Quote Originally Posted by Andrew View Post
Lune - If someone's going to commit suicide over a Pokemon board....

Well.... Lols.

It's not our problem to worry about the mental health of each and every person on a Pokemon board. You should also be skeptical on April Fools of anything.
I've been trying not to insult you, Andrew, but that is a rather shallow statement. Have you ever tried stepping into someone else's shoes? If your actions caused someone to commit suicide, are you saying that you were not responsible? Is it so difficult to just avoid doing hurtful things?

Also - have you really been reading what I've been saying? I've mentioned several times that some people will not realize that it's April Fool's day. It happens.

Not everyone is like you. Not everyone thinks like you. And it appalls me that you care so little about other people's happiness that you think that everything that amuses you, should amuse them too.