Since it is obvious at this point that more is expected of an RPG moderator than a moderator of any other forum (possible exception being ASB) I think it is only fair that these expectations be put into print in the form of a set of rules that the Moderators must abide by. Rules that govern their conduct as well as what is expected of them from the community. Rules that are visible for all of RPG to view. I believe that this could go a long way towards preventing the shameful debacle that the RPG has just gone through from repeating itself. This way if the moderators are in default of their duty they will be aware of it without having to be notified politely out of respect or blindsided with no sense of courtesy or respect.

I put forth a list of suggestions for these rules based partly on common sense and partly on the expectations recently voiced by the community and/or key members of it.

1) Above all a moderator must remain impartial and unbiased in all actions they take in regards to the forum and it's members.
2) A moderator must post in the Away Topic if they are going to be unable to post for more than three days. Exception given only to sudden and unexpected suspension of internet access.
3) A moderator may enforce the TPM and RPG rules and guidelines freely at their discretion unless two or more members of the community protest to the same obvious infraction of said rules by another member.
4) Moderators must make at least one post per week to encourage activity in the RPG forum. Character posts made in any RPG the moderator is participating in do not count towards this requirement.
5) Moderators must be actively participating in either one RPG of their own creation or two RPGs created by other members of the community at any given time. With the exception of time listed as Away there will only be an allowance of two weeks between RPGs for the moderator with additional exception of waiting for another member to commence an RPG they have signed up for.

These are just a few opening suggestions for these rules. The discussion is, of course, open for adding or altering these rules.