cry’ except younger looking.
    Personality: He hates everyone and has a desire for power. He wants to rule the world. He only cares for himself.
    Crest: Revenge
    Digimon: Manniquimon (made up)
    History: His parents abandoned him at a young age; He lived his life on the streets. When he got the crest of Revenge, he knew that he could get revenge on the society that shunned him.
    Other: n/a

    Made up digimon
    Name: Manniquimon
    Class: Virus
    Type Mannequin
    Level: Champion
    Appearance: Looks like a mannequin from ‘Devil May Cry’, in other words a really tall, skinny and scary puppet.
    Personality: He’s very quiet, he only obeys Dante and enjoys killing.
    Attacks: Vengeance Blades, Mannequin Crush, Hatred Slash
    Other: n/a
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  2. #2
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Name: Mike
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Tall, about 5'10, with brown hair and eyes. He is always wearing a black Metallica t-shirt and jeans or khaki pants.
    Personality: He is usually a pretty fun-loving and kind guy, not much of a care in the world. He usually gets really depressed, however, and is really depressing to be around sometimes.
    Crest: Friendship
    Digimon: Raptomon/Gomamon(Depends if I can be my own digimon ^^;;)
    History:'s a mystery o.O;
    Other: Umm...cheese?

    Name: Raptomon
    Class: virus
    Type: Dinosaur
    Level: Rookie
    Appearance: Tall, with scaly brown skin, and a long snout. His tail is long and mostly pretensile. His claws are sharp, and he has a long middle toe
    Personality: Exactly like Mike
    Attacks: Claw Slash, Razor Dash, Kilo Bite
    Other: is MIKE O.o; If it's accepted

    Name: Chanin
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Tall, about 6'2, with an athletic build. She is very beautiful and fits her Crest perfectly. She is beautifuly proportioned and shaped, with raven black hair. Nearly the picture of lust.
    Personality: Very "less-than-moral", with a knack for getting what she wants. Being bi gives her a strange ability to attract even straight women. She is devious and mean, but always seems sweet.
    Crest: Lust
    Digimon: Blearymon
    History: She has always been the girl who developed faster than others. By age 12, she had 18 yr olds flirting, because she looked 20. She has always been beautiful and loved, and this has made her conceited. The knowledge she has never known any "true" friends or love has made her grow bitter and dark. She seeks one who will love her for HER...
    Other: Nothing

    Name: Blearymon
    Class: Virus
    Type: Fuzzy Eye
    Level: Rookie
    Appearance: She looks like a Bleary from FF3. One big red eye, and slightly greasy fur all over his body. It encases itself in an invincible cacoon(Cacoomon) in it's Champion form...but for an unknown reason...
    Personality: She is goofy, yet shy and flirtatious.
    Attacks: Bleary Stare, Beam Eye
    Other: She may seem rather odd for the Lust DD, but for her ultimate form...

  3. #3

    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Since Mikes in ill join...

    Name: Gavin Wynder
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes. Black tshirt and blue jeans.
    Personality: Likes to joke about but serious when needed. Loyal to his friends
    Crest: Courage
    History: Bit of a loner, doesnt make many friends and feels extremely loyal to them. f betrayed its like stabbing him.
    Other: *ills other*

    Made up Digimon form:
    Name: Felomon
    Class: Data
    Type: Feline
    Level: Rookie
    Appearance: Sort of like a Male Gatomon. Dark Brown/Black with white Tail/Ear tips and collar ring.
    Personality: Smarta$$, likes to crack jokes and has an attitude but is dependable.
    Attacks: Felo-Claw, Static Storm, Cats eye Hypnosis
    Other: *Kills 'other' other*

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
    If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.

