Here is a fic that I have just started. It is completly original and has nothing to do with any of my other fics nor any thing of existance right now. Here is the first chapter, please tell me what you think so far. This fic will be very long, so it's just the beginning...

Chapter 1

The clock tower struck 8 am and the doors to the mall instantly opened. It was one of the most popular shopping days of the year. People began to push and shove their way through the doors as the mall cops kept order. A teenage girl pushed through with them laughing away as she dragged her other friends. They ducked in and out of the crowds. "Hurry, we have to get to American Eagle before the hordes!" The girl screamed to her friends. She had long blonde hair and a small physique to her. She was known to be very beautiful.

"Calm down Allison!" Her friend roared as her ponytail bounced up and down. The others followed laughing away. "I know you love to shop but this is suicide! We're going to get killed or trampled!" She repeated. The girls skidded to a stop in front of the American Eagle clothing store.

"Told you the sales would rock!" Allison grinned pointing to a sign at the front. When some people cleared out of the way the group of girls smiled at the "everything 50% off" sign. "Let's go!" Allison grinned and grabbed them once again. As they rushed inside a tall figure walked out. He peered out at them and then mixed into the crowd of angry shoppers. He started off taking a cellular phone from his pocket, slipping it open, and placing it to his ear.

"It's pretty busy." He began to say to the person on the other line. People began to stare awkwardly at his appearance. His black trench coat went almost to the ground and his head was concealed in a large hood. "Sir, I'm on my way out." He then said and flipped the phone closed. He grinned and proceeded to the exit. He stopped before the doors and pressed a switch from the inside of his pocket. Immediately, all of the security gates began to close on each store. The people became confused and walked over to them. Some tried to pull them away, but none would budge. The man grinned again and walked out of the spinning door exit. When he was out, he pressed another switch locking all the exit doors.

A limousine sped to a stop right where the man exited. He immediately stepped inside and sat down next to another shady looking man. "It's ready." He grinned. The man smiled and pressed a switch on the back of one of the seats. Inside the mall, a small contraption in the air vent began to pour gas into the air. It circulated down the vents and soon emerged into the mall itself. The people down below were still confined to the individual stores. Some began to cough wondering what was going on.

"Get to the exits!" Someone roared placing a handkerchief over his mouth as gas began to fill the area. People rushed to the doors passing by the cries of those stuck inside the stores. Those who thought safety was close were shocked to find the doors locked and boarded up as well. The people began to sweat worrying how they would get out.

"Is this a joke?" Some woman screamed holding her two children. People began to mutter wondering what was going on. Slowly, one by one fell to the ground suffocated by the toxic air that had entered. Inside American Eagle, the girlfriends stayed together in a corner. Allison held a cell phone to her ear and was sobbing. Two of them had already passed out. "Mom, I love you…" She cried before succumbing to the effects of the poison as well. The phone hit the floor as she started to go limp. The screams of her mother were heard, but no one could respond. The shoppers had all been killed…


Atlanta, Florida; April 16th 2030

Mike Cardella awoke suddenly sweating like mad. As he breathed heavily, he turned to the clock and grabbed it up. "It's 9 am." His mother said dusting his desk. Her face looked pleasant and Mike could tell it was time for the Saturday Clean-a-thon. She stared at him for a little while; her brown eyes peering closely. "Well, what are you waiting for?" She then asked. "Can't clean this whole house myself." She began to stretch and then scratched her head. Mike saw she had her brown hair tucked into a hairnet. She always looked so funny on cleaning days.

"Can't help you mom." He finally replied.

"And why is that?" She said putting her hands on her hips. "You're not ditching me like last year? Because I really doubt you can have a rare disease again." She then remarked rolling her eyes.

Mike pulled the cover off of his legs and stretched. "Nope, don't you remember that Andrew and I have our punishment today?" He said as he got out and walked over to the dresser his mom just cleaned. She sighed and walked over to his bed.

"You mean helping underprivileged kids study?" She asked making his bed. "Mike, staying out past curfew and violating public property gets you parole work. You're lucky it's only 10 hours." Mike sighed and slipped on a pair of wide leg jeans. He took a look into the nearby mirror at his dark black hair and began to style it. "I just wish you'd pay as much attention to your school work as you do your hair." His mom said picking up some clothes from the floor.

"Mom, it's not like school is important." Mike grinned looking in his closet. His mother's face fell. He chuckled and grabbed a short sleeve baby blue shirt from his closet and slipped it on. "I mean, how much better off is a person with it?" He then added in grabbing his pack and placing it on. The one strap went across his shoulder and down to his waist. He then picked his Mp3 player off of the desk and walked over to her. "Gotta go!" He winked and walked out of the room. She sighed and went back to cleaning.

Mike slid down the banister of the stairs and into the front lobby of his house. His dad was busily reading the paper in the kitchen. "Looking good son. Where you off to?" He said looking up. Mike grinned. His dad always liked to make him feel confident. It was by his urging that Mike started working out at a young age, and he looked in perfect shape because of it.

"I'm heading off to hell." He grinned winking. His dad laughed a bit and then went back to his reading. Mike shook his head and grinned as he opened the door. He stepped out onto his front porch and looked around. The sun was shining down and the breeze was soothing. He turned to see his neighbor getting the morning paper next door. He smiled and waved, but all he got was the cold shoulder. "I love you too." He said and walked down to the sidewalk.

The street Mike lived on was pretty lively. Mike walked down the road watching some girls ride by on their bikes. He laughed at a man fighting with an out of control hose, and even took the time to notice some squirrels running up a nearby tree. He picked a rock up and chucked it, smacking one of the animals in the head and causing it to fall. "Bulls eye." He smiled.

