1/. If you could name one suggestion for the current pokemasters.net website, what would you most like to have (back) there and why?

2/. Have you always stayed at the same boards throughout your whole time at the UBB/Ezboard/vB? Which forums do you like to visit most and why?

3/. What do you usually put in your signature? Do you try and make it as "classy" as possible, or don't you care how it looks? Have you ever been complimented/accused on how it looks?


1/. I'd like to see the Pokedex back most of all - Maybe even a different colour scheme. The Pokedex will be available very soon so that's a good thing. I hope it is worth the wait I wish Kevin would alternate the colours more since the brightness is ick *hats white*

2/. When I first came to the boards (UBB times) I enjoyed posting at Misc when the polls were there - When they seperated the forums I found that more relaxing for some reason. I've stayed at PCG ever since, but sometimes I've alternated forums. Like for two weeks I took a complete break from PCG and just posted in the GSCH forum, and I did the same with the RuSa forum but it was only for a few days. The other forums don't interest me much now - I may go and rate teams in GSC when i'm bored when there isn't much else to do in PCG

3/. I usually put my name in my signature - All my signatures have my display name (Faithless) in them, and with a different colour usually. I finally found the fade script so I decided to use it. I sometimes may want it to look classy, but moreover neat. Who wants a messy signature or something that looks very dull? Matt is the only person who said my signature owns lol - He likes the links alot. They took forever to do, considering it took ages for me to learn how to hyperlink them. The Kanji symbol below my display name says "Jay", which is my name. Hunter was kind enough to make me that. I've never had any of my sigs accused of looking nasty, untidy, w/e. I guess I should take that as a good sign