    ASB Record
    W-12 ~ D-2 ~ L-2

  4. #4
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Name: Rebecca
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Short, around 5'2 but is slim with a slight build. Has short brown hair to the chin curled in and blue/gray eyes that can attract anyone's attention. She prefers to dress simple, black t-shirt with jeans and sneakers.
    Personality: Shy and quiet, doesn't like to talk much. She becomes quite nice once you talk to her and she opens up. Is loyal to any friends (if she makes any) and dangerous when angered
    Crest: Reliability
    Digimon: Grizzlymon
    History: Always been a loner and it seems that it will stay that way. Never really had any true friends and grew up depending on comedy to stay on track. Doesn't know what she would do to herself if it wasn't for television, family and sports
    Other: Knows karate and is pretty athletic

    Made-up Form:

    Name: Grizzlymon
    Class: Animal
    Type: Vaccine
    Level: Rookie
    Appearance: Brown spiky grizzly bear cub with black tiger stripes running along his body. His face is covered by a steel plate with his black ears sticking up and steely blue/gray eyes
    Personality: Loyal and courageous, but carefree. Is a loner like Rebecca but a lot happier
    Attacks: Grizzly Paw, Electric Fur

    Name: Polarmon
    Class: Animal
    Type: Vaccine
    Level: Champion
    Appearance: A white polar bear the size of Ikkakumon. Has the same black tiger stripes and the same face plate but with white ears. His paws are also covered in steel
    Personality: Same as before
    Attacks: Ice Flash, Ice Spark
    Other: Like a polar bear, can withstand freezing temperatures and swim

    Name: Megapolarmon
    Class: Animal
    Type: Vaccine
    Level: Ultimate
    Appearance: Basically looks the same but half of his body is pure black and the other half is white with navy blue tiger stripes. He's smaller than his champion form, but can stand upright and carries a sword with the strap and case attached to his body
    Personality: Same as before, but a bit more agressive in battle
    Attacks: Ice Whirlwind, Electric Fist, Sonic Blade
    Other: Same

    Edit: Changed Digimon and added forms so I won't have to make one up during the whole RPG

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  5. #5
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    You're all accepted!

    I'll also put Chaosmon's form in (I'll be playing him)

    Name: Chaosmon
    Class: Virus
    Type: Darkness
    Level: Mega
    Appearance: Looks like the Magician of Black Chaos from Yugioh
    Personality: Very, very evil! He's scheming, ruthless and takes joy out of destruction.
    Attacks: Chaos Septer Blast, Black Hole, Doom Crusher
    Other: n/a
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  6. #6

    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Name: Morbrid Chaos
    Age: 16
    Sex: Male
    Looks: has black spikey hair that droops down his face, purple eyes, and clothing of his favourite bands like Disturbed, Papa Roach, System of A Down, and Fear Factory
    Personality: Keps to himself, or acts like a less-outgoing Vegeta
    Crest: Knowledge

    Name: Satyrmon
    Class: Vaccine
    Type: Mythical Beast
    Appearance: looks almost like a child, with lions fur and claws that is! Dont over look his two long...VERY long horns and his blue eyes
    Personality: Jokes almost the opposite of his master...and hes trying to change his master's personality..
    -Forest Fist

    Also I want to make abnother char soon but not now...(its 1:00am..) so for right now I call Envy....for mah evil char...

  7. #7
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Your accepted DB, but I dont want you to spam this time and yes I will reserve envy for you.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  8. #8

    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    okay evil d00d....

    Name: Kai Sever
    Age: 16
    Sex: Male
    Looks: has green spikey hair that has black tips, wears maroon, burgandy and black armor.
    Personality: Constantly tries to get better, will kill and/or destroy anything in his way of being perfect...the reason for his envy...
    Crest: Envy

    Name: Goulmon
    Class: Virus
    Type: Decayed Zombie
    Appearance: A little like Ghouls on Warcraft3, it is basically a deformed human-like creature, with glowing yellow eyes, and teeth and claws as dangerous as they are yellow...
    Personality: If your in a dark corridor or they'res no one with you, this digimon can scare the living h3ll out of you...It becons to its master's call and is fearful for his masters temper is great....

  9. #9

    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Ok back....

    Nameamantha Green
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Like Kairi from Kingdom Hearts (I'll get a pic later)
    Personality: Sweet, Brave, Friendly, will do anything to help her friends.
    Crest: Love
    History: She is an outcast at school and doesn't have many friends.
    Other: Tabbymon is one of the best friends she's every had.

    Made up Digimon form:
    Name: Tabbymon
    Class: Data
    Type: Kitten/Cat
    Level: Rookie
    Appearance: Like a Tabby cat but an orange red color and looks a little like Gatomon her tail looks like a blade.
    Personality: Just like Samantha
    Attacks: Flaming Paw Punch, Sweet Meow (puts oppoenet to sleep), Tail Blade Slash.
    Other: Not now....

