Quote Originally Posted by aragornbird
Andy - The Baltoy's eyes glow brightly. "Sure, I'd love to follow you as you explore these caves." You continue marching forward for a bit, before the Baltoy taps you on the shoulder. "Hey, wanna here a joke? Why did the Torchic cross the road?" You think for a second before answering, "To get to the other side?" The Baltoy gasps, "How did you know that?!?" You merely shake your head and groan.
While the Baltoy laughs and laughs, a slender figure appears. It's a majestic Gardevoir with a Natu on her shoulder!
"Hey, keep that thing quiet, will you? You're disturbing our nap!" it shouts.
"Yeah, disturbing our nap!" the Natu repeats, like a parrot.
What will you do next?
South Caverns

We'll continue on deeper into the cavern because we don't want to upset anyone just because Baltoy is making a noise. We need to do some exploring deeper down this place to see what we can find.