MY GOD!! I'm so TIRED!!!

I saw this really beautiful speaker set in a flyer, only $79.99 (Reg. $699) so I was like "OMFG I WANNA GO." so, I went to the store to buy it! ...the line up outside was only 15 minutes... BUT THE LINE TO CHECKOUT... I waited in line, with my best friend who also got the same speaker system, for 3 hours. Yes. Three. ~_~ I got home, opened up the speakers, and DUH I realized that I need an amplifier... -_-;;; that really got me mad, but my parents (who came about 2 hrs 30 minutes into the line up wait) bought a hole bunch of stuff, and they were like "We'll get that for you.." So tomorrow (Well, its 18mins past 12, but before i go to sleep i still concider it yesterday lol) when I get up, I'm out the door to buy an amp.


1) Did you go boxing day shopping!? (DONT SAY WHAT YOU GOT CAUSE THATS FOR THE NEXT QUESTION)

2) What did you set out to buy?

3) What did you end up buying?

4) Did you get any really awesome deals?

5) Line up waits? How long?

my answers...

1) Yeah.. never miss it. I was sad cause my parents refused to take me this year, so I dragged my best friend out.

2) I went out to buy that speaker system, or a LD player... lol LD players are old but I was hoping to find one XD

3) I ended up buying the Speaker System, and this Abgymanic thing that is like a belt that you lube up and put it around your waist. It suppositly makes ur tummy all sexy with abs and stuff... I bought it because it was $5, and I wanted to test it for myself XD

4) YEAH!! THE SPEAKERS!! THEY'RE SO SWEET!! *SCREAMS* Surround sound is a NICE touch to the 12 DVD's I got this Christmas.

5) 3 Hour check out line... uggghhhhhhhhh ~_~