"Having fun killing things?" He suddenly heard and turned to see a short girl standing off to the side driveway near him. He looked back to the tree and then to her, squinting his eyes from the bright sun. "They're just squirrels." He replied.

"So, squirrels have lives too." The girl remarked and turned. She began to wash the mustang in the driveway. Mike began to critique her. She was wearing a pink t-shirt that was tied in a knot in the front, exposing her belly. She also had very short jeans on. He felt even better when she began to spray the car with a hose.

"Dam…" He began until he noticed her dad sitting on the porch watching her. Quickly, he took off across the street. "Great…Just what I need. Vandalizing AND Sexual Harassment." He said shaking his head. He turned a corner and almost crashed into some kids skateboarding. "Watch it!" He roared and walked up the nearby driveway. This was Andrew's house. It was about the same size as his, decently big and elegant looking. Mike and Andrew met because their parents designed their houses together. They had been friends since they were six, and they were both now seventeen.

Mike hopped onto the porch and rang the doorbell. He then began to rock around waiting impatiently. After some time he knocked hard on the door. "Andrew Shot, get your *** out her right now!" He roared. His friend opened the door lazily and peered out. His short blonde hair blew to the right with the wind. Earphones were around his ears. Mike couldn't help but laugh. Andrew was so obsessed with music that he sometimes thought those things were embedded into his head. Andrew was tall and thin, while Mike was a tad shorter and thin. The two looked nothing alike.

"I'll be out in a second." He roared cracking his neck.

"No, you'll be out now!" Mike replied and grabbed Andrew by his blue Dashboard Confessional t-shirt. Andrew had just enough time to grab his backpack from the house before he was completely pulled out the door. "Where's your sister?" Mike inquired as they walked off the porch.

"She went to the mall. Dude, chill!" Jeff roared. Mike dragged him back into the driveway.

"It's not my fault we totaled my car. You're driving and if we're late we'll have extra hours to do." Mike roared. Andrew sighed.

"It actually is your fault your car is totaled." He commented. Mike leapt into the passenger seat of topless BMW. Andrew sighed and opened the door, getting into the driver's seat.

"Let's get this the hell over with." Mike said lounging. Suddenly, a black car turned the corner and came to a stop right in front of the driveway. Two men in black got out and walked up.

"Is this the Shot residence?" The driver asked. Andrew nodded. "Can we speak to you all?" He then requested. Andrew rolled his eyes and got out of the car. Mike stretched and followed suit.

"My mom's at work right now." Andrew said. "And…my dad isn't home." Mike kept his mouth shut. He knew Andrew's dad hadn't been home for years, but he decided it was best not to say anything. The passenger stranger began to walk towards them.

"We called your mother's office but she wasn't there. We even tried her cell but no one picked up." He said.

"Did you try calling here?" Mike interrupted.

"Yes, but unfortunately no one picked up her either." He answered. Andrew seemed embarrassed.

"Music too loud." He replied. He then noticed his mother's car turning the corner. She didn't even turn it off before opening the door and falling out. She was crying hysterically and mumbling. "Mom, what's wrong?" He roared rushing to her. "Allison! She's in trouble! I don't know what happened!" She cried out leaning against the car. Her makeup was running hard and Mike could tell she had been crying for awhile.

"That's why we're here mam. We've gotten news that there has been some sort of accident at the Baybury Mall this morning. Apparently there have been no survivors. I'm sorry." The driver of the car said. Andrew's mom immediately began to ball harder.

"Allison's dead!" She wailed. "It can't be!" She then turned to the men. "She's not dead!" She roared. Andrew grabbed her by the shoulders and began to cradle her.

"It's ok mom." He wailed, but he too was starting to loose it. Mike was also in shock.

"What happened?" He asked. The two men took a second before replying.

"Apparently there was a gas leak." The closest one replied.

"And how did no one get out?" Andrew inquired looking suspicious.

"Someone locked them all in." The other man replied. At this, Andrew's mom wailed harder and fell down to the ground. Andrew pulled her back up. "We're truly sorry mam, but we have to go inform the families of the others. Our hearts are with you." The two then said and got back in the car. Mike watched it speed off.

"I let her go! I let her go this early! It was my fault!" Andrew's mom roared out. Andrew grabbed her by the mouth and peered into her eyes.

"Don't say that!" He roared. Mike walked over to them and the two boys helped the grieving mother up.

"I'm so sorry…" He said as they walked towards the house. Andrew tried to smile but it was short-lived.

Washington D.C, West Virginia

The limousine pulled up to the White House. Inside, the shady man and the other looked out the windows not speaking. "It's such a hard thing to do…" The man spoke. His suit was starting to show sweat marks. The shady man smiled.

"Not for me…" He grinned. The man in the suit pushed the intercom. "Driver, this is good." He said. The driver responded seconds later.

"Yes Mr. President."

The president stepped out of the limo as the shady man did the same. They joined each other on the walkway and began to head forward. "Did they see you?" The president asked. The shady man shook his head.

"Not good enough…" He replied grinning.

"Good, another group of people destroyed. Looks like our population is coming under control. It started with President Iverson, and it will end with me. No one will ever know what we did, the people we killed…for control of the population." The president replied. The two continued on not talking until they came to the doors of the house. "And now you may leave Mr. Diablo." The president said at the doors.

"Yes President Edmans." The shady man said and turned continuing back down the path. After some time, he exited the gates of the White House and continued down the streets. When he was sure no one was looking, he pulled out a small book. He peered in it to find they would be secretly committing Genocide on a concert in California in the coming weeks. He then turned a corner and walked on. People stared at him as he went. He continued on and then into an alleyway; pulling out his phone as he went.

"Things are going according to plan. I am gaining the president's trust easily. We should be able to start in a matter of weeks." He said into it. His eyes shown through the shadows with a devilish red glow. "This world will be ours in no time…"