Welcome! After two weeks of nominations followed by two weeks of voting, it's finally time to announce the winners of the 2011 Unown Awards!

Who won Unown A and how did he do it? Let me draw you a picture, better yet, let him do it.
Artist - Mikachu Yukitatsu
(Runner up: Adorable - ChobiChibi)

Na na na na, na na na na
Bat Flea - Bear
(Runner up: Brandy's Beloved Ben - Mystic Clown)

Our first group win this year goes to those who made the trip to meet up in Manassas, Virginia.
Conventioneers - Attendees of the 2011 TPM meetup
(Runner up: Cheesecake - Bear)

A popular nomination for Unown D, with three winners in the past and three nominations this year, it's no surprise that this year's winner is a "Dedicated" member.
Dedicated - Telume
(Runner up: Deism - Kevin)

Now it's time for another group to come up... you know what, maybe it's better if you all stayed seated.
Everybody Wins - All TPMers
(Runners up: Endurance - classy_cat18, Engaged - Asilynne)

You might want to think twice about accepting our next winner's friend request.
Facebook Stalker - ChobiChibi
(Runner up: Forgiveness - Heald)

The next one goes to one of TPM's favorite hardcore gamers.
Game Expert - Blademaster
(Runner up: Grammar Nazi - mr_pikachu)

The next one goes to one of TPM's favorite hardcore TPMers.
Hardcore TPMer - Mikachu Yukitatsu
(Runner up: Humble - mistysakura)

Want an award? Well, join the club.
IHOP Club – Asilynne, ChobiChibi, Crystal Tears, Kuro Espeon
(Runner up: Invaluable - Jeff)

Our next winner will happily accept her award.
Jolly – Asilynne
(Runner up: Jaywalking - Jay)

And now, for the third winner of a "Kind" award in 5 years.
Kind - Shadow Wolf
(Runner up: Kilt - Heald)

Best. Gimmick. Ever.
LOL - Gary Oak
(Runner up: Like a Sister - Kuro Espeon)

How does TPM celebate an engagement? With an Unown Award of course!
mrs_pikachu - Becky
(Runner up: Moderating Real Life - Jeff)

And this is how we welcome people to TPM, by giving them another Unown!
New - Becky
(Runner up: Negro Amigo - DarkestLight)

The admins are just figureheads. We know who really runs things around here.
Overlord - Gary Oak
(Runners up: Obtuse - Charles Legend, Old Meme - Master Rudy, Organizer - Asilynne, Other - RPG forum)

If you haven't checked out our next winner's photos in the TPM member picture thread, I suggest you do.
Photographer - mvtm
(Runner up: Puts the Kettle On - ChobiChibi)

If you plan on playing an all Nigglypuff game of Super Smash Bros. against our next winner, be sure to bring an extra cuntroller.
Quotable - Bear
(Runner up: Quiet - Jeff)

The next one goes to an RPG mod.
RPG Mistress - Crystal Tears
(Runner up: Resurrection - mr_pikachu)

Faster than a speeding spambot, more powerful than a forum troll, our next winner is TPM's newest supermod.
Super - Gavin Luper
(Runner up: Speed - Knight of Time)

Call this guy when you have computer troubles. Don't worry, he speaks English.
Tech Support - Telume
(Runners up: Team Fortress 2 - Blademaster, Technosavvy - Telume and Jeff, Treasure – dratinihaunter13, Trippy – shazza)

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Upsidedownland - Australian TPMers
(Runner up: Unfriendly - firepokemon)

Joined on Day 1 and still active.
Veteran - Magmar
(Runner up: Video Game Aficionado - Blademaster)

Our next winner is a wonderful new fanficcer.
Wonder Writer - mattbcl
(Runners up: Watchful - Lady Vulpix, Welcome Back – Mewtwo-D2)

Coming down the catwalk, here's our next group of winners.
Xtra Sexy - All female TPMers
(Runner up: Xtreme Poster - kurai)

This next one goes to one of TPM's youngest members, at a youthful 16.
Young - mymyilikepie
(Runner up: Yoyo – Fett One)

This tie wasn't just broken, it was sliced in half with the Master Sword.
Zelda - Knight of Time
(Runner up: Zen - Mystic Clown)

Gary was here!
Ash is a loser! - Gary Oak
(Runners up: Mt. Moon For Postcount! - shazza, Promotion! - Gavin_Luper)

Don't worry, our new supermod makes more sense when he isn't drunk.
Wait, what? - Gavin Luper
(Runners up: Any of you cunts want a drink? - Heald, What's For The News? - kurai)

And that concludes this year's Unowns! The full details are below. The number indicates the number of votes. In the case of a tie, the number after the comma is the number of votes in the tiebreaker round. Winners are marked with an asterisk.

