Here is a piece I have written. Both battles are rather short compared to my last ones, but I don't think they've lost their quality either way. Truthfully, it was such a challenge to write Petals’ battle.

Please excuse me from the grammatical errors and the tense shifting, Karin. Somedays I can’t seem to help it, honest. X_x

Ta-da! The pampered Petals and my lovely Aerodactyl will both be battling today in the Blizzard room. The gray hyphens end the Aero’s POV, while the purple ones end the Oddish’s POV. Enough rambling. Hope you like it!

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“Oh, it’s cold out there!” I said, rubbing my cold arms. I sipped a cup of warm cocoa that Nicole, a trainer, gave to me. Petals nodded, watching me, as she sat on the table. “I wonder if Bronx minds the chilly weather”, stated Oddish, looking outside the window.

We were sitting inside of a small cabin in the Blizzard room. Chatter filled the room that was full of trainers and their PokĂ©mon. Some of them had just finished their battle, while the others actually had a battle going on. Looking out the window with Petals, we saw Bronx standing outside. He was enduring the cold weather, although I think it didn’t affect him much. Snow covered his large, scaled feet and his large tail. Some fallen snow sat upon his big head. He had a happy smile on his face, staring at the snow and the ice around him. It seemed funny; a big, bad Aerodactyl having fun in the snow – like a tiny Jigglypuff.

“I guess he doesn’t mind!” whispered Petals, giggling at the sight. Finishing my cocoa, I smiled with her. I started to feel warmer in the cabin. It was so comfortable! I didn’t want to set foot outside, but I soon had to. Nicole and I had met before, and she said she wanted to battle both Petals and Bronx. I didn’t meet her PokĂ©mon yet, but I knew this would be a bigger challenge than my previous battles.

I began to wonder how Jack and his Mudkip were doing. They wanted a rematch against Petals, but since Petals has grown much since then, I wasn’t too sure of that rematch occurring. Then, Eric and his Phanpy. How were they? Has Eric learned to treat Phanpy with respect? I hoped to find out about them soon.

Now, back to reality – I looked at the trainers around me who were sitting on the tables with their PokĂ©mon. A loud boy played games with an adorable, young Charmander, which was probably his. It was funny how they both had similar features, like their big blue eyes. One very young girl had a Seel who clapped its fins. How cute! Another trainer, who seemed to be in his late 20’s, was communicating with someone. He seemed to be commanding an attack – Psybeam. As I watched him, the girl sitting next to him stated, “He’s battling his Kadabra – its psychic powers let it communicate through the walls!” I nodded and smiled, interested with the facts.

It was nice to see all of these trainers with their PokĂ©mon. Turning back to see Petals, I realized that she was sitting on the windowsill. She was jumping, most likely eager to run outside with Bronx. They were good friends, those two. An odd pair of friends, but they understood each other. “What are you doing?” I asked, walking up from my seat. The tiny, dark blue Oddish turned it’s head around to the opposite side of where I stood, looking for me. I poked her, giggling. Her small, reddish eyes set upon me, and then she smiled keenly.

“Let’s go outside! I bet Bronx is waiting for us”, I said, picking her up from the windowsill. Since she suggested it when we were last outside, I put her in my backpack. The leaves on her head popped out of the pocket, not fitting inside. Putting the mug away, I walked down the hall, and then to the wooden door. Unlocking it, I pushed the door open slowly. I expected there to be a blizzard or something, like before.

As I got outside of the cabin, I looked around, confused. To my surprise, there wasn’t a breeze around. All there was in the Blizzard room was piles of snow and chilly temperatures. The snow that was falling before I went inside the cabin had stopped. Relieved, I pulled Petals out of my backpack and held her instead. As I walked, my feet fell deeper and deeper into the cold, virgin snow. If my feet sank in the snow, I knew that the poor little Oddish would completely disappear in there.

A few steps away were Nicole and Bronx. Nicole was sitting besides Bronx, waiting for me. Bronx had caught sight of me and smiled as he shook off the snow on his head. “Hey!” yelled Nicole, rising to her feet. She was sort of tomboyish in the way she acted and dressed, but I didn’t mind at all. I waved at her, yelling back. “Are we going to battle or what?” she said, laughing, “What took you so long?”

