If you veiw this, for the love of George Washington's wooden teeth reply, please!!! Sorry, I was sentimental for a moment. Please enjoy the adventures of the young Clay Smith. Thank you and post. (gets a sniper rifle and gets ready to pull the trigger)


10 years ago at the Nuclear Power Plant...

"The plant's on fire! Get the Poke'mon and RUN!!" Someone yelled out as he picked up a frenzied Electrode who was on the verge of exploding in the man's arms. "CLAY! LITTLE C! WHERE ARE YOU!" my brother Ray called to me. "RA! HELP ME!" I called out. I didn't understand my Y's yet. I was surronded by angry Pikachus. "PI...KA....CHU!!!!!" they all yelled out. I was about to face my death until I heard a voice yell, "HITMONCHAN, COMET PUNCH!" All of a sudden, the Pikachu were jabbed rapidly by a scarred Hitmonchan. I reconized it as Ray's Hitmonchan since it recieved a scar from a Scyther. The Pikachu fell as Hitmonchan finished them off with a Mega Punch. Ray and Hitmonlee picked the unconcious Pikachu's up and ran while I was on Ray's back. "Hitmonchan, the plant's heat reactor has reached critical mass. Take my Pokeballs, the Pikachus and Clay and get out!"Ray
ordered. Hitmonchan didn't like the idea but being extremely loyal
to Ray, he did as he was told and took me, Ray's other Poke'mon and the Pikachus and dashed out. Unfortunely, Hitmonchan dropped a Pikachu and didn't notice it. Hitmonchan made a desprate leap out the door and ran to the escape boat and made it in time for the boat to leave the area. Before my eyes, the plant exploded, leaving nothing but a huge fire and flying metal.

RAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I yelled out, not knowing if Ray even made it out. Now the only person I had left was my extremely sick mother, Hitmonchan and Ray's Pokemon. Ray was the only person who could take care of me since Dad died in that car accident. But ten years later, my life was changed forever the day I started my quest to the Hoenn League....

CHAPTER 1: Me, Myself, and My Brother the Half Human Half Pokemon! will be up tommorow.