hey, this is gonna be my first team so i know its not perfect. also some might be too standard but youll have to forgive me please because i can not develope uniqueness until i fully understand the basics.

tauros - body slam, earth quake, thunderbolt, horn drill
note i might replace thunderbolt with blizzard, my team only has blizzard one place else

starmie - recover, surf, light screen, reflect
note i might replace one of the defense moves with that blizzard here it seems bad only having 1 attacking move, what do you think?

snorlax - earthquake, body slam, self-destruct, thunderwave
it seemed like a good idea to put thunderwave here because hes slow? i dunno

zapdos - drill peck, thunderwave, thunderbolt, lightscreen
im guessing ice is more of a threat than rock slide or normal attacks, but not sure hence the lightscreen. i really like zapdos though. hmm also is thunderwave really that nessecary, its pretty fast already

chansey - soft boiled, sciesmic toss, counter, blizzard
i think most people put thunderwave here? i should probably do the same but all these moves seemed valuable?

hypno - psychic, thunderwave, hypnosis, reflect
i like hypno alot also, only 1 damage inflicter though, what do you think?

ok thats all 6, i dunno if it really is all standard sorry again if it is. please feel free to say whatever you like.