I shrugged, walking closer towards her and Bronx. “Just wanted some cocoa!” I said, giggling. She smiled, walking towards the battle arena. I walked with her. “So this’ll be a 2 on 2! Interesting, no?” she stated, pulling out a PokĂ©ball. I nodded. Thinking, I decided to use Bronx as my first battler. I whistled to him loudly, catching his attention. I pointed at an icy area, which seemed to once be a small body of water. Lifting his massive wings, he quickly flew to where I pointed. “I’ll use Bronx first, Nicole.” I confirmed, watching Bronx. His large feet clawed into the icy surface. He flapped his strong wings, warming up for the battle.

“Hmmm”, whispered Nicole, tossing her PokĂ©ball around like a juggler.

“Well, in that case, I know who I’ll use! Go, Slowpoke!”

Turning his head around, Bronx stared at Nicole oddly.

€ Bronx the Aerodactyl’s POV €

Is this trainer serious? I shook my head in disbelief. Slowpoke? Hmmm, shouldn’t be hard. After all, what could a big Aero like me not be able to handle? Nicole’s PokĂ©ball opened with a red flash, revealing the Slowpoke. Its large, puzzled eyes stared at me. Slowly, it made a noise.

“Slooow.. Poke.”

Huh? Whatever, it’s a Slowpoke. I stretched out my wings widely. I was ready to intimidate the little fellow.

€ ~ Pokémon Battle! Bronx the Lv. 15 Aerodactyl (M) vs. the Lv. 15 Slowpoke (M) ~ €

“Kris, this is my battle,” I said, turning my head to her, “I can handle it.” She nodded in agreement. I was glad to know that she could trust my instinct. I lifted myself up to the air, beating my wings slowly. Her Slowpoke watched me as I circled him above in the air.

This should be easy , I thought to myself. There wasn’t anything to study about this species – they’re slow but can sometimes be powerful. I knew to be careful of its psychic abilities, which could be harmful. Quickly, I lunged at the Slowpoke, headfirst. I used an aerial tackle to start off the battle. I swooped down, flying just inches above the ice. Startled, all the Slowpoke did was look around. He was far too slow to evade my first attack, obviously. Striking the Slowpoke, he fell backwards. I flew back up into the air, looking at my opponent in the corner of my eye.

Nicole gasped, also startled with my first attack. “Slowpoke!” she yelled, worried. “Don’t be afraid to use an attack too!”

Lifting himself back to his four feet, Slowpoke stared at me, showing a somewhat angry expression in his eyes. Slowly, he began to take in the water in his body for an attack – Water Gun, probably. He held it all inside of his large mouth. He then spat out not one, but three blasts of water in my direction. I tried to evade them by using my wings as shields, which worked for the first shot. As for the other two, it was useless. He hit me with an effective water gun twice in a row. I fell a few feet, but I didn’t let myself crash down to the ice. I growled loudly, shaking my head in frustration.

We were both exhausted, but I knew the battle wasn’t anywhere near to being over. Regaining my strength, I flew up, higher into the air. My enormous wings beat into the frosty air. I knew that a Wing Attack would be great to use against this tiny fellow, so I prepared myself.

Slowpoke was obviously feeling high and mighty after his attacks. He wasn’t aware of my upcoming aerial attack. Wait ‘til he sees me , I thought, grinning with my large teeth. Beating my wings harder, I lunged down straight to Slowpoke. I held my wings back until I got close enough to him.

Opening his eyes, the now wide-eyed Slowpoke caught sight of me. Pulling my right wing back, I first hit him harshly with my left wing. Startled, the tiny Slowpoke flew up into the air. Now, when he came back down, I knew just what to do. I slammed my tremendous right wing into his body, sending him into a big pile of snow.

His big, pink head was stuck in the small hill of snow momentarily. I sniggered, finding much hilarity in his situation.

Pulling out his head from the snow, Slowpoke gasped for air. He shook his body, annoyed with what I had done to him. “Haha!” I said, placing my feet on the ice. No more aerial attacks for him.

“Gah!” whined Nicole, frustrated. “Slowpoke – Ice Beam!”

Ack – that’s a powerful attack. I had to use quick reflexes now. But since this move consisted of Slowpoke preparing his energy, there was a way to evade the attack and win. I chomped my teeth for no reason, wondering what to do..

