Inspired by the fifth incarnation of the picture thread, this is the place to bitch and moan about the denizens of the intarweb.

Here's a few:

People who sign their posts: We know your stupid name, it's RIGHT NEXT TO THE POST. I guess for the more retarded posters it's useful, but hey, isn't that the point of a signature? TO SIGN THE POST? Redundancy is one thing, but compounded redundancy of this nature boggles the mind.

Large Signatures: It's supposed to be a small blimp to add a bit more personality to you. Maybe throw in a bit of useful information or wit. We don't need to know your favorite people, movies, music, crabs, politicians, and so on. I don't give a rat's ass which pervert you have fallen for recently and how you managed to tie it in to some shitty anime. I also don't need a decent conversation broken up by the same emo lyrics over and over. I think MY signature is pushing it in terms of size, to give you an idea of what I find is a "good size".

Young(er) People: Nothing like some preteen who can't handle this nerd utopia. This recent generation is trying to muscle in on our terf, with their constant AIM sessions and LiveJournals. The internet isn't going to be some high school drama, kid. We've put too much blood, sweat, and goatse into this place for you to screw it up. So quit boo-hooing at every flame and quit dredging up a basic "it" list for every shitty topic to make a thread on. It really just eats me up inside when a thread dies because the millionth crybaby can't take the heat. If you don't like it, I hear the real world is mighty nice this time of year.

Smileys: How lazy are we? Real lazy. So lazy we can't even take the time to establish mood and emotion in our writing. We have to rely on a plethora of pre-made pixel arrangments to speak of our mood. Okay, I understand that time is short and a quick....SHIT. I can't even find the normal smiley. I had to look at the or and the before realizing that the BASIC SMILEY ISN'T EVEN ON THE QUICK LIST NEXT TO ME. And better yet, right below me as I make this thread is 50 or so inane pictures to stick next to my thread name. I'm at a lost for words hear. And I don't need to stick a to let you know that.

Oh, and if you post "Raz", "Polls about internet things" or whatever, I already ruined your lameass attempt at a joke. You could stand to be more creative anyways.