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Thread: New OP Spoilers

  1. #1

    Default New OP Spoilers

    Saw this on Serebii, by Serebii himself, but it may be a joke,casue thier is no pics yet, but here is some spoliers he announced about the new OP.

    Taillow and Torchic evolve!

    Rember, if this is a fraud, it was not by me!

  2. #2
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    Great News!..... if it's True. Even though Serebii said he wouldn't be pulling anything on April Fool's Day. If Zak, Animelee or AKA pokemon fan confirms it then I will believe. They would not joke about such a subject. But Torchic evolving? And Taillow? .... Very funny how it seems the least used pokemon evolve (Brock's zubat.... ) Bulb coming back im sure is a thrill to many but i HATE 2 of the same types on a team, it's just a thing that bugs me. I guess they could not decide what to give Ash for his sixth, so they just brought back an old friend. The reunion should be nice though.

  3. #3

    Default New OP Spoilers

    Yeah, the most unused Pokemon (The flying types)

    Always get to thier final form!

    Pidgeot,Noctowl,Butterfree,Beautifly,Dustox,Swello w, and so on. Maybe the producers like flying types. But I am really excited about hearing the new song, I am going crazy over it!

  4. #4
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    I'm not so sure that it's Ash's old bulbasaur... after having a little look on the Palette boards I'm thinking it could belong to May or Max...

  5. #5
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default New OP Spoilers

    Alas, this is true. I just looked at Palette, and according to the new opening, Taillow and Torchic do indeed evolve, and Ash's old Bulbasaur comes back.

    However, one thing that Serebii didn't mention: From what I see, it says that it seems MAY gets a Bulbasaur as well! It's shown a lot by her side, and stuff... but we do know Ash's Bulbasaur returns. I gather these possibilities:

    -Ash gets his Bulbasaur back, and May gets another one of her own
    -Ash gets his Bulbasaur back and gives it to May
    -Ash's Bulbasaur comes back, period. May's just borrowing it all those times and its a coincidence.

    However, it seems very likely that May will somehow have a Bulbasaur. But anyway, I'm sure Animelee will provide screenshot evidence ASAP...

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  6. #6
    Jedi Hunter Moderator
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    I'm glad to hear that taillow will evolve. For some reason I always got the impression that taillow should evolve. This was the same feeling I had about treecko and that turned out to be true. Here's hoping that grovyle and corphish both evolve so that we can finally see Ash actually evolving his pokemon for a change. Almost forgot, it's also great news to hear that bulbasaur is returning.
    1) There's no excuse for laziness, but I'm working on it!
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  7. #7

    Default New OP Spoilers

    When I get this episode "dedaolnwod", I'll provide a link to an FTP with the video and MP3. Am I allowed to do that, anyways? I'll wait for Zak to reply. ^^;

    Edit: Ah, it's on its way at 115 KB/s. I should have everything set up within an hour. I'll just wait to see if Zak gives me permission.
    [SIZE=1]Super Hyper Mega Ninja Pokémon World Character Randomizer!

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  8. #8

    Default New OP Spoilers


    OMG, RICA MATSUMOTO (Satoshi's oice actor) SINGS THE SONG, THE WAY IT SHOULD BE!!!!!!!!!!

    BEST SONG, BEST OPENING SEQUENCE! PERFECT! It gets you WAYYYYYYY more pumped up than Advance Adventure!!!


    OKAY, here's the info, Zak's probably sleeping, and I can't wait to share this! <--- Copy and paste that into the URL bar. Oh, and ignore the "AnimeDNA" thing. I used to be one of those "otaku" when I signed up years ago, hehe. ^^;

    That's the MP3 alone, sorry. I'd share the video, but it'd be about 20 MB, too much bandwidth. -_- should have the video up in a compressed Real Player format soon, though.

    That's the Challenger!! MP3, courtesy of yours truely. Since it's not a CD rip, it's not illegal, which is why I *think* it's okay to post it. I'm sorry if it's not legal... ^^;

    I'M NOT GONNA SLEEP TONIGHT! You guys want me to post screenshots?!

    God, I feel like such a newb posting like this, but I CAN'T HELP IT!
    [SIZE=1]Super Hyper Mega Ninja Pokémon World Character Randomizer!