The awards are listed on the main site here. Thanks everyone for your nominations and votes. See you next year!

Absent - Kevin
Addicted - Hypotenuse man - 1
Adorable - ChobiChibi - 4
Agent - RedStarWarrior
Always A.W.O.L. - Kevin - 1
Aphasic - Charles_Legend
Artist – Mikachu Yukitatsu - 5*
ASB Hero - DarkestLight - 2

Badass - DarkestLight
Bat Flea - Bear - 3,7*
Battle - classy_cat18
Bear - Bear - 3,1
Bold – Heald
Booze - MeLoVeGhOsTs - 1
BrainStrain buddy - Shadow
Brandy's Beloved Ben - Mystic Clown - 3,4
Bride - Asilynne - 1
Bro - DragoKnight - 1
Brony - RedStarWarrior - 1
Brother Bear - Bear
Burning - firepokemon

Calm - Lady Vulpix - 1
Cane - Shazza - 1
Censor - Lady_Vulpix
Cheesecake - Bear - 2
Chiester - Kuro Espeon - 1
Clarinet - ChobiChibi
Competent - Greyfox
Conventioneers - Attendees of the 2011 TPM meetup - 8*
Crazy - Mikachu
Crazyass Motherf**ker - Darkestlight

Dedicated - DarkestLight - 1
Dedicated - Fanfiction Mod Team - 1
Dedicated - Telume - 4*
Deism - Kevin - 3
Derp - MaxXD001
Deserving - Gavin Luper - 2
Dino Man - Mew Master - 1
Docile – Mystic Clown
Dragon - Hypotenuse Man - 1
Dream Team - Heald - 1
Drunk - MeLoVeGhOsTs

Eclectic - DarkestLight
Eclectic - shazza
Effectively Drunk - MeLoVeGhOsTs - 1
Endurance - classy_cat18 - 3
Engaged - Asilynne - 3
Entei – Magmar
Epicentre - Mew Master
Espada - Telume - 1
Everybody WINS - All TPMers - 5*
Extraridiculous - DarthCookiemonster
Excellent friend - DarkestLight - 1
Exceptional - FanFiction mod team

Facebook - Drusilla - 1
Facebook Stalker - ChobiChibi - 5*
Family – TPM forums - 1
Fiance - Mystic_clown
Fickle - RedStarWarrior
Fluent - Jasae Bushae - 2
Forgiveness - Heald - 3
Frumpiest - Blademaster - 1
Fuckadoodledoo - Heald - 1

Game Expert - Blademaster - 5*
Gangsta - DragoKnight - 1
Generosity - Lady Vulpix
Get Along or GTFO – Heald - 1
Grammar Nazi – Gavin Luper
Grammar Nazi - mr_pikachu - 3
Grammatically Correct - mr_pikachu
Grey Text - Greyfox - 2

Haapavesi - Mikachu Yukitatsu
Hair-trigger - Knight of Time - 1
Hardcore TPMer - Mikachu Yukitatsu - 4*
Hermit - Gavin Luper - 1
Hero - Heald
Hipster - kainashi - 1
Hugs - Asilynne and Mystic_Clown - 2
Humble – mistysakura - 3
Hustler - Knight of Time
Hyperactive - ChobiChibi - 1

I love cats! - Kuro Espeon
IHOP Club – Asilynne, ChobiChibi, Crystal Tears, Kuro Espeon - 5*
Imagination - Mystic_clown - 2
Improvement - DarkestLight - 1
Indifferent - kainashi - 2
Inspiring - Crystal Tears
Invaluable – Jeff - 3
Invincible - Oslo
IRL - Asilynne - 1

Jajajaja - Shadow Wolf - 2.5
Jaywalking - Jay - 4
Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff - Jeff - 2.5
Join - Jasae Bushae
Jolly – Asilynne - 5*
Judicator - Greyfox

Kangaroo Jack - Mystic_Clown - 1
Keen – Knight Of Time - 1
Kick-Around - Heracross - 1
Kilt - Heald - 3
Kind - Shadow Wolf - 5*
King of Mt. Moon - shazza - 2
Kitty Advisor - Asilynne - 1
Koalito- Mystic Clown

L-Fangirl - Asilynne
Leonheart – Telume - 2
Lightning Farron - Crystal Tears - 1
Like a sister - Kuro Espeon - 3
Like Family – Asilynne - 1
Lingo is back! - Lady Vulpix
Liquid - Crystal_Tears - 1
LOL - Gary Oak - 4*