  10. #10

    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Originally posted by The_Missing_Link

    ...Penguinmon is an actual Digimon, but I don't think he has appeared in the TV series yet so I'll just put it down anyway...
    Penguinmon appeared in Digimon World for PlayStation. That is a pic of MuchoPenguinmon i beleive. Here is a pic of Penguinmon:

    EDIT: that pic TML is of Muchomon

  11. #11
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    I know that was a picture of Muchomon but since I knew Muchomon is closely related to Penguinmon and the picture of Penguinmon didn't work, I just posted the one of Muchomon and told them the modifications

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  12. #12
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Name: Danielle Leoni
    Age: 16
    Appearance:Tale, with Brown Hair/Brown Eye's. Wears and Pink Long Sleeve with white Pants. Her shoes are Skate Style(They have the wheels...)
    Personality:Loner, very shy. She really doesn't talk much, and likes to be left alone.
    Digimon:Calumon(Can I make up attacks(wont be strong) and a Family for her?
    History:Her family has been divorced since the 3rd grade, it's affected her a lot.
    Other:Nothing at the Moment.

    Made up Digimon form:
    Appearance:Like from Seaon 3..
    Personality:Hyper, and want's Danielle to open up. Never really works, so she play's along.
    1)Shining Digivoultion(Can only be used when someone is oging to digivolve, and not her. It help's them be stronger. Doesn't really know about this one till later.)
    2)Calu Beam- That symbol on her head sends a beam of light to her opponent

    Name:Lucamon(Luca..if you rearrange it, it's Calu.)
    Appearance:It's look's like Calumon, but It's more human Like Tall, with wings. Carry's Bow and Arrows
    1)Bow Strike-Her Bow turns into a Boomerang,which is aimed at the opponent.
    2)Bow and Arrows-A simple Bow and Arrow attack, except the Arrow is Glowing Bright, and turn's into a Beam of Light.
    3)Healing Grace(Heals Human or herself.)

    Class: Data
    Type: Dragon
    Appearance:A slender white Dragon. Long body, with the Symbol that Calumon has on her head. Her body has wings at the Head. Sorta like Dragonair..Can carry 7 people.
    Personality:Like Calumon
    1)Dragon's beam-A large beam of light come's from her mouth, that is pink.
    2)Apacible Force-A more powerful beam, but take's energy..

    Mega will be added if needed.

    EDITo..I made it easier for me than!!Ha!!

  13. #13
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    You're all accepted! And PC, You don't have to put in the digivolutions for your digimon. (you can put them in during the RPG when they digivolve.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  14. #14
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Name: Chris Hydro
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Appearance: tall,green hair,green shirt,green shoes
    Personality: kind and funny,looks for the big picture in situations,gets along with most everybody
    Crest: hope
    Digimon: you can have a made up one (look below)
    History: Lives with his mom

    Made up Digimon form:
    Name: Ottermon
    Class: Vaccine
    Type: Aqua
    Level: Rookie
    Appearance: a green furred otter, about 5'0, dark green spiked collar
    Personality: always joking and cheerful, gets along with calumon alot since they both like to play
    Attacks: Otter Dive, Shell Buster

  15. #15
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Hmm, I'm thinking about joining this, but I don't have a character yet. Is it only one person per crest? I originally wanted Reliability, or if I were evil Envy but they're both taken.

  16. #16
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Can i join?

    Name: Ice Yeparo
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Shoulder-length white hair with light blue streaks in it. She has a slender face and has icy blue eyes. She wears a light blue sleeveless top under her white zip-up jacket. Her pants are dark blue with a light blue stripe down the side. She's pretty in her own way.
    Personality: She'll never say something she doesn't mean. Another strong point is her sharp sense of humour. She's also very truthful. However, she will often be too truthful, and hurt peoples feelings.
    Crest: Sincerity
    Digimon: Fridgerimon
    History: She's always had people around her, but she's never been close enough to talk to them.
    Other: Is pretty athletic, keeps fit by doing cross country.

    Name: Fridgerimon
    Class: Data
    Type: Seal
    Level: Rookie
    Appearance: She's a white seal with blue fins. She has two horns on top of her head as well.
    Personality: A bit like Ice but she's less truthful and more loyal. She'll do anything for Ice.
    Attacks: Freeze beam, fin slap and bubble blast.
    Other: Nope. Not yet anyway.......

