Around Halloween last year, I started to get a bad toothache. After a few days, me and my parents went to a dentist, where I had X-rays taken and the area of the pain cleaned out. Turns out my wisdom teeth (which I thought had come in normally years ago - silly me, unfortunately... ) are bothering me, and have to come out.

In early December, me and my Mom went to a consultation at an oral surgeon's office. Indeed, they do have to come out - and they're impacted badly. The oral surgeon thinks that teeth straightening (i.e. braces) I had when I was younger is the culprit.

Since the consultation, I've been nervous about the extraction. They're gonna put me to sleep for the procedure (this actually isn't the first time I've had general anesthesia in my life: When I was 3-years-old, I was put to sleep to get my teeth fixed), and there's a risk of either a hole in my sinuses (which can be fixed if that's the case) or numbness in my mouth from the tooth rubbing or nicking a nerve in my jaw as it's being removed (the oral surgeon told me that 95% of the time, that's temporary). Despite reassurance from my parents and relatives, I'm still nervous (which is normal, right?).

In light of all this, and with the removal procedure so close, I'd thought I'd make a poll about wisdom teeth:

(1) Do you have your wisdom teeth still, or not?

(2) If not, when where they removed?

(4) Were you given general anesthesia?

(5) How long was it before you were back to your old self again?

My Answers:

(1) Yes, but only for one more week.

(2) They'll be removed January 23rd.

(3) They will when they do it.

(4) The first week, I'll have to take it easy to recover from the actual oral surgery. I'm worried it'll take at least two months before I can eat normally again.