For hundreds of years humans had always appeared to be the dominant species. Growing more and more powerful as each generation was born, it appeared that no race alive could rise above humans. Except for humans themselves.
The creation of nuclear weapons marked a massive breakthrough in scientific achievements for mankind. But then the war started. Every country wanted to have more and more muclear weapons under its control and this became a great fear for other, smaller countries. Of course it was never allowed and so war broke out.
The humans destroyed each other using powerful nuclear and chemical weaponry. The world was left in ruins.
Then THEY came. An alien race known as Latins.
They made short work of the remaining huamn resistance, using their ability to change between their Latin form and a far more fearsome Alien form (like the Aliens from the Alien films).
Any humans that remained were inslaved by the latins and forced to rebuild the damaged planet, creating high-tech buildings.
But, some survived. Some humans were neither killed nor captured and now they have decided to rebel. Living in the remains of cities that were never rebuilt they are armed with very little and have the odds stacked firmly against them.
Will they be victorious? Or shall they fall at the hands of the Latins?
There's only one way to find out...

This RPG is set 15 years after the arrival of the Latins. Oh, and I'd better mention, Latins can also turn into a human form.

Age: (15+)
Weapon: (can only be basic. No guns or anything high-tech)

Age: (20+ and yes it's in human years)
Looks: (human form only)
Rank: (Worker or warrior)

Name: Sam
Age: 23
Gender: male
Looks: he's just over 7 feet tall with green eyes and messy blonde hair. He wears a sleeveless black tops, jeans that are ripped off at the knees and trainer-like footwear.
Personality: Friendly and outgoing towards other humans but has a deep loathing for Latins.
Weapon: Sword
Other: He leads the resistance

NOTE: The Latin form is very similar to the Alien one, except that they are smaller, lighter in colour and believe or not, faster.


I laid back on my make-shift bed, hidden beneath the remains of what used to be a small village. Just then I heard Latins approach, they were doing their daily patrols. I liked to listen when they talked, cuz for some time now it had been about me.
"The queen's getting restless. She wants this human captured."
"We've been looking."
"But we have to find him!"
They went off and I stuck my head out to make sure the coast was clear.
I'd been on the most wanted list for some time now. It wasn't completely my fault though. The Queen and I...we used to be good friends. Before she was the queen of course. We hung out when we were kids. Then when I was eight she killed my family, then the entire Latin army arrived.
I got my revenge though, by killing her mate.
Now she wants me captured. Like i'm gonna let her catch me. She must be f****** mad!

I grabbed my sword and climbed out of the rubble. The Latins had gone, it was time to begin my hunt for food.