  17. #17
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Yes AC, there is only one person to each crest. Also IM and Tentercruel, your both accepted. Also, all of the crests for the good digidestained are now taken.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  18. #18
    Like Ninja (You Don't See Me) Elite Trainer
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Name: Aira
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Blonde hair done up in one of those styles anime is famous for: part of it is in a bun behind her head, the rest is braided down her back. Blue eyes. Tall, and slim. Black t-shirt exposing her waist, with jeans.
    Personality: She cares a lot about how she looks. She's very popular in school, regardless of the fact she frequently criticizes others on their appearence.
    Crest: Vanity
    Digimon: Bishjoumon (anyone get it?)
    History: She never knew her mother. She grew up in her ultra-rich father's mansion, with only him and his maid. She was lonely since her father was almost never home, but she never knew. She turned her loniness into pride for her looks.
    Other: I don't think so...

    Made up Digimon form:
    Name: Bishjoumon
    Class: Vaccine
    Type: Fallen Angel
    Level: Champion
    Appearance: Looks like a little girl with wings wearing a dress. She has long brown hair, and orange eyes. Her dress covers her hands and feet. For all of you CCS fans, kind of like The Voice Card. (I know she sounds human. She's supposed to be.)
    Personality: Mostly like Aira. She's a little more caring about others though, and a bit sillier, too. She doesn't mind the fact she's constantly being criticized by her partner.
    Attacks: Charm, Star Shine, Kirei Beam
    Other: Umm... no?
    Because college has finally stopped gnawing on my soul.

    Joined 10/18/00
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    Modded into OA 1/12/04
    Elite Trainer (#185) 11/14/05

  19. #19
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Are we going to start soon?Sorry..I'm just a tad bit Impacient..

  20. #20
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Alright! Alright! Alright!! I'll start this RPG tomorrow!!!!
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  21. #21
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Has everyone forgotten about this?

  22. #22
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    No, But I've been waiting for this to start.. Bah.

  23. #23

    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Name: Akino Tenkawa
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Appearence: Short with spikey blue hair and cold blue eyes that send daggers of hatrid.
    Personality: She acts friendly, but really, the more she acts like she loves something, the more she hates it.
    Crest: Greed
    Digimon: Chikamon
    History: She can't remember any of her childhood, therefore she assumes it was terrible.
    Other: My Digimon likes marshmellows.

    Class: Virus
    Type: Bird
    Attack: Fire Feather
    Description: Looks just like an eagle but the brown is more brownish orange.
    Personality: She's lighthearted and fun, but she's just like Akino. She fells alone in the world, and therefore hates it.
    Other: Likes Marshmellows. Also, her strength lies in her speed.

  24. #24
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    btw, I think the Love crest is open for anyone again since Keyblade Master's last post was in a topic he/she created called "BAN ME! BAN ME NOW!!!"

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  25. #25
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Name: Chris Kechron
    Age: 11
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin
    Personality: He was chosen for the Gluttony crest because he can get really jealous at people, not because he is evil. He is determined and stands up for his friends.
    Crest: Gluttony
    Digimon: Amimon
    History: A hidden past that will be revealed during the RP.
    Other: He travels with the good digidestined because he doesn't believe that he is truly evil.

    Made up Digimon form:
    Name: Amimon
    Class: Data
    Type: Frog digimon
    Level: Rookie
    Appearance: He looks like a big frog with wings.
    Personality: He can sometimes turn evil and just use his Friend Blast at random. He makes sure that friends are forever.
    Friend Bond~Makes digimon that are virus type into Data type.
    Bonding Blast~Makes the target friends with the first moving thing that they see.
    Other: N/A

    I'm back.

  26. #26
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Wow! I thought everyone forgot about this. I'll try to strat this as soon as I can.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  27. #27
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Name: Zera
    Age: 19
    Appearance:He wears a orange vest and blue jeans. White shirt, wavy black spicky hair and emerald eyes/
    Personality:Cold and heartless
    Crest: (this determines if your good or evil) Rev enge
    Digimon: you can have a made up one (look below)Dargonmon

    Made up Digimon form:
    Class: data, virus or vaccine: Vaccine
    Type: depends on appearance: Dragon
    Appearance:he may be a rookie but is very large. If any of you have the Yugioh card, Tyrant Dragon, thats what he loooks like cept smaller. He's got red scales and 2 horns sticking out. Big red wings.
    Personality:Like Zera
    Attacks: up to three: Tyrant Fire, Demon Wing, Flames of Revenge

    His cha,mpion form...

