Eep! I've been gone for about 2 months now! I am soo sorry! Honestly, you don't know how sorry I am... >_< And just after I got modded, too... I must seem like such a let down. x.x;
It's just, I've been soo busy... , and not only that, but my computer crashed and wouldn't run properly, and I could only sneak on my dad's sometimes, which barely even works, nothing will open.. x.x;

But um, anyway... I've been drawing lots. Just havn't been able to scan my pictures because of the computer... We took it in to get fixed though, and it should be fixed by next week, so I'll be back full time, I promise. ^_^ (See, I'm on my dad's computer right now.. and he's gonna appear any minute and kick me off)

But um.. while you wait for me to erm.. come back.. if that's what you call it, and for my scanner to work.. well, I'd like to take requests. ^^; I can't think of anything to draw at all. My mind just went.. blank. x_x;

So um... rules/guidlines: (Please actually read them, because I won't do your request if you don't follow them)

1. I'm only taking 2 requests for now, maybe I'll squeeze in a third if the other two are really simple, but... we'll see.
2. I'll draw just about anything... as long as it's anime-related, or neopets or animals or things like that. ^^' *Cannot do realistic stuff* I mean, even if it's something I suck at, at least it'll give me some practice. But I do have to warn you, the more difficult it is, the less likely it is to turn out good. (And the longer it'll take to finish) And if it's too hard, I can decline it.
3. If it's from some anime I don't know of please provide a picture. And a good one that fits what I'm drawing... x_x; So if you want a picture of a girl, showing her entire body, don't give me a pic of just her head. ^^; But I'm warning you ahead of time, I'm absolutely terrible at humans... ><; Especially guys...
4. Um.. poses. Please make the poses simple. Please... that's what I'm worst at with drawing, is doing complicated poses. x_x; *especially* if it's a human or Pokémorph...
5. If it's a made up Pokemon/character/something like that, please give me a detailed description, unless you have a pic.
6. All requests will be sketched on paper, then scanned and coloured using photoshop.
7. Never expect your pic to actually turn out good. ^^; My art sucks. Period. -_- I just like drawing anyway, lol.

Anyway, that's about it. I hope those rules didn't scare you away. ^^; I'm just dying to draw! Almost anything!! Even though I don't think I'm any good... I try. And the more practice I get, the more I improve.. um.. right?

And again, sorry for not being here. ^^; I'll be back full time in about a week... two weeks at the most. And that's a promise. Until then, uh.. hope everything in Fanart is going fine. ^^; I'm sure MK and Nine are both doing a good job while I'm away... be sure to keep it up, you guys!