The world may never know. One thing's for sure, I'm back for a bit.

I'm sure you all were just distraught in my absence.. I'll try to make amends by posting some art.. for those who remember me, I'm sorry I was away so long. For those that don't, or haven't ever met me.. err.. something. o_o

And yes, I am also known as 'Drakku', so when you see 'Drakku' as the signature in the pics, it IS me. XD

Just to entice you to check the links. 'Tis me. Or.. err.. "me."

Blue Crayon Dragon
Just a random dragon I did in crayons.. It's not.. too bad, I suppose? Big-ish file.

RPG character on Gaia. I like her torso more than anything.. her hat scares me.

Opposite of Drakku, in human form. Too difficult to explain.. XD

Halo 2 r0xx0rz
Actual dialogue between me and Mike.

Marjory Stewart-Baxter and Drakku
Takes a bit of explaining, but I'm making a Salad Fingers Tribute in Flash, and these are just.. previews. MJS is copyright David Firth.

'nother SF Tribute preview. Salad Fingers is copyright David Firth.

Ink Dragon
You know how proud I am of this?

Pic I did for a friend on Gaia.

More recent works are littered all over my Deviant Art account, so check 'em out there, too.

I'd offer to do requests, but I never seem to get them done.. I procrastinate too much..

Ah well, hope you guys enjoyed my random burst of artwork. I missed you all.
