I'm just gonna post it, and you guys can tear it apart. I'm open to ALL suggestions. I'll admit it's not the BEST team out there, but I think it's close enough for a rating. Have fun!

-Iron Tail
-Aerial Ace

Not what I'd consider my "STARTER", I just posted it first. (any ideas on which of these should go first?) It needs an item, just don't know what....

Sceptile @Chesto
-Leaf Blade

Had to have Equake for fires, needed a dark move, STAB, and rounds out with a Chesto Rest.

Masquerain @Quick Claw
-Hydro Pump
-Silver Wind

This is my infamous Masquerain, underappreciated by all but me. thanks for the pick over glalie those of you that helped. Hydro for fires, Blizzard over ice beam for chance of freeze, Silver Wind for STAB, and whirlwind for use with anything it cant handle, or for cold storage with a freeze.

-Destiny Bond

Thanks for the help with this moveset people! I like it alot. The Haze was needed somewhere, and it rounds out my lack of Electricity.

Exploud @Leftovers
-Hyper Voice
-Sleep Talk

Another pokemon you guys have been talkin bout, I like this moveset, but should I drop hyper voice for return?

Crawdaunt @Shell Bell
-Crab Hammer
-Brick Break
-Aerial Ace
-Body Slam

Pretty good physical sweeper, and can cover himself pretty well. Crab Hammer for STAB, Brick Break for those stupid reflects... Aerial Ace for stoppin the fighters, and Body Slam for anything else. Shell Bell seemed like a natural fit on him.

Any pokes without items I still don't know what to attach.

Any opinions on anything I've asked about would be wonderful!