Mandala - Magmar - 1
Missingno - Number1ChanseyFan - 1
Moderating Real Life - Jeff - 3
mrs_pikachu - Becky - 4*
MSN - Asilynne
Mt Mooniest - shazza
Mt. Mooninite - shazza - 2
Multilingual - Mikachu Yukitatsu - 2
Musical Genius - Chobichibi - 1
Musician - ChobiChibi

Neckbeard - Mew Master - 2
Negro Amigo - DarkestLight - 3
Never Give Up - Ayeun - 2
Never Say Die – Asilynne & Mystic Clown - 1
New – Becky - 4*
New - Gavin Luper
New Friend - Shadow Wolf
No Capitalization - kainashi - 1
Noble - Mystic_clown

Obscure - Charles Legend
Obtuse - Charles Legend - 2
Obvious - papabopp
Old Meme - Master Rudy - 2
Organizer - Asilynne - 2
Other - RPG forum - 2
Over the Hill – Outlaw JT - 1
Overlord – Gary Oak - 4*

Partner in crime - Crystal Tears - 1
Pedo - Roy Karrde
Photographer - mvtm - 7.5*
Pimp – shazza
Poke - ChobiChibi - 1
Postcount - kurai - 1.5
Promotion - Gavin Luper
Pumpkin - Chobichibi
Puts the Kettle On - ChobiChibi - 3
Pwn - DarkestLight

Quest Driven - Weasel Overlord - 1
Quick - Becky - 2
Quiet - Jeff - 3
Quiet - Shadow Wolf - 1
Quirky – Mr.E - 1
Quistis Trepe - Oslo - 1
Quotable – Bear - 4*

Racer - Roy Karrde
RAGE - Blademaster
Resurrection - mr_pikachu - 3
Reliable - kainashi
Renegade - Ayeun
Republican - Roy Karrde - 1
Return - Lady Vulpix
Return - mr_pikachu - 2
Royal - Heald - 1
RPG Mistress - Crystal Tears - 4*
Rrrrrr, g - DragoKnight - 1

Shower Orgy - Weasel Overlord - 2
Sig Master - Mikachu Yukitatsu - 1
Singularity - Jay
Speed - Knight of Time - 3
Spell Check - Lady Vulpix
Stacked - Kuro Espeon - 2
Sturdy – Blademaster
Super - Gavin Luper - 4*

Team Fortress 2 - Blademaster - 2
Team Pub - MeLoVeGhOsTs
Tech Support - Telume - 2.5*
Technosavvy - Telume and Jeff - 2
Third Wheel - DragoKnight
Treasure – dratinihaunter13 - 2
Treasure - Shadow Wolf - 1.5
Trippy – shazza - 2
Trolololo - RandySavage - 1

U-Turn - DragoKnight - 1
Uber Mush – Asilynne and Mystic_Clown - 1
Ultimate Pokedown - Telume
Undine - Crystal Tears - 1
Unfriendly - firepokemon - 2
Unwavering - Mystic_clown
Upsidedownland - Australian TPMers - 6*

Vanished - Metallixs Girl
Verbs - mr_pikachu - 2
Veteran - Magmar - 6*
Video Game Aficionado - Blademaster - 3
View – Chobichibi
Virus - Classy Cat
Visa Buddy - Redstarwarrior - 1

Watchful - Lady Vulpix - 2
Watching - Blademaster
Webmaster - Jeff
Welcome - Shadow Wolf - 1
Welcome Back - Jay - 1
Welcome Back – Mewtwo-D2 - 2
Wise- Shadow Wolf
Wonder writer - mattbcl - 3*
Words With Friends - Magmar
World Collision - RedStarWarrior - 1
World Of Warcraft - Master Rudy - 1

X-Rated - Drusilla - 2
Xenodocheionology – mvtm
Xenodochial - Asilynne - 2
Xtra Sexy - All female TPMers - 7*
Xtreme Poster - kurai - 3

Young - mymyilikepie - 8*
Yoyo – Fett One - 3

Zantetsuken - Crystal Tears - 2
Zelda - Knight of Time - 3,8*
Zen - Mystic Clown - 3,4
Zero – Oslo - 1
Zionist - Zak - 2

AAAARGH! - RandySavage
Ash is a loser! - Gary Oak - 5*
GET OUT! - kainashi - 1
I’m back! – mr_pikachu
Mt. Moon For Postcount! - shazza - 3
Promotion! - Gavin_Luper - 3
WHATCHAGONNADO! - RandySavage - 1

Any of you cunts want a drink? - Heald - 3
Do I have to lick it? - Redstarwarrior - 2
What the? - Charles Legend
What the Fuck? - MaxXD001 - 1
What's For The News? - kurai - 3
Where Are They Now? - Kevin
Wait, What? - Gavin Luper - 4*
O_o? – MaxXD001