I am about to uncover the mystery behind this pokemon because recently in my game i heard a weird noise from the wrecked ship after i fought team aqua it happens like this i dont know about ruby but on sapphire this is how i got it once the legandary pokemon is free it really rains alot head to the sucken ship do nto go after him yet there should be some trainers inside the ship saying There a weird noise comeing from this room after that slove the puzzle and unlock the door and then it will let you go into the shiny room there is a shiny pokeball in the room along with your rivial depending on which version you are playing it will be a 2 vs 2 Battle for the shiny pokeball When you win the ball will be yours after you receive the ball the ship wil start to shake and you must leave as soon as possible!!! know all you have to do is take the shiny ball to the professor and he wil tell you that its very mysterious that what i thought he said i cant read thier lanuage that good on the game and once you step outside battle will begin and if you can beat her its your;s the pokemon level is 60 so you might want to come with the power house pokemon it use a very very strong attack so be evry careful to me its look like a physic attack use your master ball to catch it if you think pokeball will work fine but if it takes all your pokemon out you wont never see it again trust me its worth it!!!!