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Thread: A TPM RPG TCG?

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    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default A TPM RPG TCG?

    So while studying for one my three exams I have next week, I came up with this idea (all ideas come when I'm studying for exams which proves to be extremely annoying and detrimental to my concentrations) of thinking, "what if the TPM RPG forum was made into a trading card game?" Unfortunately, because of it I was distracted from my studies and lectures in class and I felt that if I didn't post anything and watch how lame and uninteresting my idea is to you guys (or maybe not?) I'll never be able to study properly and potentially fail my exams for next week... SOOOO I'll just post some ideas I have and prove what a loser I am. :x

    Now, most people in the board probably played a TCG game before, whether it be Pokemon, YuGiOh or Magic: The Gathering (or other less popular card games). I'm sure everyone on the board heard of these TCG games at least; for this reason, I will not be fully explaining the concepts of a TCG and how it works; instead, I will use analogies to a typical TCG (ie, Characters = Creatures in M:TG or Monsters in YGO) and only explain a bit about what might be different in the TCG I thought up. Now this is only an idea I thought up 5 hours ago and had nothing to develop it on, so there will probably be lots of things lacking in terms of rules and "playing" the TPM RPG TCG, but it's not like I own a giant company named after myself that can mass produce these cards with magical powers, unlike SOMEONE in some anime... so most of the details can wait, anyway :p
    For the most part, this game will have four card types: Ideas, Events, Equips, and Characters. I think the easiest way to deal with winning and losing would be to use the traditional "life points" where each player starts off with a set amount of points and the player who loses all his/her points first, well, loses. The other concept from some card games, which I really liked, was that instead of having seperate points, the player's "life" is his/her deck and instead of losing points, the player discards cards from his/her deck when they are, say, attacked by a character. This is a more complex way of playing however and I'm not sure if people would understand it... Regardless, if it is on life points, it will probably be more like M:TG where a player starts with about 20 life points, rather than the absurd YGO method of redundantly adding extra digits to all the life, attack, and defense points of the players and monsters...
    For the most part, I think my TCGs will mainly originate from ideas in M:TG (although I try to think up different ways of approaching the game). There will be a "mana cost" system consisting of 6 elements:
    Fire = F
    Water = W
    Earth = E
    Wind = I
    Light = L
    Dark = D
    and Neutral (N) which could use any of the "mana" listed above. The sources for mana will be in the card type "Ideas", while the other cards Equip, Event, and Character will need a mana cost to be used/summoned. More details on the card types will be given later. I think it would be appropriate to limit the amount of characters that can be summoned onto the playing field, I'm judging around 8: This way a player has to be smart in deciding which characters he wants on the field, and likewise is analogous to the fact that a player can't join too many RPGs at once or else his/her head will explode!!!... ok not really, but you know, the player will get overwhelmed with all the RPs he or she is in and wouldn't be able to catch up... Eer, I'm spending too much time on this analogy. Right, 8 character limit. Maybe.
    The "tapping" system will be used. If you need an explanation either PM me or ask something else because I am not explaining tapping at least not now, not here in this post.
    Anyway, what kind of cards are there?

    Idea Cards! (or maybe Source cards is a better name?)
    Idea cards are the different types of RPGs that are on on the board. Each RPG, in that sense, is analogous to a "land" in M:TG and produces mana for which can be used for playing other cards. Additionally, each Idea card will have a special ability which enhances characters on the field that originate from the RPG displayed in that Idea card.
    Each Idea card will have (up to?) two different mana type that a player can use while it is on the field. The Idea card must be tapped to gain one mana of a type they choose. The effect of the Idea card is typically global and should not need tapping.

    Format of an Idea card:
    RPG Name:
    Mana Types:

    RPG Name: ASB Wars VII(?) RPG
    Mana Types: F, I
    Effect: All characters from any ASB War RPG gain +1 AP and + DP

    Note that it may be hard to think up what "mana" is this RPG supposed to be. Sort of be creative and think of analogies, and maybe do some personal preferencing too. I chose F (Fire) because this RPG partly originated from a flame war and I (Wind) because of its quickness and abruptness, and typically wind is associated with speed.

    Character Cards!
    Character cards are the individual characters that are made to play in an RPG. They will have 5 parts to them: Their Element, Mana Cost (typically needing the mana of their element), The source of RPG they are from, Their AP/DP, and their effect (and maybe a picture too but that's hard to type out :p).
    Their element is their basic element; even those from non-elemental RPGs should have an element associated with them. Typically, think of how the element would signify their personality trait and try to determine it from there.
    Mana Cost should be dependent on how "good" you want to make your character. You shouldn't make your character Godlike, but if you're making him/her close to God your character will probably have a rediculously high mana cost (and thus be difficult to play out).
    The source of RPG they come from is the same as the Idea Card they are associated with.
    AP (Attack Power) and DP (Defense Power) are just as what they stand for: AP deals damage to the player and another character, DP is like their health and if they get hit with something higher than their DP, they die. Again, especially for characters in non-violent RPGs, base this off of personality. A highly active and spunky character would have higher AP while a shy-type character may have higher DP.
    The Effect of a card can do various things, and is based off of what the character is/how the character acts in an RPG. It may require mana cost or "tapping" the character (T would symbolize Tapping). It would be suggested that one uses their knowledge of TCGs and their character to come up with a cool effect for their character.

    So the format is:
    Character Name:
    Mana Cost:

    Character Name: Keisatsugi Mariko
    Element: Earth
    Mana Cost: EENN
    RPG: Fruits Basket
    AP/DP: 3/2
    Effect: "Insinuation"- T: Look at the Opponent's hand.

    Event Cards!
    Event cards are cards which may happen inside an RPG, or may be something based off what happens in the RPG forum in general. The former is easy: If a character, say, finds out he has a special power in one part of an RPG, that may be an event card that can boost the character's power for a period of time. The latter may seem a little more complex, but is really just explaining "events" that happen to an RPG player rather than inside an RPG. For example, a player may go on vacation for a while; this could be an event card that taps a character card for one turn and prevents it from doing any effects.
    So the card format would be like:

    Event Name:
    Mana Cost:

    Event Name: Bumping
    Mana Cost: LEN
    Effect: Return an Idea Card from your graveyard to your hand.

    Note: I'm arbitrarily making the mana costs up while I'm typing this please do not ask me symbolic meaning behind the mana costs at this time

    Equip Cards!
    Equip cards can be something like more permanent Event cards. For example, if a character has a weapon, it can be an Equip card to put onto that character. Equip cards can be character specific.

    So the format:
    Card Name:
    Mana Cost:

    Card Name: Magnifying Glass
    Mana Cost: E
    Effect: Can only be equipped by Keisatsugi Mariko. AP increased by 2, Mariko's Effect does not require her to be tapped.

    So, I think I'm the only person crazy enough to try and think up a whole card game for the TPM RPG, but if people want to make like a small database of "cards" based on their characters, RPGs, and whatnot, I think that would be kind of fun.

    Or I can be ignored and this post can be deleted by the mods :x BUT IF YOU GUYS WANT TO DELETE IT PLEASE TELL ME FIRST so I can save it because I did think this idea was kinda cool.
    Last edited by EngiMatikul; 24th February 2007 at 02:25 AM.
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

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