The year is 12,110 AD. Twenty years ago, a dampiel bounty hunter named D was thought to have destroyed the last Vampire, Count Magnus Lee. He recieved no praise for his deeds, however, because he himself was half vampire, and in a world that was ruled by fear of these creatures of the night for so long, being born to the wrong parents was a crime. After the final Vampire was destroyed, however, D put away his sword, and settled down with the only human to ever accept him, a young lady named Doris.
However.....Magnus Lee was not the last.
For there were many Vampires who, in days before, grew weary of hiding in the darkness of coffins during the day. Vampires who longed for a place of Eternal night, a place where they could live without the threat of bounty hunters or the deadly rays of the sun. This place, was the City of the Night. Such Earth-weary vampires took to the sky in vast ships, and the City of the Night became a haven of darkness and peace.
Peace gets old quickly, and as time went on, boredom and the bitterness of never tasting blood drove these vampires to an unholy, restless rage. Seeing with new eyes what once was thier heaven, had become their hell. Seeking to end their 'exile', they returned in droves to Earth.
The Age of Vampires, glorious overlords of the night, was once again nigh.
And so began anew the slaughter of mankind by the creatures of the night........

The Present:
1:29 PM
October 15, 12,110
16 days until the moon of the woman (a night where vampires cannot drink blood)

A cold wind blows through the streets and forests of Earth, and faintly seen by those on the surface, the glimmer of Vampiric ships as they descend......

Anyone may begin.......^-^

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