3 ON 3

Indigo Plateau

Round TWO
Kaax pulls out a pair of seeds from god knows where, and tosses them up in the air a few times before catching them in his right hand. Like the most badass gecko ever, Cavalier, Kaax spits out his toothpick weed and tosses the pair of worry seeds at his foe... only for them to bounce off her protective barrier. Welp, so much for badass.

Kaax - -3PP // -5PP - Curaçao

As he tries to recoop his awesome points, Cura ponders up another spell. Kax leaps forward with his electric fist and lays a harsh hit upon Cura, dealing great damage. Cura rolls back, but easily recovers and puts that spell to good use -- making Kax completely forget where that electricity even came from.

Kaax - -5PP, Amnesia // -6PP, -13HP - Curaçao

Kaax readies his next attack... and by that, I mean no he doesn't. He just ponders the skies as Cura unleashes a wicked cold blizzard upon him. Yikes, that's cold.

Kaax - -20HP // -10PP - Curaçao

Ref Notes:
~While under the effects of amnesia, Kaax will be unable to use Thunderpunch; this will last until Kaax is either recalled or fainted.~
~RaZoR LeAf attacks first.~