    It&#039;s ANIMation + MELEE. No &quot;Anime&quot; or &quot;Lee&quot;.
    Support watching cartoons in their original languages and formats -- like Japanese Pokémon, and English Transformers Beast Wars; not the other way around!
    Pokémon Ruby Cart - Play Time as of August 3, 2004: 999:59+
    Pokémon LeafGreen Cart - Play Time as of June 7, 2005: 177:01
    Pokémon Diamond Cart - Play Time as of November 21, 2005: 00:00
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  9. #9
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    *drops in just long enough to post the translation*

    I must go, I must do it
    I will not lose, I will not stop, until the end
    I am not alone, I am not lonely, still
    This exciting adventure does not end
    The rising sun flashes, Kinagi Town
    Are you well today, Pikachu?
    Enthusiasm and spirit in my pack
    I make my vow again today
    Danger and opportunity, both sides of the coin
    Victory and defeat, both depend on me
    Strength, kindness, a sparkling smile
    I will find it on the map in my heart
    I aim higher and higher,
    I am the Challenger!!
    I must go, I must do it
    I will not lose, I will not stop, ever
    I want to support you, I want to protect you, when you are hurt
    I will not turn around, I will not bend my head
    I will not be discouraged, I will not give up, I believe
    I cannot be impatient, I will not panic, always
    I will aim for the distant dream

  10. #10

    Default New OP Spoilers

    Woah, thanks for the lyrics, man.

    See how badass those lyrics are? Satoshi is the ultimate badass, no questions asked. Batman, Deoxys, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, Absol, Graena, and even Daigo, are no match for Satoshi. That's what the song is about, to me. The ultimate challenger -- Satoshi of Masara Town.

    Anyways, I just made some wallpapers from Challenger!!, if anyone's interested. (It'll be complete in the next few minutes if you're early.)
    [SIZE=1]Super Hyper Mega Ninja Pokémon World Character Randomizer!

    It&#039;s ANIMation + MELEE. No &quot;Anime&quot; or &quot;Lee&quot;.
    Support watching cartoons in their original languages and formats -- like Japanese Pokémon, and English Transformers Beast Wars; not the other way around!
    Pokémon Ruby Cart - Play Time as of August 3, 2004: 999:59+
    Pokémon LeafGreen Cart - Play Time as of June 7, 2005: 177:01
    Pokémon Diamond Cart - Play Time as of November 21, 2005: 00:00
    GAME FREAK, HAL Labs, Capcom, Genius Sonority, Sega, and Nintendo forever!
    Thanks to Filb for the PHP script, and for hosting my sig!

  11. #11
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    Default New OP Spoilers

    Curious, would this mark the new season of AG, or has that passed already?

  12. #12

    Default New OP Spoilers

    I would say it marks season 07, since Pokémon first starting airing seven years ago on April 1, 1997. Even though there was an eight month hiatus, I think it still counts. ^^
    [SIZE=1]Super Hyper Mega Ninja Pokémon World Character Randomizer!

    It&#039;s ANIMation + MELEE. No &quot;Anime&quot; or &quot;Lee&quot;.
    Support watching cartoons in their original languages and formats -- like Japanese Pokémon, and English Transformers Beast Wars; not the other way around!
    Pokémon Ruby Cart - Play Time as of August 3, 2004: 999:59+
    Pokémon LeafGreen Cart - Play Time as of June 7, 2005: 177:01
    Pokémon Diamond Cart - Play Time as of November 21, 2005: 00:00
    GAME FREAK, HAL Labs, Capcom, Genius Sonority, Sega, and Nintendo forever!
    Thanks to Filb for the PHP script, and for hosting my sig!

  13. #13
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    Default New OP Spoilers

    The new intro looks and sounds great. Combusken isn't such a bad pokemon, but I'm going to miss watching torchic running around. Something about how it runs makes me smile. Ash's Swellow seems surprising, but having to go against Winona is a good enough reason in my book. Nothing new for Brock. Bummer.

    I couldn't help but notice the lack of Team Rocket in the opening. Do you suppose they have something special planned that they don't want to give away yet? Cacturne might be coming up sometime soon.

    Shuu is in the opening. That's at least thirty kinds of hot.

    I think that the Bulbasaur May has is a different one, but that may just be the tylenol talking. It would be pretty funny to watch the pokeshippers react to Ash giving May one of his original pokemon.

  14. #14
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default New OP Spoilers

    Well, Animelee, I'd wait 'till its up on, which is bound to happen soon.

    Damn, the image I tried attaching was too big, oh well. I'm sure Animelee get enough covered as it is.

    Gaborn, I myself was wondering about TR. I guess they do wanna surprise us. However, from the intro, now I'm more into the theory of May getting a Bulbasaur.

    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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  15. #15
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    Good Song, this opening really seems to emphasize the bond between ash and pikachu. Nice also to see May take up a good chunk of screen time to face off against Shu. And Zak is right it does look like Bulbasaur is Mays, the more I think about it seems possible for Ash to give her Bulbasaur. Plus Max gets a shot of him doing what he does best, Staring at the PokeNAv. Nice also to see that Wobbuffet, Forretress, May and Max still around. People seem unable to wait to get rid of them, before the new opening it was the constant predictions of when they would leave. But I also have complaints.

