Yes, that's right. It's time for another Sneakville tourney. I'm gonna assume most of you don't have a clue what that means. Put it simply, Sneak tourneys were the largest, most successful Pokémon tournies this online community has seen. </ego> But it's been a while, as the most recent installment ended in fall of 2001.

For those would like to learn about them, I'm planning on putting the old Sneakville archives on the site when I relaunch it... that is if I find some hosting or someone kind enough to host them for me... /nudge /nudge

Ok, enough history. Sneakville tourneys have always been large scale and innovative. This one plans to be no different.

In this day and age, there's three distinct Pokémon formats. You have your Chromatics (Red, Blue, Yellow), your Metallics (Gold, Silver, Crystal), and that other one I haven't learned... Gem-er-somethin's (Ruby and Sapphire). I wanted to incorporate all three versions into this tourney, but I know most people, including myself, are not proficient in all three battle styles.

Sneakville tourneys have always been team based, whether it be a group of friends or united members of a certain board. But in a way, the "team" never really matter, it was just a label to throw on. Sure your board won, or your team won, but it was more or less just one played battling on their own that won in the end. Not anymore.

This tourney will have 16 teams. There will be 3 members per team. Each round, you be pitted against a different team. One member of your team will battle RBY. One will do GSC. And the final will do RuSa. Best two of three advances. You may mix things up between rounds. Say I battle RBY in round one, but want to do GSC the next. That's all good. That's up to your team, so long as each member battles once per round. It will be double elimination.

That all make sense? Now I just need some feedback. How does it sound, who's interested, ect. Post post post people, I won't know what to do if you don't. Also keep in mind I need somewhere nice to host Sneakville.

Hope I didn't miss anything, more info to come shortly.

Also, I would like to thank Vineon for helping brainstorm and coming up with some nice developmental ideas for this project.

Thanks for your time.
better known as Fish151PKMN