Aha! I knew what to do.

As the Slowpoke drained in his energy for the icy attack, I sneaked around him. He watched me closely, so I had to wait until he unleashed the Ice Beam. Opening his mouth wide, a shiny blue light glared inside. It grew larger and larger, bearing off a cold feeling.

Ready to launch his attack, Slowpoke sent out the large, icy beam in my direction. Quicker than light, I evaded the attack, and then jumped behind him. Before he had the chance to turn, I grabbed onto his tail with my jaws, using a Bite attack. Pulling the alarmed Slowpoke from his tail and off of the ice, I pulled him back. Vigorously, I smashed his body back to the ice. Letting go, I flew backwards, away from him.

I observed the Slowpoke. Not one movement came from him. He laid there, still.

Nicole gasped. “Return!” she commanded, pulling out her PokĂ©ball. Seconds after, the red glare from her PokĂ©ball returned the fainted Slowpoke. I was the victorious battler in this match. As I grinned, Nicole called our first match to an end.

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Bronx the Lv. 15 Aerodactyl wins!
Bronx the Aerodactyl grew to Lv. 17!

“Wow, that’s an incredibly strong Aerodactyl you have there!” exclaimed Nicole, clapping. “Very nice.”

I cheered for Bronx, happy for his victory. Maybe he had an easy opponent, but it was still a great battle. He flew up to where I stood. He was worn out from the battle, but he still had the strength to smile. I gave the large Pokémon a hug, joyful for his might and determination.

Petals congratulated him. Knowing that it was her turn, she skipped down to the icy area. She held on tight to the Four Leaf Clover she had, which was amusingly sitting among the leaves on her head. Her tiny body stood on the cool ice. She shivered a little bit, but tried to stay fine.

“But now I’m going to have to give you a bit more of a challenge!” said Nicole, pulling out another PokĂ©ball.

She tossed it, revealing.. a Metang? Bronx and I gasped.

It’s large, built body moved onto the ice.

€ Petals the Oddish’s POV €

Metang?! Oh, gosh. That PokĂ©mon could barely be effected by my attacks. I looked back at Kris, feeling quite anxious. I thought I’d have an easy opponent, like Bronx, but I guess it was the complete opposite of my assumptions.

“Don’t worry about it, Kris!” yelled Nicole, who realized that the match-up wasn’t an easy one for us. “I won’t use any super-effective moves.”

€ ~ Pokémon Battle! Petals the Lv. 16 Oddish vs. the Lv. 25 Metang ~ €

Banging his massive arms onto the ice, the Metang showed he was sure of a victory. Maybe it’ll be hard, but I’m not going to let this guy beat me too easily.

I knew that the only way to have a chance in this battle was to be optimistic. Sure, he was a tremendously sized PokĂ©mon with.. with barely any weakness to me.. but what was there to worry about? I had an idea to start off the battle – well, after his first attack. Maybe it wouldn’t be very effective, but it would train his energy to replace mine.

Banging his colossal arms on the ice, he made cracks along the surface. He swung his claw to my body, using a Metal Claw attack. He hit me swiftly, sending my body farther away from him. I slid across the ice, farther and farther from my opponent, then came to a stop.

I shook it off, continuing the battle. Luckily, my item brought my defense up. Standing up on my two feet, I showed the Metang that I wasn’t going to let him lose. Frustrated to see that I was still fine, he charged towards me.

Coming closer, he used his large arms to move him around. Once again, he tried his Metal Claw attack. His scary claws lunged down at me. I watched them move fiercely, ready to pierce into me. I wouldn’t let him get me so effortlessly. Quickly, I dodged the attack. Instead of hitting me, he slammed his right claw into the ice. Jammed in the solid ice, the Metang showed much frustration. He growled at me; his red eyes shone with anger.

“Metang!” called out Nicole, trying to instruct him during the battle. Maybe her battlers had decided on listening to her throughout the battle. However, the stubborn Metang decided to ignore his trainer and take the battle into his own hands. He did turn to face Nicole, though. His back was facing me. He did seem unaware of my potential, so I decided to show him how strong a little Oddish like I could be. Here was my chance.

