If you didn't guess from the title, which is probably the case, the poll is about gaming magazines.

1. Do you read gaming magazines?
2. What magazines do you subscribe too?
3. What do you think of the ones you read?


1. Yes.
2. I subscribe to Electronic Gaming Monthly, and I used to subscribe to Nintendo Power.
3. EGM is really cool, imo. They insert a lot of humor into their articles, and the news they supply is usually pretty up to date and interesting. Their reviews are usually pretty accurate too, and having 3 reviewers let's you see a variety of opinions. They also invite people from other magazines like X-Box Nation and Official Playstation Magazine to do reviews.
Nintendo Power is a totally different story. Usually there isn't any humor, and when there is it's aimed towards kids. The news is usually outdated and often boring. The reviews are about right though. But the thing that annoys me the most about NP is that they act is if Nintendo is the only company there is. Not only do they not mention the other X-Box and PS2, but they also don't acknowledge that games that aren't on GCN or GBA exist. They did this summary of the Final Fantasy series, but only included games on SNES,NES, and GB. I doubt if they've changed much since then.