There are 20 elements. They are Fire, Rock, Earth, Water, Ice, Air, Electricity, Plasma, Gravity, Magnetism, Sonics, Vacuum(like a black hole), Fear, Explosion, Leech, Shatter, Anger, Poison, Light, and Darkness. These elements have been kept in balance for millenia, But the balance has been disrupted. An ancient force, known by no name, has tried to take control of these elements. However, it was unable to control them, and the elements were unleashed. They finally came to rest in 20 teens in a small town. During their sleep, these teens absorb the elements. When they awake, they realize that they have odd "tatoos". These tatoos symbolize the power each teen has been given, and make them targets. The teens must fight and defeat the ancient evil, and restore the elements to balance. Of course, some of the elements fall into evil teens, who are trying to overthrow the ancient power.
You are one of those teens.

The element's powers:

Fire: Control over fire. Lots of customization available here.
Rock: Control over Rock. See above.
Earth: Control over earth. Ditto to first.
Water: Control over water. Ditto.
Ice: Control over ice. Ditto.
Air: Control over air. Ditto.
Electricity: Able to control machines and create powerful electric fields and shocks. Can direct lightning.
Plasma: Can melt small objects, or larger ones weaker..
Gravity: Control of Gravity. Can make enemies hover or weigh them down with their own weight.
Magnetism: Can make any metal objects stick together, and can hover if metal is nearby.
Sonics: Can control sounds and make an enemy go deaf. Has the ability to create an object out of pure sound.
Vacuum: Can suck the air out of a small area, making it implode. Can make small object fly towards the controller.
Fear: Can incite fear in any enemy, making them flee or beg for mercy.
Explosion: Can make small objects explode, or larger objects weaken.
Leech: Can absorb anyone else's power for a limited time.
Shatter: Can make small objects break into pieces, and largerones weaken.
Anger: Can turn friends and allys against each other because of the tiniest reason, and amplifies anger.
Poison: Can poison anything with a touch, and spread minor diseases.
Light: Can control light and purify souls.
Darkness: Can corrupt a soul, and control darkness.

Fire: Red tatoo
Good~ Sakura12

Rock: Tan tatoo

Earth: Brown tatoo
Good~ Enmajé the Hidden

Water: Blue tatoo
Good~ Light_Togetic

Ice: Sky blue tatoo
Good~ The_Missing_Link
Evil~ Nabooru23

Air: Light green tatoo
Good~ Psychic_Suzane
Evil~ Gothic Latias

Elecrtricity: Yellow tatoo
Good~ Samchu

Plasma: Orange tatoo

Magnetism: Grey tatoo
Evil~ Mystic_clown

Sonics: Dark grey tatoo
Good~ Polizumi-Chan

Vacuum: Black tatoo
Good~ kalad1
Evil~ Totodile Lover

Fear: Pale red tatoo
Evil~ Light_Togetic

Explosion: Bright Yellowish orange tatoo

Leech: Transparent until another power is absorbed. It takes on the color of that element.
Good~ Opaque Onigoori
Evil~ OpOp23

Shatter: Dark Purple tatoo

Anger: Red and blue tatoo
Evil~ Opaque Onigoori

Poison: Purple tatoo
Good~ fireguardian
Evil~ Mystic_clown

Light: Golden tatoo
Good~ Polizumi-Chan

Darkness: blackish green tatoo
Evil~ Drusilla

Ok, two people per element except Light and Darkness. if you are evil, your tatoo has a black center. otherwise, it's center is white. Two cards per person.


Age: Between 14 and 18.
Tatoo description: What does your tatoo look like?
Tatoo location: where on your body is it?
Side: Evil or good?
Powers: (For the first six elements only)

My good one:

Name: Vornad
Age: 16
Looks: He wears lots of black, including a black tank top and jeans. He also has a black bandana and hiking boots. His hair is pure white, and he's about 6'9, with a sinewy build.
Personality: Quiet, but makes a good leader all the same. He's no wimp, and is willing to stand up for himself or his friends.
Element: Leech (Hah! took a good one!)
Tatoo description: it looks like his skin is made of glass in this area. It forms a spiked staff shape.
Tatoo location: The palm of his right hand.
Relationships: If anyone wants to be a friend, post. He absolutly despises Kat.
Side: Good.
History: He grew up in a pretty normal family, except that he was always fasinated by genetics.
Other: *beats other with a sack of hamsters*


Name: Kat
Age: 17
Looks: She wears all white clothes, jeans and a tee. her hair is raven black, and she's about 6'10, with a gymnastic build.
Personality: She flares up in a flash, and her movements are frenzied by rage. She's not afraid to speak her mind, and is very violent.
Element: Anger
Tatoo desccription: A flame with two evil eyes in the middle.
Tatoo location: On her left ankle.
Relationships: Open. She hates Vornad.
Side: Evil
History: She was abused as a child, wich fuels her rage. She hates all adults.
Other: You again?! *Pulls out a herd of squirrels* MWAHAHAHA!!!!

I groaned as I awoke. Sleep was a rare commodity these days, thanks to finals. Thank God today was the last day. Getting up, I got out my usual monochromatic ensamble of black. Who cares if it was almost summer? The heat didn't bother me. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, when I noticed it. The palm of my right hand was transparent! Or at least, part of it. I exaimened it closer, and saw that it formed the shape of a staff, with a white center. Shrugging, I galloped downstairs and read the note the folks had left. It said they had left on a business trip to Malysia, and wouldn't be back for a few weeks. Sighing, I pulled out some bagels and turned on the toaster, while I pondered my new "acquisition".

I grunted as I entered conciousness. I was still in a nook on top of the roof, thanks to dad and his urges. Stretching, I jumped down and pulled my backpack from a bush. Then I left for McDonalds, deciding on some biscuts, and then school. I'd be late, but who gave a sh!t? As I walked, I saw something on my ankle. It was red and blue, and looked like a flame with eyes. Momentarily happy, I was glad I was wearing my shorter jeans, so my new tatoo would be easily visible.

We'll all meet at school in a bit.