You know the drill, blah blah blah, just watch if its confusing. Its catchy.


ILikePokemon;P: 7
Lady Vulpix: 57
Zak: 54
Whiteangel: 1
Gamewizard007: 1
HanyouPrincess: 1
Jay: 25
JamieC: 1
Citrus Crush Chikorita: 3
Crystalmaster Mike: 2
Venuskazam714: 3
Icy: 2
Avian Freeze: 15
Cyndaquil: 10
Cheesey: 1
Hexae: 2
Titandude21: 2

Right, my turn... 8 letters:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Edit: For some reason on the vB, when admins and supermods edit posts, it doesn't say they did. Just in case people think I'm forgetting to change scores, Gabi gave me the idea to keep saying when this post was last updated:

Last edited: Dec 31, 2004.