    Some of my complaints was the incorrect paint job on Blastoises lower Jaw, the fact that it is an opening you would think an error like that would be fixed. Also Team rocket making there Shortest appearance, I liked how they were blasted off, but I expected the next shot to be The Rockets lying on the ground to the place they had fallen to, with seviper, dustox, and maybe Cacturne helping them get up but Wobbuffet being at the bottom of the pile picks himself up knocking the Rockets away as he does his trade mark pose. But since they gave plenty away in the opening about things to come maybe they purposely did not show team rockets pokemon, they might want to keep some stuff till later. Also only 1 legendary kinda of bugged me, couldn't there at least been the shadowy figures of the regi's?

  16. #16
    Master Trainer
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    I dunno why, but I'm really beginning to love Combusken recently, and now, now it's confirmed May gets one, I like it even more, as well as the whole idea.

    Swellow's a great, much needed and rather late induced evolution, but worth it all the same. i think he'll be used a lot more.

    Bulbasaur? Ash's back on team = bad. I just feel that Bulbasaur was on Ash's roster during Indigo, Orange, Johto J, Johto C and a little of Johto MQ. WHY is it returning for Ag, when it's battled so much?

    Of course, maybe it comes because May gets a Bulbasaur? I LOVE that idea, for some weird reason. It so suits her! Heck the writers have this effect on me - I'd usually be against, but it seems so right...

    ....although Hajime has a Bulbasaur. Why give so many goddarn Bulbasaur out? Lol.

    What if...

    Ash's returns for less battling, more to be with Ash. It goes on May's roster and is used in Smart/Tough contests, as May doesn't mind taking care of it. Maybe she comments its grubby

    Oh, and I would have liked Shuu to have used something different to Roselia...I mean its his siggy Pkmn but maybe something new?

    All in all, good work :thumbsup:

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  17. #17

    Default New OP Spoilers

    Zak, Claymore hasn't updated for over a year, unfortunately. Pokelord has their Real Player version up, though.

    Hmm, I'm looking at Kamex's lower jaw, but I can't really see any colouring mistakes, Stammer. o.o

    Ah, Brit, I actually agree with you! Too many of those little buggers! Well, let's see... Haruka has the Fire Hoenn starter, and the Grass Kanto starter, so maybe she'll get a Waninoko/Totodile? She doesn't have a Water-type, too, so it'd be pretty cool.

    Good things ahead. *Peace sign*

    Edit: Oh, now I see it, Stammer. Damn, that kind of ruins it. <---
    [SIZE=1]Super Hyper Mega Ninja Pokémon World Character Randomizer!

    It&#039;s ANIMation + MELEE. No &quot;Anime&quot; or &quot;Lee&quot;.
    Support watching cartoons in their original languages and formats -- like Japanese Pokémon, and English Transformers Beast Wars; not the other way around!
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    Pokémon LeafGreen Cart - Play Time as of June 7, 2005: 177:01
    Pokémon Diamond Cart - Play Time as of November 21, 2005: 00:00
    GAME FREAK, HAL Labs, Capcom, Genius Sonority, Sega, and Nintendo forever!
    Thanks to Filb for the PHP script, and for hosting my sig!

  18. #18

    Default New OP Spoilers

    Shuu defiently needs a new Pokemon, a Kirirlia would be perfect!

    Also maybe the next Ending, which is boud to come soon seeing as its been like 5 months since the last one, might be TR based and show off Pokemon they will get and have.

    Also, the Running scene with all the groups Pokemon looks like it could be edited like Smile with future Pokemon.

  19. #19
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    Default New OP Spoilers

    Originally posted by Zak
    Well, Animelee, I'd wait 'till its up on, which is bound to happen soon.

    Damn, the image I tried attaching was too big, oh well. I'm sure Animelee get enough covered as it is.

    Gaborn, I myself was wondering about TR. I guess they do wanna surprise us. However, from the intro, now I'm more into the theory of May getting a Bulbasaur.

    Sorry Zak but it appears AnimeIntro is no longer being updated. Their still with the 1st Honen opening last I checked.

  20. #20

    Default New OP Spoilers

    WAIT! I just noticed something......

    There is no TA/TM in the whole thing!

    MAybe the next ending will be TA/TM Based!

    **Imagines them dancing like the Mamemuki Team Rocket Song.**

    Err...Maybe not!