I launched a few seeds from the top of my head in his direction. They lifted up into the air as the wind began to blow. They drifted with the cool breeze, carrying themselves onto his body. Then, the seeds placed themselves on his robust arms.

The Metang caught sight of my attack and tried to shake them off. He shook his arms around, but nothing happened to the seeds. They implanted themselves in him, draining some of his energy. Suddenly, the energy the seeds drained replenished my health. Feeling stronger, I smirked, ready to fight.

Growling, the Metang lunged at me. His large body crashed down in my direction. It was most likely big enough to wipe me out, so I slid across from where he would land, evading his body slam. Brutally, the Metang collided with the ice. A crackling noise filled the room. Where he had landed, large cracks began to form. It wasn’t enough to completely crack the ice, but the thought of how I could’ve been hit by that piercing attack frightened me.

Seeming VERY aggravated now, the Metang roared angrily. He beat his fists on the ice. I took a few steps away from him, very scared of his psychotic attitude. I knew I was probably wide-eyed, heh. As Nicole tried to speak to him, he snapped at her. Growling at his very own trainer, the Metang charged at me.

“METANG!” yelled Nicole, who was extremely angry with her PokĂ©mon. Stopping in his steps, the large PokĂ©mon turned around to face his trainer. What a wimp , I thought to myself.

“You are going to use Explosion and you are going to like it.”
Huh? Explosion?

The Metang stared at her as if she were crazy. Erm, I think he’s a little bit confused on that subject.

“DO IT”, commanded Nicole. Kris and Bronx watched from afar. I could see them – they were holding in their laughter.

Was he really going to obey her? Explosion could not only make him faint, but it could make me faint first, making me the loser. Either I could do my best to miraculously evade the attack, or I could try to hang in there.

I watched the Metang, waiting for his response.

Obviously, he had no choice. He obeyed Nicole, preparing a massive Explosion. Cautiously, I took a few steps away, observing the speed of his preparation of the attack.

Metang began to glow red, storing the energy inside before he could attack. I knew that I should run far from him, so I wouldn’t be affected as badly. As I was running away from Metang, I tripped over my own foot. Sliding down the ice, I heard the massive explosion rumble. It expanded, moving quickly in my direction. Red flames and black clouds of smoke filled the air, melting the ice behind me. Having no choice, I jumped into a pile of snow straight ahead of me.

But the attack had hit where I hid too.

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Nicole and I gasped. We leaped from our feet, realizing that the explosion made Metang faint. But did Petals faint, too? Anxiously, we were looking for Petals. As the smoke cleared up, Bronx saw a small object that stood out in the snow.

“Look, there! It’s a patch of grass!” He yelled.

I looked at it, realizing what it was. “No – that’s Petals!” I said, rolling my eyes at the silly misjudgment. Nervously, I ran up to her. Nicole quickly returned Metang to his PokĂ©ball, and then followed after me. Digging her out, I picked up Petals. She had a horrified expression on her face – but she didn’t faint!

Petals the Lv. 16 Oddish wins!
Petals the Oddish grew to Lv. 18! Petals learns Sleep Powder!

“Someone up there must like me a whole awful lot”, said Petals, awed at the fact that she had won. I was terribly surprised too, but I was proud. I wouldn’t forget about this great battle. She was weary since the Explosion did affect her. She barely had any energy left. I clutched the fatigued Oddish tight in my arms.

“Wow, great battle!” said Nicole, who was very humble with the fact that she had lost. She put her PokĂ©balls away. “That Oddish of yours had a lot of determination, and your Aerodactyl is way strong!”

She smiled, giving me a thumbs-up. I smiled back, very proud of our achievements. “I don’t know what I’d do without these guys, Nicole”, I said as I hugged both Petals and Bronx. They both smiled back at me, giggling happily.

“Hey, I better go heal these guys. I’ll catch up with you at the cabin later!” I nodded, waving to her. It was nice to battle with someone who took a loss lightly for a change.

“I’ll be a Bellossom in no time!” cheered Petals, talking to Bronx and I. The large Aerodactyl smiled proudly for her. He and I both knew how much she wanted this – she talked about it everyday. I was blissful to know that Petals was closer to her goal. She had been waiting to evolve ever since I had adopted her.

Now she’s very close to fulfilling her lifelong ambition, and I’m going to get her there – without a doubt.

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