Alrighty now, I had this idea ratt-ling in my head for sometime now, so while I blow my eardrumbs out to block out Naruto I write unto you!!! The RULES!!

The Objective of the game is to write down all the know pokemon, but you can only write one, and it has to be super effective to the type above it. If nothing is super effective against the pokemon you write down, you get a point.

The only rules are that no pokemon can be used twice and you cannot use the evelution (sp? -_-) of the pokemon before or the number before...An example.

Charmander (Though they are all spelled wrong no doubt, this is a no-no in the game. Instead, try this...)
Charmander (Also spelled wrong, but you get the idea -_-)

Let's me start you all up!

Houndoom, who can beat me?!