  21. #21

    Default New OP Spoilers

    Oh yeah, you have a good point. Maybe they're going to focus on Satoshi getting his first seven badges before they focus on Magma or Aqua. Or, maybe, they'll be featured in the next ending?
    [SIZE=1]Super Hyper Mega Ninja Pokémon World Character Randomizer!

    It&#039;s ANIMation + MELEE. No &quot;Anime&quot; or &quot;Lee&quot;.
    Support watching cartoons in their original languages and formats -- like Japanese Pokémon, and English Transformers Beast Wars; not the other way around!
    Pokémon Ruby Cart - Play Time as of August 3, 2004: 999:59+
    Pokémon LeafGreen Cart - Play Time as of June 7, 2005: 177:01
    Pokémon Diamond Cart - Play Time as of November 21, 2005: 00:00
    GAME FREAK, HAL Labs, Capcom, Genius Sonority, Sega, and Nintendo forever!
    Thanks to Filb for the PHP script, and for hosting my sig!

  22. #22
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    Yeah, what's up with not showing TA and TM? Come on, there's potential to have some really cool bad guys and plotlines, and it just doesn't look like they're utilizing it... >_<

    Well, maybe they're planning something for them... Anyway, the song rocks! Satoshi should totally sing all the intro songs! *calms down* Bulbasaur? With May? Um... why would Ash give his Bulbasaur to May when he's there? I don't know, I don't really like that idea... Perhaps May just catches her own after seeing Ash's? Weird...

    You know, I really wish Max could have something to do besides stare at the PokeNav... The poor kid! He needs a stinkin' pokemon! Just one; is that so much to ask!!

    Overall though, a pretty good song and intro! I liked it. ^-^

  23. #23
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    So May gets a Bulbasaur?! NEATO! I CANNOT WAIT!!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocketboy
    So May gets a Bulbasaur?! NEATO! I CANNOT WAIT!!
    It seems likely that it'll be May's, but we don't know for sure yet who the bulbasaur will belong to...

  25. #25
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    I was pretty disappointed with the new opening theme. The song just wasn't as...hyper. Though I do like the scene where Ash is standing on that pillar above the clouds and staring at the northern lights, then Rayquaza comes out. It's alright, nothing special.

  26. #26

    Default New OP Spoilers

    Wow, I feel totally different about "Challenger!!" To me, it's the best opening ever. Satoshi is basically signing about himself, his goals, and his friends. The tune is perfect - hyper, but not too hyper, like "Ready Go!", and not too slow, like "Advance Adventure". Especially the ending scene, where it shows all four of the main cast standing together, yet their shadows go seperate ways - perfect. They all may be together now, but they have seperate goals, and one day, they'll seperate, but still remain friends. Whoever planned this opening is a genius, in my book.
    [SIZE=1]Super Hyper Mega Ninja Pokémon World Character Randomizer!

    It&#039;s ANIMation + MELEE. No &quot;Anime&quot; or &quot;Lee&quot;.
    Support watching cartoons in their original languages and formats -- like Japanese Pokémon, and English Transformers Beast Wars; not the other way around!
    Pokémon Ruby Cart - Play Time as of August 3, 2004: 999:59+
    Pokémon LeafGreen Cart - Play Time as of June 7, 2005: 177:01
    Pokémon Diamond Cart - Play Time as of November 21, 2005: 00:00
    GAME FREAK, HAL Labs, Capcom, Genius Sonority, Sega, and Nintendo forever!
    Thanks to Filb for the PHP script, and for hosting my sig!

  27. #27

    Default New OP Spoilers

    I was just testing out my new media player on AG 072, and on the part with Satoshi running infront of Kamex, I noticed that the animation error was fixed. Now Kamex's lower jaw is peach, and not blue, like it was for AG 070 and AG 071. Just wanted to let y'all know. Also, the correction stays consistant with AG 073.

    [attachment deleted by admin]
    [SIZE=1]Super Hyper Mega Ninja Pokémon World Character Randomizer!

    It&#039;s ANIMation + MELEE. No &quot;Anime&quot; or &quot;Lee&quot;.
    Support watching cartoons in their original languages and formats -- like Japanese Pokémon, and English Transformers Beast Wars; not the other way around!
    Pokémon Ruby Cart - Play Time as of August 3, 2004: 999:59+
    Pokémon LeafGreen Cart - Play Time as of June 7, 2005: 177:01
    Pokémon Diamond Cart - Play Time as of November 21, 2005: 00:00
    GAME FREAK, HAL Labs, Capcom, Genius Sonority, Sega, and Nintendo forever!
    Thanks to Filb for the PHP script, and for hosting my sig!

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