State of the ASB Address

Hi everyone! It's me DL. I'm finally taking enough initiative to post news up so it does not look like I'm coming up with all of these ideas and changes so hectically. I'm going to cover quite a bit so bear with me.


I understand that as a community, we've all seem to know what roles we are good and not good at. That's fine, a place like this takes all types. I do however, urge anyone that wants to become a Ref, to try their hand at the Mock Battle and see how they fair. I'll be changing it up in the next couple of weeks, and it will be as challenging as others beforehand.

In the interim, I would like to thank Crazy Elf Boy and Meloveghosts for stepping up and taking quite the commendable number of reffing slots. ASB has been moving at a consistent pace thanks to your help.


As you can see, I've thrown up two Contests thus far this year, after a largely stagnant period. I hope to be able to consistently provide that service, and I do implore anyone that think they might want to be Contest Judge to try out the Contest Mock Reffings. It's not hard as it looks, and it'll give you a (controlled) creative outlet.

TBH, they're also mush less critical than battle reffings :p


ASB is still pumping out Tournaments, and I'm quite pleased with the results so far. We're still in the First Round of the Legendary Tournament, but Ultimate Charizard and Dragonis have defeated their opponents and are awaiting their next challenges. Everyone's doing a swell job of keeping up, and I'm quite happy about that!

After this Tournament is over, there will be another one. As to what kind of Tournament...well you'll just have to wait and see, but be sure that it will be unique and accessible to everyone. As always, if you have any ideas, shoot me a PM or post it up in the Suggestion topic!!

Move lists

As of now, I've been reffing long enough to know that there are varying degrees of difference between ASB-defined moves and in-game definitions of moves. That's to ensure a better level of balance. Now, I've been forewarned many a time about this, but I feel confident in stating it now.

There will be a complete update to the Move lists-so that they will be combined into one massive Move List. This way you won't need so many links-nor will you need to remember what generation a move came out in. I'm tentatively giving a Fall release for this list, but it may be sooner.

Also, with Platinum on the way, All Platinum move Tutor Moves are accessible on March 22, 2009. There you go.


As you've all noticed, Hypotenuse Man has been captured by the Tree Elves of the land of Keebler and won't release him until someone pays their ransom. He did scream "Forget about me! Save yourself" and so...I kinda did. 'Sides, I not givin' no Keebler elf any of MY money... In any event, I am only ONE (hyperactive) man, and so it will take me a little longer to get around to everything. Be sure that I won't tire easily though.

As for a second Moderator, well one is in the wings. After some things are straightened out, I will gladly reveal their identity to you all.


Umm unlike Chris, I don't have a Fic to blatantly plug.
Unlike Becca, I don't have a indestructible Mod Hammer of Doom (I got a Squeaky one. Hurts, but not as hard...)
Unlike Jeff, I definitely don't have a pointy head.

But unlike all of them. I can dance *Wiggles and jiggles*

Ok no seriously. Safari Zone will be up and running soon. Ya'll remember that right? Well, it'll be reinstated, and so we'll pick it up right when it left off-same rules same agenda, all that great stuff. May even add a new area in it....that'll be quite stranger than what you've been used to

Gym Leaders! Haven't forgot about that either. Once the Second Round of the Tourney is underway-I'll start the Gym Leader hiring process. so don't fret. There'll be plenty to do in ASB in the coming months, and new activities will start to sprout-not only from me, but from you as well.

Thanks everyone, and I'll see you on the battlefield! Tally Ho!

*Step to the left
Step to the right.
Steal a lil' child,
Take them home tonight*