    Class: data, virus or vaccine: Vaccine
    Type: depends on appearance: Machine Dragon
    Appearance: Like Dargonmon cept now he is a dark black. He has armor and there are two missiles on each wing which is coated with metal.
    Personality:Like Zera
    Attacks: up to three: Rapid Missile Fire, Solar Fire, Giga Flame

    Ultimate Form

    Name: Mega Dragoonmon
    Class: data, virus or vaccine: Vaccine
    Type: depends on appearance: Machine Dragon
    Appearance: His wings are fully metal and and a curved blade at each tip. Hes completely a metal dragon and his eyes are blue.
    Personality:Like Zera
    Attacks: up to three: Giga Fire, Kaiser Wing, Shadow Flare
    Stop trembling
    Open your eyes
    Release your own time! Shootin’ star going towards the future!
    Draw the arch of light
    You’ll reach it, if you keep believing
    When the voice that calls for you
    Bursts open in your heart
    Everything will start, Believer!

  28. #28
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Dark Templar, you can't use revenge. Myst_clown claimed it in his first post. I think the only one left is Love

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  29. #29
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Originally posted by The_Missing_Link
    Dark Templar, you can't use revenge. Myst_clown claimed it in his first post. I think the only one left is Love

    And Sloth.

    I'm back.

  30. #30
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Name: Varda Morgil
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Tall with dark red hair. She's really very pretty, but she doesn't think so. Kinda like Donna from "That 70's Show" but her hair is more black with red sheen.
    Personality: Lonely. It's ironic that she ended up with the crest of love, since she doesn't believe in it. She likes to be alone with her thoughts.
    Crest: Love
    Digimon: Gatomon
    History: She was always a good student, but is very rebelious. No one knows why, but she detests being told what to do.
    Other: O.x;

    Gatomon was Kari's Digimon in the first series... she digivolves to Angewomon! see here-

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  31. #31
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    as per request of Dru, I'll relinquish control of Lust to her.

    Use it wisely :p
    And it's the character herself, not JUST the crest.

  32. #32
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    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    Yay! Love and Lust...
    *kisses Mike*
    *bounces off*

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  33. #33
    Advanced Trainer
    Advanced Trainer
    Shadow Djinn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Default Digimon: The Dark Digidestained (sign ups)

    There.. i changed it

    Name: Zera
    Age: 19
    Appearance:He wears a orange vest and blue jeans. White shirt, wavy black spicky hair and emerald eyes/
    Personality:Cold and heartless
    Crest: (this determines if your good or evil)Gloth...
    Digimon: you can have a made up one (look below)Dargonmon

    Made up Digimon form:
    Class: data, virus or vaccine: Vaccine
    Type: depends on appearance: Dragon
    Appearance:he may be a rookie but is very large. If any of you have the Yugioh card, Tyrant Dragon, thats what he loooks like cept smaller. He's got red scales and 2 horns sticking out. Big red wings.
    Personality:Like Zera
    Attacks: up to three: Tyrant Fire, Demon Wing, Flames of Revenge

    His cha,mpion form...

    Class: data, virus or vaccine: Vaccine
    Type: depends on appearance: Machine Dragon
    Appearance: Like Dargonmon cept now he is a dark black. He has armor and there are two missiles on each wing which is coated with metal.
    Personality:Like Zera
    Attacks: up to three: Rapid Missile Fire, Solar Fire, Giga Flame

    Ultimate Form

    Name: Mega Dragoonmon
    Class: data, virus or vaccine: Vaccine
    Type: depends on appearance: Machine Dragon
    Appearance: His wings are fully metal and and a curved blade at each tip. Hes completely a metal dragon and his eyes are blue.
    Personality:Like Zera
    Attacks: up to three: Giga Fire, Kaiser Wing, Shadow Flare
    Stop trembling
    Open your eyes
    Release your own time! Shootin’ star going towards the future!
    Draw the arch of light
    You’ll reach it, if you keep believing
    When the voice that calls for you
    Bursts open in your heart
    Everything will start, Believer!

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